Home Soups The best recipes for making alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to cook delicious hot New Year's and Christmas mulled wine from white, red, semi-sweet and homemade wine? Mulled wine: a recipe for cooking at home What is so

The best recipes for making alcoholic mulled wine at home. How to cook delicious hot New Year's and Christmas mulled wine from white, red, semi-sweet and homemade wine? Mulled wine: a recipe for cooking at home What is so

"Flaming Drink of Winter"

"Sweetness and strength mulled wine resurrect a person...
Wine activates all the convolutions of the brain and ignites in the depths of the soul a magical firework of sparkling wit and joy.

Colds come, and with them - the season of mulled wine, which in German means - flaming, hot wine is a favorite drink of millions of people, especially popular in European countries. For Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, mulled wine- such an important part of the Christmas holiday as a sparkling tree, fragrant pastries and holiday markets.

Who has been to Christmas markets in Europe? How does this happen? It would be interesting to hear first hand, at least a small story-))

At Wanderer Dory in New Year and Christmas tours - mulled wine also required by the program. Interestingly, this warming drink is older than itself. Christmas holiday.
It is not known who first came up with the idea of ​​heating wine and adding sweetness and spices to it. But already in ancient Roman times, Apicius, the author of the culinary book Conditum Paradoxum, taught gourmets the subtleties of “ennobling” wine with spices, namely, thyme, coriander, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf.

In the 16th century, for the first time, in cookbooks appear mulled wine recipes from Bordeaux and claret. Honey, cardamom, cinnamon and galingal herb root were used as ingredients.
Mulled wine was also held in high esteem in Victorian England. One of the types of mulled wine "Negus" was treated even at children's parties.
The Roman Empire fell, customs and times changed, but mankind still keeps the love for a warming drink.
Today there are countless mulled wine recipes, but all of them are united by one of the main properties of this drink - to warm :-)

And the truth is - nothing will warm you after a winter walk, and will not please you in a rainy dull time, like a glass of properly prepared mulled wine. A nice mug of hot fragrant wine after outdoor winter games- Whether it's sledding, skiing or just playing snowballs.

Several years ago, in New Year tours of Dory the Wanderer skiing on Ai-Petri was an obligatory item of the program, because there is always snow in winter and go skiing in the Crimea possible until March.

No one believes that it is possible in the warm Crimea, but it is. Snow in Crimea there is in winter. In the mountains you can go skiing and sledding. The most popular places are Ai-Petri with ski slopes and Angarsk pass. Usually in winter below the sea there is very rarely snow, but the mountains are quite often covered in snow, February is especially harsh, its first half.

And of course, after skiing - a picnic on the highlands with the obligatory fragrant hot wine - that's it!
basis classic mulled wine is a good red wine, in rare cases white, dry and not strong wines are ideal. Vanilla, cinnamon, cloves are used as spices, nutmeg, tangerine zest, sugar, raisins and nuts.

Special connoisseurs add finely chopped ginger to mulled wine.
Then, in addition to the warming effect, mulled wine acquires tonic and preventive and health-improving properties, being wonderful and the most delicious. cold remedy. Mulled wine is used as a sedative and during the recovery period after infectious diseases.
And one more secret, which is often not mentioned in most recipes and is not used by sellers of a ready-made drink. When the wine is heated, alcohol evaporates from it, and in order to return the strength to the mulled wine and give piquant note, you need to add a strong alcoholic drink- cognac or rum, a little, to taste.

And the last important point in the preparation of this drink is that when heating wine, like coffee, you only need to bring it to a boil, do not boil!
The temperature should be around 70 degrees.
It is necessary to heat the wine not in a metal dish (except silver), preferably in a refractory one, until the white foam that forms at the beginning of cooking leaves.
Mulled wine drink hot, immediately after preparation, until the wine has lost its taste qualities and a bouquet, inhaling the aroma of the drink with pleasure.
The best thing serve mulled wine in ceramic cups, which keep the heat of mulled wine for a long time in cold weather, or in tall glasses, preferably transparent, in order to once again admire the color of the drink.

And now mulled wine recipes:

Mulled wine classic
- nutmeg - to taste
- cloves - 6 pcs
- boiled water boiled - a third of a glass
- sugar - 1 tablespoon
Pour cloves and ground nutmeg into a cezve, add water and bring to a boil, boil for another minute. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Pour wine into a container and put on fire. When it becomes warm enough, add infusion of spices and sugar. Remove from heat when it is hot enough. Do not boil.
The drink is ready. Pour mulled wine and serve hot.

