Home Main dishes Delicious breakfast for your beloved husband. Everything for breakfast in bed. Making puffs at home

Delicious breakfast for your beloved husband. Everything for breakfast in bed. Making puffs at home

Everyone has flashes of romance. loving man and he decides to cook breakfast for his wife. But, the decision is still half the battle, because the desire must be realized. To make your family life more romantic, we offer successful recipes What to cook for your wife for breakfast.

Of course, ideally it should be breakfast in bed. Don't forget about the entourage: ready meals put on a tray, put a glass with a rose or other flower, put a napkin, perhaps put a candle. It will turn out beautifully if you additionally turn on romantic music, and after breakfast give your wife a massage.

Omelet with vegetables and cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • six eggs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • Half a glass of cheese, diced;
  • Black bread croutons, spicy sauce, salt and pepper;

Break eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper, sauce. Stir, then pour in milk and beat with a whisk. Add cheese and tomatoes to the mixture (cut into small cubes). Pour the mixture into a frying pan, in which the butter should already be well warmed up by this time. Serve sprinkled with crackers.

heart shaped sandwiches

Required Ingredients:

  • 4 square slices of bread;
  • Butter;
  • Four slices of ham;
  • Cucumber;

First, the wife will need to make a heart out of bread for this breakfast. If there is a special form for cookies at home, then there should be no difficulties. When there is no mold, a sharp knife must be used. Lubricate the finished hearts on both sides butter and place in a hot, dry skillet. Bake for two minutes on each side.

Spread slices of already cooled bread with butter, put a circle of cucumber, cut hearts from ham and place them on the cucumber. Now fold the sandwich.

Chocolate pancakes with homemade syrup

Required Ingredients:

  • A third of a glass of cocoa;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Two thirds of a glass of sugar;
  • One egg;
  • A glass of milk;
  • A bag of vanilla sugar;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt;

For syrup:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • A glass of brown sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • Half a glass of heavy cream;
  • Three bananas;

First, we prepare the syrup, for which we melt the butter, add brown sugar and honey. Heat to a boil, then pour in the cream and make a slow fire. Cook until a mass is obtained, which in consistency will be similar to a cream.

simple heart shaped pancakes

If you want to cook such a breakfast for your wife that will definitely be remembered, you need to focus on romance. It is difficult to find a more suitable dish for such a breakfast than heart-shaped pancakes. The secret is that we will pour the dough from the bottle. So you can create absolutely any shape for pancakes, including a heart.

Required Ingredients:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 10 tablespoons of flour;
  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Two eggs;
  • A pinch of salt;

In a bottle from under mineral water insert a special funnel. Pour flour, sugar and salt through it, pour in the previously loosened egg, vegetable oil and milk. Close the bottle and shake it well to mix the dough. Now make a hole in the lid with a hot nail. Pour the dough into a hot heart-shaped pan. First make an outline, and then fill the center of the heart. Fry until golden brown. Serve these pancakes with sour cream, whipped cream, pieces of fruit and berries.

Fruit salad "Bed passion"

Required Ingredients:

  • Banana;
  • Kiwi;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mango;
  • Ten pitted grapes;
  • 2-3 strawberries for decoration;
  • A jar of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice;

Peel and cut banana into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut kiwi into slices, mango into cubes. Divide the mandarin into a slice and cut each into 4 parts, just let the grapes into two parts. Cut strawberries into thin slices and set aside. All ingredients before serving, except strawberries, mix and season natural yogurt. Lay the layers of strawberries on a plate. It will be beautiful if you sprinkle the salad with nuts.

Breakfast drinks for the wife

You can, of course, just brew tea or a traditional morning cup of coffee, or you can try here too by preparing something new and unusual. Women love surprises. And in a big surprise in the form of breakfast, there can be many small pleasant moments.

Hot chocolate American style

Required Ingredients:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • Three tablespoons of cream;
  • Six tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar;
  • A little vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon;
  • Zest of one orange (finely grated)
  • A pinch of salt, whipped cream (for decoration);

Cocoa is mixed with salt and sugar, milk is added. Send the mixture to a fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Boil. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream, which is sprinkled with citrus fruit zest.

Natural smoothie

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of natural yogurt;
  • A glass of natural, freshly squeezed juice;
  • Half banana;
  • 100 grams of any berries;
  • Six ice cubes;

Combine all the ingredients, turn on the blender and beat until smooth. This morning drink is served in a tall glass. Additionally, you can decorate it with a tube.

