Home Soups What vitamins are in persimmon? What is useful persimmon. What is useful persimmon for the body

What vitamins are in persimmon? What is useful persimmon. What is useful persimmon for the body

Persimmon fruits are golden yellow, round or oval with a smooth skin. Its sweet, delicious flesh is loaded with health-promoting nutrients and vital for optimal health, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Many lovers of this product do not know anything about how the fetus grows. Someone considers it a shrub, although in fact the persimmon is a tree that grows in subtropical and tropical climates. The tree can be up to 500 years old. to learn more about this fruit, what benefits and harm they can bring, read below.

How persimmon grows

The persimmon tree belongs to tropical or subtropical plants. It can be evergreen or deciduous. According to the botanical reference book, persimmon belongs to the Ebenaceae family of the genus Diospyros. Many plants belonging to this genus have edible fruits and can differ from each other only in their size.

China is considered to be the birthplace of persimmon. From China, as scientists suggest, it first came to the Korean Peninsula and then to Japan. Persimmon was brought to Europe and America much later. Today it is grown in many countries.

Many persimmon plants are not tall trees or shrubs about 7-7.5 meters high. Each season it produces a variety of fruits that differ from each other in shape, size and color of the pulp, depending on the variety, which can be from golden yellow to rich orange and brown (chocolate). The entire fruit is edible except for the pits and sepals.

Types of persimmon where it grows

Basically, the tuyere is classified according to the taste of the fruit, which can be astringent or non-astringent. Astringent varieties are cultivated mainly in Japan and contain a lot of tannins, which explains their taste. such fruits should fully ripen on the tree, which will reduce the amount of tannins.

Non-astringent varieties contain less tannin and can be eaten when the fruit is still firm.

It does not make sense to list persimmon varieties, since many new varieties have been bred in recent years. It is grown today in many countries where there are appropriate conditions for it.

To us in Russia, persimmon can be found in the Caucasus region, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd Region. It goes on sale starting from mid-autumn.

At this time, you can see two types of persimmons in the local market - kinglet and persimmon. Oddly enough, both species grow on the same tree and can combine several types of persimmon under such names at once.

The most interesting is the kinglet: these fruits are more attractive in appearance and larger. It can be both astringent and non-astringent. A non-astringent species of beetle grows after pollination by insects. And the one that knits in the mouth is not pollinated in natural conditions.

What is useful persimmon

Persimmon contains a fairly extensive amount of vitamins and minerals. The amount of useful substances is so great that persimmons are considered to be healthier than grapes, apples or figs.

The product contains the following nutritional components:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamin P;
  • provitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.

The presence of all these components makes the persimmon fruit very useful for the human body. Persimmon contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar that can be easily absorbed in the body. But the proteins and fats in the fruit are very small. If you eat 1-2 fruits a day, then it is quite possible to provide the body with a daily dose of useful trace elements.

Persimmon is a low-calorie product. For 100 grams of tasty pulp, depending on the variety, it can contain only about 70 kcal. Glycemic, although it does not belong to the low, but corresponds to the average and is equal to 45 units.

Persimmon useful properties

Persimmon is a pantry of vitamins and trace elements that endow the product with useful and sometimes medicinal qualities. The fruit is a wonderful natural antioxidant. This property gives the product the ability to combine free radicals, due to which the body is cleansed of toxins and toxic substances.

The product also contains catechin, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic, antibacterial effects. For these properties, persimmon is used in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

Monosaccharides normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system and deliver nutrients to the heart muscle.

Vitamin P and C help strengthen blood vessels. Therefore, persimmon can become natural medicine from migraine and frequent headaches, as well as contribute to the normalization of blood pressure.

The iron present in the composition makes the fruit indispensable in the presence of anemia and in the fight against tuberculosis. With such diseases, not only the fresh fruit is consumed, but also healthy natural tea is brewed from persimmon leaves.

Provitamin A improves visual acuity, slows down the aging of the organs of vision. Also, beta-carotene has a positive effect on the organs of the respiratory system, reduces the likelihood of lung cancer, and is also able to prevent bronchitis and pneumonia.

Persimmon has a diuretic property, which makes it especially useful for people suffering from urolithiasis. Magnesium promotes the excretion of salts, which is an excellent prevention of the deposition of kidney stones. To achieve a diuretic effect, it is necessary to consume 3-4 fruits per day.

Persimmon is very useful in the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases. This feature is due to the high content of iodine in the product. And vitamins A and C strengthen the body's immune system.

Thanks to a wide range of vitamins and microelements, persimmon has a calming effect on the nervous system, has a tonic effect, helps to eliminate seasonal beriberi and normalizes a full-fledged healthy sleep.

Persimmon benefits for the body

Once upon a time, the Greeks called persimmon fruits "God's fruit." With its taste and benefits for the body, it fully deserves such a name. The benefits of persimmon are invaluable:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Helps reduce high blood pressure;
  • Serves as a prevention of thyroid diseases;
  • Reduces the deposition of sclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • Good prevention of scurvy and beriberi;
  • Serves as a prevention of degenerative changes in the retina;
  • Supports the health of the skeletal system;
  • It has an antioxidant effect on the body, inhibits the action of free radicals;
  • Improves enzymatic and metabolic processes;
  • Normalizes lipid metabolism;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder;
  • Persimmon juice relieves depression, tension, improves body tone;
  • Useful in nervous exhaustion;
  • Helps prevent cancer of the digestive tract;
  • The pulp of the fruit relieves an allergic reaction on the skin, relieves inflammation, including itching from insect bites;
  • A decoction of persimmon leaves promotes the healing of purulent wounds and abscesses;
  • A decoction of sepals has a diuretic property, helps with enuresis;
  • Leaf tea is useful for the elderly and anemic patients;
  • A decoction of dried persimmon is useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • The crushed pits can serve as a wonderful coffee substitute.

