Home Product Ratings Potato starch and how to make it at home. Technology for the preparation of potato starch

Potato starch and how to make it at home. Technology for the preparation of potato starch

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Getting starch interested me when I was with my grandmother in the summer. Every year, after the potato harvest, the grandmother collects defective tubers and makes starch at home.

I was wondering what is starch? What is starch for? Will I be able to get starch from potatoes at home?

Object of study: potatoes growing in Ura-Guba and vg. Nodal Tula region.

Subject of study: potato starch.

Objective:- get starch at home.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to decide tasks:

    collect and process information about starch;

    learn how to get starch at home;

    isolate starch from potatoes at home;

    analyze the results;

    consider the use of starch.

Relevance: In our age of physical inactivity, the problem of excess weight is very relevant, nutritionists “blame” starch for all troubles, and therefore the diet begins with the restriction of potatoes. However, it is impossible to completely exclude potatoes from the diet, because. the starch it contains is an important source of energy for the body

Research hypothesis: I assume that the amount of starch in the same potato variety is the same, regardless of the weather and growing conditions.

Research methods:

    Literature review



    Analysis and generalization of results

Practical significance work consists in processing and systematizing information on the topic of research and obtaining starch at home.

Starch - interpretation, meaning, meaning

V "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary" the scientific definition of starch is given: STARCH - (a word from Polish, from Polish krochmal, German Kraftmehl ) reserve carbohydrate of plants; consists of two polysaccharides - amylose and amylopectin, formed by glucose residues. Accumulates in the form of grains, mainly in the cells of seeds, bulbs, tubers, as well as in leaves and stems. Starch is the main part of the most important food products: flour (75-80%), potatoes (25%) and others. Starch and its derivatives are used in the production of paper, textiles, adhesives, foundry and other industries, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

The interpretation of the word starch in "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dahl : « STARCH- purely floury part of the seeds, especially cereal plants; it is obtained by the lobe of grains, in the form of a white powder, more from wheat and potatoes; due to its stickiness, it goes to stiffen and iron the linen, which is why it is also called mourned (mourn). Starch linen, grieve, make it hard, saturating it with sorrow, starch, soak it with boiled, and sometimes raw starch solution: We only starch thin linen. The lady starches a lot, loves a lush, starched dress. starch (mourning) starch - the process of starching, starch (starch) - the one who makes starch, starch-box - a pan for cooking starch, paste.

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov helped to clarify the biological process of the appearance of starch in plants: " STARCH- a carbohydrate of a special composition, formed in the form of tiny grains in the green parts of plants from atmospheric carbon dioxide under the action of light (chem., bot.). The product from such grains of various plants is used in the food, chemical and textile industries, in laundry.

The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia defines starch as follows: “A tasteless white powder, insoluble in cold water. Under the microscope, you can see that it is a granular powder; when compressing the starch powder in the hand, it emits a characteristic "squeak" caused by the friction of the particles.

V hot water swells (dissolves), forming a viscous solution - a paste; with a solution of iodine forms an inclusion compound, which has a blue color.

So I did the following conclusions:

The starch in the tuber is in the form of small grains inside the cell;

Starch is an essential nutrient for potatoes and is needed as a source of energy for growth and sustenance.

In the future, it is necessary to find out which potato contains more starch: grown in our natural conditions or in central Russia. To do this, you need to extract the starch from the tubers.

Defined a plan work on obtaining and researching starch:

1) isolate starch from potato tubers;

2) experimentally using an alcoholic solution of iodine to prove that the resulting substance is starch;

3) show practical ways of using starch in everyday life and creativity.

In the distant past

The production of starch was known in ancient times. According to a number of ancient writers, wheat starch was obtained on the Mediterranean islands, in ancient Greece and Rome. Wheat grains were soaked in sweetened water in wooden vats, fermented, then kneaded with their feet, then the mass was passed through a linen cloth or a sieve; the resulting starch suspension was precipitated in special settling tanks, raw starch was smeared on stones and dried in the sun. The beginning of the production of starch from wheat in other European countries dates back to the 16th century, and in the 17th century. almost simultaneously with the spread of the potato culture imported from America, potato starch began to be obtained. The production of potato starch spread more widely in almost all European countries at the end of the 18th century. after the invention of the hand grater.

How do I get potato starch?

The experimental part was carried out in March.

