Home Soups How long to cook fresh potatoes. How to cook potatoes in a pan? How long are young potatoes cooked, potatoes in their skins? How to steam potatoes in their skins

How long to cook fresh potatoes. How to cook potatoes in a pan? How long are young potatoes cooked, potatoes in their skins? How to steam potatoes in their skins

Boiled potatoes - a traditional dish in many countries. It is difficult to find a person who does not like potatoes - whole boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. But often each housewife has potatoes that taste different. What does it depend on? Including how much to cook potatoes. Perhaps we were all taught that this root crop should be boiled until it becomes soft - this is checked with a knife. But here many questions arise: for example, potatoes still reach a little more under the influence of their own temperature, and how many minutes to cook the potatoes so that they do not boil, if you need each root crop to remain intact. In addition, potatoes are used in different types: puree, whole, in salad. Let's find out exactly how much to cook potatoes after boiling.

How to boil potatoes?

Before cooking, root crops must be thoroughly washed and inspected, especially if you are going to cook them in their uniforms, that is, together with the peel. Spots of rot or other diseases on even one potato can ruin the whole dish. It is also important that there are no "greens" on the potatoes - this usually happens with vegetables that have been lying for a long time. If the fetus turned green and began to sprout, it means that new processes have already begun inside it, many substances have changed, chlorophyll has accumulated, which can be poisonous for humans. Therefore, such a fruit is not suitable for cooking in its uniform, and all greens, sprouts and other parts that have changed color must be deeply cut. When the potatoes are peeled, they must be washed again with cold water, and only then sent to the pan. It is not worth saving time by gathering warm or hot water- it can spoil the taste. Cold running water is required for cooking vegetables.

How long does it take to boil potatoes?

The duration of cooking potatoes depends on their size. On average, this is 20 minutes, but if the root crops are large, it will have to be slightly increased. Alternatively, these potatoes can be cut in half if you don't need whole potatoes. If the potato is young, then it is a little softer and will cook earlier - after 15 minutes. The process will go even faster if you add a little vegetable oil- it "envelops" vegetables and heats up more than water. By the way, about 5 minutes before full readiness, it is better to drain most of the water from the pan, close the potatoes with a lid and put on a very small fire - then it will steam and not fall apart.

How long to cook mashed potatoes?

- it boiled potatoes, which is kneaded into a homogeneous mass with a small amount of milk or water. In this case, the root crop should be soft, so you need to cook it more - 25 minutes, or even all 30. You should not cook too long either: all the starch will go into the water, and the puree will become faded in taste. By the way, it’s better to pour less water into potatoes, and then use at least part of it to make mashed potatoes, so we save more useful substances.

How long to boil potatoes for salad?

For cooking, usually in uniform - so we save not only a richer taste, but useful substances. To the boiled skin was better removed, the potatoes should be doused with cold water as soon as it is removed from the fire: the skin will peel off from the temperature difference. For a salad, it is better to cook potatoes for 4-5 minutes less than usual, that is, 10-12 minutes for a young vegetable and 15-17 for an old one. The skin retains heat well, and the potatoes will still reach, while remaining dense enough so that they do not turn into small crumbs in the salad. Usually potatoes for salad are boiled without salt, but if you intend to do spicy dish, then, on the contrary, you can add salt even a little more than required: then the potatoes in their uniforms will resemble potatoes baked on a fire.

Why does one hostess succeed boiled potatoes with one taste, and the second - it is very different, although the variety of tubers, salt and water are the same? Or do we just think they are “the same”? Or does one hostess know some secret that is not known to her "rival" in cooking? Here are some tips from the female half of humanity, as well as from experts in the art of cooking, how they prefer to boil potatoes!

Some historical facts

Thanks to Peter I, who "imposed" the cultivation and consumption of potatoes in Russia. At first, only aristocrats ate this product with us. However, in the middle of the 18th century, peasants were obliged to plant potatoes. True, they did not know how to eat it correctly, using unripe and green tubers from solanine. Mass poisonings aroused even greater indignation among ordinary people, who were very distrustful of everything foreign. Yes, and they are more accustomed to bread, turnips and cereals.

