Home Drinks and cocktails All names of Czech beers. The best Czech beer on tap and in bottles. "Velvet" and "Celt"

All names of Czech beers. The best Czech beer on tap and in bottles. "Velvet" and "Celt"

Czech beer is sold mainly in three classes. Grade 10 lager beer is the most frequently bought. Therefore, always be careful in pubs: if the institution is of a low level, then this beer is offered as the main one. Grade 11 beers are usually dark beers. They are also often offered in pubs. Both grades 10 and 11 are more often sold on tap, rarely bottled. Grade 12 is the standard lager beer - it comes in bottles, although the best pubs offer it on tap as well.

A very popular combination is a mixture of grade 10 and grade 11 beers called "rezane" (half dark, half pale) beer. Unlike Black and Tan beer, this mixture does not flake, but mixes.

Most breweries produce all three types of beer, some also produce non-alcoholic and high-alcohol beers. The overall alcohol level ranges from 3 to 7%, but in most cases remains below the 5% mark.

Czech beer houses

Although you can find many very lively bars in city centers, they are more of a tourist trap where you end up paying around $2 for a large beer (big beer ½ liter, small beer 1/3 liter). . A little further from the center, large beer can be bought for $0.70-$1.20. Here the bars themselves and their visitors are much more colorful than in the center. You can play cards or darts, chat with regulars or try a real Czech cuisine. The only problem is that these places are very strongly tied to the place, each block has its own bar, the same people go there, and in order to be accepted into the social circle, you will have to come several times, but it’s better that someone from the regulars brings you visitors.

The most popular Czech beers

Hereinafter in the text, next to the name of the beer, the numbers of alcohol content in classes 10, 11 and 12 will be indicated. This will also be an indicator of which varieties Czech beer are produced. (The author has arranged the beers according to his preferences, starting with the best).

1. (4.0/4.5/5.2)

If you go to a pub in Prague, you will most likely be offered this beer. Staropramen is a light beer brewed in Prague since 1869. Since Staropramen is my favorite beer, it's hard for me to be objective. This is a very bitter lager that forms large bubbles so it doesn't feel like you're drinking a single foam. It is presented in three main versions, and is also available in other countries as a 12th grade version. The beer leaves a strong, bitter, beer-like flavor, but it can be easily overwhelmed if you snack on something. The only problem with this beer is that its foam evaporates quickly, and if you leave it to stand for more than half an hour, it will begin to lose its flavor.

2. (3.6/-/4.4)

Some people consider Plzensky Prazdroj (as it is known in the Czech Republic) to be the grandfather of all lager beer. Others think that the Pilsner category comes from this beer. Either way, this is one of the best beers you'll ever taste. Even more bitter than Staropramen, it is lighter in color and more popular in many countries (eg USA). Like most Czech beers, it has large bubble foam, which greatly improves the taste of the beer, but quickly evaporates and leaves it unprotected. This beer has been brewed since 1842, but its roots date back to 1295, when the beer was first brewed in the city of Pilsen.

3. (4.0/3.8/5.0)

Other lager beers (which may very well be the only Czech beers you can find outside of the Czech Republic) have been brewed since 1871. If the previous two beers weren't bitter enough for you, this will be. However, despite its bitter taste, Kozel is the most refreshing beer of all. In addition, it is the only Czech beer that is sold in 0.5 liter bottles and is almost always on sale everywhere, it probably tolerates transportation much better than other Czech beers.

4. (4.0/-/5.0)

Budvar is considered the original Budweiser. According to a very popular story, the brewery was nationalized and closed after the communists came to power in 1948. Until the opening of the plant in 1966, the registration period trademark expired, and an American company intercepted it. Until now, numerous cases of copyright infringement occur all over the world again and again, and the Czech media cover them with great pleasure every time the court decides in favor of Budvar based on his taste (the last such case was three years ago in Egypt). This beer is a real lager - bitter but clean, with no added or artificial aftertaste. It travels well, is offered in many countries, but sells out very quickly. Therefore, take several at once, if you come across.

5. (4.1/-/5.0)

Gambrinus is one of the oldest Czech beers. First brewed around the end of the 13th century in Pilsen, "Gambrinus" is named after Tsar John I (1251 - 1294). The name of the beer is a change of its name to Jan Primus. It is much less bitter than other Czech lagers, and therefore more appealing to most. In fact, it may be the only Czech beer that retains its qualities even bought in a can. Maybe that's why it's the Czech Airlines beer of choice. The beer remains a lager, but, despite the alcohol content, it has a very refreshing taste and is more reminiscent of a pale beer. In recent years, it has become a popular inexpensive beer in the Czech Republic, so you will surely come across it again.