Tea with ginger

Required Ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of black tea;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 500 ml of boiling water;

Pour tea leaves into the teapot. Ginger cut into thin slices and send to the kettle. Pour boiling water, leave for two minutes. Then you can pour through a strainer into cups.

To prepare breakfast for his beloved wife, it will take a maximum of an hour. All recipes, you see, are very simple and quite feasible even without special training. But romance will strengthen your relationship and diversify your life. May every morning be good! If you want to cook your favorite not only breakfast, but lunch or dinner, then we have a feature article.

What to cook for your beloved / for your beloved?

romantic breakfast- is one of the most simple ways surprise your soul mate and give her a lot of pleasant emotions! Moreover, you can prepare such delicious surprises not only in honor of any holiday, but also just like that, for no reason (especially considering the fact that you don’t need much time or effort for this).

So, what to cook for a loved one or for a loved one? The answer must be sought in the taste preferences of your soul mate. So, for example, if he or she likes sweets, then you can prepare some kind of dessert, decorated in an appropriate way for the occasion. In addition, a factor in choosing a morning dish can be a favorite product, on the basis of which it will be created. In general, even a banal scrambled eggs with a cup of sutra coffee will be a pleasant surprise!

There are no gender differences in romantic breakfast dishes. The main thing in them is your attention to your soulmate, and those positive emotions that you give her with your attention and your care!

If you are at a loss and cannot find the right dish for a romantic breakfast, then you are welcome to our photo recipes website, where, for sure, you can find what you need! And although such dishes are completely uncomplicated in preparation, nevertheless, with the instructions that are attached to the recipes, you will cope with the cooking process much faster and easier. Besides step by step photos visualize the process of creating a romantic culinary masterpiece and tell you how best to serve this or that dish!

Breakfast ideas in bed

Romantic breakfast in bed is a variation of the romantic breakfast, differing from the original only in that the meal can be served to your soul mate immediately after waking up in bed. To do this, you need either a tray or a special table. Otherwise, such an undertaking will turn into a failure, because holding a couple of plates on your knees is a real test.

In general, ideas for breakfast in bed are no different from an ordinary romantic breakfast. It must include the main course (sandwiches, appetizers, salads, etc.), as well as a drink (tea, coffee, juice, etc.). You can learn more about the options for a romantic breakfast in bed from the photo recipes in this section of our website!

For a real man, there are no difficulties. A man can master any new business to perfection, and if he starts doing something, he must do it excellently. Make your girlfriend happy - prepare breakfast in honor of March 8 or any other day!

You yourself understand what effect breakfast in bed can have, so spare no effort. Breakfast for a girl is the beginning of the day, a charge of vivacity and a good mood, on which yours may depend. Remember - there are no trifles in this matter. Any trifle or inattention can cost the morning mood and nullify all efforts.

What should be breakfast for a girl

Breakfast should be light, satisfying, tasty and beautiful. At the same time, “satisfactory” does not mean "fatty" or "caloric". For example, oatmeal saturates very well, but at the same time it does not harm the figure - this is important for girls. Before moving on to practice, you need to thoroughly explore everything. Even if you have only known each other for a day, it will not be superfluous to find out what the girl loves the most and what she hates with all her heart.

Imagine yourself as a spy who should not betray his intentions in any way, but find out all the secrets. The more details you learn, the more likely you are to hit the mark, that is, to cook the best breakfast in the world for your girlfriend. Gently ask about what the girl liked to eat as a child, what she even tried to cook herself, and what she hated. Ask about the culinary experiences of her early youth, about what she ate on Sunday mornings. You ask - why know all this? The fact is that any food that evoked warm feelings in childhood and adolescence can cause them at any other time. And if it coincides with the joy of a day off, vacation or holiday, then this only enhances the right effect.

A completely different approach: cook something completely new or what you do best. Let it be a simple scrambled egg with toast, but it must be perfect.

girl on a diet

If a girl is on a diet, then you should not even think about fried, fatty, oily or high-calorie foods. Although, to be honest, in any case, it is better to cook something non-caloric and healthy, showing that you care about your beloved. At the same time, there is important detail: wish the girl to remain as beautiful as she is, but in no case tell her to become beautiful. In the first case, you claim that she is beautiful, but in the second you hint that she is ugly and want to set the right path with this breakfast. This effect will be especially strong if the girl is trying to lose weight. Try not to pierce on such important details.

