Home Kashi How to cook marbled beef and what kind of meat it is, recipes with photos. "Marble meat is a natural delicacy"

How to cook marbled beef and what kind of meat it is, recipes with photos. "Marble meat is a natural delicacy"

June 27th, 2017

Yesterday we dealt with you, And today, in continuation of the topic - marbled beef.

Marbled meat simply cannot be cheap, this is due to the fact that raising animals for making marbled beef and the cooking process itself is a laborious and expensive task. Where did such a romantic name come from - marbled beef? To them the meat owes its appearance.

The fact is that the streaks of fat in the meat are arranged in such a way that a beautiful pattern is obtained on the cut, resembling a pattern on marble slabs.

However, this meat is valued not at all for its interesting appearance, but for its surprisingly tender, uncharacteristic taste for ordinary beef.

It is important to note that only beef can be marbled. Unfortunately, from time to time, scammers sell naive and ignorant people a cut of "marbled" pork or lamb. Such meat is obtained only by special processing after slaughter. The appearance in this case corresponds to the marble, but the similarity ends there. Initially, marbled beef was produced only in Japan from the meat of young gobies of a special breed of tojima or cows of the wagyu breed.

Both of these breeds were considered almost sacred in Japan, since according to legend, higher powers contributed to their appearance. For this reason, they could not be exported from the country, only recently these two breeds for marbled meat began to be grown in Australia. However, until now, it is Japanese marbled beef that is considered the best. Now about the process of growing animals for marbled meat. This process is costly and difficult. For a positive result, it is necessary to strictly observe a certain regime, menu, special procedures. Animals are kept in narrow stalls so that they do not move once again. The fact is that movements adversely affect the taste of meat. And in order not to form bedsores, they are given vibration massage. In addition, they include classical music.

Nutrition also plays an important role. Until the age of six months, animals are fed only with milk, then they are grazed in wild meadows. After that, they are transferred to a separate room, where they are fed with selected grains, and for appetite they drink beer and sake. This is what growing technology looks like. However, each manufacturer has its own secrets that they do not reveal to anyone. And those treatments that meat is subjected to immediately after the slaughter of animals are protected like the apple of an eye. All these manipulations create that wonderful taste, for which all the gourmets of the world appreciate it. How is marbled beef prepared? Recipes, or rather their details, are also kept secret. A feature of the preparation of marbled meat is that it is fried in the presence of the client. At least that's how they do it in Japan. A special brazier is installed next to the client's table, and he can observe the process. In addition, there is such a popular dish as "Sukiyaki nabe", this is a boiled marbled beef combined with egg noodles, bean curd, vegetables and raw egg. This dish is served even more interesting: the client cooks pre-prepared pieces of marbled meat himself, and then eats them with sauce, while in meat broth prepare the rest of the ingredients. The noodle chowder completes the meal.

There is another interesting recipe: marbled beef steak. To do this, you will need, in fact, a piece of marbled meat and spices.
The thickness of a piece of meat should not exceed 2 cm. The meat should be washed and wiped with paper towels to get rid of excess moisture. Pieces of meat are laid out on a dry, hot frying pan. They are fried on each side for about 4 minutes. Marbled beef steak is ready. What side dish to choose for marbled meat - everyone decides for himself. However, it should be borne in mind that it makes no sense to combine such an exquisite delicacy with ordinary and boring side dishes. It is better to choose something more interesting and tasty.

When talking about beef, Steak immediately comes to mind. Steak (from the English steak - a piece of meat) - a thick piece of fried meat. A steak made from the best parts of beef is usually called simply a steak (sometimes also a beef steak).

Steak history.

Sometimes the history of the steak is attributed to the times of Ancient Rome, "where in the temples, during the ritual of sacrifice, the priests roasted large pieces of beef on the grills in order to lay them on the divine altar."

In medieval Europe, beef had a low reputation: it was almost exclusively the meat of old cows and bulls. Excess cattle were slaughtered at an early age, so veal was quite common in the cuisine of the wealthy segments of the population.

The widespread practice of castration of young bulls and their intensive fattening for meat began in England and only later spread throughout Europe, which explains the fact that almost all European languages, including Russian (through German) base names fried pieces beef borrowed from in English: steak and roast beef.

In the UK, the steak gained recognition only in the 15th century, in 1460 its description appeared in a recipe book, and three centuries later, the technology of cooking a piece of meat fried over an open fire became known on the mainland. The origin of the modern beef industry in America is considered to be the moment when Columbus brought Longhorn cattle to the New World across the Atlantic.

There is an opinion that classic steaks are purely American a national dish and perhaps the only valuable contribution of the United States to world cuisine. It is no coincidence that a real steak cult was created here, which became part of the national culture. And today this country is one of the leading exporters of beef. In the United States, its production is under state supervision. Here there are very high criteria for selecting meat for steaks: strict gradations and strict standards for fattening, slaughter and veterinary control of livestock. In addition to the United States, Australia and Argentina are major beef producers.

