Home Preparations for the winter Blackcurrant juice marmalade. Marmalade at home. So that homemade marmalade always turns out

Blackcurrant juice marmalade. Marmalade at home. So that homemade marmalade always turns out

I think, according to the custom of her country, Scheherazade treated her Sultan not only with fairy tales, but also with all sorts of goodies, among which was His Majesty Marmalade! That's what I call this dessert. Because it is: tasty, healthy, easy to prepare.

Real homemade marmalade consists of fruit puree or juice, prepared with or without thickeners (pectin, agar-agar, gelatin) (boiled with sugar). But the most important thing is that it should be different from jelly, which means it should be elastic, elastic, dense. The right technology and proportions will help to achieve this! Which I will talk about today.

For homemade marmalade, you can use any fruit or berries, including frozen ones. The cooking technology will be the same everywhere, but the proportions are different. This directly depends on the amount of "native" pectin in the berry itself and on its acid. For example, if the berry is sweet, but poor in pectin (for example, strawberries), then more pectin and acid (lemon juice) are needed. Today I will share my proven recipe for blackcurrant, as I prepare marmalade from other berries, I will add information. And you share your proven proportions in the comments!


  • Blackcurrant puree / any other fruit puree - 0.5 kg;
  • Pectin - 20 gr;
  • Sugar - 350 gr;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


  1. So, I put the freshly frozen currants in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), on medium heat I wait for defrosting, stirring occasionally. If you are using fresh berries, add some water (1-2 tablespoons).
  2. As soon as the berries are defrosted, turn off the heat and pierce with an immersion blender until smooth.
  3. I grind the berry puree through a sieve to free it from the peel and seeds.
    It is convenient if the sieve is metal (and not the same as I have this time)), and it is also better to grind with an iron spoon, and not with a wooden spatula (this is more effective).
  4. I add 300 grams of sugar to the puree. I put it on fire. Stirring, bring to complete dissolution of sugar. I chill a little.
  5. I mix 50 grams of sugar with pectin.
  6. I return the puree to the fire (its temperature should be 40 C by this time). If there is no thermometer, you can determine the temperature by eye: no steam should come from the mashed potatoes, it should be hot when you lower your finger. I add sugar with pectin to the puree in a thin stream - “rain” with constant stirring and cook for another 10 minutes (up to a temperature of 106 C).
    At some point, it will seem that the temperature has frozen in place, but it is not! I'm being patient and trying to get it to the right temperature.
  7. Upon reaching t 106 C - turn off the fire.
  8. I add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, stir.
  9. I pour the puree into a mold (you can use the usual round or square shape, and then cut the finished marmalade into portioned pieces). This time I use silicone in the form of hearts. Attention! It is not necessary to cool the marmalade mass strongly, because it thickens quickly. There is a risk that it will harden right in the saucepan! To check the marmalade mass for readiness, you can make such a test - drop a mass on a saucer or a cold spoon, if it does not spread, then you can pour it!
  10. I carefully put a marmalade mass into each cell (it thickens before our eyes). I never grease a silicone mold, but if you do not trust your mold, you can grease it for safety vegetable oil.
  11. I leave to harden for several hours (about 2-3) at room temperature.
  12. After this time, you can take out the marmalade and let it dry on the other side.
  13. It remains only to sprinkle with sugar and you can drink tea!

Incredibly simple and very tasty. It’s just that you need to store (if you manage to save at least something) in a cool and dry place (so that the sugar does not melt).

Attention! If you add 110 g of glucose or syrup to the berry puree, the marmalade will be stored longer (it will not be candied) and its structure will be better (more elasticity and plasticity).

If homemade marmalade does not harden:

If you made a test on a cold spoon and the mass spreads, there is a chance to fix everything: add a little more lemon juice (or diluted with water) to the mass citric acid) and reheat-boil the mass. If after that the marmalade mass spreads, it means that poor-quality pectin has been caught or the puree contains so little pectin that this amount of additional pectin was not enough.