6. (3.6/3.9/5.1)

Radegast is a relatively young beer, brewed since 1970. At the time, this beer was seen as yet another victory for communist science. Since then, the beer has improved a lot, but it has remained a budget beer. Brewed primarily in the eastern part of the Czech Republic, this beer is a slightly bitter lager that, in its easy option amazingly refreshing. However, the taste seems a bit artificial, so if you have a choice, go for something else.

There is still a lot of beer in the Czech Republic good quality. You have probably met other well-known brands such as or. Either way, be prepared for a large selection of bitter lagers and very few other varieties. Indulge yourself in the pleasure of enjoying the best Czech beers in the world.

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Czech beer is known in many countries. But many fans are wondering what Czech beer is, and how to distinguish not real beer from the original. According to Czech law, beer is a drink that contains only hops, water, and malt. Without adding any components. In order to obtain the legitimate legal right to put the inscription “Czech beer” on their product, the brewery or distillery must pass a rigorous standard and quality check. It is forbidden to put this inscription on the products of enterprises located outside the country. The original Czech beer has a rich, slightly bitter taste. Nowadays, about 250 breweries operate here. According to statistics, a resident of the Czech Republic drinks more than 130 liters per year on average. Now there are about 550 brands of beer in the country.

History of Czech beer production

  • Documents testify that at the dawn of our era, wheat beer was already brewed in the Czech Republic.
  • Also, written sources claim that in 1088 one of the Czech princes sold hops to Czech monks for brewing beer.
  • Until the 13th century almost every Czech family brewed beer, but later a ban appeared and only monks were allowed to brew beer.
  • Beer production workshops appeared in the 14th-15th centuries. It was at this time that factories were built that operate to this day.
  • Czech beer became famous all over the world in 1842, when a Bavarian brewer in Pilsen began to brew a new type of beer, which was named after the city - pilsner.
  • The decline in beer production was observed during hostilities - in the First and Second World Wars.
  • After the Czech Republic became a socialist country and all factories were nationalized, practically no money was invested in the development of the beer business and nothing new was invented.
  • After the collapse of the USSR, the Czech Republic began to restore beer production again.
  • Nowadays, about 250 breweries operate here.
  • According to statistics, a resident of the Czech Republic drinks on average more than 130 liters of beer per year.
  • In the Czech Republic there is a so-called. "beer triangle" - at the corners of which the main main Czech breweries are located. In Budejovice (brewery Budevicky Budvar), Trebon ("Regent") and Protivin (Protivin Plane). Each plant has tasting rooms and guided tours.

Varieties, types and brands of Czech beer

Classification of Czech beer


  • Extractivity 8°. A very watery beer.
  • Extractivity 10°. Mature beer has a strength of 3 - 4.3% alcohol.
  • Extractivity 12°. In such beer 4.5 - 5% alcohol
  • Extractivity 18°. The beer is as dense and thick as possible.

Varieties vary in color:

  • Dark (sometimes up to completely black) - brewed from malt of varying degrees of roasting. The color varies from black to dark brown.
  • Semi-dark - caramel or roasted malt is used for its production, mixing it with light malt. The color of this beer is from amber to light brown.
  • Light - light malt is used for production. The color of the drink can be from light amber to straw.
  • Sliced ​​- a mixture of dark beer with light. Mixing is usually done when serving a drink, and so that the difference between the dark and light layer is very clearly visible.

According to the degree of fermentation:

  • Stout, ale or porter. Fermentation (top) occurs at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees.
  • Lager. Fermentation (bottom) is carried out at 4-9 degrees.
  • Pils or pilsner. Fermentation (bottom) is carried out using special technologies.

Czech beer groups:

  • Table groups - boiled from barley. Their density usually does not exceed 7%. It tastes light and slightly watery.
  • Draw it out. The density of the must of this group is 7-10%.
  • Lezak. Density is about 11-12%.
  • Porters. Typically a dark beer with a gravity of 18°.
  • With a low% alcohol (no more than 1.2%).
  • With the addition of active yeast after maturation. This beer is rich in B vitamins.
  • With the addition of fragrances. A concentrate of fruits, honey, various herbs, etc. is added to the beer. Such beer comes in blackcurrant, citrus, and even hemp flavors. Its strength is from 1.5 to 15%.
  • Special from barley.
  • From malt blends that are brewed by mixing various grains.
  • Non-alcoholic. Alcohol in such beer is not more than 0.5%.

