Home Products Instant yeast dough for pizza. Puff yeast dough. My video recipe

Instant yeast dough for pizza. Puff yeast dough. My video recipe

Today we will prove that real Italian pizza can be cooked at home. The main thing is to learn how to do the right thing. yeast dough for pizza.


  • Warm water - 1 glass;
  • Cane sugar - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with regular sugar);
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon (without a slide);
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons (2 - for dough, 2 - for greasing the baking sheet);
  • Sea salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a large bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the dough.
  2. Take the flour and sift it with a sieve.
  3. Add salt to the flour and mix everything with a spoon.
  4. Take a small bowl, pour water and dissolve the yeast in it (guided detailed instruction which is on the label).
  5. Add sugar to the yeast, stir everything and leave for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour yeast mixture into flour.
  7. Start kneading the dough, gradually adding olive oil.
  8. Sprinkle some flour on the countertop and remove the dough. After placing it on the work surface, continue to knead the mass on the table. This will take about 5 minutes. As a result, the dough should be elastic and elastic.
  9. Wash the bowl in which the dough was kneaded. Wipe it dry and oil it with a silicone brush.
  10. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a kitchen towel to keep it from drying out. Place the container in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. The dough can be left on the table. Then, slightly dampen a kitchen towel and completely cover the dough with it. Make sure there is no draft in the kitchen!
  11. We take out the dough. If you want to do thin pizza, then divide it into two equal parts, if one is high, use the entire volume.
  12. Start kneading the pizza dough with dry yeast, stretching it a little. It should stretch well and hold its shape. Roll the dough back into a ball, cover it with a damp towel, and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Now let's start rolling. Ideally, everything should be done by hand and not use a rolling pin at all. Place the dough on the counter, press down on the center and pull it a little in different directions until it fits the size of the baking sheet. At the edges, the level should be slightly higher to blind the side. Italians stretch the dough by weight. You can also toss and stretch it, but it’s not a fact that you will succeed the first time.
  14. Take a brush and brush a baking sheet with olive oil.
  15. Put the dough into the form, and form a side.
  16. Now take olive oil and grease the base along the entire length (with a very thin ball), then it will not soak from the filling. If you take thick sauce, then you do not need to grease the dough with oil.
  17. Everything, the dough is ready. You can put your favorite toppings on it and bake the dish at the maximum power of the oven.

Eat pizza warm. Bon Appetit!

Puff yeast dough


  • Milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Butter (butter) - 0.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Yeast (fresh) - 25 g;
  • Egg - 1 piece.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in milk in a small bowl, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Take a large container or pan, where it will be convenient to knead the dough. Pour diluted yeast into it.
  3. Beat in one egg.
  4. Add salt first, then sugar. Beat the mass thoroughly with a fork, whisk or use a mixer.
  5. Sift the flour through a sieve and pour it into the yeast mass. Knead the dough.
  6. Melt 0.1 kg of butter. This can be done as follows: 1) Throw the oil into a hot frying pan or pan of small volume until the moment of complete parting. 2) Boil water in a saucepan and put a small vessel with oil on top (the water should boil). Under the influence of hot water, the oil will quickly melt. 3) Place the butter in a microwave-safe dish with a lid. Send the bowl to the oven until the oil is completely parted. Acceptable power 600-700 watts, time 1-2 minutes. More accurate data cannot be specified, since the devices have different technical characteristics. Next, fold the melted butter into the batter.
  7. Now knead the dough with butter.
  8. Move the bowl to a warm place. Let the dough rest for about 3 hours. During this time, it will increase significantly in volume.
  9. After the specified time, remove the dough from the bowl, place it on a floured surface, lightly remember with your fingers.
  10. Cut the dough into 3 equal pieces.
  11. Melt 100 grams of butter.
  12. Now let's make the dough: 1) Take the first piece of dough and roll it out. The thickness should be about two centimeters. Lubricate the entire surface with butter. For convenience, use a silicone brush, it will help to evenly distribute the oil. 2) Roll out the second piece of dough and put it on top of the first one. Top with oil. 3) The third piece is also rolled out and put on top. 4) Roll out the cake structure with a long cloth. Its thickness should be about 3 centimeters. 5) Fold the canvas 3-4 times and cut it into 3 parts again. Repeat all steps one through five at least 6 times. Only then will the dough be ready.
  13. Turn on the oven at maximum power. Let the baking sheet is in the oven, it needs to be hot.
  14. Remove the preheated form and grease it with oil (you can take butter, vegetable, olive or margarine).
  15. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet, form the sides.
  16. Spread the dough with sauce and your favorite toppings. Send the pizza to the oven.
  17. Check readiness with a toothpick. Pierce its base, if the toothpick is dry - it's time to get the dish.
  18. Puff pizza yeast dough ready. Cut it into portions and serve.

