Home Kashi The recipe is a simple chocolate cream from which. Chocolate cream with cocoa - the best recipes

The recipe is a simple chocolate cream from which. Chocolate cream with cocoa - the best recipes

Today we will tell our readers how to cook an easy chocolate cream for chocolate cake. One that can be used as an independent dessert, because the consistency and taste of the finished cooled mass resembles pudding. We will not bypass the traditional options for decorating biscuits.

Recipe for a light cream for a cake with milk

Such a light one in milk is prepared from almost the same ingredients as custard. However, in the presented recipe there are no eggs, and even an inexperienced culinary specialist can complete it. Here is a complete list of ingredients for making the cream:

  • fatty (from 4%) - 500 ml;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process

To make chocolate cream for chocolate cake, stock up on a small saucepan. Pour approximately 300 ml of milk into a container, add cocoa, butter, granulated sugar and salt. Now mix the ingredients and put the saucepan on the fire. The composition should come to a boil, turn off the gas and cook the cream for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the saucepan from the heat.

Now you need to take another bowl and place starch in it. It is necessary to dilute the bulk product in the remaining milk.

Tip: in order for the starch to dissolve in cold milk immediately without lumps, you need to add liquid a little bit, stirring the composition after each addition.

We combine the cold mass with the hot, and again put on a slow fire. Very soon, our homemade chocolate cream will boil again. After boiling, the composition will swell and thicken almost immediately, but we need to cook the contents of the saucepan for some more time. Therefore, you need to make a little effort and stir chocolate mass as soon as possible. Cook again for 2 minutes, remove from heat, add vanilla sugar and cool the resulting chocolate cream. For chocolate cake, only completely chilled, refrigerated mass is used. If you decide to serve the cream as an independent dessert, then pour it into the bowls before sending it to the refrigerator.

The presented version of chocolate cream is not fat enough for waffle and sand cakes.

A little addition will help to make a clearer accent on the chocolate taste. When you coat the cakes with the resulting chilled composition, sprinkle with chips on top, then the taste of the dessert will be perfect.

If you plan to use the cake, do not forget to cover the composition in the refrigerator with a lid. But it is better not to cover the bowls with an independent dessert, as they will acquire an additional zest - they will be covered with a delicious crust.

Before cream impregnation, apply syrup to the cakes. In this way, chocolate composition will be smoother and easier to spread on the biscuit.

The resulting pudding can be decorated with crushed nuts, chocolate chips, berries and whipped cream.

cream: recipe

Present to your attention basic recipe chocolate cream, which you can transform as you wish. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • condensed milk - 240 g;
  • softened butter - 400 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pieces;
  • cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • cold water - 20 ml.

Cream making process

First you need to beat the egg yolks, adding water to them. You can use a whisk. This method also does not do without heating. Therefore, we place the yolks immediately in a saucepan and add condensed milk to them (a little more than half a jar). Stir the composition and boil to a dense density, stirring constantly. After the composition has thickened thoroughly, add cocoa directly to the saucepan and butter. It remains only to mix the ingredients in a saucepan, cool and can be used for its intended purpose.

Cream ganache

Glaze lovers like to make creamy chocolate cream not from cocoa, but from real bitter chocolate melted in hot cream. It turns out a rather viscous composition, similar to a truffle filling with a pronounced chocolate flavor. To prepare the cream, we need:

  • cream 30% - 110 ml;
  • butter - 35 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 1 bar (100 g);
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cream in a saucepan must be mixed with powder, put on fire, heated, but not boiled. Next, remove the composition from the stove and place the crushed chocolate into it, without stirring, leave for three minutes to melt. Then mix with a whisk, add butter and mix again. Cream ganache is ready. It can be used as a glaze or layer for in combination with the two options presented earlier.

Tip: if you increase the proportion of chocolate in the recipe, then the composition will turn out to be similar to truffle sweets. But for a layer of cakes, a cream with an increased proportion of cream in relation to chocolate is better.

