Home Meat How to cook barley porridge in water. How to cook barley on water: step by step recipes with and without soaking How to cook barley porridge

How to cook barley porridge in water. How to cook barley on water: step by step recipes with and without soaking How to cook barley porridge

Barley porridge is obtained by grinding barley grains, as a result of which only the husk and the top layer of grain are removed. This cereal has been known since ancient times, when it was widely prepared and eaten.

Now many have forgotten about pearl barley and practically do not cook it, because they believe that this porridge turns out to be tough and completely tasteless. But it's not. Let's take a closer look at the main methods and recipes for making pearl barley porridge so that it turns out soft, tender and crumbly.

Useful properties of barley porridge

Barley rightfully belongs to useful products, since it belongs to the whole grain cereal, therefore it undergoes minimal processing, retaining all the nutrients.

For the benefit of the body, barley porridge must be eaten on a regular basis, since it contains such vitamins:

  • group B- has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system calming her;
  • vitamin A- necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision;
  • vitamin E- acts as an antioxidant, it is also responsible for the condition of the nail plate and hair;
  • group D- promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue and joints;
  • vitamin PP- has a positive effect, improving the condition of the skin, preventing its premature aging.

Barley porridge contains other useful substances, microelements and macroelements, as well as amino acids.

For example, fiber, which is in barley, helps to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Gordecin - being a natural antibacterial component, it allows you to cope with pathogenic microflora.

This cereal belongs to the pretty low-calorie foods, its calorie content is 320 kcal. Therefore, such porridge is often included as food, while dieting. Due to its useful properties, this product is included in the menu in children's, military and medical institutions.

  1. During cooking, this cereal can increase in volume up to 5 times. This should be taken into account when choosing a container for cooking porridge.
  2. It can be difficult to determine in advance the exact cooking time for barley porridge, since many factors affect this process. Everything will depend on the quality of the grain, the utensils used for its preparation, as well as the method of cooking. On average, the cooking process of this dish is from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  3. Consistency ready porridge will depend on the amount of water in which the cereal was cooked. If you want to make barley porridge crumbly, then for 1 glass of porridge, you need to take 2 glasses of water. If barley is cooked in a larger amount of liquid, for example, by doubling the volume of water, then it will turn out to be viscous and viscous.

Popular Recipes

Consider the basic recipes for how to cook friable barley on water. Since this porridge is made from whole grains, it will take a long time to boil it. Many housewives use the method of pre-soaking cereals, leaving barley porridge in water for the whole night.

This method of cooking allows you to significantly reduce the cooking time, as the soaked grain becomes softer and boils faster.

Barley preparation with pre-soaking

Rinse the cereal well under running water. Fill it with water in the ratio of 1 cup of porridge to 1 liter of water. The grain should stand for about 10 hours soaked, it is better to leave it to stand overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid, boil water and pour out the porridge.

This dish is prepared from time to time, stirring from time to time and checking the degree of its readiness. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

When the porridge is cooked, the container is removed from the heat and covered with a lid. It is necessary to wrap the pan with a terry towel or thick cloth, and leave it in this state for another 15-30 minutes. During this time, the dish will reach full readiness.

Cooking porridge without soaking

The grains are washed well and placed in boiling water. So that the water protrudes 2 centimeters above the level of the porridge. It is necessary to wait until the barley boils, and then reduce the heat to a minimum value. On such a fire, the cereal is cooked for 5 minutes.

After this time, strain the barley porridge through a colander. Again, it is necessary to pour the cereal with boiling water and boil for 5.5 minutes. This manipulation must be carried out 6 times. At the same time, each time the amount of water should increase so that it protrudes 1 centimeter more than the previous time. Each time the cooking time is increased by 30 seconds.

The last time, pouring boiling water over the cereal, you can salt it and add a little oil. When the porridge is ready, it is removed from the fire and filtered.

An old recipe for barley porridge

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 2 glasses of pearl barley;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 40 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 5.5 cups of water.

It is necessary to pre-soak barley overnight. If there is no time, you can pour the grain with boiling water and leave for several hours. After this time, the porridge is poured with water and put on the stove, making a big fire. As soon as it boils, the liquid is drained and again poured with boiling water.

