Home Bakery products How to tip so that everyone is happy. Tipping in different countries: to whom and how much to tip What percentage of tips is customary to leave in restaurants

How to tip so that everyone is happy. Tipping in different countries: to whom and how much to tip What percentage of tips is customary to leave in restaurants

Tipping is the gratitude of the client to the service personnel, expressed financially.

In many countries, tea is left not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in taxis, hotels, and beauty salons. In Russia, more often drivers and deliveries are given change, permanent craftsmen and hairdressers are given gifts on holidays, maids, tankers leave a small bill, for example, 100 rubles. Basically, the question of tips arises when it comes to cafes and restaurants: is it necessary to give a tip and how much?

Thanking the waiter financially is not just a sign of good taste. Tips often make up a significant part of his earnings.

Employees of establishments can officially receive a very small salary, and they need tips to pay for housing and buy food. However, in this matter it is important not to fall into a moral trap: you do not have to just give money to a person for doing his job. But if he does it well, why not thank him. For you, a trifle, he is pleased.

Sometimes money received from customers in excess of bills is summed up and divided between waiters and other service personnel who do not interact with visitors.

Sometimes a service charge is included in the bill. It is indicated on a separate line, and it is easy to find it on the check. In this case, you do not need to leave additional money. Moreover, if you did not like the service, you can ask to deduct the excess from the check. Remuneration to the waiter is the right, not the obligation of the client, and it is illegal to impose it Is it legal to include a "tip" on an order?.

How much to tea

There are no laws that govern how much to tip. The amount of gratitude is determined by tradition. So, in Russia it is customary to leave about 10% of the bill in cafes and restaurants. But this does not mean that the waiter will be upset if you give him more.

10% is a very convenient amount for calculating: no calculators, no sheet of paper and a pen are needed. Just take the number from the check without decimals and remove the last digit from it. For example, you ate for 4,500 rubles. Remove zero and get 450 rubles tip. Then you went to the fashion store and left 1,734 rubles there. In this case, the tip will amount to 173 rubles, but the amount is usually rounded up - more often, upwards.

How to tip

There are only two ways to tip.

1. Cash

Regardless of whether you pay by card or cash, it is appropriate to put a tip in the folder with the bill after you have paid it. Leave the bills and leave with a clear conscience.

You can also, if you pay in cash, put the amount in the folder, including the tip, and warn the waiter that you don’t need change.

In some establishments without waiters, tip jars are at the cash register. If you like the cafe, do not forget to thank the employees at least sometimes.

2. Bank card

You should not especially count on this method: cafes and restaurants offer it extremely rarely. But sometimes you can ask to be charged not only for dinner, but also for a certain amount of tea. You call it a number or a percentage.

How to tip abroad


In the USA, waiters can work without a salary at all, but only for tips, so it is customary to leave 15% of the bill, and this is the minimum value.

Gratitude will be expected not only in cafes and restaurants. For example, a bartender in a nightclub may simply stop taking orders if you pay exactly according to the price list. It is customary to leave a tip in taxis, at gas stations, and in general wherever it may be appropriate.


The tradition of tipping is not very common here. If the attendants are thanked, then it is extremely modest - an amount of about 5% of the bill.


In restaurants in Italy, there is a coperto - a commission for a seat, as well as a servizio - a commission for service. Information about this should be written on each menu page. As a result, your bill will be more than a few euros, and you can not leave a tip.


When you pay the waiter, you yourself say how much change you return. You can also just leave a tip on the table. The standard 10% will be enough.


The usual tip here is 10-15% of the check, but, according to local law, they must be included in the bill.


Tips are not accepted here, they are perceived as. If the waiter takes money, it is only because he has lost hope of explaining to you that this is inappropriate.


Absolutely everything is waiting for you to tip, and it can be absolutely any amount.


The standard here is 15%.


The waiter himself may suggest that you round the bill, for example, from 37 to 40 euros.


Tips are not part of the culture, and it's not uncommon for them to be returned to you. But in general, now the Vietnamese are more favorable in this kind of gratitude.

