Home Main dishes How to make steam chops without a steamer. How to steam vegetables without a steamer. Steam cutlets with herbs

How to make steam chops without a steamer. How to steam vegetables without a steamer. Steam cutlets with herbs

Doctors unanimously prohibit fried and salty foods in the presence of allergies, dermatitis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and those who take care of their figure and health limit themselves to them on their own. But if you really want cutlets, it’s not at all necessary to torture yourself, finally refusing a tasty, nutritious and economical dish. The solution is quite simple: you can minimize the use of oil and steam them instead of frying.

Steamed classic meatballs
Most delicious meatballs always obtained from several types of meat. To prepare classic steam cutlets, you will need:
  • 250 gr. ground beef;
  • 250 gr. minced pork;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 200 gr. loaf;
  • 150 ml. milk;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • bulk saucepan;
  • colander or sieve.
Finely chop the onion, mix with minced meat, salt and set aside. Soak the loaf in milk for a couple of minutes and crush it into a pulp. To get a softer texture, you can cut off the crusts from the loaf - then you will have to soak it less. Also, do not be afraid if you need a little less or a little more milk - there should be just enough milk so that the bread is almost liquid, but there are no strong "puddles". Add an egg to the mashed bread and bring to a homogeneous consistency, then mix the mixture with minced meat thoroughly, form cutlets and put them in a colander. Take a liter of water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil, then place the colander so that it is at least one and a half centimeters away from the water. Cover and cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Instead of a saucepan, you can also use a frying pan, however, in this case, the cooking technique will be different, and the cutlets will turn out to be more stewed than steamed. Shape into patties and place on a well-heated skillet. Add boiling water there so that it covers the base of the cutlets by about 1.5-2 centimeters. Lift each cutlet in turn so that water flows under it, forming a kind of barrier between the hot surface and the meat. Cover and fry over medium heat for 15-20 minutes on each side, being sure to add water as it evaporates.

Steamed cutlets with carrots
Adding vegetables only enriches the taste of steam cutlets. To prepare meatballs with carrots, you will need:

  • 500 gr. ground beef;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large or 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 100 gr. loaf;
  • 100 ml. milk;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
As in the previous recipe, soak the loaf in milk, crush and mix with the egg until smooth. Grate carrots and onions on a fine grater, then mix everything thoroughly with minced meat, add salt and sugar and form cutlets. Put them in a colander and put it on a pot of boiling water, making sure that the distance between the cutlets and the water is about one and a half centimeters. Cook covered for about half an hour over medium heat.

Diet cutlets for a couple
Most diet cutlets are made from turkey and chicken. At the same time, it must be taken into account that from a turkey they will be more satisfying. For cooking you will need:

  • 600 gr. minced chicken or turkey;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • pepper and spices to taste.
Since chicken and turkey meat is more tender and lighter than beef or pork, there is no need to add to such steam cutlets bread. All that needs to be done is to finely grate the onion, mix all the ingredients thoroughly until smooth, form cutlets and put either in a colander placed over boiling water or in a pan with water. Such cutlets are prepared in less than a quarter of an hour, 8-10 minutes on each side, and the taste is very delicate and almost weightless. If you use fresh meat at the same time, and mix the ingredients with a blender, the structure does resemble a soufflé.

Steamed pumpkin cutlets with chicken
Pumpkin cutlets with steamed chicken have an interesting taste:

  • 1 kg pumpkin (you can use frozen pieces);
  • 200 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 50-100 gr. spinach;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml. cream.
First you need to prepare all the ingredients:
  1. Boil the fillet and divide it into small fibers with your hands.
  2. If the pumpkin is fresh, free it from the peel and finely grate the pulp. To get rid of the skin faster, you can hold the pumpkin in the oven for a few minutes. If the pumpkin is frozen, you need to boil it for 5-10 minutes, and then mash it into a puree.
  3. Grate the onion very finely.
  4. Heat the frozen spinach in a calcined pan until softened, and just chop the fresh spinach and mix with the minced meat.
  5. Mix all prepared ingredients, adding eggs, salt, spices and cream, and achieve a relatively smooth consistency.
It remains to form cutlets of any shape and either cook them in a double boiler at medium power, or steam them in a “water bath” with a colander for half an hour. Cutlets are ready!

