Home Preparations for the winter How to cook vegetable pancakes on kefir and yeast. How to cook yeast pancakes on kefir

How to cook vegetable pancakes on kefir and yeast. How to cook yeast pancakes on kefir

Today I decided to make yeast pancakes on kefir, but I have never done them before, because for me pancakes are a dish that can be cooked very quickly. But when they are cooked quickly, they turn out to be flatter, but here, as you can see, the opposite is true. From these products I got about 20 pancakes. I recommend not to make them in very large quantities that you cannot eat in one day, as it is better to eat them fresh, or at least on the day of preparation.

In my opinion this the best recipe lush pancakes on kefir, even if you take into account the fact that yeast is included in the composition. By the way, if you slightly reduce the amount of sugar, then you can make more of them. snack option, especially if you add chopped sausage or greens to the composition.


  • Kefir 1 or 2.5% - 250 ml.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Fresh pressed yeast - 8 g (you can take 0.5 tsp of dry yeast instead)
  • Wheat flour - 240 g
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Sea salt - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook pancakes on kefir

First of all, I make dough for pancakes with yeast. So, I pour kefir into a small saucepan and put it on fire to warm it up a little. Here it is important not to overdo it so that its temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Then I pour it into a deep bowl, add the egg, salt, sugar and yeast. Sugar can be taken more or less, depending on how you like it more. If you don’t want to make them with pressed yeast, you can replace them with dry ones, which are enough to take 0.5 tsp.

Now I mix everything well until smooth. It is important that the yeast is completely dissolved, and after that I pour in all the flour that I sifted in advance. Its quantity does not need to be increased, this is just enough if you want the products to turn out really airy.

Next, I mix it with the rest of the ingredients and you're done. Don't be embarrassed that it didn't turn out the way we used to see it yeast dough, but just because it is of a liquid consistency, pancakes on kefir and yeast turn out to be very lush.

Then I cover the bowl with cling film and leave it to rise for at least half an hour. If the kitchen is warm, then during this time, it will have time to rise well, if it is cold, then you will have to wait a little longer. Be guided by the fact that in volume it will become twice as large. When the dough has risen, in no case, do not try to stir it.

I put the frying pan to warm up and pour vegetable oil into it so that it covers the bottom. You don't need a lot of oil, but not a lot, so that the pancakes can fry normally. When the pan with oil is hot, I carefully scoop up the risen dough with a spoon and spread it into the hot oil. At one time, I managed to fry 5 - 6 pancakes. I fry them over high heat, but not at the maximum, so that they have time to cook inside.

I fry them on both sides until a beautiful golden color and remove from heat, and immediately spread them on paper napkins to remove any remaining oil. Do not neglect this action so that the pancakes are not too greasy.

As you can see, the recipe for lush fritters with yeast and kefir turned out as promised. When broken, the airy texture is clearly visible.

Before serving yeast pancakes on kefir, you can pour them with honey, chocolate, condensed milk, jam or sour cream. The last option is traditional, but since I have a real sweet tooth, I eat them with honey. And in total I got about 20 of them, although it depends more on what size I make them. I advise you to cook them! Bon Appetit!


If the house is cold and the dough does not rise well, you can put it in an oven heated to 40 degrees, which is turned off. You can also place the bowl with it in a container of warm water. Such methods will significantly speed up the process of increasing the dough.

Fritters are a kind of pancakes, only small in size. Usually several of these pancakes are placed in a frying pan at once, they are much thicker than pancakes and are fried in more oil.

By itself, this word has been found in literature since the 16th century; Although the first spelling is still correct, the word comes from "oleum" - oil.

Over the course of three centuries, a very diverse content was invested in the concept of this name. So called not only culinary products from sour dough using yeast, but also products with the addition of potatoes, zucchini, cabbage. There were millet and semolina fritters. They baked them with fruit fillings. Especially such varieties were popular in St. Petersburg.

So often under the very word only a certain form of the product was understood, and not at all its composition and preparation technology.

Currently, the word fritters refers to flour products mixed with milk, kefir or water, with or without yeast, as well as with the addition of eggs. Although not only! One of today's recipes, which I bring to your attention, provides for the preparation of products without flour at all.

