Home Vegetables What to wear on the train? What to take on a train What to take on a train for a day

What to wear on the train? What to take on a train What to take on a train for a day

Not everyone knows what to take with them on the train. Usually, novice travelers get confused, not knowing what to prepare for a long trip, what are the features of the road in summer, and how to properly pack a first aid kit. Mistakes at this stage threaten that the rest will be spoiled by an empty stomach, a naughty child, or even food poisoning!

How to get on the train

Gathering should not be in a hurry. It is better to make a list a few days before the appointed date, at this time it is worth starting to pack your bags. You need to decide in advance what to take on the train from food and purchase these products at the nearest store.

To make an accurate and correct list, you need to sit down, put your thoughts in order and put them on paper. First, write down the first thing that comes to mind. After that, you can use the method of associations - imagine what situations can happen on the train and determine what is useful in them.

Suitcase on the road

Do not be afraid to show imagination. It is better to prepare for the rarest cases than to get into trouble.

It is important to indicate in the list what you need to buy and what has already been bought and take it with you to the store. Put down the necessary notes next to things that need special preparation or washing.

After putting the list in a conspicuous place. Passing by him, a person will remember something and supplement the already written list.

What to take with you on the train from documents

First of all, you need to check your internal passport. Without a document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a person will not be allowed on the train. Every person who has reached the age of 14 years must have a certificate with him. For children, a birth certificate is required.

If a passenger is traveling with a child under the age of 14, and is not his guardian, a written and notarized permission from one of the parents is required.

In order not to get caught in the checks of controllers, you need to have electronic or physical tickets issued on the person’s passport, which must be taken with you.

To travel abroad, you must have a passport and visa with you. Without these documents, a citizen will not be released from the country and will not be allowed into another. You need to start the necessary package, including for the child.

Important! To travel, you must have medical insurance under the MHI policy. Its presence is mandatory for traveling to many countries, including the EU.

Required amount of finance

Food on the train needs non-perishable food. A good option is to buy it directly on the trip. But for this you need to have a certain amount with you. Contrary to the common stereotype, it is necessary to count money not only for a vacation, but also for a trip.

It is worth considering unforeseen circumstances, for example, a vehicle breakdown. Of course, RJ is obliged to provide a new train, but until then, you will have to somehow survive.

You need to calculate the amount for the purchase of food and water in the process, given that supplies may run out during the trip. The best option is to have at least a couple thousand with you. It's better to take cash. You may need to buy something in a remote village, where there is not even a terminal for accepting bank cards. But it’s not worth cashing out the entire amount - it’s enough to take 2-3 thousand, and transfer the rest to an electronic format so as not to lose finances.

What equipment will be useful on the way

First of all, you need to have a mobile phone with you. It is better to use it only for communication. If you want to play, you need to put the gadget in flight mode so that the charge is spent more economically, and only periodically check for missed calls and messages.

phone on the train

A laptop is needed for work. A small and compact device with a reliable battery is ideal. Before the trip, it is better to charge it and use it only for work purposes.

For games and entertainment, it is better to use a tablet. You can download a lot of interesting games to your device and entertain yourself on the trip. But you should be careful - breaking the tablet is quite simple.

Advice. It is also worth taking a portable set-top box with you. A small game boy or Nintendo will brighten up the boring rural landscape outside the window. But you should also take care of charging.

What hygiene products are useful

Buying personal hygiene products on vacation is on the spot - it is better to have only the minimum necessary for the trip with you. It is better to take non-sharp tubes of a small shape. Pack in a film or cosmetic bag so that there is no empty space between the vials.

Be sure to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste with you. In the morning you need to brush your teeth to get rid of an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth. It is better for men to have all the shaving products with them.

A comb, a few elastic bands or hairpins will come in handy to hide unruly hair. You should have wet wipes with you to wipe off the sweat. Useful and deodorant, moisturizers. Owners and owners of sensitive skin should take with them all the necessary cosmetics. But it’s already better to direct the marafet after the train, when the person moves into the room.

Important! It is better for women to have a supply of daily and simple pads with them. Useful wipes for intimate hygiene.

Change of clothes and shoes

Clothing should be comfortable first and foremost. It is best to wear comfortable trousers and avoid short skirts. It is necessary to remember in what a person gets on the train, in that he will sleep. Changing clothes in a compartment and, especially, a reserved seat, is not too easy. Better not to abuse this opportunity.

