Home Product Ratings Chocolate cake with prunes and delicate cream. The best cakes with prunes and walnuts Recipe chocolate cake with prunes and nuts

Chocolate cake with prunes and delicate cream. The best cakes with prunes and walnuts Recipe chocolate cake with prunes and nuts

Original recipe from belochkavita

I told the story of Vita and her desserts in the preface to the recipe. I have been staring at this cake since 2006, ever since I first saw it. But then there was no time, then the ingredients, then something else ... and he lay “on the shelf” with me, waiting in the wings. And the time has come! A wonderful dessert, quite simply prepared and the taste is enchanting richly chocolatey. Help yourself!


Chocolate biscuit:
80 g flour
30 g unsweetened cocoa powder
130 g sugar
3/4 tsp soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 large egg at room temperature
1 tsp milk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
220 g water

3 Earl Gray tea bags
250 ml water for tea
25 prunes

280 g dark chocolate
350 g cream 33%-35%

P r i p o r a t i o n e :


Make tea from tea bags and soak prunes in it overnight. In the morning, fold in a colander and let the liquid drain completely. Dry fruits can be blotted with paper towels. Then leave 10-12 larger berries for decoration, and finely chop the rest.

Chocolate biscuit:

Preheat oven to 180C. Prepare a mold 20 cm in diameter, lightly grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour.

Sift together flour, cocoa powder, sugar, soda, baking powder and salt. Put everything in a mixing bowl, add the egg, milk, vegetable oil, vegetable oil, vanilla extract and 220 g of water. Mix everything with the whisk attachment at low speed until combined. , mix the dough at low speed. The dough will be quite liquid.

Put the dough into the prepared form and put in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden skewer. Let the finished base stand in shape for a while, then transfer it to the kitchen grate and leave to cool completely.


Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave oven. Heat 250 g of cream, but do not bring to a boil. Optionally, you can add vanilla seeds, vanilla extract, fleur d'orange, or even spices. Pour the hot cream in a thin stream into the chocolate, mix well until combined. Cool the mixture down to 28C. Whip 100 g of the remaining cream to soft peaks and combine with ganache. Add chopped prunes.

Trim the chocolate biscuit a little on the sides. If it “swollen” during baking, trim the top in the same way. Set the mold, lay the sides with acetate film, so that later your cakes will be easier to get out of the mold without damaging the side walls.

Pour the mousse into the mold, gently melt the whole prunes on top.

Put in the refrigerator overnight.


In the morning, take the cake out of the mold and lightly sprinkle with cocoa.

And enjoy!

Happy tea!

  • Place a saucepan on a stove or water bath, put butter in it and pour a glass of sugar. When the butter and sugar are slightly dissolved, add soda, cocoa powder, stir, remove from heat. Beat one egg at a time, beat with a spoon or fork.
  • Measure out a glass of water and slowly mix into the dough. Approximately 2.5 cups of flour will go. You can pour two glasses, send the dishes with the dough in the refrigerator for an hour so that it hardens. After that, see if you need to add more.
  • You should get a dough that can be rolled out, it should not stick. At any time, you can add flour, it is important that there is not much of it, because then the cakes will turn out to be very hard and not soaked with cream. Preheat the oven, remove the dough from the refrigerator.
  • Divide into six approximately equal parts. Roll each part into a thin layer on a special paper sprinkled with a little flour. To measure the size, it is necessary to apply a plate on top of the layer.
  • It's okay if it is uneven, the main thing is that the plate fits. Bake each cake for 5 minutes. hot oven. Separate the cooked cake from the paper with a large knife, carefully peel in a circle on each side.
  • Attach a plate, cut in a circle, put the trimmings separately. Wash and cut prunes into small pieces. Beat sour cream and a glass of sugar to the desired consistency. Grind the scraps into crumbs, collect the cake.
  • Spread all the cakes with cream, sprinkle with chopped prunes. Put one cake on top of the other, press it a little with your palms so that the cream is distributed over the entire surface. Try to distribute prunes over all cakes, except for the top one.
  • Put the remaining cream on top, sprinkle with crushed crumbs from the cakes. Send the cake to the refrigerator for three hours, and preferably at night for impregnation. You can taste chocolate cake with prunes and gentle cream with tea or coffee.