To crumbly shortcrust pastry the filling of sour cream or cream is suitable, and for the "Napoleon" we prepare custard milk cream. For biscuit cakes, chocolate cream for a cocoa powder cake is best suited. You can find a lot of recipes for this simple and fairly budget option if you wish. We offer you a few of ours.

There are a lot of options for making chocolate cream. For example, if you add a tile to fondant milk chocolate, the taste will become brighter and richer. At the same time, regular cream will give the cream a pleasant milky tint, and a pinch of cinnamon will give it a sharpness.

If there is absolutely no time to mess around with brewing and other things, you can simply mix 100 g of butter, a can of boiled condensed milk and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Chocolate cream for cake made from cocoa powder and condensed milk is very satisfying and sweet.

Each new component in the composition brings its own taste and charm to the cream. Perhaps the only thing that unites all these recipes is the secrets of cooking:

  • Egg yolks and whites are best whipped chilled. But at the same time, all other ingredients should be added to the cream at room temperature.
  • Custard when cooking, it requires constant stirring and special vigilance. They almost didn’t follow, and he took lumps or even stuck to the bottom of the pan.
  • Only butter is always put in the cream, replacing it with margarine is unacceptable. In addition, the butter is better whipped in a bowl with ice.
  • If you want to get a lush chocolate cream, you need to beat all the ingredients only in a dry bowl.

That's all the subtleties. It's time to start using them in practice. And here the following recipes will come to the rescue.

Custard cream

Thick chocolate cream for the cake is very easy to prepare. It will be enough just to boil the mixture for a few minutes over low heat or steam bath, while adding a little wheat flour. For homemade cookies, baskets, pies, pastries and cakes, the classic version is suitable.


  • 1 st. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour of the highest grade;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the fudge cool completely.
  2. Then we grease cakes, cookies, homemade waffles with ready-made cream or serve it as a sauce for pancakes. Bon Appetit!

This chocolate cream recipe is perfect for sponge cake, whose cakes are cooked traditional way without additives. Almost ground into flour, peanuts will add a pleasant nutty aftertaste to the cream, due to which it will be impossible to distinguish whether it is made on the basis of an expensive dark chocolate bar or using cheap cocoa powder. Try it yourself.


  • ¾ st. milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 st. l. flour of the highest grade;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa;
  • 1 st. roasted peanuts.


  1. Pour milk into the coffee mixture in a thin stream and stir all the lumps.
  2. At the very end of cooking, add chopped peanuts to the cream.

Do you want to surprise your loved ones? Then try making cream for avocado cake. At first, no one will even think that this delicate cream consists mainly of fruits. And all because the avocado does not smell and practically does not have its own taste. But this tropical guest can act as a wonderful base for most dishes, and the cake is no exception.


  • ripe avocado;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey;
  • ¼ of an orange.


  1. We cool the finished fruit cream in the refrigerator and serve it to the table or grease the cake layers with it. Bon Appetit!

Making a cream based on real chocolate or cocoa powder is very simple. There are several simple and available recipes with cream, sour cream, gelatin. You can use not only dark chocolate. interesting taste and color gives White chocolate, as well as adding instant coffee into cream.

Biscuit confectionery considered one of the most popular in the world: they are easy to prepare, require a minimum amount of ingredients, have delicate taste and air porous consistency. In combination with chocolate cream, such a cake becomes a real masterpiece of culinary art.


  1. ice water - 20 milliliters;
  2. yolks - 2 pieces;
  3. raw condensed milk - 240 milliliters;
  4. cocoa powder - 40 grams;
  5. softened butter - 400 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the yolks, stir a little, pour ice water into them and beat with a mixer until the mixture components are completely combined.
  2. Add unboiled condensed milk.
  3. Put the mass in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat and boil to a state of jelly.
  4. Add sifted cocoa powder and butter. Mix thoroughly.
  5. We cool the cream and cover the cakes and the top with the sides of the biscuit cake with it.
  6. If desired, instead of cocoa powder, 70 grams of melted dark chocolate can be used in the cream.