There are a lot of garnish options for steam cutlets, but they are best combined with fresh, stewed or baked vegetables, such as zucchini, eggplant, green beans, pumpkin, cauliflower or broccoli. To get the most flavor out of the side vegetables, roast them on a baking sheet or in a low-sided dish, leave plenty of space between them, use the highest temperature and the shortest cooking time (about 20 minutes) and remember to turn them over at least once in order to they baked evenly.

Interesting Facts:

  • Water can be used instead of milk. The structure will turn out a little rougher, but cutlets without the use of milk are considered a more dietary option.
  • Instead of bread, you can add finely grated potatoes - 2-3 medium potatoes are required for half a kilogram of minced meat.
  • You can also add crushed oatmeal instead of bread to add an interesting note and increase the richness of taste.
  • Salt can be replaced with any spices - the taste will become spicier, and the absence of salt will go almost unnoticed.
  • Instead of beef and pork, you can use a mixture of ground veal and chicken.
  • If you put the grated onion in the freezer for about an hour before cooking, and then use it in minced meat without defrosting, this will add special juiciness to the cutlets.
  • Moisten your hands to make patties easier to form. cold water- so the stuffing will almost not stick.
The undeniable plus of steam cutlets is that they can be prepared from almost anything. Fish or vegetable steam cutlets are indispensable for more stringent diets or for detoxifying the body. well and proper cooking meat steam cutlets will allow you to achieve the most tender and juicy texture that will complement the taste of any side dish and will not require additional sauce.

Steamed dishes are considered the healthiest. They are prepared for children, adults who are recovering from serious illnesses and operations. Steam preserves vitamins and microelements in food. Usually, housewives use special household appliances, but not everyone can boast of having the necessary appliances. How to cook for a couple without a double boiler and multicooker is described in the article.

Colander to the rescue

An ordinary colander will help to prepare steam cutlets, meat, fish and other products.

  1. Take a saucepan and pour water into it.
  2. Place a colander on top. main feature that the diameters of the kitchen utensils match. The sieve must be securely fixed.
  3. Lay out the food you are going to cook and cover the homemade steamer with a saucepan lid.
  4. Turn on the stove, adjust the heat or set the desired temperature.

Do not forget to control the process of cooking steam dishes, add water if necessary.

The role of a colander is played by ordinary gauze, rolled up in three or four layers.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan.
  2. Wrap it with gauze, tightly tie the ends of the material to each other. If necessary, fix with a clothesline, because the gauze should hold tight.
  3. Lay the food and cover the structure with a deep bowl, suitable in diameter.

During cooking, do not touch the gauze, it is saturated with steam, becomes hot and can leave a burn.

Foil ball steamer

This method is ideal if the hostess wants to cook a small portion of the dish. The peculiarity of the method is that you can get by with a frying pan, not a pan.

  1. Form three to four tight foil balls. The volume is half a fist.
  2. Place them evenly on the pan, pour water.
  3. Put a plate of food on the balls, cover the pan with a lid on top.

During cooking, make sure that water does not get into the plate with food.

Do not be upset if you do not have a double boiler or slow cooker. Steamed dishes can be prepared using ordinary kitchen utensils.

Fish should be eaten at least once a week. More useful product will be if you cook it for a couple. Such dishes are not only tasty, but also low-calorie, they do not contain oil, so they do not harm our body! Not everyone in the house has a double boiler, and not all multicookers have the function of steaming dishes. How to steam food without a steamer? In fact, there are several ways, and we will be happy to share them with you! Also in this article you will find steamed fish recipes without a double boiler. With the help of our tips, you can cook not only pieces of fish, but also cutlets, as well as create immediately full meal- fish with garnish.