Meat for steaks

Steak meat is always a product of elite animal husbandry. To obtain a quality dish, only the meat of young bulls (from a year to a year and a half) of certain breeds is suitable. Hereford and Angus meat breeds are considered the best, and pure meat is the most valuable. certified angus beef.

Animal fattening

Of great importance is the method of fattening animals. Grain-fed gobies are most valued (in America, preference is given to corn, in Australia - wheat), because they form delicate fatty layers inside the muscle fibers. Such beef, called marbled, in the process of cooking turns out to be more tender and juicy than the meat of a grass-fed bull. Of the marbling standards, preference is usually given to the highest (English prime) and selective (English choice) categories.

carcass cutting

Pieces for steaks are cut from those parts of the animal's carcass that were not involved in muscle movement. The meat is separated into thick (not less than 3 and not more than 5 cm) slices in the transverse direction. Such cutting will then allow the heat to evenly pass through the "pores" of the fibers, quickly heating the meat to the desired temperature.

Meat aging

Steaks are never cooked from fresh meat, beef must mature from 15 to 23 days. Such a period is necessary so that during the fermentation process the muscle tissue becomes more loose and tender.

Types of steaks

By themselves beef steaks- an expensive dish, since the meat for them is taken from the best parts of the carcass of bulls. Approximately 7-10% of the entire animal carcass is suitable for their preparation. modern kitchen distinguishes the following types of steaks, the name of which depends on which part of the carcass the meat was cut from:

  • ribeye steak, cut from the subscapular part of the carcass and having a large amount of fatty streaks;

  • club steak, cut from the dorsal part in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thick edge of the longest muscle of the back and having a small costal bone;

  • teebone steak (steak on a T-shaped bone), cut from the carcass section on the border between the dorsal and lumbar parts in the area of ​​​​the thin edge of the longissimus dorsi muscle and the thin edge of the tenderloin, therefore consisting of two types of steak meat at once - filet mignon on one side bones and "New York" on the other;

  • porterhouse steak, cut from the lumbar part of the back in the region of the thick edge of the tenderloin;

  • striploin steak (New York strip), cut from a boneless lumbar strip;

  • sirloin steak, cut from the lumbar part of the back in the area of ​​the head part of the tenderloin;

  • round ramb steak, cut from the upper piece of the hip part;

  • filet mignon - a thin cross section of the central part of the loin tenderloin with the most tender meat, not cooked "with blood";

  • chateaubriand - a thick edge of the central part of the beef tenderloin (whole fried or portioned, most often for two), essentially representing the same large filet mignon, but served not standing up, but laid out on a plate in length;

  • tornedos - small pieces from the thin edge of the central part of the tenderloin, used to make medallions;

  • The skirt steak is not the most tender, but very tasty piece of meat from the diaphragm.

Cooking steaks

At first glance, the steak seems to be a rather simple dish in the form of a piece of meat fried on both sides. But not all cooks know how to cook this dish correctly. The process of working on it hides many subtleties, starting with the correct selection and preparation of meat and ending with the technology of roasting it.

The equipment for cooking steaks is an oven or charcoal oven, where the heat coming from all sides creates pressure inside the piece. In order for the meat to turn out tasty and meet the wishes of the guest, it is necessary to observe the desired degree of roasting of the steak, which corresponds to a certain temperature regime.

Roasting levels

In accordance with the American classification system, there are seven degrees of roasting steaks:

  • extra-rare (from English . extra rare, also blue rare or English . blue) - heated to 46-49 ° C and quickly "closed" on the grill, raw, but not cold;

  • with "blood" (red juice) (eng. rare) - uncooked meat (fried outside, red inside) with red juice, heated to 49-55 ° C (cooked 2-3 minutes at 200 ° C);

  • low rare (English) . medium rare) - unroasted meat, with juice of a pronounced pink color and warming up to 55-60 ° C (cooked for 4-5 minutes at 190-200 ° C);

  • medium rare (English) . medium) - medium-rare meat with light pink juice inside and warming up to 60-65 ° C (cook 6-7 minutes at 180 ° C);

  • almost fried medium well) - meat with clear juice and warming up to 65-69 ° C (cooked for 8-9 minutes at 180 ° C);

  • fried (English) well done) - completely fried meat with almost no juice, heated to 71-100 ° C (cooked for 8-9 minutes at 180 ° C with additional cooking in a combi oven);

  • deep fried (English) too well done, overcooked) - completely fried meat without any juice and heated to a temperature of over 100 ° C.


Marble meat appeared in Europe relatively recently, but has already gained popularity not only among the regulars of famous restaurants, but also among the average consumer. Most appreciate and love this product for its excellent taste qualities. The secret of marbled meat is in the content and distribution of the fat layer. This makes it softer and juicier. But a number of other extraordinary qualities are also attributed to marbled meat, creating a myth about the exclusivity of this product. So what is the secret of its worldwide popularity? Consider all the myths about marbled meat and compare them with harsh reality.

A little history at the beginning....