Persimmon is used in cosmetology. Masks from its pulp eliminate wrinkles, improve skin tone and color. The easiest face mask: combine an egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of mashed pulp, adding half a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply on the face. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

The most expensive musical instruments and furniture are made from the wood of this tree.

Contraindications and harm

Surprisingly, but persimmon has a whole list of contraindications, which must be taken into account when using the fruit systematically.

The product is contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes. This ban is due to the high content of glucose and carbohydrates in persimmons. However, the fiber present in the composition still allows the infrequent use of the fetus, in particular in type 2 diabetes, because it is the fiber that prevents the rapid increase in sugar levels.

Babies under three years of age should not give birth. The tannin contained in the product contributes to the formation of a specific viscous mixture in the stomach, which the digestive system of the child's body is unable to absorb.

The same feature causes a ban on the use of persimmons in the postoperative period of rehabilitation, gastritis, intestinal obstruction or adhesions. With dysbacteriosis, the use of persimmons can lead to constipation.

Persimmon can provoke an allergic reaction in people with individual sensitivity to iodine.

With a high degree of obesity, persimmon consumption should be minimized. Its astringent properties can provoke metabolic disorders.

Care should be taken when using persimmons for breastfeeding women, since the orange color of the pulp can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

If there are any diseases or uncertainty about the correctness of the action, it is recommended to consult the attending physician before consuming the fetus.

The use of persimmon in cooking

Persimmon is great for eating in its pure form. But when you want something special, you can use the product to cook original salad, dessert, jelly or jam, and even marinade for meat. Some countries have their traditional dishes using persimmons: boil jam, make marmalade and molasses.

Culinary gurus know recipes for persimmon wine, beer, and cider. In Japan, the unripe astringent fruit is used in the preparation of traditional vodka - sake.

From the dried seeds of the fruit, a coffee surrogate is obtained.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is called "bekmez", and the pulp of the fruit is added to cocktails. If you add whipped cream, vanilla and a little liquor to the pulp, you get a delicious drink.

For persimmon salads, you can make dressings by adding honey, Orange juice, cream cheese.

For getting delicious dessert watering fruit slices lemon juice, add sugar, cream, mix with yogurt or ice cream.

In dried form, the product is especially popular. Dried persimmon tastes like figs. For drying, it is better to use seedless varieties of fruit. For drying, dense ripe fruits are selected, peeled, cut into cubes, dried at a temperature below 45 degrees to avoid darkening of the fruits.

How to choose a persimmon

The fact that persimmons come to market unripe explains their astringent properties. The pulp of a semi-ripe fruit contains a large amount of tannin. This substance creates in the body a great variety of compounds of proteins and polysaccharides, which in turn causes such a taste.

Until the end of the ripened fruit has a fairly small amount of tannin. You can eliminate such a defect by freezing the fruits and defrosting before eating. And the use of an astringent product can be life-threatening. The kinglet variety is an absolutely ripe product that does not contain tannin, as a result of pollination of flowers. True, as mentioned above, other varieties of this fruit can be sold under this name.

Persimmon astringents are usually harvested when firm but fully ripe. Non-astringent grades can be removed from the tree when they have reached their native skin color and are slightly soft. True, such fruits are transported worse.

In the store, choose fresh fruits with a bright yellow-orange color without any surface damage or signs of spoilage, rot on them.

Ripe, firm, astringent persimmons can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Non-astringent varieties have a short shelf life and can be stored for only a few days when stored. room temperature. Keeps longer in the refrigerator.

To ripen persimmons, place the fruits in a paper bag and leave them in the room for several days.

persimmon medicinal properties

Persimmon is not only delicious and useful fruit for food. It also has medicinal properties and is used to treat certain diseases.

Yes, at daily use just two pieces of persimmon can significantly improve your immunity, support cardiovascular and nervous system, normalize sleep.

The tannins it contains can help with bleeding gums. The recipe is very simple: brew chopped persimmon with a glass of boiling water and insist. Rinse your mouth daily until the problem disappears.

Dried persimmon powder is used to heal wounds. It is mixed with bran in a 1:1 ratio and sprinkled on wounds.

In case of chronic diarrhea, brew fruits with boiling water and drink 500 ml daily every 4 hours.

Infusion or decoction helps with anemia. Prepare the infusion as follows.

Cut two medium persimmon fruits and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Wrap and insist for an hour. Strain and drink a glass two, three times a day.

Persimmon for weight loss

Considering low calorie and a rich vitamin and mineral composition, persimmon is great for weight loss. There are several options for using it to get rid of extra pounds. You can arrange just fasting days only by using persimmons at least 2 kilograms per day.

The second option: eat only persimmons for breakfast and dinner, and for lunch - protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, fish and others. Such a varied diet will not let you feel constantly hungry and will help you lose 2 to 3 kilograms per week.

