Home Nutrition Is it possible for pregnant women to drink non-alcoholic beer: the best recommendations. Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer? Beer during pregnancy

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink non-alcoholic beer: the best recommendations. Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer? Beer during pregnancy

Scientists and researchers are still arguing about the question: “Can a future mother have non-alcoholic beer?”. The alcohol content in the drink is minimal, which makes it possible to assert the safety of the product. However, the defenders of the foamy drink do not take into account what chemical ingredients and dangerous compounds it consists of.

Why is non-alcoholic beer allowed?

The alcohol in regular beer comes from the process natural fermentation yeast when malt sugar is released. A non-alcoholic analogue is produced using special synthetic yeast, which does not contribute to the release of ethyl alcohol. Or simply evaporated from an ordinary drink under the influence of high temperatures. To give the resulting product a familiar taste and aroma, flavor enhancers, flavors, concentrates, sugar and even dyes are added to it.

Defenders of the theory about the benefits of a non-alcoholic analogue argue that it is alcohol in high doses that poses the greatest danger to the mother and fetus, and the relationship of various chemical additives with the health and development of the child has not been confirmed by anything. This means that you should not abstain from your favorite drink and you can afford 1-2 glasses of 0.33 ml per week.

In addition, like any other, the product can also have a positive effect on the body:

  • the chance of developing oncological and benign neoplasms decreases;
  • a protective barrier is created that prevents carcinogens and toxins from entering the body;
  • the yeast drink contains B vitamins, useful macro- and microelements necessary for women;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, atherosclerotic plaques are gradually washed out from the walls of blood vessels;
  • beer produces a diuretic effect, so in small quantities it helps to remove excess fluid from the body, relieve swelling and clean the kidneys.

Harm of intoxicating drink

First of all, we understand that alcohol (0.2-1.2%) is present in the non-alcoholic product. Such a dose does not pose a danger to the body of an adult woman, but is it possible to state with certainty that it will not harm the health of the fetus?

Absolutely all components and substances the mother's body transfers to the baby through the placenta. During the first trimester, the vital organs and systems of the future person appear, and if even a small dose of alcohol, chemical components, flavor enhancers and preservatives gets through the placenta during this period, then no one can predict the consequences. First of all, there is a high probability of development, impaired peristalsis and digestion of the baby, bloating of the stomach under the influence of carbon dioxide.

Separate mention should be made of the substance cobalt - a stabilizer and a foam former in the drink. The toxicity of the component is quite high, and beer contains 10 times more than what a person needs. Cobalt can trigger inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, and in the case of an individual reaction, even weaken the myocardium.

Storing a drink from 1 to 2 years implies the use of serious preservatives and stabilizers that will not bring any benefit to the fetus.

The diuretic effect of beer does not bring the benefits that are expected. Under the yeast drink, fatty and salty snacks (ram, crackers, pickled cucumbers, etc.) are used, which retain water in the body, provoking a strong one. In the third trimester, this leads to bloating and colic, heaviness in the limbs, discomfort while walking.

Followers of the theory about the dangers of non-alcoholic beer (and most of them) do not recommend drinking the drink throughout pregnancy. And if you still really want beer, it’s better to drink 100 ml of high-quality ordinary beer.

What to do if you want beer

Summing up all of the above, we can say with confidence that non-alcoholic beer should be consumed in minimal doses and only in the second trimester. The minimum dose is calculated individually together with the doctor, based on the following indicators:

  • what is the current week of pregnancy;
  • how is the pregnancy going, are there any risks (, deviations, violations);
  • what diseases are in the history of the expectant mother (including genetic ones);
  • condition of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • whether pathologies or diseases of the liver, kidneys are noted;
  • What is the metabolic rate of a pregnant woman?

By allowing you to drink beer, the doctor assumes responsibility for the possible consequences, namely the risk or delay in fetal development, early miscarriages, premature and pathological births. He also describes in detail to the expectant mother the consequences of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) for the development and life of the unborn baby.

Some women allow themselves a bottle of non-alcoholic every day and give birth to healthy (at first glance) children. For others, even one glass in all 9 months can be fatal. So is it worth risking the health of future offspring for the sake of momentary weakness? Remember that any alcoholic drink and any beer is unhealthy.

