Home Salads and appetizers Salting pork belly at home recipe. Salted pork belly with garlic. For cooking you will need

Salting pork belly at home recipe. Salted pork belly with garlic. For cooking you will need

This article will focus on pork belly. Pork belly is a part of the carcass, which is located behind the shoulder blades on the sides of the abdominal region. It represents alternating layers of thin layers of meat with lard. Most often, the brisket is salted, pickled or smoked.

Further, it will be described in more detail how to quickly and tasty pickle pork belly at home. You can salt not only dry, but also in brine. On the market, they acquire a beautiful and appetizing brisket. Meat that is planned to be salted must necessarily pass veterinary control, this must be evidenced by a special certificate or seal from the place of slaughter. Of course, you can salt the brisket with salt alone, it will turn out to be quite edible, and even tasty, but not very interesting, so it is recommended to salt it with spices.

How to pickle the brisket in dry spicy salting?

Ingredients :

  • pork belly;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Red ground hot pepper, preferably in half with paprika;
  • Garlic;
  • Coarse table salt.


Salt is recommended in parchment paper, but a rectangular container is also suitable. Black is mixed in equal proportions ground pepper, ground red pepper, salt, and if desired, you can add cloves. Peeled garlic is cut into thin slices across the tooth. On a piece of brisket, deep cuts are made to the skin so that rectangular pieces about five centimeters by eight are obtained, pieces of garlic are placed in the cuts and covered with plenty of salt and pepper mixture. Do not be afraid to pour salt more than it should be, the fat will take in as much as it should and not a gram more.

A piece of brisket sprinkled with spices and salt is placed in a container (ideally if it is a ceramic, enameled or glass tray, a plastic container is also suitable) or wrapped in paper.

The container or bundle is placed on a shelf in the refrigerator for a whole day. Then overnight in the freezer. The finished brisket is cut into thin slices. This wonderful delicacy can be used in the preparation of rye bread sandwiches or simply served on plates.

How to pickle the brisket in brine?

Required Ingredients :

  • pork belly;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Peppercorns black or allspice;
  • Mustard, fennel, cumin and coriander seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • Hot red pepper;
  • Garlic.

Cooking process

The brisket is carefully cut into rectangular pieces about five centimeters by eight in size. You will need exactly as much brine as it would be enough in a cramped container to pour all the pieces of brisket one finger higher. Approximate calculation of ingredients per liter of brine: five pieces of bay leaf, twelve pieces of peppercorns, five cloves, two pods of red pepper, five cloves of garlic, the rest to your taste are coriander seeds, fennel cumin and spices. There should be enough salt in the brine so that a raw egg or fresh potato floats to the surface.

Salt is dissolved in the required amount of water, pieces of brisket, hot peppers, garlic, dry spices are placed in a container. The water is boiled with salt for five minutes and cooled to a temperature of sixty degrees C. Pieces of brisket with spices are completely poured with brine and the container is closed with a lid; it is forbidden to use a plastic container. The container is sent to a cold place for forty-eight hours. If you add light strong wine to the brine, for example, sherry or Madeira and various ground spices, black and red pepper, barberry, coriander, it will turn out much tastier.

How to salt the brisket under oppression?

A brisket weighing more than one kilogram is washed in running water, then blotted with a cotton napkin. In order to salt the brisket as tasty as possible, the cut is cut into equal pieces five centimeters thick each. After that, the brisket is stuffed with thin cloves of garlic to your taste and rubbed with about fifty grams of coarse salt, and various mixtures of spices and spices.

For salting, it is recommended to choose a fresh whole cut with intact thin skin, as well as with layers of meat and bacon of the same size. A sharp knife should go into a good brisket easily, without jerks.

You can try to choose a flavor bouquet of spices individually. For example, it might include:

  • Black freshly ground pepper ten grams;
  • Chopped dried heads of dill ten grams;
  • Coriander ten grams;
  • Nutmeg five grams.

A little seasoning and salt, three broken bay leaves, one pinch of allspice peas are placed on the bottom of an enameled pan. The brisket is lowered into the container with a skin, covered with a wooden circle and pressed down with a suitable press. For the first time in a day, the pan is kept away from direct sunlight when room temperature, then keep in the refrigerator until ready for five days.