Having decided to go on such a diet, one must not forget about the contraindications and dangers of this fruit. It doesn't suit everyone.

Summing up, we can say that persimmon is certainly very useful, can bring great benefits to our body and health. But we must not forget the harm. And for some categories of people, it is simply contraindicated.

What is useful persimmon "food of the gods" learn more from the video

The influence of persimmon on the female body is very large: the fruits are used for food, used for medicinal purposes, used in cosmetology and for weight loss. Consider the properties of this controversial product, its composition, features of use and application.

Description and characteristics

Persimmons are bright orange fruits native to the subtropics. Their flesh, depending on the variety, can be either skin-colored or have a soft creamy or greenish tint. The size and shape of the berries are also varied: from large juicy to flat fruits, similar to an apple in hardness. Most varieties in the mature state are sweet, pleasant to the taste.

Did you know? Translated from Latin, the scientific name of persimmon sounds like "food of the gods."

Composition of persimmon

81.5% of the fruit consists of water, the remaining 18.5% are proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and tannins. Glucose and fructose in fruits are almost equal.


Persimmon is one of the leaders in the content of vitamins. It includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin P;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3;
  • provitamin A.


Orange berries are not inferior in terms of the content of various elements. 100 g enriched with:

  • potassium (15 mg);
  • calcium (55 mg);
  • phosphorus (2.5 mg);
  • sodium (127 mg);
  • magnesium (42 mg);
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • cobalt;
  • nickel;
  • acids (malic and citric).

Calories per 100 g

100 g of persimmon contains 63 kcal. The weight of an average fruit is about 300 g.

BJU ratio


Useful properties of persimmon for women

In addition to their nutritional value, persimmon can bring many benefits to the female body. Beta-carotene in its composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, while maintaining its natural softness. Vitamins found in ripe fruits support good vision, boost immunity and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Did you know? Ordinary persimmon and the variety "Korolek" are the fruits of the same tree, only "Korolek" grows from male pollinated flowers.

Persimmon fruits are a natural antiseptic, they have a mild bactericidal effect, and iodine in their composition improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is the main link in the female hormonal system. Also this berry:

  • improves performance;
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • has a mild sedative effect;
  • improves performance.
Women can use the fruits to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, as well as varicose veins and anemia. The content of vitamin C in them makes it an excellent assistant in the fight against colds.

Features of use

Not in all periods of a woman's life, this type of berry will be equally useful. Let's take a closer look at the main ones.

During pregnancy

Experts recommend persimmon for use during pregnancy. It not only satisfies the woman's increased needs for minerals, but also qualitatively affects the development of the baby's bone skeleton.

Did you know? There are 725 species of the genus Persimmon in the world.

If a woman during the period of bearing a child is faced with the problem of swelling, then this berry will also become an excellent natural diuretic, which additionally helps to remove toxins from the body.

With HB

At breastfeeding persimmon is seen as a controversial product. On the one hand, she is rich useful substances, on the other hand, it can become a serious allergen for the baby. This dilemma can be solved only by gradually introducing berries into the diet of a nursing mother, carefully monitoring the reaction of the child.

In special cases

A special attitude to persimmon is necessary for such diseases:

  1. pancreatitis. During remission, persimmons without peel are allowed. In the acute period, it should be abandoned: a high sugar content can have a negative effect on the pancreas.
  2. Gastritis. People with problems in the digestive system should limit the amount of this type of berries eaten, as they are hard and take a long time to digest. With erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers, they are prohibited.
  3. Diabetes. Diabetics need to gradually introduce fruits into the diet, starting with 50 g, after which it is imperative to measure blood sugar levels.
  4. weight loss. The berry contains a large amount of fiber and well supports the body when losing weight, it is recommended to use it as a snack as a source of fast carbohydrates.

Important! To reduce the effect of persimmon on the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to freeze the fetus and then defrost before use or eat it dry.

Harm and contraindications

The greatest danger in fruits is the sugar and tannins contained in them. They are contraindicated:

  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • with diseases of the urinary system;
  • with adhesive disease;
  • with chronic constipation.

People who have not tried persimmon before should start with small portions: in rare cases, it can cause intestinal obstruction.

Product selection and storage conditions

The main features of a high-quality mature fruit are:

  • lack of dark spots on the sides;
  • bright saturated skin color;
  • dry step;
  • dark green leaves.

Important!The use of unripe persimmons is extremely dangerous for health.

Bought berries are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +6 ° C for 2-3 months. If it is necessary to extend this period, then in a frozen state they can stand until the next harvest.

What to do if you chose a green fruit

Unripe persimmon "knits" the mouth due to the high content of tannin in it, it is impossible to eat it, but there are two ways to ripen fruits at home:

  1. Put green fruits in the freezer for several days. After defrosting, the berries will become soft and sweet.
  2. Put the unripe fruits together with the banana in one bag and tie it tightly. The next day they will not be tart.

How to lose weight with persimmon

Persimmon is loved by nutritionists for the fact that despite the high sugar content, it has a low glycemic index, as well as for its diuretic effect. The fruits are included in the "Kremlin diet", are suitable for the Montignac diet and fit perfectly into the daily balance of KBZhU for those who build their own diet. The most common option for losing weight with the help of berries of this type is a mono-diet. You can eat only them for up to three days in a row. During this time, it is also allowed to drink tea and coffee without sugar.

