Home Salads and appetizers Whole grain buns without yeast recipe. Whole grain buns. Why dietary fiber is important

Whole grain buns without yeast recipe. Whole grain buns. Why dietary fiber is important

About the benefits whole grain flour there is no need to say - the long-known postulates are firmly planted in the mind and do not raise questions, but here is the question whole wheat flour recipes for some reason is confusing. What to cook? Let's start with the fact that the usual wheat flour in any recipe can be partially and even completely replaced with whole grain (observing, of course, the consistency of the dough). In addition, there are a lot recipes with whole wheat flour, we just usually do not pay attention to them and do not think about whether they are worth implementing.

V Soviet times whole grain flour was better known as "feed flour" - it was used mainly for feeding livestock and producing animal feed. However, gradually the usefulness of whole grain flour outweighed the scales that compared wholemeal flour with ordinary white flour - and today more and more people who think about healthy eating prefer this type of flour.

Recipe for whole grain buns will definitely make you happy! Baking is soft, tender, very rich in taste and pleasant in structure.


350 g of ordinary wheat flour;

150 g whole grain wheat flour;

1.5 tsp yeast;

200 ml of warm water;

150 ml of warm milk;

1 st. l. salt;

1 st. l. honey;

30 g butter.

Pour warm milk and warm water into a bowl of sufficient volume (the temperature is about 36 degrees: a finger dipped into the liquid will feel a pleasant comfortable warmth).

Pour the yeast, leave for 7-10 minutes to activate.

In the meantime, sift the required amount of wheat flour.

Measure out whole wheat flour.

When the yeast swelled and began to "play", add butter, honey, salt to the warm liquid.

Lightly mix the contents of the bowl with a spoon, leave for 10-15 minutes for autolysis.

Knead a slightly sticky, but rather elastic dough.

We collect the dough into a ball, put it in a bowl, cover with a towel or cling film and put it in a warm place until it doubles in size. I ran a little - my dough was a little overstayed, but this did not affect the taste.

Punch down the dough and place on a work surface.

We divide into 8-10 equal parts.

We round each piece, put it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel, put in a warm place for proofing.

Before putting in the oven, make a cross cut on each bun.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Buns are unreal!

Fragrant, juicy, soft, very characteristic and bright.

Prepare by all means!

Whole wheat flour buns

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Nevertheless, he could not resist and again took up baking bread, despite the intense heat. I got up early, kneaded the dough, and had whole-wheat buns ready for breakfast. Soft thin crust, tender crumb, small, neat - can you buy such in a store ?! I made a yeast dough on a dough, and so that the buns in the oven rise well and keep their shape, I added wheat flour. The peculiarity of whole grain flour is that it has little gluten, so it is recommended to add white flour for splendor.

To make whole-grain buns even tastier and healthier, seeds, nuts, and cereals are added to the dough. I don’t have any additives in the dough; I sprinkled the blanks with sesame and flaxseed before baking.


To make whole grain buns you will need:

  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l;
  • warm water - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • pressed fresh yeast - 15 g.
  • water (warm up a little) - 0.5 cups;
  • wheat flour - 120 g;
  • whole grain flour - 150 g;
  • mustard oil or any vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • flax seeds and sesame seeds - for sprinkling.

How to make wholemeal flour buns. Recipe

Fresh yeast crumble smaller. I rub with fine salt and sugar to the consistency of a liquid slurry.

I heat the water, the temperature is slightly warmer than room temperature. I fill in the yeast and sift three tablespoons of white flour for quick maturation of the dough.

I stir, the dough must be made homogeneous. The thickness is like sour cream, not thicker. For simple baking, it is quite enough to make a liquid dough, which does not need to stand for a long time. I cover, put in heat for 20-25 minutes.

As soon as bubbles appear and the dough has increased two to three times, I stir it and add the necessary products one by one.

I add another half cup of warm water. wheat flour I sift through a fine sieve. Whole grains do not need to be sifted. I add one and the second to the dough.

I chat with the dough, pour vegetable oil. I advise you to try mustard - any pastries on it are lush and tasty.

I knead the dough. Unlike butter, it does not need to be kneaded for a long time. After 7-8 minutes, you will get a soft, dense bun. I return it to the bowl, cover and let it rise.

The dough stood warm for a little over an hour. But you need to look not only in time, but how much has grown. I knead and start shaping buns.

I divide the bun in half. Then each part into 4-6 pieces, depending on the size of the buns.

A little about shaping. The dough is not very plastic, so you should not come up with any complex shapes, it is better to make simple round buns. So that the top is smooth, and there are no voids inside, I flatten it into a cake and wrap the edges inward. I pinch the seam.

