Home desserts How to make jelly from milk and gelatin. Milk jelly recipes. Method for preparing juicy fragrant jelly

How to make jelly from milk and gelatin. Milk jelly recipes. Method for preparing juicy fragrant jelly

Milk jelly with gelatin is a simple and light dessert that can be prepared in the evening and enjoyed a unique taste in the morning.

For those who adhere proper nutrition, or restricts oneself in the consumption of sweets, the dessert can be modernized - take low-fat milk and do not add sugar. You can diversify milk jelly with various berry or fruit purees, or add brewed coffee instead of water.


  • For milk jelly:
  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Gelatin - 1 pack (25 g).
  • For plum puree:
  • Plums - 4-5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon without a slide;
  • Water - 50 ml.

How to make homemade jelly from milk with gelatin

If there is no cinnamon on hand, you can take a few leaves of mint or lemon balm. The taste will be amazing. If there is nothing at hand, do not add ground cinnamon or dried mint, the taste will not be the same, so it is better to make pure milk jelly.

We begin to prepare jelly by soaking the gelatin in water and leaving it to swell. If you took instant gelatin, then literally in 10-15 minutes, it will swell, increase in volume and absorb all the liquid.

While the gelatin swells, prepare the base. Add sugar and cinnamon to a bowl or saucepan. Add milk. Put on fire and heat, not forgetting to stir, until the sugar dissolves. You don't need to boil milk. It only needs to be heated.

It is also worth stopping at the choice of milk. To prepare a dessert without looking at calories, we recommend taking high-fat pasteurized milk. If you would like to use homemade milk, then it must first be boiled, remove the foam, then let it cool and only after that prepare the dessert.

When the milk has warmed up, take out the cinnamon stick, add the gelatin and again put on a slow fire and stir until the gelatin disperses.

Pour warm jelly into the dishes of your choice - these can be jars for yogurt, glasses, glasses, cups or silicone molds.

Let the jelly cool down room temperature and only then put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

This is what frozen milk jelly looks like.

WITH basic recipe milk jelly we met. Now we offer you to diversify it a little with plum puree. You can take any berries - fresh or frozen.

Immediately soak the gelatin in water.

Wash plums and remove pits. Grind plums with an immersion blender.

Plum puree must be rubbed through a fine sieve to remove the skin. It takes just a couple of minutes. Add sugar to puree. If plums or berries are sour, add more sugar than indicated in the recipe.

We put plum puree on a slow fire and heat it up. Add melted gelatin to it. Stir until gelatin dissolves. Now you can cool the puree to room temperature. You can pour it over milk jelly only after the latter has solidified.

If you decide to pour milk jelly into silicone molds, then you can first pour mashed potatoes, and then milk jelly. Then when serving, the puree will be on top. If you immediately pour milk jelly, and then mashed potatoes, then the mashed potatoes will be from below when serving.

Using dairy, fruit and coffee jelly you can make desserts in the form of cakes. These desserts look most beautiful in transparent dishes. You can make several multi-colored layers, but pour each new layer into the dishes only after the previous one has solidified.

Milk jelly is considered by many to be exclusively a children's dessert, but in vain: adults will also like this jelly, it is so tender and airy.

Thanks to the milk base, jelly leaves the feeling of an absolutely natural dish, without any artificial flavors, sweeteners and other things. This will certainly be appreciated by supporters of a healthy diet.

Moreover, the calorie content of jelly is low - about 90 kilocalories per hundred grams of the product, and sometimes even less.

There is another important plus: jelly is very useful for strengthening bones and cartilage - this will be appreciated by people who restore their body after fractures and injuries, as well as those who try not to forget about the prevention of possible diseases. Read more about making jelly below.

How to make milk jelly with gelatin?

There are several important points that must be taken into account during the preparation of any variant of milk jelly:

  • milk should be fat enough (not less than 3.5 percent) so that the dessert does not turn out to be watery;
  • you can use baked milk (also high fat), jelly will acquire an original taste;
  • boiled milk is not suitable for jelly, it does not give the most pleasant aftertaste;
  • in order to make the jelly more dense in structure, gelatin can be diluted directly in milk, and not in water.