Important! With a persimmon mono-diet, it is strictly forbidden to drink milk.

The second option is a low-calorie diet. In addition to 7 fruits, it is allowed to eat during the day:

  • cottage cheese 5% (up to 200 g);
  • boiled egg (1 pc.);
  • vegetable salad without oil;
  • vegetable stew;
  • rye bread (1-2 pcs.).
It is impossible to sit on such diets more often than once every 2 months.

Persimmon and female beauty

When applied externally, berries tend to relieve puffiness and narrow pores. They help well in the fight against aging, refresh and rejuvenate the face, and add elasticity to the hair and protect against the harmful effects of the environment.

Face masks

Persimmon masks are very effective and have no age restrictions. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Purifying mask. Pour the pulp of an average fruit with a glass of vodka with the addition of a teaspoon of any citrus juice. The tincture is kept in a dark, cool place for a week, after which it is filtered into a sterile container. A napkin soaked with this product is applied to the face once a week for 10 minutes.
  2. Moisturizing mask. In equal proportions with food processor mix persimmon, apple, pear and banana. Add a teaspoon to fruit cocktail natural yogurt. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which they are gently washed with warm water.
  3. Lifting mask. A mixture of starch and persimmon 1:1 is applied to the face and neck. As soon as the layer dries, the next one is applied. You need to “renew” the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water, gently massaging your face with your fingers.

hair recipe

With the help of fruits, you can make balms and hair masks.

Of course, persimmon is the main fruit of the winter period. It is loaded with vitamins and other nutrients that make it very beneficial for health. Despite the fact that, in general, persimmon is considered a fairly safe fruit, before including it in the diet, you should find out about its calorie content, beneficial properties, and some contraindications. About all this - further.

Calorie content and useful properties of persimmon

For convenience, we have entered the calorie content and the main beneficial features persimmons on the table. The data is based on 100 grams of fruit and may vary slightly depending on the variety and degree of freshness of the fruit.

Persimmons are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, manganese (an antioxidant beneficial for mucous membrane health, skin health, and lung cancer prevention), and fiber, which helps keep the body in shape. The good content of B vitamins, copper and phosphorus contributes to the stabilization of the metabolic system. But the most special beneficial properties of persimmons are antioxidants such as:

  • Catechins - have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, and also protect small blood vessels from bleeding;
  • Betulinic acid - inhibits the development of tumors;
  • Lycopene - promotes heart health and potentially protects against cancer;
  • Lutein - prevents age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts;
  • Zeaxanthin is selectively absorbed into the macula in the retina, where it provides antioxidant functions and protects vision from degenerative diseases by helping the eyes filter light.

Together, these compounds work as a defense against free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which play a key role in aging and age-related disease.

Let's take a closer look at how persimmon can be useful for the human body.

The benefits of persimmon for the body:

1. Persimmon promotes weight loss and is the best workout partner

In the process of studying persimmon, it turned out that it is a very valuable product in the fight against excess weight. Just 1 fruit can significantly dull hunger. Fiber, dietary fiber contained in persimmons, are poorly digested in the stomach (for which the body spends extra calories), and then help cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.

Due to the high content of fructose, persimmon is advised before training - this is how it is absorbed faster and turns into energy for physical exertion.

2. Useful properties of persimmon prevent aging and cancer

The antioxidants we talked about above fight cancer-causing free radicals and prevent DNA damage. These same free radicals and reactive oxygen species contribute to the rapid and premature aging of the body.

Do not forget also that lutein and zeaxanthin help prevent age-related eye diseases.

3. Vitamin C in persimmon boosts immunity

Vitamin C is a well-known remedy for developing immunity to colds, flu and other infections. In addition, vitamin C helps in the production of collagen and the absorption of iron in the body. This makes it possible to keep blood vessels, muscles and bones in shape.

4. Persimmon to maintain blood pressure and cardiovascular system

Persimmon contains a large amount of potassium: 100 g of the fruit provides about 10% of the daily requirement. It helps regulate blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and relaxing muscles. Note that high potassium preparations are used as an analgesic for muscle pain.

5. Useful properties of persimmon for women

Given the ability of persimmon to slow down aging and promote weight loss, it is not surprising that it is so popular with women. But in order for the beneficial effect of antioxidants to be more tangible, it is better to use them not only inside, but also outside. We suggest you try 3 persimmon masks:

a) Mix persimmon pulp with milk or cream in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

b) mix the pulp of the 1st fruit with starch or oat flour until thick. Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, after which you can wash off with cool water.

c) mix the pulp of the 1st persimmon with egg yolk and apply for 20 minutes on problem areas of the skin. This good remedy to shrink pores and eliminate acne.

To achieve a pronounced effect, repeat the procedure 15-20 times.

6. The benefits of persimmon during pregnancy

Eating persimmons helps ensure a healthy pregnancy. Calcium and phosphorus contribute to the growth and development of the bones of the unborn child. The iron content in persimmon helps to prevent the risk of anemia, increase hemoglobin and get rid of fatigue and dizziness. Potassium and magnesium normalize arterial pressure and minimize the risk of kidney stones. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and fights anxiety and stress.

Is it possible for a nursing mother persimmon?

