Home Kashi Turkey cutlets for a child 1.5 years old. Recipes for delicious and healthy cutlets for children. Allergy to turkey

Turkey cutlets for a child 1.5 years old. Recipes for delicious and healthy cutlets for children. Allergy to turkey

Delicate taste Turkeys are loved by both children and adults. Today we will tell you why it is often offered to babies as the first meat food. You will also find out what dishes can be prepared from it, at what age it should be offered to the baby, for which diseases it is better to exclude it from the diet.

Composition and benefits

Turkey meat contains a minimum amount of fat. The breast is considered to be the most useful, however, it must be able to cook, as it is somewhat dry. Since there is practically no fat in it, it is often recommended to be used as diet food. In terms of nutrient content, turkey surpasses popular types of meat, including veal, chicken and beef. Among the main elements contained in it, it is worth highlighting iron (twice as much as in beef), selenium, magnesium, B vitamins, phosphorus, sodium.

In terms of phosphorus content, a turkey can be compared with sea ​​fish. Recall that this mineral is extremely important for brain function. Thanks to magnesium, its meat is good for the nervous system. Due to selenium, it reduces the likelihood of cancer. An important property is the hypoallergenicity of the turkey, individual intolerance to this product occurs in exceptional cases. It also boosts the immune system and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Other useful properties:

  • perfectly digested - almost completely, after eating turkey there is never a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • powerful antioxidant - this product helps to remove toxins and toxins;
  • the combination of magnesium, zinc, iron and tocopherol has a beneficial effect on nervous system, stabilizes the emotional state of the child;
  • regular use of turkey is shown to babies with sleep disturbance, it becomes stronger, the baby fully rests (and with it the mother);
  • helps to improve the condition of the skin if it is prone to cracking and excessively dry - this effect is achieved due to the tocopherol present in the meat.

Turkey contains all the proteins that are necessary for the full development of the child. The meat does not contain coarse fibers, they are tender, and there are no coarse tendons in them.

Attention! Turkey is allowed to be consumed by children with an allergy to chicken eggs.

Introduction of turkey to the diet of babies

Turkey meat is one of the best choices as a first food. If you are going to expand your child's diet with this product, we recommend that you comply with the following conditions:

  • the child had not tried a new food in the two weeks before;
  • there are no health problems;
  • no problems with bowel activity;
  • the baby is cheerful, active and cheerful.

To begin with, we recommend offering your child turkey meat puree. For the first time, 0.5 teaspoon of the dish is enough. The optimal time for "tasting" is lunch. The digestive system of the crumbs is already ready to receive thorough hearty meals. To give the puree the desired consistency, it can be diluted vegetable broth or breast milk.

Important! Prepare fresh meat for the baby, since the beneficial substances in ice cream are not so active, and even more so, we do not recommend giving the baby a canned product (with the exception of special baby purees). Within 2-3 hours after the first use of turkey meat, be especially vigilant - it is at this time that problems may arise caused by individual intolerance.

Turkey meat is hypoallergenic, so it will almost never cause health problems. True, only if it is fresh. Caution should be given to children who have kidney disease.


Turkey meat soufflé

Products: 200 g turkey, 2 chicken eggs, 1 slice white bread, 100 ml milk - goat or cow, 10-15 g butter, a little salt - you can do without it.


  • finely chop the turkey fillet;
  • put meat in a bowl, add milk and bread (without crust) - grind into a homogeneous mass;
  • separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites into a stable foam, and add the yolks to the minced meat;
  • mix all the ingredients - gently to keep the volume attached to the protein foam;
  • put the mass into pre-prepared molds (grease with draining oil) and place them in a multicooker on a wire rack (if this device is not available, you can cook a soufflé in a steam bath).

Cooking time is 40 minutes. Serve with vegetables. Soufflé goes well with pasta or mashed potatoes.

Turkey soup

Products: turkey meat - 200 g, 50 g of millet, 2 potatoes (not too large), a small carrot, onion, salt, herbs, bay leaf - to taste. The ingredients are based on 750-800 ml of water.


  • rinse the millet, then soak it for a couple of hours;
  • peel the vegetables, cut the meat into pieces and rinse thoroughly;
  • place the turkey in the multicooker bowl and pour water - it is important that it completely covers the meat;
  • start the "multi-cook" mode, if it is absent - "frying" for 10 minutes;
  • while the meat is being cooked, finely chop the potatoes, grate the carrots, put the whole onion in the dish - it can be pulled out to avoid irritation of the child (not all children love this vegetable);
  • when the “frying” process is completed, drain the water, and then remove the foam accumulated on the meat;
  • add washed cereals, vegetables, onions and spices to the main dish, salt;
  • set the "soup" mode, then press "start".