Japan is the birthplace of marbled meat. About 130 years ago, this product was obtained here for the first time in the world. About 200 types of marbled meat are produced in Japan. As a rule, they are named according to the area of ​​​​production. The most expensive and high-quality variety in the world is kyube gyu. It is named after the Japanese province of Kyube, where cows are raised, from which they subsequently receive the highest quality marbled beef - kyube gyu.

Myth 1. Marble meat is the most delicious

Marble meat has softness and juiciness due to the content of fat in it. As a rule, fat in such a product is from 3 to 30%. It must be said that a high fat content (30%) is typical only for a high-quality and expensive kyube gyu variety, in all others it is much less, and sometimes about 3%. Can these small percentages affect the taste and quality? Most experts believe that it is not, because practically the same amount of fat is found in young veal that does not have marbling, which means that manufacturers, taking advantage of the marketing popularity of marbled meat, sell us a low-quality product at a higher price, under the high-quality brand.

Myth 2. Marble meat is juicy and tender due to the technology of animal rearing

We will dwell on the technology of raising animals for marbled meat a little later. And now it is worth noting that marbled meat, like ordinary meat, is subjected to ripening technology. The secret is simple, any carcass, regardless of whether it has a “miraculous marbling” or not, undergoes a maturation process. The carcasses are hung in special refrigerating chambers, where the temperature is maintained from -6 to +2 degrees. Thanks to this, fatty streaks become more pronounced, muscle fibers soften and are impregnated with enzymes. There are many myths about wet ripening, when the meat is vacuum-packed and allegedly ripened this way, however, most experts are skeptical about this method. It turns out that marbled meat becomes more juicy and soft thanks to standard carcass processing methods, just like regular meat. But why do it, if it is already soft and greasy?

Myth 3. Marbling is an indicator of quality

Marbling of meat is formed by the distribution of fat between muscle fibers. Thin layers are intricately combined and connected with the flesh of the animal, forming a pattern on the cut that vaguely resembles natural marble. During heat treatment, the fat streaks melt, the meat becomes more juicy and soft, and therefore tasty. Many people believe that marbling is a criterion for the quality of meat, but this is by no means the case. The quality of meat is influenced by completely different factors. Firstly, this is the ratio of fat and meat in the carcass of an animal, and we have already found out that in marbled meat and ordinary young veal it can be approximately the same. Secondly, the aging or cold maturation of the carcass before its further processing and thirdly, the quality of the meat directly depends on the breed of the animal, there are breeds that are prone to fat accumulation, regardless of whether they are grown for marbled meat or not.

Myth 4. Tasty, but humane...

Very often we hear from producers of marbled meat that their animals grow up in truly royal conditions. They eat selected food, drink beer, listen to classical music, and get massages several times a week. Paradise life, and only. But in reality, everything is not quite so, or rather not at all. To obtain marbled meat, the first thing to do is to immobilize animals, place them in a stall, and sometimes hang them on special reins. In such an “interesting position”, cows spend almost their entire lives, in order to create a feeling of movement in them, they are given hydromassage several times a week. Beer, of course, is also given, but in order to increase the appetite of the animal. Selective food for these "marble poor fellows" are cereal feed. Such a diet is unnatural for a cow - its gastrointestinal tract is adapted to the digestion of plant fiber. But these are trifles! Thanks to this method of rearing, animals quickly gain weight and fat, and the manufacturer does not need anything else. One can understand the Japanese, the founders of marbled meat, who live on islands where there are no huge fields and pastures for walking and fattening animals. This method of cultivation is rather a necessity for them, but we, Europeans, have completely different geographical conditions. But not only in Europe, but also in America and Australia, the production of marble meat is constantly growing, it turns out that poor cows all over the world have become hostages of the human stomach, and not the mind.

There are many myths, but the reality is that real high-quality marbled meat is a rather rare and expensive product, but it is often found in our market and in stores quite often. This, as a rule, although marbled meat, is of low quality. You should not chase the brand, ordinary meat from a local producer can also be soft and juicy, the main thing is that it be young, fresh and properly cooked.

Marble beef is a rather expensive type of meat, which, according to its taste and quality indicators, belongs to delicacies. Japan is considered the birthplace of an unusual product in all respects. It was there that the first animals were fattened, which were able to produce extraordinary meat, and it was there that subsequently huge farms were built with animals of a special breed with the necessary characteristics. The fame of an unusual product has long gone beyond the borders of the Country of Cherry Blossoms, and today "marble" cows are bred in all countries of the world. In addition to beef, you can also find marbled pork and horse meat on store shelves, the cost of which is very different from the usual meat of these animals.

Your name marble delicacy obtained due to the structure and appearance of the meat, visually reminiscent of marble. Meat good quality shimmers in the light and looks exactly like the product in the photo. Marbled meat is never tough due to its high white fat content. After cooking, the products from it remain juicy and just melt in your mouth. The taste of the product differs from ordinary beef and is very high.

The development of this livestock industry was made possible due to the rapidly growing demand for products, but the high cost of raising animals and the ever-increasing production costs turned out to be limiting factors that cause such small volumes of marbled beef production. This is what makes meat so expensive. In terms of the Japanese currency, the cost of real marbled beef reaches one hundred and fifty euros per kilogram. Marble meat, which is the basis of restaurant dishes, makes delicacies very expensive. That is why many housewives are looking for meat for sale and recipes for cooking from this valuable product.