Is it possible to eat persimmon while breastfeeding? There is no definite answer to this question. On the one hand, it is rich in useful trace elements that are important for the health of the mother and her newborn child. On the other hand, persimmon can cause an allergic reaction in a baby.

How to be? There are no contraindications forbidding a persimmon to a nursing mother. However, you should approach its use with caution and try in small portions. If the child has diathesis, then before use it is better to consult a doctor.

Can small children eat persimmons?

Before the child reaches the age of 3, it is not recommended to include persimmons in his diet. The astringent properties of this fruit can lead to intestinal obstruction and other unpleasant disorders of the emerging gastrointestinal tract. After three years, children can start eating persimmons in small portions. If their body reacts normally, then the portion can be gradually increased. But it is best to start giving persimmons to children from the age of ten.

Persimmon fruit: benefits and harms to the liver

The high antioxidant content of persimmon helps in the detoxification process, which is very important for liver health. In addition, persimmon is considered an excellent cure for hangovers, as it aids digestion, speeds up the decomposition of alcohol, and has a diuretic effect. It is recommended for people suffering from alcoholism and liver diseases arising from it. There are no contraindications in this case.

But note that since persimmon contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, it is undesirable for people with kidney problems. (Impaired kidney function already leads to abnormal levels of potassium and phosphorus.)

Is it possible to eat persimmon with diabetes?

Despite the fact that it is useful to eat fruits for diabetes (they contain vitamins, pectins and beneficial trace elements), patients should be careful with persimmons. The glycemic index of this fruit reaches 70, and this is the limit for products allowed for diabetes. This means that when you consume persimmons, you run the risk of raising your sugar levels and causing complications.

Despite this, a small amount of persimmon can be beneficial for the body. It has a whole range of nutrients, fiber and trace elements that can give strength to a weakened body.

Contraindications and harm persimmon for the body

By itself, persimmon fruit is not harmful, but for some diseases, it would be better for you to consult a doctor. Persimmon should be used with caution by people suffering from constipation, intestinal atony, abdominal adhesions after surgery and diabetes.

Do not forget to take into account that if ripe persimmon fruits improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, then the astringent unripe fruit has the exact opposite effect. It contains a lot of tannin, which acts like flour, sticking food particles together.

Also, persimmon will not be useful in acute kidney diseases and Bladder. It contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, and is also capable of causing frequent urination, which will be an extra burden on the secretory system. In addition, this fruit is not combined with milk, which must be considered when choosing a diet per day.

You may have come across other useful and harmful properties persimmons? It will be useful for us and our readers to know!

lat. Diaspyros, which means " heart apple”) is a large, juicy orange berry that is common in temperate tropical countries. The homeland of this orange berry is the northern part of China, but at the moment it is also common in many countries of Eurasia. To date, there are about 500 - 700 types of persimmons. It is round or oval in shape, looks like a tomato, and weighs about 500 grams. The peel of this berry is thin, glossy and very sweet, while the flesh is fleshy and has about 8 smooth and shiny seeds.

The chemical composition of persimmon

This fruit is rich in many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains vitamins, micro and macro elements, natural acids, as well as glucose and sucrose. Persimmon is a low-calorie product, 100 g of a berry contains only 70 kcal. And also 3.6 g or tenth daily rate soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

10 health benefits of persimmon

Persimmon has many useful and irreplaceable properties, so it is necessary product for the treatment of ailments and the prevention of various diseases, such as:

Persimmon also has excellent bactericidal agents. V traditional medicine persimmon pulp is used to heal various wounds or burns.


Despite the large list of useful and medicinal properties, persimmon still has a number of contraindications:

  • Children under three years of age should limit the intake of persimmons;
  • You can not use this berry for constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, as well as severe obesity;
  • It is not recommended to use persimmon in your diet if it causes you an allergic reaction.
  • Diabetic patients should also consume it in moderation, as it contains an increased amount of glucose and can raise blood sugar levels.
In the Middle East, persimmon fruit has long been considered the fruit of the prophets and symbolizes wisdom.
In ancient Greece, people knew about all the healing properties of persimmon fruits, and they called this fruit “divine fire”.
A South American persimmon cultivar, when fully ripe it becomes dark, like dark chocolate, in color. By the way, it also tastes like chocolate, which is why this variety is called “Chocolate Pudding”.
In Japan, this fruit symbolizes victory and is called the "fruit of fruits."
Arabs and Persians believe that there are genies in the trunk and twigs of persimmons, which transfer a little fire to the orange fruits.
In order to prepare a kind of bread, North American natives used small fruits of wild persimmon for this.
There are many countries that use this fruit for cooking. alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and even sake.
In Georgia and Armenia, parents give persimmons to their daughters, as they believe that this fruit gives beauty, happiness and family well-being.

“Chinese peach”, “berry of the Gods”, date plum and about 10 other names have a product familiar to the autumn market - persimmon. Many buyers and sellers are still arguing: is it a fruit or a berry. Absolutely in vain. Scientists have long found her exact place in reference books.

It grows on low trees in the southern regions. Belongs to the ebony family. The fruits are eaten, tea is brewed from the leaves, a medicinal extract is prepared, furniture and musical instruments are made from wood. From a botanical point of view, persimmon - large berry.

Let's talk about the benefits and harms of this amazing southern plant.

From this article you will learn

What varieties are the most delicious?