Strain the broth, chop the remaining products with a blender, then dilute it until the desired consistency is obtained. Top with herbs before serving.

Turkey with rice

The dish is designed for babies of early age - about 8-9 months. Products: 2 table. spoons of rice cereal, turkey meat (without bones) - 50 g, small carrots and onions.

Boil the meat with vegetables until cooked (it is permissible to use a steam or slow cooker). Cook rice separately. Bring all the ingredients together, then grind with a blender - the mass should be semi-liquid in consistency, so that it is convenient to feed the baby with it.

Turkey ragout with vegetables

The dish is suitable for children over the age of one year. Products: turkey meat - 50-70 g, three medium-sized potatoes, carrots and onions, sweet tomato(preferably not greenhouse, but ground), olive oil(if it is not available, you can replace it with sunflower - refined).

Cooking. Boil the turkey fillet until tender, then cut into small oblong pieces. Rinse the vegetables, then peel and chop finely. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, fry vegetables and meat in it, at the very end add grated tomato (or peeled). Add a little water, not too much, then cover with a lid - after boiling, simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

Steamed turkey cutlets

Products: 400 turkeys, potatoes - 1-2 medium-sized pieces, 1 chicken egg.

Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water, then grind with a blender, at the very end of processing, add finely chopped potatoes and eggs. Salt, knead, form cutlets. Cook for a couple or in a slow cooker on a special grill. If you don't have a blender, mince the minced meat with a fine-grid meat grinder (or grind it twice).

Meat must be present in the diet of babies. It fills the body with the necessary proteins and useful elements, restores strength and tone, strengthens the immune system. Meat and meat dishes prevent the development of anemia, stimulate the growth of cells and tissues, brain function, improve appetite. Meat is introduced into complementary foods for babies at the age of 8 months. Children on artificial or mixed feeding are given this product as early as six months.

The best dish for a child will be mashed turkey. For the first time, let the baby try 10 ml meat puree and observe the reaction for two days. If you notice a violation of digestion and stool, or other negative reaction, postpone the introduction and consult a doctor. You can try again no earlier than in a month.

If there is no negative reaction, you can continue to introduce turkey dishes into the baby's diet. Gradually increase the dose to 100-120 ml. Give meat in the morning so that the product is easier to digest and digest in the baby's body. Each time it is better to cook a new portion so that the food retains vitamins and useful elements as much as possible. If necessary, ready-made meat puree or another dish for babies can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Give your baby warm food. Hot food can burn the delicate esophagus, and cold food loses half useful properties. After mashed potatoes, other dishes can be introduced, including cutlets and meatballs, soups from broths and turkeys, stews and salads.

How to cook a turkey for kids

Turkey for children should be served stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. Eliminate fried foods from the diet, as they are difficult to digest, often disrupt digestion and lead to excess weight. In addition, hot spices and seasonings cannot be used for cooking; salt and pepper are also best excluded for babies under one year old. After 10-12 months, food can be slightly salted and peppered.

Give preference fresh meat, fillet and turkey breast. In addition, you can use homemade minced meat from poultry to make cutlets or meatballs. By the way, it is better to start with small meatballs, as they are easier to chew. Turkey meatballs for children can be served with vegetable puree, rice, pasta, buckwheat or put in soup.

Start feeding with puree. To prepare mashed potatoes, boil the meat and pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. You can lightly salt, add a little vegetable oil for taste. If necessary, puree is diluted with water, vegetable broth, breast milk or formula.

Many are interested in how much to cook a turkey for a child. As a rule, the cooking time takes 1.5-2 hours. For children, the meat is first boiled for half an hour, then the water is drained and a new one is poured, then boiled for another 1.5 hours. It is enough to cook the fillet for 30-40 minutes after draining the water. meat broth better, since it negatively affects the digestion of the child, irritates the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. If you are preparing turkey soup for a child, boil the meat separately, chop and add to the already prepared broth with vegetables.

It is better not to give ready-made baby food and canned meat to babies, as they contain various additives. It is not recommended to cook offal, although the tongue and liver are very useful due to the large amount of iron. However, they accumulate toxic substances, so it is better to include offal in the diet after three years.