Almost all women's forums discuss whether it is possible to drink beer during pregnancy, so in the article we will talk about the benefits and harms of a foamy drink and see what consequences a child can have when drinking non-alcoholic or classic beer.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Everyone knows that a riot of hormones during pregnancy leads to emotional instability and a change in a woman's taste preferences. The expectant mother is upset because of any trifle, her mood changes every minute, while the woman is constantly overwhelmed by conflicting desires and feelings. Often you want something sweet, then fatty, and after a minute it’s already salty, in the middle of the night you suddenly feel unbearably drawn to strawberries, and in the morning you don’t want to look at it. The same is with alcohol - in the summer, in the heat, everyone around drinks a foamy drink, any gatherings are not complete without a glass of beer, and so you want to take at least a couple of sips, feel like part of the company, join the fun.

Drinking beer and non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and lactation is not worth it, unless, of course, you want your baby to have a greater chance of acquiring congenital pathologies and poor health. Back in the 60s of the 20th century, information on the number of children born with congenital pathologies was classified in the USSR. And non-alcoholic beer also has a percentage of alcohol, but this will be enough and is addictive, alcohol is already produced by the body of any person in the right quantities.

The harm of this drink

The issue of drinking low-alcohol drinks during pregnancy is actively discussed on the Internet, the relevance of this topic has only grown over the years. Girls argue passionately and prove their point of view, and the opinion of doctors does not always sound convincing. On the shelves of stores today you can find a huge number of varieties of wine, beer and other low-alcohol drinks, and many women believe that sometimes you can drink a bottle of beer, because if you really want to, then you should not deny yourself - nothing will happen from drinking alcohol in small quantities.

Often women say that quite healthy children are born to alcoholics, so you don’t have to limit yourself in a glass of good quality beer with natural composition. Around us we see many dysfunctional families in which quite healthy and normal children grow up. You can often hear how young mothers complain that in such families, children get sick less than successful parents. At the same time, alcoholic parents not only regularly drink, but also drink alcohol of poor quality, the cheapest that can be found in stores. Seeing such a picture in the world around us, women treat the problem of alcohol during pregnancy lightly.

It seems to many that beer is a light, safe drink that cannot harm a child, that there is almost no alcohol, so sometimes you can drink a glass of beer in the company, and if you really want a pregnant woman, then you even need to. There is also an opinion that natural beer is useful, because it contains vitamins and microelements, so it is beneficial, strengthens hair and nails. There is even more controversy around non-alcoholic beer, such a point of view is expressed that kefir and kvass contain more alcohol than non-alcoholic beer, so you can drink it as much as you want. However, doctors are unanimous in their opinion that drinking beer, like other alcoholic drinks during pregnancy is not allowed.

In addition to alcohol, beer contains preservatives, dyes and stabilizers - the modern industry is ready for any tricks in pursuit of profit, so modern beer is significantly different from the drink that our ancestors used. In addition, there is no guarantee that the label contains true information about the composition of the product. For example, acetaldehyde is even more dangerous to the fetus than ethanol and is a carcinogen. It breaks the genetic code and causes irreparable damage to the body.

Summing up, I would like to note that in addition to alcohol, beer contains such harmful substances:

  • Ethers
  • Aldehydes
  • Fusel oils

Therefore, if you think that beer does not have a serious impact on the unborn child, then you are mistaken. The systematic use of any alcoholic beverages, including beer, throughout the entire pregnancy (even in small doses) leads to fetal alcohol syndrome, so the excuse that I only drink a few sips a day is not an excuse. Children with this syndrome are mentally retarded, they have impaired nervous system and internal organs suffer.

Influence early and late

Alcoholic beverages pose the greatest danger in early pregnancy, in the first trimester (before). During this period, the fetal egg has not yet fully consolidated, so the risk of miscarriage is especially high, and internal organs are also actively formed at this time. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption in the first trimester doubles the risk of later miscarriage, particularly in the second trimester. And what is especially sad, the analysis showed that the fetus in most cases showed serious developmental pathologies, so the mechanisms of destruction were launched in the woman's body.

