Home Product Ratings Morse from frozen cranberries for a child recipe. How to make delicious cranberry juice. Recipe for cranberry and currant juice

Morse from frozen cranberries for a child recipe. How to make delicious cranberry juice. Recipe for cranberry and currant juice

It is difficult to find a berry healthier than cranberries. It contains so many vitamins and minerals that it breaks all records for a positive effect on the human body. Such a drink is especially useful during the period colds when it is very important to support the body, and vitamins from the external environment are not enough. Many housewives go to the trick - they freeze the berries, and in the winter they cook an incredibly healthy fruit drink. Today we will look at how to cookcranberry juice, frozen berries recipesuitable for any time of the year and does not depend on the season.

Cranberries are famous for their record content of vitamin C, in this criterion it is ahead of even lemons and oranges. In addition, this miracle berry contains all the B vitamins, calcium, iron, sodium and much more. This is not only a big plus, but also a small disadvantage, since after heat treatment useful material may lose their properties. In this regard, the preparation of cranberry juice should be approached with greater responsibility.

  1. It is important to observe correct proportions at the time of preparation. To get a fruit drink with a rich taste, it is necessary that the cranberry juice in it be at least 30% of the total volume of the drink.
  2. If you prefer sweet juice and plan to add honey to it, then do it after cooking. The drink should be at room temperature, so the honey will dissolve perfectly and will not lose its properties. useful properties.
  3. Frozen berries must be thawed before cooking. It is important that the process is as natural as possible. Ideally, the berries must first be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator compartment and after 5-6 hours, take it out from there for further defrosting when room temperature.
  4. To obtain original taste spicy herbs and other components can be added to the fruit drink at the time of cooking. For example, mint, lemon or cinnamon.
  5. It is important to carefully monitor the quality of the raw materials used. Spoiled berries are not at all suitable for fruit drinks. Also, if cranberries after defrosting long time waited in the wings, it is better to leave the idea. Sour berries will only spoil the impression and will not give any benefit.

Cranberry juice: recipes from frozen berries

There are quite a few recipes for cranberry juice. As mentioned above, various fruits and spices can be added to the drink, which changes the taste and makes the fruit drink unique. We bring to your attention, the most successful, in our opinion, ways of preparing a healthy fruit drink.

Cranberry juice without heat treatment

Many are categorically against cooking and, in general, defrosting berries. And they are right, because after the cranberries thaw and then are additionally cooked, almost all useful substances will cease to be such. The maximum benefit is preserved only under the condition of quick and deep freezing and storage in a vacuum.

To prepare a drink with maximum benefit for the body, prepare it according to this recipe.

  1. Grind frozen berries in a blender.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a container with water at room temperature and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add sugar or honey for more usefulness.
  4. Leave the drink for one hour, then mix thoroughly.

This is the simplest and most usefulcranberry juice (recipe from frozen berries)ready to use. By the way, the same drink can be prepared in the harvest season. fresh berries OK.

Classic recipe

This recipe is the most common. It does not contain additives or additional ingredients. Everything is simple and tasteful.


  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • frozen cranberries - 200 gr.;
  • water - 2 l.

The amount of sugar, if desired, can be reduced or completely replaced with honey. But in this case, the sweetness must be added after the juice has cooled down.

To prepare, we wait for the berry to completely thaw and rinse it under running water. A colander is perfect, the berries will not crumple in it. Wait for the water to drain from the berries and mash them. You can grind them in a blender. Then the resulting mass must be filtered through cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it. So all unnecessary components, seeds and skins of the berry are removed, and the fruit drink will turn out without impurities. You can also separate the juice through a juicer, if any. In this case, the berries are immediately sent to it.

Pour the juice into a glass container, and the cake is poured with water and brought to a boil. You do not need to boil for a long time, one minute is enough for this. Immediately after boiling, add sugar and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Remove the broth from the stove and leave to brew for half an hour. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and combined with juice.

Cranberry juice with rose hips

Another no less useful berry- rose hip. It concentrates no less benefit that can support the body during its weakening period. Therefore, the benefits of such an alliance are twofold.


  • cranberries - 500 gr.;
  • rosehip - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 l.