- 3 large eggs (+ 1 yolk);
- 25 g of cocoa;
- 20 g of starch;
- 125 g of sugar;
- 5 g baking powder;
- 70 g flour;
- 30 g butter.

- 450 g thick sour cream;
- 90 g of sugar;
- 100-150 g of prunes.


- 1 tsp powder instant coffee;
- 1 tsp Sahara;
- 50 g of cognac.

To please relatives and friends with a delicious homemade cake, it is not at all necessary to have special culinary skills. After all, there are cakes whose baking is simple and accessible even to beginners. Here are such cakes for beginners and can be attributed chocolate cake with prunes. The cake turns out to be very light in taste, as its porous chocolate cakes are just perfect in taste with delicate sour cream and prunes. In general, the absence of any complexity in the recipe, quite affordable products and an incomparable taste will make this chocolate cake one of the most beloved in your home.

Chocolate cake with prunes

  1. You start with the preparation of the components: melt the butter, and mix the flour thoroughly with cocoa, starch and baking powder. Then break three eggs and a yolk (you can just take four eggs) into a large cup, add sugar and start beating the resulting mass. Beat at high speed for approximately 8-10 minutes. The mass should become almost white and acquire a dense air structure.
  2. Then, into the air mass, begin to pour the flour mixture through a sieve and gently mix with a spatula.
  3. With the rest of the dry mixture, add the melted butter (by this time it will have completely cooled down) and transfer the resulting chocolate dough into a 20 cm mold. The form must be lined with parchment.
  4. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees. To make the biscuit high and not sag, do not open the oven during the baking process. Allow the finished cake to cool completely and, trimming the top, cut lengthwise into three layers. Leave all trimmings for sprinkling the sides.
  5. For impregnation, take half a glass of boiling water and brew coffee in it, add sugar, let the coffee liquid cool completely and pour in the cognac. You get fragrant coffee-cognac impregnation. Now prunes. Wash it well, dry it and cut it into small pieces.
  6. Beat thick sour cream with sugar, the amount of which you can correct to your liking.
  7. Then set aside a small part of the sour cream (to have enough to coat the sides and top), and add pieces of prunes to the rest of the mass and mix.
  8. Put the first cake on a flat surface and use a brush to moisten it with coffee and cognac impregnation.
  9. Then spread half of the sour cream with prunes on the soaked cake and level it into an even layer.
  10. Cover with the second cake, soak, spread the second half of the sour cream with prunes and finish with the last cake.
  11. This last cake is also moistened with impregnation, and then with a reserved cream (without pieces of prunes), grease the cake on top and sides, which are then fixed with crumbs.
  12. For decoration, you can use pieces of prunes and coarsely chopped nuts. Simply arrange them on top of the cake and pour melted chocolate over them. Or you can come up with your own version and decorate the chocolate cake with prunes in some other way.
  13. Let the chocolate cake soak and treat friends and family with a light and very tasty dessert.

14.07.2015 09.07.2019

Chocolate cake with prunes will be a real decoration of any holiday table. This dessert is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its ease of preparation. Almost every housewife will be able to cook such a cake in her kitchen.

Prunes and chocolate cake

To prepare a biscuit you will need:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • dark chocolate - 170 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • almond flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 170 g.

  • butter - 200 g;
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cognac - 1 tablespoon;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • prunes - 1 cup.

To prepare the impregnation you will need:

  • orange juice - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • cognac - 1 tablespoon.

Chocolate cake with prunes is quite easy to make at home. First of all, you need to bake a biscuit: take dark chocolate, break it into pieces, put it in a bowl, add butter, set to melt in a water bath. In order for the chocolate not to curl during melting, you need to properly prepare the water bath. Water is poured into the pan (to a height of 2-3 cm), put on fire. After boiling, the fire is reduced so that the water barely boils, after which a bowl of chocolate is placed on top.