Turkey recipes for babies

Meat puree in the first complementary foods for a couple and in a slow cooker

  • Turkey fillet or breast - 100 gr;
  • Water, breast milk or milk formula - 100 ml.

Rinse the fillet well and boil or steam, chop in a meat grinder or in a blender. Then pour half a glass of boiled water, milk or ready mix. You can again pass through the blender. After the baby gets used to the new dish, you can dilute the puree with vegetable broth. Then two or three drops of vegetable oil, a little salt are added to the dish.

Turkey puree in a slow cooker is also easy to prepare. The prepared fillet is laid out on the grate, a liter of water is poured into the bowl, or you can cook another dish, for example, soup for the whole family. Steamed for 40 minutes. Then the dish is also diluted. Gradually, the puree is mixed with other ingredients. Meat puree can be given with (from zucchini, potatoes, broccoli or cauliflower, with carrots and herbs).

Soup with noodles for children over one year old

  • Turkey fillet - 250 gr;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Homemade noodles - 150 gr;
  • Bulb - 1 head;
  • Chopped spinach to taste.

Boil the turkey separately, drain the broth. For cooking homemade noodles break two eggs, pour in 30 ml of water and add a glass of flour. Knead the dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut out the noodles. Put a whole onion, chopped spinach into boiling water. Cut potatoes and add to soup. After two minutes, add the noodles and cook until they float. Take out the bulb.

Turkey cutlets and meatballs

  • Turkey fillet or breast - 700 gr;
  • Quail eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Bread soaked in brackish water - 100 gr.

Pour the turkey with cool water and leave for 4-6 hours, periodically changing the water. Then twist the meat into minced meat. Salt, pepper do not add. For children over 1.5-2 years old, you can put chopped onion or crushed garlic in minced meat. Break the eggs into the minced meat and add the soaked bread. By the way, instead of bread, you can use thick barley or oatmeal porridge. The mixture should not drip off the spoon.

Mix the resulting mass thoroughly, you can additionally put chopped greens or vegetables. It is important that each ingredient has already been introduced into the baby's diet! From minced meat, form cutlets and meatballs of the desired shape and steam for 40 minutes.

Turkey Meatballs for Toddlers

  • Turkey breast or fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Bulb - 1 head;
  • Quail eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Chopped herbs to taste.

Stewed turkey fillet for children 1.5-3 years old

  • Turkey fillet - 300 gr;
  • Green apple - 2 medium fruits;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

Chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Cut the fillet into pieces and add to the onion. Dilute the garlic and add to the pan. Peel the apple and cut into cubes, put to the meat. Lightly salt the ingredients and pour in a glass of water. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed, adding more water if needed.

Salad for children 1.5-2 years old

  • Cauliflower - 150 gr;
  • Turkey fillet - 150 gr;
  • Carrots - 150 gr;
  • Fresh green pea- 50 gr..

Parents who care about the health of the younger generation always try to combine benefits, taste, and aesthetics in one treat. Our turkey recipes for children will help you easily cope with this task: these foods are healthy because they carry almost no unhealthy fats. After all, meat can be served not only in fried or boiled form - there are a huge number of interesting ways to cook it.

We'll show you how to prepare delicious baby turkey dishes that not only the smallest members of your family will surely appreciate - adults will also like them. This lean meat will appeal to both slimming young ladies and men who want to build muscle mass. In a word, this is not a simple, but clearly a golden bird that will help you amaze everyone with your culinary skills.

Top 3 reasons to say “Yes!” turkey meat

  • Turkey meat is rich in vitamins A and E, which are extremely beneficial for our skin and hair.
  • The meat of this bird is easier and much faster than beef, pork and chicken, is absorbed by our body.
  • This product contains a lot of iron, so its enhanced intake is prescribed for patients with anemia.

We hope we have helped you to establish yourself in the opinion that turkey is worthy of being included both in the menu of your child and the whole family as a whole. Well, now let's look at some unusual and original ways of cooking turkeys!

Pasta with sauce? No no and one more time no! Our turkey recipe for kids will give a hundred points ahead to a banal recipe that tastes like a school cafeteria! Delight the baby and the rest of the family with a classic Italian treat that will take you to the suburbs of Rome.

Pasta with turkey “Viva Italia!”


