Home Vegetables How to dry strawberries at home. A recipe for making dried strawberries with step-by-step photos for the winter at home. How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer: a step-by-step master class with a photo

How to dry strawberries at home. A recipe for making dried strawberries with step-by-step photos for the winter at home. How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Probably, nothing better than strawberries or garden strawberries will remind you of summer in the winter cold, because this berry is so fragrant, its smell cannot be confused with anything. Is there a sweet tooth who refuses strawberry jam? Probably not. However, there are a lot of ways to harvest this berry for the winter, for example, it can be dried. In the sun, it is better not to try to dry the strawberries, they are too tender for this and there is a high risk that the berry will go bad. Strawberries at home garden strawberries) can be dried in the oven or in the dryer.


Unripe strawberries.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Strawberries tend to be contaminated with soil and should therefore be washed. I do this in very small batches, 5-6 pieces under running water. So the earth is quickly washed out and the strawberries do not have time to “get very wet”. Berries that are rotten and damaged by the pest are thrown away. We remove the ponytails (by the way, some of them are also dried separately and in winter they make tea based on them, it is believed that it has an anti-inflammatory effect similar to raspberries).

I tried drying whole strawberries, cut in half and sliced ​​2-3 mm thick. Personally, for myself, I decided that it is optimal to dry with plates - quickly and reliably. Whole berries and halves dried for a long time and very unevenly. So, strawberries are cut lengthwise into slices.

During drying, a little juice is released from the berries, which sticks to the grate, then efforts must be made to remove the dried strawberries and the dryer tray remains dirty. It has to be soaked for several hours, and then the soaked juice is removed. I do otherwise - I cover the tray with cling film, and in the middle of the tray I burn it with a match to ensure air circulation in the dryer. There is also little space around the perimeter of the dryer for ventilation. Manufacturers do not advise doing this, but I have been doing it for several years and am satisfied with the result. Sliced ​​strawberry slices are laid out on a tray.

Some dryers have the ability to set the temperature, strawberries can be dried at 50-65 degrees (the drying time depends on the temperature). I dry at 65 degrees. During drying, about once an hour, the trays should be swapped, achieving uniform drying of all batches of berries.

Normally dried strawberries should be dry, elastic, and when pressed on the plate, the juice should not stand out. Dried strawberries should be harvested after they have cooled in a dry place. Therefore, if it was dried in the kitchen, then it is better to transfer the dryer with the berry to another room, since something is often cooked and washed in the kitchen, as a result of which a lot of moisture evaporates.

For storage of dried strawberries, fabric, paper bags are suitable, glass jars and plastic bags with a ZIP lock, which are in a cool, dry place.

If there is no electric dryer, then an oven heated to a maximum of 65 degrees is used. When drying strawberries in the oven, you can not cut them into slices, whole berries are good, which should be about the same size, very large berries are cut in half. The baking sheet can be lined with baking parchment. Attention! In the oven, strawberries can turn into coals very quickly, so check the oven more often and check.

Dried strawberries are good in tea, they should be added to black (green) tea in a teapot. Excellent in taste characteristics, compotes are obtained, cooked from various kinds dried fruits and berries. Bon Appetit!

Strawberries are among those plants in which not only fruits, but also leaves are useful. Properly dried strawberries retain their healing properties and fragrance for 2 years and that's more than enough.

To prepare strawberry tea, strawberries can be dried along with leaves and stem without cutting off the berries. Tie the strawberry leaves together with the florets into small bunches and hang them in a well-ventilated area.

At an air temperature of +25 degrees, this drying will take a week. Check the berries and leaves and if they are dry enough, cut the bouquets with scissors for easier storage and subsequent brewing of tea.

Do not leave strawberries to dry for a long time. It will dry out, lose its aroma, and the dust flies will make useful berry inedible and even dangerous.

Arrange dried strawberries with leaves in glass jars, close with a tight lid and store in a dark and cool place.

Strawberries dried in the oven or electric dryer

In this case, strawberries are dried separately, without leaves and stalks. It is absolutely impossible to wash the berries before drying, only manual cleaning of debris is allowed.

Strawberries and wild strawberries take in water too quickly, and during forced drying, the washed berries spread into a small blot that cannot be torn off from the dryer grate or parchment paper.

