Home Preparations for the winter Baking from soy flour recipes. Recipes with soy flour. What you should pay attention to

Baking from soy flour recipes. Recipes with soy flour. What you should pay attention to

Soy has been growing on earth since ancient times. It began to be cultivated more than 3-4 millennia ago. The first country where soybean crops began to grow is China. Some time passed, and the culture came to Korea. From there, already after the 5th century BC. She began to appear in Japan.

One of the first descriptions this plant found in the writings of the German naturalist E. Kaempferom, who at one time traveled to eastern countries. In Europe, soy gained popularity in the forties of the 18th century. During this period, the French included it in their daily diet.

In America, soybean plants appeared in the first half of the 19th century. Simultaneously with this event, the first studies of soy began. Soon, in North America, they began to grow and select the best varieties soybeans. The process quickly reached industrial scale.

In Russia, the first to describe soybean plants was a Russian explorer - Poyarkov V.D. During an expedition in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, a group of researchers met the local population, which sowed the fertile soil with soybeans. Then the wonderful plant did not interest the Russian masters. Only after more than 2 centuries, soy was paid attention. An important role in this was played by the World Exhibition held in 1873. It took place in the center of Austria - Vienna.

Today, soy is valued worldwide for its high protein content. It is widely used as an alternative to meat, other products of animal origin.

The composition of soybeans includes 40% (!) Proteins, 20% carbohydrates, 20% fats, 5% vegetable fiber, 5% ash and 10% water.
Soy is present in almost every national cuisine world, but it has received special distribution in Chinese and Japanese. This product is equally popular among vegetarians.

Soy is often used in food production as an alternative to products of animal origin. It can also be both herbal and vegetarian products. As a result of processing soybeans, namely, their pressing, cake remains. It serves as an excellent feed for cows, pigs and other farm animals.

Properties and application

soybean flour used by chefs to make a wide variety of different dishes and food. Its widespread use is possible due to the excellent culinary qualities of the protein. It is well structured, swells, has the ability to retain its original shape during heat treatment.
The composition of soy flour contains isolecants, which have an anabolic effect. In addition to this, they tend to increase cell permeability. It should be noted that isolecants lose all beneficial features under the influence of high temperatures. This is especially important for those people who have included soy products in their diet in medicinal purposes. Remember, soy products should not be exposed to heat treatment. Of course, anyone can cook delicious pastries with the addition of soy flour, but the effect will not be the same. The bread will be excellent dietary properties, but medicinal properties will be lost. But such a product will have a high nutritional value and high protein content.

soy flour is used in the baking business only as one of the additives in wheat or rye flour. It is not the main ingredient in baking, because. it lacks starch and gluten.

Of course, the question immediately arises as to how to properly use soy flour. It is best to look for answers to it from experienced bakers who know all the intricacies of their business.

Some features and proportions of the use of soy flour in the production of bakery products:

  1. When baking ordinary bread, it is recommended to observe the proportion of 1 tablespoon of soy flour per 2 cups of the main (rye or wheat).
  2. 7% soy flour will be enough to significantly improve the properties of cookies and biscuits. So the amount of protein in them will increase to 3-4%.
  3. Of course, soy flour is indispensable in the manufacture of pastries from shortbread or puff pastry. Only 4% of such an additive and the dough will become easier to roll out and less torn. Puff pastry with an admixture of soy flour, it sprouts well when baking, its crust turns out to be beautiful and ruddy.

In recent years, there has been great popularity various products from soy. They are an excellent source of vegetable protein, and in certain cases can be used as an alternative to meat or dairy products. So such a need may arise with vegetarianism or with lactose intolerance. Soy flour has long appeared on the shelves of our stores. But most people do not pay special attention to it, not knowing what this product is, whether it is good for our body or, on the contrary, can harm it. We will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

What is rich in soy flour? The composition of the product

soy flour in its structure and appearance, it practically does not differ from wheat, but its color may be slightly different. The color of the finished product depends on the characteristics of the manufacture, as well as on the variety. On the shelves of shops you can find light yellow and creamy soy flour, sometimes it is beige or orange. The main distinguishing feature of this substance is its rich chemical composition. Since soy flour contains a significant amount of protein, it also has many vitamins and minerals. So this product is a source of B vitamins, vitamin A and E. Among other things, it contains a certain amount of calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Soy flour by its specificity is the least refined product of all soy products that a person consumes. It is a wonderful source of fiber, which cleanses the human intestines from all sorts of toxins. The composition of such a substance contains more than fifty percent of the protein, so it can be used to replace poultry, fish or milk. In production, this inclusion leads to an automatic reduction in the cost of the final product.

