Home General issues Morning Reflections on Rituality and the First Morning Cup of Tea. Morning Reflections on Rituality and the First Morning Cup of Tea Good morning 2 cups of tea

Morning Reflections on Rituality and the First Morning Cup of Tea. Morning Reflections on Rituality and the First Morning Cup of Tea Good morning 2 cups of tea

How would you present your perfect morning? Well, for example, like this.

A perfect morning starts with a perfect evening. You return home, successfully disconnect from all sorts of work and personal problems, have dinner and, without thinking about anything ... just go to bed. But in the morning - you wake up before everyone else, with the first rays and the singing of birds! Go out onto the balcony, smile at the still not hot sun, admire how the new day is doing, it would be nice to go down and ride a bike through the still sleeping city, yes, perhaps! dancing a little, well, why not, then come back, cook breakfast for yourself, brew a cup of aromatic coffee ...

Or like this. Stay up late with a friend, discussing your female secrets until late, and then for some time sleep as much as you want, and then still deign to wake up, and your family will definitely serve breakfast in bed, and, of course, the enchanting aroma of freshly brewed coffee will fill the bedroom ...

Or do you have your own version? Surely there is, and it's great, but we bet that a cup of coffee is also present in it! Yes, for a true modern lady, this is an almost mandatory element, but nevertheless ...

Menopause is a difficult period for every woman entering the “age of elegance”. Her various unpleasant, and simply painful "companions" are practically inevitable. In the treatment of menopause, various herbal medicines can be used, for example, the completely natural drug Climaksan. But for a greater effect, you need to carefully study your usual lifestyle and make certain changes to it.

One of the biggest inconveniences to a woman is the "hot flashes", which sometimes happen many times a day. From a physical point of view, these attacks of heat are due to the fact that a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body negatively affects the system of internal thermoregulation, causing it to give a “false alarm”: the heartbeat quickens, blood vessels dilate, sweat is released ... But it leads to approximately the same result. drinking coffee or strong black tea, which means that discomfort will intensify. And then your morning that started so well can obviously be overshadowed ...

Therefore, try to gradually find a suitable replacement for you. For example, herbal or green tea. Properly brewed, it will give a charge of vivacity for the whole day no less! In addition, the catechins contained in it will help strengthen the bone tissue, because its weakening is also one of the consequences of the ongoing hormonal changes, and without replenishment from the outside, its mass drops by 2-3% per year, which you clearly do not need.

Or, for example, a glass of freshly squeezed juice. More liquid, which you need so much now, vitamins, smoothness of the skin and complexion, and additional control over body weight, which is also very important. Well, why not a reason for a positive emotional outburst!

And then - your morning will again be perfect. At any time of the day and year!

Sayings, phrases, aphorisms, quotes, creativity, poems of famous people about tea

FROM flickered, shining on the table
The evening samovar hissed,
heating chinese teapot
A light steam swirled beneath him.
Spilled by Olga's hand,
In cups with a dark stream
Already fragrant tea ran,
And the boy served the cream ...
Pushkin A.S., Russian poet

W take a neighbor to the samovar,
And Dunya pours tea,
They whisper to her: “Dunya, note!”
Pushkin A.S., Russian poet

G stupid longing for no reason
And doom is a haunting frenzy.
Let's prick the torch -
Let's inflate our samovar!
For loyalty to the old order,
To live slowly!
Perhaps, and steam out the torment
Soul sipping tea!
A. Blok, Russian poet

W ima! What should we do in the village? I meet a servant who brings me
morning cup of tea
Pushkin A.S., Russian poet

I I had to drink a lot of tea, because without it I could not work. Tea releases those possibilities that lie dormant in the depths of my soul.
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer

IN happy guests should be given wine. Sad guests - ordinary tea. Sincere friends - brew best tea and enjoy the conversation.
Xu Ze Shu

