Home Soups Project "What kind of drink is Coca-Cola?". Research work "Coca-Cola: harm or benefit?" with presentation Clears debris

Project "What kind of drink is Coca-Cola?". Research work "Coca-Cola: harm or benefit?" with presentation Clears debris


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1" of the city of Velizh, Smolensk region

(Research project)


Syromyatnikova Ekaterina,

Student 4 "B" class

Project Manager:

Stefanenko T. N.,

The teacher of the beginning classes



  1. Introduction
  1. Main part

2.1 Schedule and stages of work on the project

2.3 The composition of the Coca-Cola drink

  1. Practical part


  1. Conclusion


  1. Sources


  1. Introduction

I often hear from adults: “Don't drink Coca-Cola! Coca-Cola is bad for your health!” And my classmates and friends are constantly buying different types of this drink. And TV ads say otherwise.

Here, on the TV screen, the lid flies off with a hiss, a light cloud of splashes appears, a beautiful straw-coffee liquid with a hiss pours into a glass! How you want a sip of this wonderful drink, despite the prohibition of your parents.

Harmful "Coca-Cola" or useful? To check who is right - parents forbidding us to drink it, or children using it, I decideddo research:

"Drink" Coca-Cola "harm or benefit to humans?"

Purpose of the study: to study the effect of "Coca-Cola" on the human body


  • Study information sources in order to get more information about Coca-Cola, study the history of the product, find out the composition of the drink and the secret of the popularity of the world brand.
  • Develop a questionnaire and conduct a sociological survey among students in grades 4 and 9 on the use of Coca-Cola.
  • Conduct experiments demonstrating the process of interaction of Coca-Cola with various substances.
  • Find out if Coca-Cola harms or benefits the body.
  • If the Coca-Cola drink is harmful, then come up with anti-advertising for this product and find an alternative recipe for harmful drinks.

Research hypothesis:

We assumed that if we learn more about the effect of the Coca-Cola drink on our body, we can make the right choice:

“To drink Coca-Cola or not to drink! "Coca-Cola": benefit or harm?

Research methods:

  • Working with information sources, Internet resources.
  • Experiment.
  • Photo fixation.
  • observation.
  • Comparison.
  • Analysis and generalization of information.
  • Sociological survey.

Object of study:

Coca-Cola drink.

Subject of study:

The composition, properties and effect of "Coca-Cola" on the child's body.

  1. Main part

2.1 Project schedule

I carried out this project within 2 academic weeks during the classroom and extracurricular activities.

Every day of the week I was engaged in the implementation of the project and madeproject work plan:

  • The study of encyclopedias, scientific - popular literature, Internet materials - networks on the topic "Coca-Cola": harm or benefit to the body.
  • Search for information about the history of appearance, the composition of the drink "Coca-Coca".
  • Conducting a sociological survey among students of the 4th and 9th grades on this topic.
  • Conducting and describing experiments that will prove the harm or benefit of the Coca-Cola drink.
  • Making a photo report on the work done.
  • Coming up with advertising or anti-advertising for the Coca-Cola drink, based on the results of the study, if you need an alternative recipe for harmful drinks.
  • Summing up the results of the study.

Stages of work on the project:

Project stages

Student activities

The role of the teacher

Stage 1.


  • Chose a research topic;
  • determined the goals and objectives of the study;
  • made a plan of work on the project;
  • chose methods, object and subject of research

Guide based on motivation.

Stage 2.

Search and research

  • Studied literature;
  • took photographs;
  • conducted experiments;
  • conducted a sociological study (questionnaires for students in grades 4 and 9).

Work organizer;

close interaction with the project participant in the process of processing, analyzing and systematizing data.

Stage 3.

Creation of a project activity product

  • The product of the project activity was a presentation about the dangers of the Coca-Cola drink, anti-advertising, and a video “An Alternative to Harmful Drinks”.

Educational, close interaction with the project participant in the process of processing, analyzing and systematizing data.

Stage 4.