In the list of clothes taken with you, be sure to include a changeable T-shirt and trousers. If a person will travel by train for several days, he will need to change his jacket at least once.

Important. It is worth considering the difference in climate. If a traveler goes to a warm country in winter, it is necessary to take winter and summer clothes. Otherwise, at first he will be very hot, and then cold.

Of the shoes, ordinary rubber flip flops without a heel and with a quiet sole are useful. With them, a person will not stomp loudly, waking up the neighbors. These shoes can be put on and taken off quickly.

To sleep well without waking up from neighbors walking back and forth, an eye mask and earplugs will come in handy. You can buy them at any pharmacy - the price of devices is quite low.

Travel first aid kit

It is also necessary to take medicines on the trip. You need to prepare for all unforeseen situations. If a person has any chronic diseases, it is important to have all the necessary means with you to prevent an attack of exacerbation of the disease.

You must have some kind of painkiller with you. A standard no-shpa, drotaverine or aspirin will do. It is better to take activated charcoal or other medicine that helps with poisoning.

First aid kit on the train

It makes sense to take some antihistamines in tablets. You can take drops or other medicines. Ointments will come in handy to get rid of serious rashes that constantly itch.

Need paracetamol or another antipyretic. Put iodine, brilliant green, bandages or patches in the first aid kit. Ordinary non-carbonated water is also useful to drink medicines.

How to have fun while traveling

The best way to have fun when traveling alone is to take some interesting books with you. The limitless worlds of the authors are able to brighten up any trip. But it is better to give preference to the reader, so as not to drag a lot of heavy and massive volumes with you.

If a reliable companion is traveling nearby, you can play various board games. Do not take toys that are too complex with small details - chips or playing cards can easily get lost along the way.

There are special sets of road checkers or chess in stores. There are even backgammon. They differ from the usual ones in that they are made on a magnetic basis, which helps not to lose several figures.

Advice. You can buy crossword puzzles. The most suitable option is a few sudoku, crossword puzzles and fillword puzzles. But it is better to have several pens or a simple pencil with a sharpener with you. Spare rods will come in handy.

If you like to draw, you can take a notebook and some pencils with you for sketching. The most interesting and original ideas often come along the way.

What food do you need on the train?

Not all products can be taken on the train, perishable products are prohibited. Boiled chicken and egg is a great stereotype, but a bad food package. If the trip is hot, then pathogenic bacteria and even E. coli can start in this food.

When asked about what to take to eat on the train, many recommend fresh fruits and vegetables. But it's best to avoid foods that are too juicy - they can easily rot if stored in the sun.

Also, the answer to the question of what to take to eat on the train is various smoked meats. Grilled chicken, smoked meat and raw smoked sausage are suitable. You can eat smoked cheeses.

Advice. It is better to eat instant cereals. To make breakfast nutritious, it is supplied with dried fruits or nuts.

Features of traveling with a child

It is better for your child to take a ticket in a compartment. Restless and capricious children do not like to sit still, often refuse to sleep on uncomfortable shelves. They, like adults, value their own comfort. Therefore, it is better to buy a separate room and buy out all the shelves in it so as not to disturb other passengers.

It is better for a very young child to take baby food or milk formula. In this case, you will have to have a special cooler bag with you so that the food does not disappear over time.

It is worth dressing comfortably, preparing several interchangeable sets. It is better to use natural fabrics. Cotton t-shirts and shorts are perfect for summer.

child on the train

You need to prepare entertainment for the child in order to keep him busy during a long trip. Portable set-top boxes or a phone will help out perfectly. A large construction set, coloring books and a few of his favorite toys will do well.

How to Prepare for Traveling with an Elderly Person

On the road, it is better for an elderly person to regularly drink warm black or green tea with sugar, and freshly brewed. This will help to avoid sudden pressure surges and even get rid of hypertension for a while.

Clothes - only from natural fabrics. On a trip, you need to take a fan or a newspaper with you if there is no normally working air conditioner in the car. Only porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed from food.

Note! It is advisable to take a shower every day or at least wipe the whole body with a damp towel. From time to time, an elderly person needs to get up and wander around the car in order to stretch.

If you have to travel more than a day on long-distance trains, it is important to prepare carefully. It is necessary to make a list and take into account what time of year and day the trip will take place. Then the trip will be associated only with positive memories.

