Home desserts Quick cherry pie. Quick cherry pie. Grated shortbread pie

Quick cherry pie. Quick cherry pie. Grated shortbread pie

First mix the flour and baking powder well. Then we sift this mixture through a colander or sieve to make our pie even more magnificent and airy!

Add eggs, sugar and salt, milk and sunflower oil to the sifted flour and knead the dough. It won't be runny, but it won't be too thick either.

For baking, you can take a detachable form, covered with confectionery parchment, which is greased sunflower oil. And you can use the usual form or a frying pan, which also needs to be greased with oil and sprinkled with flour.

Pour the batter into the pan, leveling with a wet spoon to form an even layer. Sprinkle the top with berries in the middle. If you are using frozen or canned cherries, then first place them in a colander for 10-15 minutes so that the berries thaw / juice drains from them. Fresh, after being pitted, you also need to hold it for some time in a colander. And along the edges, if desired, you can shake nuts and sesame seeds.

We put the form in a preheated oven. The pie is baked for half an hour or a little longer: we check the readiness with a wooden stick (match, toothpick). If there is no dough left on it, and the cake has risen and browned well, then it's ready!

We take the pie out of the oven. Let it stand in the form, we will get it later, when it cools down a bit, so as not to wrinkle! Cooled down? Gently turn over and easily remove the paper from the bottom.

We spread the cake on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar through a strainer.

You can taste a delicious miracle! We add that such a pie can be baked not only with cherries, but also with other berries or fruits. For example, with currants, blueberries or peach pieces. Try it... and tell us!

In the summer heat, you don’t want to mess around in the kitchen with pastries for a long time, you want to cook on hastily but to be delicious. In such a situation, I have just awesome lung recipe cherry pie! 5-10 minutes is enough for general preparation, and then trust your oven. Although I love to cook this biscuit with cherries the most, but you can replace it with any berries or fruits. Summer vitamin season is in full swing, and I'm sure you'll find something to add to this delicious jellied pie(The dough recipe is also great for charlotte).


  • butter - 180 grams;
  • sugar - 140 grams;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • cherry - 300-400 grams.

Easy quick cherry pie. Step by step recipe

  1. Soft butter beat with a mixer and gradually add sugar. Butter can be replaced with margarine, but the cake will turn out more tender with butter. Better yet, use high-fat butter (I cook it very often with homemade butter - I'll tell you how to cook it below).
  2. Add eggs one at a time: as soon as one egg is stirred, you can add the next. (It may seem to you that the mass is slightly exfoliated - it's okay, this is normal for the test). Tip: to avoid the possibility of a shell or a spoiled egg getting into the dough, first break one egg into a small bowl, and only then add to the total mass. Do this for all the other eggs.
  3. Add some salt to bring out the sweetness of the cake.
  4. Separately, sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder for the dough. With the mixer running, add the flour mixture in small batches.
  5. Remove pits from cherries. Instead, you can use any fruit or berries.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish (I used a diameter of 26 centimeters) with butter and pour the dough. We spread the cherry filling (or fruit) on top and slightly sink them into the dough. During baking, cherries, due to their juiciness, may sink to the bottom of the dough. Therefore, the berries can be rolled in starch, and only then spread on the dough.
  7. We bake a sponge cake with cherries for 35-40 minutes in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  8. We take out the finished pie with berries from the oven, let it cool slightly in the form (10-15 minutes), and then remove and transfer to a serving plate.

Summer cherry pie is ready! See how easy and simple it is to prepare, and the taste is simply amazing. The dough is like a cake - soft, tender and rich. Light sourness of cherries dilutes the sweetness of the biscuit. Exactly what you need in the summer! Such a delicious cherry charlotte will go well with both warm and cold drinks.

Bon appetit with "Very tasty"!

homemade butter

The recipe for making homemade butter is very simple, even a child can handle it. The oil itself is very tasty, fragrant, and quite fatty. It is the most authentic and natural! Butter is just perfect for baking, cooking cereals and even soups. Therefore, we will not delay, and together with “Very tasty” we will make homemade butter.