Chocolate cream from cocoa

The most inexpensive to prepare is chocolate cream based on cocoa powder. To taste, it does not fundamentally differ from that with real high-quality chocolate, but it is several times cheaper. Suitable for layering sour cream, biscuit cakes.


  1. cocoa powder - 60 grams;
  2. fat (3.2%) milk - half a liter;
  3. butter - 40 grams;
  4. corn starch - 3 heaped tablespoons;
  5. sugar - 90 grams;
  6. some salt;
  7. vanilla or essence.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour 300 milliliters of milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. Pour sugar, salt, cocoa into it and put a piece of butter. Stir and heat the mixture without bringing it to a full boil. Stir.
  3. Pour the sifted starch into the remaining milk, stir so that all the lumps “disperse”.
  4. Pour in a stream into the milk hot mass and brew the mixture until thick.
  5. Stirring constantly, boil the mass for a couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  6. When the mixture has cooled completely, to give airiness to the cream, you can beat it with a mixer for several minutes at the highest speed.

Butter chocolate cream

Delicate chocolate-flavored cream with the addition of gelatin is perfect for decorating cakes with cakes of any density: both delicate biscuit and fairly elastic honey. Fresh heavy cream is used. They saturate the cream with creamy fat content and mild milky taste.


  1. milk - 120 milliliters;
  2. cream (minimum 33%) - 150 grams;
  3. chocolate (64%) - 120 grams;
  4. sugar - 45 grams;
  5. cold water - 35 milliliters;
  6. gelatin - 4 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with water in advance, stir and let it swell. Follow the instructions on the packaging for cooking: instant can be used immediately after swelling, and the usual must be melted for a couple and only then poured into the cream.
  2. Warm up the milk.
  3. Separate the yolks, add sugar to them and beat.
  4. Pour the egg mass in a trickle into the warmed milk, remembering to stir.
  5. Boil the mass until it becomes thicker and more elastic.
  6. Break the chocolate into pieces, pour into a deep container.
  7. Pour in hot brewed milk.
  8. Stir the mixture until all the chocolate is completely melted. At the end, add gelatin, which has already swelled (or melted and cooled to 40 degrees).
  9. Cool the cream, whip at maximum power. To create a more stable foam, you can place a container of cream in the process of whipping in a large bowl with ice or very cold water.
  10. Stir both mixtures with a spoon, moving from top to bottom in one direction.

Sour cream chocolate cream

Cream with sour cream and dark chocolate is a universal layer and decoration for cakes. In cakes, it keeps its shape perfectly, does not spread, and you can also plant flowers and other figures from a pastry bag from it. It is also used to level the surface of the cake. The taste is soft and milky, with a slight hint of chocolate bitterness, reminiscent of ice cream in glaze.


  1. sour cream about 20-25% - 460 milliliters;
  2. chopped dark chocolate - 400 grams;
  3. corn syrup - 60 milliliters;
  4. salt - 1 tsp;
  5. powdered sugar - 300 grams;
  6. vanilla - package;
  7. soft butter - 170 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Transfer the chocolate to a bowl with a thick bottom, add the syrup (you can replace it with regular sugar or molasses). Put in a water bath and stir until everything is mixed and properly dissolved. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Mix salt, vanilla and sour cream and also place on steam to heat. When the mixture becomes warm, remove it from the heat.
  3. Mix both masses with a whisk.
  4. Beat butter and powder until fluffy. The mixture should turn white, at least double in volume.
  5. Without stopping, add the chocolate mixture to the butter and whisk for another 4 minutes.
  6. Cover the cream with foil and place in the cold for at least 30 minutes, and then use to decorate the cake.

Chocolate custard

The custard type of cream is attractive for its consistency: it turns out to be quite thick, homogeneous, tender. By adjusting the amount of flour (or other thickener) in the component composition of the cream, it can be made as a liquid cream for impregnating hard puff or honey cakes, and an elastic mass to create a layer of great thickness.