The same is true with sugar. If you do not eat it, then you can safely exclude it from the composition, and then add honey for sweetness.Cranberry juice according to the recipe from frozen berriesand rosehip is obtained with a special touch of taste that many will like.

Long time to cook the cake is not worth it. Simply bring to a boil and dissolve the sugar. In general, no longer than a minute in order to preserve the beneficial substances to the maximum. It is also necessary to mix liquids at temperatures not higher than room temperature so that the benefits of the juice are not lost.

The list of recipes can go on for a long time. You can add lemon to cranberries, which will betray not only the unique taste, but also the aroma. An excellent combination will give cranberry juice with orange and cinnamon, ginger will also be a great addition. Some housewives make cranberry juice with carrot juice. With due imagination, each housewife can come up with her own unique recipe by mixing the ingredients that the household likes.

Now you know how to cookcranberry juice: a recipe for frozen berries.In addition to the incredible benefits, there are some contraindications. You can not drink it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pregnant women in the first trimester. The latter can consult a doctor on this issue.

Morse was and remains the best berry drink - we adhere to this opinion even among the variety of newfangled smoothies, fresh juices, tonics and other healthy and "clean" foods. And among the raw materials for fruit drinks, the pedestal of the leader is occupied by cranberries: the most useful, valuable and surrounded by legends berries. The assortment of fresh bars and sports cafes is amazing, but as soon as you make cranberry juice, all gourmet delights recede into the background. The taste, aroma and special property of fruit drinks appear, which can be described as an aftertaste of comfort and goodness.

Perhaps it is for these reasons that fruit drinks are traditionally included in the diet. baby food, as well as in therapeutic diets, menus for pregnant women, young mothers and everyone who needs strength, energy and health. It is difficult to find a more effective and at the same time tasty medicine of natural origin. And why look, if you can cook cranberry juice yourself, at home, from natural and high-quality ingredients. Recipe berry juice surprisingly simple and affordable even at home.

What is morse? Composition, benefits and types of fruit drink
Questions about Morse can be asked either by a foreigner, or by a very young compatriot. Everyone else probably knows and loves the taste of this traditional Russian drink made from berries since childhood. At first and even at a second glance, there is nothing special in fruit drink: well, just think, a drink without pulp and even non-carbonated. But the bright taste of berries, rare and therefore especially tasty, makes fruit drink an unforgettable and very desirable delicacy even for children who eat with whims. Parents of such fastidious people simply do not rejoice at the opportunity to drink their child. useful fruit drink from cranberries.

Just imagine that all the valuable qualities of fresh cranberries are preserved in fruit drink. And this is nothing less than a record high content of ascorbic acid in a unique combination with vitamins K, PP and group B. Cranberry juice, like cranberries, contains a significant amount of iron, iodine, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Organic acids are immediately represented by citric, malic, ursolic and benzoic, and pectins and fruit sugars complement this composition. Such a mass of nutrients makes cranberry juice extremely effective means for the prevention and rapid elimination of beriberi, inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. Cranberry juice is useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, and urolithiasis.

Cranberry juice has proven effectiveness against staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and even Vibrio cholerae. In addition, it is a strong diuretic, antipyretic, vasoconstrictor and a powerful antioxidant. As for other berries, fruit drinks are also prepared from lingonberries, cloudberries, currants - but cranberries surpass them in healing and nutritional qualities. Therefore, try to cook fruit drinks more often, even from frozen cranberries, if fresh ones are in short supply.

How to cook frozen cranberry juice?
Cranberry juice is especially needed in winter and early spring, when the amount of vitamins in the body drops dramatically. But it is at this time that fresh cranberries are simply not available. There is a way out: prepare a fruit drink from deep-frozen cranberries. This modern method of preserving products allows you to save the valuable qualities of berries. But only if the cranberries were frozen at the factory, once and not thawed until the very beginning of cooking. Such berries can be used according to this recipe:
Before use, add honey, but only to a cooled fruit drink. Increase or decrease the amount of sugar in the broth to your liking. If desired, add cinnamon, cloves, orange peel and other natural flavors.