  • Turkey (fillet) - 450 g + -
  • Eggplant - 1 fruit + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - a third of tsp + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • quarter fruit + -
  • Spiral pasta— 350 g + -


1. We send our pasta and cook, stirring occasionally. Italians prefer to undercook pasta a little until softened - they call this state al dente. If you need to achieve the same effect, drain the water a couple of minutes before the product is ready.

2. Cut the turkey into small pieces, salt and squeeze lemon juice into this mixture. Leave to stand for a while so that the meat is slightly marinated.

3. Grind the eggplant into small cubes, first removing the skin from it.

4. Cut the mushrooms into several pieces and attach to the eggplant slices.

5. Fry the meat well in a pan with butter.

6. Pour the vegetable mixture to the turkey in a pan and fry until the eggplant and champignons become soft.

7. Pour the composition in the pan with cream and let it stew so that everything thickens.

8. Add spirals to the pan, mix and hold the dish on the fire for a couple more minutes.

Ready! You have an amazingly delicious baby dish from turkey, which will surely please the child and become one of his favorite treats!

*Cook's Tips
Cream, in case of their absence, can be replaced with the same amount of fresh milk, but then do not forget to add a spoon or two to the pan wheat flour so that the food does not turn out too liquid.
It is best to serve pasta according to our recipe, sprinkling it with finely chopped herbs: parsley, dill, thyme, etc.

Cutlets “Kolobok with a secret”


  • Wheat bread - 100 g + -
  • Minced turkey - 0.5 kg + -
  • - half tsp + -
  • Fresh cottage cheese - 250 g + -
  • Breadcrumbs- 4 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 120 ml + -
  • 3. Finely chop the greens and mix with cottage cheese until smooth. If this is difficult, use a blender.

    4. Now we form our “koloboks”: we take a small piece of minced meat, knead it into a plump cake. On it we put about three times the smaller ball of the cottage cheese filling and roll it with minced meat on all sides so that we get a circle.

    5. Roll each breaded ball and send it to the pan. We fry the “koloboks”, abundantly filled with oil, from all sides. We place the finished balls on a paper towel, which will absorb excess fat.

    The resulting “snacks” can be served both as a full-fledged meal and with any side dish - in any form, the child will like it. "Koloboks with secrets" will be especially interesting for young participants children's holiday– who doesn’t want to see what the “secret” is inside a meat ball?

    These turkey dishes for children are not banal boring products that you literally have to force into a child, but mouth-watering products for little gourmets.

    Our treats are likely to become favorites not only among the younger generation, but also among adult family members.

Meat and fish dishes play an important role in the baby's diet. These are sources of protein, trace elements and vitamins, so necessary for the health of the crumbs - its normal development and growth. And the child’s menu can be diversified by offering him cutlets and meatballs from these products. There are a lot of recipes for preparing delicious and healthy dishes - the baby will never refuse such a treat.

When to add cutlets to the baby's diet?

When a child turns 8 months old, lean meat is introduced into his diet - complementary foods begin with "canned" or homemade puree. At this age, it is too early to give the baby cutlets - firstly, he still chews food with difficulty, and secondly, other ingredients are included in the minced meat, which little child while eating early.

Add lean meat or fish cutlets to your baby's diet from about 1-1.5 years old. During this period, children are already beginning to get acquainted with "adult" food - it's time to offer him dishes based on minced meat. This is a great way to create a balanced menu for a child if he doesn’t like meat very much - he definitely won’t refuse tasty, fragrant cutlets. Cutlets in size and consistency are perfect for baby food- Babies can easily chew them.

At the age of 1.5 years, the child needs about 60-80 g daily meat products. 1-2 times a week, if the crumbs do not have allergies, it is permissible to replace meat with fish. Choose those recipes for cutlets and meatballs that are suitable for the age of the baby, and make his diet not only balanced, but also varied.

When compiling a menu for baby food, it is worth paying great attention to the quality of products. And cutlets, of course, are no exception - the dish should be prepared according to certain rules.

For meat dishes, take veal or lean pork, rabbit, beef. But lamb is not recommended for children under 3 years old. Prepare mince from chilled meat- so you can "trace" the quality of the original product. For children's cutlets, carbonate, shoulder blade, thigh are perfect. The meat is pre-cleaned of all films, washed, dried with a paper towel, cut into small pieces and chopped with a meat grinder. To prepare dishes for babies 1.5-2 years old, twist the meat twice.