What do you need for classic milk jelly?

For the most traditional recipe, which can become a kind of launching pad for more original, unusual, "author's" options, you will need the following products:

  • milk - ½ liter
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • vanillin - on the tip of a teaspoon

Now consider what we do with all the listed ingredients.

Cooks constantly make some changes to the “classic” recipe, trying to bring it to perfection. This is how a dessert appeared, which, in addition to traditional components, included yolks chicken eggs (4 pieces per 200 ml of milk).

They are rubbed with vanilla and sugar (4 tablespoons), poured with hot milk, combined with swollen gelatin (10 g) and put on fire. It is important not to let the mixture boil, it should only thicken. After that, you can fill the molds and put them in the refrigerator.

Another interesting option is whipped milk jelly. It is prepared "according to the classical" scenario, but before you start filling out the molds ready mix, beat it into a thick foam.

So that it does not settle, you need to work very quickly and, without delay, send the dessert to the refrigerator. The reward for your diligence is an unusually gentle, airy jelly.

What do you need for a delicious jelly on sour cream?

Jelly on sour cream has only one drawback: more high calorie content than a dessert made with milk. But the taste is amazing , with a pleasant, fresh sourness.

Usually 10% fat sour cream is used, in which case the calorie content of the dessert is 140 kcal.

Sour cream jelly with mint and strawberries is a dessert that will decorate any holiday table. Here are the products you will need:

  • sour cream - 250 g
  • milk - 75 g
  • strawberries - 100 g
  • gelatin - 20 g
  • powdered sugar - 55 g
  • a few mint leaves (can be replaced with lemon balm)

Now let's look at the cooking steps, and some important points for giving density and taste.

Especially for children's holiday can prepare sour cream jelly called "Tiger". This will require, in addition to sour cream, sugar, gelatin and water, some kind of fruit syrup. Sour cream is brought in a water bath to the consistency of thick cream, a third of the prepared, swollen gelatin is added to it.

The rest of the gelatin is mixed with water and fruit syrup. It will be necessary to freeze jelly not in separate molds, but in a large deep tray, alternating layer after layer of sour cream and fruit mass.

The secret of the success of this dessert is to pour the next layer on a gelatinous, but not completely frozen mass, otherwise the dessert runs the risk of stratifying into separate chunks. It is advisable to make 6-7 such layers, serve - cut into portions and decorate with jam, which goes well with the already existing fruit notes of the dish.

Classic milk jelly recipe

Cooking jelly dessert with banana

For milk-banana jelly you will need:

  • bananas - 2 pcs
  • milk - glass
  • gelatin - a tablespoon
  • citric acid - at the tip of a teaspoon

As for sugar, regular and vanilla, they are taken exclusively to taste, more or less, depending on how sweet the bananas turned out to be. Sometimes they give up sugar altogether., and then the dessert turns out to be less high-calorie.

Delicious and beautiful dessert with fruits

fruit jelly - low calorie meal. Ideal for those who care about their waist. A 100 gram serving contains only 80 kcal. This dessert gives a lot of imagination: how many different fruits and berries - so many cooking options. Moreover, you can use both fresh and frozen fruits, as well as syrups.

Preparing fruit jelly is even easier than other versions of this dessert: it is enough to arrange fruits and berries in molds or bowls, pour them with a milk-gelatin mixture - and the refrigerator will perfectly cope with the work you have begun.

A little advice: since we do not turn berries and fruits into puree, but use them whole or in large pieces, it is better to use transparent dishes so that this beauty can be viewed from all sides and very carefully.

Striped desserts also look very nice, for the preparation of which syrups of different colors are required: raspberry, green (for example, from kiwi), yellow (peach).