Real Japanese marbled meat goes on sale only fresh and already cut into thin plates. Buying such a product outside of Japan is problematic. This is due not only to the high consumption of the product within the country of origin, but also to the fact that the technology for harvesting the product does not involve freezing. Without refrigeration, the workpiece (even packed under vacuum) has a very short shelf life. Therefore, livestock breeders looked for and found a way to distribute a valuable product around the world: “precious” cows began to be bred everywhere. Thanks to this, today and in our region you can find a fairly large number of delicacy tenderloin for sale. The pulp is chilled meat packed under vacuum, as well as products that have undergone only cooling.

Marbled beef produced in European countries has a lower price than a natural Japanese product, although it is still an inaccessible delicacy for many categories of citizens.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of marbled beef meat, undoubtedly, differs from the tenderloin taken from a cow carcass, which is familiar to many. It is noted that the calorie content of the product is higher compared to ordinary beef, which is directly related to other product indicators. Studies have confirmed that the preparation differs markedly in terms of such criteria as fat content and the amount of protein, which, in turn, depend on which part of the carcass the product was prepared from. The meat on the rump is considered the fattest, and the true quality of the animal's meat can be assessed by the pulp taken from the dorsal part.

Like any beef, the meat of "marble" cows is saturated with vitamins K, E, D and the entire group B, as well as minerals such as:

  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

All of them are in a bioavailable form and make it easy to saturate the body. Marbled meat is considered especially useful in terms of nutrition in human nutrition:

  • with a weakened immune system;
  • suffering from vascular weakness and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • patients with hypertension;
  • having hormonal dysfunctions;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • suffering from anemia;
  • having neurological problems;
  • obese patients and those with other diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Marble beef is useful for pregnant and lactating women and adolescents during puberty and active growth of the skeleton. But despite all the above beneficial features, in the nutrition of infants and young children, such a product should not be used. The restrictions are primarily related to the method of preparation and the high fat content of the finished product, which will be very difficult for the immature digestive system.

How is the delicacy obtained?

A delicacy called marbled meat is obtained exclusively from cows of certain breeds, grown in special conditions and fed using a special technology. The latter consists in the fact that young male calves from a certain age, more often after they reach fifteen months, are placed in artificial conditions and fed only with grain or rice, and also soldered with natural hoppy rice beer. The animal is limited in movement, suspended from the ceiling on belts. He is not allowed to stand or lie down. According to the kobe technology invented by the Japanese, the animal must be in a soundproof room and listen to classical music. Several times a day, the animal is subjected to light vibration, which acts as a massage. Artificially created forced conditions are aimed at changing the structure and density of the animal's muscle mass, in which fat begins to predominate. After ten months from the start of keeping in the above conditions, the animal is slaughtered, and its meat is used in cooking for the preparation of delicacies. But how useful a product obtained in this way can be considered, it is impossible to say for sure.

In addition to this, far from a humane way of obtaining meat, there is another option based on growing young animals of a special class - wagyu. Currently, in agro-complexes around the world, cows of this variety are bred, which include animals belonging to the following breeds:

  • Japanese brown;
  • Japanese hornless;
  • Japanese black;
  • shorthorn

In addition to Wagyu class cows, meat marbling with proper care can also be achieved from animals classified as such breeds as:

  • angus;
  • brownvieh;
  • Hereford;
  • holstein;
  • Jersey;
  • murret gray;
  • charolais.

Following this technique, animals are grown under certain conditions that do not imply complete immobilization and restriction of freedom. A feature of the process is a certain approach to animal nutrition, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a short time. The main principles in feeding animals in order to obtain very valuable marbled meat are:

  1. Limitation of the motor activity of bulls, which is achieved by rare pastures of animals. Most of their life, not exceeding thirty-six months, the animals spend in the stall, but there they have the opportunity to take a comfortable position.
  2. Adding wine or natural beer to animal food to thin the blood and keep animals warm. In addition to the above functions, these very unhealthy products activate metabolic processes in the body of cows and are an aperitif. Although, in fact, the use of strong drinks is aimed not so much at increasing appetite, the lack of which animals suffer due to weak muscle activity and little exposure to fresh air, but rather at increasing blood flow.
  3. Creating a monotonous diet, mainly grain composition, which, against the background of low energy costs, allows you to achieve fat deposition - the very effect of marbling in the muscles throughout the body of the animal.
  4. Mandatory daily body massage, which is carried out on farms using special machines, and in small farms by hand, using hard mittens.

Animals that are raised to obtain a delicacy product require constant care and attention. Any failure in food or service will result in the manufacturer not being able to obtain the product of the desired quality and the planned profit.

All consumers need to know that properly cooked marbled beef must undergo a ripening process before being packaged and cut. It consists in keeping unwhitened (that is, with the skin), but bled and gutted half-carcasses of animals at a temperature close to zero degrees Celsius, in special refrigerators for a long time: from three to fifteen days. Only after the meat has been aged under such conditions, the carcasses are skinned and then cut into portions, which are classified, labeled and evaluated depending on the quality of the product obtained, and also packed in special vacuum packaging.