Do you leave tips? If yes, how much?

Tipping as a form of voluntary remuneration for quality service is the norm in many countries popular with tourists.

Regular questions are raised by the etiquette of leaving a tip: when, to whom and how much to pay, how to transfer money - in person or leave it in a conspicuous place. Finally, tips are not only an item of etiquette, but also an expense item that must be foreseen in advance.

In crowded resorts and in countries where the tradition of tipping has developed historically, waiters, bartenders, hotel staff, flight attendants, bus and taxi drivers, guides, less often hairdressers and gas station workers receive additional monetary incentives.

At the same time, the etiquette of other countries not only does not imply monetary gratitude for an already paid service, but also gives reason to regard such an impulse as a way to humiliate the attendants. That is why before the trip it is always appropriate to get acquainted with the traditions of the country you are going to visit.

How much is it customary to leave a tip

The optimal tip size varies by country, and often by region within a country. Gradation of payments is observed in service areas. Below is the average tip size abroad: who gets how much depending on the profession.

  • Waiter, bartender, cook - 10%;
  • Taxi driver - 10-15%;
  • Porter - 1-2 euros;
  • Maid - 5 euros per week;
  • Tour guide - 5-10 euros;
  • Courier - 1-2 euros;
  • Stewardess - 5 euros.

You can leave a tip not only in cash, some restaurants offer you to choose the amount to be debited from the card. In a number of fast food establishments, small hotels, the issue of remuneration for staff is solved even more simply: a tip jar (Tip jar) is in a conspicuous place.

You don't need to worry about the size of the tip if it is included in the bill and is already written on a separate line. And if the service was excellent, even in this case, you can thank them additionally by adding another 5-10% to the check from yourself.

Tipping in Russia

Dear readers, how much do you tip when traveling? We would appreciate it if you share your experience in the comments below.

Many Russians who find themselves in Thailand for the first time have only a vague idea of ​​Asian ethical standards and corporate practices adopted in the local service sector. Therefore, in any interaction with service personnel, tourists are sure to face the question: to whom and how much to leave a tip so that a person is not offended?

In order to remove this delicate ethical question, it is necessary to consider cases in which which it is accepted or not accepted to leave money for tea. You also need to remember how to tip.

First of all, it is worth noting that Thais are very fond of tips and willingly accept them.. Therefore, a farang (“European” in Thai) who wants to pay extra for any service will not cause any insult by this. But before issuing money, a number of nuances should be taken into account.

There is no set tip amount.

The amount of the tip is a response to the diligence of the attendants and the high level of service. Therefore, there are no specific rates.. The article will consider only average amounts: not stingy and small, but not large either. They are drawn from the reviews of tourists who traveled to Thailand in 2020.

It is not customary in the country to scatter money

Expressing gratitude in cash is part of Thai culture, but the reward for the service must be adequate, and not look like a handout or, even worse, a bribe. Simply put, a person who shows demonstrative generosity and scatters money here will be looked at with condemnation or even contempt.

Do not tip with coins

Even the largest one worth 10 baht (about 20 Russian rubles) will cause bewilderment in most types of service personnel, but not in all situations.

Coins can be handed over to people in minor positions:

  • tankers;
  • windshield washers;
  • masseurs providing services in men's toilets (massage in the toilet is not a euphemism, but quite a common occurrence for prestigious establishments in Thailand) and other similar servants.

You should pick up change in stores, but not always

In chain supermarkets in large stores and in the market one should take change, even if it was given out with a handful of coins. This money can be put into the social donation box next to the counter.

If you made a purchase in a small store, for example, for 97 baht, etc. similar amounts, then it can be rounded up - by offering the seller to keep the change. In this case, he will be grateful to you.

Don't tip the hotel receptionist

Many Russian tourists who have not previously been to Southeast Asia, but who have experience and make a common mistake - put a few dollar bills in the passport provided for registration at the hotel. In most hotels in the Middle East, such a bribe allows you to get a room with better conditions, but for Thais it will cause culture shock.