  1. 120 grams of powdered sugar (regular sugar);
  2. half a liter of milk;
  3. one egg;
  4. cocoa powder - 60 grams;
  5. 90 grams of white flour;
  6. 15 grams of instant coffee;
  7. bitter chocolate bar;
  8. pack of soft butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the egg with a mixer.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients of the cream: flour, coffee, cocoa powder.
  3. Add a spoonful to the egg mixture.
  4. Add chilled milk until the mixture resembles pancake batter in consistency.
  5. Boil the rest of the milk, add sugar to it and, with constant stirring, add the chocolate mass with flour.
  6. Brew until the mixture begins to look like a very thick jelly.
  7. Cool and put pieces of soft butter into the mass.
  8. Whisk everything together for 5-6 minutes until fluffy.

To cook delicious chocolate dessert, which would melt in your mouth and be remembered for its delicious appearance, the hostess must follow a number of rules.

First, stock up necessary products; secondly, to properly hammer the dough and chocolate cream; third, turn on the fantasy and decorate chocolate cake.

One of the basic steps to turn your cocoa chocolate cake into cooking masterpiece, this is the preparation of the cream. For biscuit cakes with cocoa, several types of layers are suitable, and we will talk about them today.

Requirements for cocoa biscuit cream

For any cream, you will need certain products, and most importantly, they must be of high quality.

Whatever ingredient you purchase, make sure it's fresh, otherwise the end result can spoil the taste of the whole dessert.

The good news is that even a novice hostess, who had no idea about such things, can cope with the preparation of the cream.

General provisions:

  1. Chocolate cream should be thick, too thin a mass will make chocolate cake with cocoa moist. The reverse must not be allowed, otherwise the chocolate cream will not soak the chocolate cake well.
  2. A mixer will help to give the cream lightness and airiness. In its absence, you can get by with a hand whisk, but then it will take more time and effort to complete the task.
  3. The taste and aroma of the cream depends on the additional ingredients that you add. Very often, coconut or chocolate chips, vanilla sugar, chopped nuts are added to the chocolate cream on a chocolate cake.

Classic recipe: Custard for biscuit cakes with cocoa

To give a dessert with cocoa tenderness and a special taste, you can use the custard mass in milk. But not only custard is used to impregnate biscuit.

Eclairs, tubules, other sweet pastries rarely does without a filling or layer of cream.

For one liter of milk you will need:

a bag of vanilla sugar; 0.3 kg of white sugar; 4 eggs; a tablespoon of butter and 6 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour.

We start cooking by pouring milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom and putting it on the stove.


  1. Heat milk and mix with sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil and dissolve all the sugar crystals.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with flour and vanilla sugar.
  3. With constant stirring, pour a few tablespoons of hot milk into the resulting mass and whisk thoroughly with a whisk. You should get a homogeneous mixture, which you need to pour into a saucepan.
  4. Heat the cream over low heat until it thickens.
  5. Add butter, mix thoroughly and pour the mass into a bowl.
  6. To prevent a thick crust from forming on the surface, cover thick cream food film. It should be pressed tightly against the cream so that condensation does not form during the cooling process.

Recipe: Delicious curd cream

Butter thick cream based on sour-milk cheese retains its shape well, has a delicate and airy texture.

It goes well with ingredients such as nuts, chocolate, dried fruits, berries.

Before preparing the layer, the cottage cheese must be subjected to preliminary preparation, that is, rub it through a sieve or beat it with a blender.

After such processing, any grains will disappear without a trace, and the product itself will acquire a soft texture.


oil - one pack; 400 g of cottage cheese; 1 cup powdered sugar or fine-grained sugar; any fragrance.


  1. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve.
  2. Soften the butter and beat together with powdered sugar with a mixer until smooth and fluffy. Add fragrance drops or powder.
  3. In parts, add grated cottage cheese to the oil mixture. Beat the thick mass constantly with a mixer so that its structure becomes tender and airy.

