Home Bakery How to make tomato juice from tomato paste. How to make tomato paste at home: the best recipe. Why is it profitable to make nectar from pasta at home

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste. How to make tomato paste at home: the best recipe. Why is it profitable to make nectar from pasta at home

Good day to all! Do you still have a mountain of tomatoes in the kitchen, are they overripe, the peel has shriveled? And you don't know what to do with them? There is a great solution for the winter, it is to cook a very tasty vitamin and scarlet red tomato juice.

In general, do you think tomato juice is useful and is there any benefit from it?

It turns out that the benefits are huge for our body, especially for men, as well as for those who are on a diet. I will not go into details, for those who are interested, you can always read this information on the pages of the Internet.

I will list only the most basic, namely, what vitamins and minerals contain ripe juicy tomatoes:

Can you imagine how many useful things, just horror, that's what you need to eat every day!

Tomato juice for the winter at home

Just look at what beautiful jars, well, as if from a store, but only your own homemade ones, without any additives, flavorings and other nonsense.

The most delicious and favorite cooking recipe that can be done very quickly and easily at home.

To do this, we need a bunch of tomatoes and, as always, a great mood))). The secret of cooking is very simple and easy, in a nutshell, then take the fruits and pass through a meat grinder or blender, and then preserve them in jars.

If you want to drink it right away, then you can omit the preservation time and make it even without salt and sugar if you wish.

We will need:

  • ripe tomatoes - 12 kg
  • salt per 1 liter - 0.5 tbsp
  • sugar per 1 liter - 2 tsp

Addition: you can generally omit sugar and salt, or do it based on your taste preferences.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut into pieces, remove the stalk and various ugly places on the peel.

Important! It is best to choose high-quality tomatoes without any flaws so that there is less waste.

Then pass all the pieces through a meat grinder or juicer. Whoever has that and use it. Through a meat grinder, juice is always obtained with pulp, but through a juicer without pulp.

Interesting! There is another way, if there is no meat grinder, and also, if you want to do it without a juicer, anything is possible these days, then the device is broken, then there is no money to buy, what can you think of then.? To do this, take an ordinary sieve and grind all the pulp of tomatoes, everyone has it.

2. After you squeeze the juice, there will be a lot of cake left, move it to the side, it will not be needed.

Interesting! If you wish and enough time, you can twist the cake through a juicer or meat grinder several times.

3. Put all the red liquid in a saucepan, salt and sugar.

Important! How much salt and sugar should be taken per 1 liter? How do you usually take? I have such a calculation for 1 liter, 0.5 tablespoons (or 1 tsp) of salt, and 2 teaspoons of sugar are taken.

4. Heat the raw mixture and bring to a boil. Remember to stir so that the juice does not burn. Cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes, and in the meantime you can sterilize the jars and lids.

Important! When boiling, a lot of foam is formed, reduce the heat a little, stir well, and the foam will disappear, you can remove it with a spoon a little.

5. The next step, pour the already hot finished juice into sterilized jars.

6. Screw under the cover or roll up with a twist.

Important! Check if everything worked out, for this, turn the jar upside down and see if the liquid seeps out. Wrap jars under a blanket and let cool.

7. In such a wonderful way you can cook this miracle of nature, and in winter you can get it and drink it, or make your favorite tomato sauce or ketchup.

I have one more idea how to save such a blank, namely, you can squeeze the tomatoes and freeze the resulting juice, this year I am conducting this experiment, putting the juice in containers, containers, ice cups, and then in the winter I will take it out and add it, for example, to salad dressing. What do you think of this storage idea for your home?

Video: How to make tomato juice?

Recipe for homemade tomato juice through a juicer

Another excellent and cool option can be made in jars. It turns out without seeds and without pulp, as an electric juicer is used. It will take very little time to cook, because such an assistant does the necessary actions in a matter of minutes. Just zhzhzhzhzhzh and you're done.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is made only with the addition of salt. Optionally, you can add sugar, bay leaf, cloves to taste. Some I know even add bell pepper and garlic, and then they also grind everything on a juicer. In my opinion, this is already more vegetable juice.

This option does not require any additional heat treatment, sterilization, since the jars are taken clean and already prepared. Let's get started, and these step by step photos only to help you.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp (put at your discretion, try, stir, add more)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in a special juicer container, make juice.

2. Then put this red mixture to boil on the stove. After boiling, 10 minutes should pass, salt and mix well.

Important! Do not forget to stir so that less foam stands out on the surface. And then the situation, as with milk can happen, she will “run away”. Cook over low heat, but to gurgle.

3. After 10 minutes have passed, take the sterilized jars and lids and carefully pour the liquid into them.

Important! Pour the juice slowly, at first pour quite a bit to scald the jar and it becomes hot, accustomed to this temperature.

4. Tighten with a twist so that nothing runs out from under the covers.

5. Turn upside down, wrap and let cool to room temperature.

Everything is stored for a very long time, the taste is just awesome and flying away, just super !. You will definitely like this preparation and you and your family will be completely satisfied. Bon appetit.

Well friends, here it is homemade juice you can do it yourself, without much extra effort. If you liked this note, share it on social networks, subscribe to the group in contact and, as they say, see you soon! Bye everyone, have a good day and fruitful work!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Finding pure, natural tomato juice for sale is not so easy. To keep the product for a long time, it is mixed with other vegetables and fruits (for example, apples) or industrial preservatives are added. If you prepare a fragrant drink at home, you won’t have to worry about the quality of the product and your health.

Benefits and contraindications of the workpiece

Red juicy fruits are berries, although many consider tomatoes to be vegetables out of habit. To which category of plants would fruits not belong from a botanical point of view, their useful composition It can not be denied. Tomatoes literally "burst" from vitamins, trace elements and organic compounds that are necessary for normal human life. The fruits transfer their properties to the drink. The positive and negative effects of tomato on the body are shown in the table.