How to cook cranberry juice for a child
Baby food should be as natural and fresh as possible, so it is advisable to cook fresh cranberry juice. But there are more benefits from such a drink:

  1. Carefully sort the berries by hand and rinse them twice with clean (preferably non-chlorinated) water.
  2. Instead of a blender, place the berries in a ceramic bowl or mortar and mash with a wood or stone pestle. Avoid contact of cranberries with metal.
  3. Strain the cranberry puree through a fine sieve or two or three layers of cheesecloth. Drain the liquid into a cup, and transfer the pulp to a ladle.
  4. Pour cranberries in a bucket of drinking purified water at the rate of 4 cups of water per 1 cup of fresh berries.
  5. Bring the contents of the ladle to a boil on the stove and cook over low heat for no longer than 5 minutes.
  6. Strain the resulting broth, discard the boiled cake this time, and add the juice left after squeezing fresh berries to the fruit drink.
When the juice has cooled to room temperature, add honey (not sugar!) to it and offer it to the baby. For toddlers under 3 years old, it is advisable to dilute cranberry juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and older children can be taken as assistants so that they learn to cook cranberry juice with you.

How to cook cranberry juice for a pregnant woman
The specific diet of pregnant women requires many nutrients, but it has no less limitations. Cranberry juice, fortunately, is not included in the list of forbidden foods (if there are no individual contraindications) and helps to strengthen the immune system, relieves swelling and even replaces synthetic drugs. Cooking it is simple, but it is important to consider the features:

  1. Rinse about half a kilo of fresh or freshly frozen cranberries with warm water, put in a saucepan and pour two liters of water.
  2. Bring the cranberries to a boil, lower the heat to medium-low, and simmer, skimming off the foam, for 10 minutes (the berries will start to pop in the broth by this point).
  3. Remove the cranberries with a slotted spoon or strain to separate the berries and leave the broth in the pan.
  4. Place a fine sieve of a suitable diameter on the pan, put the boiled berries in it and wipe them so that the juice flows down into the pan.
  5. Remove the sieve along with the cake, and mix the juice and pour into a non-metallic dish (jar, jug, etc.).
Add honey just before drinking fruit drink, in a portion glass. But do not overdo it with it (honey is a strong allergen), and drink a little fruit drink, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester). A high concentration of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, can cause hypervitaminosis, increase uterine tone and urine acidity.

How to cook cranberry juice with cystitis?
Cranberry juice has a strong diuretic effect. It is often prescribed as part of a diet during the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as to prevent the development of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the urinary tract. In all these and similar cases, cranberry juice prepared according to any of the above recipes will be effective. But there is another, accelerated method for making cranberry juice:

  1. For every 1 cup of berries, take 2 full tablespoons of natural honey (you can use sugar).
  2. Sort and rinse fresh cranberries, defrost frozen ones and rinse too.
  3. Put the berries and honey in a blender bowl and grind at maximum speed into a homogeneous puree.
  4. Transfer the cranberry puree to a glass or ceramic container and store in the refrigerator.
  5. To prepare fruit drink, dilute with water. Also add to tea, herbal decoctions and ready meals(cereals, casseroles, pancakes).
The benefits of cranberry juice are undeniable and widely known. However, even the best product, if used unwisely, can be harmful. Observe endurance, even if you really like cranberries, and do not drink more than 1 liter of fruit drink per day. Be sure to check with your doctor if you suffer from food allergies, urinary tract problems, and/or hyperacidity in the stomach. In all other cases, it is possible and necessary to prepare cranberry juice, and it is at home, where the drink will turn out to be more natural and of higher quality than the packaged one that is sold in large quantities in supermarkets. Be healthy with taste!

Cranberry juice is one of the most popular and beloved drinks! It can be boiled all year round using fresh or frozen berries. In winter and during the off-season, cranberry juice helps the body cope with a lack of vitamins. hot summer glass chilled drink with a slice of lemon or a leaf of mint perfectly quenches thirst and tones. In addition, cranberry juice does not contain preservatives, so it is great for baby food.

How to properly and tasty cook cranberry juice so that it retains all the benefits of berries, vitamins and nutrients? Firstly, you need to properly defrost the berries, mash and squeeze out all the juice from them, and only then cook the cranberries. Secondly, heat treatment should be minimal and sparing - then the fruit drink will not be digested, it will retain its beautiful color, aroma and all vitamins.