Pectin and gelfix in marmalade

A little about pectin. It is no worse than agar-agar, and at times superior to gelatin. Dessert with pectin turns out exactly the same as the store-bought one, which is familiar to many. Only much healthier, prettier and more fragrant.

What is pectin?

Today, there are two types of pectins: NH pectin and yellow pectin. What is the difference? Unlike NH, yellow pectin is irreversible, that is, after heating and solidification, it cannot be dissolved again. This property of pectin is widely used for the preparation of heat-resistant jams, jams, marmalade. I usually use Idigo pectin, such as in the photo.

NH pectin is a modified yellow pectin. Unlike yellow, it has a thermoreversible effect. For this reason, such pectin is widely used in mousse cakes. Desserts can be frozen and thawed without losing their texture. You can buy such pectin in online stores, for example, here.

Rules for working with pectin:

  1. So that pectin is evenly distributed in marmalade and does not form lumps, I always mix it with sugar! The fact is that if pectin clumps, it loses part of its gelling power, which we do not need at all in the preparation of marmalade.
  2. I introduce pectin into the mass at t 40 C °, actively stirring the mass with a whisk. Pectin with sugar should be poured into the saucepan "rain".
  3. After adding pectin with sugar, be sure to bring the liquid to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes or to a temperature of 106 ° C.
  4. The action of pectin begins when the mixture boils, and then, during cooling, it completely completes its work.

Instead of pectin, you can use Gelfix, its composition is based on pectin, sold in all major supermarkets:

Marmalade without thickener

Most ancient recipe, which migrated from the East to the UK, without a thickener
Basically, it's more like thick jam, if not for one "but"! If, with the addition of a large amount of sugar, berries such as raspberries, currants (red and black) and others are boiled for a very long time, their very structure, after the jam is infused at a low temperature, will become like marmalade.

And now again about the conditions:

  • Sugar is the same or more than berries;
  • Boil until the liquid decreases in volume;
  • Let it brew for a day (or more);
  • Cold is required, not a freezer, but it is in the refrigerator.

Recipe for currant marmalade (in our Russian sense, thick jam)


  • Currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


  1. I wash the berries, grind them in a blender.
  2. I grind the berry mass through a fine sieve to separate the seeds.
  3. I mix the berries with sugar and cook. I check readiness drop by drop, which should not spread on a plate.
  4. I cool to room temperature, pour the mass into molds and send it to the refrigerator for 24 hours. But you can not cool, and not wait so long. Marmalade, which was so popular in Victorian England, is ready after boiling and cooling. I pour it into pretty jars and serve it to the table.

Marmalade with agar-agar

One of the most favorite types of marmalade is with citrus fruits. This is a real classic of the oriental genre of desserts.

orange marmalade recipe


  • Oranges - 4-5 pieces, depending on their juiciness and size (you need 400 g of juice);
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. and 100-150 g for wrapping sweets in it;
  • Agar-agar - 3 tsp (I’ll clarify right away if you decide to replace agar with gelatin in this recipe, take 2 times more than indicated on the package).


  1. I squeeze juice from oranges. Should be 400 gr.
    I separate about 100 g to soak and insist in this agar-agar juice (yes, yes, I know that many people skip the step with soaking agar, since it only starts its work when heated, but in the marmalade recipe I like to soak it and insist a little. You can skip this step).
  2. I add sugar to 300 grams of juice. I mix.
    I put it on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  3. I pour the juice with agar-agar into a saucepan over a fire with orange syrup.
    I bring it up to the first large bubbles and turn it off. I leave the pot.
  4. Pour into a mold and cool to room temperature.
    Then I send it to the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
  5. I take the marmalade out of the mold, cut it into pieces and sprinkle each candy with sugar.

Sweets on gelatin

I will call this recipe off-season. And all because berries and fruits, even citrus fruits, depend on the season. But there is an opportunity to indulge in marmalade all year round if you make them from ... jam! Something, and such goodness is always available.

Marmalade jam candies


  • Jam (with berries, but without seeds) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Water - 250-300 ml (depending on the density of the jam).