At this stage, the dish must be salted, the container is closed with a lid, the heat is reduced and the porridge is boiled for 15 minutes.

After that, the pan must be placed in an oven preheated to 125 degrees. In the oven, barley porridge should sweat for another 30-35 minutes. Before serving, the dish is seasoned with vegetable oil.

There are also standard recipe barley porridge, when the grain is placed in a saucepan, poured with cold water and simmered over low heat for 1-2 hours. At the same time, the cereal must be constantly stirred and monitored so that it does not burn.

Now you know how to properly cook friable barley on water and you can treat your loved ones to a tasty and healthy dish.

You will learn more about how to cook barley porridge in the following video.

Pearl barley recipes

35 minutes

110 kcal

5/5 (3)

No matter how one treats pearl barley, it belongs to the most useful products. Pearl barley contains a huge list useful substances and trace elements, the first place among which is potassium. And this means that by regularly serving barley porridge for breakfast, you will make sure that the work of your heart will be rhythmic, you will be able to avoid swelling during sedentary work, and every morning you will meet cheerfully, and not with apathy or drowsiness.

Cooking porridge from pearl barley is a simple process. The main thing is to adhere to the correct the ratio of water and cereals for cooking barley porridge . It is necessary to pour the liquid, you get a slurry. Spare half a glass of water, and the porridge will be dry, and worse, undercooked grains will crunch on your teeth.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • If you think that all barley grains are the same, then you are deeply mistaken. Groats are small and large, light and dark, so when buying pearl barley, pay attention to the caliber of grains. The bigger one tastes better.
  • Salt for cereals is better to use sea salt. But keep in mind that it is slightly saltier than regular rock salt.
  • Water for cooking is taken in proportions of 1: 2.5-3, since properly cooked barley porridge on water should be crumbly, and barley takes a lot of water.
  • The most optimal seasoning for all cereals is a mixture of purified vegetable and butter taken one by one.

Did you know?
Barley porridge It is considered the most energy-intensive of all cereals that exist in nature.

Recipe for friable barley porridge on the water

Kitchen appliances

  • three-liter saucepan with a lid;
  • kettle;
  • beaker;
  • tablespoon;
  • spatula for mixing;
  • strainer.


How to cook delicious and crumbly barley porridge on water - a step by step description

We will cook on the stove. Before starting work, you need to boil the kettle and sort out the grits, removing twigs and plant debris. As a rule, there is not much of it in pearl barley.

Important! When cooked, each barley grain increases five times!

video recipe

We offer you to watch the video instruction: how to cook barley porridge on the water, and what needs to be done first.

Barley is very fond of butter, especially butter. But a large amount of a creamy product can adversely affect the taste sensations. Therefore, here it is necessary to observe the measure. It is better to put butter on everyone's plate just before breakfast.

You can also hear from older people that immediately after cooking, the porridge should be evaporated - removed from the stove, wrap the pan first with paper, then with a terry towel, cover it with a blanket, and let stand in this state for 2-3 hours.

An old recipe for cooking barley

  • Cooking time: 60 min.
  • Servings: 5-6.

Kitchen appliances

  • saucepan with a lid;
  • heat-resistant container or form;
  • beaker;
  • kettle;
  • tablespoon;
  • spatula.


Step by step recipe for the perfect side dish

  1. Soak barley in a saucepan for 2 or 3 hours, or more. If you pour boiling water over barley and leave for the same time, the porridge will be ready even faster.
  2. Light a strong fire under the pan and bring the liquid to a boil, then drain the first water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the cereal again, salt, close the lid and reduce the heat of the burner.
  4. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Now you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up. As soon as the porridge is boiled, place the pan in the oven. If the pan is not designed for this, the porridge must be transferred to an appropriate container. Bake in the oven at 125°C for another 30-35 minutes.

This porridge is served as a side dish to meat dishes and independently - with milk, butter, any gravy or sauces.

Ask for a recipe to compare, how long does it take to cook barley porridge in water in a slow cooker, and how long does it take to cook it on a conventional gas or electric stove.

video recipe

We bring to your attention a short video in which the restored old recipe cooking porridge from pearl barley. How to cook barley porridge on water by the method of our ancestors – the famous chef reveals the secrets.