For the experiment, I chose 2 Nevsky potato tubers, approximately the same size, grown in my grandmother's dacha in the town of Uzlovaya, Tula Region, and in the neighboring village of Ura-Guba. (Appendix 1.2)

To find out which of these potato varieties contains more starch, I weighed the tubers. It turned out that 142 grams of each type of potato. I chopped washed potatoes of the same variety on a fine grater, periodically wetting it with water. Thus I received potato porridge. The resulting mass was poured with a small amount of water so that the starch did not darken, mixed and filtered through gauze. Potato grounds were shaken several times with water and passed through a sieve. The water washed out the grains of starch from the potatoes (Appendix 3).

The filtered portions of water were left to stand. Without shaking, she carefully drained the top liquid and left the starch to dry.

After about a day, the starch dried up, and I crushed it with a spoon to get rid of lumps. At the same time, the starch crunched like snow. I got two heaps of starch from different potatoes. One was larger than the other. Weighing showed that we isolated 4.25 grams of starch from potatoes grown in the middle lane, and 1.95 grams from potatoes grown in Ura-Guba (Appendix 4.5).

This means that the starch content in potatoes depends on its growth. starch properties simple experiments, based on the definition of starch, we study its properties. Experience 1. We compare starch made at home, and industrial product. (Annex 6) Conclusion: no significant differences observed. Experience 2. Add some starch to the water. (Appendix 6) The water becomes cloudy. After some time, sediment appears at the bottom of the container. We observed this property in the process of isolating starch from potatoes (the starch settled to the bottom of the container). Conclusion: starch does not dissolve in water. Experiment 3. We checked the reaction of iodine with starch. (Annex 6)

  1. Starch obtained from different potatoes and bought in a store was mixed in three containers.
  2. Added iodine to each container, observed a change in the color of liquids - blue solutions.
  3. We compared the color in the containers - it turned out to be the same.
Conclusion: these experiments demonstrated that we isolated starch from potatoes, a qualitative reaction to which is the coloring of an iodine solution in blue.

Use of starch

Starch products obtained from corn and potatoes are of great economic importance and are used for food and technical purposes.

    At a temperature of 60 degrees, starch swells (dissolves), forming a viscous solution - a paste. This property is used in the preparation of jelly.

    Modern confectioners use starch as a thickener in marmalade and dairy products.

    The adhesive properties of starch make it possible to include it in building mixtures, during painting and finishing works.

    Starch is especially widely used in the textile industry to impart density to fabrics and to thicken printing inks.

    Starch is used in the leather, printing industry.

    Potato starch serves as the basis for various ointments, tablets, powders, powders, compresses, is used as an enveloping, softening and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It protects the intestinal mucosa from irritation when taking medications. Starch baths relieve itching of diathesis in children.

    Starch is widely used in cosmetology (included in masks, creams, powders, etc.)

    Making toys.

I decided to make my own “mushroom toys”.

It's not hard to make them.

1. Prepared a balloon, potato starch, marker and yarn.

2. Pour starch into the ball using a cardboard tube from food foil and tie a knot.

3. Draw a face.

(Annex 7)


The main source of energy for the human body is carbohydrates. They account for more than 70% of the human diet. The main representative of carbohydrates in human nutrition is starch.

In the course of the work, we found out that the northern potato contains less starch.

The work hypothesis was not confirmed.

In the northern regions, potato harvesting is often timed not to the time of the natural death of the tops, when the starch content in the tubers is maximum and the highest yield, but to the first frost, which kills the tops, which leads to a reduced starch content of the tubers. The longer day in northern regions delays not only tuberization, but also starch synthesis. Temperature conditions also have a certain effect on starch accumulation. Cool and cloudy weather (weather in northern latitudes) restrains starch accumulation, moderately warm and sunny weather increases it.

Research results:

    I learned to work not only with books, but also with Internet resources, getting information;

    learned to isolate starch from potatoes;

    mastered the technology of conducting experiments with starch;

    studied the properties of starch

To get answers to questions, it is not necessary to wait until we start studying chemistry. You can just arrange a laboratory in the kitchen!


    Great children's encyclopedia. Chemistry/Comp. K. Lucis. M.: Russian encyclopedic partnership. 2000.

    Small children's encyclopedia. Chemistry./Comp. K. Lucis. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2001.

    Olgin O. Amusing chemistry for children. M .: "Children's literature", 1997.