There are about 300 varieties of persimmon on the world market. Their taste is completely different: tart, sour, sweet, even cloying. The flesh may be jelly-like when fully ripe, or firm and firm.

The following popular and affordable varieties deserve sincere love in Russia:

  • Korolkovaya (Korolek). Also called chocolate. Ripe fruits are sweet, the pulp is of medium density. The same group includes varieties Gately, Hyakume. The berries are elongated, the skin is thin. The color of the pulp is yellow, dark brown. The crown refers to dietary products. Contains a lot of useful substances for the body: potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium.

  • Sharon (Apple). The variety was bred by breeders when crossing apple and persimmon. The fruits turned out pitted, there is no astringent taste. The pulp is dense, bright orange. The taste of Sharon is reminiscent of quince and apricot.

  • Russian woman. The breeding variety was bred by crossing the virgin and oriental berries. Ripe fruits on the tree are hard, after a couple of days of resting in boxes they become soft. If you try Rossiyanka immediately after collection, you will feel a tart taste. When stored, it becomes sweeter, astringency disappears.

  • Caucasian (common). Ripens late, closer to the beginning of November. Fruits are yellow, oval. The pulp is juicy, there are bones. Ordinary persimmon is useful for anemia due to the high content of iron, vitamin C.

  • Tangerine (honey). This persimmon variety got its first name because of the appearance of the ripened fruit - it looks like a tangerine, orange in color, round in shape. The second - because of the sugary-sweet taste. No pits, pulp like jelly. Ripe berries cannot be transported, they easily crumple.

  • Fig. It grows in Azerbaijan and China. The first is incredibly sweet, the second is insipid. The skin is dark, the fruit is uneven in shape, as if divided into 4 parts. Inside 5-6 bones. By the way, pollinated varieties of persimmon figs do not have seeds.

  • Bull's heart (tomato). Large berry light orange flowers pitted inside. If the fruits are not ripe, they have a tart, astringent taste. In the form ready for use, they are sweeter, but still knit. Tomato berry is better to eat in salads, add to yogurt, ice cream.

If you are buying an oriental fruit to enjoy dessert, it is important taste qualities, sweetness, aroma. In this case, it is better to choose the following varieties, there are almost no differences between them:

  1. Wren.
  2. Fig.
  3. Mandarin.

For the treatment or prevention of disease, preparation diet meals, during the period of rehabilitation, long-term drug therapy, buy these not ideal in taste, but very useful varieties:

  1. Bull heart. Useful for weight loss, strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of the kidneys, heart, tones.
  1. Sharon. Contains a maximum of beta-carotene, dietary fiber. It is used to cleanse the body of toxins, in the spring-autumn period for immunization and saturation with vitamins.

What is persimmon rich in

The benefits for the body when eating orange berries of any variety are explained by their composition. See details in the table:

Micro-, macronutrient (vitamin)mg per 100 grams of productVitamin benefits for humans
Thiamine (B1)0.02 Helps to lose weight by speeding up the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
Riboflavin (B2)0.03 Necessary for the beauty of hair, nails
Pantothenic acid (B5)7.6 Controls blood glucose levels
Pyridoxine (B6)0.1 Accelerates metabolism
Folic acid (B9)8 Essential for proper cell growth during pregnancy
Ascorbic acid (C)7.5-66 Strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing
Alpha tocopherol (E)0.5-0.73 Antioxidant
Nicotinic acid (PP)0.3 Reduces cholesterol, strengthens the central nervous system
Phylloquinone (K)2.6 Restores bone tissue, normalizes blood clotting
Bition7.5 Necessary for the proper functioning of B vitamins
Potassium200 Helps build muscle mass, is important for heart function
Calcium127 Foundation for bones, teeth, hair, nails
Magnesium56 Increases performance, stress resistance
Silicon0.24 Catalyst of milestones of life processes
Sodium15 Fluid balance
Phosphorus42 Included in bone tissue
Iron2.5 Transports oxygen to tissues
Cellulose36 gHelps bowel function

The unripe berry and varieties such as Oxheart contain a large amount of tannin. Getting on the oral mucosa, interacting with proteins, tannin constricts blood vessels and causes a feeling of viscosity. Ripening, the “fruit of the Gods” loses the provocateur of unpleasant sensations.

Fresh berries are low in calories. For 100 grams of raw dessert, there are from 53 to 67 Kcal, depending on the variety. Honey fruits (tangerine) are very satisfying. The Japanese and Chinese replace 1-2 dishes from the dinner table with such a dessert.

Homeland persimmon - China or Indonesia. The inhabitants of these states have always been attentive to their health. Include in the daily menu fruits, vegetables, foods with fiber, fish, cereals. Persimmon is respected for its high iodine content (almost as in sea ​​kale, about 300-400 mgc per 100 grams of berry pulp).

Important for diabetics! The glycemic index of persimmon is kept in the range from 45 to 50, sugar is not more than 25%. This does not make the berry absolutely safe for diabetics, but 1-2 fruits for thyroid diseases can occasionally be afforded.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties of persimmon lie in its ability to heal the body. Doctors recommend including ripe berries in the diet for the following pathologies:

  • Excess weight.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Anemia.
  • Migraine.
  • Lack of iodine.
  • Depression.
  • Hypertension.
  • Ischemia of the heart.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Gastritis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Malfunctions of the genitourinary system.