Basic common truths

  • Perlovka is barley grains processed in a certain way, outwardly resembling river pearls.
  • A faceted glass contains 230 g of pearl barley, if you fill the glass with pearl barley to the top. If poured to the rim (risks), 180 g of barley is placed in a glass. A measured 250 gram glass contains 230 g of cereal.
  • You can measure the cereal with tablespoons. In 4 tablespoons with a slide, exactly 100 grams of barley are placed.
  • Cook cereals with or without pre-soaking. Both ways are considered correct, only in the second case, the cooking time increases markedly.

Our culinary site has a huge archive of recipes from all over the world. We have a large selection of side dishes and dishes made from all kinds of cereals. Ask how you can cook, and what is the main trick of its preparation.

- Pearl barley is the cheapest cereal and the most useful. Barley is called the pearl of cereals because of its useful components: lysine (antiviral), protein-containing gluten (indispensable for those who are on a diet), selenium, B vitamins, proteins and minerals.
- Barley can be soaked in water or in the same amount of milk or curdled milk.
- Barley is made from barley, cleaning and polishing the grains.
- Pearl barley is one of the cheapest cereals. The cost in Moscow stores is from 30 to 70 rubles. per 1 kilogram of pearl barley (the price is indicated for June 2019).
- When cooking barley increases 5 times.
- Shelf life of pearl barley - from a year to a year and a half.
- Barley calorie content - 320 kcal / 100 grams of cereal.
readiness determine barley by appearance and consistency - fully cooked barley is swollen, soft, but not mushy.

Non-standard methods of cooking barley

How to cook barley in a slow cooker
1. Rinse barley, soak in cold water for 6-12 hours.
2. Drain the water, put the barley in a slow cooker, greased with butter, pour water or milk in a ratio of 1:3.
3. Set the multicooker to the "Buckwheat" or "Rice" mode, close the lid and cook for 50 minutes, then try the barley for readiness.
4. Add butter and leave on "Reheat" for another 10 minutes.

How to cook in a pressure cooker
1. Rinse and soak for 6-12 hours, drain and fill with fresh water 1:3.
2. Set the pressure valve of the pressure cooker to the "Closed" position and cook after building up the pressure for 20 minutes, then release the pressure naturally for 40 minutes.

How to cook barley in the microwave
1. For 1 glass of pearl barley, take one and a half glasses of salted boiled water and cook in a container for microwave oven, covered with a lid, 25-30 minutes at a power of 400 watts.
2. Put the processed barley (in a bag) into a container with boiled salted water, put it in the microwave for 20 minutes at a power of 400 watts.

How to cook barley in a double boiler
1. Wash the barley, drain the vegetable rubbish, put it in the double boiler bowl.
2. Smooth barley, pour water and leave for 6-12 hours.
3. Make sure there is enough water in the fluid compartment.
4. Turn on the steamer for 1 hour (without soaking - 2 hours).
5. Add salt and stir barley - it is cooked.

How to cook barley in bags
Groats from bags do not need to be pre-soaked - they are already processed and after cooking they can be added to soups, side dishes or other dishes.
1. Place a bag of barley in a saucepan and pour cold water over so that the bag is covered with water with a margin of 1 centimeter.
2. Put the pan on the fire, wait until it boils and cook barley in a bag for 45 minutes, covered with a lid.

For most of us, barley porridge evokes not the most pleasant associations. For some, it's bland, dry, and often undercooked hospital food. For others, it was a hated mush-porridge, which was stuffed every day and every other day in kindergarten. In the meantime, pearl barley can be cooked deliciously! And it's pretty easy and relatively quick to do. The main thing is to know a couple of secrets, thanks to which you will get such a mess that you can’t drag it by the ears! And all you need is cereal, water for cooking and a little salt.

Below I will tell you in detail about how to cook barley on water quickly and easily. This can be done in two ways: with or without pre-soaking the cereal. Each has its pros and cons, but no matter which option you choose, I always guarantee you an excellent result!


  • pearl barley - 1 tbsp.,
  • water - 2-3 tbsp. (depending on the desired consistency of the finished porridge),
  • salt - about 2/3 tbsp. l.

1. How to quickly cook barley on water with pre-soaking

This method is convenient in that after soaking, the cereal swells so much that it only takes 30 minutes to bring it to readiness.