Mulled wine "Vostok"
- table red wine - 1 bot.
- sugar - 4 tablespoons.
- 2 lemons
- cinnamon to taste
- cloves - a couple of pieces.
Pour red wine into the dishes and heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, add spices. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into the warmed wine and add one lemon, cut into pieces. Then sugar. Mix well so that the sugar is completely melted and bring to a boil, let stand for a while and you can serve.

Mulled wine "Jamaican"
- one glass of boiled water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- six pieces of cloves.
- 6 Jamaican peppercorns
- one bottle of dry red wine
- one glass of port wine
- one tablespoon of sugar
- rind of half a lemon
- Lemon slices for garnish
Pour the spices with hot boiled water and let stand for twenty minutes. Strain. Pour red wine into a container. Add water strained infusion to it. Pour in the port wine, add sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Serve hot, garnish with a strip of lemon peel and lemon wedges.

Glogg - Scandinavian Christmas drink
- 60 ml of vodka
- 1 cinnamon stick
- six pieces of cloves - two tablespoons of sugar
- half a tablespoon of ground ginger
- 100 g raisins
- almond nuts - 100 g.
Pour wine and vodka into a container. Add all other ingredients, heat a little until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let stand for at least 30 minutes. After half an hour, heat the drink and serve.

Mulled Wine "The Night Before Christmas"
- one and a half liters of Cahors
- one glass of liqueur "Old Arbat"
- two lemons
- cloves and cinnamon - to taste
Cahors is poured into the container, heated and brought to a boil.
Remove hot wine from heat, lemon and liqueur, cinnamon and cloves.
Let it brew for 15 minutes. Pour ready hot mulled wine into cups and serve to the festive table.

Mulled wine "Fragrant"
- red table wine - one bottle
- one and a half cups of honey
- one and a half glasses of rum - one and a half glasses of water
- two cups of sugar
- 18 cloves
- 18 pieces of cardamom
- to taste cinnamon and nutmeg
Place red wine, boiled water, and all other ingredients in a container. Heat to a temperature of 70 degrees, stirring so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Serve hot, pour into glasses, straining through a strainer.

Mulled wine "Carolina"
- red wine - one bottle
- cognac - 150 ml
- vodka - 100 ml
- sugar - 100 gr - two peas of allspice
- one pinch of cloves
- three pinches of cinnamon
- grated nutmeg - to taste
Pour the wine into a container, add sugar, spices, heat, stirring with a spoon (wooden) until the sugar is completely dissolved, do not bring to a boil. Pour in cognac and vodka, heat a little. Pour into a thermos, let it brew for at least one hour.

Mulled wine "Shagane"
- one bottle of red port
- one glass of orange liqueur - one and a half pieces. lemon
- half a glass of sugar
- nutmeg to taste
Pour wine into a container and add sugar, heat to 70 degrees, stirring until the sugar is completely. Remove from heat, add liqueur and thinly sliced ​​lemon. Let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes. Reheat and serve hot, pour into cups, sprinkle with finely chopped nutmeg on top.

I wish everyone bon appetit, warm and cheerful winter holidays!

In this article we want to talk about a popular winter drink. In addition, we will teach you how to cook a wonderful warming alcoholic mulled wine with wine yourself.

For hundreds of years, residents of Germany, Great Britain, Austria, and the Scandinavian countries have been drinking “Gluwein” - hot wine on cold days. We also love it, especially during the winter holidays. Let's see how to prepare such a delicious and warming drink yourself.

Wine for mulled wine - which is better?

by the most the best option counts dry red wine, which at the same time is different good quality . However, white is also allowed. Take a closer look at varietal young wines that do not have sharp notes in taste or aroma. Patience is welcome.

The point is that it is young wines have that natural subtle sweetness, which is so good for mulled wine. If they are dry at the same time, then they will be easy to drink.

Semi dry wine also allowed.

Table red dry wine - what you need for alcoholic mulled wine

But here semi-sweet wines should definitely be avoided- they have nothing to do with the processes natural fermentation and do not contain anything useful. Dessert ones are quite expensive and overly strong., and when heated become cloying.

IMPORTANT: It is a mistake to think that the more expensive the wine, the better for mulled wine. Elite wines themselves have a pronounced bouquet of aroma and taste, so additional amplifiers are clearly unnecessary. At the same time, the cheapest drink from cartons is also unacceptable.