Table - The benefits and harms of tomato

BenefitPotential Harm
- Relieves fatigue, improves mood;
- helps to fight depression, insomnia, stress;
- strengthens the immune system;
- stimulates the digestive system;
- normalizes metabolic processes;
- lowers blood cholesterol levels;
- supports the normal functioning of the heart;
- prevents the development of osteoporosis;
- prevents the formation of cancerous tumors
- Causes allergies, as it contains aggressive allergens;
- provokes an exacerbation or development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis) due to the acid contained in the pulp;
- can cause urolithiasis if consumed in large doses and in combination with starch (bread, potatoes)

Do not abuse tomato juice. It is optimal to drink a glass a day. An excess of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis and poisoning. In addition, lycopene, which gives color to tomatoes, accumulates in the body. A case is known when, with an overdose of a tomato drink, the patient's skin turned red.


To prepare tomato juice according to any recipe you like, you need to chop the red fruits into porridge, squeeze and boil the liquid. The cooking process can be facilitated by kitchen appliances. Which unit to choose, the cook decides. However, you should take into account the features of household appliances, so as not to be disappointed with the result. The table gives basic ideas about devices that help squeeze tomato juice.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of household appliances for cooking tomato

Juicer- Gives a lot of ready-made juice, leaves little cake;
– makes a homogeneous juice without pulp and foam;
– ideal for soft vegetables and fruits
– Produces a lot of noise (cheap models);
– does not cope with solid products;
- turns some vegetables and fruits into puree, not juice;
- works for a long time
Blender– Grinds and mixes in a few minutes;
– copes with products of any hardness (from root crops to eggs)
– Makes puree, not juice;
- oxidizes plant products;
- makes a lot of noise
Pressure cooker or juicer– Cooks quickly due to strong heating;
- makes ready-made juice that does not require additional processing(can be immediately poured into sterile containers);
– retains vitamins and color of ingredients
– Requires preliminary processing of ingredients (tomatoes should be peeled, cut);
- does not allow the valve to open during cooking, so the products are laid before the start of the process;
– leaves quite a lot of “waste” that can be recycled
Multicooker- Prepares according to the established mode;
– allows adjustment of the recipe: changing the time, adding spices during the cooking process
– Requires preliminary grinding of products;
- it only helps to thermally process the juice, which can be done in a regular saucepan

If there are no automatic appliances in the kitchen, you can pass the fruits through a manual meat grinder or grate on a regular grater. Tomato mass will turn out no worse, but the process itself will take time.

5 Cooking Principles

One of the tasks of conservation is to prevent the appearance of mold and fermentation. It is for this that they add to the blanks vinegar solution, spices, hot seasonings. Follow all the subtleties will help five rules for preparing a drink.

  1. Fruit selection. For juice, fleshy, ripe or even overripe fruits are suitable. Tomatoes should be soft to the touch. You can use spoiled and deformed tomatoes, but before cooking, you need to cut out all the flaws. Brown, green and dense watery fruits will not work. They are best left for marinades and salting.
  2. Removal of skins and seeds. In order for the juice to turn out homogeneous, it is necessary to get rid of seeds and skins. To remove the skin, the fruit can be blanched. At the same time, it is easy to get rid of skins and seeds using a sieve. First, chop the tomatoes into a porridge, and then pass the mass through a fine metal sieve set over the pan.
  3. Cooking. This process increases the shelf life of the drink. Cooking tomato juice follows from crushed and passed through a sieve of fresh tomatoes. In fact, ready-made freshly squeezed juice is only boiled a little to kill germs, make the consistency thicker and richer. Do not cook for a long time, otherwise you will get a paste, not juice. Only enamelware can be used.
  4. The integrity of the container. The glass container for storage should not have chips or cracks. Lids must be free of scratches and damage. The slightest defects can break the seal during storage.
  5. Sterility. Even without partial sterilization, it is difficult to do. Sterilization of containers gives confidence in the safety of the product. Storage utensils should first be washed and then sterilized in the oven, microwave oven, saucepan, over steam. Juice can only be poured into a dry warm container.

Spices and seasonings are recommended to be added to taste. Most often, these are dried herbs, peas, but you can close the drink with pieces of fresh Bulgarian or hot pepper. Basil, oregano, cinnamon, mint, red pepper can be combined with tomatoes.

Tomato juice for the winter: a selection of recipes

With the help of household appliances, it is easy to get juice of the perfect consistency with all the vitamins and nutrients. Making juice on your own is more difficult, but the proposed step by step recipes help to do it. Tomato juice can be preserved not only in its pure form - it is permissible to experiment with flavors, add fruits, vegetables, seasonings.


Description. Natural drink is prepared without additives, spices, additional ingredients. You can salt it, but it is better to do without salt. When used, households themselves will add spices to taste. The output is about a liter of juice, the volume depends on the ripeness of the fruit and the technology of extraction.

What to prepare:

  • ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - as needed.

How to do

  1. Grind the fruits into porridge in any convenient way (you can first remove the skin).
  2. Carefully, using a spoon, wipe the mass through a sieve.
  3. Put the resulting juice on fire, wait for it to boil.
  4. Boil for about ten minutes.
  5. Skim off the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  6. Pour into sterile jars, seal.

From pasta

Description. If it was not possible to prepare a drink from fresh tomatoes, you can make tomato juice from tomato paste. You should choose a product, focusing on the marking "GOST". The composition of the natural paste does not include salt and sugar, while the dry matter content is in the range of 25-40%.

What to prepare:

  • natural tomato paste - one tablespoon;
  • cold water - one glass;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

How to do

  1. Dilute the paste in a glass of water.
  2. Mix thoroughly, salt.
  3. Add thyme, coriander, cinnamon to taste.
  4. If thicker juice is required, increase the amount of paste to two to three tablespoons.

with celery

Description. To prepare tomato juice with celery, additional spices are not needed - green stems are quite spicy.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • celery - three stalks;
  • salt, sugar, spices - optional.