Presentation of the project and its product


2.2 The history of the appearance of the drink "Coca-Cola"

Studying encyclopedias, reading newspapers, magazines, materials on the Internet, I got acquainted with the history of the appearance of the Coca-Cola drink (Appendix 1).

2.3. The composition of the drink "Coca-Cola"

I studied the composition of the substances of the Coca-Cola drink on the label and on the official website, on the Internet.

What is the composition of Coca-Cola?

Purified carbonated water (Agua carbonatada)

Sugar. One glass (250 ml) of cola contains 6(!) teaspoons of sugar.

Use instead of sugaracesulfame potassium, (E950), aspartame (E951), cyclamic acid (E952).

Natural dye (sugar color 4).Sugar color (burnt sugar) is obtained by processing sugar with or without the addition of chemicals. In this case, add ammonium sulfate (E150d)

Acidity regulator - phosphoric acid - acidifier ( E338). Food phosphoric acid is used in the production of carbonated water and to obtain salts (powders for making cookies, crackers). Orthophosphoric acid - has a toxic effect on the kidneys, liver and nerve cells, "washes out" calcium (the cause of bone fragility), destroys tooth enamel.

Carbon dioxide CO 2 - carbonic acid. A must have in any carbonated drink. By itself, it is harmless (it is used to better preserve the drink), but its presence in water excites gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence - profuse gas and the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Citric acid (E330)- colorless crystals. Used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Sodium benzonate (E211) -expectorant, food preservative, antifungal agent.

Caffeine. Under the influence of caffeine, cardiac activity accelerates, blood pressure rises, mood slightly improves for about 40 minutes due to the release of dopamine, but after 3-6 hours the effect of caffeine disappears: fatigue, lethargy, and decreased ability to work. Caffeine, like other CNS stimulants, is contraindicated in hyperexcitability, insomnia, severe hypertension and atherosclerosis, in organic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Aromas- it is not known what aromatic additives.

Moreover, the composition on the label is written in very small print and among the text it is difficult to read.

The manufacturing technology of the product has been strictly classified by the manufacturer for many years. But the researchers found that this mysterioussecret additive (mysterious Coca-Cola extract)nothing more than a natural dye"carmine" or food supplement"cochineal" obtained from cochineal worms.

Nutritional value of Coca-Cola per 100 ml

Conclusion: I see that the natural products in the Coca-Cola drink are water and sugar. And chemical - all other components:E150d, E952, E951, E338, E330, Aromas, E211, not all of which are beneficial to our body. I want to note that the composition of Coca-Cola includes caffeine, which has an exciting effect on the central nervous system and a fairly large amount of carbonic, phosphoric acids(Appendix 2).

  1. Practical part

At the beginning of the experiment, the project manager and I developed a questionnaire (Appendix 3) and conducted a sociological survey among students in grades 4 and 9.

We saw that the problem of regular use of Coca-Cola was not found among elementary school students, the guys buy this drink, but do not abuse it. And for students of the 9th grade, on the contrary, the indicators are too high. (Tables and diagrams in Annex 4). They prefer the hyped Coca-Cola brand. Primary school students are controlled by parents, they are responsible for the life and health of the child, they try to protect them from eating unhealthy food. High school students are more independent in their choice, parents cannot always influence their decision, which is why the number of teenagers who often use Coca-Cola is growing.

The survey showed that the guys suspect that the drink is not very healthy, but they still buy it!

In order to confirm one of my hypotheses, to prove what harm or vice versa the Coca-Cola drink brings to the human body, I decided to conduct a series of experiments.

After looking at similar projects on the Internet, I decided that I would not conduct an experiment and compare Coca-Cola and water. And I will take three drinks: Sprite, Coca-Cola and mineral water and see how they interact with various objects and substances. And on the basis of this I will draw a conclusion about the effect of these drinks on the human body. But first of all, I will pay attention to Coca-Cola and prove its harm or benefit to the human body.