The first month of pregnancy is an important period, the risk of miscarriage or miscarriage at this time is the highest, so a woman should be especially careful about her health and refrain from alcoholic beverages (as well as throughout the entire pregnancy).

Possible dangers and contraindications

In fact, the consequences of alcohol consumption by pregnant women have long been studied (scientists have dealt with this topic a lot) and are outlined in special studies. Previously, women did not abstain from drinking wine and champagne, it was believed that they did not affect the fetus in any way. However, in the modern world, concepts have changed dramatically. Today, doctors forbid drinking any alcohol, even in the smallest quantities.

Modern scientists have proven that alcohol crosses the placenta and has a detrimental effect on the fetus. From the body of the child, it is excreted twice as long as from the body of the mother. Most of all, the destruction affects the developing brain of the baby, because ethanol alcohol disrupts the formation of brain tissue and provokes vasospasm. As a result, the child suffers from a lack of oxygen, and the cells that are being laid at the moment develop incorrectly and become defective.

Many people think that beer is not alcohol, and if a pregnant woman really wants to drink a glass of foam, it's okay, because there are so many useful things in it - brewer's yeast, vitamin B, estrogen. In fact, everything is not so simple, so you should not take unnecessary risks for a glass of beer, although there are theoretical norms regarding the safe use of alcohol:

  • For the entire pregnancy, you can drink 100-200 ml. dry white wine or champagne.
  • If you drink an average of more than 30 ml. alcohol per day, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage in the second trimester is significantly increased.
  • If you drink 60-70 ml. alcohol per day, the child is likely to be born with abnormalities. Even at 30 ml. defects may appear per day.

In addition to alcohol, beer also has another danger for pregnant women. Along with beer, you want to eat crackers, chips or nuts - these are salty foods that retain fluid and cause swelling, which is dangerous in late pregnancy. Such products contain many substances that are harmful even to a healthy person - dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives that can cause developmental defects and cancer.

On the other hand, any beer has a diuretic effect, and this almost doubles the load on the kidneys, while in pregnant women, the kidneys work in extreme mode, so increasing the load can cause a serious malfunction in their work. Also think about the fact that carbonated drinks lead to bloating, as a result, both mother and baby experience discomfort.

Properties of beer and its influence

Malt and hops are used to make beer. Malt is formed as a result of artificial germination of barley grains. To increase the activity of malt, the grains are treated with superphosphate with sulfuric acid during the germination process. Hops belong to the hemp genus and cause a narcotic effect, in addition, hop cones contain plant hormones that are close to the female hormone estrogen, an excess of which during pregnancy leads to serious consequences. Their action can provoke the failure of the current pregnancy and the development of infertility.

During the fermentation process, diacetyl is formed in beer, which in artificial form used in industry as a flavoring agent. Recent studies show that it reduces the production of liver enzymes responsible for removing heavy metals from the body.

Pediatricians around the world are unanimous in their opinion that women who do not give up beer during pregnancy give birth to children with insufficient body weight, developmental delays and mental problems. Alcohol has a destructive effect on the internal organs and reproductive system of the fetus, which can lead to further infertility of the child. The unfermented beer extract is almost entirely carbohydrate, and therefore provokes a serious weight gain in a pregnant woman, which in turn can cause anomalies and complicate childbirth.

Why non-alcoholic beer can harm?

Most people are sure that non-alcoholic beer is completely safe and even healthy, so it successfully replaces the classic drink. However, such a delusion can harm your baby, so we are in a hurry to destroy a dangerous myth. In fact, non-alcoholic beer can cause even more harm, because the lack of alcohol is compensated by flavorings, which at best can cause an allergic reaction, and at worst are carcinogens.

Beautiful, lush foam, which is so popular with customers, is formed due to cobalt salts, dangerous topics, which weaken the heart muscle (including in the baby), cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system and increase the risk of developing cancer. Dyes that are added to any beer contribute to the development of allergies and dysbacteriosis, make a woman excitable and nervous.

Today, there are several technologies for the production of non-alcoholic beer. The safest is a drink created on a natural basis, but it is quite difficult to find it in the store. Non-alcoholic beer contains a minimum of alcohol and phytoestrogens, which we talked about above. In order to turn beer into a soft drink, special yeast is used that does not release ethanol. Thus, the fermentation process is suppressed.