Usually sweet fruits are chosen for jelly, fearing that due to too sour milk may curdle. However, nothing is impossible, and if you want to try milk jelly, for example, with an orange, proceed as follows.

Cut the orange into slices, put on a silicone napkin and put in the freezer. After half an hour, transfer the frozen slices from the napkin to the molds, fill with milk-gelatin mass and put in the refrigerator. And to make the dessert more fragrant, add a drop of orange essential oil to it.

Video recipe: milk-tangerine dessert

Some history and interesting facts

Jelly, like many other original foods, was invented by the French. In ancient memoirs, it is mentioned that Napoleon and his beloved Josephine were big fans of jelly.

Today's variety of desserts (milk, banana, sour cream, dozens of others) would surely strike the famous couple in the heart and (who knows?) Maybe direct the thoughts of a harsh commander in a more peaceful direction?

Before starting the preparation of a particular dish of gelatin, it must be diluted in water.

The most important thing is to learn how to do it right.

We dissolve gelatin initially in cold water, and then we heat the solution, brought with additional water to the volume we need.

There are some tricks:

  1. It is very important to observe all the necessary proportions, this is done in order not to get rubber as a result. If you have 20 grams of gelatin, then mix them with one liter of water. As a result, you will get dangling jellies. A little more gelatin (from 40 to 60 grams) for the same liter of water, we get jelly, which will need to be cut.
  2. Gelatin is not boiled in any case, otherwise it will simply thicken and that's it.
  3. In order for the fruit dish to look beautiful, and the gelatin is evenly distributed in the form, it is necessary to finely chop the fruit.
  4. Do not cool the gelatin in the freezer, otherwise you will get a crystallized mass.
  5. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of gelatin, expired can let you down and the whole dish.
  6. Here are some recipes using gelatin.

1. Milk jelly


  • Gelatin - 3/4 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Milk - 2.5 cups
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanillin

How to make milk jelly:

Pour gelatin powder with boiled water, soak it until soft for 30 minutes and squeeze.

Boil milk, put sugar in it, let it boil, then, removing from heat and stirring, dissolve the squeezed gelatin in it.

When the mass has cooled down a little, add vanillin to taste, stir, strain through a napkin or fine sieve into molds (or into glasses) and put in a cold place.

Before serving, lower the molds for 2-3 seconds in hot water and put the jelly on chilled plates.

2. Chocolate jelly


  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Cocoa powder - 50 gr.
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Vanillin

How to make chocolate jelly:

Grind the yolks white with powdered sugar.

Add milk and cocoa, previously diluted with a small amount of cold milk.

Put the mixture on low heat and stir until it boils and thickens.

Remove from heat and, without ceasing to stir, add gelatin, previously soaked in cold water.

When the mixture has cooled, add whipped egg whites and vanillin, stir, pour into a mold and put in a cold place to harden.

3. Whipped milk jelly


  • Milk - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Vanillin

How to make whipped milk jelly:

Pour gelatin with water, let it swell. Boil milk with sugar, add vanillin.

Dissolve the swollen gelatin in hot milk, cool slightly and beat into a thick foam.

Fill with a mass of portioned dishes, allow to freeze in a cold place.

Serve with jelly berry syrup, fruit or chocolate sauce.

4. Milk and berry jelly


  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Cranberries or other berries - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

How to make milk and berry jelly:

Pour gelatin powder with cold boiled water and soak until softened for 30 minutes.

Then prepare milk jelly, for which boil milk, add granulated sugar (1.5 tablespoons) to it, let it boil and, stirring, dissolve half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin.

Pour the prepared milk jelly into cooled metal molds or glasses with a layer of about 5 cm, cool it down and, when it hardens, pour a layer of semi-liquid berry jelly on it, then again milk, etc.

Prepare berry jelly as follows. Squeeze juice from cranberries (or other berries), strain through a napkin or fine sieve.

Boil the mass obtained after squeezing the juice, add granulated sugar (2.5 tablespoons), boil, remove the foam.