How to do

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the tomatoes, put to boil.
  2. Grate or finely chop the celery stalks.
  3. Add to boiling tomato liquid, salt, season.
  4. Simmer for about 15 minutes until the stems become soft.
  5. Pass through a sieve, pour the resulting drink into sterile containers.

with an apple

Description . Tomato-apple juice for the winter is a storehouse of vitamins for the whole family. The fruits are pressed separately. An apple without special devices can be rubbed through a sieve or squeezed with gauze. Chopped into puree apple slices wrapped and tightly tied in a gauze cut. The bag is hung over the container, periodically wrung out by hand.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • carnation - three buds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • spices to taste.

How to do

  1. Cut the apples into slices, cut out the seeds.
  2. Grind prepared fruits into porridge.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, place over medium heat.
  4. Add spices and spices.
  5. Put to a boil, and then reduce the heat, boil for 15 minutes.
  6. Strain through a sieve to retain spices, seeds, large particles.
  7. Return to the pot, boil for another three minutes.
  8. Pour the finished drink into containers.

According to reviews delicious juice obtained with grapes. Grapes are crushed and squeezed together with tomatoes. As a result, the drink acquires a pleasant sweetish aroma. Grapes do not interrupt the taste of tomatoes, they act as a preservative, keeping the juice fresh.

with basil

Description. A fairly simple recipe for tomato juice for the winter with dry or fresh herbs. Basil can be replaced with dill, parsley or any other greens.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • basil;
  • spices, salt, sugar - to taste.

How to do

  1. Squeeze out the juice in any convenient way.
  2. Boil in enamel saucepan within 20 minutes.
  3. Salt, sweeten to your liking.
  4. Add a couple of sprigs of fresh basil or dried herbs.
  5. Pour into containers, close tightly.

with garlic

Description. The recipe for tomato juice with garlic will appeal to a lover of spicy and savory dishes. Garlic "loves" to ferment, so for reliable preservation it is better to add vinegar essence.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 11 kg;
  • garlic head - one;
  • allspice peas - to taste;
  • red pepper - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • carnation - eight buds;
  • cinnamon - three teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • salt - 175 g;
  • vinegar essence - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Make juice in a convenient way.
  2. Let it boil for half an hour.
  3. Reduce the heat, add spices and seasonings to the boiling liquid.
  4. Mix thoroughly, boil for five minutes.
  5. Pour in vinegar essence, add chopped garlic.
  6. Boil for 20 minutes, remove from heat, pour into containers.

With onion and sweet pepper

Description. Spicy and fragrant drink will be in great demand at any feast. Garlic can be omitted if desired.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • large onion - one head;
  • garlic cloves - three pieces;
  • bell pepper - two or three pieces;
  • spices to taste.

How to do

  1. Squeeze out the juice using a household appliance or sieve.
  2. Chop onion, pepper and garlic, mix with liquid.
  3. Put on heat, salt, season.
  4. Boil ten minutes after boiling.

Delicious juice is obtained with the addition of pumpkin, beets or carrots. Squeeze juice from vegetables, mix in a saucepan, boil with spices.


Description. Tomato flavor goes well with many seasonings, especially hot spices. So that large spices do not interfere, it is recommended to filter the drink before drinking. You can achieve the desired spiciness when cooking: soak the seasonings to taste during cooking, then remove from the drink.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • chili pod - one;
  • peppercorns - five pieces;
  • bay leaf - one;
  • carnation - ten buds;
  • cinnamon - five teaspoons;
  • ground nutmeg- half a teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • salt - 50 g
  • 9% vinegar - 50 ml.

How to do

  1. Squeeze out the juice in any convenient way.
  2. Put to boil in an enamel bowl.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat, leave for half an hour.
  4. Salt, sweeten, add spices.
  5. Cook for another ten minutes.
  6. Remove from heat, pour into prepared container.

with pulp

Description . Homemade tomato juice with pulp is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. A juicy and fragrant drink will help mentally return to sunny summer. The recipe does not require cooking, so the finished product should be pasteurized.

What to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg;
  • salt - two teaspoons.

How to do

  1. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin.
  2. Grind the pulp into porridge (you can use a pusher).
  3. Wipe through a sieve, salt.
  4. Pour into sterile containers.
  5. Cover with boiled lids, put in a saucepan with water (it is recommended to put a towel on the bottom).
  6. Boil liter containers for ten minutes, three-liter containers for half an hour.

Tomato drink is stored for two years. That is how long tomatoes do not lose their beneficial properties. If the lid swelled earlier, then the sterilization rules were violated during cooking.

Any recipe for tomato juice for the winter requires an airtight closure of the container. Banks sealed with a key are turned over, wrapped in a blanket or towel. This is necessary for slow cooling. Banks can be transferred to a cold place for storage in about a day.

Reviews: "From 40 kg of tomatoes - 32 liter jars"

Yesterday I was looking for a recipe for how to make juice, but I didn’t find a clear one, so I collected a little bit from everyone and closed it. We tried the rest, delicious. So, wash the tomatoes, I cut out the stalks, twist in a meat grinder with a special nozzle or squeeze in a juicer. Put to boil in an enameled bowl (I read that it’s impossible in aluminum), when it boils, add salt (I added 1 tablespoon for 7 liters), spices, bay leaves, peppercorns, I added a couple of cloves umbrellas, in general, to taste and boil 10 -12 minutes, pour into hot sterilized jars and twist!!!

Julia, http://forum. say7.info/topic46891.html

Juice is simple: cut tomatoes into a saucepan: into quarters, small into halves, press so that the juice covers the bottom. On the stove on a small fire under the lid for 20 minutes. The time depends on the number of tomatoes. Pour everything into a colander and squeeze with a potato masher, discard the rest. Bring to a boil, salt to taste .. a little .. and in jars. You can aspirinchiku, but I think too much. By the way, if you want without seeds, then you need to go through a sieve, it's more difficult. But in any case it's better than through a meat grinder... And if you want thicker... for tomato, adjika or sauce, you don't need to boil it, just wait until the pulp settles... drain the clear juice on top.