Recipe chocolate biscuit involves beating eggs. The yolks are separated from the proteins, the sugar is divided into 2 parts, the yolks are beaten with sugar until a fluffy mass is formed, the same is done with the proteins. The yolks are combined with the cooled melted chocolate, some of the proteins are added. Then the almond flour is gently mixed in, the proteins are added again, after which it is the turn of the flour. The dough should not be mixed for a very long time, otherwise it will lose airiness and become more liquid, due to which the biscuit will turn out to be dense, which is undesirable in this case. The dough is poured into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with cocoa, baked at 180ºС for 40-60 minutes.

The recipe for this butter cream has one interesting feature: the yolks are whipped with hot syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on medium heat and cook until the syrup becomes viscous. In order to determine the readiness of the syrup, it is necessary to put a bowl with cold water, from time to time lower a spoonful of syrup into it. If you can roll a soft ball, then the syrup is ready. The yolks are whipped into foam, the syrup is poured in a thin stream so that it does not fall on the whisk of the mixer. You need to beat at the highest speed, otherwise the yolks may curl. The cooled yolk mass is whipped with softened butter, cognac, vanillin, cocoa, sifted through a sieve, are added.

Prunes are crushed with a blender so that it turns into a soft paste. To prepare the impregnation, it is necessary to pour Orange juice(it is better to use freshly squeezed) in a saucepan, add sugar, put on fire until the latter is completely dissolved. Cognac is poured into the impregnation after the syrup boils. The biscuit is cut into 2 parts, soaked in orange syrup, then smeared with prune paste (thin layer), then the cream is applied and the cakes are connected together. The top and sides of the cake are smeared with cream, decorated with chocolate chips and whole prunes.

Lazy prunes and chocolate curd cake

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • prunes - 200 g;
  • cookies - 200 g;
  • detachable form.

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content - 400 g;
  • prunes in chocolate - 10-15 pcs.;
  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g (tablespoon);
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • cream 33% - 150 ml.

Chocolate cake with prunes can be prepared without baking. The first step is to make the dough, for this, the cookies are crushed in a blender, after which prunes are added to it, crushed again. The detachable form is filled with the resulting dough, sent to the refrigerator.

Gelatin is soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 5, left until completely swollen. Milk chocolate melt in a water bath. The cream is whipped into a fluffy foam with a mixer (at medium speed).

In order for the cream to whip well, it must be cold. Cream is best whipped in a glass bowl.

The cottage cheese is transferred to the bowl of a blender with a knife nozzle, beat it until a creamy mass is formed, after which milk, melted chocolate and powdered sugar are added, beat again. If the blender bowl is not very large, then the whipped cottage cheese is transferred to a bowl, after which the rest of the ingredients are added, the mass is whipped with a whisk attachment. Whipped cream is gently folded into the curd mass. Melt the swollen gelatin in a water bath, pour it in a thin stream into the curd mass, then stir in the prunes in chocolate.

If it was not possible to purchase ready-made sweets, then you can easily cook them yourself. It is necessary to take dark chocolate, melt it in a water bath. Then you need to dip the prunes into the melted chocolate mass, carefully lay it on parchment and send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

The curd mass is poured into a mold with dough, put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. The frozen cake is taken out of the detachable form, decorated with prunes in chocolate.

Every housewife can make a cake of chocolate and prunes. To do this, you need a little free time and a desire to surprise loved ones. Your guests will love this dessert!

A welcome guest on any holiday table- cake with prunes and nuts. Combining these components results in original pastry with an incredible aroma and an unforgettable aftertaste. Delicious treat Preparing for any feast is quite simple. The set of products is minimal, it will take a little time to cook. You can only compare with . So, what kind of cakes we offer you to cook:

Honey cake with prunes and nuts


100 g butter;
100 g of sugar;
2 eggs;
1 glass of honey;
1 tsp soda;
350 g flour.

1 jar of boiled potatoes;
300 g butter;
200 g prunes;
200 g walnuts.