Then strain the broth, add half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin, stir, let cool slightly and pour in the berry juice

5. Milk coffee jelly


  • Natural coffee - 2 teaspoons
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Milk - 2/3 cup
  • Sugar - 3-4 teaspoons
  • Gelatin - 3 teaspoons

How to make milk coffee jelly:

Brew coffee and strain it.

Boil milk with sugar, add gelatin soaked in cold water and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Mix with coffee and refrigerate.

Serve with whipped cream or cookies.

Happy tea!

You can also cook:

Yogurt jelly


  • 30-40 g of gelatin;
  • about 125 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiling water;
  • 2 liters of yogurt;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • zest of 1/2 lemon;
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of rum or cognac (to taste).

Yogurt Jelly: A Step by Step Recipe

Soak gelatin in cold water, pour boiling water.

Mix well and pour into yogurt, whipped with sugar in a steam bath.

Season with lemon zest and rum.

Pour into bowls rinsed with cold water.

You can put it on plates and decorate with liquid chocolate.

Jelly has been made for a long time. It is an excellent universal dessert that can be prepared in absolutely any form, color and shape. Sweet jelly is combined with various fruits, berries, juices and fruit drinks. Such a dish served for dessert not only on ordinary days, but also on holidays. Very useful and tasty is milk jelly, which is also combined with different products. Mostly cocoa or chocolate. Children love it, and this is good, because milk brings great benefits to the body, and gelatin saturates it no less useful vitamins. Let's take a look at a few options today. delicious jelly.

Milk jelly with coffee

Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, creamers


Step by step recipe

  1. Pour 25 g of gelatin into 100 g of water and let it swell.
  2. Beat 3 egg yolks, add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and beat until fluffy.
  3. Boil 500 ml of milk, let it cool slightly and pour it into the egg mass while warm. Mix everything, add swollen gelatin and mix well.
  4. Pour half of the liquid into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours to set.
  5. Brew strong coffee and pour into the remaining mass. Send coffee to the frozen layer and refrigerate for 2 hours.

video recipe

Dear readers, I bring to your attention a short video in which you will learn how to make milk jelly at home. You will see the whole process of its creation and what the finished product will be like in the end.

Here is another version of milk yummy. In summer, during the season of various fruits and berries, I quite often make such a dish for my family. It is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Also it is a must-have product at son's summer birthday party. He always helps me shape it and enjoys this process. After all, it is so pleasant for him at the celebration to tell admiring guests that this jelly cake he cooked. And now let's take a closer look at a very simple recipe for a tasty and healthy meal.

Milk jelly with fruits

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Servings: for 4 people.
Calories: 50.3 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, deep bowl


  • The above ingredients in this composition can only be found in summer. In any other season, use any fruits and berries of your choice for eating. So it can be done with canned pineapples and peaches, bananas, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Cottage cheese, sour cream and milk must be high fat so that the finished product tastes better.

Step by step recipe

  1. Blend 250 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sugar and 125 g of sour cream with a blender until smooth.
  2. Heat the milk and let the gelatin dissolve. Boiling is not necessary, otherwise the gelatin may lose its gelling properties.

  3. Cut into cubes 50 g strawberries and 1 kiwi. Prepare 50 g of grapes, 2 tbsp. l. raspberries and 1 tbsp. l. red currant.
  4. Put a cling film in a mold or an oval bowl and spread it in layers, alternating the curd mass with fruits and berries. Put 50 g of broken crackers on top and pour over the remaining curd mass. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Put the finished jelly on a dish.

video recipe

And now let's watch a video with you, which describes in great detail the whole process of creating yummy.

Feed options

  • Such a dessert comes out very bright thanks to the variety of ingredients in it. It is usually divided into portions and served on a flat beautiful dish.
  • Decorate with grated chocolate, fruits and sprig of mint.

Now let's learn how to cook chocolate dessert. The recipe for milk chocolate jelly is very simple, but its taste is amazing. Even those who are indifferent to dairy products will enjoy this dessert with pleasure and ask for supplements. I love it too and cook it for light snacks any day. At the holiday, such a dessert will look great and go with a bang.