Pizza is one of the favorite dishes of both children and adults. Can buy ready pizza in the store or order at home. And you can bake it at home, spending a little time. If desired, the whole family can be involved in the process.

There are quite simple recipes cooking pizza, which does not require large financial costs. How successful the pizza will turn out will depend not only on the filling, but also on the dough, which is the main component of the dish. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the dough. How to cook pizza dough fast and tasty, we will consider in this article.

To prepare the dough, stir 8 grams of dry yeast and 5 grams of granulated sugar in 100 grams of preheated water. Mix everything well. Place this mixture for 15-20 minutes in heat until bubbles appear. Pour 250 grams of warm water into a suitable dish, ready mix with diluted yeast and 35 grams of olive oil. Add 10 grams of salt and 5 grams of granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly until the sand and salt are completely dissolved. The next step is to slowly add 450 grams of flour to the resulting mixture. premium with constant stirring. Then leave the dough, covered with a cotton cloth, warm. The dough, after it has risen, is kneaded several times. After it can be laid out on a baking sheet, filled with stuffing and sent to the oven.

Easy water dough recipe

A very quick and easy recipe for a quick test:

  1. In a container with 300 grams of pre-sifted wheat flour, add 10 grams of salt and 50 grams of olive oil, mix everything.
  2. Start kneading the dough by slowly adding 200 grams of water. For this option, you can replace ordinary water with mineral water. The dough needs to be kneaded until it sticks to the hands.
  3. After that, he needs to "rest" for about half an hour. Preliminarily cover the container with the finished mass with a cotton cloth or napkin, and place in a warm place.
  4. Punch down the dough before rolling out.

On a note. Pizza dough without yeast is not so lush, but for lovers of simple bases, this recipe is just right.

Thin dough for Italian pizza

Real Italian pizza is cooked on a thin round base:

  1. This recipe requires 200 grams of water. Pour half of the water, preheated to 35 °, into a container. Pour 7-8 grams of fast-acting yeast and 25 grams of granulated sugar into it, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour 10 grams of salt into the rest of the water and mix it too so that the component is completely dissolved.
  3. Sift 500 grams of premium wheat flour into a large saucepan. Slowly pour the liquid with yeast, salt water and 50 grams of olive oil into the flour. In this case, it is necessary to pour into a recess previously made in flour. Knead first with a wooden spatula, grabbing the flour around the center, and then with your hands for 10-15 minutes. As a result, the dough should not stick to the palms.
  4. Place the finished mass in a deep saucepan sprinkled with flour. Put in heat for 1.5 hours, covered with a cotton napkin. After the dough has risen, it must be kneaded and divided into parts.
  5. From each part roll out a thin layer, on which lay the filling. The dough prepared according to this recipe, wrapped in cling film, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

On a note. Filling Italian pizza necessarily contains tomatoes, cut into thin slices.

Recipe for kefir

To prepare the dough, you need to combine 350 grams of kefir with 8 grams of soda slaked with vinegar, mixing thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs with 20 grams of salt, then mix well with kefir. Next, gradually pour 500 grams of flour into the resulting mixture without ceasing to knead. Then add 60 grams of melted butter. The dough according to this recipe is soft. And the preparation of the base will take no more than 15 minutes. The dish under discussion goes well with hearty chicken filling and a mix of different cheeses.

Crispy pizza dough with dry yeast

For those who like pizza with a crispy crust, the following dough preparation method is suitable, which requires the following ingredients:

  • 125 grams of water, preheated;
  • 10 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams - dry yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 grams of wheat flour;
  • 125 grams of softened margarine;
  • 85 grams of sour cream;
  • 5 grams of salt.