Where is soy flour used? Application

For the production of soy flour, pre-peeled and also thermally processed beans of soy plants are used. Most often, the finished product is added to other food products. Experts say that such an ingredient is able to enrich food, so it is commonly used in industry as a vitamin supplement.

In everyday life, soy flour can be used as an alternative to eggs in the preparation of various dishes; instead of one egg, you should take a couple of tablespoons of such a substance.

What will soy flour give us? Product benefits

So, products to which soy flour has been added are characterized by an increased content of mineral elements, protein, lecithin, as well as vitamins and minerals. Such inclusions effectively cleanse the body of "bad" cholesterol.

The flour contains such a useful element as vitamin B4, which can prevent the formation of stones inside the gallbladder. In addition, this substance perfectly normalizes metabolic processes (especially fat metabolism), which contributes to a rapid and natural weight loss.

Soy products, including soy flour, are a real find for all people suffering from an allergy to animal protein. Also, such food will only benefit patients with various ailments of the heart and blood vessels - hypertension, sclerosis, coronary disease. They should be consumed in food at the stage of recovery of the body after a heart attack. Experts advise soy and diabetics, as well as people suffering from obesity.

Soy flour will benefit those who suffer from cholecystitis, acquired alimentary constipation, as well as various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, for example, arthrosis or arthritis.

Who is soy flour dangerous for? Product harm

Soy has a rather depressing effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. So if children eat it, such food can cause problems with the thyroid gland. In addition, in childhood, this product often causes allergic reactions.

Various soy products can significantly accelerate the aging process of the body if consumed in excessive amounts. In addition, they can also provoke cerebrovascular accidents, increasing the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Soy flour contains isoflavones, the composition of which is similar to the structure of female sex hormones. Such substances can benefit the female body, especially during menopause. However, they can negatively affect the development of the brain in a growing baby. Also, such components increase the likelihood of miscarriages, so it is advisable for expectant mothers to stop consuming soy products in general and soy flour in particular.

If an overweight man consumes a significant amount of soy products, such a diet can provoke reproductive problems for him.

Thus, soy flour can only provide benefits when consumed in moderation. The abuse of such a product can adversely affect the activity of the body.

Duck with pancakes and soy sauce Cut off the wing bones of the duck to the elbow joint. Remove excess fat from the neck and tail area. Pour boiling water over the carcass, dry it, then sprinkle with wine, rub with salt inside and out. Set vertically on a special stand and leave for 30 minutes. Lubricate at...You will need: Duck - 1 pc., Rice wine - 1/4 cup, Honey - 5 tbsp. spoons, Sesame oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, Soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons, ground ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon, Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Green chopped onion - 1 tbsp. spoon, Ground black pepper, Salt, Wheat flour - 1 tbsp...

Chicken with soy sauce and ketchup Fry the onion in oil for a few minutes, add Bell pepper, crushed almonds, ginger, fry a little, stirring constantly, and put the chicken pulp. Separately, mix the cornmeal with soy sauce, ketchup and hot...You will need: chicken (breast, boiled and diced) - 500 g, soy sauce- 2 tbsp. spoons, ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil- 1/3 cup, onion, cut into large pieces - 1 head, peeled almonds - 1/2 cup, corn flour - 1 1/2 ...

Soy flour buns Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add vegetable oil, egg whites, sugar, salt, flour, knead the dough and put in a warm place for fermentation for 2 hours. During fermentation, make 2-3 punches. From ready dough make a bun...You will need: salt - to taste, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, milk - 2/3 cup, yeast - 20 g, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, egg whites - 2 pcs., egg - 1 pc., wheat flour - 1/2 cup, soy flour - 1/2 cup

soy cakes Combine the flour with soy mince, water, add salt, soda and knead the dough. Roll out the dough into a layer and bake until done. Form a cake by layering with jam. Garnish with berries when serving.You will need: salt and baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon each, thick jam - 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 1 cup, minced soy - 1 cup, wheat flour - 1 cup

Cake Lean gourmet At first coconut milk. You can pre-coconut flakes with water. But everything was spontaneous for me. I just ground the chips in a coffee grinder (there was some coffee, I didn’t pour it out, hence the color). Poured into a saucepan, filled with water. Boiled. Didn't pass...You will need: "Biscuit": 200 ml of water (boiling water) + 50 g coconut flakes(this is instead of milk), 150 g sugar, 2 tbsp corn starch (or potato) + 50 ml cold water(this is instead of 2 eggs), 4 tbsp cocoa, 4 tbsp flour + 1 tbsp starch, 2 tbsp baking powder...