Dina, http://www. woman. en/home/culinary/thread/3849324/

Very simple and delicious tomato juice for the winter! Wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces. Pass through a screw juicer - so both the skin and seeds will go to waste, only juice and pulp will remain. Boil, add 0.5-1h. l. salt per 1 liter of juice, let it boil for 10 minutes, pour into clean dry jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap for a day. Can be stored at room temperature. Put 1 hour l .. without a slide for every liter, my husband liked it, but for me it was salty. Therefore, it is probably better to lay down half a teaspoon, and when used, add salt if necessary. I took large round fleshy tomatoes, the output is 32 liter jars of 40 kg tomatoes. Bon appetit!

light lana, https://hlebopechka. ru/index. php? option=com_smf&Itemid=126&topic=468311.0

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste? The manufacturer makes tomato juice from tomato paste, why can't we make it at home ourselves? Making tomato juice from tomato paste is easy, you need tomato paste good quality, water and salt. We advise you not to save on tomato paste. It is unlikely that you will be able to get tasty, high-quality tomato juice from cheap tomato paste.

No one doubts the benefits of vegetable juices: tomato juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen human health. fresh tomatoes, passed through a juicer, perfectly quench thirst in the heat.

In addition, such a product can be stored for the winter. However, not all of us have time to prepare and preserve tomato juice. The easiest way is to make tomato juice from tomato paste. However, is such a product useful?

Making juice from tomato paste is quite simple, you only need water, salt, tomato paste. Only you need to choose high-quality tomato paste, make sure that there are as few preservatives as possible, for example, our inexpensive domestic tomato paste ‘Tomato’ (Maikop, Russia) has proven itself well,

Do you like tomato juice? It can be drunk both in its original form and used to make soups, gravies, stew meat and vegetables, add to cocktails, etc. True, the price in stores for tomato juice is alarming. If you use it on the desired scale, then for the family budget it will not be noticeable for the better. Making juice from tomato paste, you can save 3-4 times on the purchase of tomato juice. What do juice manufacturers make tomato juice from? In fact, the same tomato paste is offered to the consumer, only with the addition of water, a pinch of salt and beautiful packaging. And the price for all these "services" is wound up several times.

Important: Only tomato paste is suitable for tomato juice. Not ketchup, not tomato sauce, but pasta. According to GOST 3343-89, the dry matter content in it should be at least 25% (from 25% to 40%). And no other ingredients other than water and salt are allowed to be added. In the store, you can check as follows - shake the jar, if the tomato paste is too liquid, then you do not need to take it. At a density of 23%, the consistency resembles Krasnodar sauce or ordinary cheap ketchup.

The price of tomato juice from paste is almost 3-4 times lower than the same one, but from a package. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?

tomato juice recipe

Dilute the paste with cold purified drinking water in a ratio of 1:3.

Liquid tomato juice: 1 tablespoon per glass of water

Thick tomato juice: 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water

Salt to taste with coarse-grained table salt.

Gourmets add to tomato juice in addition to salt - sugar and pepper to taste.

Useful properties of tomato paste

Tomato paste is a product made from mashed and thermally processed ripe tomatoes. During the processing of fruits, moisture evaporates, and the concentration of dry matter increases. Tomato paste is used in many dishes: in the preparation of soups and gravies, for stewing vegetables and meat, etc.

If tomato paste is a completely natural product, does not contain anything extra, except for tomatoes, then the usefulness of tomato paste juice is appropriate. Tomato paste contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, and due to the high content of acids (malic and citric), this juice improves metabolism. The vitamins of groups C and B included in tomatoes improve the work nervous system improve the condition of hair and nails. A low calorie content (only 23 kcal per 100 grams) and the absence of sugar make this product suitable for people who are losing weight and those with diabetes.

By the way, it is even more economical to prepare tomato juice yourself from fresh tomatoes in a juicer. But for this, at least, you need access to cheap raw materials (tomatoes).

Myths and facts about tomato juice

Tomato juice. Are they losing weight or gaining weight? Is it beneficial or harmful. How to drink it: with or without salt? It can also affect the heart. How is tomato juice different from a tomato? There are more vitamins in freshly squeezed juice than in packaged juice. The packaged juice contains a lot of salt, preservatives, and flavorings. It is made from tomato paste or powder. Which juice is better to choose?

You can make tomato juice with the addition of celery. Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium, which removes water from the body. It is better not to salt the tomato juice. Celery will replace salt. Why can't you drink a lot of tomato juice? There is a risk of heart disease. 100 grams of tomato juice contains a daily dose of vitamin K. This vitamin is responsible for blood clotting. Large consumption of juice can lead to the development of thrombosis.

Can a full-fledged tomato juice be made from tomato paste? No. Many vitamins are lost there.

Can tomatoes cause an exacerbation of urolithiasis? No. It is a myth. Tomatoes, on the contrary, can be used as a prevention of urolithiasis.

Does tomato juice help you lose weight? No. A person will not lose weight from him.

Is tomato juice used to prevent cancer? Yes. Tomatoes have lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Every Soviet grocery store had a department selling drinks. On a counter made of glass cones on a stand, a saleswoman poured juice into glasses. A special place was occupied by tomato juice. For everyone there was a jar of salt and a teaspoon. By purchasing a glass of tomato juice, salt could be added to it, which made this drink even tastier.

A bagel bought in the bread department turned ordinary juice into a light snack. Tomato juice made from ripe Astrakhan, Volgograd, Crimean or Ukrainian tomatoes was great! Nothing extra was added to it, not even salt. At that time, they didn’t even think about its benefits, didn’t think about how to drink it correctly, with what you can and with what you can’t.

Nutritionists are now studying this product in more detail and give advice on the correct use of this natural product.

What is the benefit of tomato juice?