    Pleshakov A. The world around us. Textbook for grade 4 beginning. schools. - M.: "Enlightenment", 2009.

Internet resources:




APPENDIX 1. Potato tubers grown in a country house in the Tula region.

APPENDIX 2: Potato tubers grown in the village of Ura-Guba

APPENDIX 3: Steps to make starch at home

APPENDIX 4: Starch from potatoes grown in Ura Guba

APPENDIX 5: Starch from potatoes grown in a country house in the Tula region

APPENDIX 6: Comparison of starch properties

APPENDIX 7: Making a Teddy Bear

Starch is considered an integral component of plants, seeds, fruits. Ready friable substance is widely used in industry and everyday life. The most commonly used starch is made from potatoes. The composition is easiest to obtain from tubers, and its cost is also the lowest. Often, it is potato starch that housewives add to the dough, prepare jelly, or wash bed linen with it.

Potato starch at home

  1. To prepare starch, you will need potatoes, a grater and a sharp knife. If you take 2 kg. root crops, about 85 gr. loose white powder. You will spend about 60 hours preparing starch. The preparation process itself takes about 35 minutes.
  2. Rinse the root crops, remove the uniform. Get rid of damaged areas and sprouts. Run the potatoes through a food processor or blender. Send the finished mixture to a sieve, strain well. As a result, you will get a brownish liquid. Dry potato mass you can use for potato pancakes.
  3. Leave the liquid composition in the container for about half an hour, in the allotted time a cream-colored precipitate forms - starch. Carefully drain off excess potato juice. Next, add to the container with the substance cold water, stir thoroughly. Wait again until a precipitate forms. Carry out manipulations until the water is clear and the substance is white.
  4. Take a suitable tray, cover it with a cloth or parchment paper. Try to drain as much liquid as possible. Then put the starch on a tray, let the substance dry at room temperature. After 9 hours, knead the dried layer of powder, break up all the lumps, wait until it dries completely.
  5. To dry the starch, if possible, select a room with low air humidity, the duration of the procedure will depend on this factor. In extreme cases, you will need about 3 days to complete the process. After drying the starch, small lumps may form, grind the substance into dust using a coffee grinder.
  6. Powdered starch can be added to various dishes(pastries, jelly, etc.). Store the substance in a dry closed container. Choose a suitable glass or plastic container. Be sure to check if the lid fits snugly. Every time you use starch, make sure that moisture does not get into the composition.

Rice starch at home

  1. Take 1 kg. ordinary non-steamed rice, rinse well and fill with water so that the liquid covers the composition by 3 cm. Pour 95 gr. baking soda. Mix the composition, leave for 12 hours. After the specified time, drain the water, rinse the rice well, put it on a tray, let the product dry.
  2. Divide the rice into small portions, place in a blender bowl, grind until a homogeneous gruel. Pour the resulting rice mass with cold water, pour 80 gr. table soda. Mix thoroughly, leave to infuse for 6-7 hours, while stirring occasionally (about 6 times).
  3. After a certain time, filter the product through a fine sieve. Cover the grid of the household appliance with a dense layer of gauze. Mix the composition well, start draining through the filter at hand into the container so that there is no sediment left. After the manipulation, get rid of the substance that has formed on the tissue. Wait a while for the starch to settle.
  4. Carefully drain the liquid from the pan without shaking the water. Divide the process into several stages, so the starch will settle, and you, in turn, will drain the maximum possible liquid. Collect the remaining water with a syringe.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the wet starch in a thin layer, allow the product to dry. Once the process is completed, pass the finished composition through a coffee grinder. If you did everything right, then from 1 kg. rice at the output will be approximately 800 gr. pure starch.

  1. If you are a big fan of potatoes, a vegetable, it does not pose any harm to the body. Therefore, you can eat at least 5 kg. root crops during the day. Unfortunately, there is one "but": using potato dishes in the daily diet, the menu should not contain any other products.
  2. Natural starch a priori cannot harm the human body. Adversely affects the state of health modified and refined White powder which is sold on store shelves. Unlike starch of vegetable origin, the production composition is subjected to many chemical treatments.
  3. Starch is a pure carbohydrate with a complex chemical network. The substance is found in almost all fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts and legumes. The white powder is easily absorbed by the human body.
  4. After consumption, starch is converted into glucose. Based on this chemical process, a person in a short time receives a tangible charge of energy and vigor. If you prefer to eat starchy fresh foods, they should be eaten in combination with fats.
  5. Such a move will enrich the body with microelements, vitamins and minerals. Getting the most out of vegetables, you need to cook them on steam bath, in any case, do not fry. Consider the fact that only natural starch has all of the above useful qualities.