Traditionally, cranberry juice is brewed from berries and water with the addition of sugar, the amount of which can be adjusted to your liking, making the drink more or less sweet. Sometimes honey is used as a sweetener - floral or herbs are suitable, but it is better to refuse buckwheat honey, it will give the drink too harsh flavor. Cranberry juice can also be made with lemon juice or zest, adding cloves and a pinch of cinnamon for flavor.


  • cranberries 200 g
  • sugar 80 g
  • water 1 l

How to cook cranberry juice

Serve warm or completely chill the drink in the refrigerator.

In cold cranberry juice just before serving, it is advisable to add a few ice cubes and a couple of mint leaves. You can pour the drink into glasses or wine glasses decorated with a sugar edge.

On a note

Cranberry juice will be even more useful if you add rosehip broth to it. To do this, the wild rose must first be brewed (you can steam it in a thermos), let it brew for 6-8 hours and strain through gauze.

Cranberry juice is one of the most healthy drinks, but unlike various decoctions and energy drinks, the rules for its preparation are extremely simple. This article contains all sorts of recipes for this drink, from frozen berries to the most unpredictable options.

100 g of cranberry juice contains 28 kcal. The following tables show data for the same weight of product. The composition of the fruit drink from carbohydrates includes monosaccharides: glucose and fructose. Glucose gives a sweet taste to the product, so the drink becomes less acidic. It is worth noting the high content of vitamin B and potassium, which normalize the nervous system.

Composition of cranberry juice

In addition to the cranberry itself and its bioelements, cranberry juice consists of granulated sugar (the amount should not exceed 400 g per 200 g of cranberries) and water (the amount should not exceed 5000 g per 200 g of cranberries). If the amount of water or sugar goes beyond the optimal limit, then the drink will either be too diluted and not very tasty, or too sweet and unhealthy.

The benefits and harms of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice (the recipe for frozen berries is the most convenient and does not require special culinary skills) is of great benefit to the human body, affecting the work of various organs and processes. However, there are contraindications for the use of the drink in relation to some groups of people.

General properties and contraindications

Cranberry juice should be drunk in the presence of viral or infectious diseases. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The drink helps to strengthen the immune system of the body, supplementing it with useful macro- and microelements.

Morse is useful for the work of the heart muscles and the central nervous system. Cranberry itself regulates the digestive system, optimizing metabolic processes. One of the most effective properties of the drink is the regulation of the genitourinary system. A large amount of cranberry juice is recommended to drink with cystitis, various edema and other similar problems.

Cranberry juice helps with caries and other dental diseases. Cranberries contain a fairly large amount of calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel. This drink is one of the secondary means of fighting cancer cells. However, fruit drinks should not be drunk in diseases associated with heart pathologies, spasmodic pressure.

Cranberry juice is very useful

Its use is contraindicated in heartburn, acute gastritis, diabetes mellitus and so on. Those people who have poor blood clotting are also not recommended to drink such fruit drinks. In some cases, a doctor's consultation is required on this issue.

During pregnancy

For pregnant women, cranberry juice will be very useful, as it will replace a large amount of vitamins necessary for the unborn child. The embryo will have a large supply of all macronutrients, as well as strong immunity to infections and viruses. In the mother's body, the drink normalizes blood pressure and relieves swelling in the last months of pregnancy.

Cranberry juice is also useful during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should be given exclusively fruit drinks, and not the berries themselves, so that there is no allergy. It is strictly forbidden to use cranberry juice for mothers who suffer from allergic and chronic diseases of various parts of the digestive tract.

For expectant mothers, a fruit drink containing a small amount of honey will be useful. the drink has a calming effect and diuretic properties.

When breastfeeding

After the birth of a child and during breastfeeding mothers can introduce cranberry juice into their diet. Its numerous vitamins help the body recover after childbirth and contribute to its filling with nutrients.

You can not drink this drink if cranberries cause allergies, which is extremely rare. With all this, cranberries are simply necessary for a newly-made mother in the first months of feeding a child. Milk will come from cranberry juice, which will contain an additional amount of macronutrients. The use of such milk will contribute to the good health of the baby.

You should not consume fruit drinks or pure cranberries too often. This can negatively affect the metabolic processes of the mother and child. One or two times a day will be enough.