  1. In 100 g of cold water I put the gelatin to swell.
  2. I dilute the jam with the remaining water. I put it on the fire to boil.
  3. When the jam boils, I turn off the fire. It is only important to keep the puree hot (if you have a thermometer, check that it does not exceed 60 C).
    Gently, stirring the jam, I introduce gelatin. After 1.5-2 minutes, I set aside a bowl of jam. I cool a little and let the jelly puff a little.
  4. I add the juice of half a lemon and puree the mass with a blender.
    If I don’t want pieces of fruit to remain, I pass a delicate jelly-like mass through a strainer.
  5. I pour fruit jelly into a mold and cool in the refrigerator.
    Then I cut the sweets and dip them in sugar.
  6. The color of such marmalade will be unusual, it is completely opaque. But I like this kind of dessert for a change.

I want to make an important digression about gelatin. Two types are commonly used:

Powder (Dr. Oetker in a blue pack, dissolves very quickly)

We soak such gelatin in cold water in a ratio of 1 part gelatin to 5 parts water. After 5-10 minutes (no two hours!) we get a ready-made gelatinous mass that can be used. But before using the gelatin must be melted (I heat in short pulses in the microwave). It is impossible to overheat the gelatin mass, since at t above 60 ° C, gelatin loses its properties.

Leaf gelatin. This kind of gelling agent is produced by drying and cleaning the gelatinous mass with plates. Such a product must be soaked in water and squeezed before use. You can buy sheet gelatin in large stores in your city (for example, in Auchan) or in online confectionery stores.

Why you should give preference to homemade marmalade

Do you know what are the advantages of this oriental sweetness? Yes! Exactly, in variety and availability. Let's remember together all the advantages of marmalade:

  • It can be made from a variety of fruits, citrus fruits, berries, and even vegetables. Such a huge palette of flavors, aromas and colors makes dessert one of the most beloved and popular.
  • In consistency. You yourself can choose what kind of marmalade you will have: thick, like jam, dense or tender.
  • The products are the simplest that are in any store.
  • And the cost of products is small. So, marmalade, moreover, is also an inexpensive dessert. You can cook it and not go broke even for a large company or a children's party.
  • Marmalade takes on different forms. He acts as an independent treat, and can decorate cakes, pastries, be a filling in pancakes.
  • Marmalade itself can have a filling. Homework: prepare berry marmalade, in the middle of which the berries are “hidden”. It looks very beautiful and original; and become a gourmet meal.
  • And further! You know, always, when I share a recipe for preparing a particular dish, I try to take into account that we are all a little magician. What masters who have been trained in high culinary schools do, we do in our kitchen without any training. What is served in elite restaurants stuffed to overflowing with the most advanced technology, we cook for our loved ones, having a simple mixer and a modest but very beloved oven. The stove, which over the years has become not only a lifesaver, but also a beloved friend. Girls (and boys, of course), I'm proud of you! So, marmalade does not need baking. This means that the success of its preparation will not depend on the vagaries of the oven, gas supply or power outages. And this is an advantage, and not a small one!
  • And last, but very important for everyone who takes care of their appearance and health. Since we cook at home from natural products, this dessert is also healthy. Yes, and the cat cried fat in it. So, you don't have to worry about gaining weight. With such a candy, there will be no problems in this regard!

So that homemade marmalade always turns out

Each dish preparation has behind-the-scenes moments, which I will now talk about:

  1. The density of marmalade depends not only on how well the main product is cooked: berries, citrus fruits, etc. The density is mainly determined by the thickener. Gelatin makes marmalade loose, but, at the same time, tender. With agar-agar, the structure is always denser.
  2. If the juice turns out sour, there is a chance that the sweets may not harden, the acid will neutralize the thickener. Therefore, gelatin or agar-agar should be taken 1.5 times more than the norm. And add it only to sweetened juice. And only when the gelatin has already set, and the temperature of the juice is the same as the temperature of the water.
  3. The rule is that the juice or nectar must not be boiled while the gelatin is being added. Otherwise, the thickener loses its strength. thickener loses its power.
  4. The amount of sugar in the product also affects the density of the candy. The more it is, the denser the product.
    That's all! Don't forget about a little homework: berries in marmalade. Good luck, and I hope you solve the mystery of oriental sweets!