  • heavy cream (33-35%) - 500 milliliters;
  • salt - to taste.

Homemade butter. Step by step recipe

  1. To make butter, you need to use very fatty cream, the fatter it is, the more butter you get in the end. I mostly collect cream from homemade milk: I leave fresh milk for 1-2 days in the refrigerator. During this time, the cream in the jar will rise to the top, and it will be possible to carefully remove them with a spoon.
  2. Pour the cream into a bowl for whipping. (As for the temperature of the cream itself - I cooked with both cold and room temperature I didn't notice a big difference.) Please note: this container should be 3-4 times the amount of cream.
  3. We begin to beat at a slow speed, gradually bringing to medium (in time about 10 minutes). At first, the mass will begin to thicken, become dense, and over time it will begin to turn yellow and gradually delaminate.
  4. From now on, beat for another 3-5 minutes. You will notice how the whey (buttermilk) will separate and the butter grains will collect in a lump.
  5. We recline everything on a sieve and leave for 5 minutes to glass the buttermilk. Try not to crush the granular structure of the oil with a spatula.
  6. Rinse the oil under cold running water so that it does not melt. Due to the granular structure of the oil, water will wash it well.
  7. After we squeeze the oil mixture with our hands, as if squeezing out the remaining water and whey. Salt can be added at this stage if desired.
  8. Wrap the butter in cling film and store in the refrigerator.

That's how easy it is for us to make homemade butter. Depending on the fat content of the cream, it may be more or less, but the approximate mass will be about 110-150 grams. Instead of cream, you can use fat sour cream, but the finished butter will have a slight sour tint. This is a matter of taste, but my mother likes sour cream butter more. And you can try to cook both one and the other option. And "Very tasty" wishes you bon appetit and be healthy!

I bet it's homemade berry pies on the quick hand- the most "precocious" and the most delicious. In Russian cuisine you can find so many various recipes that there is not enough culinary notebook to talk about them. The greatest popularity remains for jellied pies made from batter.

Our quick cherry pie is exactly that. homemade baking, for which adults and children will hunt until they eat it all. The minimum composition of ingredients makes baking not only fast, but also very economical.

Fast cherry pie from aspic biscuit dough perfect for summer dessert festive table- for unexpected guests.

For cooking cherry pie quickly take the products from the list. Immediately I recommend turning on the oven at 220 ° C. Separate the cherries from the pits with a pin. If you're happy with the Pitted Cherry Pie variant, keep it up!

We take a high glass container. We combine all the ingredients in it, except flour. I note that the products for preparing the dough should be at room temperature.

Using a mixer, carefully beat the contents of the bowl into a fluffy foam. RPM is maximum.

At the end, add pre-sifted wheat flour in / with.

Now start the mixer at the lowest speed. Mix quickly. It will turn out quite airy, but you need to immediately start pouring the pie.

Pour the dough into a non-stick baking dish. Pour or spread cherries on top of the dough. We send the form to the oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on the number of selected ingredients. For 6 people, a quick cherry pie takes 20 minutes in a well-heated oven.

Easily removed from the mold by turning. You need to chill first.

Dessert pie with cherries is ready in a hurry!

This cherry pie is so simple that even a novice housewife can easily cook it, and it always turns out very tasty. The beauty of the recipe is that you can use not only cherries, but also any berries or fruits, and fresh rather than frozen is better.

I recently posted a shortbread recipe. It is also prepared quite simply and also very tasty, but completely different than the one that we will cook today.


  • 500 g fresh cherries
  • 180 g sugar
  • 150 g butter
  • a pinch of salt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 tsp without baking powder
  • vanillin


First, wash the cherry and remove the seeds from it. If there is no special device, it is convenient and easy to do this with an ordinary safety pin.