If you are going to cook poultry cutlets, choose chicken or turkey - this is diet foods suitable for baby food. It is worth giving up goose and duck until the child is 3 years old - this meat is poorly digested by the baby's digestive system. Suitable thighs, breast fillets, drumsticks.

As for fish cakes, introduce dishes made from low-fat fish - pollock, hake, catfish, sole, halibut into the diet of the crumbs. Use only chilled product. And despite the fact that in the future you will pass the fillet through a meat grinder, remove even the smallest bones from the fish.

Whatever recipe for cooking cutlets you choose, it is important to choose The right way heat treatment. And if "adult" minced meat dishes, as a rule, are fried in a pan with the addition of oil, then food cooked in a double boiler or baked in the oven is suitable for the children's menu. And only for children over 2 years old it is allowed to overcook the cutlets a little with further stewing them in the sauce.

If the meat in the baby's diet is combined with the "right" side dish, it will be completely absorbed by the child's body.

Potatoes are usually served with meat dishes. But it's not the best the best way for kids - it turns out too "heavy" lunch. to meat and fish cakes offer your child vegetables - green peas, zucchini, carrots, cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower). Vegetable side dishes can be boiled or stewed, served fresh. Another good side dish will be porridge cooked on water - buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. Does your kid love pasta? Then boil a small portion of noodles to cutlets.

The diet of babies after a year can be supplemented by far more than one type of meat and fish cakes.

Try these meatball recipes:

Beef cutlets - from 1-1.5 years

Prepare everything necessary products- 20 ml of milk, 2 g of natural butter, a slice of white bread, 100 g of chilled beef. Bread, after removing the crust from it, soak for a short time in the entire prepared volume of milk. Then grind it together with the meat in a meat grinder. Add softened butter to the mass, mix everything. Make cutlets out of minced meat, cook them in a double boiler for 20-25 minutes.

Cutlets stuffed with vegetables - from 2 years old

You will need the following products - 2 tsp grated carrots, 1 tsp finely chopped onion, 90 g minced beef, 10 g finely chopped white cabbage, a quarter of a boiled egg, 5 g of natural butter. Mix finely chopped carrots, cabbage, eggs and onions - this will be the “filling” for cutlets. Prepared Ground beef divide into cakes, in the center of each put a little vegetable mix. Pinch the edges of the cakes. Fry the cutlets in a pan for 1-3 minutes, and then bake them in the oven for 10-20 minutes.

Zrazy with groats - from 2-3 years old

Zrazy are prepared from the following products - a slice of white bread, 30 g of boiled buckwheat, 90 g of beef, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped onion, a third of a boiled egg. Grind bread and meat soaked in water in a meat grinder. Prepare the filling - mix the cereal with the egg and onion. Now chopped meat divide into several cakes, put the filling in the center of each, form cutlets. The dish is baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Turkey cutlets - from 1.5-2 years

Grind 100 g of turkey fillet. With minced meat, mix 10 ml of milk, pre-boiled 20 g of rice, half raw egg. From the resulting mass, make cutlets. Cook the dish in a double boiler for 20-25 minutes.

Fish cutlets - from 1-1.5 years

Prepare 100 g of pike perch fillet, 20 ml of milk, 5 g of natural butter, a slice of white bread. Grind bread, fish and meat to a state of minced meat. Form cutlets. Cook the dish in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

Fish cakes with cheese - from 2-3 years old

You will need such products - 300 g of pike perch fillet, 30 g of hard cheese, a slice of white bread, a quarter of an onion, 20 ml of milk, half an egg, flour for sprinkling. Grind bread soaked in milk, fish and onion. Mix finely grated cheese and egg with the mass. Make cutlets, sprinkle them with flour, fry in a pan for 1-3 minutes, and then simmer in water until fully cooked.

Fish meatballs with cottage cheese - from 2-3 years old

The following ingredients will be required - 60 g of cod fillet, 30 g of natural cottage cheese, a slice of white bread, 150 ml of milk, 1 tsp finely chopped onion, half an egg, 2 tbsp. l low-fat sour cream, fresh herbs. Grind fish, onions and bread soaked in milk until minced. Mix the mass with cottage cheese, beaten egg and chopped herbs. Make meatballs, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for 15 minutes. Now prepare the sauce - mix sour cream and milk well. Pour the meatballs with the resulting mass and simmer them for at least another 10 minutes.