But the state insisted on growing potatoes in every family, providing an area for its cultivation. The governors had to account for the yields of the new crop. And no matter how the people resisted, by the end of the 19th century, the “damn apple” already occupied a very solid territory of Russia. They also learned how to cook it, and soon the foreign vegetable became the “second” bread for Russian peasants. They used it boiled, baked, added to soups, cereals and roasts, ground into flour.

Here is a recipe for you, dated ... 1604. It was written by Lancelot de Casto - the cook of 3 Bishops of Liege. In it, he recommended that potatoes be washed and boiled in water. Ready (soft) it must be peeled, cut and served with butter and pepper. For 4 centuries, the secret of jacket potatoes has not changed much. Yes, he could not change much if it was eaten in this form much earlier by the Indians of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru - that is, where this plant comes from. And the Liege cook only took note of the method of its preparation.

“This is not for you to cook potatoes!”

Boiling potatoes, it seems, is not a tricky business, and spoiling it is either letting the pan where it is boiled burn, or salting the vegetables heavily. This is where the confusion begins: some housewives claim that they salt the potatoes as soon as they put them in water, others when the water boils, others when it boils. And there are those who salt it only in their own plate.

What is the opinion of the experts? They advise salting potatoes 10 minutes before they are fully cooked. And how much it will cook depends on the variety - about 25-35 minutes, but it is better to “measure” the degree of readiness of the product by piercing 1-2 tubers with a knife or fork. Soft means ready.

There is no point in keeping potatoes on fire, as they will lose their nutritional properties, and it contains, in addition to carbohydrates, proteins and fats:

  • Vitamins B (including folic acid B9), C, PP, K;
  • Amino acids: lysine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine;
  • Minerals: phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

By the way, many people don’t really think about how to boil potatoes correctly - in cold water so that the vegetable goes through all the “hardships” of boiling, or in hot water? But the “true” option is when the peeled potatoes are washed in cold water, then they are poured out and the tubers are poured with boiling water. Someone will laugh - it will cook faster! Yes, really faster! But at the same time, only 15% percent of vitamin C will “evaporate”, and not 50%, as if you start boiling it in cold water.

The most “healthy” option for cooking boiled potatoes is to steam them. To do this, you need a pan with a mesh insert or a perforated liner, a simple colander will do. And some manage to put a plate upside down on the bottom, and put another one on top, but with potatoes. In any of these ways, the following rules must be observed:

  • Water in a small amount does not cover the tubers;
  • Potatoes are "above the water" and are steamed;
  • The saucepan must be tightly closed;
  • Cooking time with steam is slightly longer than with water.

The advantage of such a recipe is that the “loss” of vitamin C is only 10%, and the taste of such a dish is simply amazing.

Take note!

So, once again, all the stages of boiling the "damn apple":

  1. It is good to clean the tubers, especially from the peel with a greenish tint and germinated: they have accumulated a poisonous substance - solanine.
  2. Soak the peeled potatoes in cold water, and not even so that the starch stands out or so that it does not darken, but to clean the soil where it was grown from “nitrates”. To “intensify the effect”, the container with potatoes must be closed with a lid, because light accelerates “oxidation”.
  3. It is better to choose fruits of the same size, and if large ones come across, cut them into pieces “under” the main ones.
  4. While the potatoes are settling, put a pot of water on the fire and salt it a little. When you realize that the water has become hot (it will begin to boil), cold water Drain from the potatoes, and pour hot from the fire, and set to cook further on medium heat. Boil - reduce the fire in the burner so that the tubers cook evenly.
  5. Check the slightly cooked potatoes for readiness with the tip of a kitchen knife: it becomes soft - salt to taste ( advice - only coarse salt, and better - rock).
  6. After 7-10 minutes, check everything again in the same way - is it ready. If soft, drain hot water. It should not remain at all, otherwise the potatoes will gradually absorb it. Some dry out the remaining moisture at the bottom of the pan by putting it on a small fire for a few seconds. ATTENTION: you cannot leave the stove at this time: moisture evaporates very quickly, and the potatoes will burn.