How to cook for a couple without a double boiler and slow cooker?

With help simple tricks you can cook healthy dish for a couple without using modern technologies. All you need is a gas or electric stove and a deep saucepan.

How to cook steamed fish without a double boiler? You can create a double boiler from improvised items. The ideal way would be:

  1. Pour some water into the saucepan.
  2. Place a metal colander in a saucepan, put pieces of fish or fish cakes into it.

If there is no metal colander, then you can simply use a piece of gauze, which is fixed in a saucepan. You can tie this piece by the handles, put fish in it, cover the pan with a lid and cook.

If the colander has large holes, and you want to cook fish with a side dish, for example, rice, then you can put cheesecloth on top of the colander.

Steamed fish with lemon

To prepare this dish, you can use any fish, but according to the recipe, it is hake. It is in which there are many useful substances and proteins. Steamed hake is also healthy food which is suitable for diet food. Garnish can be absolutely anything - vegetable salad, vegetable stew, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, cereals.

Cooking Ingredients steam fish:

  • 500-600 grams of any fish fillet, but hake is better;
  • big lemon;
  • Little sunflower oil;
  • salt and seasonings.

Steamed fish without a double boiler is very easy to prepare, we suggested how this can be done using improvised means. To prepare this dish, it is advisable to use a colander, but cheesecloth will work if you stretch it well.


  1. Cut the fish into portions, rub with seasonings and salt.
  2. Place the colander in a saucepan filled with water so that it does not reach the colander even when boiling.
  3. Lubricate the colander with a small amount of sunflower oil so that the pieces do not boil.
  4. Lay out the fish, put a slice of lemon on each piece.

It will take 30 minutes to steam fish without a double boiler. At this time, it is advisable not to open the lid.

Steamed fish with vegetables

To cook fish immediately with a steamed side dish, it is not necessary to have a double boiler or slow cooker at home! We suggest considering a variant of a dish consisting of sea bass and various vegetables. Can be used ready vegetable mix, and created independently, from your favorite vegetables!


The preparation is very simple:

  1. Cut the perch into pieces, after gutting and removing the scales.
  2. Rub each piece with salt, pepper with allspice.
  3. Lubricate the colander with a small amount of sunflower oil, put pieces of fish on it. sprinkle lemon juice.
  4. Put chopped vegetables on top of the fish, they also need to be lightly salted.
  5. Steam for 30-35 minutes.

When serving on plates, you can add fresh tomatoes!

Steamed fish with rice

How to cook steamed fish without a double boiler, and even with a side dish of rice? Women's cunning has always helped out housewives in the kitchen, so we will use it! We will prepare a hearty, tasty and healthy meal for the whole family, while spending a minimum of time.


  • any fish - by the number of servings;
  • a glass of rice;
  • pickled corn;
  • salt and seasonings.


  1. Rice needs to be soaked, rinsed from starch.
  2. Cut the fish into steaks, removing the bones. Salt and season each piece, leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Put cheesecloth in a colander, put the rice in an even layer on top of it, salt a little.
  4. Put the fish on the rice, preferably so that the steaks completely cover the grits.
  5. Steam for thirty to forty minutes - until the rice is fully cooked.

Rice will turn out amazing in taste, because it will be saturated with fish aroma and seasonings. When serving on plates from the edge, put pickled corn, it will be very tasty!

Steamed catfish in cranberry sauce

Catfish is a fatty fish, and not everyone will like it fried. It is much tastier and healthier to steam such fish. How to cook without a double boiler, you already know. Now we offer you to get acquainted with the amazingly simple recipe for making catfish. But the taste of the dish will turn out incredibly bright!


  • medium-sized catfish;
  • a glass of cranberries;
  • one lemon;
  • salt;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary;
  • allspice.