Today I want to offer you a few absolutely different recipes cooking. Prepared in one of these ways, they can add variety to your breakfast.

Pancakes on kefir and yeast turn out soft and fluffy, they rise well when frying, and of course they are very tasty.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • dry yeast - 3 teaspoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt -0.5 tsp
  • flour - 2.5 cups
  • vegetable oil


1. Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance and keep a little in a warm place. When we add yeast to kefir, it is better that it be slightly warm. If you didn’t manage to get kefir on time, then you can pour it into a bowl hot water, and put a container with kefir in it. This way it will warm up faster.

2. Add yeast, salt and sugar to kefir. Mix. Leave in a warm place so that the yeast dissolves and the dough rises slightly.

3. Add eggs to the mixture of kefir with yeast, mix well.

4. Gradually introduce flour, mix so that there are no lumps. The dough should be the consistency of not very thick sour cream.

5. Leave ready dough infuse in a warm place. The dough will begin to increase in volume after 15-20 minutes. It will be covered with bubbles and will be "alive".

6. There are recipes where the dough fits twice. That is, after the first rise, it must be mixed with a spoon, the dough will fall off. Then again you should put it in a warm place, and again give it the opportunity to rise. Then fry it up.

7. I usually make pancakes from dough that has only risen once.

8. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. It is not necessary to pour a lot of it so that the products do not turn out to be too greasy. With a large tablespoon, put the dough into the pan and fry the workpieces on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. Approximately 5-7 minutes on each side.

9. Put the finished products on two or three layers of paper towels to drain excess oil. Then put them either on a large common plate, or each on separate plates.

10. Serve ready meal with sour cream, honey or jam.

Pancakes from zucchini on kefir

This article will offer only one recipe. But if you like this dish, then on the proposed topic. And in it you can surely find a recipe to your liking.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 500 gr
  • kefir - 250 ml.
  • flour - 2 cups, or a little less
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vinegar essence
  • vegetable oil


1. Rub the zucchini on a medium grater. If the zucchini is young, then it is better not to remove the skin, it contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements. You can rub the zucchini immediately into a bowl in which we will make the dough.

2. Add kefir to grated zucchini. Salt, add sugar. Put out the soda with a few drops vinegar essence, add to the dough. Due to the slaked soda, the pancakes will be lush and soft. Mix well.

3. Add an egg, mix.

4. Gradually stir in the flour. Do not pour out all the flour at once. Pour in small portions and mix so that there are no lumps. Also, keep an eye on the consistency of the dough. It should turn out like not very thick sour cream.

5. Leave for 30 minutes for the dough to rise. You can make this dough ahead of time. Knead it in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator until morning. I often do this so as not to waste time preparing the dough in the morning. And immediately in the morning for breakfast, bake fragrant delicious "Suns".

6. Warm up the oil. It is not necessary to pour it into the pan a lot, so that the products do not turn out to be too greasy. For a new batch, oil can be added. Fry them over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. Approximately 5-7 minutes on each side. Place cooked on paper towels to drain excess oil.

7. Put the finished product on a large common dish, or put it on plates for everyone. Serve with what anyone likes - with sour cream, with honey, with jam. And someone loves them without everything, just with sweet tea.

Various spices can be added to such products for flavor, they are especially good with ground paprika. And you can make them with fresh herbs, also a very good option!

By the same principle, they are very tasty with the addition of grated apple. The recipe is the same, only instead of zucchini we add apples. If the peel of the apple is hard, then it is better to peel it so that it does not interfere when we eat the finished dish. And if it’s soft, then it’s good, rub it together with the peel.

And here is another very interesting recipe, according to which they are baked in Poland.

Flourless Cabbage Pancakes with Cabbage and Smoked Cheese

We will need:

  • cabbage - 0.7 kg
  • cheese - 150 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • thick sour cream -3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil


1. Rub the cabbage on a medium grater, blanch it in salted water for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander to drain all the water.

2. When the water drains and the cabbage cools down, add sour cream, eggs.

3. Rub the cheese on a medium grater. You can use any hard cheese, but smoked cheese pancakes are very good. Taste the salt, adding just a little if needed.