I don't think there is a need to explain why. Even in a super clean and super expensive car, the latrine remains the same - with "waste" spread on the floor. And I have never understood, and will never understand, some ladies who close themselves in the toilet for 20-30-40 minutes - and change clothes, and make up, and it is not clear what else they are doing among the miasma and the accumulation of microbes? Must be enjoying...

In fact, I don’t even advise anyone to brush their teeth in a train toilet, so that God forbid they don’t put toilets swarming in the air with a brush and paste into their mouths. Nothing will happen to your teeth until you get to your destination and brush them properly there. They will tolerate your teeth, they will not fall out instantly. And to make it easier for them to endure, you can gnaw on a hard apple or carrot on the way - they will partially brush their teeth. Of course, if you are going to Kamchatka or the Far East by train, you will have to take risks. To reduce it as much as possible, at the time of brushing your teeth, in no case use the washstand in the toilet, do not even touch it - take your glass of water and rinse your teeth from it. And even more so, do not put the brush on a shared shelf.

This is exactly the case when it is necessary (and even mandatory) to use antibacterial soap. Be sure to take it on your trip. Wash your hands in public toilets every time only with antibacterial agents.

By the way, each is an extra trip to the toilet. To prevent this, take wet antibacterial wipes on the road and wipe your hands with them as often as possible and for any reason, and not just before eating.

Be sure to wipe the table on which you will eat with the same napkins at the very beginning of the trip (and not before dinner). I also recommend wiping down all kinds of handles that you can touch - the radio handle, the window handle, the light switches, etc. However, wiping wipes are a last resort, but it would be better to take hydrogen peroxide with you for these purposes.

Change into camping clothes only in the compartment, and not in the toilet, where your dress suit can come into contact with the toilet or, even worse, drag along the floor, flooded with, you know what. If we are talking about a reserved seat car, then here you can find a way out - ask fellow travelers to block you with a sheet while you change clothes. By the way! That's why you need to choose the right clothes for the train - don't dress up like a cabbage with many layers. In addition to the top jacket-cloak, there should be only two things - top and bottom. And that's it!

Well, we got to the main thing - to food. What to take with you on the train if you do not plan to eat at a restaurant? And in this matter, the guiding star will be - the toilet. Neither food nor drinks should provoke you to go to the toilet. And that means...

Drinks on the train should not be diuretic! So definitely not coffee! Tea according to the situation - if it does not act on you as a diuretic, then drink it. It's the same with juices. If they are sure to chase you to the toilet, then don't drink them. In general, the most neutral drink is just water. Be patient with her bad taste - when you arrive at the place, then you will have fun with cocktails.

In order not to run to the toilet because of food, of course, it should not be spoiled. Therefore, on a trip you need to take products that are resistant, do not deteriorate for a long time. And for this purpose, they must be properly stored.

The old, kind, convenient, satisfying and indispensable food on the train, which has long become a symbol of camping food. We take a chicken. She is really a persistent comrade, able to withstand positive temperatures for a long time. And yet, it must be protected from damage. Wrap the chicken (freshly cooked, not yesterday!) in a vinegar-soaked cloth before you go!

We also take. But only those that did not “crack” during cooking. Through the damaged shell, microbes will quickly penetrate inside - and you are provided.

sausage- do not take. But if there is nothing more to take, or there is no time for cooking, then we take it - but only raw smoked.

We definitely take. First, it does not deteriorate for a very long time. Secondly, very satisfying food - digested slowly, provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. But in no case do we put cheese in polyethylene - only in parchment paper or foil.

Patties- you can take. It is also hearty food. But! On the road you can take only with a sweet filling. Sugar, like salt, is a good preservative that protects the product from spoilage.

Vegetables we take any - cucumbers, tomatoes, at least take avocados, but only not overripe and with intact skin. And do not forget to take pre-peeled carrots - for brushing your teeth.

Fruit we don't take everything. Only those that do not spoil quickly, and those that do not provoke appetite. Bananas are perfect! Before the road, remember about dried fruits - a wonderful product for long trips.

If you are still going to travel by train to the Far East, take dry lunches and breakfasts with you. Very convenient on the road - just fill with water!