Milk chocolate jelly

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: for 6 people.
Calories: 124.1 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, creamers


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • All products that you have prepared for dessert must be of high quality and fresh.
  • cocoa select good quality . Cheap cocoa can spoil the taste of the dish.

  • Add sugar to taste. Someone likes it sweeter, someone just a little is enough.
  • Chocolate used for decoration in this recipe.

Step by step recipe

  1. Bring to a boil 600 g of milk, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 sachets of vanillin. Send 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, mix everything and add swollen gelatin.
  2. Strain the jelly through a sieve and pour into bowls. Send to the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  3. Prepare milk jelly in the same way, but do not add cocoa to it.
  4. Pour it over the already frozen chocolate jelly and refrigerate for 6 hours.

video recipe

Dear chefs, I invite you to watch a short video that shows in detail the entire process of creating our dessert. You will see how it turns out as a result of complete readiness.

Dear cooks, I am very pleased to share with you simple and delicious desserts, which are prepared at home by any hostess. Stick to the recommended recipe, add your imagination, and delicious, beautiful meals are guaranteed for your family. If you have any suggestions or additions, leave them in the comments, I will be happy to read them. And now I wish you Bon appetit and success in the culinary business!

Jelly is one of the easiest, fastest, and most inexpensive ways to treat kids to something delicious. You can, of course, buy a soluble blank in a bag, pour boiling water over it - and put it in the refrigerator. However, the benefits of such a dessert are zero, rather, the sheer harm caused by the chemistry contained in it. Whether it's milk jelly! Its recipe is quite simple, although you will have to tinker a little more. But it is tasty, healthy, and beautiful.

Jelly from milk

Try to cook the simplest milk jelly first, the recipe of which includes a quarter liter of milk and 150 g of sugar. Gelatin is taken for the indicated amount of liquid 25 g. Vanillin can be added if desired. The milk is slowly heated until it boils, after which sugar is gradually poured in (if you also take vanillin, introduce it at the same time). Gelatin is pre-soaked. When it swells, it must be well stirred and poured into hot (but not boiling) milk. Then the saucepan is again placed on a small fire. With continuous stirring, wait until it boils again, and pour into small beautiful containers. When cool, place in the refrigerator to set.

colorful sweetness

If you want to make a particularly beautiful milk jelly, the recipe will have to be complicated by adding semi-finished powder products to the ingredients. You need to take three bags of different colors: yellow (lemon or peach), red (raspberry, cherry, strawberry) and green (with kiwi it turns out brighter, but you can also buy grape). Most often, such a dessert is called "Broken Glass". Its preparation consists of two stages. At the first, according to the instructions, ready-made jelly is bred in different bowls. Please note: the colored components should be very dense, so take a little less water for them than it is written on the bags. The time for the second stage will come when store-bought semi-finished products are ready. Next, milk jelly is brewed, the recipe of which is slightly modified: you need to take either less milk or more gelatin in order, again, to increase the density of the finished product. For example, for one and a half glasses of milk, you need to put a tablespoon with a top of gelatin. Everything else - as in the previous recipe. Multi-colored jellies are cut - not necessarily very carefully, yet they should depict fragments. The pieces are laid out in transparent bowls and filled with a white component. After solidification, a very beautiful milk jelly is obtained, the recipe with a photo of which is presented in this article.

fruity temptation

Desserts with pieces of various fruits have been popular at all times. But there is a recipe for milk jelly with fruits, in which they are present in different types. The base itself is made from milk in the usual way. The banana is peeled, cut into circles, which are laid out along the bottom of the bowls. Jelly is poured on top to half, and the containers are removed in the refrigerator until solidified. At this time, you can do the orange half. For her, the peel and white films are removed from the fruit. It is also advisable to take out the grains. Prepared slices are passed through a blender. Sugar is added to the puree, and the saucepan is placed on the fire. It should be stirred so that the sugar dissolves faster and the puree does not burn. When it warms up well, remove from the stove and add gelatin in the proportion: 400 ml of puree - a full tablespoon of gelatin. When it dissolves and cools down a little, carefully, spoon or knife, pour on top of the frozen milk mixture. And back in the fridge.