To make natural healthy starch at home, you should arm yourself with patience. In the end, the result will be worth it. If you care about your health, you should not abuse purchased starch by adding it to various dishes.

Video: how to make homemade starch

although some of them can be replaced with their own, and they are known to be more useful. Here potato starch , just the kind of product that you can do yourself.

Of course, it will need suitable raw materials, and it would be foolish to buy potatoes, and then use them to make such homemade starch. So this recipe is more suitable for those who have their own potatoes in the cellar.

For starch fresh potatoes not needed at all. A little frostbitten is even suitable here (which happens in winter), or, as it is now, already strongly sprouted. After all, it’s already the end of July and the old potatoes have already sprouted and wrinkled so much that you don’t want to eat them.

Moreover, new crop potatoes have already appeared in the markets and shops, and someone has already quietly begun to dig their own. But the old one, so as not to throw it away, can be processed in this way and you will get your own, homemade starch, certainly without chemistry, if you cook it for yourself.

Making potato starch at home

The technology, I must say, does not differ in particular complexity, everything is quite simple, but, of course, it will work hard, it will take a little. We will make starch based on a bucket of potatoes, so it is easier to navigate the output of the finished product.

As I already said, you can take any potato, if it is with sprouts, then they will need to be picked, and, of course, wash the potatoes well. Then we clean it, and rub it on any medium grater. You can use food processor for chopping potatoes.

All the mass that you have turned out is quickly washed. Precisely quickly, in order to preserve the starch we need in the potatoes, and not wash it with water.

Next, we need a sieve, or a sieve. Put gauze on their bottom, and fold it in two layers (one is still not enough). We put a sieve on a bucket and put chopped potatoes in portions.

Thus, you will need to rinse all that potato mass that you chopped. Let the water settle, and after 2 or three hours, you simply drain it, and only the starch we need will remain at the bottom. If the starch is gray, then it can be poured again with clean water.

If you decide to prepare starch for storage, then it will definitely need to be dried. This should be done when you drain the water for the last time.

Then the starch itself is laid out in a thin layer on a cloth or paper and let it dry like that, but it must be stirred after three hours, each time until it is completely dry.

Drying starch in high heat should not be. If the temperature during drying is more than 40 degrees, then your wet starch can easily turn into a paste.

When your starch dries, you sift it, pour it into a suitable container and you can put it away for storage.

Such homemade starch can be stored for quite a long time. That the starch has dried up, you can determine simply by touch. I think everyone imagines how pleasantly it crunches when you knead it with your fingers. Or you can roll it with a rolling pin, the sound will also make it clear dry starch or not.

In addition, you should know that the starch that you get will not be the same color as the one we are used to seeing in stores. It will be slightly yellowish. And in factories it also turns out like this, but to make it look more attractive, it is simply blued a little.

But we need pure starch, without chemicals, so there is no need to blue it at all.

From a large bucket (this is 12 liters), about one and a half liters of starch comes out. Of course, there is more starch in young potatoes, so it is better to do it in the fall, when you have just dug up the potatoes. After all, not all tubers are suitable for storage. There are damaged or small ones, so they can be put into such processing.

In addition, it is possible to make liquid from such starch again. Suppose it is necessary to starch a napkin (who does this). Starch is simply diluted in water. Its concentration may vary.

That's all the tricks for making homemade starch for today. So, if you have old or substandard potatoes and plus some free time, you can extract starch in this way.

Potato tubers contain on average 75-80 percent water, 12-26 percent starch, 2-3 percent proteins, about 0.3 percent. essential oils, 1 - fiber. In addition, potatoes contain proteins, vitamins C, B1 and carotene, phosphorus and potassium salts (which contribute to the removal of fluid from the human body, increase the contraction of the heart muscle), pectin, citric, oxalic, and malic acids.