Mix water, sugar and yeast. Place the resulting mixture for several minutes in heat. Beat one egg. Sift the flour and add the prepared amount of margarine to it. Chop with a knife until small pieces are obtained. In the resulting mass, form a recess, pour one beaten egg into it, then add sour cream, salt, pour in the mixture with yeast. Knead the dough. You need to knead until it stops sticking to your hands. The dough, covered with a natural cloth, must be kept warm for about 30 minutes, after which it is ready for baking.

Thick crust

To make the pizza base come out thick and fluffy, a recipe is suitable sponge dough. First you need to prepare 200 grams of warm milk and pour 10 grams of dry yeast into it, stir everything. Place the mixture in a warm place so that the yeast rises. Next, mix two eggs pre-beaten with 10 grams of salt with rising yeast. Gradually pour 500 grams of wheat flour into the resulting mixture, kneading the dough thoroughly. Add sugar to taste. As soon as the dough is ready, it must be put in a warm place for about an hour and a half. After adding the filling to your liking and send to bake.

On a note. The dough can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer, divided into portions or frozen in the form of bases.

Puff yeast dough: quick and tasty

In 70 grams of warm water, dilute 5 grams of dry yeast with 15 grams of granulated sugar. Stir and place for half an hour in heat until bubbles appear. Then add 100 grams of milk and one egg there, without beating, but mixing well. In a pre-sifted flour in a mass of 600 grams, add 25 grams of sand, 5 grams of baking powder, 15 grams of salt, mix. Prepare 250 grams of butter. Softened, but be sure to cut the cold butter into small pieces, without touching it with your hands. Roll the butter pieces in flour. Mix flour and butter and add yeast mixture there. Stir gently for three minutes to keep layering. From the resulting dough, form a ball, wrap with cling film and place in the cold for one and a half to two hours, after which the dough can be used for baking pizza.

A few tips to keep in mind when preparing any dough are shared by experienced chefs:

  • At the beginning of work, it is necessary to wipe the palms with olive or sunflower oil. This will help prevent the dough from sticking to your hands.
  • So that the dough does not stick to the walls of the container, it must be poured over first. cold water and then hot.
  • The yeast pizza dough needs to “rest” for about an hour before it goes into the oven.
  • It is better to knead the dough twice and only then spread it on a baking sheet.
  • To make the dough rise better and faster, you can cover it with cling film or a damp cotton cloth.
  • Always roll out the dough on a floured surface.
  • The dough is considered ready to eat if the crust easily separates from the baking sheet.
  • Before putting the dough on it, the baking sheet must be greased with oil and sprinkled with flour.

In any case, professional skills are not required from the hostess, the desire to cook delicious pizza, patience and perseverance are enough. Most of the products will always be found in the kitchen of an amateur home cooking. It remains only to make the filling - and in no more than an hour it will be possible to set the table.

pizza recipe

How to make yeast dough for the best homemade pizza! Simple step by step instructions with photo. Please your family and friends. Bon Appetit!

45 min

250 kcal

5/5 (2)

Sometimes you want to erect a monument to those who invented pizza! In fact, for me there is no more favorite product in the world, which is always seen as appetizing, fragrant and tasty, that neither children nor adults can resist it. Surprisingly, in our family, homemade pizza on yeast dough has always turned out just great, in no way inferior to analogues prepared in pizzerias equipped with professional equipment - maybe the point is special recipe my mother, who bakes real culinary masterpieces in an old oven?

Deciding to check it out, I rewrote this one today step by step recipe so that each of you, dear culinary experts, can test it for yourself, receiving a product that exactly meets all expectations.

Did you know? Classic recipe pizza dough involves preparing sourdough with dry yeast, and then baking in a special oven heated to 400 degrees. It is clear that such conditions are unattainable for most housewives. Therefore, culinary geniuses came up with a new version of the recipe that allows you to get amazing results using a conventional oven.

Preparation time: 60 - 120 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

  • Several capacious bowls with a volume of 400-800 ml, teaspoons and tablespoons.
  • Fork, steel or wooden whisk.
  • Towels (preferably linen or cotton)
  • Baking tray or bun pan with non-stick coating.
  • Baking paper if needed, sieve, sharp knife and oven mitts.