Tomato juice - a storehouse of vitamins

  1. Natural, without additives, tomato juice is two in one: food and drink at the same time. Organic acids, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and all kinds of microelements contained in tomato pulp can not only quench thirst, but also dull the feeling of hunger, give vigor.
  2. Freshly squeezed tomato juice is an inexhaustible source of vitamins A, C, P, H, B, PP. The pulp of well-ripened tomatoes will replenish the body with such micro and macro elements as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, chromium, cobalt, zinc, which are necessary for the stable functioning of the whole organism.
  3. Pectin and rutin contained in tomato fruits help lower blood cholesterol, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and reduce the likelihood of such ailments as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and glaucoma.
  4. The special value of tomato juice is given by the content contained in it. lycopene. Thanks to this substance, which has an antioxidant effect, the body's ability to resist the proliferation of cancer cells is enhanced. Experiments have confirmed an improvement in the condition of cancer patients whose diet was supplemented with tomato juice and lycopene isolated from the pulp of tomatoes. In some cases, even the transformation of a malignant tumor into a benign one was observed. Research in this direction can help to obtain an effective and affordable tool for the prevention and control of cancer.
  5. Natural tomato juice allows you to speed up the metabolic processes, helps to remove toxins, toxins, radionuclides from the body.
  6. Daily intake of tomato juice helps to increase the body's resistance to stress, prevents seasonal depression, reduces nervous tension, and all this is due to the fact that the juice contains substances that stimulate the production of serotonin.
  7. The composition of tomatoes contains iron, magnesium and potassium that are biologically available for assimilation. Moderate intake of tomato juice increases hemoglobin, removes cholesterol, and helps with the recovery of the body after a heart attack and hypertension.
  8. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice will be a good prevention of blood clots.
  9. To improve the condition of a patient suffering from increased intraocular pressure or glaucoma, regular intake of tomato juice can.
  10. Ingestion of squeezed tomatoes helps to eliminate the processes of decay and fermentation in the stomach and intestines, helps to eliminate bloating and increased gas formation.
  11. Tomato juice will help solve problems of low acidity, but it is not recommended to take it during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  12. Juice from squeezed tomato fruits restores disturbed water-salt and fat metabolism, improves joint mobility, and reduces salt deposition.
  13. In case of diabetes, tomato juice is recommended to be taken without fear of negative consequences.

What is the right way to drink tomato juice to get the most benefit?

  • The juice should be taken as a separate meal. They are not recommended to drink any food. It is better to do this 30 minutes before the main meal. Tomato juice is especially incompatible with proteins and starch (potatoes, cereals, bread, meat, cottage cheese). Useful properties of tomato juice enhance: any greens, zucchini, cabbage, onions, garlic, cheese, nuts, vegetable oils.
  • Most healthy juice obtained from fruits ripened under the summer sun, in the open air, in the hot steppe. From greenhouse tomatoes good juice will not work.
  • Salt added to the juice reduces the absorption of nutrients.
  • The juice, industrial production, which, in addition to water and tomatoes, contains dyes, thickeners, preservatives cannot be used as a medicinal product.

Tomato juice - both drink and food at the same time

Tomato juice and its effect on the liver

A healthy liver is vital for a person, because it is it that cleanses the body of pathogens, toxins, poisons and waste products. By the middle of life, even such a powerful filter as the liver becomes clogged, the cleansing function weakens. It is required to clean the filter and restore the protective functions of the body.

Herbalists in this case recommend drinking tomato juice, its components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. The only thing to remember is that tomato juice is a means of prevention, it is too late to drink juice when the liver falls off.

If there are problems with the health of the liver, then the juice will only increase the load on the liver, damaged by diseases, in particular hepatitis. In this case, juice is contraindicated.

Benefits for weight loss

The acceleration of metabolic processes when taking tomato juice, the presence of dietary fiber in its composition, low calorie content, a combination of useful substances that are not found in other products, allow it to be used in diet food while reducing weight without harm to health.

Helps to lose weight - speeds up the metabolism

Tomato juice during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are especially attentive to their health. Fear of harming the baby during this period leads to the fact that expectant mothers do not dare to eat or drink anything unusual. But this does not apply to tomato juice. The intake of tomato juice during this period of a woman's life in moderate doses should only be welcomed. This juice will help overcome such unpleasant moments and phenomena as constipation, increased gas formation, toxicosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

One glass of juice per day is enough to meet the increased need for vitamins and minerals.

Another common problem of pregnant women is excess weight gain. Tomato juice will again help to cope with this problem. Dietary fiber, low calorie content, the presence of pulp in the juice make it possible to use it as a healthy snack, reducing the amount of food consumed.

Tomato juice will not harm lactating women, but you need to start taking juice with minimal amounts and carefully monitor the child's reaction to this supplement - red fruits and vegetables can cause an allergic reaction or affect digestion.

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Video about the benefits of tomato juice

Homemade juice - how to make

Natural, and preferably freshly squeezed tomato juice, with proper and moderate use, has undoubted useful properties:

  • mild choleretic agent;
  • natural diuretic;
  • effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent;
  • a strong remedy for strengthening blood vessels and capillaries.

To extend the period of eating tomatoes ripened in the open air, under the hot sun, you can only preserve them in an airtight container. The highest quality canned food is obtained at home. For the preparation of homemade preparations, the housewives choose the highest quality and ripe fruits; only natural spices are used in the preparation process.

Homemade juice can be drunk, can be used to prepare dressings for soups, meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

To obtain high-quality juice, it is better not to use a juicer, most of the pulp is lost in it.

Tasty and thick tomato juice is obtained when tomatoes, crushed to a puree state, are heated and rubbed hot through a colander. As a result, the mass is divided into tomato mass and peel with seeds. The juice will retain most of the vitamins, trace elements and useful material such as rutin, lycopene.

To obtain sweet juice, overripe large fleshy fruits are used. Such juice can be drunk undiluted, or it can be diluted with a little water. Small fruits produce a more acidic product that can be used as a natural preservative. It is suitable for cooking vegetables in tomato sauce.

Preserving vitamins for the winter

Juice from tomato paste

Homemade tomato juice is very tasty and healthy, but it has one significant drawback - it takes a lot of space to store the juice. If you remove excess liquid from the juice, for example, strain the tomato mass through several layers of gauze, you will get a concentrated product that will require much less storage space.

In winter, to obtain juice, the concentrate is diluted with water to the desired density.

Another way to get tomato juice in winter is to dilute tomato paste with water. When choosing a basis for creating juice, you need to study the composition of tomato paste. The composition of high-quality pasta should be as short as possible: tomatoes. Highly important indicator– dry matter content. They must be at least 25%. No dyes, preservatives, thickeners or spices.