For the experiment I needed:

  • "Coca-Cola", "Sprite", mineral water "Novoterbskaya healing", milk.
  • Egg.
  • Pig meat.
  • Piece of a nail.
  • Rusty nails, old coins.
  • Teapot with scale.
  • Mint candy "Mentos".
  • Crackers, chips, crackers.

I will describe the experiments and show what results they led to.

1experiment "Does Coca-Cola threaten our teeth and nails?"

I took the shell of a chicken egg and a nail. It contains a lot of calcium, a substance that is involved in the structure of human teeth and bones. I removed the white and yolk from a raw chicken egg. I immersed this shell and nail in Sprite, Coca-Cola and mineral water.

Observations showed:in Sprite and Coca-Cola there was an immediate chemical reaction, but in Coca-Cola it was more violent. I left it all for a week. In Sprite, the shell and nail became soft.There was a sediment in Coca-Cola. The shell is viscous, darkened and separated from the film. The nail was not found at all.In mineral water, the shell has not changed.

This experiment confirmed the hypothesis about the ability of Coca-Cola to dissolve calcium (teeth, nails).Drinking large amounts of Coca-Cola can lead to darkening and decay of teeth.(A photo report on this experiment is presented in Appendix 5).

2 experience "Destructive power of phosphoric acid"

This experience helped to prove whether the content of these drinks is capable of dissolving rust. For this experience, my mom and I poured a Coca-Cola drink into a kettle and boiled it. Not all scale has left behind us, but it has become much less. If this operation is repeated several times, the kettle can be completely cleaned.

I decided to continue the experiment: I took old coins and put them in three drinks for 1 day. After wiping, they look better, newer. And in "Sprite" even corroded the inscription on the coin. But in Coca-Cola there were much more traces of dyes on a rag.

I repeated the same operation with rusty nails. They have also changed, become much newer, without rust. But most of all, we were struck by the result with mineral water, where the nail became just new, completely changed.

We can say that all these drinks have destructive power, if in 1 day they corroded almost all the rust. The same happens in our body.

To prove the presence of phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola, I took Coca-Cola, milk and conducted various experiments. I added a large amount of Coca-Cola to a glass, where there was a large amount of milk, and the reaction immediately occurred, and the contents turned into jelly with a brown film on top and an unpleasant odor.

The third glass contained Coca-Cola. I added some milk to it. The color brightened, the smell was also, but not so unpleasant. After a few hours, gaps appeared in this sample, and the next day, the pieces settled to the bottom. I observed precipitation, because Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid, the molecules of which react with milk.

This is how, under the action of phosphoric acid, calcium falls out in the human body - it begins to be washed out of the bones, and then - softening of the bone tissue, called osteoporosis, sleep disturbances, heart function, poor posture, pain in the bones and joints(A photo report on this experiment is presented in Appendix 6).

3 experience "A highly carbonated drink leads to an increase in acidity"

I needed to make sure that this drink is very carbonated and able to turn into a "fizzy" substance if interacted with menthol candies. To do this, I lowered a candy into a glass of Coca-Cola. This drink began to sizzle and foam strongly.

I was convinced that this drink is very carbonated and high acidity is formed in it.If a person eats a sweet menthol candy and drinks it with this drink, it can cause him to vomit, as an acid is formed in the stomach that can cause hissing(A photo report on this experiment is presented in Appendix 7).

4 experience "Can Coca-Cola" "digest food"?

For this experiment, I immersed a piece of pork meat in three drinks Sprite, Coca-Cola and mineral water and left it for a week. In "Sprite" the meat became soft pink.In Coca-Cola, the meat became thin, brown, viscous.A very strong unpleasant odor appeared in the mineral water, but the meat was dense and white.

I came to the conclusion that Coca-Cola did not completely dissolve the meat, but made it much thinner. If it lay down even more, it would dissolve completely.

This is how Coca-Cola aggressively acts on muscle tissue (gastric mucosa) and can lead to the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers(A photo report on this experiment is presented in Appendix 8).