Recipe: Cream of cream with prunes for biscuit cake

Cream of cream is the best for chocolate cake with cocoa. Their fat content should be maximum, since this is of great importance for the whipping process.

You will need these products:

150 ml sweet syrup with grape or apple juice; 3 large spoons of white sugar; half a liter of cream 33% fat.

Prepare prunes in advance, it is better to do this process in the evening. Namely: rinse dried fruits under running water and pour over with boiling water. Then free from stones and cut into small cubes.

  1. Place the chopped prunes in a bowl, pour over the syrup. If you don't want to add fruit juice, add a few drops of almond essence. It will give the cream a special flavor.
  2. Dishes with prunes in syrup send to the refrigerator shelf. The soaking process will last all night.
  3. In the morning, grind the softened pieces of prunes in a meat grinder or beat with a blender. It is not necessary to make a homogeneous puree out of them, it is better that the mass resembles thick jam containing small pieces.
  4. It's time to whip the cream. To do this, pour them into bulk dishes and turn them into an air mass with a mixer. In the process of whipping cream, pour in granulated sugar in parts.

When you will re-layer biscuit cakes with cocoa, make the first layer from ground prunes, and the second from whipped cream.

Alternate layers, then decorate the surface of the sponge cake with cocoa icing.

It can be sugar, chocolate or gelatin. Next, we will figure out how to make cream frosting at home.

Recipe: Icing for Chocolate Biscuit Cake

A very simple way to decorate with chocolate for desserts is not expensive in terms of time and necessary products.

Take 150 g of dark chocolate and heavy cream and start cooking.

For this:

  1. Bring the cream to a boil in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Boiling is not necessary, it is enough that small bubbles begin to form on the surface.
  2. Without hesitation, remove the dishes from the fire and put on the table.
  3. Whilst the cream is still warm, add the chocolate chips and stir with a spatula until the cream is completely melted.
  4. Wait for the chocolate cake icing to cool and thicken (as in the photo), after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Recipe for protein cream on gelatin

The structure of this cake cream is similar to a soufflé, just as airy and delicate. It holds its shape well and is suitable for a layer of biscuit and other soft cocoa cakes.

You need to take:

20 g gelatin powder; 150 ml of water; 2 cups of sugar; 50 g of condensed milk; 10 raw egg whites; teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Prepare the eggs by washing them with a brush and wiping them with a paper towel. Since we will be using raw egg whites, we need to play it safe and minimize the risk of salmonellosis.

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, place them in a glass or enamel bowl and refrigerate. As you know, chilled proteins beat faster and better, so create all the necessary conditions.
  2. In a small container, pour gelatin with cool water and let it swell for a few minutes.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath or very low heat. It is not necessary to boil the mixture, otherwise it will lose its properties.
  4. Strain the gelatin solution and mix with condensed milk. Set the mixture aside for now and stir occasionally with a spatula. Make sure that lumps do not form, for this, keep the dishes in warm water or put them on a heating radiator.
  5. In the meantime, the proteins have already cooled down, and it's time to beat them into a lush foam. To speed up the process, add a few salt crystals and use an electric mixer. Gradually pour in granulated sugar, and very soon you will be able to prepare a dense protein foam that holds its shape well.
  6. Pour the warm gelatin solution into the whites in a thin stream, constantly beating the chocolate cake layer on medium speed.

Simple recipe: Cream with butter

To make chocolate biscuit cake with cocoa more tender and tastier, I suggest doing oil cream from sugar syrup.

Use a soft-ball test or use a food thermometer to find out if the syrup has reached the right consistency.


three yolks; 150 g white sugar; butter - 250 g; a bag of vanilla sugar; 6 large spoons of water.


  1. From water and sugar you need to make syrup. You can determine its readiness with a thermometer (it should be 120 degrees) or by conducting a “soft ball” test. A drop of syrup should roll into a transparent ball of soft consistency (see photo).
  2. Mash the yolks with vanilla sugar and beat with warm syrup. Stir the mixture vigorously to prevent flaking.
  3. Gradually add the remaining ingredient to the butter cream for the cake. The mass should be soft and elastic.