Which manufacturer to pay attention to? Such trendsetters of wine fashion as France, Spain, Italy, it is better to postpone for later- Their products are quite expensive.

Australian dry red wine Poker Face for alcoholic mulled wine

What spices, spices, seasonings are needed to prepare a warming alcoholic mulled wine?

Cinnamon- an indispensable component of the drink. Buy sticks that resemble rolls of papyrus paper. They break easily as well more fragrant than the powder counterpart.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended to buy cinnamon powder for mulled wine. It may contain chemical additives. In addition, the powder gives the drink turbidity, it is difficult to filter it.

Carnation- another classic ingredient. She possesses antiseptic, antimicrobial properties and improves digestion. But since carnation has a pronounced smell and taste should be used in small quantities.

Ground cloves will not work, but dried buds - just right! Average per 100 ml. wine, add 1 unopened bud.

Type of pepper should be selected based on the type of mulled wine itself:

  • Red successfully completes the flavor composition white wine drink
  • Black needed when you tormented by a cold
  • Fragrant (Jamaican) rarely used and mostly by experienced chefs - it differs pronounced aroma

Anise- makes an excellent taste ensemble with cardamom and cinnamon. Possesses pleasant smell and tart sweet aftertaste.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to add anise if you need to lower your temperature, relieve pain, or increase your appetite.

Anise - a useful seasoning for alcoholic mulled wine

star anise- It has bittersweet taste and sharp notes which do not evaporate even when heated. He is capable improve digestion, soften cough, make it easier to breathe with a cold.

Barberry- does not bring any benefit, but gives mulled wine sourness.

Ginger- good for fans spicy tangy taste. It is noteworthy that he does not disappear when the wine is heated and is not interrupted by other additives.

IMPORTANT: If you do not like a pronounced spicy taste, it is recommended to prefer ground ginger to the root. Perhaps this is the only seasoning that, in powder form, is suitable for mulled wine.

Nutmeg- a drink with it turns out tart, burning or spicy which pairs well with alcohol. In addition, this spice It will help reduce blood pressure and strengthen the immune system in general. People prone to depression nutmeg is also recommended to be included in the recipe.

Cardamom- counts hot spice, but at the same time drink gives a pleasant smell and lemon tint. If you need stimulate the brain, put in order nervous system and strengthen immunity in general - feel free to add this seasoning to mulled wine.

Coriander- it is recommended to add it to mulled wine from white wine. Although it is also found in the recipe of some types of red. Excellent effect on digestive system, awakens appetite. Contains a wide range of nutrients magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins, iodine, iron.

Saffron- used infrequently, but if you want to bring to the drink barely perceptible pleasant aroma you can try adding it to the recipe. Perhaps you will also need his ability relieve pain, tone up.

IMPORTANT: Please note that saffron does not mix well with other supplements. Therefore, you will have to experiment a lot.

Melissa, mint- also infrequent components of mulled wine. However, there are lovers to add these seasonings to the recipe. with white wines. Proved that mint uplifts the mood, a Melissa relieves inflammation.

How long to cook alcoholic mulled wine?

Mulled wine do not boil. Otherwise ethanol will begin to actively evaporate, and will also disappear useful material. Don't forget while cooking stir the wine with spices!

To what temperature should alcoholic mulled wine be heated and when to serve?

It is believed that mulled wine is necessary heat up to 70 degrees. Use for this purpose steel saucepan or pot.

IMPORTANT: However, if you plan to add honey to the drink, you should do it as the drink cools down to 40 degrees. Otherwise, honey may retain its taste, but healing properties will lose.

Before serving, mulled wine should infuse for 15 minutes but not longer. Do not forget sift ready drink and pour it into a ceramic cup or a beautiful glass.

Do-it-yourself mixture for alcoholic mulled wine: composition

Despite the fact that mulled wine is a multicomponent drink, you can't add anything to it- you can just spoil the taste and aroma. BUT if you put not enough spices, the taste will be inferior. Here are some basic spice sets:

  • For classic version combine cloves, cinnamon, star anise and nutmeg. Well fit and coriander with cardamom
  • Bring out the taste of wine cinnamon, lemon balm, saffron, nutmeg
  • And here lovers savory flavors will appreciate the set from cinnamon, cloves, ginger and allspice

Mulled wine: how many degrees of alcohol should be?