H ah can replace wine. And wine will not replace tea. Poetry can replace prose. And prose will not replace poetry.
Zhang Chao, Chinese intellectual

H ai gives a person determination, increases the ability to process impressions, disposes to concentrated thinking.
Jakob Moleschott, German physiologist

H A real tea bouquet is like an expensive wine, it cannot be repeated, the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author.
Caitlin Turner, American actress

BUT The aroma of tea and the taste of tea spread widely, widely, strengthen the relationship between people.
Jin Zhang Zaiw, ancient Chinese poet

P The first cup moisturizes my lips and throat, the second destroys loneliness, the third explores my insides, the fourth causes a slight perspiration, all the sorrows of life go through the mountains, with the fifth cup I feel cleansed, the sixth lifts me into the realm of immortality, the seventh ... But I am already more I can not. I feel only the breath of a cool wind that rises in my hands.
Ancient Chinese poet from the Tang Dynasty

G de tea, there is hope.
Sir Arthur Pinero, English playwright

E If it's cold, tea will warm you up. If you are hot, it will cool you down. If you are in a depressed mood, he will cheer you up; if you are excited, he will calm you down.
Sir William Gladstone, 19th century British minister

H a man who has not drunk tea is at odds with the universe.
Japanese proverb

Phrases, aphorisms, quotes, poems about the tea drinking of such celebrities:

R Is it possible to feel something if you have not drunk strong fragrant tea? Tea is the flight of the soul!
V.A. Milashevsky, Russian painter of the 19th century

"H ouch! Empty drink! And if the Chinese don't give it to us, more turmoil could come out!"
M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Russian writer

« H ai is my favorite drink. I don't recognize others.
Sh. Muslimov, long-liver - 120 years

« X irrigating tea thing, very good! The more tea people drink, the less they will reach for a rifle - this is an important matter.
V. Peskov, Russian writer

« I in general, a big teapot, I have had it since the war years. Wherever I had to visit - in Siberia, in the Far North, in the hot south. In the cold, tea warms me, in the heat it refreshes, gives vigor and efficiency ... "
A. Rodimtsev - Colonel General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

W and light conversations fade away with tea.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet

IN there are few hours in a man's life that would be more pleasant than the time devoted to evening tea.
Henry James, American writer

ABOUT experience convinced me: tea is better than brandy. For the past six months I have been replacing brandy with tea, even when I was sick.
Theodore Roosevelt, US President

IN We should never refuse a cup of tea under the following circumstances: if it is hot outside; if it is cold outside; if you are tired; if someone thinks you are tired; if you feel uneasy; before leaving the house; if you are not at home; if you have just come home; if you want a seagull; if you do not really want a seagull, but you could; if you have not drunk tea for a long time; if you have just intercepted a cup.
George Mikes (Hungarian journalist)
"How to be British"

H ai raises muscle tone, making the body strong. It helps with headaches and dizziness, cheers up and drives away spleen. Tea cleanses the kidneys of stones and sand, if taken with honey instead of sugar, it makes breathing easier for colds. This drink helps improve eyesight. Tea relieves fatigue, making a person cheerful.
Thomas Harvey, owner of England's first tea house

Sayings, phrases, aphorisms, quotes, creativity, poems about tea from folk wisdom:

H disbelief that TEA is the best
a cure for mental wounds, leads to banal drunkenness.

L love is the locomotive of life.
TEA is the locomotive of health.

H a man is full of tea alone.

IN Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

W and we don’t miss tea - we drink seven cups each.

H oh don’t drink, so don’t live in the world.

FROM the amovar is boiling, he won't let you go.

FROM put the granny samovar, we will listen to Manowar!

H ah drink - do not chop wood.

H ah not intoxicated - will not understand.

I I sit, I drink tea - and you come in, drink tea!

H ah should be like a woman's kiss - strong, hot and sweet!

H if you don't drink, where do you get the strength from?

G where there is tea, there is paradise under the spruce.

FROM tea dashing does not happen!