First of all, pearl barley is thoroughly washed under running cool water, be sure to grind the grains with your hands. Pour the washed cereal with cold water and leave to swell for at least 5-6 hours, ideally overnight. You need to take a lot of water for soaking - about a liter per 1 tbsp. cereals.

After the water in which the barley was soaked, drain. We wash the cereal itself once more and transfer it to a suitable saucepan.

Then we put the pan on the stove for maximum heat, pour the barley with boiling water (we boil the kettle and, as the water boils, pour in its grits). To get dry and crumbly porridge, 2 tbsp will be enough. water. For more viscous porridge - at least 3. We take the same glass with which we measured the cereal.

Fill with water and immediately close the lid. The water begins to gurgle after 30 seconds. Switch the heating of the stove to medium and cook barley for 25 minutes. After the specified time, open the lid. From above, the cereal has already absorbed the water completely, at the bottom of the saucepan there is still some liquid left. Add salt to the barley, mix and close the lid again.

We cook barley for another 5 minutes, after which we turn off the stove without removing the pan from it. We give the porridge to sweat and reach full readiness for another 10 minutes - and barley is ready! Then it can either be served or used to prepare other dishes (soups, salads, meatballs, etc.).

2. How to quickly cook barley on water without soaking

This method is ideal for those who decide to cook barley suddenly, and there is simply no time for soaking. With it, you can also cook porridge of any viscosity. And the cooking time will be on average 40-50 minutes. Quite quickly, considering that we skip the soaking stage for many hours.

Just as in the previous method, we thoroughly wash the pearl barley.

Then we send it to the pan and fill it with cold water. The amount of water does not really matter, because after the first boil we will drain this water. I pour water over my eye - so that the grits are hidden by 1-2 cm.

We put the pan with cereal on the stove, turning on the maximum heat. We cover the saucepan with a lid.

Bring the cereal to a boil, boil for just a couple of minutes and drain the water. We throw the grits on a sieve. If, when boiling, the water will try to escape outside the saucepan, open the lid a little.

We return the barley to the pan, pour cold water again, cover with a lid and bring to a boil at maximum heat of the stove. The amount of water for obtaining friable porridge is 2.5 tablespoons, for viscous - at least 3.

As soon as the cereal boils again, reduce the heat of the stove to medium and simmer the porridge under the lid for 30 minutes. Then the scheme is the same as in the first method: open the lid, add salt to the cereal, mix and return the lid to its place. Cook the porridge for another 10 minutes, turn off the stove and let the barley steam and reach readiness for another 10-15 minutes.

Ready! We attach pearl barley to salads or soup, or serve it, flavored with meat gravy, a piece of butter and herbs, with vegetable frying - to your taste.

Bon Appetit!

In childhood, everyone turned up their noses at this cereal, but then we did not understand its benefits, but it is time to reconsider our attitude to barley. And therefore, you need to know how to cook friable barley correctly and for how many minutes.

There are many recipes - on water without soaking, or porridge from it, in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or pan, observing the proportions. Only with the development of these culinary skills, our diet will become not only useful, but also incredibly tasty, and the cooking process itself will be a joy.

Shrapnel, bolts, shot 16, tarpaulin, all these names are firmly attached to pearl barley - the most popular army porridge. But for some reason today barley appears on our civilian tables very, very rarely.

And in vain, because a whole vitamin-mineral complex is concentrated in these grains. This is a set of amino acids we need, which together act as the most effective drug for influenza and acute respiratory infections. But even the scriptures mentioned this cereal, and the royal people did not disdain such a hearty dinner.

Or maybe the whole point is that we simply do not know how to cook it? That is why today's article is devoted to how to properly cook pearl barley or simply pearl barley. However, before we plunge into the world of cooking with all its mysteries, let's study some of the nuances associated with this cereal.

Diet barley porridge

For some reason, over the years, it has been believed that barley is the latest cereal crop that can be used in a dietary diet. Yes, it is difficult to argue here when the facts indicate that in dry form 100 g of barley pull almost 320 kcal. But who eats uncooked grain?

But a rich porridge from these cereals has only 120 calories, besides, it is very, very nutritious, rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which is required for a diet or lean diet.

Few people know that pearl barley should be eaten only hot, because this way it is better absorbed by the body. And yes, it tastes better.

