Home Products Semolina porridge: calorie content of the dish (on water, milk), useful properties and harm. Semolina, calorie content and dietary properties

Semolina porridge: calorie content of the dish (on water, milk), useful properties and harm. Semolina, calorie content and dietary properties

“Your strength will be in semolina!” We have heard this saying many times since childhood. With this porridge, children grow up at home, children are “friends” with it in kindergarten. About this porridge they create episodes in films and compose interesting and funny jokes. This porridge is loved by adults and the elderly. This wonderful product is popular, and perhaps necessary for some, among women. So what is the beauty of semolina? What is the calorie content of semolina, its composition and beneficial features?

What is a manka?

Manka, or semolina is an wheat groats coarse grind. The constituent grains of this product have an average size of one quarter to three quarters of a millimeter in diameter.

Semolina has found the widest distribution both in cooking, cereals and dumplings, and in adding this cereal to all kinds. This cereal is an excellent dietary product, which is distinguished by its rich content of proteins, minerals and a variety of vitamins.

Benefits of semolina

The advantages of semolina include the fact that the vast majority of useful properties in it are preserved even after heat treatment, since it does not take much time to cook semolina porridge. Many are familiar with the fact that semolina recommended to eat after surgery. This is due to its low fiber content. In addition, porridge is useful for strengthening the body during exhaustion, as it is easily digested and useful for quick recovery. Exactly liquid cereals from semolina are included in various diets that are prescribed for diseases of the digestive canal, as well as for restoring the body of the postoperative period, especially during surgical intervention on the intestines and stomach. Semolina tends to boil quickly.

The composition and useful properties of semolina

Useful properties of semolina are explained, among other things, by its composition. It contains a small amount of fiber, however, it has a lot of vegetable protein and starch. However, there are fewer minerals and vitamins in it than in other representatives of a number of cereals. Among the vitamins, vitamins of the whole group B, vitamin E stand out. And the mineral composition is as follows: iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. It is believed that semolina is the only type of cereal that can be digested by the lower part, while it is there that it is absorbed by the hairs. Semolina porridge is used not only after operations, but also for intestinal diseases, having an excellent ability to cleanse the entire body of mucus. In general, this cereal belongs to the category of cereals that can quickly give the body strength.

How many calories in semolina? Semolina porridge for weight loss

And what about diet? How many calories are in semolina porridge and is it possible to lose weight on it?

It will not be difficult for the fair sex to use this cereal for weight loss. There are about 328 calories in semolina porridge on water. In milk, semolina porridge is twice as high in calories and is not suitable for a diet for weight loss. The diet can be eating semolina porridge in the morning, afternoon and evening. With porridge, you can safely use fresh fruits and dried fruits. However, it is better that the fruits are not too sweet. The period of such a diet can last a week, and the frequency - no more than once a month. Strength from such a diet will not decrease.


Semolina is one of the most common and popular cereals. Who among us has not heard of semolina or soup? And its energy value is primarily of interest to those who are struggling with extra pounds or are simply used to monitoring their weight and counting calories in foods.

So, let's look at a few, simple questions: what is the calorie content of semolina, what is the use of semolina and does it have any dietary properties. After all, there are rumors that semolina is part of very effective weight loss diets. So, let's start with what semolina is useful for.

Dietary properties:

Semolina (or, as we used to call it - semolina) is a coarse wheat groats. The average size of its particles is from 0.25 to 0.75 mm in diameter. It is used in the preparation of many different dishes, in particular - semolina and semolina dumplings. It is well boiled soft, easy to digest, contains very little fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina is included in certain types of diets prescribed for diseases of the digestive canal and during the recovery period after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina, the only type of cereal that can be digested by the lower intestine and only there is absorbed by its hairs. It gives the body a boost of energy. Semolina is used as a remedy for intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus.

With a low fiber content, semolina, at the same time, is rich in vegetable protein and starch. But the content of vitamins and minerals in this type of cereal is significantly less than in other cereals.