H don’t be lazy, but distinguish where the straw is, and where the tea is!

H ahem in Russia, no one choked!

H ah we have Chinese, master's sugar.

H ah stronger if it is shared with a good friend.

H even a drunkard does not ask for vodka, but everything for tea.

FROM amovar, that the Solovetsky sea. We drink from it for good health.

P Come to tea - I treat you with pies.

H ah do not drink - what strength? Drinking tea is another matter.

H oh no vodka - you won't drink much

With berries, apple, honey and herbs! Cooking delicious and healthy tea which will help to warm up and cheer you up on an autumn evening

Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup.

When it's bad weather outside and you don't feel like going out, a cup of tea is just happiness... and you can drink this happiness...

Will you have lemon or mint tea?

Can I have tea with you?

- What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon?

- With pleasure!

Shelves full of tea always make me feel euphoric. I love looking at them for a long time. There are varieties of tea that seem to take you on a long journey: the aroma, bright colors of the packages and thin fancy letters on them fascinate, like cardboard mirages, lures for tourists. Sophie de Villenoisy "How I Decided to Die of Happiness"

Let's sit again

For fragrant tea

And we'll talk about everything

Hours without noticing ...

Watch good movies, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, take a walk, get enough sleep and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. And that's when everything will be fine!

I want tea...

In casual company...

In a quiet, pleasant place…

📖 According to Nikolai's experience, sincerity is something like herbal tea: kind people advise you to try it for lack of other means. Lee Bardugo "King of Scars"

📖 We don't need a lot - a pack of cigarettes is enough, ginger tea, chocolate saber and each other.

Elchin Safarli "I was promised you"

📖 I'm sure that in order to understand if you love a woman, you need to drink tea with her and feel: are you happy now? Other drinks are distracting. John Shemyakin "Wild master in a wild field"

📖 I can even hear you breaking off cookies now, sitting at the table in your kitchen, having a cup of tea. Behind it you hide your desire and wait for my call. Your desire is so strong that I cannot but appear where my other half is waiting for me ... cookies. Rinat Valiullin "Coffee in the Morning Sky"

📖 I took a sip of tea, noting with satisfaction that it was piping hot and strong enough. I hated weakness of any kind, and above all in my tea. Deanna Rayborn Veronica Speedwell. "Intriguing Beginning"

📖 Most effective tool for untying the tongue of women of a certain age and temperament is tea. Stephen King "The Wizard and the Crystal"

📖 I know some people call tea the word “brewing” and generously dilute it with water. So, please forget about this tradition. Max Fry "The New Tea Book"

If everything is incomprehensible, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will fall apart on its own, get better on its own).

brewing fragrant tea, it should be remembered that according to the Tea Code, one should talk about good things over a cup of tea: about Nature, about Art, about Beauty...

I'm chasing hot teas

I rustle candy in the morning

Replenishing stocks for the day

Make yourself a fasting day today - do not load yourself! Better drink tea with delicious 😊

Pause for aromatic tea...

Frozen soul? Make some tea :)

How much does it take to start a great day? A cup of hot tea and a kiss from a loved one. Think positive.

In any incomprehensible situation, put the kettle on))

Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a cup of tea to raise the tone and uplift the fallen spirit, in which all guides and instructions, both Western and Eastern, converge.

José Sarmago "The Book of Names"

Tea - unless you drink it the Russian way - you can't drink it with sugar. Yes, I realize I'm in the minority here. But still, how can a person who is able to kill the taste of tea with sugar call himself a teapot? With the same success, you can flavor tea with pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. By sweetening it, you are not drinking tea, you are drinking sugar, which you could just as well dissolve in hot water. George Orwell, A Great Cup of Tea

Tea is always a good idea.
Don't look for an excuse, just treat yourself to tea...

"Can we come over for tea?"

“Just for tea?”

— No... more jam.

Tea is a huge world placed in a small cup.