5 experience "Is it possible to drink food with Coca-Cola?"

For this experience, I took all the same three drinks, poured them into glasses and put them in: crackers, cookies, chips.

Most of all, the crackers swelled in a glass of Coca-Cola and became even darker.

The biggest change with chips has been in a glass of Coca-Cola:a film with fat has formed and if you touch it, then your fingers stick together strongly, as if gelatin was added to it.

For the next experiment, I took the Cracker dry biscuits and put it in Sprite, Coca-Cola, mineral water for one day. In all samples of cookies swollen,and in Coca-Cola, the top layer was corroded into uneven pieces that were dyed brown.

I came to the conclusion that potato chips and other foods with a high fat content should not be washed down with Coca-Cola, since Coca-Cola itself is acidic, and the carbon dioxide it contains contributes to the reflex production of gastric juice. Croutons, potato chips, cookies often suffer from the quality of the raw materials, besides they are fatty"Coca-Cola" dissolves fats better, thereby contributing to better absorption of fats, puts a greater burden on the liver, and causes digestive disorders and obesity.(A photo report on the experiment is presented in Appendix 8).

6 experience "Is there sugar in Coca-Cola?"

I poured Sprite and Coca-Cola into a bowl and left it for a week. A week later, the water from the Sprite and Coca-Cola evaporated, leaving a gooey syrup in the bowl. I also tried to evaporate the sugar in Sprite and Coca-Cola. To do this, boil these drinks over low heat.

There is a lot of sugar in Coca-Cola, which is harmful to the body, can lead to diabetes and other serious diseases.(A photo report on this experiment is presented in Appendix 10).

With the results of my research, I spoke to the students of the 4th and 9th grades, showed them my presentation "Coca-Cola drink: benefit or harm to the body." Then my classmates and I drew pictures on the topic “We are against Coca-Cola” (Appendix 11).

Also, my mother and I prepared a video recipe “An Alternative to Bad Habits”, where we propose to prepare a fruit and berry smoothie without adding sugar, but with a spoonful of honey (Materials are presented on the Disk).

  1. Conclusion

My experiments have shown that Coca-Cola is harmful to health, as it is an artificial product, contains sugar substitutes, many acids and various food additives that adversely affect the growing body of a child.

After a series of experiments, I saw that Coca-Cola destroys teeth, nails, and meat. It contains substances that corrode rust and plaque from tea; it should not be washed down with food.

Rabadanov Tagir

Project Manager:

Dzhumaeva Marina Velyedinovna


State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Dagestan "Republican Education Center", Kaspiysk

In the presented research work on the world around (elementary school) "What kind of drink is Coca-Cola?" the author studies the composition of Coca-Cola, its effect on the human body, and also conducts a survey of classmates. The work contains reference material and a photo report of the author's practical work.

In the process of working on research project on the world around (elementary school) on the topic "What kind of drink is Coca-Cola?" the author set a goal to investigate the effect of the Coca-Cola drink on the human body.

The work is based on the analysis of theoretical information about the origin and composition of the Coca-Cola drink, as well as a survey of 4th grade students to get acquainted with the negative impact of the studied drink on human health.

In the proposed environmental project (elementary school) "What kind of drink is Coca-Cola?" the author presented theoretical data on the peculiarities of the influence of the use of "Coca-Cola" on human health, and also held a conversation on this topic with a medical worker of the school, who expressed a professional opinion on this issue.

1. The history of the creation of Coca-Cola
2. The study of the composition of Coca-Cola
3. Opinion of the medical worker of our school about Coca-Cola.
4. Sociological survey of 4th grade students.


Today, in the modern world, children are increasingly giving preference to chips, crackers and popcorn, and of course, all this is washed down with carbonated drinks. But notice not only children, but also adults! At the moment, the number of patients with diabetes mellitus and various types of cancer is increasing every day in the world.

The age of these diseases is getting younger. All these diseases are increasingly associated with carbonated drinks. And one of the most popular carbonated drinks among both children and adults is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is one of the most popular carbonated drinks in the world with over 120 years of history.