Categories of marbled meat

Marble meat is divided into several categories, which are due to visual differences. The scale represents the division of the product into the highest, middle and lowest grade in almost every class out of five possible. As a result, you can get 12 varieties of marbled meat.

Class A meat contains more than seventy-two percent fat, class C limits this figure to below sixty-nine percent in the total weight of the product.

The picture for this section of the article shows the classic division of marbled meat into classes according to the Japanese scale. You will find more detailed information, systematized and transferred to the realities of the world market for a delicacy product, in the table below.

Meat variety


Worldwide, the most expensive meat is considered class A meat of the fifth category according to the Japanese scale. It is this product that has the best degree of staining of meat fibers, the highest surface gloss and the most tender fat. Such a product is obtained exclusively from Kobe cows, and you can try it either in Japan or in famous Japanese restaurants using only Japanese products.

The largest exporters of marbled beef worldwide are the USA and Australia. At the same time, American, and, in fact, other international product quality indicators that allow classifying marbled meat are divided into only three ranks, which are named:

  • prime;
  • choice;
  • select.

The criteria listed are not based on the color of the meat, which is given much attention in Japan, and are based only on the "marble pattern" - the amount of intramuscular fat between the fibers. According to this classification, select meat has the least marbling, which, for comparison, is equal to the second class out of five according to the Japanese scale. Prime beef is considered the best. It is from it that the best restaurants in the world prepare signature dishes that have an exorbitant cost.

Marbled beef of the Choise variety is slightly inferior in taste to meat from the Prime series, although it is quite easily distinguished from the highest quality product in terms of its external characteristics. In the above classification, this type of meat corresponds to the third and fourth classes of meat. I would like to note that it is not possible to find fifth-class marbled meat in the markets of Europe, but samples of the third and fourth categories prevail, and it is quite easy to purchase them.

Application in cooking

Such a coveted delicacy as marbled meat can be used quite widely in cooking. All dishes with this product involve heat treatment, during which the fat contained between the fibers turns into an appetizing and very delicate juice.

Traditionally, marbled beef delicacies are prepared right in front of visitors, baking thin pieces of pulp on special open baking trays. And this meat is also used to obtain such Japanese delicacies as:

  • sukiyaki, which is a mixture of tofu, Chinese cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, bean noodles or udon seasoned when served raw chicken egg and onion-batun;
  • shabu-shabu - hot appetizer in the style of sukiyaki served with dipping sauce and pickled winter mushrooms;
  • nabe, which is a very unusual tasting soup with boiled beef, all kinds of vegetables and root crops, rice noodles and seaweed served with soy cheese and raw chicken egg.

Tender meat is also served raw in Japan, such as in sashimi. All over the world, marbled meat steaks make excellent delicacies, such as:

  • steak;
  • barbecue meat;
  • grilled meat;
  • chops;
  • rump steak;
  • roast beef;
  • shashlik;
  • schnitzels.

In America, it is believed that all of the above are distinguished by a special taste. meat dishes served in burgers and thin pita bread, as well as with sauces and toppings. The most popular are sauces based on young horseradish rhizomes or dressings made from young red wine and shallots.

Cooking the latter is more than simple. To do this, the cook will need to fry until transparent in two tablespoons of natural cold olive oil, two peeled and finely chopped small shallots, and then add to them:

  • a pinch of salt
  • two tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper,
  • one glass of red dry grape wine.

The resulting mass with constant stirring must be brought to a thickening, and then removed from heat and cooled to room temperature. After some time, the cool billet is vigorously whipped with one hundred and twenty grams of good butter, and then the finished topping is placed in the freezer, where it is kept until the oil hardens. A delicate product is served by cutting into small neat cubes, the weight of which should not exceed ten grams. A delicate mass of a pleasant creamy-pink hue spreads easily over a freshly cooked steak and reveals a wonderful taste and aroma of a gourmet meat product, allowing the taster to feel like a visitor to an expensive restaurant!

And if preferences in the use of marbled meat all over the world come down to cooking steaks from it, then in the vast countries of the post-Soviet space the delicacy is used in a slightly different way. Marble meat is cut into strips and cubes with a knife, and minced meat is also prepared from it, both finely ground and chopped. Crushed products are used to prepare:

  • goulash;
  • dressings and gravy for pasta, various cereals, potatoes and other side dishes;
  • casseroles;
  • cutlets;
  • medallions;
  • sausages;
  • fillings for dumplings;
  • salads;
  • meatballs.

On sale you can find not only pure meat, but also semi-finished products from it. Do not think that dumplings or meatballs contain the highest quality meat. Based on the high cost of the product, the “processing” usually includes a thick fat edge and meat located near it, which has the highest fat content and does not attract buyers much with its appearance, as well as meat of lower ranks, which is more cheap product with slight marbling.