For employees, only the type of room matters, which was indicated in the reservation of the guest. If for some reason you cannot be accommodated in the booked room, then most likely a technical or human error has occurred, which they will try to correct immediately. But no bribes will help here.

The hotel staff will find a room of a similar class, or settle you in a standard room until the desired place is free. They will definitely apologize to the guest by giving him some valuable gift (free dinner at the restaurant, spa treatments, etc.).

How much should you leave in cafes and restaurants?

The situation with tips in the sphere is exactly the same as in European countries. Approximate rates: from 5% to 10% of the total order amount. The amount varies depending on the prestige of the institution.


  • from 20 to 50 baht with a check up to 1500 baht in a restaurant of a budget or mid-budget category;
  • from 100 baht in high-class restaurants, with a check from 1500-2000 baht.

If you prefer to dine in a street macaque, then Tipping Thai fast food vendors is not customary. The food there is extremely cheap, and therefore it is pointless to give the chef-seller small amounts, but it makes sense to leave him small change. The same applies to low-grade eateries.

Tipping can be left not only for waiters, but also for chefs. If you are delighted with a certain dish and want to express your gratitude to its manufacturer, then ask the staff to call him into the hall. After that, you should talk to the chef about the recipe and politely hand him a certain amount of money.

The amount depends on the level of the institution and your personal assessment of the skill of the cook, but it must be at least 50 baht.

Tipping in check - Some Thai establishments use the American tipping method and include it in the bill. This nuance is noted in the menu in small print, and sometimes it is not advertised at all..

In any case, don't be surprised if the amount of the check is slightly different from the one that you calculated based on the prices indicated in the menu. This means that a 10% mark-up for the wages of service personnel and 7% VAT were added to the bill. In this case, you do not need to pay the tip in cash.

Should I leave a tip for cleaning?

In order for the room to shine with impeccable cleanliness, there were no strangers' hair anywhere, a layer of dust, suspicious stains, unpleasant odors and other manifestations of irresponsible work “in a slipshod manner”, the maid should be encouraged.

It is very simple to do this, just leave a modest amount of 20-50 baht on the TV, on the bed or under the ashtray.

This tip will ensure you attentive service from the servants and, most likely, small but very pleasant surprises in the form of an elephant or swans from a towel or a rose petal pattern on the bed.

Also don't tip the porter boy who will carry your luggage to your room. Their humble services will cost the tourist only 20-40 baht. It is not forbidden to give these tips in small change - porters will not be offended.

Tour guides and drivers

Domestic tourists often think that they are spared the need to pay tips on excursions, because all services have already been paid for. In fact, they are right, but in fairness - the efforts of drivers and guides are usually rewarded, especially if they gave their all in front of the sightseers.

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The amount of remuneration is small and varies depending on the type of activity of the service personnel and the duration of the provision of services.

Approximate tip amounts:

  • insignificant and short service - 20-40 baht;
  • drivers making a trip lasting three hours or more - 50 baht;
  • a boatman who took tourists around the islands for many hours - 100 baht;
  • local guides - from 20 baht;
  • Russian-speaking guides - 100 baht;
  • elephant driver - 40 baht;
  • instructor in any sport - from 50 to 200 baht.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the taxi drivers. It is not customary for them to tip in the traditional sense, but it is customary to round the amount for the trip to ten. If the trip on the counter cost, for example, 64 baht, then you should not force the driver to look for a change for change. Just give him 70 baht.

Massage therapists in spas

The work of a massage therapist is hard even for men, not to mention the fragile Thai girls who have to work long hours a day, taking dozens of clients. Therefore, their services are quite worthy of additional remuneration, especially if it was carried out for a long time and brought positive emotions and feelings.

The amount of the reward varies depending on the duration and type of massage - 50-100 baht. As for spas, the services of their employees are valued somewhat higher, especially if they require many hours of work. This is approximately -100-200 baht.

Tours and tours

Prices can be viewed on the website of the Travelata hypermarket of tours and you can buy a ticket online. The cost of the tour includes: airfare, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, accommodation and meals at the hotel and medical insurance.