Popular brands of Czech beer

Pilsner Urquel- light beer, which has been produced since 1842 in Pilsen. In the Czech Republic, this brand is called Pilsensky Prazdra. This is a low fermentation light lager. Typically, this beer has a light golden hue and smells of malt and herbs. Known for its slightly bitter taste, which is achieved through the use of Saatz - Bohemian hops. In its production, soft water and triple evaporation technology are used. Pilsner also brews unfiltered beer, Master beer (dark and semi-dark), as well as wheat beer with orange extract.

Budweiser Budvar– produced in České Budějovice, exported to more than 60 countries worldwide. Produced since 1895 and has a bittersweet taste. Do not confuse it with the American Budweiser. B Udevitsky Budvar produced here from head hops and Moravian malt. Water for production is taken from artesian horizons. The drink has a golden hue and is low in carbohydrates, and is also an antioxidant.

Velkopopovitsky Goat- Produced since 1874. The goat is the symbol of the brewery in Velké Popovice. The company is located near Prague. Every year the Goat Festival is held here. It is understood that you can get drunk on beer to the “goat state”. All types are brewed here - from light to dark. Light beer has a hop flavor, golden hue and liquid head. All varieties have a noticeable bitter aftertaste. Dark beer has a chocolate flavor and a fruity smell.

Krusovice- produced according to the recipe of 1851 in the village. Krusovice. The key to the quality of this drink is soft water from wells in the Křivoklát forests. The most popular variety of this beer is Krusovice black - a dark beer (lager) with a caramel flavor and a slight bitterness. You also need to make special light beer Musketir and Krusovitz from wheat here.

Staropramen- one of the most popular beer brands. This beer has been brewed in Prague for over two hundred years. The most famous brands of this beer are Celt and Velvet. This beer is poured into glasses with a volume of 400 mm so that the beer foam is first at the bottom, and the liquid is at the top, but gradually seeps down. Thus, it seems that the whole glass is a continuous foam. This is the so-called. "avalanche effect" After the bubbles settle, it becomes clear that the glass is full. Velveteen is usually light brown in color, with a lush, thick foam and slightly bitter. Celt is an almost black beer and has a bitter, coffee-like taste with the smell of roasted barley.

Bernard. An unpasteurized beer that has been produced since 1597 in the town of Humpolec. It is semi-dark with an aftertaste and light sweetish with a hop smell.

Starobrno- beer, which is made in Brno. This brand is almost 700 years old. Various types of Czech beer are produced here - from unpasteurized light to dark, with a gravity of 18%.

Radegast- one of the youngest brands of beer, which has been produced since 1970 in Frydek-Mistek. Two types of beer are produced with 4-5% alcohol and a density of 10-12% - Radegast Original and Radegast Premium.

What beer to bring from the Czech Republic

Most brands of Czech beer are sold in Russia. But if you still have a desire to bring it as a gift, then it is better to transport it in a glass container. canned beer has a limited shelf life. Very popular among tourists

  • Brand "Novomestsky pivovar", which is sold in the brewery under the same name.
  • "Ferdinad". The most popular varieties of this brand are Sedni Cooley 13° - semi-dark beer with a herbal tint.
  • Kvasnicové pivo Bernard - live beer. It can be light, semi-dark or dark. Usually has a limited shelf life.

When choosing beer, you need to take into account the gender and state of human health:

  • Dark beers are more suitable for the female gender, because. it is not too tart and quite mild in taste.
  • Light beer can be brought as a gift to men - this drink has a richer taste.

If the beer is intended for a not very healthy person, then you should pay attention to:

  • Pilsner Urquel, which has low acidity. This brand is recommended for people with kidney and stomach diseases. In terms of its effect on the body, it resembles mineral water.
  • Balthazar is a dark beer produced in Karlovy Vary. There are almost no carbohydrates in it and therefore diabetics can drink it.

Traditions of drinking beer in the Czech Republic

  • According to the Czechs themselves, the taste of beer can be felt after the third drunk glass.
  • It is advised to drink beer in three sips. With the first sip, they drain half of the glass, with the second - half of what is left, and with the third - drink it to the end.
  • Glasses for beer must be glass or porcelain. The beer glass that is brought must have the grade or brand of the contents.
  • Pouring a drink from one glass to another is considered indecent. Adding more beer to an unfinished glass is also not nice.