Orange berry is useful for the whole body, but the vessels and the heart need this product the most. The fruits are rich in potassium and magnesium, and the lack of these elements negatively affects the work of the heart muscle.

"Chinese peach" removes excess fluid, has a diuretic property. And along with water, it washes out salts, deposits from blood vessels and joints. Thanks to this, it lowers blood pressure, the legs and face stop swelling, and overall well-being improves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of a foreign dessert to influence the work of the intestines. Astringent grades hold the chair together. It is not safe for people with chronic constipation. But with diarrhea it is very useful. The fibers act on the intestines like a soft sponge, cleanse the walls of toxins and toxins.

With the help of sweet desserts or fresh fruits on the menu, you can increase immunity, prepare the body for winter period, cold and flu season. It is worth paying attention to the persimmon after suffering ARVI, acute respiratory infections. If you eat fruits every day for a week after recovery, strength and performance will increase several times.

Orange berry helps people not only to cure, but also to avoid the disease. Eat sweet fruits often if there is a genetic predisposition for kidney stones, low vision, heart attack, anemia, stomach ulcers, type 2 diabetes.

For the prevention and treatment of ailments, it is not necessary to eat berries. You can brew a healing tea from persimmon leaves. The drink is indicated for hypertensive patients, for coughing, tuberculosis, and reduced immunity. Making tea is easy:

  1. Collect the leaves from the fruit and dry them in the oven in the sun.
  2. Chop with a knife.
  3. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. dry matter. Get 1 cup of tea.
  4. Leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  5. For hypertension, drink 2 tsp. 3-4 times a day, for the treatment of colds, 200 ml several times a day.

Gargle with this infusion for sore throat, cough. Persimmon kills bacteria by acting as an antibiotic. To save energy in winter, drink 200 ml of leaf tea every day, add honey to it. But don't get too carried away. Don't forget that the useful plant there are also bad qualities. These are stool strengthening, yellowing of the skin, increased blood glucose levels. Diabetics and children need to be more careful.

The main contraindications for eating southern berries in food are:

  • Children's age up to 3 years.
  • Tendency to constipation.
  • Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Type 1 diabetes.

It is better for such people to exclude persimmon from their diet forever, replacing it with other sweet fruits. In children, persimmon rarely causes allergies. If you notice redness on the cheeks, scratching, swelling of the eyelids in a baby or an adult, do not serve sweets on the table for dinner. In childhood, a negative reaction may disappear with time, but never in adults.

To whom is it useful

The benefits of persimmons are undeniable for an absolutely healthy adult. In the absence of diseases, individual characteristics of the functioning of the body, you can eat sweet fruits every day and feel a surge of energy, experience the pleasure of dessert.

In the presence of pathologies, special conditions, for example, pregnancy or during the period of breastfeeding a newborn, you need to be careful with the “Chinese peach”. What is useful persimmon in each of these cases, we will describe in more detail.

During pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is not allergic to persimmon, then eat sweet fruit you can every day for 1-2 things of a small size. The berry helps to strengthen bones, removes excess water, increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure, improves stool. With toxicosis, it facilitates the morning state of a pregnant woman, eliminating nausea, quickly saturating.

On a note! It is still not necessary to abuse persimmon during pregnancy. The berry is orange, sweet, can provoke the development of allergies in the fetus.

When breastfeeding

A nursing mother needs to follow a diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits to saturate milk with useful substances. A ripe berry with HB is considered safe for mother and baby 3 months after birth.

For the first 8 weeks, mom is allowed to eat no more than 1-2 fruits per week, at this time you need to monitor the baby's reaction to a new product. It can be negative. In this case, you should immediately remove the foreign dessert from the nurse's diet.

For type 2 diabetes

For the health of diabetics, it is very important to control the GI of all foods on the menu, the calorie content of food. The higher the indices and indicators of Kcal, the more dangerous the dish for patients of endocrinologists. Persimmon has an average GI (up to 50), low calorie content - up to 67 Kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Vitamins and minerals contained in the berry are necessary for weakened diabetics like air. This is vitamin C - needed to strengthen the immune system weakened by the disease, potassium - for the normal functioning of blood vessels, magnesium - helps the kidneys, prevents a common complication in diabetes - nephropathy.

Diabetics can eat persimmons in a state of remission, when glucose levels are not exceeded. It is allowed to eat 1 fruit per day, preferably in the early morning, in a baked form.

Important! The calorie content of dried berries is higher than that of a fresh product. The energy value is 274 kcal per 100 gr.

For gout

Deposition mineral salts with gout leads to a modification of the joints, bones. Persimmon has a diuretic effect. The withdrawal of excess fluid, regulation of the genitourinary system stop the progression of the disease.

You need to use the orange berry wisely:

  • You can not eat more than 1 fruit per day.
  • On this day, it is important to drink plenty of water.
  • It is better to buy non-astringent varieties. They will not disrupt the digestive tract, will not cause constipation.

With pancreatitis

Persimmon is allowed during remission. You need to start introducing it into the diet by 1 teaspoon, gradually bringing it up to 100 grams per knock. The orange berry is easily digested, quickly satisfies hunger, and normalizes the functioning of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

Important! An unripe berry is dangerous for patients with pancreatitis, as it causes constipation and intestinal obstruction. Include ripe, and preferably overripe, fruits in your diet.