Semolina contains protein substances, starch, B vitamins, vitamin E, mineral components, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. This composition largely determines the beneficial properties that semolina possesses.

Semolina is distinguished by a high content of gluten. This protein is also known as gluten. Many people are gluten intolerant and cause celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects about one in 800 Europeans. In addition, some of the people are allergic to gluten.

It is believed that semolina makes people more beautiful, removes fat and mucus from their bodies. Porridge is rich in starch and vegetable protein. Minerals and vitamins in semolina contain much less than in any other cereal.

But this miraculous porridge is not useful for everyone. For example, it should not be consumed by people who cannot tolerate gluten protein (also called gluten), which is found in large quantities in semolina. It is also a well-known fact that cereals flush out calcium from the body. Semolina contains phytin, which, in turn, due to the phosphorus it contains, prevents calcium salts from entering the bloodstream. Other cereals also tend to bind calcium, but not to the same extent. Children who consume several servings of semolina per day are at risk of getting rickets or spasmophilia.

You should not make semolina the basis of a children's diet, but for adults and especially the elderly, this cereal is ideal.

Most often, porridge is cooked from semolina. Mannas (pies, which include semolina) and semolina dumplings are also quite popular.

Now let's clarify how high the nutritional value of semolina is.

The calorie content of semolina is 328 kcal per 100 gr. product

But a little clarification is needed here. Dry cereal has such a calorie content. But the energy value of porridge made from it will be many times less (of course - in the absence of other high-calorie additives). It is unlikely that among us there will be lovers of raw cereals.

And what is the calorie content of semolina cooked different ways? But this one:

Semolina calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of semolina prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of semolina (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Effective diet for weight loss:

Is it possible to lose weight with this cereal? Yes, you can. After all, the calorie content of semolina porridge cooked on water is only 80 kcal per 100 grams. They use these properties of semolina porridge in diets for weight loss. Maybe such a diet will help you, if you, of course, love this product and your body tolerates it well.

And the simplest diet is that you just need to eat semolina for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Moreover, for breakfast, you can add some fruits to the menu, for lunch you can treat yourself to a small amount of dried fruits. Only fruits, preferably, choose not very sweet. And so 7 days ... But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. And to use such a diet for weight loss, it is recommended no more than once a month.

Well, what can be prepared from semolina at home, just like that, without a diet? Yes, a lot! Here is one of the recipes:

Semolina porridge with carrot juice:


  • Semolina porridge
  • Eggs (egg yolks) - 1 piece
  • Cream - 50 gr.
  • Carrot juice - 20 gr.

First you need to cook thick semolina porridge in milk. This is the basis of our dish. For each serving of hot porridge, one egg yolk is taken, 50 gr. cream, 20 gr. carrot juice. Add these products to the porridge, while stirring quickly. Mix it all well and bring the porridge to a boil. And that's it! Eat for health, and the relatively low calorie content of semolina, or rather semolina porridge, will not spoil your figure.

Semolina porridge is a favorite dish for many, and its taste is often associated with childhood. A pleasant vanilla aroma reminds of the care and tenderness with which my mother cooked it. Made with love, with a spoonful of jam and a thin slice of butter, it always turned out delicious and sweet, and therefore the kids really liked it.

How many calories in semolina

The low energy value of cooked cereals allows it to be used during weight loss, but despite this, there is less benefit in semolina than in other cereals. The calorie content of semolina porridge in milk is 98 kcal per 100 g of product. The same option, but on the water - 79 kcal. And if you add more butter to the dairy variation, then the figure can increase up to 120 kcal. Moreover, for a similar weight of a dry product, there are already 330 kcal. This is because when cooking, the cereal boils soft, increasing in volume and becoming heavier. As a result, not one hundred, but almost three hundred grams is obtained from the original figure.