100 ml of heavy cream;
100 g dark chocolate;
50 g butter.

500 ml whipping cream;
75 g of powdered sugar;
5 g vanilla sugar;
food colorings.


It is better to start preparing the dough in the evening so that it can stand overnight. This will make it possible to soak the future delicacy with honey notes.

1. Place a container in a water bath in which you place all the components of the dough, except for flour.

2. Stir until sugar and butter are dissolved. Watch the heating of the composition. It is important not to overheat it, because the eggs can curl. Before obtaining a homogeneous mass, no more than 7 minutes should pass.

3. Remove the container from the bath, add flour, knead the dough with a spoon. Achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.

4. Place directly in a bowl for 12 hours in the cold, and after 5 hours hold at a temperature of 25 degrees.

5. Cover the form with parchment, put 3-4 tablespoons of dough in the center, level it over the entire area.

6. Bake no more than 10 minutes.

7. You should have 4 cakes. Let them cool down. And proceed to the preparation of the cream.

8. Cut prunes into small pieces. Chop nuts.

9. Take softened butter, beat it with a mixer at low speed. A homogeneous mass should come out.

10. After put to makeup boiled condensed milk, whisk again.

11. Add prunes with nuts, mix.

12. Prepare the cake decoration by whipping all ingredients without coloring to persistent peaks. You can add dyes of various colors later to make the delicacy not only tasty, but also beautiful. To do this, divide the finished cream into the required number of parts and add your color to each. Leave one part white.

13. Assemble the cake by laying the cake after the cake, smearing them with cream. Do not grease the top, prepare the glaze for it.

14. Pour the cream into an enameled bowl, put the butter, put on a minimum fire.

15. Chop the chocolate as finely as possible.

16. When the butter is melted, add the chocolate chips.

17. Stir. Wait until the chocolate has completely melted.

18. Fill the cake with icing.

19. In a pastry bag, collect a white mass of cream, decorate the sides of the cake with it. On top, apply flowers from colored cream. Let it sit for at least a couple of hours.

Delicate sour cream dessert

If this method of preparing a dessert causes you difficulties, look into - from simple products you will make a confectionery masterpiece by simply adding to the simplest sour cream prunes and nuts.


4 eggs;
350 g flour;
200 g of sugar;
400 g 20% ​​sour cream;
2 tsp vanilla sugar;
2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
1 sachet of baking powder.

750 g of fat sour cream;
250 g of powdered sugar;
1 sachet of vanilla sugar:
200 g prunes;
150 g walnuts.


1. Using a mixer, beat eggs, vanilla and sugar until fluffy.

2. Add sour cream, continue beating at low speed.

3. After turning off the device, pour in the flour and baking powder. Mix with a spoon.

4. Divide the dough into 2 identical parts, leave one as it is, add cocoa to the second.

5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, alternately 2 cakes. Cooking time is about 15-20 minutes each.

6. When the cakes are baked, let them cool, and then cut into 2 pieces to get 4 cake blanks.

7. In the meantime, prepare your baking grease. Leave a few dried fruits whole, grind the rest with a blender.

8. Peel the nuts, fry in a pan without oil, chop with the same device.

9. Beat sour cream, sugar and vanilla as well until you get a thick cream.

10. Going sour cream cake with dried plums and walnuts is quite simple. Put a little cream in the center of the plate so that the cakes are fixed on the dish. Put a white cake down, cover with a creamy mass, sprinkle with nuts. After that, do the same with a dark cake, only here instead of nuts there will be prunes. Repeat the action with the remaining layers.

11. Decorate the top of the cake with nuts, whole dried plums and place in the refrigerator overnight.

Biscuit chocolate


200 g flour;
1 tsp soda;
¾ tsp salt;
40 g cocoa;
250 g sugar;
2 eggs;
100 g butter;
200 ml of milk;
¾ st. l. wine vinegar.

350 g low-fat sour cream;
80 g of powdered sugar;
50 g butter;
1 sachet of cream thickener.