Let's move on to drinks. Now I will express a seditious thought, but I cannot help but say it: do not drink titanium tea. In general, do not take water from there. It will certainly differ in composition from the water to which you are accustomed. So it will be. In medicine, there is such a syndrome - "travel constipation". It's from someone else's water. If you can’t manage with cold drinks on the road, then take boiling water with you in a thermos. Believe me, tormenting your stomach for several days, having already arrived at the place, is even worse than dragging a thermos with you.

Beverages it is better to take in single (200 ml) packages - juice, milk, etc. But I repeat - it is better to take those drinks that specifically do not act on you as diuretics.

Remember! Your biggest enemy on the train is the toilet!


When traveling by train, you need to take documents, money, clothes, food, medicines and personal hygiene products. To organize your leisure time, you need to stock up on crossword puzzles, a book, a player with headphones and toys for children if they are traveling with you.

List of things for the trip

When planning a trip, first of all make a list of things for the train, and then carefully check it. Think about how important each item brought into it is, whether it will be needed on the road. The most necessary things on the train:

  1. The documents. Without a passport, a birth certificate of a child and tickets, they will not be allowed into the car.
  2. Money. Cash will come in handy both on the way (to buy food, tea, bed linen) and upon arrival (to get to your place of residence, pay for housing if it is rented).
  3. Train clothes, shoes. They should be comfortable for moving around the car, sleeping and correspond to the season.
  4. Hygiene products. A comb, toothpaste, brush, soap, wet and dry wipes, and hand sanitizer will help you clean up and protect yourself from infection while traveling.
  5. Drinks, food on the train. Homemade products will be cheaper and tastier than in a dining car. The main thing is to take with you food that will not spoil. For example, fruits, vegetables, dry biscuits, dried fruits and nuts.
  6. Crockery, cutlery. The conductor does not always have enough glasses for tea, and having your own mug, you will always prepare a drink (soup, porridge). Disposable plates, spoons, forks will be needed for eating, and a knife for cutting food.
  7. Medicines. On the train, be sure to take the medications that you take daily, and essential medicines from your home first aid kit.
  8. Children's accessories. For the baby, it is recommended to collect a separate bag with the same set of things: from change of clothes and hygiene items to toys.
  9. Technical devices. You will need a mobile phone for communication, a tablet, laptop, reader - for leisure or work. The main thing is to take chargers and an external battery (Power Bank) for each of them in case the socket is missing or broken.
  10. Entertainment. It is advisable to take care of leisure and take a book to read or crossword puzzles with you on the train, and not rely on a talkative compartment neighbor.

Clothing and footwear

Things on the train must be selected based on the time of year. Air conditioners work in branded trains in summer, and heating in winter, so the air temperature there is comfortable. Ordinary long-distance RZD trains are not equipped with split systems. In winter they are heated, but there is often a draft from the windows. To make the trip comfortable, take the following clothes and shoes with you:

  • cotton T-shirt (shirt), shorts (breeches) - for the warm season;
  • a shirt (turtleneck, warm jacket), jeans (comfortable trousers, leggings) or a tracksuit - for winter;
  • interchangeable underwear, socks (cotton for summer, woolen for winter);
  • slippers (slippers, sandals);
  • light or warm pajamas for sleeping.

Documents and Gadgets

  • passports;
  • train tickets;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • school, medical certificates and policies, power of attorney for the child (if necessary);
  • documents related to the purpose of the trip (if any);
  • money.

In addition, it is advisable to carry a mobile phone and jewelry with you. It is not recommended to carry a lot of cash with you. A small amount is enough to buy something on the train or at the station. The rest of the money is better to keep on a bank card. If not, divide the cash into 2 parts.

Carry one (small) amount with you, along with documents, hide the rest of the money deep into the suitcase.

Modern gadgets are a means not only for entertainment, but also for communication and communication. Which of them may be needed on the train:

  • mobile phone (smartphone);
  • headphones;
  • MP3 player;
  • PSP set-top box;
  • tablet;
  • notebook;
  • electronic book;
  • chargers, external battery.

Personal care products

What essentials and personal hygiene items you need to take with you when you are going to travel by train:

  • comb;
  • small mirror;
  • toothpaste, brush;
  • deodorant (toilet water);
  • wet and paper napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • bar soap or hand sanitizer;
  • cosmetics, sanitary pads (for women);
  • shaving accessories (for men);
  • towel.