This value, of course, varies for different cereals, and also depends on the method of cooking - an almost dry side dish or a soft, watery dish. Remembering the energy value, it is worth saying that the calorie content of semolina is distributed among proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the proportion of 12%: 28%: 60%. Thus, we can say that it is mostly a carbohydrate product, and carbohydrates are simple, quickly absorbed.

As for the composition, it is worth proceeding from the fact that semolina is a derivative of wheat, ground to millimeter granules. Consequently, for the most part, the microelements in it are approximately the same as in flour, only due to the not so global degree of purification, the benefits are greater. For example, it contains a sufficient amount of B and E vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and iron, which are indispensable for blood circulation, brain activity, and proper functioning. nervous system, strengthening bones and muscle tissue.

Because of its calorie content, semolina porridge is a very satisfying product, at the same time it is quickly absorbed and does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, it is included in medical diets indicated for people with problems of digestion, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. And she is also able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, which makes semolina attractive in the eyes of losing weight. But, like any product, this cereal also has a negative side of the coin, which consists in two trace elements: phytin and gliadin. The first takes an active part in the metabolism and belongs to the B vitamins.

With low-protein diets, it is necessary to reduce the risk of liver dystrophy, as well as to slow down the development of various kinds of malignant tumors. However, this trace element is able to be produced by the body on its own and is available in almost all food products, which does not make semolina porridge its main source. Yes and him daily rate not so high - 500 mg.

Gliadin, on the other hand, is a substance derived from wheat, moreover, related to the catalysts of such nutritional problems as celiac disease. Due to the fact that this element is gluten, it can complicate the absorption of nutrients, lead to disorders and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, eczema.

Energy value of semolina porridge - detailed information

Track the exact energy value food is almost impossible. The nutritional value of a product is influenced by many variables: the density of the dish, the size of the serving, the choice and combination of added ingredients, the fat content of milk.

The consistency of the dish depends on individual preferences, so pay attention to the cooking methods.

The calorie content of semolina porridge per 100 grams varies primarily from additional components:

  1. For 100 grams of dry cereal, the calorie content is 330 units.
  2. The calorie content of semolina porridge on water (100 g) is 79 kcal (when boiled, the volume of the product increases 10 times, so the nutritional value of the cooked version differs from the original one).
  3. For thick semolina porridge cooked in water, the calorie content rises to 100 units (100 g).
  4. The calorie content of semolina porridge in milk depends on the fat content of the latter - for 3%, the indicator will stop at 98 kcal (100 g).
  5. Semolina porridge - calorie content in milk with butter will increase to 120 kcal (100 g)
  6. The calorie content of semolina porridge in milk with sugar varies depending on the consistency - 90-120 kcal (100 g).
  7. Milk semolina porridge with butter and sugar - calorie content gives the highest figure in the form of 155 units (100 g).
  8. The calorie content of semolina is approximately 80 kcal per 100 grams of product.

While semolina has a calorie content of 330 kcal per 100 grams. But you will not eat dry cereals, will you?

Depending on the method of preparation, the number of calories in semolina porridge can be different:

How many calories in semolina porridge with sugar

Many believe that this dish contributes to weight gain. Of course, the calorie content of semolina porridge in milk with sugar per 100 g is about 101 kcal.


It would seem that everyone and everyone has long known about semolina porridge. Nevertheless, as it turned out, the benefits and harms of semolina porridge are still an open question, since nothing can bother any person like tasty and healthy food.

Grade T - obtained by grinding grains durum varieties wheat grains have a slight yellowish tint and are half transparent. Such porridge has a more saturated color and comes out a little crumbly.

Mark MT - is a mixture of the two previous brands.

Beneficial features

It is hard to find food that is both nutritious, easy to digest, and even low-priced. All these characteristics relate to semolina porridge. How many calories this porridge contains, we will describe later, but first we will explain why it is easily digestible.

The fact is that there is very little fiber in this cereal (0.2 percent), which, as you know, slows down the process of digesting food. But semolina can be digested even in the lower intestine.