Pear dessert Be healthy! Pour milk into rice flour. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Add a pinch of salt, sugar and bring to a boil over very low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon or whisk. Cook over low heat until thickened. It thickens very quickly and strongly. That's the way it should be...Required: 120 gr rice flour, 500 ml soy milk, 2 tablespoons brown cane sugar, zest of 1 lemon, 2 pears, a pinch of salt

Festive bread No. 2 (Amanita :-)) Sift flour, add dry yeast. Warm the whey (add salt and sugar) and pour into the flour. Knead the dough, gradually adding vegetable oil. The dough will be runny. Divide it into 3 parts. In one knead the wheat groats and in the other two (2 pieces of the compound ...Required: 11 g of dry yeast, 500 ml of whey, 500 g of wheat flour, 150 g of rice flour, 150 g of soy flour, 100 g of vegetable oil (I had sunflower oil that was not refined and not deodorized), 1 beetroot (80 g), 100 G wheat groats, Salt - 2 tsp, Sugar - 4 ...

Fish with ginger, lemon, green onion in soy sauce Cut the fish into pieces, roll in flour and fry in oil until crispy, set aside. While it is fried, you can have time to prepare the sauce: in a frying pan in hot oil, quickly, quickly fry the grated ginger, garlic, then add the chopped green onion also slightly...Required: 1-2 sole fillet, soy sauce (good), green onion (I take a bunch), garlic (4 cloves), lemon, ginger (4 cm), olive oil, flour, it will turn out vigorously, for lovers of something softer, you can reduce the amount of ingredients

Super-mega block buster Can't sleep on Maslenitsa or StervoZka - 2 Rub the yolks with salt, sugar and butter. Add 1 cup flour. Mix with a spoon. Add 1 more cup of soy flour. Rub into powder with your hands. Slowly pour in the milk and mix thoroughly. If necessary - strain ... Beat the egg whites into foam. Carefully enter...Required: 2-4 yolks, 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp sugar, 8 tsp vegetable oil (I have pumpkin), 2 cups soy flour, 3 cups baked milk, 2-4 protein

Fish fried with wine and sweet soy sauce 1. Cut the fish into pieces, salt, sprinkle with spices for fish, breaded in cornmeal and fry until golden brown on both sides. 2. When the second side is fried, sprinkle with onion and garlic, pour soy sauce and wine over the fish, leave ...You will need: Fish - 3 small fish (I took a hake), Sweet soy sauce - 2 tablespoons, Dry or semi-dry red wine - 2-3 tablespoons, Vegetable oil for frying, Corn flour for breading, Onion and garlic greens, Salt

The ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates was a pleasant surprise - 43/8/22, respectively. Imagine baking (be it muffins or pancakes) with so much healthy protein!

In general, I came home and, of course, let's experiment. I decided to arrange a “trial” test, so to speak, on soy flour pancakes. True, fearing for the end result, she added a little spelled flour.

Soy flour was a pleasant surprise: indeed, it has almost no smell (minimum nutty; I draw your attention - NOT pea!), pancakes are soft, no worse than the usual pancakes.

And then I thought that I definitely need to bake something sweet from soy flour, for example, muffins. A light nutty flavor will be very appropriate, and the benefits are invaluable! Such muffins will serve as an excellent snack, will not harm your figure (in my performance - without sugar, butter and wheat flour). And the very realization that a yummy for tea (made by yourself) contains only the “right” ingredients, as well as a lot of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, brings me incredible pleasure :)

I am sure that children will also like such cupcakes, they are unlikely to notice the “trick”.

So, I will no longer languish - rather to the recipe.

Mini Soy Flour Cupcakes: A Step-by-Step Recipe


  • soy flour (deodorized) - 60-70 g;
  • oat flour (or small oat bran - if necessary, grind) - 50 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • raisins / prunes - 3-4 tbsp. (optional);
  • natural yogurt / fermented baked milk - 150 g;
  • applesauce - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanilla extract or vanillin - to taste;
  • brown sugar/stevia/syrups to taste (I have ¼ tsp stevia and some agave syrup).


Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.

Beat the eggs until fluffy, add applesauce to them and continue to beat for a couple more minutes.

Separately beat yogurt (ryazhenka), vegetable oil and sugar / syrup.

Pour the oil mixture into the egg in a thin stream, mix gently. Pour dry ingredients, prunes or raisins there in parts. Mix with a spatula.

Arrange in molds (about 7 cupcakes) and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Check readiness with a skewer.

P.S. I note that ready-made cupcakes from soy flour have a fairly moist consistency (+ adding applesauce also plays a role in this), so do not be alarmed by the fact that they are “not baked”.

I was very pleased with soy flour muffins: soft, unusually fragrant, and the added prunes were very appropriate here!