Using these recipes, you can "prepare" healthy meals for several dinners - just send the formed cutlets to the freeze. But repeated freezing / defrosting of products is not allowed!

The growing body of the baby needs additional nutrition in the form of complementary foods, even if it is on breastfeeding. First of all, they begin to introduce vegetables and fruits into the diet, and then meat. A healthy child of the first year of life begins to give meat complementary foods at the age of 6-7 months. For a child at this time, it is very important for development to receive essential amino acids, which are found only in animal products. Turkey meat is one of the safest meat options available.

Rules for introducing meat into the diet

A baby over 6 months old can be safely given meat, since its digestive system contains all the enzymes that digest animal products. Often, a baby's acquaintance with meat dishes begins with a turkey, because there is no allergy to it.

In practice, it is better to introduce meat complementary foods for a child 2 months after the introduction of vegetables and cereals into the diet. If the first complementary foods were at six months, then meat should be introduced at 8 months. With severe anemia, meat puree is given at 6 months.

There are certain feeding rules:

  • It is undesirable to give the first time any new product during hot weather, this will be an additional burden on the child.
  • Complementary feeding should be started when the baby is in a good mood, everything is in order with health.
  • If the baby is scheduled to be vaccinated in the near future or has already been vaccinated, then the usual menu should not be changed either.
  • You don't need to introduce new products often. Getting used to change next product include in the menu not earlier than after 2 weeks.
  • For the first time, the baby is given 1 teaspoon of mashed meat. It's better to add it to vegetable puree, or dilute with breast milk, and with artificial feeding with milk formula.
  • Meat complementary foods are best done at lunchtime, and then observe the reaction of the child. Allergies can show up after a few hours.

Puree is given warm before the main milk feeding. It is necessary to pick up a comfortable spoon for the baby - shallow and narrow. The kid should be comfortable using such a cutlery. He should enjoy the new product, then complementary foods will pass without problems.

The best dish for children

Rabbit and turkey are considered optimal for complementary foods; allergies to them are very rare. But it is better to use them in their natural, rather than canned form. Turkey has many advantages over the meat of other birds and animals:

  1. it refers to dietary nutrition;
  2. turkey fibers are tender because they contain little coarse connective tissue;
  3. a large number of extractives give the dish a pleasant smell and taste;
  4. turkey meat contains little cholesterol;
  5. it can be safely given to a baby who is allergic to egg protein.

Turkey meat has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps to strengthen it. This product is useful for the heart, which needs high-quality protein for development and work. Complementary foods from such a product will be useful, will not cause unpleasant reactions from the digestive system. Especially if the dish is cooked in a slow cooker or steamed.

How to Serve Meat


The best serving option is mashed turkey meat.


For a baby, this will be a heavy meal. Turkey soup is recommended for children not earlier than 1.5 years. In infants, the digestive system is not ready to receive such food. Harmful substances from meat are boiled into the broth. A liquid saturated with active substances increases the secretion of gastric juice, irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.


The tongue and liver are useful for babies, but these products should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 10 months. The liver is a good source of iron, well absorbed in the body of a small child. But it is the liver that accumulates toxic substances and medicines used by the animal. That is why the decision on how much of this by-product a child needs should be decided with a pediatrician.

Canned meat

Many canned foods are produced for baby food, including meat dishes. Canned goods are convenient to use, their production is controlled, raw materials are selected according to high standards. But it is better not to use them for complementary foods, because even simple meat puree contains additives, such as starch. Such extra components should not be present in the diet of a baby, especially a young one.

home cooking

It's not difficult to make soup, meatballs, or mashed turkey meat at home. With turkey, you can diversify the child's menu by preparing hearty and healthy dishes. They can be steamed, on the stove or in a slow cooker. Over time, the baby will have a favorite recipe for a turkey dish.

To cook such a dish at home, you need to buy fresh meat, rinse it thoroughly. It is better to take the turkey in a whole piece, and not sliced. The surface color of the piece should be uniform pink. Red color indicates improper storage of the product. You can find a recipe in which it is advised to soak meat of any origin in cold water. This is done so that all harmful substances go into the water.

From a whole piece, you need to cut off a piece the size of a palm. For the first time, this will be enough. How much the child will eat will be seen in the future. The remaining meat should be cut into the same pieces or a little more, then put in the freezer. For a small child, all products can be defrosted no more than once. How much meat to cut off, it will be clear later from practice, you need one amount for soup, to cook meatballs, you need a different volume.