Some manufacturers prefer to thermally evaporate ethyl alcohol from the finished product, and so as not to get lost taste qualities, many flavors, flavor enhancers and beer concentrates are added to it. It turns out that high-quality natural beer is much safer for the health of any person than an imitation called "non-alcoholic beer."

Preservatives nutritional supplements and fragrances often cause allergies, promote the development of oncology, harm the heart and affect the hormonal background, so carefully study the composition before making a purchase. It is possible that when you see the label, you want something more useful and natural.

Several reasons to refuse

Doctors warn that the harm caused by drinking alcohol during pregnancy may not be noticeable immediately, but may manifest itself both after two years and after ten years. At the same time, you will not even connect the problems that have arisen with a glass of beer that you indulged in while you were carrying a baby. It is clear that deviations can be small and manifest themselves to varying degrees, but the proven facts cannot be denied. The systematic consumption of beer can lead to such consequences in a child:

  • Craniofacial deformities (strabismus, short upper lip, cleft palate, underdevelopment of the lower jaw, flattening of the occiput)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys
  • Limb defects
  • Growth and Development Retardation

The effect of alcohol on the body of the fetus is called teratogenic or deforming, which means that alcohol disfigures the unborn baby externally and internally. Don't be fooled that a glass of wine or beer can't hurt your baby. In fact, the products presented in our stores are mostly of dubious quality, stuffed with chemical additives and preservatives, so they cannot be called useful even with a stretch, but they bring serious harm. Drinking beer causes such consequences in a pregnant woman:

  • Possible miscarriage, premature birth
  • Placental abruption
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Future infertility
  • Edema, sudden weight gain
  • Complications during childbirth
  • The risk of mental disorders in a child, aggressiveness, mental disorders
  • Predisposition to alcohol dependence in a child in the future
  • Low immunity and impaired adaptive abilities of the baby
  • Malformations of the physical development of the child

What to do when you want beer so much that you can’t sleep or think about something else? If you don’t have the strength to endure at all, then choose expensive natural beer and carefully study the composition of the drink. Drink in small sips, slowly and thoughtfully, and do not pounce and drink the whole glass in one gulp. A few small sips are enough to dull the urge. But it is better to find an alternative to alcohol, eat foods containing vitamin B and calcium, such as meat, offal, greens, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

A woman who used a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages before pregnancy often becomes discouraged at the thought of having to give up them for as much as 9 months. After all, alcohol helps to relax, feel at home in the company, have fun and enjoy life. Not everyone will agree to freshly squeezed juice as a full-fledged replacement for beer while sitting in a pub with friends.

However, doctors will strictly forbid you alcohol-containing products first. Any physician will say that alcohol consumption threatens the risks of intrauterine growth for the fetus, and in some cases provokes a miscarriage or early delivery. Responsible future mothers prefer to play it safe and wait in the wings until the baby is born.

Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer

But in some overly impatient heads, another thought is born - and not whether to try non-alcoholic beer. It does not taste different from ordinary and can bring the same sensations. In this case, the gestated organism will not suffer at all.

However, pregnant girls are afraid to open it without the doctor's permission. But even in a gynecological clinic it is embarrassing to ask such questions, and acquaintances unanimously claim that they did not deny themselves during pregnancy in intoxicating mash from time to time and gave birth to a completely healthy baby.

Can such words be trusted? After all, there is a delayed effect, and a seemingly normal child suddenly becomes ill in adolescence due to the fact that his mother consumed "safe" hops at the time of pregnancy.

In addition, we are all different, and it is extremely difficult to predict the consequences of drinking. Women who suffer from alcoholism often give birth to exemplary children. Conversely, pregnant women who diligently follow medical prescriptions are not immune from babies with disabilities.

How non-alcoholic beer is made

Calling their drink non-alcoholic, manufacturers are cunning. The "alternative" version contains 0.5-1.5% alcohol. This is not much, but you must take into account the fragility and vulnerability of the new organism developing in your stomach. A small dose can go straight to your baby, bypassing the placenta. A woman bearing a fetus for all 9 months shares with him not only joys, but also the harmful substances that she uses.