The real composition of Coca-Cola has not yet been made public to the world community. All existing versions are just assumptions, the original recipe is kept by the manufacturer in the strictest confidence.

But, despite this, numerous laboratory studies of the drink allow us to draw conclusions about the presence of certain ingredients that are harmful to health, making Coca-Cola an undesirable product for a growing child's body. And why are they harmful and why should we limit ourselves to the use of these drinks?

Relevance: Recently, in connection with the development of genetic engineering, the widespread use of preservatives, dyes and artificial flavors, many parents began to think about the benefits or harms of a particular product for their children.

Children, in turn, are attracted by bright tastes, colorful packaging and an advertising campaign for these products. Therefore, a situation arises when children do not accept the arguments of their parents who refuse to buy them, as this is unhealthy.

Job hypothesis:

Coca Cola is bad for health.

Materials for conducting experiments: bottles with " coca cola", water, dishes, old coins, cups with traces of tea, sweets" mentos»

Target: Impact Research coca cola» on the human body.

Tasks: 1. find information about the effect of the drink on human health; 2. find out the number of students in the class who often drink this drink; 3. find out the opinion of physicians; 4. conduct an experiment to study the properties of " coca cola»

Object of study: Drink " Coca Cola».

Subject of study: influence " coca cola» on the human body.

Research methods: - experiment, photo-fixation; - work with information source; - social poll; conversation; - analysis and generalization of information.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №18


Research project on the topic:

"Drink Coca-Cola"

harm or benefit to humans?

student 4 "A" class

Address: Krasnodar Territory,

Timashevsk, st. Ostrovsky, d.5

tel. 89181392370

Project Manager: Rodina Marina Vasilievna primary school teacher

Address: Krasnodar Territory,

Timashevsk, st. Michurina, 17



year 2014


    Methodological passport of the project 3pp.

    Stages of the project 4p.

    Relevance 5p.

    The history of carbonated drinks 6p.

    The most popular brands of sparkling water 6p.

    The composition of carbonated water and its impact on human health

VI.Practical work 8-12pp.

    Experience number 1.milk tooth test 9p.

2. Experience number 2.Rust test 10p.

3. Experience No. 3.Egg shell test 11p.

4. Experience No. 4.Test with pieces of meat 12p.

VII . Appendix 13p.

1. The results of the survey of students 3 "A" class MBOU secondary school No. 18

2. The results of the survey of parents of students in grade 3 "A"

3. Interview with the seller of the hypermarket "Magnit"

VIII . Conclusion 16p.

Methodological passport of the project

Project theme: Drink "Coca-Cola" - harm or benefit to humans?

Problem that carbonated soft drinks adversely affect human health.

Research work hypothesis : Is Coca-Cola really bad for human health?

The purpose of the research work: to prove the negative effects of the drink on the human body through the study of acidic properties.


    study the literature on theoretical issues of the research topic;

    to determine the popularity of carbonated water of various manufacturers among students and parents of the 3rd "A" class based on a sociological survey;

    to prove the negative effect of the drink on the human body through the study of acidic properties.

Project time : 15 days

Working mode : extracurricular

Information and technical support:





    multimedia installation

Motivation for learning: personal interest

Project work

Project stages

Student activities

The role of the teacher

Stage 1:


    chose a research topic related to the benefits and harms of the Coca-Cola drink;

    determined the goals and objectives of the study;

    made a plan for the work, and also chose the available and most appropriate research methods

guide based on motivation.

Stage 2: search and research

    studied literature,

    took photographs,

    carried out experiments

    met with a hypermarket salesperson (interview);

    conducted sociological research (questionnaires of classmates and parents).

organizer of meetings, close interaction with students in the process of processing, analyzing and systematizing data.