Turning the seam down, I roll it up slightly, covering it with a bent palm. It will turn out such round buns as in the photo.

I transfer to a baking sheet covered with paper, cover with a towel or cling film. I put it on the stove and turn on the oven. While it warms up to 200 degrees, the buns will grow a little.

Before baking, I grease each blank with warm water (or tea, milk), sprinkle with a mixture of sesame seeds and flaxseeds.

I rearrange the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Whole grain flour buns are baked in the oven for 17-20 minutes. Since the dough is darkish, you need to look at how browned and not bring to brown.

I'm on the opposite side. I leave as much as I need for breakfast, put the rest in a container and put it in the refrigerator or in a locker. They say that whole-grain buns tolerate freezing well, but I haven’t tried it myself, our pastries don’t stale.

In my opinion, whole wheat buns are a great substitute for store-bought bread. You can make them big, like for hamburgers, or as small as mine. Happy baking! Your Plushkin.

Homemade whole wheat buns successfully replace bread in the lunch menu and become a great addition to breakfast. Products are filled with air, delight with taste, porous fracture, delicate crumb and the ability to fantasize with the filling. Cut in half, buttered, added a slice of cheese, ham and tomato - got a delicious sandwich. put meat patty, added sauce, cucumbers - and in front of us is a hearty hamburger.

It's no secret that bakery products whole grain flour is much healthier than pastries consisting solely of first grade flour. We offer to take care of the most ardent lovers of quick snacks - students and schoolchildren. We replace dubious purchased fast food with good-quality homemade sandwiches, no less attractive and appetizing! Or just serve delicious and healthy buns for soups and broths.


  • milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • fast-acting dry yeast - 5 g;
  • whole wheat flour - 450 g;
  • wheat flour of the first grade - about 250 g;
  • sesame - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.
  1. In a large working bowl, sift all the whole grain flour and 100 g of regular flour (we will introduce the rest of the portion with manual kneading). Add instant yeast, sugar and salt. We mix.
  2. We heat the milk and water to a warm (about 37 degrees) state, pour in the dry ingredients. The liquid should not be hot - high temperature destroys the yeast.
  3. Stir the still sticky and viscous mass with a spoon or by hand.
  4. We take out the oil in advance from the cold, keep it at room temperature until softened. Cut the melted bar into arbitrary pieces and add to the dough.
  5. Stir the butter fragments into the flour mass until a homogeneous texture is obtained.
  6. Transfer the contents of the bowl to a work surface. Lightly dust with flour, knead thoroughly by hand for about 10 minutes. The dough should be very soft, "obedient", not sticking to the palms. If necessary, we increase the dosage of flour, but we strive not to clog the mass so that the buns come out tender, not dry. It is better to leave the dough a little sticky than to overdo it.
  7. We roll the mass into a kolobok, place it back in a bowl and leave it in a warm place for about an hour (until it doubles in size). You can put it on the battery, cover it with a blanket, etc.
  8. Punch down the risen dough, take it out of the bowl and divide into 12-14 equal pieces. Roll into balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave some space between the pieces of dough - the buns will increase in volume.
  9. Covering with a towel, leave the baking sheet with the blanks warm for another 40 minutes. Then grease the surface of the products with water and generously sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  10. We put a baking sheet with “grown up” buns in an oven heated to 200 degrees. After 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 180 and bake the products for about 20-25 minutes (until a slight blush).
  11. Serve ready-made whole-grain flour buns with main courses instead of bread or cut horizontally and form sandwiches.

Bon Appetit!

Once I published this recipe in my LiveJournal, but it has long been lost on the Internet. It’s a pity, because egg-free yeast-free buns are a great alternative to store-bought bread, which many simply need. In addition, it is much more pleasant for some mothers to cook something for their relatives with their loving hands than to buy ready-made products, it is not known by whom and how they are made. Therefore, I am again sharing with you a recipe that has helped and continues to help mothers who care about the healthy nutrition of their children!

Why is store bought bread bad?

Let's start with the fact that the harm of white flour is undeniable! Not only do we get lifeless dust after processing wheat grain, but it also contains the notorious gluten. Are you allergic to gluten? Gluten is not for you? I hasten to disappoint! Gluten is about us all! This trick was invented only so that the people could safely continue to eat wheat products (plus oats and rye) without hesitation. Whatever they say, gluten was, is and always will be a foreign protein for our body! And a gluten-free diet is not just a newfangled trend, but a really important and beneficial solution for the health of your body!

By the way, have you noticed what a strong drug it is? It can be safely put on a par with coffee, chocolate and even tobacco! For example, I have greatly reduced the amount of wheat products in my diet, but I can’t completely refuse them .... The body requires these empty carbohydrates. And children love flour! I am sure that if not with you, then in your environment there will definitely be at least one child who eats bagels, cookies, bread and crackers from morning to evening, refusing to eat normal food, and parents complain and do not know what to do and how to feed your child...