Therefore, in the first 12-13 weeks of fetal development, one cannot even think not only about beer, but also about kefir, and be extremely careful about medications. In the first trimester, the future person undergoes intensive, literally daily and hourly formation of vital internal and external organs. In recent months, the unique system has been improved, the bookmark has been completed.

After the birth of the baby, if you have chosen to breastfeed, give up alcohol in any of its varieties and quantities. The formation of an allergy to non-alcoholic mash in a child is quite possible, or simply problems of digestion of food and the so-called "baby colic". When taking antibiotics, it is better not to drink an intoxicating drink, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be destroyed.

The composition of non-alcoholic beer

When talking about the risks of non-alcoholic beer during gestation, one must keep in mind not only the percentage of alcohol, but also the composition of the product. The problem is that all types of beer contain the same beneficial and harmful elements. For example, the stabilizing substance of the product is cobalt, which acts on humans as a dangerous toxin. Firstly, the amount of cobalt in Braga is 10 times higher than the normative human dose. Secondly, the stabilizer triggers the mechanism of inflammation in the stomach and esophagus, weakens the heart.

Experts in the field of narcology argue that addiction to beer, including with a low percentage of alcohol, can be the beginning of a real alcohol addiction. The desire to drink is formed regardless of the percentage of alcohol in the bottle you choose. Moreover, after starting with light drinks, people often tend to move on to higher alcohol.

Non-alcoholic beer harm

Let's take a sober look at things, rejecting the advertising calls of interested manufacturers. It is clear that modern products sold in stores in beautiful packages are not freshly prepared. On the contrary, they have a long shelf life due to a variety of preservatives of unknown origin. Braga is no exception. A prudent mother will not expose her unborn child to a strong "chemical" attack.

In addition, the traditional snack - dried fish, salted crackers, chips, shrimp - retain water in the body. For pregnant women, this is especially dangerous, since many, even on the right diet, are prone to edema. You can not eat salty foods with a lot of spices, especially being in the last trimester. Your weight in this case will grow too quickly.

Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer?

Drinks saturated with gas are strongly not recommended during pregnancy. They lead to bloating and colic, from which mother and fetus suffer. Ersatz drinking not only negatively affects the heart and digestive tract. There is a greater risk of developing malignant tumors. And so ask yourself the question - does a glass even with the most golden foam and pleasant taste deserve such sacrifices? Especially if the health of your beloved child can be sacrificed.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated. Everyone knows this. Alcohol can provoke miscarriage and premature birth, change the course of the normal development of the fetal body and turn an initially healthy baby into a sick one with various deformities.

It is no secret that children born to mothers who have abused high-alcohol drinks are potential alcoholics, that is, there are high chances that in the distant future they will also become addicted to alcohol.

Women who care about the fetus always refuse vodka, wine, champagne, cognac and other alcohol-containing compounds, but often do not know what to do with beer, which is positioned by manufacturers as non-alcoholic.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy - is it possible or not

As the name suggests, non-alcoholic beer does not contain a drop of alcohol. It turns out that it is no more harmful than regular soda. But not everything is so simple. Pregnancy and non-alcoholic beer are generally a controversial topic.

The fact is that it is impossible to evaporate alcohol from this drink by 100%, so from 0.5 to 1% it still remains. And this is a risk for the unborn child.

In the production of non-alcoholic beer, different methods are used. The most common:

  • the use of yeast that does not emit ethyl alcohol, due to which the fermentation processes stop at the stage when the degree of the foamy drink has increased by the slightest;
  • evaporation of ethyl alcohol from real beer by heat treatment i.e. heating up to a certain temperature. Due to this, the taste of the drink deteriorates greatly. To compensate for this, manufacturers add to it a lot of various chemical concentrates and aromatic compounds.

Beer during pregnancy

So it turns out that harmless, seemingly non-alcoholic beer is either a mixture of harmful chemicals that a future mother should hardly use, or the result of artificial yeast, which is also not very good. Therefore, doctors answer the question of whether non-alcoholic beer is possible during pregnancy in different ways:

  • yes, if you really want to, but no more than one glass and no more than once a month;
  • not if in large volumes and often.