Proportions of cereals and water for perfect barley porridge

In the process of cooking barley, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the components. However, in this matter, it is necessary to turn to your wishes and decide what consistency of the dish we want to get in the end.

This will determine how much dry matter and liquid we need. If the priority is crumbly pearl barley for garnish, then the ratio of water and pearl barley will be 1: 2½. However, for lovers of viscous porridge per glass of grain, you should take about one liter of water.

Barley is, perhaps, one of those cereals, the preparation of which should be started long before the meal, because it is cooked in time for about an hour, and to be more precise, from 40 to 100 minutes.

However, it is impossible to specify a specific cooking period, because it can vary depending on many factors.

  • Type of pot.
  • Cooking method.
  • pre-soak.
  • Grain varieties.
  • Grain sizes.

In addition, the age of barley can also affect the cooking speed, because the longer it is stored, the longer it will take to heat treat. but experienced housewives They say that you can make excellent porridge much faster. To do this, you need to wait until the pearl barley in the water boils. After that, drain the water, fill the container with liquid again and cook the dish until cooked at medium temperature.

But why complicate everything so much when you can simply soak the grains in boiling water for several hours and after that it won’t even take half an hour for the whole culinary epic.

How to cook pearl barley (barley porridge) on water correctly and how long, video recipe

In the old days, barley porridge was served at the royal table. In men, it is associated with a tasteless army mess. We offer an algorithm for how to cook pearl barley in order to save it beneficial features and make the porridge fluffy.

How to cook barley with barley soaking

Pearl barley, unlike other cereals, is cooked for quite a long time. To quickly cook barley, the right solution is to pre-soak it overnight in warm water. Due to this, the cereal will be saturated with liquid. Then cook delicious and healthy breakfast can be done in a matter of minutes.

How to do it? Simply, well-washed cereals should be placed in a deepened container and poured with boiling water, based on a ratio of 1: 4. Well, if you determine “by eye”, then you need to take as much water as it takes to ensure that the grains are covered by 4 cm, and they need to be soaked for 5 hours.

How to steam pearl barley in a thermos

In addition, there is another great way to cook. It not only significantly speeds up the process of subsequent cooking of whole barley grains, but also allows you to cook delicious friable barley without worries and hassle. And here's the secret. Before you boil the cereal, you need to pour it with boiling water in a thermos for an hour and a half. Then transfer to a saucepan, add liquid and cook for 20 minutes.

And if 8 tbsp. washed pearl barley grains, pour 700 ml of freshly boiled water in a thermos and leave overnight, then by morning we will be ready excellent porridge. It remains only to flavor it with salt or sugar and butter.

The choice of a container for cooking should be approached with all seriousness, since barley is significantly distributed in volume during the heat treatment process. And if during soaking it swells twice, then the boiled cereal increases five times, threatening to fall out over the edge of an improperly selected saucepan.

Well, now, having learned all the details of barley cooking, we can go directly to the methods and recipes for preparing this cereal.

How delicious to cook pearl barley for a side dish

Despite such unpopularity, pearl barley is included in many of our favorite dishes, both in the first and in the second. For example, this cereal makes an excellent side dish, the main thing is to be able to cook it correctly.

  1. To cook a truly tasty, crumbly, lush barley, you should first soak the washed cereal (1 tbsp.) In boiling water (2 l) for several hours.
  2. After that, put the swollen and washed grains in a saucepan, pour fresh water (1 l) and set on maximum heat.
  3. After boiling, let the barley cook for about 5 minutes, after which we reduce the heat, close the container with a lid and cook the porridge until tender (30 minutes).
  4. When the water evaporates and the cereal becomes soft, add 50 grams of butter to it, add salt to the garnish to taste and, under the closed lid, let the porridge sweat a little more.

Milk porridge from pearl barley

Every soldier and kindergartner knows firsthand what he looks like proper breakfast. There is no doubt that for a healthy nourishment of the body at the beginning of the working day, the best solution would be to cook barley porridge. And this recipe is perfect for this action:

  1. The preparation of a milk breakfast from pearl barley should begin with soaking the grains (2 cups) in boiling water (2 l), or with their preliminary and short (10 minutes) boiling in water.
  2. Next, we wash the slightly boiled cereals and drain them on a sieve.
  3. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, mix 1.5 cups of water and 3 cups of milk. Next, we shift the pearl barley and 30 g of butter into the liquid. We also fall asleep in a container of ½ tsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, after which we put everything to cook on low heat under the lid until the porridge thickens.
  4. And then add another 20 grams of oil and, wrapping the hot porridge in a pan in a blanket, let the dish brew for a while. But if unbearable, then you can immediately proceed to the meal.