cherry jelly

The recipe for milk jelly with fruits placed in it as a whole is also interesting. It turns out most beautifully and successfully with cherries. First you need to fill them with sugar (for 200 g of berries - 2 and a half tablespoons of sand) and put in the cold. The resulting juice is poured into a separate glass. Milk jelly is made as usual. Cherries are laid out in bowls, poured with a mixture and left to harden. At the very end, you can go two ways: either just pour cherry juice over the jelly, or add gelatin to it and make a second, red layer.

chocolate dessert

You can also diversify milk jelly in another way. A recipe with cocoa will allow you to get a real chocolate flavor. For such a dessert, it is better to take baked milk. Pour half a glass of milk into a bowl, put four tablespoons of cocoa powder, sugar (as much as you like). Heat and pour, stirring, in a thin stream of pre-prepared gelatin. Received chocolate milk distributed in bowls, wide glasses, vases or silicone molds that are placed in the refrigerator. From two more glasses of milk, ordinary, white jelly is made and poured on top. When it hardens, you get a beautiful striped dessert. If you used molds, then they must be quickly lowered into heated water. Then the jelly is easily removed without losing its shape.

Tip: Milk with cocoa can be replaced with a drink like Nesquik, if you don't mind its taste and quality.

real chocolate

To get the intended result, it is not necessary to resort to cocoa. True, striping will not work, but the taste will be amazing. Gelatin is prepared as standard. While it swells, a bar of chocolate is rubbed on a grater. This milk chocolate jelly recipe uses a natural ingredient. Chocolate and one hundred grams of sugar dissolve in three glasses of milk (you have to warm it up), and only then gelatin is poured in. When it boils, the future jelly is poured into containers and hidden for solidification in the refrigerator. When it's time to serve, it can be garnished with whipped cream or fresh berries, and in winter - pour syrup.

Sour cream option

As already mentioned, milk jelly can be prepared in very different ways. A recipe with sour cream, for example, allows you to get a very delicate and at the same time dense, elastic dessert. For him, gelatin is diluted in a small amount of milk, and half a liter of low-fat sour cream is whipped with a glass of sugar in a blender or mixer. At the end of the process, ready-made gelatin is poured into the container, and the whole mass is mixed until smooth. It remains to pour it into vases and wait until it seizes. This jelly is usually decorated with melted chocolate or shavings.

Coffee striped jelly

Not only chocolate can be used in the preparation of this dessert. Unusual and tasty milk-coffee jelly is obtained. The recipe, in addition to the usual ingredients, requires half a cup of quality natural coffee. It is boiled first of all, after which it is filtered from the thick. Sugar is placed in filtered coffee, gelatin is poured in and cooled. Milk jelly is prepared separately - you already know how. It also cools down a bit. And then coffee jelly and then white jelly are poured into the molds in turn. Each layer must be completely dry before adding the next. It turns out a striped dessert. Milk jelly comes out especially tasty, the recipe with a photo of which is presented in the article, if you sprinkle it with coconut flakes and lemon zest on top. Alternatively, garnish with whipped cream.

Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream

We have already described the recipe for sour cream milk jelly. We will share another one that will give you the opportunity to treat your children to a delicious and very healthy dessert. For him, gelatin is diluted in a glass of milk, and 250 g of sour cream is ground with a glass of sugar and 400 grams of cottage cheese until completely homogeneous. You can use a blender or mixer. Then gelatin is poured with milk, and everything is mixed again. If you want striped jelly, divide the mass in half and add cocoa to one part. But you can also use the blank to make a white dessert (or brown, if you add the same cocoa). When it freezes - call the family to feast.

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