Also, keep your blender ready or food processor with the ability to switch speeds.

You will need

  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 500 ml of purified water;
  • 8 g of table salt;
  • 110 - 120 ml of olive oil;
  • 8 - 10 g dry yeast.
  • 30 g of creamy margarine;
  • some flour for dusting.

With this recipe, you can make a quick yeast dough for pizza in milk instead of water, since the first gives the products incredible splendor and airiness, and the second makes the pizza crusts rougher during baking. In addition, for the filling, you can use absolutely any combination of ingredients by adding mushrooms, sausage or boiled meat to it. but try not to overload the filling with ingredients.

Cooking sequence


  1. Pour water or milk into a deep bowl, the ingredient should be at room temperature.

  2. Pour in the yeast, stir them with a spoon or spatula until completely dissolved.

  3. Add salt, mix a little more, trying to make the grains disappear.

  4. The next step is to pour in the olive oil, stir and leave the mass for five minutes.

  5. Grind the tomatoes in a blender or cut into slices - as you like.

  6. We cut the onion into rings, rub the cheese on a grater or with a food processor.

  7. Mix the tomato paste with sugar and salt, beat for a minute or two with a blender.

  8. We try the sauce - if it is too sour, add a little more sugar.

Important! In fact, the main thing in yeast-free dough is sourdough, so be sure to make sure that there are no drafts in the room during its short proofing. If this is not done, the pizza dough may become "rubber" and will not rise.


  1. Sift the flour into the deepest bowl, make a well in the middle.

  2. Pour about half of the prepared sourdough into it.
  3. We mix the mass with a spoon, trying to do it with confident, strong movements.

  4. Pour a little more liquid, remove the spoon and start manual kneading.

  5. After adding the remaining starter, we continue active kneading for about fifteen minutes, practically without stopping kneading a very plastic, soft and viscous dough.

  6. If the dough is very sticky to your hands, sprinkle it with a little flour, continue kneading.
  7. Then we divide our dough into several parts: each will become a blank for one pizza

  8. After that, cover the container with the dough with a film or towel, place it in a warm place for an hour or two.

  9. Then we knead the dough and begin to assemble our product.

Assembly and baking

Did you know? How to check the readiness of pizza? Just take a wooden stick, skewer or toothpick and pierce the cooked product 5 cm deep. After that, pull out the stick and use your fingers to touch the part of it that was just inside the pizza. A dry skewer indicates the readiness of the product, and a wet skewer indicates that it is too early to remove the pizza from the oven.

That's all! Your amazing tasty pizza completely ready! It remains only to cut it into portions and serve, garnishing with fresh herbs, pouring mayonnaise sauce into a suitable container and preparing the appropriate drinks - tea, juice or compote.

Children also love to eat pizza with milk, and adults - with hot coffee. I bet your first pizza will fly off the table at incredible speed. Wrap the remaining pizza pieces in a plastic bag and place in the freezer, because you will definitely need to make another pizza soon!

We watch the video recipe

In the video below, you can immediately see that the preparation of yeast dough for pizza is very quick and simple, suitable even for beginners in cooking.

Concluding our mouth-watering conversation, I would like to highly recommend the hostesses to prepare some more delicious options. the most tender test for pizza shared by my friends who love to experiment in this field.

For example, try the amazingly tender and fragrant, famous not only for its ease of preparation, but also for its economical set of ingredients. Also, don't forget about being great choice for those who appreciate kefir pastries for their exceptional taste.

It would also be completely out of place to recall the beloved by many, which I cooked last weekend and was incredibly fascinated by its spicy aroma and amazing taste. Finally, it would be useful to recall the famous one, which will certainly suit those who do not have time to mess around in the kitchen, because the guests are already on the doorstep. In general, there are a lot of excellent test options and you can easily choose the one that you like.

Thank you for your attention to the above recipe! I really look forward to your comments on pizza dough, reports and reviews, as well as my own experience on additives in sourdough, dough and toppings. Bon appetit and always good mood!