Delicious pearl barley in a slow cooker

Over the past decade, the progress of kitchen equipment has been significantly modernized, and now the presence of a multicooker in the house does not surprise anyone. And such popularity of these intelligent pans is quite understandable. They practically prepare the dish themselves, we just have to load it necessary products and set the desired program.

In addition, it will not be difficult for this unit to cook delicious friable barley for breakfast or a side dish. In this miracle pan, even soaking barley has its advantages. If you pour dry cereal with water and leave it overnight in heating mode, then by morning you can get crumbly porridge. This can be equated to the effect of a thermos. But again, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of water. In this case, 1 multi glass of grain will require 3 multi glasses of liquid.

But this is just one of options cooking this cereal. And this recipe will tell you how tasty it is to cook friable barley on the water, say, for lunch.

  • We will need following products: pearl barley (2 cups), water (4.5 cups), ghee (50 g), salt (1 tsp).
  • Barley must first be thoroughly washed so that the water becomes clear.
  • After that, having loaded all the ingredients into the bowl of the device, close its lid and set the “buckwheat” or “rice” program. In our case, porridge will be cooked in a Redmond multicooker, so you need to keep in mind that some programs and characteristics of units from other companies may differ.
  • The discrepancy can even concern the cooking timer. For example, on average, barley in a slow cooker is cooked for about 1 hour without pre-soaking. However, how much time it will take for this procedure for the device of a particular company, it is worth clarifying in the annotation to the device.
  • After cooking is complete, it is necessary that the porridge “breathe” with the lid open so that excess moisture evaporates.

This is how you can easily and naturally prepare an excellent side dish. However, this is not all the possibilities of this saucepan regarding this cereal, because barley in a slow cooker turns out to be even tastier with milk.

To prepare porridge in a slow cooker of any company, the same proportions for milk and dry product (3: 1) are always used, based on which we will select the components. And all the details on how to cook barley porridge in milk in a slow cooker are described in this recipe.


  • Barley - 1 cup;
  • Milk - 3 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Oil - 2 tablespoons;

Lazy barley cooked in a slow cooker

  1. Before you start cooking, barley must be thoroughly washed and soaked for 2-3 hours in boiling water.
  2. After that, we wash the swollen grains again and, together with milk, salt, sugar and butter, load them into the bowl of the unit.
  3. Having set the “stewing” program for 3 hours, we can safely go about our business, and the slow cooker will prepare an excellent breakfast or dinner by itself.

Loose barley in a pressure cooker

Undoubtedly, cooking in a slow cooker is very, very convenient, especially for busy housewives, but this unit cannot be compared with an intelligent pressure cooker. This device, like no other, copes with the task clearly and quickly, which makes it the number one of all assistants in the kitchen.

Such an amazing cooking speed is achieved by cooking under high pressure, which also has the most beneficial effect on the preservation of nutrients in the products.

The recipe for how to properly cook barley for a side dish in a pressure cooker is similar to the cooking technology in a slow cooker, however, there are some nuances here:

  • For 1 cup of soaked cereal, you need only 2 cups of water or milk;
  • Having loaded the cereal and water into the bowl of the apparatus, bring everything to a boil, anoint with salt, sugar and butter to taste, and only then close the lid and set the program “cooking”, “porridge”, “buckwheat”, “rice” or any other, according to instructions for the device.
  • Cooking time for porridge is only 15 minutes.

How to cook barley porridge in a double boiler

The question is, why, with so many convenient and smart gadgets in the kitchen that show excellent culinary results, steam barley?

It's very simple, none of even the most delicate cooking methods can cook a side dish like a double boiler does. Delicate and crumbly, neither dry, not sticky, retaining the maximum vitamins in itself - this is truly the perfect barley porridge, which you will not find better, no matter how much you look.

However, this technique still has its drawbacks, such as the fact that barley is prepared with steam for a long time, about an hour and a half. But this is still no reason to retreat before such a healthy and tasty delicacy.