To make juice, dilute tomato paste with water. It is pasta, not sauce and not ketchup. Tomato paste is diluted in cold purified water in a ratio of 3: 1. With this ratio, you get a thick tomato juice. For a thinner juice, a tablespoon of the paste is diluted in a glass of water. To improve the taste, salt, pepper and sugar are added to the juice to taste.

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Packaged, refurbished

When purchasing juice in a store, you need to carefully read what the manufacturer writes.

If it is written on the package that there is natural juice inside, reconstituted or direct extraction, this means that the contents of the package have undergone minimal processing, do not contain artificial additives: flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers. Unclarified juices with pulp are especially useful.

A pack of nectar contains about 25-50% fruit juice, the rest is water, sugar, citric acid.

The inscription fruit drink on the pack means that it contains no more than 15% juice, and the rest is water, dyes and artificial additives. Morse of industrial production cannot be called juice, it is a juice-containing drink, with minimal health benefits.

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Harm of juice from a pack

The main harm of canned juice, even the most natural one, lies in the huge amount of sugar contained in the package. In this case, sugar is used as a preservative. For example, a glass of reconstituted apple or orange juice contains 6! teaspoons of sugar, which is comparable to sweet carbonated drinks. Frequent use of such a product increases the likelihood of developing diabetes many times over.

Preservatives cause particular harm to the child's body, in which most of the systems are just being formed.

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Harm of tomato juice - contraindications

The immoderate and uncontrolled use of tomato juice can cause considerable harm.

The main contraindication to the use of tomato juice is individual intolerance.

Strengthening the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, juice can exacerbate existing problems. You can not drink tomato juice during an exacerbation of diseases such as:

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Do not drink tomato juice in case of poisoning.

With cholelithiasis, tomato juice should be drunk very carefully - it can cause stones to come out and then surgery is indispensable.

Tomato juice is a product that is uniquely useful and healthy, if used in moderation and taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Everyone knows why you need to drink fresh vegetable juices. For the body, they mean much more than fruit nectars. Tomato juice from pasta is one of the most popular vegetable juices.

Such juice is able to preserve vitamins and strengthen the body, protect a person from various diseases, which is especially important in the cool season. And in the summer season, this kind of drink will help satisfy your thirst. Exist various recipes production of fresh tomato juice. It is much easier to make it not from fresh vegetables, but from tomato paste. In this version, drinking will become no less useful and appetizing. You can also cook tomatoes in own juice with tomato paste.

How to choose the right tomato paste

Making nectar from tomato paste is not so difficult, in addition to it, you only need water and salt. However, at the same time, it must necessarily meet these simple conditions:

  • be of the highest quality;
  • not cheap.

Self-prepared nectar from tomato paste can be consumed in its pure form. It is recommended to be used as such for:

  • cocktails
  • soups;
  • beef and vegetable dishes;
  • sauces.

Tomato juice made from tomato paste, the recipe of which is given below, will turn out to be more economical and healthy than factory nectar, which consists of the same components. Plus, when using purchased juice, you will have to pay extra for the brand, the cost of packaging, etc.

And do not forget that to make tomato juice from pasta, you only need to use paste, but tomato sauce or ketchup are not suitable for this. Dry parts should be at least 25%.

pasta juice recipe

Have you decided to make tomato juice from tomato paste? We will now present the classic and traditional recipe. In accordance with its rules, vegetable puree is diluted with cold boiled water at the rate of one to three. In order to obtain a viscous drink, two or three tablespoons of raw materials are taken per glass of water. If you want to get a drink of a more liquid consistency, similar in density to water, then a spoonful of the product is diluted in a glass of water. Salt the nectar with coarse salt. If you want, you can add a little glucose or pepper. Certain consumers like nectar with spices. It is preferable to take it cold.

Tomatoes in their own juice with the addition of tomato paste

You can make tomatoes in your own juice with tomato paste quickly and economically. It is recommended to pour vegetables not only with tomato juice, but also with sauce made from pasta. This kind of option is the most economical, but this does not seriously affect the taste. All this is prepared easily, the process will not take you much time. And you will enjoy tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste all winter.

Prepare following products nutrition: 0.5 kilograms of tomato paste, one hundred grams of glucose and sixty grams of salt. Cook, but at the same time follow the following instructions: wash the fruits, and then dip them in water for half a minute. This procedure will make it possible to easily and effortlessly remove the peel from them. Divide the vegetable into sterilized jars. It should be diluted with 0.5 of water with pasta, and then add salt, glucose and pepper. Stir thoroughly and put on the stove to boil; pour the still heated sauce into jars, and then dip them into boiling water to sterilize. The mixture must be heated up to 85 degrees. If you use jars of half a liter, the procedure must last 20 minutes, and if 1 liter - 30 minutes. It remains only to roll up and install the jars with the lids down, covering with a clean towel. Tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste - a great snack, both for a holiday and for every day.


How to make tomato juice from tomato paste? First of all, you should think about how and for what you will use the resulting tasty mixture. Tomato juice from pasta can be consumed in its purest form. In addition, it can be poured into different dishes. Products made from natural tomatoes are very different in quality and degree of usefulness from what is sold in stores. Do not forget that no matter how colorful or unpretentious the container is, inside it, as a rule, there is a mixture of paste, sulfate and water. However, from which tomatoes this product was made, and whether the production method was observed, buyers cannot know. For this reason, it makes sense to make the paste at home and convert it into tomato juice from the paste.

Why is it profitable to make nectar from pasta at home

An easy calculation revealed that 3 liters of tomato juice come out of one can of ready-made tomato paste (at a ratio of one to six). Having salted the drink, the buyer will not feel the difference in taste and, of course, will want to purchase the necessary products. The price of a half-liter can of pasta is fifty to sixty rubles. The initial cost of 1 liter of juice costs a meager amount - sixteen to twenty-five rubles. However, in order to make a vegetable drink, directly tomato mass is needed. Ketchups and sauces are not suitable for this purpose. Part of the dried elements in the composition of the product must fluctuate between twenty-five to forty percent. The content of additives, such as acidity and glucose regulators, is not welcome in the composition, only sulfate and water are allowed.