That is why it is advisable to use semolina for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines; earlier it was recommended to give it to children who did not gain weight well. Dietary semolina is even indicated for weight loss, as it is able to remove excess fat and mucus from the body. And it is also rich in starch, the fiber and vegetable protein we mentioned.

The harmful properties of this porridge

This is because semolina porridge, boiled in water, as well as in milk, is able to prevent the entry of calcium into the blood. This is due to the content of phytin and phosphorus in semolina.

Grade M semolina is considered the most harmful, since it has a high glycemic index and sharply increases blood sugar levels. That is why it is contraindicated for diabetics and people suffering from other diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Well, other categories of the population can use it, but only in moderation. Semolina porridge is not rich in minerals and vitamins; it alone will not bring much benefit. It is better to use it in combination with vegetable or fruit purees. Delicious semolina porridge with butter and jam or jam.

Manka and diet

Nutritionists and doctors do not have an unambiguous opinion about this food product.

Due to the relatively low calorie content, semolina is considered to be dietary products, but at the same time it is excluded from the menu for weight loss.

It all depends not only on how many calories are in semolina, but also on the combination of this product with others during a meal. And the main indicator of the energy value of any porridge is what it is cooked on.

And it should be mentioned that some nutritionists have developed a special semolina diet designed for weight loss.

How many calories are in semolina porridge with milk?

This porridge is cooked different ways, has a different level of energy value.

For example, the calorie content of semolina porridge on water is 79 kilocalories. Which is quite acceptable when following a diet for weight loss. But everything changes when you add milk, cream or jam. Semolina porridge cooked with milk has an energy value of 98 calories.

How many calories are in semolina porridge with milk, and even with the addition of butter, and it’s scary to think - as many as 135 kilocalories in one hundred grams. This is much more than is allowed when dieting.

How many calories are in 100 grams of semolina?

The energy value of porridge is calculated a little more complicated than other foods. This is due to the fact that during cooking, the cereals boil soft and gain volume and weight. As a result, three times more porridge comes out of one hundred grams of semolina.

It is mostly a carbohydrate product, since there are about 60% carbohydrates in semolina, while fats are 28% and proteins are only 12%.

In the volume of porridge cooked in water, from one hundred grams of dry cereal there will be 330 kilocalories.

milk recipe

The classic preparation of semolina porridge with milk was a traditional morning ritual for many mothers in Soviet time. Even now, many parents advocate this dish, considering it nutritious and easy to prepare.

Ingredients for this dish:

6 teaspoons of semolina;

About half a liter of milk;

6 teaspoons of sugar;

30 milliliters of water;

Take an aluminum pan and rinse well cold water(protection against burning milk). Pour milk into it and put on low heat until the milk boils completely.

Then the most important action lies ahead - adding semolina. This should be done carefully, in a uniform stream, while continuously stirring the milk with a spoon or fork, preventing lumps from forming.

Stirring constantly, cook the porridge for five minutes.

After that, remove the pan from the heat. It is better to let the porridge brew under the lid for the same amount.

Butter should be added to a bowl of porridge before serving.

Recipe for semolina with raisins

This dish is also very easy to prepare, does not take much time and is relatively low in calories.

In order to cook semolina porridge with raisins, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

Half a glass of semolina;

Two glasses of milk;

Half a glass of raisins;

About a glass of water;

a tablespoon of sugar;

Vanilla sugar to taste;

A little butter.

First, prepare the raisins, for this it should be washed and poured with boiling water for ten minutes. Next, drain the water.

Mix water and milk and bring to a boil, then add a little salt and sugar.

Pour semolina into boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly and trying to prevent the formation of lumps.

Cook the porridge over low heat for about five minutes, stirring constantly.

Remove from heat and let simmer covered for a few minutes.

At the very end of cooking, add a piece of butter.