  • To prepare a side dish, you need to take 2.5 cups of water for 1 cup of cereal soaked overnight.
  • We load the components into a double boiler cup, close the lid of the unit and set the timer for 40 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, the cereal should be salted or sweetened, if we want milk porridge, then add 1 glass of milk, after which we again set the mode for 40 minutes and bring the dish to readiness.

Step by step cooking barley in the microwave

Barley recipes for garnish are truly amazing in their diversity. And the point is not so much in a wide range of various aromatic additives, but in what kind of cooking method we choose. Thanks to kitchen gadgets, this long-term cooking has appeared for us in a different light, and fast cooking barley porridge was a real gift.

For example, pearl barley takes only 35 minutes to cook in the microwave, while it takes twice as long to cook in a pot. And this is encouraging. However, it is necessary to approach the microwave cooking technology armed with this recipe.


  • Barley - 230 g;
  • Water - 630 ml;
  • Salt - ½ - 1 tsp;
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons;

How to quickly and tasty cook barley porridge at home

  1. We spread the soaked barley in a microwave container, fill it with water and, under a closed lid (with a hole), cook the porridge for 5 minutes at full power.
  2. After that, we take out the container, mix the cereal, salt, season with oil and send it to cook again, but already for half an hour and at medium power.
  3. In the process of cooking, the side dish should be mixed several times so that the porridge is boiled evenly.

You can also cook in the microwave delicious porridge from pearl barley with milk. To do this, put 1 cup of soaked cereal in a microwave container, pour everything with 1.5 cups of hot milk, salt and sweeten to taste. Next, close the container with a lid (with an open valve) and cook breakfast for 20 minutes at a power of 400 watts.

Super-healthy and delicious barley in a pot in the oven

The craving for healthy eating today has become a real boom. On this basis, dear hostesses, anxiously caring for the well-being of their family, begin to actively include in the menu raw vegetables, cereals, steamed or in pots.

It was this trend that inspired us to prepare something similar. How about barley on chicken broth in pots in the oven? This recipe does not take much time, but it would seem that a simple dish turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy.


  • Pearl barley - 1 cup;
  • Chicken broth - 2 l;
  • Coarse salt - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • Powdered black pepper - ¼ tsp;
  • Dry garlic - ½ tsp;

How to cook healthy barley porridge

  1. Soaked overnight and doubled in volume, we thoroughly wash the grits and lay them out in ceramic containers, filling them by 1/3. Given that the average portion pot has a volume of 0.75 liters, then we need 4 such containers, where each of them will have 0.5 tbsp. barley.
  2. Next, pour the grits with salted and spiced broth, 0.5 liters into each container, and put the ceramic containers closed with lids into the oven.
  3. At a temperature of 190 ° C, porridge will be cooked for 60 minutes, and before serving, the dish must be flavored with butter and herbs.

In principle, you can cook barley in pots on the water. And what an awesome milk porridge is obtained in the oven from this cereal, just like from a Russian oven. But in this case, the proportions of grain and liquid, and the cooking technology itself, will look somewhat different.

  1. For 1 cup of cereal, we need 1 liter of milk, 40 grams of butter, ½ tsp. salt and 1-2 tbsp. Sahara.
  2. We thoroughly wash the grain and boil in a saucepan for 20 minutes. You can also soak the cereal overnight in water instead of boiling it, or steam it for an hour in boiling water in a thermos.
  3. After that, we transfer the barley to a saucepan with boiling milk, add some salt, sweeten it and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. After that, pour the semi-finished porridge with milk into pots with a ladle, flavor it with oil and send it to the oven for half an hour at 190 ° C.

And after 30 minutes we can enjoy a great breakfast with the aroma of baked milk.

"Perle", which means "pearl" in French, it was with this word that the most popular army porridge was once dubbed. And the point is not even that barley grain really looks like this marine jewel, but that it is pearl barley that is truly the pearl of a healthy diet. And it was precisely for this that Peter 1 loved her very much at one time.

Unfortunately, today many hostesses have forgotten how to cook barley porridge deliciously. But let's hope that the suggested tips will still help regain lost skills on how to properly cook barley using modern kitchen gadgets and some culinary tricks.

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