In the oven, the berries are first dried a little, setting the minimum temperature to about 30 degrees for 2 hours. Then increase the temperature to 50 degrees, stirring occasionally, until completely dry.

Strawberries are dried in an electric dryer for 5 hours at a temperature of 30 degrees, then dried at 65 degrees until ready.

On average, to get a glass of dried strawberries, you need 2 liter cans fresh berries.

But who uses strawberries only for treatment, if it can become a real treat?

Pastila from strawberries in an electric dryer

Strawberry marshmallow is very easy to make and keeps just as well as regular dried strawberries.

If you still have crushed strawberries, or those that you had to wash, put them in a blender, add a little sugar and beat until smooth.

Lubricate the dryer tray vegetable oil and put the strawberry mass in the tray, with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. Set the temperature of the electric dryer to 60 degrees, and after 10 hours of tedious waiting, you will finally get the long-awaited strawberry marshmallow.

If you didn’t eat everything right away, roll it up, cut it, and you can dry it a little more for longer storage.

For more information about drying strawberries, see the video:


Dried strawberries have low calorie and has many useful properties. In contrast to the very aggressive freezing of fruits and berries for the winter, the ingredients practically do not lose their vitamins during the process of drying and heat treatment. This allows us to stock up on all the necessary vitamins for the entire winter season. How can dried strawberries be used? There are many ways, plus your own imagination. First of all, wonderful teas, compotes and other drinks are prepared from dried berries. Chopped strawberries can be used as an ingredient in other desserts.
A step-by-step photo recipe will tell you in the most detailed way how to quickly and easily dry strawberries yourself. You need to use an electric dryer for such a workpiece, and in view of its absence, an oven. Drying processes are different and everything will be much easier in a special dryer. Some dry fruits and berries without additional devices at all, simply leaving pieces of food to reach the desired condition on their own. Ideal winter preparation from strawberries will allow you to enjoy the taste of strawberries and summer all winter long. Let's start preparing dried strawberries at home.


Dried strawberries - recipe

The first step is to choose ripe strawberries of about the same size, although this item is more for pedants. In the process of drying strawberries will decrease in size and appearance won't matter at all. We put all the collected or purchased strawberries in a colander and rinse well in cold water. We spread the strawberries to dry on a towel, along the way we remove the green stalks. We cut the prepared strawberries in half and lay them on the dryer tray as shown in the photo.

Be sure to pay attention to what kind of strawberries you come across and keep in mind that if they are sour, then the drying process will only make this acid even more concentrated. If desired, strawberries can be sweetened by dipping in sweet boiling syrup, for example.

It is also possible to dry the berries whole, although this will take much longer. If you wish, you can try to prepare such strawberries for the winter.

We set about 50 degrees on the electric dryer and dry the strawberries until tender. You can see the finished state in the photo. The whole process takes from 12 to 24 hours, depending on which strawberries are caught. The finished product must be packed hermetically so that the berries are stored for as long as possible, and then hidden in a dry, dark place. Dried strawberries are ready for the winter, you can make tea from them.

Many people who love strawberries really miss their favorite berry in winter.

In the article we will tell you what to do with strawberries in order to save them for the winter.

Strawberries for the winter: how to choose berries for storage

Nowadays, strawberries flaunt on store shelves all year round. You can find sweet and large large-fruited strawberries even in winter.

But it should be noted that such berries are not at all suitable for harvesting for the winter, since they are grown under artificial lighting in a greenhouse, and sometimes even in a special hydrogel instead of natural soil.
Despite the fact that such strawberries are also delicious, useful substances it is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the grown traditional way in the garden under the rays of the summer sun.

It will be good if the berries were grown on film or mulch, as they are clean and do not require thorough washing.

How to freeze strawberries for the winter

There are several types of freezing berries.

One of great recipes harvesting strawberries for the winter is frozen mashed potatoes. It is necessary to grind the strawberries with sugar and freeze in portions. For half a kilogram of berries, use 150 grams of sugar.

Grind the resulting mixture with a blender or in another way (including grinding through a metal sieve).
This kind of puree is convenient to freeze in portions at a time. You can lay a plastic bag in a container in advance, put the required amount of mashed potatoes and freeze. Puree from these berries can also be frozen in an ice cube tray. Then you use it in milkshakes.