In traditional European and American kitchens marbled beef is used exclusively for cooking steaks. Despite the high cost of the delicacy, marbled meat is a very popular product in Europe as well. In order to cook a steak of the desired tenderness, taste and fat content, you need to know where the meat was taken from. When cutting carcasses, they distinguish:

  • ribeye steak;
  • roundrum steak;
  • club steak;
  • striploin steak;
  • porterhouse steak;
  • t-bone steak.

Rib-eye steak is extremely fatty. The product is obtained from the subscapular region of the carcass or removed from the shoulder blade itself.

Roundrab steak is the meat from the upper part of the pelvis of the animal, as well as from the thighs and shins. Such a product has a more pronounced, saturated color and greater rigidity, unlike all other listed types of marble delicacy.

A real club steak is obtained from the pulp cut from the dorsal part of the carcass. Often the product may contain small pieces of bone that are ribs. It is this part of the meat that chefs around the world prefer to use when preparing beef delicacies on the bone.

Striploin steak, as well as club steak, is obtained from the meat of the dorsal part of the carcass. The strips are cut closer to the spine. There are never bones in such a product, and it is he who is the most expensive.

Porterhouse steak is the same meat that has a thick edge with a high fat content. Very juicy schnitzels are obtained from such meat, and many also use it to prepare minced meat and a variety of meat dishes.

T-bone steak got its name from the location on the carcass in the region of the T-shaped bone. A similar notch is located on the border of the lumbar and dorsal parts of the animal carcass. That is why the meat from this department is the softest and at the same time has an average marbling and fat content.

The ability to choose the right type of meat correctly will allow the chef to get the highest quality dishes and please his household with a restaurant-level homemade delicacy.

How to cook?

Meat that is unique in every way can be cooked different ways, for example, fry on a regular cast iron pan, and also make any other delicious dish with your own hands:

  • on the grill;
  • on a fire or coals;
  • on the grill or spit;
  • in the oven, baking the pulp in the sleeve, in foil or on a baking sheet;
  • in a multicooker.

In addition, the preparation of marbled beef is divided according to the degree of roasting of the product. Traditionally, six degrees of roasting are distinguished, among which:

  1. Very Rare or Blue (BL): Minimally seared meat with the steak served almost raw. Such a delicacy is prepared over high heat, but it is important and very remarkable that the meat inside it should remain cold.
  2. Rare (R): Raw meat with blood, which means frying the piece in a dry frying pan for no longer than one minute on each side.
  3. Medium Rare: The steak has medium rare fibers that exude slightly curdled thick pink juice. This delicacy is obtained by frying the meat for two minutes on each side.
  4. Medium (M): done well enough to keep the meat tender. It should be noted that such a product will contain a large amount of clear juice. The cooking process of this type of meat can last about ten minutes. The readiness of the meat is determined by the color of the product on the edges, which should ideally turn gray without inclusions. The cut steak should have a dirty pink hue and no raw meat smell.
  5. Medium Well (MW). A product of this degree is considered to be fully fried. When cut, the marbled beef steak will be gray, and the juice into which the internal fat will turn will become completely transparent, but its amount will be negligible. Until such a state, raw meat is fried for fifteen minutes.
  6. Well Done (W). A steak cooked this way will be dry and slightly tough. A similar product can be obtained in about twenty minutes of preparation. When preparing this dish, the meat requires special attention from the cook, otherwise it risks turning into a completely dry Very Well (VW) steak, which is obtained by frying the meat to the maximum long time- twenty five minutes.

It should be remembered that the thickness of cutting steaks in the preparation of high-quality delicacies from marbled beef should not exceed two and a half centimeters, and it must be done across the fibers! According to the established rules of cooking, before frying or baking, tender meat does not need to be beaten, salted or marinated: the delicacy is used exclusively raw, and all spices and salt are added already when serving treats on the table. An exception to the rule can only be called the preparation of kebabs from this type of beef. But this dish is more of a side dish than a main one. If, nevertheless, you decide to cook a barbecue, then consider the characteristics of the meat and do not use vinegar for impregnation! The best marinade for such a delicacy there will be table red or semi-dry white wine, and from spices it is recommended to use rosemary, thyme and black ground pepper. Marbled beef perfectly "gets along" with onions, tomatoes and hot pepper, but at the same time completely loses its taste with dairy products, nuts, cheese and mushrooms.

Storage of marbled beef

The storage of marbled beef is no different from the principles of storage of any other common deli meats. Best Option harvesting gourmet meat for future use is cooling. In this state, the product, like any other fresh meat, will be edible for three days. It was at this time that marble meat has the highest quality indicators and has more useful substances and hence the maximum nutritional value.

More long-term storage this valuable food product can be provided by canning it under vacuum. In sealed packaging, the product can be stored at a temperature not exceeding eight degrees Celsius for ten weeks without losing the quality declared by the meat manufacturer.

Note to all housewives: the product is not frozen! And if suddenly you are offered to buy marbled meat of deep (or even superficial dry) freezing, then you should know that this is a very low quality product, which is only visually marbled beef, but has nothing to do with it in terms of nutritional value and taste characteristics.