The easiest breakfast for a girl

Do not be surprised - the easiest way to "prepare" fresh fruit for breakfast. No need to build a basket of apples and oranges, let there be 1 apple, 1 tangerine or orange, banana and peeled kiwi. Fruit pairs perfectly with nuts and fermented milk drinks such as yogurt. You can get natural unsweetened yogurt, pour a glass of store-bought kefir, or make Indian banana lassi.

1 banana
½ cup unsweetened yogurt
½ cup cold water.

Whisk everything in a pitcher mixer and pour into a tall glass.

Yogurt can be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk, the taste will be slightly different, but the drink will still be healthy and tasty.

If fresh fruits could not be found or you want to change the range of flavors, you can use dried fruits. Rinse dried fruits carefully and thoroughly, try to dry them and pour them into a small bowl. Add the same bowl of nuts to dried fruits and be sure to have something milky or hot tea.

Sometimes in the morning you want something sweet. In this case, honey will help - mix nuts and dried fruits with honey, transfer to a beautiful small cup or bowl, add a glass of kefir or any milk drink and treat the beauty.

Kasha is the best friend of slim girls

Be sure to find out if there are any childhood psychological trauma associated with porridge. Like terrible memories of semolina from kindergarten or creepy pearl barley from school canteens. Although properly cooked porridge will not cause unpleasant impressions, a couple of our secret details will make your porridge the best in the world, and you - a culinary wizard and destroyer of phobias. It's always nice.

An important detail: porridge saturates very well and you need very little of it. You can make a spare if convenient, but serve it in a small, deep, warmed cup or bowl.

Any (!) milk porridge must be stirred continuously from the moment the cereal is poured into milk and until it is served on a plate. This is the most important and complex condition has never been observed in kindergartens and schools, which is why many people still hate porridge. But this is until you prepare the correct version for them.

Almost all milk porridges can be cooked on a mixture of milk and water in any proportions. Any porridge is friends with butter and dried fruits. Try to cook barley porridge with raisins.

1 part barley groats,
2 parts milk (or a mixture of water and milk 1:1),
some raisins,
a piece of butter.

Warm the milk, add the cereal while stirring with a spoon, and continue to stir. Add raisins. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add butter, stir and transfer to a warmed bowl. Serve with a cup of coffee or strong black tea.

Porridge on the water

Porridge on the water is no less tasty, if you do not spare dried fruits and do not forget to put a piece of butter. Porridge on the water should also be stirred, but not as intensively and constantly as milk. Do not take long breaks in stirring, cook over low heat. Any cereal on water is boiled in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part of cereal to 2 parts of water). Flakes, for example, oatmeal, are cooked in a ratio of 1:3.

cereal for breakfast

Flakes are divided into two types: fast food and ordinary. Ordinary flakes are boiled, like cereals - 10-15 minutes, and fast food - 2-3 minutes, or simply poured with hot milk or boiling water. Ordinary flakes are more useful, because. not subjected to heat treatment. Flakes, like cereals, are great friends with butter, dried fruits and nuts.

1 part oatmeal regular (not fast) cooking,
3 parts milk or a mixture of milk and water
a handful of raisins,
a pinch of salt.

Boil water, add cereal and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. Add raisins and a little salt. Transfer the finished flakes to a warmed large cup or bowl. Serve with honey and tea.

salad for breakfast

The salad should be fresh and low in calories. Make any mediterranean-style salad and that will be it. The basis of the salad is greens and lettuce leaves. They need to be washed and dried. The filling can be vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, black olives (olives), cheese. Refuel fresh salad exclusively with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Decorate this light salad you can use pink pepper, black sesame or crushed nuts. If a vegetable salad seems lightweight, add toast from rye bread. Vegetable or fruit juices are great for salads. By the way, any such salad can be prepared even faster than porridge.

1 tomato
1 cucumber
½ sweet pepper,
½ red sweet onion
50-70 g of cheese,
olive oil,
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice.

Chop the ingredients finely, but do not chop. Add oils and lemon juice. Stir. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add finely chopped cheese, drizzle again olive oil and serve.

Sometimes you need to eat thoroughly, for example, before cycling or skiing or snowboarding. Here light breakfast will not work, and you don’t have to worry about calories - it’s better to eat thoroughly in the morning and get hungry only in the evening than to intercept chocolates and rolls during the day. An English breakfast is the perfect start to an active day, and is often enough to keep you energized until dinner.