The optimal fortress is considered to be within 7%-14% alcohol.

How to cook red mulled wine from red wine, with what spices?

Under red dry Georgian wine "Saperavi" you will need the following ingredients:

  • Water- 200 ml. It will help make the drink softer.

IMPORTANT: This amount of water is calculated for 750 ml. guilt. In general, keep in mind that for 1 liter. wine should account for about 200-250 ml. water, but no more.

  • Ginger- 1 small root
  • Cinnamon- 1 stick
  • Carnation- 5 buds
  • Honey- 3 spoons
  • Orange
  • Apple

So let's get started:

  • First of all, water is poured into the dishes. They put in it fruits and spices they boil for 5 minutes
  • To avoid bitterness remove the orange
  • heat up water to 60-70 degrees, pouring wine into it
  • As soon as you see that the white film disappears, turn off the fire
  • After the drink is infused 10 minutes, add honey
  • Stir, strain

IMPORTANT: This mulled wine goes well with salty cheese.

How to cook white mulled wine from white wine, with what spices?

For this recipe, take 750 ml. Krasnodar dry white wine "Likuriya". As well as:

  • water- 100 ml.
  • cranberries- 100 g.
  • Ginger- 1 small piece
  • Allspice- 4 peas

Getting Started:

  • All components of the recipe, except honey, place in container
  • Heat the mixture to 60 degrees
  • Now take it off the fire, strain it.
  • Add honey

IMPORTANT: This recipe is perfect for a period of vitamin deficiency.

How to cook mulled wine from homemade wine, with what spices?

For 1 liter homemade red wine You can take the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon- 1-3 sticks
  • Ginger- a small piece
  • star anise— 2-3 stars
  • carnation- 3-4 buds
  • Lemon
  • Sugar taste

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary to dilute the wine with water if you want to get the most intense taste in the end. Especially it concerns house wine.

Now you can cook:

  • Lemon and ginger are crushed
  • Wine poured into a bowl
  • Added to wine ingredients and sugar. Are stirred
  • As soon as the mulled wine is close to boiling, you should remove it from the fire and let it brew

Alcoholic classic mulled wine with orange: recipe

For this recipe, we will take half an orange. The following ingredients form a wonderful flavor bouquet with it:

  • Ginger- small piece
  • Cinnamon- 2 sticks
  • Carnation- 3 buds
  • Cardamom- 3 pcs.
  • Nutmeg- 1 PC.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

IMPORTANT: This amount of ingredients is needed for 380 ml. red semi-dry wine. Water will need 60 ml. Adjust the amount of spices depending on the amount of wine.

Getting Started:

  • Must be added to water spices
  • Orange should be cut into small pieces and send it into the water too
  • After water boil, you need to give it to her boil for 2 minutes
  • Decoction strained
  • Added and mixed sugar
  • Only now wine is added and heated

The easiest recipe for making alcoholic mulled wine at home

On the 750 ml. red wine will need:

  • Lemon
  • Sugar- 100 g.
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon- 2 sticks
  • Nutmeg

You need to prepare like this:

  • Warm up Little wine
  • Add there lemon juice either finely cut a lemon
  • Add sugar
  • Now it's your turn spices
  • Dovarite to a boil

Alcoholic mulled wine: is it possible for pregnant women?

This issue is constantly being debated. Some say that mulled wine is medicinal, and in general it is unlikely that a woman will want something dangerous for the baby's health. Others insist that alcohol, albeit in the form of mulled wine, can be harmful.

IMPORTANT: The truth is that alcoholic mulled wine is highly undesirable for a future mother and child. The cons of such a drink in this case can outweigh all the pros.

Perhaps a pregnant woman should pay attention to non-alcoholic options for the New Year holidays or to improve her health, which we will discuss in the following articles.

As you can see, you can enjoy delicious wine mulled wine at home. It is only important to remember the rules for selecting ingredients, as well as a few simple rules for preparing this wonderful drink. Read also in our next article on how to create mulled wine based on juice, fruit or other alcoholic drinks besides wine.