If a pregnant woman wants to take a couple of sips of beer, then, of course, it is better for her to give preference to a soft drink. It is not necessary to abuse it during the period of bearing a child, comforting yourself with the thought that it is absolutely safe or even beneficial for the fetus - this is a lie.

Edema is formed due to beer

Why You Shouldn't Drink Non-Alcoholic Pregnancy Beer

Speaking about the need to refuse non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy, gynecologists and geneticists argue their thoughts with the following arguments:

  • In beer, in addition to water, hops and malt, there are a huge number of different chemicals. They are harmful to the fragile body of the fetus, and the mother will not bring any benefit.
  • Beer, no matter what - non-alcoholic or containing ethyl alcohol, has a pronounced diuretic effect. For expectant mothers, it is undesirable, since they already suffer from frequent urination. Moreover, a foamy drink heavily loads the kidneys, and during pregnancy this paired organ works in an enhanced mode, so doctors do not advise testing it for strength - it is fraught kidney failure, fluid retention in the body. If a woman develops edema, not far off and arterial hypertension, as well as associated headaches. All this together in the most unfavorable way affects the condition of the fetus.
  • Beer contains a large number of calories, due to which weight gain is accelerated. And neither the baby nor his mother needs obesity.
  • Non-alcoholic beer contains a lot of gases that contribute to bloating and worsening of the gastrointestinal tract. The pain experienced by the mother in such a situation is transmitted to the baby. In addition, a large accumulation of gases often leads to uterine tone, and this is already a threat of miscarriage or hypoxia.
  • With the frequent use of non-alcoholic beer by a pregnant woman, the cardiovascular system may fail.
  • If a woman has liver problems, any alcohol is completely contraindicated for her.
  • Beer contains cobalt, which is responsible for the stabilization process. At unscrupulous manufacturers its percentage may be several times higher than the maximum allowable dose. This chemical element leads to malfunctions of the heart, contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases of the stomach.
  • The soft drink contains hops, which contains phytoestrogen. The entry of the latter into the body of the expectant mother is highly undesirable. A sharp increase in the level of phytoestrogen can cause mental and physical pathologies of fetal development, hormonal failure. Also named hormone - a provocateur of the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Beer promotes weight gain

Another reason to give up any beer for nine months is that while drinking it, there is often a desire to eat something salty or spicy, for example, chips, crackers, salted fish. All these harms to the expectant mother are useless. After eating them, edema may form.

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first 12 obstetric weeks are the most crucial period in the development of the fetus. At this time, the laying of internal organs takes place, therefore it is very important that no adverse external factors affect the woman's body.

Drinking beer in the first trimester is completely contraindicated

Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer in the second trimester

The period from 3 to 6 months of pregnancy is considered the easiest and most enjoyable for the expectant mother. Her body has already adapted to the increased load, the toxicosis has receded. The tummy is not yet so large as to interfere with movement and leading a habitual lifestyle. In addition, closer to the 18th obstetric week, the placenta is fully formed. Consequently, many harmful substances will not be able to penetrate from the mother's body to the fetus.

But this does not mean that a pregnant woman can eat and drink whatever she wants. Alcohol easily passes through the placental barrier at any time. Therefore, non-alcoholic beer can still harm the baby. Speaking about the possibility of its use in the second trimester, doctors warn: "Undesirable, but if you really want to, you can drink quite a bit."

Beer in the second trimester

Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic beer in the third trimester

In the third trimester, the body of the fetus is almost completely formed. Now the crumbs can only improve and gain weight, so that after the birth, they can easily cope with the difficulties of the adaptation period.

Ethyl alcohol still has a bad effect on the health and well-being of the unborn baby, so the expectant mother should not treat non-alcoholic beer as ordinary water. In addition, closer to childbirth, the risk of preeclampsia increases, the fluid is more slowly excreted from the body, and this can lead to serious complications.

Sources of B vitamins

What to do if you really want beer

Doctors explain the strong desire to drink beer during pregnancy with a lack of B vitamins in the body of the expectant mother (of course, we are not talking about women who suffer from alcoholism). If you start taking a vitamin complex and include in your diet Rye bread, bran, nuts, then it is quite possible that the craving for a foamy drink will disappear by itself.