During cooking, your manipulations depend on your preferences. Some people add onion, garlic cloves, bay leaf during cooking. But just don’t overdo it: bitterness can appear from the abundance of lavrushka, and a lot of garlic will “clog” the aroma of potatoes. Immediately after turning off, you can send chopped dill or other greens to the pan so that the potatoes absorb the flavors under steam.

Rustic, tasty and simple, and the most independent dish is boiled potatoes with dressing, for which you will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • dill greens;
  • A piece of butter (can be replaced with sunflower or mustard).

Crush the garlic and dill together with the oil, and add the dressing to the prepared potatoes, which have just been drained. Cover the pan with a towel and leave for a few minutes, shaking it well 2-3 times to soak.

Cooking secrets

If you plan to make mashed potatoes, then add milk (or sour cream) directly to the hot mashed potatoes, butter. Do everything quickly, and heat the milk first so that the puree becomes fluffy. For a special taste, onions fried to a golden color are also added to it. Someone is a lover of cracklings, someone is a hot animal fat with garlic and barberry grains. Alternatively, sprinkle some more curry or turmeric over the hot potato.

If you plan to boil the tubers in their skins, then they should first be washed, cleaned (with a brush) and then washed again under running water. Boil potatoes only with the lid closed. Water should cover it, and, as in the case of boiled water, it should be hot, not cold, otherwise boiled tubers are provided. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook until fully cooked.

And the last thing we would like to mention is potato varieties. You should not cook the one that you bought, whether it is white or pink. Chefs recommend making puree from white, from pink - fried potatoes, add yellow to the soup, and use young potatoes, which have not yet “acquired” crumbly properties, for boiling, stewing and frying. And bon appetit!

Potatoes are one of the main suppliers of potassium. In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. To preserve all the useful components of potatoes, you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

Potatoes can be boiled in a pan, peeled or with the skin on. Before the cooking process, do not keep the tubers in water for a long time or store them in the light. Potatoes are selected for eating, on which there are no green spots, as this is the first sign long storage product and its toxicity.

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peeled potatoes

To cook potatoes in a saucepan, you need to choose the right ratio of water, salt and the potato itself. Usually, for 500 g of potatoes, which are completely covered with water, one teaspoon of coarse salt is consumed. The tubers should be chosen the same size so that they all cook at the same time. To prepare boiled potatoes, you will need ingredients such as:

  • 1 kg of potatoes.
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.
  • Water.

To boil potatoes in a pan you need:

  • Wash the potatoes and peel them, rinse with water, put in a saucepan.
  • If the tubers are small, then they can be left whole, large potatoes cut in half or into four parts.
  • If the potatoes are of different sizes, then the small ones must be put in a pan as a whole, and the one that is large in size should be divided into several parts.
  • Pour the tubers with water so that they are completely covered with it, put salt.
  • Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil over high heat.
  • Reduce the gas so that the water is still a little boiling.
  • Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap, and cook for 20 minutes.
  • After the specified time, check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork (it will go into the boiled potatoes easily).
  • Turn off the fire, drain the water.

Serve boiled potatoes hot with butter or vegetable oil.

jacket potatoes

Potatoes boiled in their skins lose much less nutrients than peeled ones. The speed of preparation depends on the size of the tubers and their time in the ground. To prepare boiled potatoes in uniform you will need:

  • 1 kg potatoes.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • Water.

To boil potatoes in their skins:

  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water with the rough side of the sponge.
  • Put a 4-liter saucepan on the fire, put the tubers into it, pour water almost to the top.
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, add salt, reduce heat, cover with a lid, leaving a small gap.
  • Boil potatoes in their skins for 30 minutes.
  • After the specified time, check one of the tubers with a fork for readiness.