You can start giving cranberries and fruit drinks to a child when he is already used to porridge and mashed potatoes, that is, from about six months. A six-month-old baby should be given cranberry juice to strengthen immunity and maintain vitamin balance in his body.

Morse is especially useful for children

If a child has a noticeable tendency to allergies, then until he is one year old, cranberry juice should not be given. A healthy baby should not abuse fruit drinks either. You can also give the baby a diluted fruit drink, which will still provide invaluable help to the growing body.

For diabetes and cystitis

Cranberry juice can be drunk with type 2 diabetes. After drinking this drink in patients with this disease, digestion improves, the amount of edema and inflammation decreases. Also, this product helps to facilitate kidney work, which is also important for type 2 diabetes.

Cranberry juice goes well with the effect of antibacterial drugs and improves their work inside the body. This product accelerates tissue regeneration. Cranberry juice is considered one of the most effective means to combat diseases of the urinary system.

You can drink juice with diabetes

With cystitis and other similar problems, it is recommended to drink cranberry juices and fruit drinks. Vitamins and microelements contained in the drink prevent harmful bacteria from settling on the walls Bladder, resulting in a sharp decrease in the number of microbes.

Morse also contributes to the full recovery of the body after infections and replenishes the lost supply of vitamins and macronutrients. The action of the product begins almost immediately after consumption and lasts for 12 hours.

How to cook cranberry juice correctly

Cranberry juice (the recipe for frozen berries includes nuances for which you need to prepare in advance) requires certain rules.

To improve the quality and taste of the drink, as well as increase the productivity of preparation, you can follow the following instructions:

  • add to drink lemon juice, cinnamon or other ingredients that create a favorable taste and mild aroma;
  • Morse itself can be mixed with rosehip infusion. The beneficial effect will be even stronger and more effective;
  • to make the liquid sweeter, add more sugar or honey;
  • before the process of preparing cranberry juice, you should defrost the berries, or carefully process fresh ones so that you do not have to be distracted later;
  • similarly, you need to prepare the dishes and the necessary ingredients in advance.

Even if you follow these tips, you can get a cranberry juice that differs from its ordinary counterparts.

Cranberry juice recipes

The following recipes will help you quickly and efficiently prepare cranberry juice.

From fresh berries

This option is the classic and the simplest. The cooking process will take 1 hour.

Required Ingredients:

Step by step recipe:

  1. Initially, the berries are processed. They should be washed and dried, then gently rub in a mortar and squeeze out excess liquid through gauze.
  2. The berry mass must be transferred to a ladle and pour about two-thirds of it with water. Then turn on a strong fire and wait for the mixture to boil.
  3. After boiling the contents of the ladle, reduce the heat to low and hold the container on the stove for another 10 minutes. At the moment of boiling, add sugar to the liquid and stir the mixture.
  4. Next, you need to turn off the fire and cool the juice. Then comes the process of straining through a colander covered with gauze. As a result, pure cranberry juice with an optimal proportion of sugar remains in the container.

In this method, cranberries are not subjected to strong heat treatment, as a result of which most of their vitamins and trace elements are preserved.

From frozen cranberries

Cranberry juice (a recipe from frozen berries is presented below) turns out to be the most useful and tasty, since during freezing, cranberries almost completely retain their vitamin supply. The whole process will take 50 minutes (this time does not include pre-freezing of berries).

Cranberry juice can be prepared from frozen berries

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 450 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 7 tbsp. (quantity may vary).

Step by step recipe:

  1. After preliminary freezing, the berries must be placed in a ladle, without disturbing their firm and frosty state. Only then you need to pour sugar into the ladle and crush the frozen berries until the juice stands out.
  2. Next, you need to fill the resulting mass with water. Put the ladle on medium heat. It is important to heat the liquid to a slight boil (small bubbles will be noticeable). You can’t wait for the usual boil, otherwise the berries will lose their beneficial properties.
  3. After sufficient warming up of contents of a ladle, capacity can be removed from a plate. The future fruit drink should be allowed to cool down (20 minutes).
  4. Next, you need to carefully strain the fruit drink and give it a little more time to cool (5-10 minutes).