I bring to your attention a recipe for yeast dough for pizza with live yeast. This recipe is suitable not only for making pizza, but also for pies and pies. The dough is soft and crispy at the same time.

I really like the classic yeast dough, it goes well with any filling. It is this dough that makes pizza, and if desired, pies incredibly tasty and fragrant!

It's fairly easy to prepare. I assure you that absolutely everyone who tries to cook it at home will get pizza according to this recipe.

We will need:

  • flour - 500 g.
  • pressed raw yeast (fresh) - 25 g.
  • vegetable or olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • water - 300 ml. (~1.5 cups)
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar (without a slide) - 1 tbsp.


one). We heat the water a little and add sugar and yeast to about half of the warm water (not hot!) until completely dissolved. Let it stand a little.

2). Meanwhile, pour the second half of the water into another container, add salt, olive or vegetable oil, mix.

3). Pour flour into the third container, make a recess in it and pour our diluted yeast into it, and then, kneading the dough well, add the remaining water and salt and butter.

4). Knead yeast dough with a spoon or hands, as you like, until smooth.

The finished dough should be soft, smooth and practically not sticky to your hands.

5). Next, roll a ball out of it, put in a deep bowl, cover with a towel, leave in a warm place and let rise for about 2 hours. The dough should roughly double in size.

If your apartment is cool, then put the bowl of dough to the heater or in a preheated oven to 50 degrees.

6). Then we divide the yeast dough for pizza into two parts. These two halves of the dough will make two pizzas with a diameter of about 30 cm, then cook and bake for about 15 minutes at 180C in the oven. This yeast pizza dough with live yeast is perfect.

If you do not have time to make the dough yourself, you can use ready-made ones.

Bon Appetit!

The taste of pizza largely depends not only on a well-chosen topping and a certain type of cheese, but also on the dough that was used in a particular recipe. Most often, when creating homemade pizza, one of the recipes below is taken as a basis.

To prepare this test, you will need:

Water (0.25 l);

Flour (four glasses);

Egg (one piece);

Sugar (two tablespoons without a slide);

Vegetable oil (for lubricating hands).

First you need to dissolve dry yeast and sugar in water. Then flour is poured into a separate bowl, one egg is driven into the same place and salt is added. After that, water with yeast and sugar is poured. The dough is kneaded. At the same time, hands must be lubricated with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to them so much.

We put the well-kneaded dough in a warm place (on the radiator, in hot water, near the stove, etc.), after covering it with a warm towel on top. After about thirty minutes, it will fit a little, and it will need to be kneaded. After another half an hour, the dough can already be used for making pizza: it should be enough for two or three large cakes or 4-5 small ones.

If the pizza filling will consist of ready-made products (sausages, tomatoes, cheese, etc.), then first you need to bake the cake a little without it, and then add your preferred products. But, if, for example, it is planned to use raw chopped meat, then it must be laid out on raw dough Otherwise, the meat will not have time to bake.

Extremely delicious yeast pizza dough. In addition, it is prepared very quickly, and there are no particular difficulties in the recipe. To prepare it you will need:

Slightly warm water (0.25 l);

Sugar (tablespoon);

Dry yeast (small package);

Olive oil (tablespoon);

Salt (a pinch);

Flour (about 350 g).

Pour the yeast with warm water, wait until it rises. Then we pour the flour into a bowl with a slide, make a deepening in the middle and add sugar, salt, olive oil and suitable yeast there. Knead the dough with your hands.

After five minutes, put the dough on the table, a little dusted with flour, and continue to knead here for at least ten minutes. After that, return the dough to the bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour (approximately). When it rises, you can start cooking pizza.

The convenience of this recipe is that the resulting dough is great not only for making pizza, but also for baking. delicious pies, kurnikov, cakes, etc. To create it, you will need:

Dry yeast (one small package);

Slightly warm milk (0.5 l), can be replaced with water;

Flour (1 kilogram);

Salt (half a teaspoon);

Sugar (about 50 g);

Olive or sunflower oil(four tablespoons).

It is necessary to pour milk or water into a bowl and pour yeast into it, as well as add salt, vegetable oil and sugar. Then you need to pour flour, knead the dough (knead well) and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, covering with a clean napkin or towel.

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