First aid kit for adults and children

While traveling, health problems often arise, so it is important to have a mini-first aid kit on hand. What medicines to take with you on the train:

  • painkillers (Pentalgin, Paracetamol, Nimesulide, No-Shpa);
  • antipyretics (Aspirin, Nurofen, Panadol);
  • antiallergic (Tsetrin, Suprastin, Fenistil);
  • antiviral (Kagocel, Viferon);
  • soothing (tincture of motherwort, Valerian);
  • from indigestion, to improve digestion (Smecta, Mezim, Imodium);
  • for the heart (Validol, Corvalment);
  • from poisoning (Atoxil, Polysorb, activated carbon);
  • for the throat (Lizobakt, Strepsils, Geksoral);
  • from a cold (Nazivin, Rinostop);
  • against motion sickness (Dramina, Avia-Sea);
  • from bloating (Espumizan);
  • with itching, insect bites (Fenistil gel);
  • against constipation (Duphalac);
  • for pain in the ears (Otipax);
  • for cuts, wounds (hydrogen peroxide, bandage, plaster, iodine, Streptocide).

What food to take on the train

Eating food from cafes, canteens at stations is unsafe for health, and eating in a dining car is expensive. It is better to bring homemade food with you. In addition to food, it is advisable to stock up on disposable plastic utensils and garbage bags. When compiling a "travel" menu, be guided by the following rules:

  • choose foods that are stored for a long time without a refrigerator;
  • do not take food with a strong odor that stains hands and clothes;
  • give preference to food that saturates the body with energy well and will be delicious cold.

Dry rations for the road

Fast food is very popular today. Not all products are good for the body, but on a long journey, such food becomes an excellent alternative to cold snacks. Noodles and mashed potatoes with meat are already sold with cups, containers, so they are easy to prepare on the train. You can take boiling water with you in a thermos or ask the conductor. For soups and cereals, you will have to stock up on disposable dishes.

Ardent opponents of fast food, you can take such a snack on the road:

  1. Dried fruits(raisins, dried apricots, prunes). They should be washed well before the trip. Dried fruits saturate well, charge the body with energy.
  2. nuts(walnuts, peanuts, almonds), sweets (sweets, crackers, gingerbread, waffles, cookies), candied fruits. They are convenient to eat, they satisfy hunger well.
  3. Vegetables(cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers), fruits (apples, bananas, pears). Products are recommended to take the freshest, without signs of spoilage. Before the road, fruits, vegetables need to be washed and peeled.
  4. Dry breakfasts(corn flakes, rice balls). Such food can be eaten dry or poured with long-term storage milk from small packages (200 ml).
  5. Packaged tea, coffee, sugar. Of these, you can always make a hot drink by asking the conductor for boiling water.

Homemade food

Drinks, food and homemade meals on the road:

  • chicken (fried without oil or boiled);
  • beef, veal (boiled, baked);
  • jacket-baked potatoes;
  • the first hot dishes in a thermos;
  • hard-boiled eggs (no cracks);
  • sandwiches from a long loaf with processed or hard cheese, raw smoked sausage (without butter);
  • pies with dried fruits, cinnamon rolls;
  • sliced ​​bread, pita bread;
  • bottled water, fruit and vegetable juices, unsweetened compote, kvass;
  • salt.

What to take with you in the hot season

In the summer it is very hot inside the carriages. From this, the food spoils faster, it can not be taken even to the nearest station. If there is no cooler bag, some food will have to be discarded. Food that is not recommended to take with you on a train in the summer:

  • chocolate (melts with heat);
  • boiled sausage;
  • cakes, cakes with cream;
  • fish, meat pates;
  • dishes with sour cream, mayonnaise;
  • any fish;
  • dairy, dairy products.

Food for the road, which you can take with you in the summer:

  • potatoes baked with peel;
  • fried chicken fillet, boiled beef, first course - in a thermos for food;
  • boiled eggs;
  • loaves;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • hard cheese, raw smoked sausage (vacuum packaging);
  • dry breakfasts (oatmeal, corn flakes);
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • jam, jam;
  • gingerbread, dry cookies, waffles.

How to store groceries on a train

In conditions of lack of air and high temperatures inside the cars, food spoils much faster. To protect yourself from poisoning, to keep food fresher longer, it is recommended to take a thermal bag and a source of cold - a battery with you. It is filled with brine, which freezes at low temperatures.