Chocolate cream with cocoa for biscuit cake

The aroma of chocolate and a peculiar shade will add cocoa powder to the cream. In order for the chocolate cream to acquire a richer smell, you can add a little vanilla extract or vanilla sugar.

You will need the following products: 0.4 kg of butter and condensed milk; 2/3 cocoa powder.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Bring the butter to a soft state, cut into small pieces and leave on the table for 40-45 minutes.
  2. Beat the butter with a mixer for about five minutes until a creamy paste is obtained.
  3. In portions, add condensed milk, all the while beating the mass with the aroma of chocolate with a mixer.
  4. Gently fold the cocoa powder into the chocolate buttercream until completely smooth.

To bring the mass with cocoa to readiness, work with a mixer for a couple more minutes.

My video recipe

The crumbly shortcrust pastry is suitable for filling with sour cream or cream, and for Napoleon we prepare custard milk cream. For biscuit cakes, chocolate cream for a cocoa powder cake is best suited. You can find a lot of recipes for this simple and fairly budget option if you wish. We offer you a few of ours.

There are a lot of options for making chocolate cream. For example, if you add a bar of milk chocolate to the fudge, the taste will become brighter and richer. At the same time, regular cream will give the cream a pleasant milky tint, and a pinch of cinnamon will give it a sharpness.

If there is absolutely no time to mess around with brewing and other things, you can simply mix 100 g of butter, a can of boiled condensed milk and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Chocolate cream for cake made from cocoa powder and condensed milk is very satisfying and sweet.

Each new component in the composition brings its own taste and charm to the cream. Perhaps the only thing that unites all these recipes is the secrets of cooking:

  • Egg yolks and whites are best whipped chilled. But at the same time, all other ingredients should be added to the cream at room temperature.
  • Custard during cooking requires constant stirring and special vigilance. They almost didn’t follow, and he took lumps or even stuck to the bottom of the pan.
  • Only butter is always put in the cream, replacing it with margarine is unacceptable. In addition, the butter is better whipped in a bowl with ice.
  • If you want to get a lush chocolate cream, you need to beat all the ingredients only in a dry bowl.

That's all the subtleties. It's time to start using them in practice. And here the following recipes will come to the rescue.

Custard cream

Thick chocolate cream for the cake is very easy to prepare. It will be enough just to boil the mixture for several minutes over low heat or a steam bath, while adding a little wheat flour to it. For homemade cookies, baskets, pies, pastries and cakes, the classic version is suitable.


  • 1 st. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour of the highest grade;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the fudge cool completely.
  2. Then we grease cakes, cookies, homemade waffles with ready-made cream or serve it as a sauce for pancakes. Bon Appetit!

Peanut cream

This recipe for chocolate cream is perfect for sponge cake, the layers of which are prepared in the traditional way without additives. Almost ground into flour, peanuts will add a pleasant nutty aftertaste to the cream, due to which it will be impossible to distinguish whether it is made on the basis of an expensive dark chocolate bar or using cheap cocoa powder. Try it yourself.


  • ¾ st. milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 st. l. flour of the highest grade;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa;
  • 1 st. roasted peanuts.


  1. Pour milk into the coffee mixture in a thin stream and stir all the lumps.
  2. At the very end of cooking, add chopped peanuts to the cream.

Cream for cake "Tropicana"

Do you want to surprise your loved ones? Then try making cream for avocado cake. At first, no one will even think that this delicate cream consists mainly of fruits. And all because the avocado does not smell and practically does not have its own taste. But this tropical guest can act as a wonderful base for most dishes, and the cake is no exception.


  • ripe avocado;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey;
  • ¼ of an orange.


  1. We cool the finished fruit cream in the refrigerator and serve it to the table or grease the cake layers with it. Bon Appetit!

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