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If you have a large crop of blackcurrants, and also have free time for culinary delights, then you can treat yourself and your family to homemade marmalade. This year I tried 2 recipes for making homemade marmalade. The sweets turned out delicious and were quickly eaten with tea. First sweeter, then more sour.

Sweet homemade currant marmalade

  • 400 ml juice
  • 40 gr gelatin
  • 3 cups sugar (the more sugar, the sweeter the marmalade)

How to make homemade marmalade: instructions:

1. Wash and dry currants. Squeeze juice from berries. How to do this, read .

2. Gelatin pour half the juice. While stirring, heat until warm. Leave to swell for 30 min. After strain, discard the undissolved.
3. Mix sugar with the remaining juice and bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Lubricate the forms with vegetable oil or cover with a film.

5. Mix gelatin juice and sugar juice thoroughly. Pour into candy molds, containers, baking sheets.

6. Let cool at room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.
The next day, take it out of the molds and roll in sugar.

Currant marmalade at home without gelatin

  • 1 liter of juice
  • 1 liter of sugar

1. Add sugar to the juice and cook until thickened. Stir occasionally. The indicated amount I cooked for about 3 hours.
2. Cover a baking sheet with a film and pour a still warm mass 1-1.5 cm high onto it.
Let cool and refrigerate overnight.
3. Cut out marmalade figures with cookie cutters. Roll in sugar to prevent sticking. Or eat immediately without sugar.

Yet more recipes berry marmalade

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Step by step photos how to prepare the recipe:

Pour the berries into a sieve and wash them. You can take both red and black currants.

Pass through a juicer to remove the stones.

Add gelatin and put on fire, heat all the time stirring, but do not bring to a boil. Can be microwaved for one minute.

Stir the resulting mixture with a spoon and pour into molds.

Leave to chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

After hardening, take out the marmalade from the molds and sprinkle with sugar.

Bon appetit and good mood!

Children are all terrible sweet tooth. They start eating sweets from a very young age. That's just not always it is useful for the child's body. But there are sweets that can be consumed without fear, because they cannot cause harm. To such delicious and useful products can be attributed to marmalade. And adults can use it in unlimited quantities. This is especially true for those who monitor their weight and try to limit their diet by excluding harmful sweets from it.

Of course, its benefits will also be due to what it is made of. It's no secret that the one sold in the store is far from ideal. After all, its basis is sugar, gelling ingredients, dyes and flavors. Finding natural on store shelves is quite difficult. Yes, and the price will be very high. Therefore, it is easier to make marmalade at home, on your own. Then you will be sure of its quality and composition and will treat both adults and children without fear. This is what will benefit the body. After all, pectin, which is found in fruits and berries, from which it is made, contributes to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates intestinal motility and cleanses it of harmful accumulations.

Acids, which are contained in marmalade in sufficient quantities, are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria, and therefore increase the body's resistance to various kinds of infectious diseases. Gelatin, which is part of this product, is of animal origin. That is why it is very useful for bones and tendons. It is recommended to use it for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, this sweetness is great uplifting and helps to cope with emotional stress and even stressful situations.

Cook this useful option can be from almost any berries and fruits. It is better to take those that have more pectin. These are gooseberries, black and red currants, apples.

Usually, the currant crop is quite large and the berries simply have nowhere to go. Not everyone likes to eat them fresh, but few can refuse the delicacy prepared on their basis. After all, such marmalade turns out to be very tasty, and they retain the aroma of fresh currants.

The benefits of these berries can not be overestimated. They contain a large amount of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and trace elements. Therefore, they perfectly increase immunity, help reduce temperature and reduce inflammation.