Tender pork belly in aromatic brine

A practical method of home canning is to cook salted pork belly in brine or wet, which allows the product to be stored. for a long time and not lose their taste. In this case, it is recommended to cut the brisket into small pieces and place in a sterile glass jar, cover with peppercorns and garlic cloves.

Salted pork belly is usually served with vegetable garnish with rye bread, and as an independent snack. This is a great addition to sausage and cold cuts, decorated with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Next, the water is salted, the liquid is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. Pork is poured with brine, and the container is loosely covered. Keep in a dark and cool place for seven days until fully cooked, then send to the refrigerator for storage.

Brisket, salted in the traditional way

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork brisket;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper.

Cooking tender pork belly

  • First of all, prepare the brisket, clean off all the specks from it, be sure to remove small bones. Next, make an incision along the brisket up to the very skin every three centimeters.
  • Take the garlic, peel it and cut into thin slices. Coarse salt is prepared.
  • The brisket is carefully laid out on a clean piece of any material, later the salted brisket is wrapped in it. The incisions on the brisket are carefully cut, garlic is put in and salt is added. Then the cut is carefully connected, and the next one is treated in the same way, and so all the steps are repeated until the last cut.
  • The outer sides of the brisket are rubbed with salt, sprinkled liberally on top and spread with garlic cloves.
  • For those who prefer it spicier, ground black pepper can be poured into the cuts and over the brisket. Pepper is very tasty.
  • Next, the salted brisket is wrapped in a piece of cloth and sent to the refrigerator for a day.
  • A day later, the fabric is changed, and the brisket is salted and sent again for a day in the refrigerator.
  • After this time, the brisket will be completely ready. She absorbed all the necessary amount of salt and garlic flavor. Salted brisket should be stored in the refrigerator.

We will make a reservation right away, we are talking only about pork belly. Pork belly - part of the carcass, located on the sides of the abdominal region behind the shoulder blade. It consists of alternating layers of fat with thin layers of meat. Usually the brisket is smoked, pickled or salted.

We will tell you how tasty and quickly pickle pork belly at home. Salt can be "dry" and in brine. In the market we choose a beautiful brisket. Meat for salting must necessarily pass veterinary control (as evidenced by a seal from the slaughterhouse or a special certificate).

You can, of course, just salt the brisket with salt, it will turn out edible and, probably, even tasty, but not too interesting, so it’s better to salt it with spices.

How to pickle brisket in dry spicy salting?

  • pork belly;
  • ground black pepper;
  • ground red hot pepper (can be mixed with paprika);
  • garlic;
  • coarse salt.

It is most convenient to salt in parchment paper, but it is also possible in a rectangular container.

Mix in equal parts ground black pepper, ground red pepper and salt (you can add quite a bit of ground cloves). Cut the peeled garlic across the clove into thin slices.

On a piece of brisket, we make incisions deep to the skin so that rectangular pieces about 5x6-8 cm in size are obtained, place pieces of garlic in the incisions and pour a mixture of salt and pepper liberally. Do not be afraid to add salt more than necessary, the fat will take as much as necessary.

A piece of brisket sprinkled with salt and spices is wrapped in paper or placed in a container (it is better if it is an enameled tray, ceramic or glass container, but you can pickle it in plastic dishes).

We place the bundle or container in the refrigerator on a shelf for 24 hours. Then for another 24 hours - in the freezer compartment. Cut the brisket into thin slices. You can simply serve this wonderful delicacy on a plate or make sandwiches with black bread and onion rings (with a glass of homemade red wine or a glass of vodka, or strong bitters ... mmm ... how not to swallow your tongue!).

How to pickle brisket in brine?

  • pork belly;
  • water;
  • table salt;
  • peppercorns (allspice and black);
  • coriander, mustard, fennel and cumin seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • hot red pepper;
  • garlic.

We cut the brisket into rectangular pieces about 5x6-8 cm in size.

We need just enough brine to pour coated brisket pieces 1 finger higher in a cramped container.