It's wonderful when you have someone to brew a second mug of tea.

Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that heals without turning your pocket inside out.

Not only tea, gloves, a blanket are warm... Everything can be warm - conversations, glances, letters, people... This is that special feeling that gives us the strength to live, believe, dream, love...

- You have some kind of tea cult ...

“I only have rooibos, hibiscus, pu-erh, black, green, oolongs, four types of mate, three cups for different varieties tea, two teapots... What a cult, what are you talking about...

Through a dreamy window

Gentle rays of the sun

On my cheek

Three pinches of tea

God, what else do you need?!

Autumn... Rain... The time of the warmest hugs, the most comfortable evenings, the most sincere words...

Tea is not drunk anywhere. Tea is personal.

Brew tea only with the correct brew:

with happiness, luck, adventure and good mood!

The best evening is an evening with warm tea and a warm person.

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our existence.

Is it possible to feel something if you have not drunk strong fragrant tea? Tea is the rise of the soul!

Tea is a divine drink that gives us a reason to eat half a kilo of sweets and a couple of pieces of cake before going to bed with a clear conscience ツ

And me tea. Seven glasses...

Good morning! Hope it's good! And I hope that by the time I finish the article and I can depict my thoughts, it will still be morning outside the window =)

How do you usually start your morning? Someone will say - "From Breakfast!" and will be right. Someone will say "From Morning Exercise, Exercising and Running" ... and here, you can't argue. For some, morning is a breath. Inhale a new day, new sensations and experiences. Inhale new birdsong outside the window... and it's hard to disagree. I myself noticed more than once - the first thing that happens after opening the eyes is a breath. And then exhale. As an old habit, I usually take three deep breaths in and out, and only then get up and go to the window - to see how the world has changed today. My further actions are unlikely to surprise anyone with originality and originality. Exercise - Morning Shower - Breakfast - Morning Tea. Everything is as usual... Well, maybe the only thing that distinguishes my morning from yours is I Love Music!!! And already during the morning exercises, my room is filled with sounds. Most Different! From ethnic drums / jew's harps, voiced and deaf melodies of Cintra "Gu Qin" and to Jazz piano / saxophone and broken beats with hard reading of Hip-Hop. I like music very much! I like to choose it according to my inner state and adjust my mood with it. And I also really like to eat in the morning, right before breakfast, a bar or at least one piece of chocolate! milk chocolate with whole nuts! I know I'm killing my appetite, but I can't help it! And I don't want to;) It's still better than smoking a morning cigarette.

Just like always, this morning also began for me - three deep breaths, three exhalations, swinging arms and legs in imitation of morning exercises and exercises at the same time, morning shower, breakfast and tea. Breakfast is a good start to the morning and the day as a continuation. At breakfast, we get a charge of vitamins and essential substances for the proper functioning of the body and the brain in particular. Eat well at breakfast, both adults and children! =)

Tea... It just so happened that my breakfast and tea are not combined into one item. In breakfast, I love simplicity and saturation of the body, and in tea, rituality, spiritual saturation and instant return. Giving of oneself as particles of the whole world. Become one with the whole world. Do not resist the flow of life and do not stand out with your strengths and weaknesses. All your virtues are virtues donated by heaven and earth, which you can only reveal or forget about in the process of life. All your shortcomings are virtues given to you by heaven and earth, which you have transformed into your shortcomings... complexes.

I love in Tea or rituality or simplicity. One out of two. In the morning, I usually choose the ritual of actions - Lighted candles and smoking syans. Live fire and whisper of boiling water. The first, ritually offered cup of tea to the "Deities" and finally the first sip and perceptible aroma of the FIRST, MORNING TEA.

I love for its purity, awakening and filling. I like to drink morning tea alone. In silence. They say that truth is born in silence... I don't know what's wrong with the truth, but in this way tea turns out to be special, with its own mood, and not imposed by musical instruments and musical melody.

Good Morning Country! Wake up and sing!

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