If the jacket potato is served as a side dish, then it should be cooled slightly without water under the lid, the salad potatoes should be kept for several minutes in cold water.

is a nutritious plant product. Potatoes are included in almost any dish: soups, side dishes, casseroles, salads, used as a filling in pastries and dishes, etc. The most common dish is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

To make potatoes tasty, you need to be able to cook them properly. It would seem that he threw the peeled potatoes into the pan, poured water and boiled until soft, which, by the way, is easy to check with a knife. But it was not there. The fact is that after turning off the fire, the potatoes still reach for some time under the influence of their own heat. If you overexpose the potatoes on the fire, it can boil. Therefore, it is very important to cook any potatoes for no longer than a certain time. Let's figure out how much you need to cook potatoes after boiling.

Cook potatoes the right way

Before sending the potatoes to the pan, thoroughly rinse and inspect the root vegetables, especially if you need to boil. Potatoes with rotten barrels are best disposed of immediately. Also, do not use potatoes with herbs for cooking. Green potatoes contain chlorophyll, which is dangerous to humans and can cause poisoning. In extreme cases, sprouts, rot and green barrels are deeply removed with a knife.

Rinse the peeled potatoes, transfer to a saucepan and cover with cold water. Do not use warm water to boil potatoes - this will only worsen the taste of the final dish.

No matter what kind of potatoes you cook (peeled or in their skins), they must be covered with water.

How long to boil potatoes

An excellent assistant when cooking potatoes will be your reliable wrist watch.

If you are simmering round potatoes in a pot, keep them on the heat after boiling for 20-30 minutes. Medium tubers of young potatoes cook faster - only 15-20 minutes.

If you boil chopped potatoes, then keep it on fire after boiling for no longer than 15 minutes.

Jacket potatoes should be boiled for about 35 minutes. And chopped potatoes in soup - no longer than 20 minutes.

Potatoes can be cooked not only in a saucepan, but also use modern appliances for this.

In the microwave, cook whole peeled potatoes for 10-15 minutes at 700-800 watts.

In a double boiler, boil peeled potatoes for 15-20 minutes, and potatoes in their skins should be steamed for 20-25 minutes.

Potatoes take much longer to cook in a slow cooker. The average cooking time in the "Stew / Soup" mode is 40 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, round potatoes are boiled for 20 minutes, and in a multicooker-pressure cooker in the "Baking" mode, only 15 minutes.

For most, potatoes are the second bread. She is being prepared different ways as a side dish. It is also included in many dishes. And now we will tell you how to cook delicious potatoes in a saucepan.

How to cook delicious potatoes?


  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • cow's milk - 180 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • natural butter - 30 g.


We clean the potato tubers and wash well. We cut it into pieces, fill it with water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then we drain this water, put the potatoes in a saucepan and pour water on top. Salt, put the peeled garlic clove. Bring to a boil over high heat, then make it smaller, cover the pan with a lid and bring to readiness. Drain the liquid, pour in the milk brought to a boil and mash the potatoes until mashed. Then add the oil and mix well. If you want to get a lush mass, then you can additionally beat the puree with a mixer.

How delicious to cook a whole potato?


  • potato;
  • salt.


My potatoes, peel, put in a saucepan, fill with water and place on the stove. Salt after boiling. For flavor, you can put a bay leaf or a peeled garlic clove in the water. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, and place the potatoes on a dish, pour over with melted butter and crush with chopped herbs.

If you are interested in how to cook potatoes in slices, you can safely use this recipe. The cooking technology is exactly the same.

How to cook new potatoes deliciously?


  • young potatoes - 1 kg;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • salt;
  • - 70 g.


Peel young potatoes. You can do it with a knife, but it's a rather long process. It is much easier to do this with a metal dish brush. If the potato is small, then leave it whole, but if it is large, then cut it into several parts. We put it in boiling water, which should cover the potatoes by about 2 cm. If you want to get more boiled potatoes, then you need to salt closer to the end of cooking. The lid of the saucepan should be slightly ajar during the process. When the potatoes are ready, drain the water, put the butter, chopped herbs. Cover the pot with a lid and shake vigorously a couple of times.

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