Approximate calculation per liter: 3-5 leaves of laurel, 8-12 peppercorns, 3-5 cloves, 1-2 red peppers, 3-5 cloves of garlic, the rest is optional (fennel and cumin coriander seeds). You need enough salt to float a raw egg or a potato.

We dissolve the salt in the required volume of water, put dry spices, garlic and hot peppers in a container along with pieces of brisket. Boil water with salt, boil for 3-5 minutes and cool to a temperature of 60-40 degrees C. Fill the brine with spices completely with brine and close the container (in this case we use not plastic containers) with a lid, cool, and then place the container in a cool place for 36-48 hours.

If you add strong light wine (Madeira, for example, or sherry) and ground spices (red and black pepper, coriander, barberry berries) to the brine, it will turn out even tastier.

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Pork belly is a real find for culinary specialists. With a little skill from an inexpensive cut, you can cook a lot of everyday and festive dishes- tasty, nutritious and fragrant. A variety of recipes for salted brisket with appetizing greasy layers allow you to stock up on this product for the future. At home, dry and hot way salting meat and lard, or a special brine with a bouquet of spices and spices is used.

Salt pork belly under oppression

Rinse a fresh brisket weighing 1 kg thoroughly in running water, then blot with a white cotton napkin. to deliciously salt pork, cut the cut into even layers 5-6 cm thick each. After that, stuff the brisket with thin cloves of garlic to taste and rub with coarse salt (4 tablespoons) and a mixture of various spices and spices.

For salting, choose a whole fresh cut with a thin intact skin, as well as layers of bacon and meat of approximately the same size. A sharp knife should easily, without jerks, enter the brisket

Choose your flavor bouquet individually. For example, it may include:

Freshly ground black pepper (5 g);

Dried and chopped dill heads (5g);

Coriander (5 g);

Nutmeg (2.5 g).

Put a little salt and seasonings, 2-3 broken bay leaves and a pinch of allspice peas on the bottom of an enamel pan. Dip the brisket skin side down in a bowl, cover with a wooden circle and press down with a suitable press. For the first day, keep the pan away from sunlight at room temperature, then keep until cooked in the refrigerator (but not in the cold!) For 3-5 days.

Hot way of salting brisket

Cut the pork into pieces of optimal length (depending on the dishes) and a thickness of 3-3.5 cm each. Rinse and dry the meat, and scrape the skin with a sharp knife until white. Then bring the water in an enamel pan to a boil and add spices and spices. Crush allspice with a spoon.

For 1 kg of brisket and 1.5 liters of water, you need to prepare:

Table salt (1 cup);

Peppercorns (10-15);

Adjika (2.5-5 g);

Bay leaf (4 pcs.);

Garlic (1-2 cloves).

Place the pieces of brisket in boiling water and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes. After that, remove the dishes from the stove and hold in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Remove the pork, let the moisture drain, rub with grated garlic to taste and keep in cling film on the refrigerator shelf. After 2-3 hours a great snack fast food can be eaten.

Delicious pork belly in brine

Cooking salted pork in brine (the "wet" method) is a practical method of home canning, as it allows the product to be stored for a long time and not lose its taste. In this case, the brisket should be cut into small pieces and placed in a sterile glass jar, wrapping with peppercorns and garlic cloves.

Salted pork belly is served with a vegetable side dish and rye bread, and also as a separate snack. This is an excellent addition to meat and sausage cuts, decorated with fresh herbs.

Next, salt the water (per 1 liter glass of salt), bring the liquid to a boil and cool to room temperature. Pour the brine over the pork and cover the dish loosely. Keep in a cool and dark place for a week (until ready), then place in the refrigerator to store.

  • Pork brisket (on the skin) - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Bay leaf
  • Chili pepper - optional

"Salted Garlic Brisket Recipe"

For salting, you can use both the brisket, and just a piece of ordinary fat without a layer. Choose according to your taste what you like best. The main thing is that the product you choose must have skin. Rinse the brisket and pat dry with paper towels. Then we make incisions with a knife, not reaching the skin one centimeter.