4. Preheat the pan with vegetable oil. Fry the blanks on it for 5-7 minutes on each side until golden brown. Place on paper towels to drain excess oil.

5. Put the finished products on a large common dish, or put each on plates.

The peculiarity of these products is that they are baked completely without flour. There is no kefir or yeast in them. Traditionally, you can’t call them pancakes!

Here are some different recipes and ideas for a delicious breakfast. Bake delicious pancakes and eat healthy!

Bon Appetit!

Kefir, which has stood for a day or two in the refrigerator, begins to sour, ferment, no one wants to drink it. Pour out? Well, I do not! We will make lush yeast pancakes on kefir, Plyushkin also has a recipe with a photo for this case. Checked multiple times sour kefir, the faster the dough will rise, and the pancakes will be more magnificent. Of course, it’s not worth storing it for a week, it will start to taste bitter, and two or three days is what you need. I made yeast pancakes on kefir with dry, active yeast and fresh, “live” yeast - it makes absolutely no difference, use what you have.


  • kefir 1% two or three days - 0.5 liters;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l;
  • active dry yeast (fast-acting) - 1.5 tsp. or 15 g fresh;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 480 g;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • fine salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • refined vegetable oil - for frying.


This time I made pancakes with instant yeast. For them, you do not need to put a dough, it is advised to mix with flour and add liquid. But I always check how the yeast behaves, so if something goes wrong, then you can see it before you add a lot of flour. I mix yeast and a spoonful of sugar. Salt is not needed.

I pour in warm water, a little, 4 tbsp. spoons. I put in 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, without a slide. I make a talker like pancake dough. I cover, put in heat for 10-15 minutes.

Don't wait for bubbles to appear or the dough to rise. Just notice small air bubbles on the dough - it means that the yeast has already started working, we can make dough. I heat kefir so that it is at a pleasant comfortable temperature, a little warmer than room temperature. I pour it into a yeast mash.

There I also break two eggs, pour in the remaining sugar, salt and flour. First, half of the amount indicated in the recipe. I stir. Then I pour in parts as needed. Sometimes it takes more than this time, sometimes less. But the difference is small, 40-50 grams. Depends on the quality of the flour and the density of kefir, the size of the eggs. So I can’t write the proportions with an accuracy of a gram.

I specially took a photo so that you can see how the dough for yeast pancakes on kefir looks like. Homogeneous, viscous, thick enough, but does not fall off a spoon in a lump.

I cover tightly with a lid. I put it in the oven with the fire turned off, the temperature is 40 degrees, not higher. At this temperature, the dough rises quickly, in 40-45 minutes it will rise. It will increase twice - this is enough, otherwise it will turn sour.

You probably noticed that some pancakes with yeast have an even, rounded shape, while others are like elongated ovals. They are so different because of the way you put them in the pan when frying. If the spoon is turned upside down, the dough will slide into a lump and not spread over the pan. Or it will spread, but evenly, the pancakes will be rounded. If you hold the spoon over the pan as usual, just as you hold it when eating soup, then the pancakes will be elongated, oval. Pour enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan at least a centimeter, with a lack of fat, the pancakes will be dry and poorly baked. Without stirring the dough, we collect as much as necessary from the edge, put it in hot oil. Fry for two minutes, medium heat. Holes appeared along the edges, the top also becomes full of holes - it's time to pry with a spatula or fork and turn over.

The other side cooks faster. In about a minute, maybe a little more, the pancakes will brown. Remove to a plate or paper towel to remove grease. Add oil, heat for 15-20 seconds, spread the next portion.

If you don’t immediately put a plate of pancakes on the table, cover them, they cool down quickly. Or fry in two pans for a quick fix.

Have you already whetted your appetite? Then hurry to the kitchen! We take out the products and prepare delicious yeast pancakes on kefir, you have the recipe, a photo report is attached to it. And if you attach yours in the comments, I will be very grateful. Good luck with your pancakes and Bon appetit! Your plush.

If you cook pancakes for fresh yeast, rub them with a spoonful of sugar, pour in water, add flour (the amount is as in the recipe). Let stand 20-25 minutes and make dough.