Field notes

Wine. Choose full-bodied, full-bodied red dry or semi-sweet wines such as Cabernet, Claret, Bordeaux, Zinfandel, Chianti or, say, Kindzmarauli. You can use white wine, but this is already an amateur. Fortified specimens do not agree well with mulled wine, which overload the drink with heavy alcoholic tones - it is better to add a little port or Madeira to the already prepared mulled wine to add a little strength and complexity to it. Do not use wine that you would not drink just like that, but it does not make sense to spend money on expensive ones. We'll have to find a compromise. The Germans, for example, found it not in the search for an ideal in terms of price-quality ratio, but in the use of homemade fruit wines, in particular (recipes of these wines follow the links). It is not uncommon for the British to use cider or even some local ale as a base, but this is already. Spices. The traditional ones that have always been in it include cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. I also add a few black peppercorns and 1-2 star anise. Feel free to add your favorite spices to the drink, for example: fresh root ginger, bay leaf, allspice, white and pink pepper, cardamom, vanilla, fennel, anise, etc. You can add some herbs, for example, a couple of sprigs of rosemary, mint or sage. But do not overdo it - spicy soup is not about mulled wine. I always use spices whole, lightly beaten in a mortar, and I advise you to do the same. Fruits. The zest of oranges (or clementines) is classic here. You can add the zest of other citrus fruits, in particular lemon or lime. In my first mulled wines, I added whole fruits, in slices, but then the drink acquires a compote taste and becomes a little sourer than it should be. If this does not scare you (after all, excess acidity can be easily balanced with a sweetener), you can add slices of any available fruits and / or berries to your warming drink: apples, pears, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. Sweetener. White sugar, or even better powdered sugar for quick dissolution, will be the most neutral source of sweetness. Brown cane sugar will add a little warmth and make it more expressive, but this is not for everyone. Honey has always been a good alternative to sugar, but not every stomach can withstand it in a heated form (I will not mention the dangers of honey heated above 40 degrees; although I did mention it). Strong alcohol . Most traditional mulled wine recipes (in an international context) include fruit brandy or rum as an additional alcohol. No less common are various fortified wines, such as port, Madeira and sherry. In England, the fortified ginger wine mentioned above is often used, which is supposed to be prepared at home. The palette of strong alcohol in mulled wines can be expanded endlessly: vodka, aquavit, calvados, whiskey, dry liquors such as

Mulled wine- a winter hot alcoholic drink, which consists of wine heated to 70-80 ° C, sugar and spices. In the old days in the northern part of Germany, at Christmas markets and holidays that were held outdoors, it was customary to drink wine to keep warm and cheer up. But someone also came up with the idea of ​​heating the wine and adding spices to it, which was both pleasant and gave a double effect to warming.

Many don't know how to make mulled wine at home, and buy semi-finished products in bags in stores. I advise you to cook it yourself, creatively, so I will tell you how to cook mulled wine at home. Moreover, the recipe for mulled wine at home is no different from a restaurant recipe, except that you choose your own wine and other ingredients, and do not trust the restaurant. So here's the recipe homemade mulled wine with orange.


  • dry red wine 750 ml
  • water 100 ml
  • orange 1 PC.
  • sugar 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cinnamon 1 stick
  • ground ginger 1 teaspoon
  • carnation 5 buds
  • nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon
  • cardamom 3 grains
  • star anise 2 stars

— Usually for mulled wine use inexpensive red dry or semi-dry wine. Or, for example, wine that for some reason you didn’t like, let’s say it seemed to you very sour or too tart, it will suit perfectly for mulled wine. You do not need to buy very expensive elite wines for making mulled wine, due to the addition of spices and fruits to the wine, it will lose the entire bouquet of aromas. But you should not take very cheap wines either.

- Try to use whole spices, not ground spices, because. ground spices make mulled wine cloudy and harder to filter. But still, if you can’t find cinnamon sticks, replace it with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

- The same with cardamom: you can replace it with a quarter teaspoon of ground cardamom.

- Mandatory spices in mulled wine are cinnamon and cloves. Therefore, if you do not have cardamom, ginger or star anise, then simply do not use them, the flavor bouquet, of course, will be poorer, but it will still remain quite spicy and pleasant. In general, you can experiment with the composition of homemade mulled wine, add other spices and fruits that you like. For example, the peel of an orange or lemon, allspice, and put honey instead of sugar.

- If you want to get a sweeter drink, you can add another spoonful of sugar. Focus on your taste.


We prepare all the necessary ingredients. My orange.

Put all the spices in a saucepan or small saucepan, pour 100 ml of water and mix.

Bring to a boil, boil for a minute, remove from the stove and let stand for 10 minutes.

The resulting broth is filtered through a sieve or gauze into a separate bowl. Rinse the pan with water and pour the broth into it.