Soybean flour is a product that is made from soybeans, a plant that belongs to the legume family. Before making flour, the beans are cleaned, split and roasted. When roasted, they acquire a nutty flavor.
Translated from Chinese, "soy" sounds like "big bean".

History and geography of the product

Soy came to us from East Asia. It was first cultivated by the people of China as early as 3,000 BC. Then the plant penetrated into Korea and Japan.

Soybeans were brought to Europe in 1740. In Russia, interest in the plant began to show only at the end of the 19th century.
Soy flour was first produced only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first flour had a very strong bean flavor with a touch of bitterness. In addition, in some batches there was a pronounced earthy aftertaste.

Because of this, soy flour has not gained much popularity. Therefore, manufacturers have directed all their efforts to develop deodorization technologies. And they succeeded, the flour got rid of the unpleasant aftertaste and began to win universal recognition.
Now the main production of soy flour is concentrated in the United States of America, Japan and Israel. There are similar factories in Russia.

Species and varieties

There are 3 grades of soy flour:
- fat-free- produced from food meal, after separating the fat by extraction;
- full fat- for its production, peeled, hulled and deodorized beans are used;
- semi-skimmed- for its manufacture, soybean cake is taken, which is obtained by pressing soybeans and separating fat from it.

Also release lecitated soy flour to which lecithin is added.

Depending on the fiber content, there are first and higher flour varieties.

Beneficial features

Soy flour contains vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, beta-carotene, folic acid), fat (17-20%) , protein (40-50%) , carbohydrates (20%) , cellulose (3,5-5%) , fatty acids, minerals ( sodium, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, fluorine, boron, iodine).

Also in the composition of the flour there are unique substances - isolectans. They act similarly to insulin-like growth factor.
Soy flour does not contain gluten. Therefore, products prepared from it can be safely introduced into their diet by people with lactose deficiency.

Due to the high concentration of protein, 0.5 kilograms of soy flour can replace 2.5 kilograms of bread, 1.5 kilograms of beef, 8 liters of milk or 40 eggs.

Soy flour:
- speeds up metabolism;
- cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins;
- strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
- lowers cholesterol levels;
- reduces the content of sugar in the blood;
- promotes weight loss;
- lowers the risk of heart disease;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- weakens the manifestation of menopause;
- Prevents the development of cancer.

Products made from soy flour will be useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially those who have had a heart attack.
It is recommended to use dishes from soy flour for ulcers, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, intolerance to animal proteins.

Taste qualities

Soybean flour has a specific taste and a slight nutty smell. It has no bean flavor.
The color of soy flour may vary. There is white, light yellow, orange and cream flour.

Application in cooking

Soy flour is used in the food industry as a vitamin supplement.
Flour made from soy:
- increases the biological and nutritional value of products, saturating them with useful substances;
- improves appearance and product quality;
- reduces the cost of products;
- facilitates rolling out the dough;
- increases the rise of the dough during baking;
- promotes the formation of a golden crust;
- prevents the absorption of excess fat;
- gives tenderness and fluffiness;
- increases crunchy properties;
- helps products not to become stale for a long time;
- serves as a full-fledged replacement for animal products.

Soy meat is made from flour and soy milk. Add it to cutlets, steaks, schnitzels, hamburgers, meatballs, boiled and semi-smoked sausages, sausages, sausages, canned food. Soy flour gives original taste vegetable, mushroom, fish and meat dishes.

Soybean flour is capable of baking bakery and confectionery replace baking powder, milk and eggs (20 grams of flour, diluted with an equal amount of water, replaces 1 egg). Especially often it is used in the manufacture of shortcrust and puff pastry. Bread, buns, pies, donuts, donuts, cakes, cookies, biscuits, muffins, rolls, donuts, cakes, casseroles, puddings are baked from soy flour. Soy pancakes and pancakes are especially appetizing. Noodles made from soy flour have a peculiar taste.

When baking for wheat flour add 1-5% soy. It is impossible to completely replace wheat flour with soy flour, since it does not contain starch and gluten.

Soybean flour is also used in the candy industry in the manufacture of bars and caramel. It acts as an emulsifier and filler, replacing the nut mixture in meringue and almond cakes. The addition of soy flour to praline masses and layers of cakes increases the shelf life of sweets, reduces the fragility of wafer sheets. You can add soy flour to the marzipan mass, replacing half of the grated almonds with it.

Soy flour contains baby food and breakfast cereal. It serves as a thickener in the preparation of creams, ice cream, yogurt, mayonnaise, vegetable and fruit sauces.

Products made from soy flour are especially popular in China, Japan and the United States of America. In Japan, soy flour is called kinako. It tastes like peanut butter and is used in the preparation of sweets and drinks. Especially often rice cakes and jelly, which is called "mochi", are made from it.

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