Given the high cost of meat and the high cost of breeding animals in subsidiary or small farms, it should be remembered that marbled meat will not be sold on the market like regular beef. An exquisite product can be purchased exclusively in super- and hypermarkets, as well as in online stores with delivery right to your doorstep. When purchasing marbled beef, be sure to pay attention to the storage conditions of the product and their observance by the seller, and also carefully study the information on the label. Pay special attention to where the meat came from and how the price matches the quality of the product: imported delicacies can cost more than one hundred and fifty US dollars per kilogram, and domestic marbled beef will cost about five times more than a regular veal tenderloin.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the useful and taste qualities of marbled beef, this very valuable product can also harm a person. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, everyone who wants to taste this amazing delicacy should know that very fatty meat can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbate some chronic diseases. Contraindications to eating meat are:

  • pancreatitis and cholecystitis in remission;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gout;
  • kidney failure;
  • osteochondrosis and inflammation of the joints.

In addition, you should not eat meat for those who have an individual intolerance to beef or are prone to allergic manifestations after taking protein products.

Tasty and nutritious meat will certainly be appreciated by tasters, and if you decide to surprise your guests with some unusual and amazing delicacy, then a marbled beef steak with a delicate sauce and without any side dishes is exactly what you need!

Marble steaks are an absolutely exceptional product in the world of meat, highly valued by gourmets around the globe. What is marbled beef?

The marbling of meat is determined by the fatty layers located in the piece of meat and muscle fibers. A high-quality steak is distinguished by high marbling, while a lean cut is, on the contrary, small. The fat should be pure white in color and distributed evenly throughout the steak! It would be a mistake to claim a high marbling steak just from the presence of a large piece of fat on the side.

The most located in the dorsal part of the animal, the muscles of which receive minimal stress during his life, when compared, for example, with the legs or shoulders. All the calories that a bull calf's diet is rich in accumulate here.

When cooking marbled beef, the fat inside is melted, making the meat tender and fragrant. The recognizable texture of a high-quality steak and its unforgettable taste provide these fatty layers.

Without marbling, our steak would come out dry. However, even with high marbling, it is important not to overcook the meat in order to preserve its juiciness. The best way cook a steak that we often talk about - cooking in a heated cast iron skillet. Another method that we like is a quick fry at a high temperature, and then bring to the desired degree of readiness in a preheated oven.

№ 1

Grilling season is the most wonderful time of the year when the aroma of juicy steaks spreads all over the area. It's time to uncover the secrets to choosing marbled beef that will make you a BBQ king.

According to the US Department of Agriculture classification, beef meat is divided into three categories by marbling: Prime, Choice and Select. Qualified specialists with the help of modern equipment take into account several factors at once that determine the category of beef, depending on the distribution and number of marble veins.

The right choice of marbled beef guarantees the success of the chef with the guests. Depending on the amount of fat in a piece, frying methods differ. According to the classification we mentioned, the Prime category is assigned to the most marbled steaks, followed by Choice. The Select category suggests low marbling. Such meat can be grilled, but the roast must be gentle if you want to keep the meat juicy and tender. Prime steaks should be fried over high heat until medium rare-medium well for excellent results. And cuts such as tenderloin or top blade remain tender even with a low degree of marbling.

Why are we telling you about USDA meat classification? In fact, no political motives. The USDA classification is a widely accepted rating among top butchers around the world. Wholesale buyers, restaurants and even governments are guided by it when purchasing marbled meat. We are also guided by it to supply you with beef, the quality and taste of which you can be sure of.

№ 2

Marble meat is a special type of red meat, which is called "marble" for its pronounced fatty layers.

Marbling is achieved through selection. Cattle from breeds such as Angus, Hereford, Murray Grey, Short Horn, Wagyu, and dairy breeds such as Jersey, Holstein Friesian and Brownvieh have significantly higher marbling than other breeds.

Marbling of beef also depends on fattening. Grain-fed steer (corn or barley) changes the color of the fat from yellowish to white, and increases the chances of getting a higher USDA marbling grade. For example, a rib eye cut is compared against reference templates and assigned a category based on that.

Marbling affects several factors, in particular the texture and color of the meat.

Physiological rather than biological age of the animal is taken into account. The fact is that the biological age of a bull is almost never known exactly, so experts use such a parameter as biological maturity. The indicators are the condition of the bones, cartilage, color and structure of the ribeye muscle.

The United States Department of Agriculture's worldwide grading system has eight different marbling categories: Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Canner.

Prime- the highest degree of beef marbling. Choice the best restaurants and high-end supermarkets. Choice is also a popular choice for many meat eaters. Select is a more budget-friendly option, but just as nutritious. For these three categories (as well as for the Standard category), young bulls less than 3 years old are used.

Marble beef - what kind is this? Many users have not even heard of such meat, and all due to the fact that raising animals for the subsequent creation of marbled beef is an expensive process.

The variety of meat received an unusual name due to its special appearance: the streaks of fat are arranged in such a way that they are surprisingly similar to marble patterns. However, marbled beef steaks are valued not for their visual appeal, but for their unusual taste.