Consider how the preparation of frozen strawberries for the winter without sugar goes. Berries need to be washed and laid out on paper, allowing to dry for about 15 minutes. Before freezing the berries, lay them on a flat surface so that they do not touch.

After that, put the bag in the freezer for half an hour, during which time the large-fruited strawberries will freeze on top and will not lose shape.

Ideally, dry freezing at minus 16 ° C is necessary, if your refrigerator is capable of a lower temperature, use it.
Put such large-fruited strawberries in bags tightly to each other without fear that the strawberries will stick together or wrinkle. Remember to immediately divide the berries into portions, because after defrosting they are no longer frozen.

For proper freezing, which will preserve beneficial features, taste and vitamins, you need to use a few secrets:

  • Do not wash the berries, as the top layer will remain denser and drier, which will prevent the strawberries from sticking together and less juice will flow out after defrosting.
  • Don't cut off the tails. This will keep the middle of the berry and will not give it access to oxygen. As a result, the berries will be healthier.
To defrost strawberries, rinse them in a colander with cold water, then place on a paper towel. After 1.5 hours, strawberries can be eaten or used in desserts.


For use in cocktails and desserts, it is convenient to freeze strawberries cut into quarters. To do this, pre-prepared strawberries need to be cut and put on a plank. After that, freeze and carefully transfer to a container or bag.

With sugar

If you want strawberries to retain their sweetness, shape and color when defrosted, they should be frozen with sugar or powdered sugar.
Put the prepared and washed berries in a container and sprinkle each with a little sugar. Place the container in the freezer for several hours, then transfer to a bag.

Harvesting berries grated with sugar

Large-fruited strawberries grated with sugar are also called " live". Having opened a jar of such jam in winter, you can remember about summer with warm sun and aromas. Since such a jam is not exposed heat treatment, the vitamins in it are fully preserved.

For cooking, you will need ripe, fresh and clean strawberries, since they will not be washed, since a soaked berry is not suitable for this recipe and can ruin everything.

It is necessary to pour boiling water over the dishes that you will use for cooking, everything must be dry and sterile.

The berry needs to be crushed in a meat grinder or in a blender, in the latter it will be better, since the sugar will immediately mix. When grinding, gradually add sugar.

Next, pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars, pour a layer of sugar on top, so that you do not need to apply a full jar.
Then roll up the jars with lids and store in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding + 6 ° C. If you did everything right, live jam will be stored for a whole year.

How to dry fruits for the winter

Strawberries can also be dried in the oven, dryer or air grill, or simply in the air. Chips from this berry are very tasty. Since the range of dryers is different, you need to read the instructions before drying.

The drying time for berries is different, mainly from six to 12 hours. Let's take a closer look at how large-fruited strawberries can be dried and what is needed for this.

The easiest way that does not require special equipment and training. Strawberries can be dried whole, thinly sliced ​​(then you get strawberry chips) or cubes (for tea or baking).

Start drying by preparing the oven. Warm it up at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Rinse and dry the berries beforehand, you can put them on a towel and let them dry.

Did you know?Zinc contained in strawberry seeds increases sexual desire in men and women, and also increases the chance of conception by 25%.

Arrange strawberries on a baking sheet in a single layer. It can be laid out not on the baking sheet itself, but on parchment paper.

We look for the formation of moisture in the oven. Periodically, you should open the oven, turn the berries over, letting the moisture come out. oven.

We observe the berries when they wrinkle a little and become not so elastic - we bring the temperature of the oven to 60-70 degrees. is considered ready when, when squeezed, it does not stick to the fingers.

Drying in an electric dryer is almost the same as in an oven. Rinse and dry the strawberries, after removing the stalks. You can dry the berries on a cloth or paper towels. Dry the berries whole or chopped.

If dried sliced, the thickness of the plates should be approximately 4 mm, and small berries can only be cut in half or not cut at all.
Prepared berries are laid out on a pallet in one layer. It is recommended to lay out so that they do not touch each other.

It happens that there are large holes in the pallets and the berries slip through. Then you can purchase special nets for drying small berries.