Rate the recipe
  1. We wash the currants, sort it out, wash it again, cover it with sugar, leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, boil over very low heat until the berries soften, stirring occasionally. This process took me about 20-25 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, carefully wipe through a metal sieve. At this stage, it is worth trying to see if the amount of sugar matches your taste preferences. I've decided that more sugar would be very useful. I added an additional 300 grams and mixed very thoroughly (if lumps of sugar remain, it may burn).
  4. We return our currants back to a very small fire and keep it there, not forgetting to stir occasionally until the mass is boiled down by 1.5 -2 times. Everything boiled down for me by about 1.5 times in about one and a quarter hours. When the mass begins to boil, we carefully monitor that the sugar does not start to burn.
  5. We lay out the paper on a baking sheet or tray and pour our mass onto it, where we leave it to cool completely.
  6. After cooling, the mass hardens. We spread the sheet on the table and cut the layer of marmalade into pieces.
  7. If desired, you can roll in powdered sugar.


  • Berry - 1 kg;
  • Beet sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • Water - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the berries, because no matter how clean the currant collection seems, there is plenty of garbage in it.
  2. After treatment with water, sprinkle the berries on a clean cotton towel or on a piece of cloth to dry.
  3. When the currant is ready for further processing, collect it in a suitable bowl or cup and mash with a wooden mortar.
  4. Add water, add sugar and stir.
  5. Rearrange the basin with the currant mass on a low fire and, be sure to stir from time to time, cook until it begins to easily move away from the walls of the dish.
  6. Lightly moisten a baking sheet with water, pour hot currants on it, level the surface and dry to a marmalade state.
  7. This can be done in the oven at the lowest temperature and with the door slightly open. But since marmalade dries for a long time, from time to time it is worth turning off the oven and letting sweets cook naturally at room temperature.
  8. When the children's joy is ready, cut it with a knife or using curly molds, sprinkle with sugar grains and serve with tea. It is better to store in a glass, hermetically sealed jar.


Marmalade is a favorite sweet from childhood... The most important thing is that in addition to the great taste, it is also absolutely harmless, because it does not contain any chemical additives, flavor enhancers, and so on. And you can make marmalade at home without much difficulty. It remains only to decide on the taste, because there is no limit to the scope of imagination! Marmalade can be made absolutely from any berries or fruits.

And today we will prepare blackcurrant marmalade - this is a favorite berry in our family. We usually buy frozen currants, unless, of course, this is the season. So, let's prepare this berry extravaganza of taste already! From the ingredients you will not need anything special, we usually have all this in our house.

Ingredients for marmalade:

Black currant 400 gr

Sugar sand 200 gr

Gelatin 10 gr

Drinking water 60 gr

Powdered sugar/sugar for deboning marmalade

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin put in a glass and pour 60 grams of water, let it swell.
  2. Grind blackcurrant berries in a blender until puree.

  3. Transfer the berry puree to a saucepan and add all the sugar (200 g), mix and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  4. Next - remove the pan with berry puree from the heat and cool the mixture a little.
  5. In the meantime, dissolve the gelatin: heat a saucepan with gelatin over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. In no case do not boil gelatin!

  6. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, pour it into the cooled berry mixture and mix well.
  7. Now the most important thing is to decide in what form you want to use this sweetness? There are at least 2 options here: marmalade can be poured into a mold and after waiting a day, cut into portioned pieces. Then they can be rolled in sugar and put in a box where you can always look and feast. And the second option: marmalade can be decomposed into jars and then smeared on toast or, for example, even cook cookies with it. You can choose both options, so I did 🙂
  8. Pour half of the liquid marmalade into a deep form with sharp corners (I took silicone mold for a cake, it is very convenient in that it is easy to take out the marmalade from it, and it is good in shape, since we will cut the finished marmalade into squares).

  9. Arrange the second part of the marmalade in jars. Marmalade in jars can be stored both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. Moreover, it will definitely not stagnate with you for a long time.

  10. Put the form with marmalade in the refrigerator for the whole day, it is better to make marmalade in the evening and keep it in the refrigerator all night, and in the morning you can just enjoy fresh marmalade with tea 🙂
  11. When the marmalade hardens, remove the layer from the mold and cut into equal squares. Roll each square in powdered sugar/sugar and serve.

    gelatin marmalade recipe at home

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