There are two versions of the English breakfast - simple and complete. Simple includes scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. The full version adds beans, vegetables, a bun with jam, and strong tea or coffee with cream. By the way, this is the only case of justified use of canned food. Canned beans do not lose their taste properties at all, they are still useful and they are a complete protein food. If you are capable of a feat and drive to the nearest cafe for fresh pastries, and then prepare fresh coffee or tea, then this will make breakfast for a girl not only great, but perfect.

2 eggs,
3 strips of bacon
1 slice of bread (for toast)


Heat the pan, put the bacon, fry it, put the bacon on a plate, and break the eggs into the pan. Fry for 2 minutes, turn off the heat, cover with a lid. Chop greens (dill, parsley, cilantro). Transfer the fried eggs to a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Add canned beans to scrambled eggs. After bacon and scrambled eggs in the same oil, make toast, spread with butter or jam and serve with strong tea or coffee with cream.

french breakfast

If in an English breakfast fresh bakery from a cafe - this is a feat, then in French - an indispensable condition. A couple of fresh croissants or the freshest baguette, cut lengthwise, spread with real butter and fig jam, strong black coffee or a glass orange juice make Sunday morning wonderful and unforgettable. However, you can cook a simple omelette with mushrooms.

2 eggs,
100 ml milk
50 g champignons,
a pinch of salt.

Cut the mushrooms lengthwise so that the shape of the mushroom is clearly visible. Mix eggs with milk. Heat the pan, add oil, heat it, fry the mushrooms for a few minutes and pour the egg-milk mixture into the pan with the mushrooms. Salt. Fry for a few minutes over medium heat, turn off the heat, fold the omelet in half and let stand in a hot pan with a lid. Serve the omelette on a warm plate.

Make any food with a smile and without haste. It is better to let breakfast linger for a couple of minutes, but not remain raw or burn. Remember that girls are especially sensitive to signs of attention, to details that are sometimes perceived by men as insignificant trifles. Serve breakfast beautifully, put a clean mat under the plate, wrap a knife and fork with a napkin, heat the plate, check the glass - it should be crystal clear. Offer your creation with a smile, looking the girl in the eye, and don't be afraid to sound overly sentimental. Do not make excuses if something did not work out, it is better to smile, shrug your shoulders and kiss the beauty on the cheek.

Breakfast for a girl is not only morning food, but your attention, care and love. Be careful and love!

Alexey Borodin

If you think that breakfast in bed is a stupid romantic idea and you generally need to eat in the kitchen, and not in the bedroom, then we advise you to think about it again. It seems such a trifle, but it will surely please your loved one or loved one. Believe me, it will take you quite a bit of time and skills to make a simple, quick and very beautiful breakfast.

Idea #1

You don't need to hire a chef from France to cook. Moreover, you don’t have to cook anything at all, since supermarkets have been selling ready-made products for a long time.

What will you need? An ordinary tray, cereal, two buns, an egg (yes, it needs to be boiled), milk, a cup of coffee (the alarm clock in the photo is just for the surroundings). All! Is it difficult?

cook flavored coffee for breakfast, coffee makers from the Hit Buy store will help you. Sweet cappuccino, strong espresso or invigorating americano - for any type of coffee you will find a coffee maker on the store's website.

Idea #2

Another simple option is with a small vase and flowers. Everything else is elementary.

What will be needed? Regular tray, egg cup, croissant, egg, juice, vase, small flower.

What could be better than a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning? A juicer will help you prepare it. You can view the detailed characteristics of the goods by clicking on the links.

Idea #3

See how elegant and appetizing berries and cream look in a simple glass. In addition, an elegant set of dishes was used for serving: two plates, a cup and a teapot. Surely you have at least one tea set at home (from your grandmother). Maybe it's time for him? Stop gathering dust in the closet!

What will be needed? Wooden tray, tea set, glass, egg holder, juice, egg, berries, whipped cream, bread, coffee.

Idea #4

This is a breakfast option for two. Very tasty and appetizing. You can collect such beauty in 5-10 minutes, but what a romance!

What will be needed? Large tray, two tea pairs, two plates, juice, croissants, buns, eggs.

Idea #5

The beauty of this serving is in a beautiful tray. It is he who decorates the simplest breakfast. The tray is easy to take by the handles and rearrange. Unusual glasses were used for serving, but we can easily replace them with classic mugs.

What will be needed? Original tray, two glasses, plate, milk, biscuits.

Idea #6

And again a tray with elegant metal handles. Please note: the author of the composition did not care much about the design, but the presentation turned out to be cool anyway. Take at least a neatly folded towel or a flower in a tiny vase. In a word - beauty!