Thoroughly roll the pieces of brisket in coarse salt on all sides.

Don't be sorry for the salt. Don't worry about over-salting the brisket. Salo will take in the amount of salt that he needs.

Sprinkle the bottom of the enamel dish with salt and put the brisket in it, always skin down. Sprinkle evenly with ground black pepper.

We clean the garlic from the husk and pass through the press.

Coat the brisket with garlic. To give the product a more spicy and spicy taste, you can grind bay leaves with chili peppers into powder and coat the brisket with them. Our family is not very fond of spicy dishes so I skip this step. We cover the dishes with a lid or a plate and leave the brisket in this form at room temperature for a day. Then we put it in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) And keep it for three days.

Cut the finished salted brisket into slices or small pieces and serve.

Bon Appetit!

Properly salted pork belly in their own way palatability not inferior to the most expensive meat products. In the hands of a skilled housewife, the usual lard with meat layers it can turn into a real masterpiece of culinary art, with its very appearance causing an irresistible desire among guests and households to immediately taste a piece of this delicious delicacy! At the same time, there are many options for preparing salted brisket, each of which is interesting and original in its own way.

Salted brisket in a hurry
For pickling over this simple recipe you'll need pork belly, medium-grain iodine-free salt, bay leaf, black pepper, and garlic. Dill seeds and hot pepper - at your discretion.
  1. Rinse the brisket and pat dry with a paper towel. If there are films, carefully cut them with a knife.
  2. Cut the meat into pieces 4 by 10 cm.
  3. Finely chop the garlic. Chop the bay leaf and mix all the spices with salt.
  4. Dredge the brisket generously in the spicy-salty mixture, placing the cooked pieces in the jar tightly together.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for a day in the room, then put it in the refrigerator.
After 3 days, the salted brisket will be ready to eat!

Pork belly "roll"
For 1 kg of brisket you will need: 1 large head of garlic, freshly ground black pepper, 2 chopped bay leaves, coarse non-iodized salt; other spices and seasonings - at your discretion.

  1. Lay the washed and towel-dried brisket skin side down.
  2. Throughout the piece, make longitudinal cuts 2/3 deep, with a distance of 3 cm between them.
  3. Mix finely chopped garlic with salt and spices.
  4. Fill the indentations in the meat with a mixture of salt and spices, then generously sprinkle the entire layer.
  5. Put the brisket on a piece of clean cotton cloth and, wrapping the meat tightly in a roll, fix it with strong threads.
  6. Keep the roll warm for 10-12 hours, then place it in the refrigerator for the same time, after wrapping it with cling film.
  7. Unfold the roll and once again salt its outer parts, then wrap it again in a clean cloth, pull it tightly with a thread and send it to the refrigerator for another 1-2 days.
"Hot" brisket
To salt the brisket in a hot way, take a bulk enamel pan and, putting meat in it, pour enough water so that it covers the layer by 2-3 cm. This amount of water will be required for salting. Prepare also 2 large heads of garlic, 15-20 black peppercorns, the same amount of allspice and 6-8 cloves. Calculate salt in the ratio of 0.5 cups per 1 liter of water.
  1. Boil water with salt and spices, except black pepper and garlic.
  2. Put the brisket in boiling brine and cook for 40 minutes, then put in a basin and let the meat cool slightly.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and grind the black pepper, then mix these ingredients together.
  4. Lay the hot brisket on a piece of clean cloth, after sprinkling the area under the meat with a mixture of pepper and garlic.
  5. Make cross cuts in the meat and put a thin layer of garlic and pepper seasoning in them.
  6. Wrap the hot meat in a tight roll so that it is wrapped in a cloth, and pull it with a strong thread or twine along the entire length.
  7. Put the finished roll in a saucepan and put it under a heavy press (a cast-iron weight is best) for 12 hours.
  8. Place the pressed roll in the freezer for 5-6 hours, then cut the threads and remove the fabric.
Delicious brisket is ready! You can sprinkle it hot pepper or paprika - and, cut into appetizing circles, put on a dish decorated with greenery in anticipation of the enthusiastic responses of your family!

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