During the preparation of the drink in this way, the berries are not exposed to strong thermal effects and remain in a state of shock freezing (even while the ladle is on fire). This means that all useful substances are preserved and do not lose their qualities.


If you cook cranberry juice without sugar, then the drink will turn out with an acidic and sharp taste. Or sugar can be replaced with other aromatic products that will give a specific taste (mint, honey, cinnamon, and so on). It only takes 40 minutes.

Cranberry juice without sugar

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 500 g;
  • water - 2l;
  • additional ingredients - 50-100 g (at the discretion).

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients. Then carefully place the berries in the chopper and turn it on for 15 seconds. You can use a blender or mortar.
  2. Next, pour lemon juice (if any) into the chopper and stir it. You should get a viscous, but not very dense puree. Then the mixture must be poured into a saucepan filled with water.
  3. It is necessary to put the pan on medium heat and keep it on it for about 5 minutes. Then you need to remove the container from the stove and leave it for 5 minutes. for cooling.
  4. Then strain through a colander. You can add honey, mint or other additional ingredients to the finished fruit drink.

Without sugar, cranberry juice will turn out to be energy-intensive. It will be sour, but very useful and energetically powerful.

Without cooking

In this method, cranberries are not subjected to heat treatment at all, as a result of which it retains a full supply of vitamins and microelements. The whole process will take 2 to 3 hours.

Cranberry juice can be cooked without cooking

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 1.5-2 liters.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First, the berries must be carefully sorted out and washed. hot water, then rinse a second time, but already cold water.
  2. After that, it must be transferred to a container. Next, crush the berries and pour 1 glass of water into a container. Then you should mix the mixture and transfer it to gauze, which should be folded in several layers.
  3. Squeeze out the juice, and then repeat the steps indicated under points 1 and 2 twice. After that, you need to add the remaining water and mix the liquid well.

The result is cranberry juice, which contains a maximum of useful substances.

From cranberries and currants

With the addition of currant juice, a lot of nutritious and energetically powerful substances are added. It will take from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Cranberry and currant juice recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 250 g;
  • currant - 200 g;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar - 150-200 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Initially, the berries should be processed: wash, sort and strain so that the glass is excess liquid.
  2. Before starting the heat treatment, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the berries. Pour it into a container and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Transfer the pomace to a saucepan and place it over medium heat. Immediately add water and sugar. Then bring the liquid to a boil, and then remove the pan from the stove. It is important to allow the container to cool for a few minutes.
  4. Then strain the mixture and add the previously squeezed juice to it. Morse must be mixed well. The drink is fresh and invigorating.

Currant does not spoil the taste of cranberries, but only adds its flavors and qualities that contribute to good health of the body.

From cranberries and blueberries

Blueberries bring their vitamins and other beneficial substances to the composition of cranberry juice. The drink is even more invigorating than in previous versions. It will take 40 minutes to prepare.

A good combination for fruit drink is cranberries and blueberries

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 20 g;
  • blueberries - 1 tsp;
  • water - 180 g;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the blueberries and cranberries, and then pass them through a sieve or cheesecloth. Then the resulting mixture must be transferred to the pan.
  2. Put the pan on medium heat, then immediately pour water and sugar into it. Approximately 8 min. the liquid begins to boil, then you should turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.
  3. The container should cool down within 5 minutes. Morse can be cooled a little more, but it will be mostly ready.

Blueberries add both sweetness and acidity to the drink. Cranberry juice will turn out to be very harmonious in taste and useful in terms of substance content.

From cranberries and apples

Cranberry juice (a frozen berry recipe is used to make fruit drinks with some additives) - the drink is a bit sharp and sour. An apple will add freshness and sweetness to it, which will make the juice half turn into compote. The whole process will take 50 minutes.

Apples can also be added to cranberry juice

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 50 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Berries must be thoroughly washed and rubbed with sugar. The core should be cut out of the apples. Next, cut the apples into slices and put to the berry mass.
  2. Then pour the whole mixture into a saucepan and add water there. Place the container on medium heat.
  3. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat to low and leave the pan on the stove for another 30 minutes. Next, remove the pan from the stove.
  4. Strain the apple-cranberry juice, and then cool it a little.