Do you know how marbled beef is obtained? Initially, only the Japanese produced a rare variety, using the meat of young tojima gobies and wagyu cows. Breeds of cattle were used to create elite beef.

Production of marbled beef

To get real marbled beef, bulls are kept in cramped stalls, similar to raising geese for foie gras. Only observance of a special regime, menu and procedures makes it possible to obtain excellent meat.

Until the age of six months, calves are fed exclusively with milk and herbs from wild meadows. Then, as they grow older, the livestock is placed separately and treated with grain. After slaughter, the meat is subjected to a special treatment, which is kept in the strictest confidence. For its unique taste, marbled meat is appreciated by all gourmets of the world.

How much does marbled beef cost? The price of marbled beef per kg is about 30 thousand rubles. Of course, not everyone can afford such a luxury: even at this price, you can buy marbled meat in Moscow only in a few specialized stores.

Degree of marbling: what is it?

Fat layers, which are distributed in a special way over a piece of meat, form marbling. The fat should be white and distributed evenly throughout the steak.

The high calorie content and impeccable taste of marbled beef have made it a popular dish. Oven marbled beef steak is a common order in the most expensive restaurants in the world.

The highest quality meat is in the back of the animal, as the muscles receive minimal stress. When a steak is cooked, the fat melts, giving the meat its flavor and tenderness. Marbling comes in three categories:

  • prime;
  • choice;
  • select.

Select requires a gentle roast, and prime is fried over medium heat. Prime - the highest quality marbled beef steaks.

Marble meat: recipes for cooking in a slow cooker

Properly cooking marbled beef is easy. What is the difference between marbled beef and regular beef? Not only cost and taste, but cooking time. For example, in order to fry a steak, it will take only 20 minutes.

Marbled beef steak

Making a marbled beef steak is not difficult at all. Striploin, ribeye will do. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • meat tenderloin - 250g;
  • spices and salt;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml.

The meat should be washed and rubbed with spices and salt. Marinate the tenderloin for half an hour. Pour oil into the multicooker and put the meat. Cook beef in the "frying" mode without a lid. Flip the steak after 10 minutes for even roasting.

It is the open lid that allows you to get a crust. If the piece of meat is too thick, you will have to fry the meat from the sides. Then choose the "baking" mode to get the perfect taste. Leave the meat inside the multicooker for 30 minutes. Due to the destruction of tough connective tissue, marbled beef will become soft.

Steam Meat

You can steam the marbled beef steak. Surely you noticed a small number of ingredients for recipes. By itself, the taste of beef does not require additions. For creating delicious dish prepare:

  • marble beef - 300g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • spices, salt.

Rinse the meat and soak in salted water for several hours. Rinse the tenderloin and rub with spices. Drizzle with oil and place in a multicooker dish. Fill the cup hot water in the amount of 4 measuring cups.

Select steam mode and cook for 35 minutes. Steam meat with a side dish will leave an unforgettable impression. Cold meat is useful for slicing or as an ingredient for sandwiches.

And another rare recipe in a slow cooker especially for you

Classic marbled beef steak

To create this culinary masterpiece you need:

  • beef - 200g;
  • minced garlic;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • salt, spices.

Chunks no more than 3 centimeters thick are rubbed with garlic, salt and spices. In the slow cooker, the "frying" mode is selected and the beef is cooked until an appetizing crust is formed. The inside of the steak should remain pink. Then the meat is cooked in the “stewing” mode for another 20 minutes.

Finely chopped onions, peppers are stewed for 10 minutes on the fat that remains after cooking the steak. fresh tomato cut into several pieces, and add to the vegetables. The steak is served hot with vegetables.

Italian sauce

To reveal the taste of meat, try to cook extraordinary gentle sauce. It will require the following ingredients:

Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour the cooked meat over before serving and garnish with sprigs of mint and rosemary.

Lingonberry topping for marbled steak

Ideal accompaniment to meat premium becomes lingonberry topping. To prepare the sauce you need:

  • spicy salt;
  • prunes - 20g;
  • lingonberries - 140g;
  • dry red wine - 100g;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • dried ginger - 3 gr.

Place cranberries in a pan, heat up. Add wine. Prunes are steamed in advance, also added to the topping. On the final stage put salt, ginger, vinegar. For 3 minutes, cook over low heat, and then grind into a puree with a blender.

Secrets of cooking marbled beef

In order not to spoil the delicacy, it is important to know some cooking rules. Marble meat does not have to be marinated. Its delicate texture does not require long heat treatment. To add flavor notes, you can withstand the tenderloin in the marinade for no more than 6 hours.

Overheating the steak on the fire, you run the risk of turning the meat into "rubber". Thick pieces can be cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker. Better undersalted than oversalted! During cooking, do not salt - this is done either before steaming, or already before serving.

Ideal ingredients for marbled meat are rosemary, basil and olive oil. Fruit and vegetable cuts will help to diversify the taste, savory sauces. Now knowing what marbled beef is, you can create culinary masterpieces on one's own.

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