For diarrhea

Diarrhea is caused by harmful bacteria or malfunctions in the digestive tract. In both cases, persimmon will come to the rescue. It strengthens the stool, acts as an antibiotic. For treatment, you can eat fresh pitted fruits, brew tea from the leaves.

Important! It is impossible to treat diarrhea with persimmons for children under one year old. Folk methods leave therapy for adults.

With gastritis with high acidity

Tannin is useful for people with gastritis. The element normalizes the acidity of the stomach environment, does not irritate the mucous membrane. With gastritis with high acidity, persimmons can and should be included in the diet daily.

Is it possible to eat persimmons after gallbladder removal

A cholecystectomy is a major operation. It takes at least 3-4 months for patients to recover. During this period, you can not eat sweet fruits, sour, astringent foods. Super-sweet chocolate fruits can be included in the diet after a course of rehabilitation gradually. The skin needs to be peeled off, it is better to buy non-astringent and overripe berries.

At what age can you give persimmon to children

To digest persimmons with a high fiber content, the child will need a lot of strength, the digestive system will be ready for such an experiment by three or five years. The astringent effect of tannin causes intestinal obstruction in children much more often than in adults. Do not give fruits to babies whole until the age of 3 years.

On a note! If you can’t wait to treat a one-year-old child with persimmon, offer the baby dried fruit. The berry does not knit, but contains fewer vitamins.

What are the benefits of persimmon for men

A sweet berry is necessary for the stronger sex to tone the body after physical exertion, sports training, and serious illnesses. It is an excellent prophylactic against prostatitis, has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, and slows down the aging process.

What is useful persimmon for a woman's body

Persimmon - the most useful product for woman. Via simple recipes a variety of sweet berry dishes can be improved appearance nails, skin, hair. Persimmon is used to prevent varicose veins, anemia.

After 2-3 months of active consumption of berries daily (1-2 pieces each), a woman looks younger, more attractive, feels a surge of energy, is less sick with ARVI, acute respiratory infections.

Is it possible to persimmon when losing weight

Losing weight by eating persimmon daily is not only pleasant, but also tasty. Berry can replace snacks with cookies, dinner. The calorie content of fruits is low, so you can lose 2-3 kg per week on such a diet. Because of the diet, a person weakens, and persimmon can add energy, cheer up. Include orange fruits in diet menu possible and necessary.

Description of a variety in a gardening magazine, photos from the Internet do not always help you choose the best fruits on the market. If you are at a loss in assessing the quality of berries, you bought an unripe persimmon, use a few tips from experts.

How to choose a persimmon that does not knit

The astringent is tannin, found in each persimmon berry. Its quantity decreases as the fruits ripen and mature in boxes. Ready to eat, the product does not knit at all. You need to buy just such berries.

To choose a persimmon that does not knit, pay attention to the following:

  • The leaves of a mature berry are sluggish, brown or yellow.
  • Non-knitting persimmon in the shape of a heart, flattened.
  • Look at the fruit in section. If they are firm, yellow, then they are not ripe.
  • The core is jelly, soft.
  • The skin of a good, tasty fruit is transparent, thin, shiny.

If persimmon knits, what to do

You can make persimmons sweet, without an unpleasant astringent aftertaste, at home. Tips from experienced Chinese dessert lovers will help. Use one of them:

  1. Remove the "unsuccessful" purchase in the refrigerator to last. After 5-7 days, the berry will ripen, the astringent effect will disappear.
  2. If you can’t wait to feast, arrange a cold test for her. Wrap the fruits in a bag and close in the freezer for 12 hours. After thawing, the berry will be very soft, the tannin will disappear. You need to eat this dessert quickly.
  3. Soak in hot water day. Pre-make 3-4 punctures in the skin. The astringent taste will not disappear completely, but will become less pronounced.
  4. Put apples, bananas and persimmons in one paper bag, close tightly. Leave on a windowsill or table for a day at room temperature. Sweet fruits will share fragrant gases with unripe persimmons. The berry will ripen faster.
  5. Dry the fruit outdoors. Dried persimmon does not knit.
  6. Add an astringent grade to dough, ice cream, fruit salad.
  7. If, jam, compote. Heat treatment eliminates tannin.

Important! Overripe berries are much healthier than "green". Especially for people with gastritis, after surgery, with problems in the digestive tract.

Why you can not eat a lot of persimmon

Persimmon is useful, but can be harmful to the body if you eat too much of it. Tannin, which has an astringent effect, strengthens the stool. You can use it a lot with diarrhea. If everything is in order with bowel movements, control the number of fruits on the dining table.

By the way! Vegetables or fruits with a high fiber content, on the contrary, weaken, help to cope with constipation.

When they start selling persimmons

Persimmon appears on the market and in stores in autumn. The first deliveries of berries occur at the end of September - October. But the purchase during this period is unlikely to be successful. Ripe fruits are removed from the trees not earlier than the end of October.

Sweet, delicious berry will appear on the shelves in the second half of October, if the variety is early; in November - a crop of late species, harvested after the first frost.

The manifestation of the benefits and harms of persimmons depends on the amount of orange berry consumption, the quality of the fruit and the variety. If you limit yourself to 1-2 things a day, carefully choose a dessert in the store, then the after-dinner sweetness will be tasty and absolutely harmless.

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