Stage 3: creation of a product of project activities

    The product of the project activity was a presentation (on the dangers and benefits of carbonated water)

training, close interaction with the student in the process of processing, analyzing and systematizing data

Stage 4: presentation of the project and its product



Bright, colorful drinks with sizzling bubbles beckon us to taste them. Television shows mesmerizing advertisements about how these drinks quench your thirst. And everywhere we hear that the human body should receive at least two liters of fluid per day.

Why is soda not a liquid? Every person from an early age is familiar with carbonated water. However, what it consists of and how it affects the human body, we did not know.

    What is carbonated water?

    What does it consist of?

    Does it affect the body?

    If "yes", then what?

These are the questions my classmates asked themselves.

Let's start with the history of the emergence of carbonated drinks and Coca-Cola in particular, in the world and in our country.

The history of carbonated drinks

Natural water with gas has been known since ancient times and was used exclusively for medicinal purposes.

However, it was very expensive and also ran out of steam quickly. Therefore, later attempts were made to artificially aerate the water.

Carbonated water was invented in 1767 by the English chemist Joseph Priestley. He conducted various experiments with the gas that is released during fermentation in the vats of the brewery. He developed an apparatus that, using a pump, made it possible to saturate water with carbon dioxide bubbles. This apparatus was called "saturator" from lat. saturo - to saturate.

In 1783, industrial production was started by Jacob Schwepp, who created the Schweppes trademark.

Later, the inventors got involved: they improved the process of mixing syrup and soda water, established control over product quality, and also created branded packaging.

coca cola invented in America on May 8, 1886. Coca-Cola was invented by pharmacist John Steve Pemberton. And the name for the drink came up with Pemberton's accountant. Coca leaves, a plant containing narcotic substances, were added to the drink.

Therefore, the drink was patented as a cure for any nervous disorders and was sold only strictly in pharmacies.
In the late 1890s, cocaine was banned. And they began to add not fresh coca leaves to Coca-Cola, but “squeezed”, cocaine was no longer in them. Since then, Coca-Cola began to rapidly gain popularity and, 50 years after its invention, became the most popular drink for Americans. Since 1988, Coca-Cola began to conquer the inhabitants of Russia.

The first brands of soda released in America were:

    Coca Cola



    pepsi cola

In the USSR (Russia) the first were:





I researched the composition of carbonated water brand "Coca-Cola" and its impact on human health.

Found out that it includes:

    Carbon dioxide


    Colors and flavors



How do they affect human health?

    Carbon dioxide

By itself, carbon dioxide is not harmful, but it causes belching, bloating, and gas. This applies to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).


It negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas and the human endocrine system, can cause obesity in children and adults, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

    Colors and flavors

They give a load on the liver, lead to various allergic reactions - from a runny nose and rash to bronchial asthma, destroy tooth enamel, which leads to caries


It contributes to the depletion of the nervous system, accompanied by headaches, fatigue, increases the load on the heart.

    And now for the preservatives!

The main preservatives are citric or phosphoric acid, as well as sodium benzoate (E211).

    Citric acid - affects the enamel of the teeth.

    More dangerous is phosphoric acid, which can leach calcium from bones, which is dangerous for the development of osteoporosis.

    sodium benzoate (E211) can damage human DNA.

Practical work

I have done four experiments with

using the drink "Coca-Cola":

Experience #1

milk tooth test

My brother's baby tooth fell out, and we decided to see what would happen if we put it in Coca-Cola. I took a transparent glass, poured Coca-Cola into it and lowered my tooth.

OBSERVATIONS : After 2 daysub turned black. On the 3rd day, a crack appeared on the tooth, and on the 4th day the tooth broke into 2 halves.


Coca-Cola” destroys teeth. Dyes are very persistent and darken the teeth from them.

Experience #2

Rust test

I took two rusty nails. He dipped one nail into a glass of Coca-Cola, the other with plain water. Left the nails in the water for a day

OBSERVATIONS: Days passed. He took a nail out of a glass of plain water,in the water it was covered with another layer of rust. And I wiped the nail from the glass with Coca-Cola well with a napkin, there was practically no rust left on it


The composition of "Coca-Cola" includes a substance that helps to cleanse the metal of rust.