Before the trip, the battery should be placed for several hours (or overnight) inside the freezer, and then transferred to a thermal bag with food. The device acts as a refrigerator, so food will stay fresh for 8-12 hours.

Instead of batteries, you can freeze half-liter plastic bottles with mineral water. Inside thermal bags, they will defrost slowly. So, for 6-8 hours you will be provided with a refrigerator and cool drinking water. The products themselves are recommended to be wrapped with parchment paper or foil. Plastic bags do not allow air to pass through, the food inside them “suffocates” and deteriorates faster.

What to take on a trip with children

The list of things and accessories for the child depends on the age of the baby. For babies, you need to take diapers, a pacifier, wet wipes, diapers, oilcloth and care products (powder, creams). If the baby is bottle-fed, you will need bottles and dry infant formula, a thermos with hot water.

On the train for children, be sure to take comfortable shoes, clothes that are easy to put on or take off. It is advisable to grab home-made pajamas, so that the baby can sleep as comfortably as possible in a new place. If the baby still does not know how to go to the toilet on his own, you need to take a collapsible potty and disposable bags for him, wet wipes. It is important not to forget about hygiene products - toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, towel, hand sanitizer.

Brakes on the road for the child should be assembled at home. It is strictly forbidden to feed babies with food bought at the stations, in the dining car. New food can lead to allergies, stale food can lead to poisoning, indigestion. For a snack, it is advisable to stock up on dryers, crackers, fruits, vegetable, meat purees. You can also take instant cereals that do not require cooking, but simply dissolve in water or milk.

What to do with a child on a train

If the train journey is going to be long (a day or more), you need to take care of the leisure time for the child. The choice of entertainment depends on the age, gender and preferences of the baby. What to bring with you to organize entertainment and play on the train for children:

  • tablet, laptop, smartphone (for children of preschool, school age);
  • album, coloring book, pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • educational game (cubes with pictures, lacing, puzzle, constructor);
  • a new car for a boy;
  • favorite soft toy
  • a new doll for a girl;
  • board game (chess, checkers, lotto);
  • aqua doodle;
  • rattle, pyramid (for a small child);
  • a collection of poems and fairy tales by age, a book with stickers;
  • notebook and pen for the game "Tic-tac-toe", "Sea battle".


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What to take with you on the train from food and things

Traveling by train is always an adventure. It is associated with an exorbitant romance of landscapes outside the window and, at the same time, with some inconvenience associated with the peculiarities of traveling by this type of transport.

Packing suitcases for the journey, everyone wondered - what should I take with me on the train? Even people with extensive experience in such trips cannot always formulate a clear list, since situations are different and it is impossible to foresee everything.

There are many articles on the Internet on this subject. The authors advise taking with you a rather impressive list of "needs". But is it possible to do without them on the road? It's good to always be prepared for all sorts of situations, but the problem is that if you collect all the things recommended for a train trip, you get an impressive bag.

How to travel light?

The situation is considered when a person needs to spend 5 hours of daytime or more in a train. In fact, the list of things that are usually recommended to take with you on the road can be reduced by almost half. This will free your hands from excess luggage and reduce the weight of the general luggage.

All things intended for use on the train, including food and entertainment, must fit in one small bag, which is prudently not placed in luggage with other bags. The main rule of everything that falls into this package is compactness.

What food to take on the train?

On a long journey, you will definitely want to eat. If the trip takes less than a day, it is quite possible to get by with small supplies of food. Often, grilled chicken, canned soups, instant noodles and other dishes are taken on the train. It may be tasty, but in the conditions of the train, this food is not very acceptable.

Firstly, it is an obsessive smell that spreads throughout the car. Not all passengers are comfortable driving in such conditions and soaking in such aromas. And yet - this is not very hygienic, since greasy hands do not always have the opportunity to immediately wash after a meal because of the queue to the toilet. Due to the rocking of the car, you can inadvertently stain clothes and other things, spill the broth, and in the summer the food also quickly deteriorates.

Therefore, from food to the train, it is better to choose something from this list:

Any products must be carefully packed in containers or cling film to avoid getting on clothes or other things from the package. It is worth considering the air temperature in the train and the storage time of food. In summer, ordinary carriages without air conditioning are incommensurably hot.