Maintenance staff do their job and get paid for it. In addition to it, the service worker often expects additional remuneration from the client. This nice bonus is called a tip. Few people know how to pay properly in Russia. Usually this issue is not openly discussed. Also, people rarely have an idea about the amount of the tip. I would like to talk about the rules of etiquette and outline the generally accepted framework - to whom, how and how much it is better to give money as a thank you for the services rendered.

What is a tip?

A tip is usually understood as the N-th amount of money that a client or buyer voluntarily gives to an employee. A bonus is issued if a person was satisfied with the service and wants to express his appreciation for the work. Tipping motivates workers to perform their duties efficiently and communicate politely with customers.

There is no law or standard obliging the client to issue additional payment. It has been observed that half of Russians are accustomed to tipping workers. There are those who are inclined to leave a bonus, but always hesitate in determining the required amount. And there is also a category of citizens who fundamentally ignore the unspoken rule of tipping.

Some of the workers have low wages, but they are quite happy with their overall income, as they regularly receive tips from customers. At each location, the staff distributes the bonus money differently. Somewhere tips are accumulated as a general reward and at the end of the day the collected amount is divided equally between employees, and somewhere each employee has the right to immediately take honestly earned tips for himself.

To whom and how much to tip?

Tipping the waiter

To look cultured, modern, and tolerant in a restaurant, you must first get your order, eat and drink, pay the bill, collect your change, and then leave a tip. It is advisable to give 10% of the amount paid. By this you will not upset, but rather please the waiter. In the case when the restaurant staff immediately withheld the change without your will, you should ask for it back. If you pay by bank transfer, you still have to pay the tip in cash. There is a tradition of tipping the bartender who pours drinks behind the bar. Do not deviate from this norm and generously pay 10-15% or refuse to change. If you left a significant amount in the bar, paid for it, and the change was less than 50 rubles, then take it away and give a normal bonus.

Tipping the taxi driver

It is also customary to thank the driver for the taxi service. With his bonus, the client expresses his gratitude for the prompt, accurate and polite delivery to the right place. Lack of reward indicates dissatisfaction with the speed of the arrival of the car or the style of driving. Customers adore punctual and courteous drivers, attentive taxi dispatchers. As you understand, the amount will reflect your impressions of the trip, so determine it yourself on the spot, in the range from 5 to 10%. Some companies offer to thank the taxi with a bonus directly through the application.

Tipping beauty master

If you are satisfied with your own appearance after a haircut, styling or cosmetic procedure in a beauty salon, then you can sincerely thank the master who puts a lot of effort into your appearance. Sometimes clients leave tips with the administrator, but it is more reasonable to divide them among the specialists who performed the work. Also, do not forget to thank the master of manicure, treatment, hair straightening or eyelash extensions, who works at home. Here it is enough to pay 10% of the amount invested in beauty.

Tipping a car wash or gas station attendant

Car wash operators and gas station workers are also waiting for tips. In this case, it is good to leave 10% of the amount. The washer does the hard work of keeping your car clean, and the gas station attendants are constantly outside. In both places they do not give an amount below 50 rubles, since these workers perform difficult tasks for a small salary. If you give too little, then the operator may be upset and the next time you will be served poorly. If you hand over the car for repair, then immediately pay a tip to the car mechanic from several hundred rubles so that he faithfully performs repairs or diagnostics.

Tips for hotel staff

When living in a hotel, it is also uncritically to reward the staff, if possible. Doormen and maids are happy to accept money for tea. You can pay them with absolutely any amount, depending on the advancement of the institution and the quality of the service staff in it. In hotels, it is not customary to give out bonuses to cleaners, elevator operators and concierges.

Tipping to the animator

Animators at corporate parties, hosts of entertainment events and similar artists put a lot of their work and charisma into creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere at the holiday. With them, too, it is customary to pay extra. It is reasonable to give an amount of 500 rubles per employee for the successful holding of the event.