Pour ordinary dry yeast (not fast-acting) with warm water, add a spoonful of sugar and sprinkle the top with flour (1-2 tbsp. L). Leave to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then add everything you need, prepare the dough and let it rise.

In this recipe for yeast pancakes on kefir, you can add an apple cut into thin slices, fresh or frozen berries, raisins, pieces of dried apricots or prunes.

Yeast dough is not stirred. You need to collect near the walls, prying with a tablespoon and put it in a pan with well-heated oil, leaving a distance between the cakes.

You don't have to make sweet pancakes. You can reduce the amount of sugar to 1.5 tablespoons and add ham, cheese, greens to the dough. To taste, such pancakes will resemble hot sandwiches or burgers.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

There are two ways to do fluffy pancakes on kefir: cook them on soda or yeast. The dough with the addition of soda is prepared quickly and in half an hour the pancakes will be ready. But not everyone loves baking on soda, and everyone likes lush yeast pancakes on kefir. The recipe with photos is below. Fritters really turn out so tender and airy that it is impossible to tear yourself away! Cooled down or the next day, they will be exactly as tasty as soon as they come out of the pan, unless, of course, there is something left.
Making yeast dough for pancakes is not as difficult as novice cooks think. It is not so capricious, and if it turns out to be liquid, then you can add flour, stir and wait until it rises again. And vice versa - if it is thick, then pour in warm kefir and leave to rise again. Fry in a sufficient amount of oil so that they do not dry out, but are evenly covered golden brown. And one more tip - when frying, do not leave the stove. Pancakes are fried so quickly that you only have time to turn them over, and if you leave them unattended even for a minute, then when you return, you risk finding burnt cakes.

How to cook fluffy yeast pancakes on kefir


- warm kefir 1% fat - 500 ml;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- fast-acting dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
- flour - 370-400 gr;
- vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. spoons (as needed)

How to cook with a photo step by step

This recipe uses 1% fat kefir, it is liquid in consistency - pay attention to this. If kefir is thicker, then adjust the amount of flour yourself. So, pour kefir into a saucepan, take a volumetric one so that the dough has room to grow. We heat it up, stirring at the same time, otherwise it will begin to curl near the walls. The fire is almost minimal, we heat it for one to two minutes. Feels like kefir should become a little warmer room temperature. Add salt, sugar and dry yeast, preferably fast acting. Stir, leave for a few minutes, let all the crystals and granules dissolve.

We measure the right amount of flour, take 400 grams. Sift in parts into the kefir-yeast mixture or sift into a separate bowl, and then pour in portions into the dough. At this stage, pour about two-thirds of the flour from the specified amount into the dough.

We mix the flour with kefir, not until smooth, just moisten it so that it does not gather in lumps. We beat in two eggs.

We connect the mixer to work, use nozzles for kneading dough or ordinary beaters (preferably one, because the dough will turn out thick). At low speed, beat the dough with a mixer until it becomes homogeneous, without lumps and areas of dry flour. Turn off, check the consistency. We collect on a spoon, tilt. If it drains without delay - the dough is liquid, add a little more flour, beat again. The result should be a dough of such density that it seems to fall from a spoon or slowly slide down. Focus on good consistency homemade sour cream. It may seem that it is too thick, but then, when rising, it will become much thinner.

We cover the dishes with the dough, leave to rise for 1-1.5 hours. It needs to be kept warm. In the summer there is no problem with this, but if the kitchen is cool, then the dishes need to be put in warm oven, heated to 45-50 degrees (heat and turn off) or in a saucepan with hot water. After proofing, the dough for pancakes will become more magnificent, rise and a sour smell will be felt.

You need to fry yeast pancakes in a sufficient amount of oil. We warm it up well, collect a tablespoon of dough (without stirring), spread the pancakes at a distance from one another. We make the fire weaker than average, otherwise, by the time you lay out all the pancakes, the first one will already start to burn. Fry for about two minutes until the bottom starts to brown.