How to control product properties

Shake the jar and evaluate the density of the contents. If there is a lot of water in the composition, and the density of the paste is similar to sauce or ketchup, you have every reason not to trust the quality of the proposed product. The correct technology involves the following process: the tomatoes are rubbed and subjected to heat treatment. After that, the raw materials are boiled in order to reduce moisture and increase the part of the dried elements. In the event that it is included vegetable puree there are no concentrates, it will fully show its beneficial properties in your body. A careful choice of tomato juice is considered the key to enriching the body with useful and important elements. Shop nectar is sold for 30-40 rubles. for 1 liter There are additives in its composition, and the price is four times the cost of juice made from paste. This begs the question of why overpay if you can dilute a tomato with water, salt it and drink it without worrying that the body will receive not very useful elements.

Have you ever wondered what are the benefits and harms of tomato juice? Delicious, nutritious. What else is needed? Scientists have found that tomatoes contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Moreover, when heat treatment its value is not diminished. You can improve your health with ketchup and tomato paste. Let's take a closer look at this miracle vegetable and find out what its benefits are.


The composition of tomato juice is impressive. There are few vegetables that contain so many healthy substances. It contains minerals, vitamins, organic acids, sugars and other substances necessary for health.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamins - C, A, H, PP, E, B;
  • trace elements - iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, boron, copper, fluorine, chromium, rubidium, nickel, molybdenum, zinc, selenium;
  • macroelements - phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium;
  • organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic, tartaric, succinic, lysine;
  • sugars - fructose, glucose;
  • pigments - lycopene;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • pectin.

The rich chemical composition explains the beneficial properties of tomato juice. Minerals and vitamins play an important role in human life. Their deficiency leads to health problems. Sugars make up for energy costs. Dietary fiber promotes satiety. With all this, tomato juice has low calorie. It is only 18 kcal. This feature makes it one of the products that make up diets for weight loss.

Beneficial features

What are the health benefits of tomato juice? First of all, it is a source of substances necessary for health, such as vitamins and trace elements. The benefits of tomato juice also lie in its ability to have an antioxidant effect on the body, slow down the aging process. It owes this to lycopene.

Organic acids are involved in the regulation of acid-base balance, reduce the risk of developing oncology, and slow down the aging process. Pectin cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, toxins, promotes digestion.

Tomato juice tones up, improves mood, promotes the formation of serotonin, which, as you know, is the hormone of "happiness".

The benefits of tomato juice for women have been proven. It relieves the symptoms of PMS, helps to survive a difficult menopause, tones. A large number of vitamins and minerals contribute to maintaining the beauty of the skin, nails, hair. Also, the drink slows down the aging process, helps to get rid of extra pounds.

The benefits of tomato juice for weight loss are explained by its chemical composition and low calorie content. Dietary fiber and pectin help cleanse, speed up metabolism, and saturate. Vitamins and minerals help maintain health and promote fat burning.

Useful tomato juice for men. It protects the prostate gland, helps restore sexual function.

Interesting fact! Boiled tomatoes are healthier than raw ones! When heated, they increase the amount of lycopene.

Tomatoes help you lose weight


The benefits and harms of tomato juice largely depend on the way it is used. They should not be abused. Excess has never contributed to health. You should also not drink juice for certain diseases and certain categories of people.

Application rules

In order for the drink to benefit, and not harm, the following rules for its use must be observed:

  1. It should not be drunk on an empty stomach. The acids contained in it will corrode the stomach wall and may contribute to the development of gastritis.
  2. It is undesirable to combine tomatoes with proteins and starches. This will contribute to the development of urolithiasis.
  3. It is better to drink it half an hour before meals. So it will be better absorbed, but it will not harm the stomach.
  4. Do not abuse the drink. The norm is a couple of glasses a day.
  5. It is better to drink unsalted juice, so it will bring more benefits.
  6. In the presence of chronic diseases before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  7. Tomato juice for weight loss is drunk between meals or instead of them. Salt during the diet should be discarded.

Advice! Tomato juice should not be drunk in painful conditions. It can increase pain sensitivity.


Not everyone can drink tomato juice. With exacerbations of chronic diseases, it should be abandoned, or the amount should be significantly reduced.

You can not drink tomato juice with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer. Gastritis and gout are also a contraindication to use.

Tomatoes are the only vegetable that, when heated, only increases its usefulness.

cooking recipes

Tomato juice can be bought ready-made in the store, but a drink made by oneself will bring great benefits.

Tomato juice

Preparing tomato juice is quite simple with a juicer or a blender. To do this, the fruits are scalded with boiling water and the skin is removed from them. Then cut into small pieces and put in a juicer. It is best to drink it fresh, without salt, but you can put it in the refrigerator for a while. Shake before use. healthy drink can be prepared for the future for the winter. To do this, it is brought to a boil and hot poured into jars. Rolled up with a machine.

Tomato with celery

Tomato juice with celery is especially beneficial for health. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • celery - 1 kg.

First, you should prepare the vegetables - remove the skin from the tomatoes, peel and chop the celery. Then squeeze the juice from the tomatoes with a juicer, pour it into a saucepan, put celery in the same place and bring to a boil. Then they cool, rub through a sieve and let it boil again.

A step-by-step recipe for making tomato juice can be found in this video:

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with being overweight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight failed? And have you already thought about drastic measures? It is understandable, because a slender figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least the longevity of a person. And the fact that a person who loses “extra pounds” looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures ... Read the article >>

Delicious tomato juice is one of the most healthy vegetable drinks that both children and adults love. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself from fresh fruits or ready-made store or homemade pasta. Since fresh tomatoes are stored for a very short time, preparing preservation is a good option for harvesting them for the winter. In storage, it takes up much less space, so it is more expedient to cook it at home than juice or sauce. Both juice and pasta can be used both independently and as an addition to various meat and vegetable dishes according to the recipe.