Cut the orange into thin rings.

Add wine, sugar and chopped orange to the pan, mix. This addition of orange is one option. It is perfectly acceptable to simply cut an orange in half and squeeze the juice out of it directly into the pan. But it's not that authentic. We heat the mulled wine, stirring, to a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Boiling wine is not recommended, as light aromatic spirits will evaporate during boiling, while heavy ones will remain, and a taste of alcohol may appear. We remove from the stove.

Leave to infuse under a closed lid for 2-3 minutes, then serve in tall transparent glasses or ceramic cups that retain heat. Classic mulled wine at home ready! Drink it while it's still hot. Reheated mulled wine loses its aroma and taste. So, if you do not have company, then it is better to prepare small portions and drink immediately. Bon appetit!

By the way, you can cook non-alcoholic mulled wine. If you are interested in such mulled wine, the non-alcoholic recipe uses not wine, but grape and Apple juice. But that seems to be another story.

The cold season is the best time to treat yourself, as well as your family and friends, by preparing hot delicious mulled wine with your own hands. Friendly gatherings over a cup or two of this wonderful drink will warm your souls and add joy to your hearts.

German mulled wine - a classic recipe

This mulled wine recipe is considered a classic for cooking at home. As we will see below, many drinks of this type are prepared using a similar technology. By the way, they can be brewed from both store-bought and homemade wine.

List of ingredients

    Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Cinnamon - 1 pinch

    Cardamom - 1 pinch

    Nutmeg - 1 pinch

    Carnation - 6 pcs.

    Lemon - ½ pc.

Cooking method

Pour the wine into a suitable heat-resistant container and put on fire. In the process of heating, add honey and spices, as well as freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir the contents of the container until the foam that appears due to the spices disappears. Then turn off the heat and leave the drink for 15 minutes under a tight lid.

Attention! Never let the liquid boil. Its temperature should not go beyond 70-80 ° C. This rule is fundamental for anyone who wants to properly brew any drink from this series.

List of ingredients

    Water - 150 ml

    Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Lemon - 1 pc.

    Orange - 1 pc.

    Carnation - 2-3 pcs.

    Cinnamon - 1 stick

Cooking method

Boil water with cloves and cinnamon, then cool and strain the resulting broth. Pour the wine into a saucepan and put on fire. Add there spicy water, honey and finely chopped slices of citrus fruits. Bring the liquid to the required temperature, remove it from the heat and pour into glasses. Orange slices can be used as decoration.

List of ingredients

    Honey - 1-2 tbsp. l.

    Raisins - 30 g

    Apple - 1-2 pcs.

    Grated ginger - 1 pinch

    Cardamom - 6 pcs.

    Cinnamon - 2 sticks

    Allspice black pepper - 5 peas

    Carnation - 7 pcs.

Cooking method

Cut the apples into small slices, then send the wine and all other ingredients to the appropriate bowl and follow the classic recipe.

Mulled wine with orange and cinnamon

This simple recipe can be optionally supplemented with other spices suitable for the occasion.

List of ingredients

    Red orange juice - 400 ml

    Orange - 1 pc.

    Cinnamon - 2 sticks

    Brown sugar - 125 g

Cooking method

Mix wine and juice. Add sugar, cinnamon and cut into thin strips orange peel. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved, then put the liquid on the fire and bring it to the appropriate temperature. The drink is served with orange slices.

This is just one of the many variations on the Christmas theme. So, there are modifications that involve the addition of nutmeg, ginger, hibiscus, or even brewed black tea.

List of ingredients

    Orange juice - 250 ml

    Lemon - 1 pc.

    Orange - 1 pc.

    Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

    Carnation - 4 pcs.

    Star anise - ½ tsp

    Cinnamon - ½ tsp

    Cardamom - ½ tsp

Cooking method

Mix wine, juice, honey, spices and washed sliced ​​citrus fruits in a heat-resistant bowl and heat to 80 °C. Leave the result for 15 minutes under a tight lid.

If desired, apples can be replaced with other fruits, for example: plums or peaches.

List of ingredients

    Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Apple - 1 pc.

    Cinnamon - 2-3 sticks

    Carnation - 6 pcs.

Cooking method

Cut the fruit into thin slices, then place all the ingredients in a heat-resistant container and follow.

Tangerine mulled wine - a recipe for Santa Claus

Apparently, the output should be something very New Year's.