Experience #3

Egg shell test

He poured water and a drink into two glasses, put an egg in water and Coca-Cola

OBSERVATION: A day later, the shell in Coca-Cola took on a dark brown color and became viscous and soft; And the shell in plain water has not changed at all


Coca-Cola carbonated water contains dyes that stain eggshells; "Coca-Cola" well dissolve inorganic substances in eggshells.

Experience No. 4

Test with pieces of meat

For the experiment, I cut a piece of meat into 2 halves. One half was placed in water, the other in Coca-Cola.

OBSERVATION: On the 2nd day, the meat placed in water did not lose its appearance, slightly brightened, and the meat in Coca-Cola changed color and became loose.


"Coca-Cola" has destructive properties for meat.

Annex 1.

And now I want to bring to your attention

The results of the survey of students 4 "A" class. 15 people were interviewed.

To the question:

    Do you drink sparkling water?



    What brand of water do you like the most?

Coca Cola 9

Sprite - 2

Schweppes - 1

Lemonade -1

Fanta -2

    How often do you drink sparkling water?

1 time per week - 4

Twice - 5

Rare - 5

Daily - 1

    Do you think carbonated water is healthy?

Yes - 8

Not all - 3

No - 4

Application №2

The results of the survey of parents of students in grade 4 "A"

    Why does your child drink this particular brand of sparkling water?

    Like 7

    Quenches thirst -4

    Useful - 1

    Do you know of any diseases caused by carbonated water, if so, which ones?

    Allergy -5

    Disease of the gastrointestinal tract - 2

    Kidney disease -1


    Diabetes mellitus - 2

    I don't know - 3

Application №3

Opinion of the seller of the hypermarket "Magnit" Nikishina Irina Yurievna:

I watched the dangers of the Coca-Cola carbonated drink in the television program Food of the Gods, which talked about the negative effects of the drink on the human body, and also conducted experiments on how to clean porcelain dishes and scale on the kettle using this drink.

Do you still want a bottle of Coca-Cola???

After the work done, the guys in our class answered this question in unison- "Not!!!"


    Sugary carbonated drinks do not quench thirst, although we buy them for this very reason.

    The chemical composition of drinks has a detrimental effect on health: teeth are destroyed, bones become brittle, obesity, allergies, stomach diseases, caffeine addiction like a drug can occur.

    To quench your thirst, it is better to use fruit drinks, mineral water, purified drinking water.


    Drink carbonated drinks on special occasions, not every day.

    Do not keep carbonated drinks at home.

    Do not keep the drink in your mouth for a long time;

    Drink drinks through a straw, as it reduces the contact of the liquid that spoils the enamel with the front teeth by almost 70%, and with the molars by 30 - 50%;

    Rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking a carbonated drink and brush your teeth if possible;

Be healthy!

Oksana Bublik
Research project "Coca-Cola: harm or benefit?"


I recently had a toothache. Mom said it was because of the wrong products. And I thought: what are the wrong foods, and how do they affect our body? And especially on the teeth. After asking my mother, I learned about a large number harmful products. One of which is my favorite Coca Cola. I became very interested in what could be so bad coca-cola with my and other guys' bodies. I offered to spend in the kindergarten with friends coca cola research.


Learn how « Coca Cola» affects the body of the child.

Thing research: influence « Coca Cola» on the human body.

Hypothesis research: carbonated drink « Coca Cola» harmful for the health of the child, especially with frequent use.

In the course of my work, I tried explore properties« Coca - Cola» . And I did some experiments. But first I decided to find out a little of her history, where she came from.

A bit of history coca cola

Coca- Coke was invented in America on May 8, 1886. Inventor « Coca Cola» was pharmacist John Steve Pemberton. And the name for the drink came up with Pemberton's accountant. Coca leaves, a plant containing narcotic substances, were added to the drink.

Therefore, the drink was registered as a cure for any nervous disorders and was sold only strictly in pharmacies.