  1. Remove the peel from the lemon. Place the lemon and cranberries in a blender, chop. If there is no blender, then pass through a meat grinder, or mash with a fork. Salt - a teaspoon of salt is enough, add allspice.
  2. Divide the catfish into steaks, put in the marinade, leave to soak for an hour.
  3. Put the pieces of fish in a colander, set it in a saucepan. Place rosemary sprigs on top of the steaks. Cover with a lid, cook for 30 minutes from the moment the water boils.

As a side dish, boiled rice or mashed potatoes, as the taste of these dishes is neutral, and it will not overpower the aroma and taste of steamed catfish in cranberry-lemon sauce.

Sturgeon with sauce

Let's cook royal fish for a couple, and we will serve it under delicious sauce! Such a dish will fit not only for dinner with the family, but also for serving to the festive table.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • sturgeon - half a kilo;
  • lemon;
  • olives or olives without bones;
  • white dry wine- five spoons;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • salt;
  • allspice.

Fish preparation:

  1. Cut the sturgeon into pieces, salt and pepper. Pour into a greased colander.
  2. Put chopped olives on top of the pieces, pour wine over.
  3. Steam fish for 30 minutes.
  1. Melt in a frying pan butter fry flour in it.
  2. As soon as the flour turns brown, pour half a glass of broth from the pan in which the sturgeon was steamed into the pan. Bring to a boil while stirring.
  3. Add Provencal herbs or fresh herbs, squeeze lemon juice, mix. If necessary, you can add a little salt, but the sauce should be salty, as the broth from the preparation of the fish was added to it.

Pour the sauce over the fish when serving.

Steam fish cakes

Cooking cutlets for a couple is no more difficult than just pieces of fish. If you are bored fried foods, then try to make steam cutlets from any favorite fish.


  • 500 grams fish fillet;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • egg;
  • salt and pepper.

Now let's cook delicious, juicy meatballs from these products!

  1. The fillet must be scrolled in a meat grinder along with a peeled onion.
  2. Boil the carrots, cut into smaller cubes, add to the minced fish.
  3. Mix minced meat with egg, salt and pepper.
  4. Lubricate the surface of the colander with oil, lay out the formed cutlets, rolling them in flour. Cook 20 minutes.

As a side dish, you can use whatever your heart desires! It can be boiled cereals or potatoes, mashed potatoes, a mixture of boiled vegetables or a fresh salad.


We shared secrets and recipes, thanks to which you can steam fish without a double boiler at home. Now you know that steam dishes can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. The recipes published in this article will help diversify your table!

How to cook delicious meatballs

An article about different ways to cook steamed cutlets with and without a double boiler. A simple recipe and ways to cook cutlets according to it in different ways.

20 pcs.

1 hour

220 kcal

5/5 (4)

Many people know that fried foods are bad for your figure and health. For people with diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, fatty fried foods are generally prohibited. But not to refuse because of this from your favorite meatballs? Of course not, because you can easily do without frying! I will tell you how to cook delicious steamed minced meat patties that will be good for your health and your figure. Paired cutlets can be prepared step by step and from the usual pork and ground beef, you can make minced meat from chicken breast, or turkey fillet.

I started cooking steamed cutlets myself after I decided to take care of my figure, and I have never regretted it. If you think that you need to have a steamer for this, then you are mistaken. Cutlets can be steamed both in a pressure cooker and in a slow cooker, but ... I tried a lot different ways, and I like to cook steam cutlets without a double boiler using a regular pot and colander. Next, I will tell you how to do it right, and how much to steam cutlets.

Kitchen appliances

Depending on which cooking method you choose, you will need different utensils. In any case, you will need a plate and a spoon.

  • To cook meatballs in a steamer you only need a steamer.
  • To cook meatballs in a water bath you will need a saucepan and a colander.
  • To prepare steamed cutlets in a frying pan, you only need a frying pan with a lid.

Required Ingredients

We will take the simplest diet recipe steam cutlets.

You can use other classic recipes cutlets with the addition of eggs and bread, but in our case, these cutlets will be very tasty.