How much can you take beer across the border

  • You can export from the Czech Republic no more than 5 liters per adult. Three liters can be exported free of charge, for each additional one you need to pay 10 euros.
  • If several people leave, then it is better to distribute the beer into different bags. This will raise fewer questions.
  • The beer must have factory marks. Just a can of beer, without any identification marks, can be seized.
  • Glass bottles are best wrapped in paper or clothing to reduce the risk of breaking them on the way.

It is impossible to call a certain sort of Czech beer the best and recommend it to everyone. Czech is the heritage of the nation, centuries-old traditions and a popular product. In Russia, this drink is very fond of. Czech beer is part of an original national culture. The Czech brewer is considered among the Czechs one of the most respected and prestigious professions. Czech breweries are known all over the world.

The history of their beer dates back thousands of years, the drink is mentioned in the chronicles of the 11th century. Many people want to know the recipes of famous brands of the drink.

Pilsner Urquell

Pilsner Urquell is the most famous in the Czech Republic, brewed by the best brewers at the brewery in Pilsen. It is known on all continents and in many countries. The drink was first brewed by Josef Groll, who came to Pilsen from Bavaria at the invitation of colleagues in 1842.

The authentic Pilsner Urquel is not to be confused with other varieties. This is a light bottom-fermented. A bright golden drink, with a classic aroma of herbs and malt, expressed with honey notes and a bitter aftertaste. The raw materials are of very high quality, pure soft water, the best barley and Bohemian malt are used in the preparation. The drink is produced using triple digestion technologies.

Velkopopovitsky Goat - famous brand all over the world, loved by many connoisseurs. It is produced at the Velkopopovitsky Kozel brand brewery. The brewery is located in the village of Velké Popovice, which is not far from Prague.

There are four varieties in the line:

  • dark,
  • light,
  • medium,
  • light medium.

Dark Goat is the best dark, it is distinguished by the aroma of fruits and the taste of chocolate. The light one has a pronounced hop taste, a drink with liquid foam, golden in color. All varieties of Velkopopovitsky Kozl have a bitter aftertaste.


Staropramen and the Czech Republic deservedly takes third place in popularity. Beer is produced at the Staropramensky brewery in Prague by the best brewers. About ten varieties of beer are produced, and each of them is interesting to people in its own way. Dark with a delicate aroma of roasted malt, light with a sweetish malt flavor. Variety non-alcoholic beer considered the best in its category in the Czech Republic.

Budweiser Budvar do not confuse with the American Budweiser, these are different brands. Since 1895, in the town of České Budějovice, a drink with a bittersweet taste has been brewed since 1895. For several decades now, there has been a dispute over the right to use the word Budweiser in the title. The Czech brand has remained out of competition.

Budvar is brewed from the best headed hops and malt. Artesian water from wells is used in production. The drink has a specific taste and smell, has a golden color, and is characterized by a low carbohydrate content.

Beers brewed:

  • dark premium,
  • Light lager premium,
  • aged circle,
  • special strong, light "Pardal".

Krusovice and Bernard

The factory brews dark, light, light light, wheat Krušovice Pšeničné, light special Mušketýr, semi-dark Malvaz.

  • Bernard is also an old brand of beer. Unpasteurized beer has been produced since 1597 in the town of Humpolec. Bernard is produced in two types: light sweetish and hop aroma, semi-dark with a noticeable aftertaste and balanced taste.

Velvet and Kelt - from Staropramen

Velvet and Klt are produced by Pivovar Staropramen. It is famous not only for its taste, but also for its bottling features. The drink is poured into glasses at 400 mo with the effect of "avalanche". First, the foam rushes down. Liquid is poured from above and then goes to the bottom. The glass seems to be completely filled with foam, but when all the bubbles settle, it is completely full.

Velvet is a golden brown drink with thick foam and bitterness. Celt - dark, even black, with a hint of coffee and the aroma of well-roasted barley.

All the brands listed above are made not only in the Czech Republic, but also in other countries. The name "Czech beer" can be used for a drink that is produced in the Czech Republic.

There are many beer pubs in the Czech Republic and the tradition of visiting them has been passed down from generation to generation. Czechs prefer a draft drink in a bottle. For guests of the Czech Republic and for residents of the country, they even publish special guides to beer establishments.