Turn on the electric dryer at a temperature of 50-55 degrees. Check berries from time to time. If necessary, swap the tiers of pallets so that the lower ones do not burn.

Ready berries look a little darker than the original color, plastic and soft, do not stick to fingers when squeezed.

Put the finished drying in clean and dry jars. Close the lid. Store in a room in a dark place.
On pallets of an electric dryer (usually there are five of them), approximately a kilogram of large-fruited strawberries is placed. Drying is 70 grams per kilogram. The shelf life of dried berries is two years.

In air grill

You can also dry strawberries in an air grill. Drying in an air fryer has several advantages:

  • Drying time is much shorter (from 30 to 120 minutes).
  • You can leave the berries to dry and not control the process.
  • No need to turn them over and change pallets in places.
  • Approximately a kilogram of berries (±200 g) can be dried in one run.
  • The yield of finished drying is from 300 to 500 grams.
  • There is no heat in the kitchen during drying.

When drying in an air grill, moisture does not leave and does not ventilate on its own. Therefore, during drying, you need to slightly open the lid, for example, insert a skewer.

Before drying in an air grill, the berries are prepared in the same way as in previous recipes. Spread them on a wire rack with a layer of 2-3 cm.
They begin to dry in an air grill from 45 degrees and at the end the temperature is brought to 60 degrees. Ready-made berries look soft and do not release juice when squeezed and do not stick to hands.

Preserves, jams, compotes

Strawberry compote is very popular with children. Usually, rolling strawberry compote, it is always sterilized. Here is a simplified recipe for compote without sterilization. For cooking you will need:

  • Ripe strawberries (based on 800 g per 3-liter jar)
  • Sugar (200-250 g per 3 liter jar)
  • Water (preferably filtered)
  • Rinse and sterilize the jars (approximately 10 minutes under steam).
  • Sterilize the lids (boil in a saucepan for 5 minutes).
  • Wash strawberries, remove stems.
  • Pour it into jars (1/3 jars).
  • Boil water and pour into jars
  • Let sit for 15 minutes (until the water turns a rich pink color).
  • Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan.
  • Add sugar (at the rate of 200-250 g per jar).
  • Boil the resulting syrup, stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
  • Fill jars with berries to the top.
  • Screw on the lids.
  • Put the lids down and wrap with something warm. Let stand like this for 6-8 hours.
Compote is ready. Fans of strawberry jam often face a problem: the jam becomes dark, and the fruits spread. The following recipe will allow you to minimize the loss in the beauty of the jam. To prepare 1 liter of jam, you need:
  • strawberries - 900 grams;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • juice of one lemon.

Important! For this recipe, the berries are taken a little underripe and firm, but not soft.

  1. Pour the large-fruited strawberries into a large saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for a few hours so that she starts up the juice.
  2. Place the saucepan over low heat and watch for the sugar to dissolve. In order not to crumble the berries, do not mix the mixture, but shake it. It is important that no sugar crystals remain before boiling.
  3. Put the jam on a large fire and let it boil. Add lemon juice and time for eight minutes.
  4. Remove the jam from the heat, put a spoonful of jam on a plate. If the berry does not let the juice out after pressing with a finger, the jam is ready. Otherwise, it must be put on maximum fire for another three minutes.
  5. Pour the jam into jars and let it brew for 15 minutes in order for the hard part to sink. After insisting, roll up the banks.
To make jam you will need:
  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon 1 pc.
  1. Rinse the strawberries thoroughly, put in a colander and let the water drain. Sort and clean it of ponytails.
  2. Make a puree out of it with a blender, sprinkle with sugar, mix and leave for several hours.
  3. Add lemon juice to puree.
  4. Put the jam on a slow fire and cook, remembering to stir and remove the foam. Cook the jam to your desired consistency.
  5. Divide jam into jars and close with lids.

First, wash the berries and remove the tails. Then put in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar (about 400 grams). Close the bowl with a lid and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, pour the juice from the bowl into sterilized jars, close them with lids. You can use this juice for no more than two months.

350 grams of sugar pour 400 ml of water and boil over low heat. After the mixture boils, in the resulting sugar syrup Pour in the berries that were previously settled in the refrigerator. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook for five minutes.