Cooking sequence

In a double boiler

This is the easiest way I know how to steam cutlets. Just mix all the ingredients and mix well. Roll up cutlets and put in a double boiler for 35 minutes. She will do everything for you. Cutlets will turn out juicy and spicy.

in a saucepan

And this is the easiest way to cook steam cutlets without a double boiler. To do this, take a saucepan and fill it about a third with water. Put a colander on top and put the molded cutlets into it. Cover with a lid and cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

in a frying pan

If you can’t do without frying cutlets, then in this case you need to pour a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, and when it heats up, put the cutlets and fry a little on both sides. If you are making fried cutlets, then you need to fry it in another pan and add it to the cutlets. Then everything is filled with water to the brim. Cutlets should languish over low heat for about 40 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little water during cooking.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for cooking cutlets in a double boiler

And now let's see how a professional makes such cutlets on a good double boiler, and compare how his method differs from ours. I think nothing!

Cutlets are a dish that can be eaten with any side dish. A side dish of vegetables is best suited for steam cutlets: for example, you can cook vegetable stew or rice with vegetables. It will be delicious if you serve cutlets with any porridge or boiled potatoes. Better not to combine them with fried potatoes, because then the whole point of their cooking is lost. You can just eat a couple of cutlets with vegetable salad and bread, because it is quite satisfying.

If steam cutlets seem too lean and tasteless to you, then you can make a light sauce for them or

Steamed cutlets are very simple dish, but still there are a couple of secrets on how to make them even better:

  • If your cutlets are falling apart, but you don’t want to add bread, then you can replace it with oatmeal.
  • If you add onion, then it is better to grate it or even scroll through a meat grinder.
  • To make the cutlets juicier, at the end of cooking the minced meat, add frozen greens or ice, broken into small pieces, into it.
  • If you use several types of meat for minced meat, then the cutlets will turn out tastier and richer.

Other options

Steamed cutlets can be made from anything:, or you can simply add the filling to the cutlet. Their main idea is to remove excess fat and help the protein to be better absorbed, which means being healthy, but still tasty. Therefore, you can find many recipes for meatballs that can be steamed. But remember - steam cutlets have different time cooking, depending on what they are made of. So how long do you need to cook steam cutlets? Fish are the fastest to cook - 10-15 minutes. Chicken and turkey - an average of 20-25. Cutlets from pork, beef and veal can be cooked in 30 minutes.

Today, more and more people are switching to proper and healthy nutrition. If you are one of them, then you often had to deal with various recipes steamed food. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase an electric steam cooking device, so sooner or later the question may arise,?

V Soviet time cooks got used to steaming almost all dishes without a double boiler: chicken and meat cutlets, vegetables and fish, casseroles and much more. As a result, such heat treatment meals are low-calorie, ideal for young children and people on a diet. Therefore, below you will see how to replace a double boiler at home.

The most affordable option is to cover a pan of the required diameter with gauze folded in several layers. Securely fasten the ends of the gauze (you can use a rubber band for this purpose) and hide them inside the pan. Cover the pan with a lid or basin of a suitable diameter. So you can cutlets and vegetables.

If there is no gauze at hand, then you can use two pots of different diameters (choose either enameled or stainless steel dishes). Put fish, meatballs or vegetables (pre-cut as you like) into a saucepan of small diameter, pour in a small amount of broth or water.

V large saucepan pre-boil water (take about a third or half a pot of water, depending on the size of the smaller container) and place a small saucepan over boiling water. Now cover everything with a lid and cook your dish until cooked. This is the easiest way how to replace a steamer at home.

Instead of gauze or a small saucepan, you can use a colander. Steam without a double boiler so you can steam rice, vegetables, fish or steam cutlets for twenty minutes to half an hour (depending on the meat and fish chosen).

Steamed vegetables are cooked very quickly: in ten to twenty minutes you will get a tasty and healthy dish with a minimum of lost vitamins and minerals.

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