Broth preparation

From the turkey, you must first cut off the films, remove cartilage and fat deposits. Place a piece in a bowl cold water, bring the broth to a boil, cook for about 5 minutes. Then drain the water and add new water. It is necessary to cook the baby soup on a secondary broth, this will get rid of fat and other substances that impede digestion. For the first feeding, this is very important, since meat food is heavy for the stomach.

The water should completely cover the turkey. It is necessary to cook the baby without adding salt and other seasonings, over low heat. It takes about 1.5 hours to cook. When the water boils away, it is poured. Ready broth must be filtered. It can be added to vegetable dishes, cook liver in it, cook soup for older children. For children of the first year of life, meat broth is not used.

Cooking in a multicooker

The turkey cooks well in the slow cooker. It doesn't take much time and effort. The fillet must be put on the grill, set to the “steamed” mode, it is in every multicooker. It takes approximately 40 minutes to cook. Cut the cooked turkey into pieces, then grind in a blender until smooth.

The turkey needs to be diluted with something, because it has a dryish meat. Good for this vegetable oil, a decoction of vegetables or just pure boiled water. Ready meal do not store more than a day in the refrigerator.

How to make delicious turkey puree

Every mother has good recipe cooking such a dish, for complementary foods, this is the best option. boiled turkey cool, scroll through a meat grinder twice. But for complementary foods, you still need to chop the turkey in a blender. Even if the recipe does not provide for such a consistency, it is better to give the baby well-chopped meat.

Then dilute the puree with a decoction of vegetables; small children should not add broth. Bring to a boil again, stir well. You can add a piece of butter for taste if it can already be introduced into the diet. When breastfeeding, it can be diluted with breast milk. Add as much as needed for the desired consistency, but then do not boil.

Delicious liver for kids

It is necessary to offer this offal to children up to a year 1 time per week. For such small livers, you only need to boil or cook in a slow cooker. To prepare a tender pate, you will need not only the liver, but also a turkey (a small piece, the same size as the liver). It is necessary to give such a dish as complementary foods if meat dishes are well digested.

The classic recipe provides an equal amount of offal and meat, but sometimes kids don't really like the taste of the liver. Then its amount can be reduced, we must decide for ourselves how much to put it.

Liver with turkey should be boiled separately, you can add carrots. Then skip 2 times through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Sometimes you can find a recipe where there is advice to add butter, but this is already for children over a year old. If the pate turned out to be thick or dry, then it is better to add vegetable broth. Meat broth should not be added to the pate for small children.

Meatballs for kids

This dish is not introduced into the first complementary foods, but much later, when soup can be eaten. This happens around the tenth month of the first year. Turkey is great for making meatballs. The easiest recipe is turkey soup.

The fillet, scrolled through a meat grinder, is formed into balls, lowered into the soup for 15 minutes. If the baby already has teeth, then you can let him try to bite a piece of meatball. When there is still nothing to chew on, the meatballs will have to be mashed with a fork. You can cook this dish in a slow cooker. How many minutes to put on the timer you need to decide on your own, it all depends on how big the meatballs will be.

They can also be mixed with . This cereal is quite popular in the nutrition of babies. And with a turkey, you will like it even more. Ready ground buckwheat and meatballs are mixed, a little butter is added, and tasty dish ready.

Allergy to turkey

Intolerance to such meat in infants is very rare. Allergy is manifested by a small rash on the chin or on the tummy. Usually, this does not bring inconvenience to babies, they do not comb these areas. Rashes may not appear immediately, but six to seven hours after eating, which is why it is difficult to understand the reason for such a reaction. Sometimes allergies are manifested by persistent nasal congestion. If the treatment of the common cold does not give results, it is necessary to consult with allergists.

In most cases, turkey meat allergies go away with age. To alleviate the condition of the baby, this product should be excluded from the diet.

More often, an allergy occurs to turkey dishes in canned food, but properly cooked meat at home is digested well.

Small results

It is possible and necessary to cook turkey meat for infants. We need to find a recipe so that the little man likes the taste of this bird. Allergies to new foods can appear from the very first feeding, but turkey rarely causes such a reaction, so it is often used in infant nutrition. Parents decide how to serve this valuable product and how to cook, because without the beneficial amino acids of animal protein, it will be difficult for a baby to fully develop.

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