Then take the syrup off the heat and let it cool down. After fifteen minutes, pour the syrup into sterilized jars, use a colander to strain. Roll up the banks.
Put the remaining berries on a baking sheet and let cool. Preheat the oven to 85ºС and put the cooled berries in there for half an hour. After that, take out the strawberries, let it cool, mix and put it back in the oven. Repeat this action twice, but try not to overcook.

Transfer large-fruited strawberries from a baking sheet to a sieve and leave at a temperature of 30ºС. After 6-9 hours, transfer the berries to paper bags.

In such packages, sweetness should lie for six days. Dried strawberries are ready to eat. Ready dried dessert is stored at a temperature of 12-18 ºС in tightly closed glass jars.


Making strawberry jelly for the winter is very simple, even a novice "harvester" can handle it. Below you can find basic recipes. Jelly with gelatin. To prepare, take:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 1 kg.
  1. Sort the berries, rinse and cut off the tails.
  2. Mash strawberries in a glass or enamel bowl and mix with sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat. Let cool.
  4. Bring the jam to a boil a second time and remove from heat. Let cool while soaking gelatin in water.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil a third time, add gelatin to it. Stir, remove from fire.
  6. Pour hot jelly into sterilized jars and seal.
Grated strawberry jelly For this you will need:
  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • gelatin - 20 g.
  1. Sort the berries, rinse in cold water and cut off the tails.
  2. Make strawberry puree with a blender.
  3. Pour mashed potatoes into a small saucepan, add gelatin and sugar, then put on medium heat and bring to a boil.
  4. After boiling, leave the mixture on the stove, remembering to stir. Pour jelly into jars.
  5. Such jelly can be spread on bread in winter as an additive to porridge, yogurt, pancakes, cottage cheese, and also spread on cake layers.

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    28 times already

A favorite delicacy of many, wild strawberries are an ideal source of health. Fragrant berry is good fresh, boiled and dried.

At the same time, dried strawberries retain their beneficial properties, and there are plenty of them:

1. Support the cardiovascular system. This is getting rid of hypertension, helping with atherosclerosis, increasing the endurance and performance of the heart muscle, normalizing blood pressure, removing cholesterol, blood formation and blood oxygen saturation.

3. The excretory, endocrine system of a person largely depends on the vitamins contained in strawberries in excess. Improving kidney function, reducing the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland, treating gout and diathesis, restoring salt metabolism, relieving pain in diseases of the joints.

If it is possible to buy a lot of berries, be sure to start drying strawberries at home, the body will be grateful to you. Fruit ripening begins in June and lasts until July. Assembly is done in the morning when the dew subsides or in the evening, but only in dry weather. Pick the berries from the bush carefully so as not to crush. Drying strawberries at home in the sun is better on a wooden surface - taking out the washed and peeled fruits in the morning to warm up and bringing them in in the evening so that the dew does not fall. In this case, it is useful to stir the berries slightly.

Advice! It is allowed to dry wild strawberries in bundles with leaves - they also have healing properties. To do this, the bundles are washed, shaken off and bound. Now it remains to hang them on a string in a ventilated room and make sure that the birds do not peck. Drying time up to 4-5 weeks.

What to dry wild strawberries if there is no possibility of drying in the sun? It can be in the oven, electric dryer or oven. The latter option requires kindling, and in the summer in the heat it is not always interesting. But if possible, then baking sheets with berries are placed for drying only after preliminary heating of the stove after 2-3 hours, the drying period is 1-1.5 days, with constant tedding of berries.

How to dry strawberries in the oven

1. Berries pre-sort, rinse.

2. Dry the fruits on a towel, put on spacings or baking sheets;

3. Turn on the oven at 35 C, remove the baking sheet and slightly dry the berries for 1-1.5 hours.

4. Increase the heat to 60 C and dry for another couple of hours until the fruits shrink and the seeds show through.

5. Drying is carried out with the oven door not tightly closed.

Readiness is determined simply: when pouring dry berries on a saucer, they make a characteristic click. The product is completely ready for storage, the term of which is not more than 2 years. But when drying in an electric dryer, fragrant strawberries do not require any trouble at all: put clean berries on a baking sheet, set the temperature to 50 C and wait about 2 hours - the berries are dry! There is only one drying rule: the berries should not touch each other, so a dense layout is not recommended.

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