Flip with two forks or a spatula. After you turn it over, the yeast pancakes will immediately rise, grow, and become much more magnificent. Fry for another minute or two, browning the other side until golden brown.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate and cover to stay hot. Or immediately put on the table with sour cream, jam, honey. You can bake them later, but only if you decide to leave them for a few hours, then you need to put the dough in the refrigerator so that the dough does not peroxide. Happy baking and bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
And they turn out great too

Everyone knows that pancakes are very tasty breakfast, which does not require special material and time costs for preparation. Of course, yeast dough takes longer to cook than soda or baking powder dough, where the effect of the interaction of the components with flour occurs instantly. The yeast needs time to start working on the dough. But the pancakes are lush and very tender. The simultaneous use of kefir and yeast produces an amazing effect. Fluffy yeast pancakes with kefir are a great breakfast or dessert.

Breakfast pancakes are not only tasty, but also healthy. If the dough is prepared with the addition of eggs and kefir, the body receives many useful elements that saturate it, fill it with energy and strength. For those who like diet pancakes, eggs can be omitted, and a sweetener can be used instead of sugar.

When preparing pancakes for young children, it is important to ensure that all ingredients are fresh and of high quality. It is important to anticipate allergic reactions that may occur from sugar and egg yolk. In this case, they must be removed from the recipe.


The ingredients must be fresh. Do not use kefir that has been in the refrigerator for a long time.

Required products:

  1. Low-fat kefir - 2.5 tbsp.;
  2. Flour - 3 tbsp.;
  3. An egg is a thing;
  4. Vanillin - a bag;
  5. Sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  6. Dry yeast - a bag.

Dried fruits, fruits and various seasonings can be added to pancakes - this will make their taste more intense and spicy.

Lush pancakes with yeast and kefir

Making browned pancakes is not a problem. The most magnificent form of fritters is obtained when yeast and kefir interact during the preparation of the dough. Here it is important to follow the sequence of mixing the ingredients correctly.

Many housewives use their secrets to give pancakes splendor. Your recipe can only be worked out by experience.

On the Internet you can find many recipes that differ in cooking technology. However, there are general rules that beginner cooks should follow. Fritters with yeast and kefir will be lush if the dough stands in a warm place before frying.

Step-by-step preparation of yeast pancakes:

  1. Heat the kefir, but do not bring to a boil. Add sugar and yeast to it.
  2. The mixture should be covered with a towel and kept warm. It is important not to touch it for an hour.
  3. Add vanillin and flour, previously sifted, to kefir.
  4. Take two eggs, separate the whites and beat them.
  5. Add protein foam to the dough. Stir very gently a couple of times.

The dough should be spread on a preheated pan. It is important that it be lubricated with vegetable or butter. Many people are afraid that the pancakes will burn and try to turn them over too early. This is not necessary, as the fritters can stick to the pan and disintegrate.

Recipe for fritters with yeast and kefir: lush and juicy cakes

The taste of pancakes can be improved by adding various dried fruits to the dough. Very delicious pancakes obtained with the addition of raisins, dried apricots or prunes. Some bake pancakes with nuts.

You can decorate pancakes with dried fruits with mint, raspberries or strawberries, sour cream or natural yogurt.

Yeast pancakes do not have to be cooked for a long time. The combination of kefir and yeast accelerates the fermentation reaction, which allows you to fry pancakes within 15 minutes after preparing the mixture. Before adding dried fruits to the dough, they should be thoroughly washed and left for a while in hot water.

How to cook pancakes:

  1. Kefir is heated, yeast and sugar are added.
  2. The mixture is infused for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add salt (to taste), vanillin and eggs to the mixture. Everyone beats well.
  4. Add raisins and other dried fruits.
  5. Add flour.

Fritters are fried over medium heat. So that they do not stick, grease the pan sunflower oil. You can also use butter- it will give the pancakes softness and a pleasant aroma.

Recipe for fluffy yeast pancakes with kefir (video)

Fragrant, lush pancakes for breakfast will cheer you up, charge you with energy and good mood. You can cook lush pancakes with dry yeast and kefir. This combination makes the dough very tender, and the pancakes - lush and porous. It is important to strictly follow the recipe, as any deviations can affect the quality of the dough, and, consequently, the shape and taste of the fritters. Fritters are usually served with jam, jam, yogurt or sour cream.

Fluffy yeast pancakes with kefir (photo)

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