250 g prunes;
120 g walnuts.

50 g butter;
2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
5 st. l. whipping cream;
4 tbsp. l. pure cocoa.


1. Mix the first 5 dough ingredients until smooth.

2. Add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly.

3. Cover the form with parchment, pour out the dough, bake for up to half an hour at 180 degrees.

4. Cool the cake to a cold state, wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator until morning.

5. The next day, cut the workpiece into 3 equal parts.

6. To prepare the smearing of cakes, do the following. Cool the sour cream, beat it separately from other components.

7. Pour half the indicated amount of sugar and thickener, fluff with a mixer.

8. Put butter in another part of the sugar, also beat until smooth with a blender.

9. Combine 2 parts of the cream, mix with a spoon.

10. Start preparing the filling. Lightly fry the nuts in a pan, chop with a rolling pin.

11. Pour boiling water over prunes, set aside for 5 minutes. After draining the water, process with a blender.

12. Glaze is best prepared directly in the process of assembling the cake. Combine all components in a metal container, on steam bath melt to a single mass.

13. Now assemble the cake. Put 1 cake on a dish, use ¼ of the cream, half of the prunes and the same number of nuts for lubrication. Repeat with each layer. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Next, pour the glaze over the delicacy, put the nut crumbs, prunes halves on top and remove ready meal overnight in a cold place.

original chocolate cake


300 g sour cream;
3 eggs;
200 g of sugar;
1 tsp soda;
25 g cocoa powder;
200 g flour;
150 g prunes;
100 g walnuts.

200 g butter;
150 g of sugar;
1 egg;
50 g flour;
700 ml of milk.

1 bar of dark chocolate.


1. Whisk eggs and sugar until foamy.

2. Quench the sour cream with vinegar, add to the egg-sugar mass, also whisk.

3. Combine cocoa with flour, pour to liquid ingredients. A thin dough should come out.

4. Crumble prunes, chop nuts, also pour into the dough, stir.

5. Put the finished composition in a mold, covering it with baking paper. Cook for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. Take the cake out of the mold when it cools down a bit. Wait until it has completely cooled down.

6. In the meantime, prepare delicious cream with which you will grease the cake with the addition of cocoa, prunes and nuts. Mix the egg, flour, sugar, milk in a saucepan and cook until the composition begins to thicken. Cool to a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

7. Separately, beat the butter, transfer it in small portions to the cream, while whipping everything with a mixer.

8. To assemble the goodies, it is necessary to cut off the top from the cake so that the thickness of the lower part is no more than 1 cm. It will serve as the base. Cut the rest into 3x3 cm cubes. Place the cake on a plate, grease with plenty of cream. Pay special attention to the edges. Now dip each piece in the cream and place it on the cake blank in a slide.

9. Top with nuts. Melt the chocolate and randomly pour over ready dessert. Give a couple of hours to soak.

Meringue cake with fillings


10 proteins;
400 g sugar.

1 jar of boiled potatoes;
250 g butter.

2 lemons;
100 ml brandy;
250 g of walnuts;
150 g prunes;
150 g dark chocolate.


1. Start with meringue. To do this, beat the indicated components with a mixer: first, only the proteins, then add sugar. As a result, a dense snow-white mass will come out.

2. Transfer the composition to a pastry bag, cover a baking sheet with baking paper, squeeze small portions of meringue onto it.

3. Dry in the oven for about two hours at a temperature of 100 degrees.

4. There is time to do the filling and cream. Cut the prunes into cubes. Fill it with alcohol.

5. Grate the zest of the citrus fruit on a smaller grater.

6. Chop the nuts in a convenient way.

7. The cream is made by mixing the components until smooth.

8. Time to assemble the cake. To do this, lay out the first layer of meringue, grease with cream, sprinkle it first with lemon zest, then with prunes, then with nuts. Spread the meringue as you like, remembering to grease and sprinkle the next layer.

9. At the end, melt the chocolate and pour over your masterpiece. Let soak in a cold place for 2-3 hours.

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