Harm of alcohol during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not drink alcoholic beverages. Even a glass of wine that seems harmless can negatively affect a child's development. Through the placenta, any drink enters the body of the baby. Alcohol, together with its decay products, can lead to spasms of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, which causes oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Drinking alcohol can also cause:

  • miscarriage in the early stages;
  • violations of growth, development of organs and systems of the fetus;
  • damage to the heart and other organs of the baby;
  • development of anomalies and pathologies in a child;
  • behavioral changes in the child;
  • violations of physical and mental development;
  • premature birth at a later date.

Do not forget that there is no single safe dose of alcohol. Not only the constant use of alcoholic beverages can harm, but also a few grams drunk only once.

Features of non-alcoholic beer

When drinking non-alcoholic beer, you need to remember that there is still a small percentage of alcohol in it. The drink contains an average of 0.5-1% alcohol. This is due to the process of making such beer. When beer zero is produced, the yeast begins to ferment and the malt granulated sugar is transformed into alcohol.

The composition of non-alcoholic beer:

  • malt;
  • water;
  • special yeast;
  • hop;
  • supplements of natural origin (berries, herbs, spices, etc.);
  • concentrates;
  • flavors.

How to make non-alcoholic beer:

  • the use of special brewer's yeast, which does not form ethyl alcohol during fermentation;
  • interruption of the fermentation process at a time when there is a minimum amount of alcohol in the drink;
  • making alcoholic beer and then evaporating all the alcohol from it.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have beer if it is non-alcoholic

Drinking non-alcoholic beer is not recommended for pregnant women. But there are some nuances in which you can afford a small amount. If a woman's need to drink an alcoholic drink becomes an obsession, it is better to drink some non-alcoholic beer than cognac or vodka. But it is imperative to study its composition, since they try to compensate for the lack of alcohol with chemical additives, which is also harmful to the body.

An important role is played by the duration of pregnancy. It largely depends on whether pregnant women can drink non-alcoholic beer:

  • in the first trimester, the laying of the organs and systems of the baby takes place, therefore it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, including non-alcoholic beer;
  • drinking non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy in the second trimester is allowed, but only if you really want to (the allowable amount is a can for 30 days);
  • in the third trimester, you can drink no more than a glass in 30 days.

If pregnant women want to drink beer too often, and it is impossible to cope with this desire, you need to inform the doctor about it. The use of questionable drinks must be treated with caution and in no case be abused. Non-alcoholic beer for pregnant women is allowed only in extreme cases.

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. There is evidence that soft drinks (including beer) may contain higher than expected amounts of ethanol. But even a small dose of alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical, cognitive and behavioral complications for the unborn child. The most severe form is fetal alcohol syndrome. Sign - dysmorphic facial features, growth retardation and severe disorders of psychomotor development. To date, there is no known safe threshold for drinking alcohol during pregnancy. It is for this reason that most clinicians recommend total abstinence from it.

Non-alcoholic beer when planning and during lactation

Pregnancy planning begins about six months before conception. At this time, a woman must prepare her body for bearing a baby, so that everything goes without complications and a healthy baby is born. Both the expectant mother and the future father should give up alcohol. But if there is a strong desire to drink a soft drink, you can afford one glass. The main thing is that future parents do not drink regularly and in large quantities.

If possible, the use of non-alcoholic beer should be avoided. Instead, you can drink kefir (which also contains some alcohol), fruit drink, chicory, natural fruit or berry juices. In the early stages, pregnant women should not drink non-alcoholic beer.

During lactation, it is dangerous to drink beer, even if it is non-alcoholic. Everything that a mother consumes enters the baby's body through breast milk. Even the minimum percentage of alcohol contained in non-alcoholic beer can adversely affect the health of a newborn.

The opinion of doctors and reviews of mothers

Doctors constantly focus on the fact that pregnant women are forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages. Even a small amount can harm a child. Do not recommend doctors to get involved and soft drinks, which still contain a small percentage of alcohol and chemical additives.

You can harm the baby or poison yourself with low-quality beer. To make it look like alcohol, flavors, concentrates, and flavors are added. Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy has a diuretic effect and can cause dehydration.

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