Tipping the courier

We all use delivery services, ordering goods on the Internet, water for a cooler, flowers, sushi and rolls, pizza, various meals in a restaurant. When the service itself has a certain price, then it is worth limiting to it. And in the case of free shipping, it is worth measuring 10% of the purchase price. Tips are given more if the delivery is on time, and less if the courier is late.

Who doesn't need to leave a tip?

  • guide on excursions and travel;
  • flight attendant on the plane
  • interpreter;
  • fitness trainer in the gym;
  • chef in a catering establishment;
  • psychoanalyst and psychologist.

Some are hesitant to tip teachers, tutors and doctors. Some experts may regard the bonus as a bribe, and therefore it is not customary to offer it openly. Unfortunately, teachers and doctors in Russia earn little, but they put their soul into their work and do important work. Based on this, the question of the appropriateness of remuneration for the doctor and teacher is debatable. Obviously, representatives of such responsible professions deserve a decent tip for their work, so it would be wise to give them delicately.

It is also not customary to offer money to random fellow travelers on a train or other public transport who help carry hand luggage or look after things. You can thank them verbally and wish them luck.

If you see that an employee has conscientiously performed much more than his duties, trying to help you as a person, then do not hesitate to encourage him without being guided by any rules.

The quality of education is always visible in the manner of communication with the attendants. We must be able to respect the work of others and thank you in time for the help provided. Tipping is a great way to say a sincere “thank you” by paying an easy amount, how much a waiter, porter or tanker really deserves.

What is a tip and how long do they exist

The topic of tipping is gradually becoming more popular. A little money or a gift shows the maid, bartender, taxi driver that his work is significant and encourage him to develop in his field. Tipping in will help cheer up the waiter. To voluntarily reward excellent work is to improve service quality. There are several versions of the origin of the tip:

  • 18th century. In tea houses, popular with the aristocracy, they put special boxes with the inscription “T.I.P.S”, where they put coins, no matter how sorry, for the staff. The meaning of the abbreviation is literally "to speed up service" or "To Insure Prompt Servise". After that, capital letters and dots were removed, making the inscription the general designation of a tip in English.
  • In the 16th century, water was collected from wells. Some strong citizens voluntarily helped the rest to lift a heavy bucket from there and bring it home. For this they were thanked with a small payment called trinkgeld or "drinking money".
  • In the 18th century, it was customary to reward restaurant pedlars so that they would work faster, do a great job. The extra charge matched the price of the cheapest tea.

Tipping today

According to etiquette, now you need to leave a tip for the amount that goes to 10% of the size of the check. This money is given voluntarily as an encouragement to the employee of the service sector that they like. The reward contributes to the future improvement of the quality of service.

The rules of good manners allow you to leave a small gift instead of money. Non-monetary incentives are also common. Such a concept as a tip is interpreted quite broadly. The administrator at the counter will be pleased to receive a souvenir from a distant country from a grateful client, and the absence of a cash payment will prevent the employee from suspecting a bribe or self-interest.

According to statistics, only half of the people consider tipping mandatory, the rest are either unfamiliar with this concept or do not know how to do it.

Do I need to pay a tip at all?

Encouragement for service according to etiquette is not at all a duty. The situation when you give a tip to the bartender, whose quickness leaves much to be desired, is undesirable. Expressing gratitude is an act of goodwill, you do not need to follow everything too literally.

However, encouragement comes with its own benefits. Giving a tip of 50-200 rubles to the seller you like is not burdensome, but it will improve further service, the attitude of the staff.

If the process of providing the service required additional actions from the employee (the taxi driver had to stop at an ATM, the porter had to carry too fragile or heavy luggage), it is highly recommended to pay a little more than the usual fee. A little tip to the waiter who serves the big one or the maid who cleans up the mess created by the client compensates for the spent energy.