What will be needed? Original tray, tea pair, plates, towel, vase, flower, butter, jam, bread, coffee.

Idea #7

It seems that this breakfast is assembled from everything that was in the kitchen. Uncomplicated and simply brilliant! A napkin with pretty flowers, on which the plates stand, gives a highlight to this serving.

What will be needed? A tray, a beautiful napkin, a large white plate, a couple of teas, a jug, a glass, coffee, juice, tomatoes, cheese, crackers.

Idea #8

There are many creative tables for sale in interior stores. For example, this one is pasted over with bright paper with floral designs. Thus, the table is in the center of attention, and you have to cook pancakes or toast and serve them with jam.

What will be needed? Original tray, tea pair, pancakes, jam.

Idea #9

Breakfast for real aesthetes is thought out to the last bun. Here are white napkins, and a shiny jug, and juice, and berries, and sweets, and several types of jam. Take note if you want to impress.

What will be needed? Plain tray, white napkins (small towels), white dishes, berries, coffee, juice, jam, rolls, water, cream.

Idea #10

A great summer breakfast for those with a sweet tooth. We are not sure that one girl can eat so many cakes in the morning, but it is immediately clear that the author of the composition tried his best. Once again we see a stylish tray with handles and flowers in a vase (you probably already learned two indispensable attributes of a romantic breakfast in bed).

What will be needed? Tray with handles, vase, flowers, cake dish, tea pair, glass, sugar bowl, plate, watermelon, juice, coffee or tea.

Idea #11

If you are serious about going to bed, consider buying a special table. It is easy to carry, put on your knees and fold. And if you put a vase with a rose on it and use bright dishes, then any breakfast will turn into a romantic surprise.

What will be needed? Breakfast table, several plates, cup, rose vase, glass, berries, croissant, whipped cream, coffee.

Idea #12

A beautiful table can be not only wooden, but also wicker. It does not fold, but instead of legs it has small pockets for a book, newspaper or napkins.

What will be needed? Wicker breakfast table, two glasses, plate, jug, cups, egg holder, tea, juice, egg.

Idea #13

To surprise and please a loved one, nothing supernatural is needed, sometimes one small detail can create a festive mood. In this serving, the main feature of a beautiful breakfast is the original bread stand (however, the tray also deserves attention). Agree, eating such a breakfast is a pleasure.

What will be needed? Tray, teapot, cup, bread stand, gravy boats, butter, jam, bread, tea, berries.

Idea #14

Another version of the cool breakfast table, this time it's transparent and made of thick plastic. Such a presentation will appeal to those who do not like romance, but prefer a strict style and practicality. Nothing superfluous - only healthy, tasty food and breaking news.

What will be needed? Transparent table, mug, glass, plate, yogurt, bananas, nuts, tea, juice.

Idea #15

Breakfast for fans of minimalism and food that does not harm the figure. No croissants and buns - only muesli and berries! If your significant other takes good care of their body, they will enjoy this simple but healthy, nutritious and low-calorie snack.

What will be needed? Tray, bowl, cup, coffee, berries, muesli, yogurt.

Idea #16

Perhaps the most romantic and colorful breakfast in our selection. Such a morning surprise will win the heart of any girl! Men, remember.

What will be needed? A vase with flowers, a plate, a mug, a box for berries, a jar of jam, milk, pancakes, jam, berries, coffee.

Idea #17

Breakfast will look much more festive if you put the same coasters under each dish.

What will be needed? Tray, bowls for berries, tea pair, jug, berries, milk, pancakes.

Idea #18

You will be surprised, but this table is made from the lid of an old suitcase. Everyone can make one: unhook the lid from the main part and put a beautiful fabric or paper inside. All! What you put inside doesn't matter.

What will be needed? Suitcase, fabric, two tea pairs, jug, vase, flowers, croissant, berries, coffee.

Idea #19

This craft table is also possible - from an old box, if you use only its upper part.

What will be needed? A table from a drawer, a tea pair, a vase with a flower, a candlestick, napkins, coffee.

Idea #20

When the beautiful mini-table setting is ready, do not forget to add notes with declarations of love or wishes to it good morning. Attach them to toothpicks and stick the chopsticks right into the food. You will see how pleasant it will be for your soulmate to read your little messages.

What will be needed? Table, teapot, mug, plate, glass, cutlery, flower vases, tea, buns, berries, juice.

How do you surprise your soulmate in the morning? Tell us in the comments, share your ideas!

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