Friends, do not buy your children all this! Don't introduce them to white flour! It is understandable that one day they will try unhealthy baked goods, but delay this moment as long as possible. Believe me, by this you do not deprive the child of joy - on the contrary, you preserve his health! Even if your child already knows what white flour, then reduce dishes from it in your FAMILY diet! I focus on the word “family”, since it is wrong to eat separately from the child. After all, it is you who buy with your own hands what you yourself later don’t know how to save your children from.

What can we do so as not to injure ourselves and our psyche? First, we must understand and acknowledge that there really is a problem. Secondly, at first in all flour products, which we prepare ourselves, we will add bran, thus increasing the benefits of the product. Thirdly, if we buy bakery products in the store, we try to choose those that are yeast-free and, if possible, from whole grains. rye flour. Yes, this is not a French baguette for you ... But what can you do? Who said it would be easy? It is very difficult to get rid of such a drug ... I hope everyone who reads me knows about the harm of thermophilic yeast and there is no need to explain why it is a poison. Please note that I am talking about thermophilic, and not about live yeast, this is a fundamental difference. Read the composition always! Even bagels and pita bread contain yeast (by the way, there are also unleavened pita bread on sale). Fourth, crackers and toast can at least sometimes be replaced with raw bread. They can be prepared very tasty, and the variety of recipes is amazing!

In the meantime, if you really like white bread, I advise you to start your acquaintance with healthy flour products with this recipe! Yeast-free buns will be enjoyed by the whole family. They are good as a substitute for bread, and as a full-fledged independent dish.


- 350 g flour,

- 300 g of yogurt (kefir, sour cream, whey - what is in the refrigerator),

- 80 g butter,

- 1 tsp salt,

- 2 tsp sugar (if you like it sweeter, add a tablespoon a spoonful of sugar),

- 2 tsp baking powder (can be replaced with slaked soda, 1 tsp),

- Dried fruits, nuts optional.


Mix flour with salt, baking powder and sugar. In a separate bowl, mix yogurt with softened butter. Partially adding flour there, knead the dough. The dough will be sticky. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and divide into 8-12 equal pieces. We form a bun from each part and put it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. You can also use a muffin mold, having previously greased the molds with oil.

Personally, my dough turns out to be thick, but not enough to knead it with my hands, so after mixing everything thoroughly, I put it in molds with a tablespoon. Next, place the future buns in an oven preheated to 180 - 200 degrees (consider the features of your oven). Buns are baked very quickly, literally in 20 - 25 minutes. For me, it’s the most delicious on kefir! And whey also turns out delicious. I usually make buns with flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top ...

The dish is ready to go! The next day, the buns, however, are “tanned”, so it’s better, of course, to eat them fresh ... But you can reheat them in the oven or microwave if you use (we stopped using the microwave a long time ago), and the buns will become as fresh! And I also add obligatory bran to the dough, that is, I put not 350 grams of flour, but 250! The remaining 100 grams are bran. In the central market, they are ridiculously cheap! A huge package can be bought for 7-10 lei.

I wish you all good luck in the difficult struggle for your health! And ... bon appetit!

Yeast-free egg-free buns instead of bread was last modified: June 11th, 2017 by admin

Soft buns that go well with jam, butter, cheese. They are a great substitute for regular bread.

250 gr. wheat flour
250 gr. whole grain flour
50 ml. vegetable oil
300 ml. water
1 tsp instant dry yeast
1 tsp Sahara
1 tsp salt
1 tsp honey
handful of sunflower seeds
milk for brushing the buns

When kneading the dough by hand, combine all dry ingredients - flour, sugar, yeast. Mix well.
Dissolve honey in water. Add some water and vegetable oil to the dry part. Gradually stir in some of the flour mixture.
Add salt and pour in the remaining water and vegetable oil. Knead the dough and knead it until it becomes elastic. The dough should not be too dense or sticky to your hands.
After the dough is kneaded, transfer it to a deep cup, cover with a towel and leave for two hours. During this time, the rising dough must be precipitated several times.
If the dough is kneaded in a bread machine, lay the products according to the instructions and turn on the dough mode.
Depending on the quality of the flour, less or more water may be needed, so check the density of your dough.

Roll the dough into equal balls.
Lay the buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Put the baking sheet in the turned off oven under the lamp so that the buns rise slightly.

Before baking, brush the buns with milk and sprinkle with sunflower seeds.

Bake the buns in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30-40 minutes (the exact time depends on the type and power of your oven).


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