Features of making juice from tomato paste

Both products contain all the useful substances that tomatoes are so rich in. This fiber, lycopene is a wonderful antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer. Moreover, both in the paste and in the juice, lycopene is contained in much larger quantities than in fresh fruits. And all because the concentration of this extremely useful substance for the body increases during the heat treatment of tomatoes.

The tomato drink contains such micro and macro elements as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium. Therefore, the use of the drink is useful for various types anemia and other diseases caused by a lack of one or another mineral in the human body. In addition, tomato juice contains folic acid, without which the normal functioning of the circulatory, reproductive and immune systems is impossible, as well as A, E, C, B5, B6, B9, PP and K.

Like fresh tomatoes, natural tomato juice has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes and helps fight toxicosis during pregnancy.

How to make juice from tomato paste at home

  1. First of all, we need pasta. If you do not have a homemade one, you can use the store, although then you cannot be sure of its quality. In any case, the price of such a drink is much lower than the price of ready-made store-bought juice.
  2. For the recipe, you need pasta, not tomato sauce, ketchup or lecho.
  3. Choose a jar without preservatives or one that contains them in a minimal amount for the recipe. This can be checked on the label, where the ingredients are listed.
  4. A good canned tomato paste is quite thick and dense. Take the jar from the store, shake it well and turn it over. If the contents drain in a liquid stream, then the quality of this product is rather doubtful, you should not buy such a paste. You can make tomato juice from it, but it will not turn out tasty.

Tomato juice from tomato paste - recipe

  1. The recipe for making juice from tomato paste is extremely simple. Take a quality store or home preservation and dilute it with clean drinking water in a ratio of approximately 1:3. Everyone has different tastes, someone likes thicker juice, and someone - vice versa.
  2. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons of pasta per 200 ml of water, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well until smooth. You can add some sugar according to your taste.
  3. If desired, other spices are added to the tomato drink - thyme, rosemary, etc.
  4. It is recommended to drink the juice chilled, so keep it in the refrigerator for a while before serving.

The benefits of vegetable juices have been proven for a long time. Is no exception and tomato juice. This delicious drink comprehensively supports and strengthens the body, protecting its diseases and ailments. The nectar of fresh tomatoes perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, it can also be preserved for the winter. However the right recipe not everyone knows a real tomato drink, and making it takes a lot of time. It is much easier to cook it from tomato paste. Such a product is no less useful and tasty. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare tomato juice from pasta and analyze it. healing properties.

Choice of tomato base

Transforming tomato paste into juice is very easy, all you need is water, salt and tomato base. The latter should be of high quality, not cheap and not contain preservatives and additives.

Homemade tomato juice can be drunk neat or added to smoothies, meat and vegetable dishes, sauces, soups. Its factory analogue is not cheap, so making juice from pasta, you will be able to save a lot. In addition, the drink will not differ in any way from its counterparts, flaunting on store shelves. After all, only a small percentage of manufacturers produce truly quality product made from natural tomatoes. In most cases, the same tomato paste, water, salt and beautiful packaging are used.

Attention! Use only tomato paste for juicing, not sauce or ketchup. At the same time, the percentage of dry components in it should be at least 25 (ideally 25-40%). The product should contain only two main ingredients: water and salt.

It is easy to check the quality of the pasta: shake the jar if there is too much liquid in it, and the consistency is similar to the density of inexpensive ketchup or sauce - you have a product of dubious quality.


Dilute the tomato base with cold boiled water - 1 part of the paste to 3 parts of the liquid. To prepare liquid juice, focus on the ratio: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of paste in 1 cup of purified water. If you prefer a thicker drink, take 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water. spoons of raw materials. Juice should be salted with coarse table salt. In addition to salt, you can also add sugar or pepper - they will bring new sensations to the taste. Many gourmets drink tomato juice with spices - marjoram, rosemary, thyme. It is recommended to drink the drink chilled.

What is useful pasta

To obtain tomato paste, tomatoes are mashed and then heat-treated. In the process of boiling, moisture evaporates from the concentrated mass, and the dry matter content in it, on the contrary, increases. The finished product is used for the preparation of liquid dishes - soups and sauces, for stewing meat, vegetables.

If the paste does not contain any concentrates, and is a natural product made only from tomatoes, it has full useful properties. Therefore, before making tomato juice, carefully select the base.

High-quality tomato paste contains potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, which is good for muscles and bones. The acids contained in it (citric and malic) improve metabolism and digestive processes. Vitamins of groups B and C eliminate malfunctions of the nervous system, improve the condition of the hair, increase the strength of the nails.

Attention! Tomato paste is low-calorie - only 23 kcal / 100 g. Therefore, juice prepared on its basis is absolutely harmless for diabetics and dieters.

About the healing qualities of tomatoes

Tomatoes, which serve as the basis for tomato paste, are essential for health products. They contain many valuable minerals, including:

  • iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium, allowing you to keep the body in good shape;
  • fiber, useful for digestion;
  • the antioxidant lycopene, which has an anti-cancer effect;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B9, PP, K, responsible for the smooth operation of internal organs and systems;
  • folic acid, which stimulates the circulatory and immune systems.

Tomatoes have no equal in their ability to restore strength to a person and strengthen the immune system. It's not only delicious product but also an effective drug. Ripe tomatoes have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and relieve toxicosis in pregnant women.

Juice made from fresh tomatoes fully preserves their healing properties and is included in the list of the most essential products for health.

How to make tomato juice from fresh tomatoes

Recipe #1

Tomatoes for the recipe pick up ripe and intact. After washing them with running water, pass through a meat grinder, remove the skin. For express cooking, you can use a juicer.

Pour the tomato mass into an enameled container and boil over low heat until the foam bubbles completely disappear from the surface. If the juice is prepared for the winter, it should be poured hot into sterilized jars.

Recipe number 2

This recipe differs from the first one in that a sieve is used instead of a juicer. Whole, ripe tomatoes should be cut into slices and rubbed through a fine sieve. Then pass the mass through a gauze filter. Add salt and sugar to the resulting juice, boil (as in the first recipe) and pour into sterilized jars.

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