Beer for treatment and spa treatments

In the Czech Republic, not only pubs and restaurants are popular. The 21st century has brought its own innovations. Beer drink began to be widely used in cosmetology. A beer spa operates in the town of Chodova Plana. People from all over the world flock to experience hop massages and beer baths. It is believed that these procedures rejuvenate and relieve skin diseases. Clients complete beauty sessions with a glass of fresh draft beer.

Some types of beer are specifically used to treat various diseases. Pilsner Urquell low calorie. It is recommended for people with kidney pathologies and peptic ulcers. They say that the variety acts on the body as well as mineral water. The beer drink Balthasar, which is produced in Karlovy Vary, contains few carbohydrates and is recommended for diabetics.

Whether these beers produce beneficial effects has yet to be proven. But everyone knows that the main thing is to sincerely believe in healing power and it will help.

The Czech Republic has its own traditions in the use of the drink. It is believed that the taste of beer is revealed only on the third mug. It is recommended to drink beer in three sips, the first to drink half a mug, the second and third the remaining half. Glasses are suitable only for porcelain and glass. Pouring or topping up a drink is considered unethical. Not many people will reveal the recipe for Czech beer.

Attention, only TODAY!

Publication date: 2013-01-04

Czech beer is considered to be the greatest achievement of the world culture of brewing. For Czechs, beer is a matter of national pride and one of the main consumer goods. Any meal or just a short break in work is accompanied by an indispensable mug of intoxicating drink. Beer in the Czech Republic is of high quality and relatively low cost.

It should be noted that Czech beer is drunk easily and quickly. As a rule, it is less strong than the beer that we are used to in the post-Soviet space. It is customary to drink the first mug almost in one gulp, for a minute or two. During the evening, you can calmly “persuade” 6-7 glasses, and feel nothing but spiritual uplift.

Few people know that the phrase "Czech beer" in the Czech Republic is also the official quality mark of the brand. The right to place such a phrase on the label is issued only after a thorough audit by the State Agricultural and Food Inspectorate (Státní zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce). As of 2009, only Plzeňský Prazdroj brands ( Pilsner Urquell), Radegast, Gambrinus and Velkopopovický Kozel (and only those products made in the Czech Republic).

History of Czech beer

The history of brewing in the Czech Republic began in the 11th century, and at first the drink was brewed in every wealthy home. By the XIV-XV century, the first large breweries. The popularization of beer in the Middle Ages was promoted by monks who supported the body with beer during long fasts (at that time, beer was distinguished by its increased density, which made it satisfying and very healthy).

The key year for Czech beer was the distant 1839. Residents of the city of Pilsen (Bohemia, Czech Republic) decided to build Měšťanský pivovar (“City Brewery”), and Josef Groll, a representative of Bavarian brewing technology, considered the most modern, was invited to the position of head brewer. The fact is that until that time, beer was brewed by top fermentation, which made the drink dark and cloudy. The Bavarians, on the other hand, experimented with bottom fermentation with might and main and were on the verge of a “revolution” in brewing.

In October 1842, Josef Groll made a real breakthrough in brewing - he managed to successfully combine bottom-fermentation technology with selected hops from the vicinity of the town of Zatec, extremely soft water and pale malt characteristic of Plzeň. The result is a clear, golden-colored beer with excellent palatability. The beer brewed using the new technology was called "Pilsner" and became a kind of "trendsetter" first in the Czech Republic, and then in Europe and the USA.

The popularity of the new beer led to mass imitation. Everyone who brewed lager beers referred to it only as "Pilsner" and the term soon became synonymous with pale, golden, bottom-fermented beer. In order to protect copyrights, the Plzeň Brewery began to produce its own beer in 1898 under the brand name " Plzeňsky Prazdroj" (for the Czech Republic) and " Pilsner Urquell”(for Germany), which in translation means “Pilsen authentic” (or “Pilsen from the original source”).

clue: if you want to find an inexpensive hotel in Prague, we recommend that you look at this section of special offers. Usually discounts are 25-35%, but sometimes they reach 40-50%.

Classification of Czech beer

The classification of Czech beer is no different from the standard international one, and in our article we will focus only on Czech terms regarding the density and color of beer.