With this method, you get a pleasant sweetish fruit drink containing a lot of useful bioelements.

From cranberries with mint

Mint is a pleasant addition to the taste of cranberry juice, making it tender and invigorating. It will take 40 minutes to cook.

Mint is a great addition to cranberry juice

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 150 g;
  • sprig of mint - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 70 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Here it is necessary to boil water in advance, in which there are sugar and mint. Next, wash and grind the cranberries to the state of berry puree.
  2. In the meantime, remove the pan from the heat and let it cool for 20 minutes.
  3. You need to add cranberries to the cooling water and wait for it to cool completely.
  4. Strain the whole mixture, and you get a soft and sweet and sour drink.

Here, the berries do not need to be boiled with water, otherwise the cranberries will lose half of their beneficial properties.

From cranberries with vanilla and cloves

Vanilla with cloves will be added to classic recipe their specific flavors and properties. It will take 40 minutes.

Juice of cranberries, vanilla and cloves

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 700 g;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla - 50 g;
  • sugar - 150-200 g;
  • water - 3 l.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Initially, you need to wash the cranberries and grind it thoroughly with sugar. Then you should squeeze the juice.
  2. Then the berries must be poured into a saucepan, add water and vanilla with cloves to it. Cook the mixture over low-medium heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the fire pan. Without waiting for the liquid to cool, you can immediately strain the mixture.

Cooking takes place over low heat so that the substances contained in cranberries do not break down under strong thermal influence.

From cranberries and lingonberries

Lingonberries have a similar taste to cranberries, so they will add more acidity to the drink, as well as enhance its quality and usefulness. Cooking takes 4 hours, including pre-freezing of berries.

Morse of cranberries and lingonberries

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • lingonberries - 200 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to freeze the berries, then put them in a bowl and let them thaw at room temperature. After thawed berries need to be crushed with a blender. You should get a viscous berry mass.
  2. Pour the berry puree into a saucepan and add water and sugar to it. Then you need to put the container on the stove and turn on medium heat.
  3. After boiling the liquid, the pan must be kept on fire for another 3 minutes. Then remove the container from the stove and let it sit for 10 minutes. for cooling.
  4. Strain the mixture and the drink will be ready.

You can also add citrus slices to the drink.

From cranberries with honey

Here, honey will replace sugar, and the fruit drink will turn out soft and soothing. Cooking will take 1 hour 20 minutes.

Honey goes well with cranberries

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the cranberries and grind it with honey. Juice will come out and the mixture will become like a puree.
  2. Pour puree with water (about 40 degrees) and mix thoroughly.
  3. Next, cover the container with a lid and wait until the future fruit drink is infused. After 60 min. it will be possible to strain the liquid and pour the finished fruit drink into a glass.

The advantage of this option is that all cooking goes without thermal effects that destroy cranberry bioelements.

In a slow cooker

Cooking cranberry juice in a slow cooker is notable for its simplicity and speed. The device itself will do all the hard work. The whole process will take 10-15 minutes.

Cranberry juice can be said in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to put berries on the bottom of the multicooker, then add water and sugar there.
  2. Then tightly close the container and turn on the “cooking” mode. In 10 minutes. cranberry juice will be ready.

Cooking in a slow cooker is not only simple, but also safe for the berries themselves. Cranberries are not exposed to chemical and thermal influences from the device.

How to choose cranberries for fruit drink

Cranberries, as the main product of this drink, should be chosen carefully, otherwise the juice may turn out to be too sour and very nasty. You need to buy cranberries at the end of September. It is at this time that this berry is at the peak of freshness. To determine the quality of the berry itself, you need to throw it on the table.

Good berries resiliently fly off the surface. If the cranberry is elastic, then it is fresh and filled with juice. Do not use cranberries with soft areas or with recesses in the shell in the preparation of fruit drinks. It is always worth buying fresh-frozen cranberries.

How to store cranberry juice

Store cranberry juice in the refrigerator for 24 hours. A day after preparation, the drink will no longer be as tasty and healthy as before. Cranberry juice is a unique drink that can be prepared in many ways from both frozen and fresh berries. Each recipe has its own advantages and makes fruit drink unique.

Video about making cranberry juice

The recipe for a delicious cranberry juice:

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