Softened butter and 180 g Sahara mix with a mixer at low speed. Take the smallest sugar, and butter is one that melts easily at room temperature.

Add a pinch of salt and add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

When all the eggs were introduced, we got this mixture:

Sift 200 g of flour into a bowl, add a teaspoon without a slide of baking powder and vanillin at the tip of a teaspoon. If there is no vanilla, you can add a tablespoon of vanilla sugar. Then add the flour bit by bitin egg-butter mixtureand mix the dough until smooth. The consistency of the dough for cherry pie is thicker than for pancakes.

Now is the time to turn on the oven and preheat it to 180 degrees.
We take a detachable form, grease the bottom and sides with vegetable or butter and sprinkle with semolina (2 tsp) so that the finished cherry pie can be easily removed from the mold. A shape with a diameter of 24 cm is ideal, but you can take both 22 cm and 26, just the cooking time will change - the higher the cake, the longer it takes to cook.

Pour the dough into the mold and lay the cherry on top, slightly pressing it into the dough. If juice has accumulated in a bowl with cherries, drain it, excess liquid in the pie is not needed.

Sprinkle 1-2 tbsp on top. l. sugar depending on how sour the cherry is. We put the form in the oven and bake for 40-45 minutes. With a mold size of 22 cm, the cake can be baked for an hour, and with a size of 26 cm - 30-35 minutes. In general, watch yourself. We check readiness with a wooden stick or a thin knife - if there is no residue left on them batter- The cherry pie is ready.

If the cake is already browned enough, but the inside is still raw, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees, then it will reach inside and not burn.

In general, the finished cherry pie should look something like this, during baking it doubles in size.

Sprinkle the completely cooled cake with powdered sugar.

You will definitely like it - tender, moderately sweet, with a pleasant cherry sourness - in a word, very tasty!

A simple cherry pie in a hurry - it will be delicious!

A lot of people love pies with berries, including pies with cherries. And my family is not indifferent to such pies, so I am happy to bake such a simple pie for us. This cherry pie can be prepared at any time of the year, fresh, frozen and cherries are suitable. Lucky and simple quick pie dough recipe which will undoubtedly be appreciated by lovers of sweet pastries.

Pie Ingredients:

Eggs - 4 pieces
Margarine or butter - 190 gr.
Sugar - 250 gr.
Baking powder - 2 full teaspoons
Flour - 2 full glasses (glass 250 gr.) By weight it turned out about 320 gr.
Baking paper
Baking pan - I used a 22 cm round pan.
Fresh or frozen cherries (I baked a pie with different cherries) - 200 gr. (this is an approximate amount)

Quick Cherry Pie - Preparation:

Melt the margarine in the microwave. Pour sugar into margarine and beat with a mixer until the grains dissolve.

Then add eggs and beat again.

Add baking powder and flour. Knead the dough (I do everything with a mixer). The dough will be runny but thick enough.

Turn on the oven to heat up. We cover the form with paper, without lubricating anything.

We spread the dough, level the top. Put the cherry on top, without pressing it into the dough. In previous times, I laid out part of the dough in a form, then a cherry and again the dough. But, when baking, the cherry turned out all at the very bottom.

The last time the dough in the pie turned out to be thicker, and I put the cherry on top. After baking, it did not fall down, but remained on top. I liked this one even more.

And put the cake in the preheated oven. The first 15 minutes we bake at a temperature of 200 * C, then reduce the temperature to 180-175 * and bake for another 25-30 minutes.

Prerequisite: do not open the oven door for the first half hour.

It is best to let the cake cool before slicing. Top finished pie can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

simple pie dough recipe but delicious. The dough in the pie is dense in structure, similar to biscuit, but crumbly, tender and sweet in taste. Cherry gives it a pleasant refined sourness. A very harmonious combination.

I tried to bake a pie with a cherry blank (you need to hold the berries on a strainer so that excess syrup drains) and with frozen cherries. In both cases, the cake turned out delicious.

Bon appetit!

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