Home Products Coffee jelly. Coffee jelly: recipes, cooking technology, photo. Video recipe for making coffee jelly

Coffee jelly. Coffee jelly: recipes, cooking technology, photo. Video recipe for making coffee jelly

Today I will share with you a recipe for a delicious and healthy low-calorie dessert, ideal for eating in the hot season. There are a lot of jelly recipes, I will prepare jelly based on milk and strong brewed coffee. This dessert can be included in any diet, varying only the amount of sugar used. The fact is that the calorie content of jelly is only 80 kcal per 100 g. Gelatin-based desserts can easily replace high-calorie baked goods, and besides, they are very easy to prepare.

Ingredients for milk coffee jelly:

for the dark coffee-based layer:

  • - ground coffee - 3 tablespoons;
  • - gelatin - 15 g;
  • - water - 200 ml.

for the light milk-based layer:

  • - milk - 200 ml;
  • - granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • - vanillin - 5 g;
  • - gelatin - 15 g.

Step-by-step recipe for milk and coffee jelly with a photo:

I pour 15 grams of gelatin with chilled boiled water. In my case, this is one bag. I leave for a while so that the gelatin has time to swell.

In the meantime, I brew quite strong coffee in a Turk. In order for the drink to be aromatic, it is better to brew coffee over low heat. Keep an eye on the coffee so it doesn't run away. The drink should not boil. The Turku should be removed from the heat when foam begins to appear on the surface. It retains the aroma of the coffee, which is why it is so important to prevent the coffee from boiling with water bubbling. To achieve the best taste, this procedure can be repeated several times. I did this procedure twice.

I pour the finished coffee from the Turks into a teapot with a strainer. It holds the smallest particles. ground coffee, which is just what we need. I pass the swollen gelatin through the same filter, after which I mix everything thoroughly.

I pour coffee into molds for future jelly. I will use cups and a bowl to show the original way of serving the finished jelly. I leave the molds in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

While the dark layer of my jelly hardens, I boil the milk. I let it cool down a bit, after which I add sugar, a bag of vanillin and already swollen gelatin, prepared in the same way as for the coffee layer.

I pour the milk mixture into molds with future jelly. Place carefully in the refrigerator until completely chilled. Usually jelly hardens within 2-3 hours.

Before serving, the form with jelly can be held for a minute in warm water, then turn it over and put the finished jelly on a saucer. You can decorate with berries, a spoonful of your favorite jam or powder. Coffee lovers will surely love this dessert. Bon Appetit!

Milk coffee jelly is delicious dessert that will appeal to all family members, from the smallest children to their parents. The main thing is that such a dessert is very easy to prepare, and a minimum set of products is required to prepare it.

However, to make the taste original and refined, you can add cinnamon, vanillin, cream, chocolate, cocoa and a lot different products. The beauty of this dessert lies in its usefulness. Milk contains calcium, gelatin contains natural substances to strengthen bones, coffee and cocoa are an antidepressant, and if honey is used instead of sugar, then such a dessert can be called real royal jelly.

To make the jelly really tasty, I recommend using sterilized milk, which should not be boiled, otherwise the dessert may have an unpleasant tint. And if you don’t have milk at all, then don’t use powdered milk, it’s better to make jelly with sour cream. It is also important in the preparation of jelly not to violate the technology and keep the proportions. If you boil gelatin or overdo it with liquid, then the jelly may simply not harden.

Products: 250 ml of milk, 30 mg of gelatin, 1 tablespoon of coffee, 250 ml of drinking water, 1 teaspoon of vanillin, sugar to taste.

Preparation of milk-coffee jelly

Pour gelatin with warm water, mix and leave to swell for 15 minutes. After this time, slightly warm the gelatin, the maximum temperature of its heating is 80 degrees.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar or honey, heat a little. Strain the gelatin through a filter and add to the milk mixture.

Pour the milk into a mold and send to harden in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

When the milk jelly hardens, cut it into cubes and arrange in bowls.

Now prepare the second part of the jelly - coffee. To do this, brew coffee in a convenient way for you. You can use a coffee machine, Turkish or just pour boiling water. You can also replace coffee with cocoa powder or combine these products. Then follow the same procedure with gelatin as the first time, and strain it through a filter or sieve into the coffee mass.

Pour the cooled coffee jelly into bowls over the milk jelly. Then send the dessert to cool in the refrigerator. If the coffee jelly is warm, then it can melt the milk a little, but that's okay, the jelly will look prettier.

Refreshing Japanese coffee jelly dessert (コーヒーゼリー) is very popular not only in Japan but also in other Asian countries. Most often it is served in transparent glasses, but you can also pour the prepared mixture into Plastic container or a baking dish, cut the jelly into translucent cubes after solidification and add them to milkshakes or ice cream for extra aroma and taste, they also make desserts even more beautiful. You can decorate the coffee jelly with whipped cream on top.

Ingredients (For 4 people)

Water 600 ml

Gelatin 1.5 tsp

Granulated sugar 5 tbsp

Instant coffee 2 tbsp

Step-by-step Japanese coffee jelly recipe with photo

1. We measure the right amount of gelatin (or agar-agar), sugar, coffee and water.

2. In a small saucepan, mix water with gelatin and beat well over medium heat until the gelatin dissolves.

3. Add sugar and instant coffee to gelatin water, stir well for 2 minutes, until the sugar dissolves.

4. Remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes.

5. Pour the jelly into beautiful molds in which we will serve dessert, remove excess bubbles from the surface with a spoon.

6. When the jelly has completely cooled down, cover the jelly with cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Serve garnished with whipped cream, mint leaves and a coffee bean on top.

Bon Appetit!

After a while, heat the milk, then add gelatin to it, mix and heat, stirring, until the gelatin dissolves in the milk, but do not boil. Add sugar, mix.

Pour instant coffee into a cup and add 2 tablespoons of boiling water to it, stir well. Then add half of the milk with gelatin to the cup, mix.

Pour 3 tablespoons of the coffee mixture into the glasses or, if you want, you can make the milk mixture as the first layer. Put the glasses in the refrigerator and let the jelly harden. This will take 20-30 minutes, the next layers harden faster.

When the coffee layer has hardened, pour 3 tablespoons of milk mixture on top and put the glasses back in the refrigerator. Further, the thickness of the layers must be adjusted visually, since the glasses expand towards the top and you need to pour more than 3 tablespoons.

Thus, alternating coffee and milk mixtures, fill the glasses to the very top, allowing each layer to harden well.

Sprinkle the finished milk-coffee jelly with chocolate or coconut flakes. Incredibly delicious dessert is ready!

Bon Appetit!

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