For long-term storage, for up to 6-8 months, choose medium or late varieties. Potatoes must be clean, whole, dry, with a strong skin, not frozen and without mechanical damage. The optimum storage temperature is 3-5°C, relative humidity 85-95 percent. The sorted tubers are spread in one layer for drying, after which they are carefully placed in boxes and placed under a canopy for ventilation and cooling to a temperature of 10-12°C. Then the boxes are brought into a dark room with the same temperature. After 2 weeks, the boxes are placed in storage at a temperature of 3-4°C. If necessary (to protect against freezing), potato tubers are covered with clean burlap and the room is slightly heated.

In the spring, when the air temperature rises, the potato begins to germinate, and a poisonous substance (solanine) is formed. Cooking such potatoes should be done in two steps, draining the first water after 10 minutes of pre-cooking.

Potatoes should not be exposed to light during storage.

Potatoes can be harvested by drying, as well as making starch from it.

For the manufacture of starch at home, any kind of potato is used, as well as waste - damaged potatoes and a trifle. It is necessary to carefully chop the potatoes, periodically watering the grater with water.
If a juicer is used, then water must be added to the resulting mass in a ratio of 1: 1. The grated mass is a mixture of starch with scraps of pulp and peel. The gruel should be processed as quickly as possible, otherwise it will rot. The filtered liquid - starched milk - is subjected to sludge until the starch settles to the bottom.
The operation of settling and washing can be repeated, so a purer starch will be obtained. A good filter is a nylon stocking. You can also use linen bags or gauze.
Spread the starch on sheets of cardboard with a layer of 1 cm. It is necessary to dry the starch in an oven or oven, but the temperature must be monitored, it should not be higher than 40 ° C. At too high a temperature, the starch will turn into a paste. The dryness of starch is determined by touch.
Roll out the dried starch with a rolling pin to make it crumbly,

Take potato flour, add enough egg whites to it so that you can knead a very thick dough that needs to be rubbed through a rare sieve onto a board. The layer of cereal on the board should be the thinnest. Then put the cereal in a warm oven. When the cereal dries, take it out, you can rub it with your hands so that it is somewhat smaller. This is how white potato grits are prepared.
To get yellow potato grits, you need to take yolks instead of proteins.

Before drying, thoroughly wash the potatoes in two or three waters, sort into small, medium and large, then boil. Tubers of different sizes must be cooked separately. Small potatoes are boiled for 7-8 minutes, large ones - 12. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, when the skin from the tuber is still difficult to remove. If the potatoes are overcooked, there is a lot of waste and the tubers are difficult to cut into thin circles or columns.
Dry boiled and chopped potatoes in the oven at a low temperature, store in a dry place.

Wash the potato tubers, peel, then cut into circles 3-4 mm thick (2 matches thick). After that, wrap it in clean gauze or cloth and dip it in boiling water for 1-3 minutes. After that, take out the potatoes, let the water drain, cool under running water and dry in the oven at a low temperature.
Store potatoes in a dry place.

We most often buy starch from potatoes in stores or on the market. But, if the potatoes are well ugly and there is a desire and free time, then you can cook potato starch yourself, at home. Read the recipe and you will see that it is very real to make it.

Preparation begins with sorting and sorting the source material. We set aside large whole potatoes for the winter for food, and we prepare starch from damaged, small, chopped potatoes.

How to make potato starch at home.

Wash the rejected potatoes and three on a grater. From time to time we pour the grater with water. You can also grind potatoes with a juicer. In this case, in ready mix add water as much as the potato mass.

The result was a slurry consisting of starch, scraps of peel and pulp. It needs to be filtered quickly. You need to filter quickly, because. decay may begin.

For filtering, you need to pass the grated mass through a nylon stocking, a linen bag or gauze.

If the filtered mixture is not pure enough, then you can pass it through the filter again.

It turned out, the so-called starchy milk.

He needs to be allowed to settle, then the starch will settle to the bottom.

We drain the upper liquid, and lay out what remains at the bottom on a cardboard or other flat surface with a layer of no more than 1 cm and dry it in the oven, in a slightly heated Russian stove, electric dryer or in any other way convenient for you. The main thing is that the temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, otherwise the starch will turn into a paste.

Dried starch or not - we determine by touch.

And the last step in making starch at home is to roll it out with a rolling pin to make it crumbly.

Potato starch is stored in a closed vessel for a long time and does not lose its properties, unlike corn starch.

That's all production. As you can see, preparing potato starch for the winter is a laborious task, but you can do it all winter delicious kissels, casseroles and sauces.

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