List of ingredients

    Tangerines - 6 pcs.

    Honey - tsp

    Carnation - 5 pcs.

    Cinnamon - 2 sticks

    Allspice - 2 peas

Cooking method

Peel and divide the tangerines into slices, then load all the components into enamel pan and refer to .

Mulled wine from Cahors

This drink uses cognac brandy, which, at your discretion, can be replaced with any liquor. Although, according to some enthusiasts, one does not interfere with the other.

List of ingredients

  1. Mulled wine - recipe with ginger

    Ginger root is a seasoning for mulled wine for an amateur. But if you are such, then you can safely add this ingredient to hot drinks prepared not only on the basis of white, but also on the basis of red wine.

    List of ingredients

      Dry or semi-dry red wine - 1 l

      Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

      Cinnamon - 1 tsp

      Carnation - 5 pcs.

      Orange - 1 pc.

      Green apple- 1 PC.

    Cooking method

    Cut the orange into slices, and the apple into thin slices. Then put everything in a heat-resistant bowl and turn to classic German technology from.

    List of ingredients

      Water - 250 ml

      Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.

      Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

      Carnation - 8 pcs.

      Cinnamon - 3 sticks

      Walnuts- 5 pieces.

      Grated ginger root - 1 tsp

      Lemon - 1 pc.

    Cooking method

    Put cloves, cinnamon, plain and vanilla sugar in a container with water and boil. Set aside the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. Put the wine in a heat-resistant bowl on fire. Add ginger, chopped nucleoli walnuts and grated lemon zest. Then pour slightly cooled water with spices into the same place and bring the drink to the canonical temperature of 70 ° C. After that, remove it from the heat and pour into mugs.

    Mulled wine with Riga balsam

  2. Cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

    Carnation - 3 pcs.

    Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

    Nutmeg - 1 pinch

    Orange - 1 pc.

    Cardamom - to taste

Cooking method

    In a saucepan, mix the Black Balsam of Riga, wine and all spices.

    On low heat, bring the mixture to 50-60 degrees, add orange slices and sweat a little more, without boiling.

    Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

    Before serving, strain the drink through a strainer and add honey.

    Mulled wine is best served in warm glasses.

Questions and answers on mulled wine

    What is the best wine for mulled wine?

    This, as they say, is a matter of taste. However, according to many experts in the field, the combination of citrus fruits with warmed white wine is something unique.

    Why can't mulled wine be boiled?

    Yes, because the boiled substance will completely lose all alcohol and, accordingly, will lose a significant part of its flavor bouquet.

    Can mulled wine be reheated?

    The answer to this question is ambiguous. In principle, a cooled drink can be reheated on the stove or even in the microwave, but it should be borne in mind that, again, it will lose some of the alcohol, acquiring a richer spicy taste in return.

    Mulled wine in a slow cooker

    Adherents of cutting-edge technologies strongly recommend using a kitchen multicooker to prepare the drink we are interested in. According to them, the tightness of this device provides a higher saturation of the drink with volatile aromas released by many spices and fruits. For the same reason, mulled wine will retain its maximum temperature during the final infusion. As for the temperature itself, it, like the duration of cooking (usually 15 minutes), can be programmed ahead of time.

    Fans of multicookers consider the only inconvenience to be the need to select the appropriate cooking mode in the case of various models of the devices mentioned. At the same time, they recommend experimenting with programs such as “stewing”, “frying”, “multi-cooking” and “steamer”.

    On our own behalf, we add that this kitchen appliance can be used only in the case of initial loading of all necessary ingredients. If the drink recipe requires their gradual addition, then the slow cooker will be completely useless.

    Mulled wine on the fire

    In principle, you can cook mulled wine in nature using a fire. To do this, at a minimum, you need to have wine, a kettle, a stable tripod and something suitable for stirring the contents of a camping vessel. If you are an experienced tourist, then you may find sugar and, possibly, even allspice in stock. In addition, it does not hurt to wander around the neighborhood in search of some backyard plot and beg from its owners for a couple of apples, pears or plums.

    Well, or you can do without romance. Namely, to plan everything ahead of time and take with you to nature not only wine, lemon, honey and spices, but also a special camping thermometer. At the service of especially down-to-earth personalities, there are always ready-made wine blends waiting for them on store shelves and requiring only a banal warm-up.

    At the same time, whichever option you choose, the main thing is not to forget to stir the contents of the pot and have time to remove it from the tripod in time.

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