Who gets to pay tips

There are areas and positions where it is considered customary to accept a tip. Employees in some industries even consider not receiving additional pay as a sign of customer dissatisfaction. Cafes, expensive hotels are traditionally places where it is recommended to leave a small amount to the staff. To whom it is customary to pay a tip:

  • It is customary for taxi drivers to leave a percentage of the cost of the trip or a small amount. How much to pay is determined by the duration and complexity of the route.
  • Waiters, bartenders of a cafe or restaurant. Sometimes the encouragement is passed on to the chef. Money to the waiter is sometimes simply included in the bill, it is recommended to clarify this point in advance.
  • Hairdressers, manicurists, cosmetologists.
  • Maid, hotel porter.
  • Tankers.
  • Pizza delivery men, couriers, messengers.
  • Doorman.
  • Concierges and watchmen.
  • Guides and guides.
  • Sellers.
  • Wardrobe attendants.
  • Train conductor when paying for additional services or at the final station.
  • Animators.
  • Auto service workers.

They do not tip people whose profession implies decent pay, but it is allowed to express gratitude with small gifts.

Do not receive tips:

  • flight attendants;
  • Doctors;
  • Officials and officials (there is a risk of being punished for a bribe);
  • Psychoanalyst;
  • Interpreter;
  • Trainer.

How appropriate to tip

Tipping is accepted in cash only. In order not to create an awkward situation, it is recommended to carry small money with you, counting in advance how many establishments you will have to visit. A few bills are easy to give when paying with a card or put in an envelope with a check when leaving the establishment.

It is customary to express gratitude according to etiquette after the service rendered. The porter or porter will not refuse a tip when they let you into the establishment or near the door of the room.

How much to tip

The size of the tip depends on the desire of the visitor, but there is a threshold below which you should not fall. This is about 5-20% of the bill or 50-100 rubles. A smaller amount is more like alms and can offend. How much to leave a tip in a restaurant, beauty salon, car service determines the quality of the service. Very satisfied with delicious food, a successful haircut, the client can leave a decent amount to the master or the waiter.

How to tea properly

A few simple rules will help to thank the employee with dignity without offending him:

  • You should not express embarrassment when giving a tip, it is better to smile sincerely and say out loud: “Thank you.”
  • You can not pay money with the appearance of a favor or hint at any additional services.
  • No need to rummage through your wallet for too long in search of little things or, on the contrary, act in a hurry.
  • A handful of coins poured into the hand of a porter or waiter can offend. It is unacceptable to leave a trifle, which then will simply interfere with the employee.
  • Arrogantly declaring that surrender is not necessary is not recommended. The client, trying to rise at the expense of the employee, instead of gratitude, inflicts an insult.

Tipping abroad

In Europe, Asia and the New World, the culture of tipping is very different.

  • Tipping is required in all areas of service. Not leaving money to a taxi driver or waiter is considered bad manners.
  • , a country where tipping is accepted at the state level. The additional fee is usually 15%. Sometimes it is immediately included in the bill.
  • In,, New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, countries, it is not customary to leave a tip, although this is allowed for tourist areas.
  • Tipping can offend the owner of the establishment. It is believed that hospitality should be free of charge.
  • In countries where the tourism industry is developed (Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia), the staff considers it mandatory to receive cash from guests.

Tipping culture in Russia

The topic of tipping in the post-Soviet space has been discussed relatively recently. Before the collapse of the USSR, it was believed that any person is paid exactly as much as the labor he invests for a common cause. Instead of tips, scarce gifts were distributed to doctors, teachers, and trade workers. Gradually attitudes began to change. People began to enter into the real situation of service personnel.

In Russia, now the average tip is 100 rubles, or 10% of the check amount. Generous clients pay much more. For public institutions, tipping has become commonplace.

Tipping as the main income

In the case when the institution pays unreasonably little, relying on tips, the staff has to live only on the money from serving guests. In some hotels or restaurants, the waiter or porter receives almost nothing. His salary directly depends on the mood and how much money the client left. This state of affairs is common in the United States and is gradually becoming commonplace in Russia. In these cases, not giving a tip means leaving the employee without a salary.


Tipping is a sign of gratitude. How much to pay depends on the quality of service and mood, but you should not leave too small an amount. Surcharge for the service is voluntary, but it is worth taking into account the official fee of the employee and materially rewarding diligence.

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