In the late 1890s, there was a ban on cocaine. And in Coca- Cola began to be added not fresh coca leaves, but "squeezed out", there was no cocaine in them.

Since then « Coca Cola» began to quickly gain popularity and 50 years after its invention became the most popular drink for Americans. Since 1988 with the advent of perestroika Coca-Kola began to conquer the inhabitants of Russia.

I conducted a series of experiments that were supposed to confirm or reject the myths harm or benefit of Coca-Cola.

When we drink « Coca Cola» The first thing it affects is the teeth.

First experience:

I was afraid to experiment on my teeth, and I decided use eggshell.

We took two pieces of eggshell. One piece of the shell was placed in water, and the other in « Coca Cola» . Within 10 minutes, the shell, which is in « Coca Cola» turned brown, the shell in the water did not change color. In the next 9 hours, the shell in « Coca Cola» darkened even more, and the shell in the water remained unchanged.

Conclusion: after consumption « Coca Cola» possible darkening of the teeth, and over time « Coca Cola» destroys tooth enamel.

Then « Coca Cola» enters the esophagus, stomach, where it "meets" with other products.

Second experience:

To clearly see the impact « Coca Cola» 2 pieces of meat were taken for food and the digestive system. They put them in glass bowls. Water was poured into one of the samples (for comparison, and Coca Cola.

After 6 minutes, meat in a bowl with « coca cola» began to change its color and a loose, flocculent sediment appeared. The meat in the water remained pink. After 40 minutes the solution « Coca Cola» became lighter, the brown sediment became more, and the meat turned brown. The meat that was in the water remained pink.

Conclusion: similar changes occur in our body when we drink cola. « Coca Cola» has destructive properties on food, and subsequently on the human body.

Experience the third. "Can I drink « coca cola» medication?"

We took 2 tablets. They put them in glass jars. Water was poured into one of the samples (for comparison, and Coca Cola. After 1-2 minutes, the tablet sank to the bottom of a glass of water, and the tablet in a glass of « coca cola» began to quickly sink to the bottom, then rise again for about 10 minutes, after which it surfaced and remained floating on the surface.

Conclusion: Medications « coca cola» stay in the stomach. Therefore, they do not act quickly. And sometimes you need help quickly.

Fourth experience: "Highly carbonated drink leads to bloating"

We needed to make sure that this drink is very carbonated and able to turn into "effervescent" substance if interacts with menthol lozenges. To do this, we lowered into a glass with coca cola lollipop. This drink began to sizzle and foam strongly.

Conclusion: we found that this drink is very carbonated and produces a lot of foam, which causes bloating. If a person eats a sweet menthol candy and drinks it with this drink, it can cause him to vomit, as foam is formed.

Conclusions. Generalization of the result research.

Thus, after a series of experiments, I saw that « Coca Cola» harmful affects the body of the child. He is very bad. And here are the results we have turned out:

« Coca Cola» causes stomach upset.

« Coca Cola» destroys teeth.

« Coca Cola» combined with lollipops, causes bloating.

You can not drink medicines to her, they do not dissolve well in « coca cola» .

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that « Coca Cola» - an undesirable product for the diet and is categorically not recommended for the children's body.

List used literature

1. Great children's encyclopedia. Chemistry/Comp. K. Lucis. M.: Russian encyclopedic partnership. 2000.

2. Small children's encyclopedia. Chemistry. /Comp. K. Lucis. Moscow: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2001.

3. Olgin O. Funny chemistry for children. M.: "Children's literature", 1997.

4. "World around us" Series "School of Russia"// A. A. Pleshakov. –M. Enlightenment, 2010

5. "Fundamentals of Life Safety".series "School of Russia"// L. P. Anastasova, P. V. Izhevsky. -M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

6. Peel A. My body (All about everything). – M.: OOO Astrel Publishing House, 2002.

7. Tchaikovsky A. M., Shenkman A. B. The art of being healthy. Collection, part 1 and 2. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987.

Internet resources:



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