Density of unfermented wort(i.e. solids content) is one of the most important characteristics of beer. It is this indicator that is indicated on the labels. The higher it is, the more extractive substances that turn into alcohol during fermentation. Also, the content of nutrients in beer (calorie content of beer) also depends on the density of the unfermented wort. Previously, density was denoted with a degree sign (for example, 12º), but now it is common to use a percent sign (for example, 12%).

According to the density, Czech beer is divided into two main classes:

  • « tenth" (or ten) means that the beer contains up to 10% wort, the fermentation cycle is 25-35 days, and the final proportion of alcohol is from 3.5 to 4.5%;
  • « dwarven" (or twelve) means that the beer contains up to 12% wort, the fermentation cycle is about 90 days, and the final proportion of alcohol is up to 5% ;. Such beer has a richer flavor bouquet, a slightly darker color (we are talking about a light dvanatka) and is considered more refined.

Ten and dvanatka are also called " scoop out" (výčepní) and " sunbed» (ležák) respectively. Vychep in Czech is a place where beer is poured (chewed). Previously, after brewing, which was carried out in the summer, weaker (for the heat) beer was dragged to the vychep, and the other part was put aside to lie until colder times, and it would gain strength.

Nowadays, an intermediate option has appeared - “ food service”, which is a way to get around the increased excise tax on varieties with a density of 12% or more and, at the same time, satisfy the needs of lovers of stronger beer.

In addition to those listed, there is an additional division of beer by density:

  • stolni (table) - density up to 6%;
  • íspeciálni (special) - a density of 13% or more;
  • portery (porters) - density 18%.

Beer strength(that is, the volume fraction ethyl alcohol) is characterized by the percentage of alcohol in the finished product. Remember that when tasting beer (as well as any other alcoholic beverages) it is necessary to move from lighter varieties to stronger ones. As a rule, the strength of the beer depends on the density of the unfermented wort, although there are other methods to increase the strength of the beer.

beer color. Beer, depending on the degree of roasting of the malt, varies in color by:

  • svEtlé (light) - beer made primarily from pale malt;
  • polotmavé (semi-dark) - beer brewed on the basis of dark caramel and light malt;
  • tmavé (dark) - beer made primarily from dark malt.

Zezana(rzhezane) - beer obtained by mixing light and dark (ready-made beer is mixed, not malt). Mixed components should be of the same brand and observe a 1 to 1 ratio. Many Czechs drink beer according to the following scheme: first they try dark and light beer separately (one mug each), and then mix them together in one mug of “rzhezane”.

- group tour (up to 10 people) for the first acquaintance with the city and the main attractions - 3 hours, 20 euros

- a walk through the little-known but interesting corners of Prague away from the tourist routes to feel the real spirit of the city - 4 hours, 30 euros

- bus tour for those who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Czech Middle Ages - 8 hours, 30 euros

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Shipment of products to legal entities is carried out in accordance with applicable law.In accordance with the recommendations of the FS RAR dated 06/25/18, we notify: alcoholic products can be purchased directly at. Boutique Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7713790026, license: 77RPA0010390 dated November 5, 2014, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 52Retail Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7716816628, license: 77RPA0012148 dated April 26, 2016, Moscow, Leningradskoe sh., 72, floor 1, room IVa, room 1 to 5Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7715808800, license: 77RPA0010437 dated November 14, 2014, Moscow, Skladochnaya st., 1, building 1Store Winestyle LLC, TIN: 9717017438, license: 77RPA0012229 dated 06/08/2016, Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya, 53, floor 1, room VIRed Winestyle LLC, TIN: 9717049616, license: 77RPA0012971 dated March 23, 2017, Moscow, Entuziastov highway, 74/2, floor 1, room VLLC "Green Winestyle", TIN: 9718061246, license: 77RPA0013267 dated 04.08.2017, Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya street, 25, building 1, first floor, room 1, rooms from 1 to 9Rose Winestyle LLC, TIN: 9718046294, license: 77RPA0013315 dated 08/24/2017, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 70, floor 1, room No. IV, rooms 1 to 4Nice Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7716856204, license: 77RPA0013269 dated 08/04/2017, Moscow, Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya street, 13/15, basement, room VII, rooms 1 to 3Soft Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7719485100, license: 77RPA0014417 dated March 22, 2019, Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard, 1/28, floor 1, room I, com. 1, 2, 2A, 3-5Soft Winestyle LLC, TIN: 7719485100, license: 77RPA0014437 dated April 4, 2019, Moscow, Osenniy Boulevard, 20, bldg. 1, 1st floor, room 275, com. 1-5

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