Cooking semolina porridge while dieting

This recipe for making semolina porridge is the simplest (since water is not milk - it will not run away) and low-calorie. Porridge on the water is often recommended as part of a diet for weight loss, with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, many parents prepare such a porridge for their children.

For a serving per person, you will need the following ingredients:

Water (2.5 tbsp.);

Semolina (half a glass);

Sugar (optional)

Salt and butter to taste.

This should be done slowly, stirring all the time so that no lumps form. After all, semolina porridge on water is much more likely to form with lumps than on milk.

While stirring, add sugar and salt.

Sugar may not be added - this is an individual desire, but if you want to treat yourself to sweets and this is not forbidden to you, then, of course, it is better to cook semolina porridge in water with the addition of sugar.

This porridge is cooked very quickly, unlike buckwheat or rice, for example. After five minutes of constant stirring, remove the pan from the heat and let it brew for a couple more minutes.

Well, if you still couldn’t avoid the appearance of lumps, then the situation can be easily corrected with a blender that can turn the dish into a uniform air mass.

Add butter. The porridge is ready. Bon Appetit.

Summing up, we can say that semolina is a product that has many advantages, including easy digestibility, relatively low calorie content and low cost, which makes it popular among the majority of the population.

To use semolina or not is a personal matter for everyone, but in any case, you need to know when to stop. After all, the use of fast carbohydrates (of which there is plenty in it) leads to the appearance of excess weight and other health problems.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Semolina porridge cooked on is a traditional breakfast of several generations of our compatriots. Unconditional love or categorical dislike for the dish was most likely based on the skill of those who cooked the porridge - with or without lumps. One way or another, breakfast was semolina in many families (calorizator). is a special way ground wheat, both durum and soft varieties. Semolina porridge in milk is prepared liquid, medium or thick, depending on the preferences of consumers, so the calorie content of the product is taken as an average.

Calorie semolina porridge in milk

The calorie content of semolina porridge in milk is 98 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Semolina porridge with milk contains simple carbohydrates, which give a quick saturation and a burst of energy, which is not enough for a short time. Semolina porridge is absorbed almost completely, does not injure the walls of the stomach, as it contains a minimum amount of fiber - about 2%, so the product is recommended for people who have undergone serious illnesses and complex operations during the recovery period. Semolina porridge in milk contains a poor vitamin-mineral complex, the product contains: vitamins, as well as,. Milk has the ability to lower the glycemic level of semolina, so the GI of semolina porridge with milk is lower than that boiled with water.

Harm of semolina porridge in milk

The product is not recommended for people with intolerance and lactose, because the likelihood of allergic reactions is high. Modern pediatricians advise to refrain from introducing semolina porridge with milk into the children's menu for up to a year, up to three years of age, limit yourself to one or two servings of semolina porridge with milk per week. The phytin substance contained in the product noticeably slows down the absorption and, which has negative consequences for the human body.

Semolina porridge with milk in weight loss

Despite the high percentage of simple carbohydrates in the product, semolina with milk sometimes becomes an ingredient in diets, one of which is a mono-diet with milk semolina. Food for 5 days will be only semolina porridge in milk, cooked without adding, and. Like any methods of restrictive nutrition, this diet involves a preliminary trip to a specialist to identify contraindications and side effects. An option for those who are not ready to eat only semolina is to replace part of the flour with semolina or milk semolina in baking, then you can not add flour at all.

Semolina porridge with milk in cooking

There are several options for preparing semolina porridge with milk - pour the cereal into cold or boiling milk, dilute the milk with water or pre-stir the cereal in a small amount of cold water. The proportions of cereals and liquids remain unchanged - 1: 4 and the obligatory constant stirring of porridge, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps. For better swelling of the porridge, it is advised to close it with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can add, or, jam, dried fruits or fresh berries to semolina porridge in milk.

For more information about semolina porridge in milk, about its benefits, see the video clip of the TV show "About the Most Important".

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