Many people often ask: is it possible to take a knife on a train? The answer is that it is possible, but if it is planned to cross the state border, then it is better to cut all the products at home in order to avoid unnecessary questions when inspecting things. For trips, a camping, folding knife is the best. It is compact, it does not need to be wrapped in a towel or napkins so that it does not damage anything.

It is also necessary to have drinking water without gas with you, at least 1.5 liters (and more in summer), but you should not refuse tea or coffee prepared by the conductor - boiling water on trains makes the drink especially tasty, and food taken from home, would be a great addition.


For an adult who does not need to take specific medications, it will be enough to take with him on the road:

  • Ibuprofen - 1 plate in tablets. This remedy will relieve headaches, reduce fever, alleviate the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, stop the inflammatory process in the body - that is, they can replace several drugs at once;
  • Smekta - 2-3 packages. This remedy will relieve diarrhea, bloating and heartburn along the way;
  • Corvalment - 1 plate. Cardiovascular diseases are more common in the adult population, so just in case, it is better to have a remedy with you that will restore normal heart function and relieve chest pain on the road.

This is where the list ends. These few records can be placed in the side compartment of a small purse, they will not make it heavier, but will be very useful in some unforeseen situations.


If we are talking about traveling light, then it would be advisable to wear clothes at home that will be comfortable to wear on the train. In the summer, products made of thin, necessarily cotton material will be relevant.

Of course, if the trip takes a day or more, you need to take care of the change, as the clothes will wrinkle and lose their fresh look. In winter, you need to take light slippers with you, as it is not very convenient to constantly put on and take off boots or boots with lacing.


Many people take a laptop or tablet with them on a trip. These gadgets replace a lot of technology, and with access to the Internet they become an inexhaustible source of entertainment - you need to remember to take a charger and headphones with you.

At the same time, during the trip, you can do something that takes a long time " hands did not reach". For example, organize some documents, clean the desktop, filter photos, review the materials needed for work.

What else is needed?

Some resources advise you to bring your own linens. They rely on feedback from people who complain about dirty and damp train sets. But bed linen will take up a lot of space in the bag and add extra pounds. In this case, there is only one advice - if you come across a low-quality kit - you should boldly demand that the conductor replace it to a variant that satisfies you. If you refuse, you can threaten to appeal to the head of the train.

Regarding hygiene:

About the bag and safety

Even the most plausible passengers and neighbors can turn out to be dishonest people. Therefore, in train conditions, it is better to be especially vigilant. In addition to general luggage and a package with things to use on the train, you need to have a small bag with you.

It contains:

  • the documents;
  • wallet, credit cards;
  • mobile phone;
  • valuable jewelry.

This baggage must always be carried with you under any conditions, even if you need to go to the conductor for half a minute to order tea.

At night, this handbag is not recommended to be put under the head - many times thieves used this and stole it unnoticed by the owner. It is better to put luggage in the shelf on which you sleep. Another option is to place the bag near your stomach and wrap yourself in a blanket or sheet (in summer) with it.

A trip with a child makes its own adjustments to the luggage. You need to think about what to do with the baby during the trip. If working with a laptop is not yet available to him, you can buy coloring books, take small constructors with you, which keep some children busy for almost 2 hours. The purchase of antibacterial wipes or spray will be relevant. The smallest on the road you need to take a soft toy from home. Its familiar smell will help to more easily endure the conditions of an unusual environment.

Therefore, if it is difficult for a person to endure the lack of comfort even during the day, he will really need to take a large list of necessary things - from bed linen to micellar water. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that their volume will be equal to the average luggage bag, and by weight it will be noticeable.

And for those who allow some deprivation, a small package with really necessary things is enough to have a good time on the train.

If there is a long trip ahead, from the means of transportation, in most cases, preference is given to the train due to its greater comfort. Despite the presence of a number of amenities, it is in your power to make your trip even more comfortable.

What to take on the train: only the essentials

Traveling by train is no different from a similar set for any other means of transport. So, first, try to remember to bring toilet paper, toothbrush and paste, and soap with you. In addition, wet wipes will also come in handy.

What to take with you on the train -what you can do without, but it is better to take it with you

Most experienced travelers who often have to travel by train prefer to take their own dishes, towels and bedding with them on the trip. As a rule, when buying a ticket, you pay and But no one guarantees that it will be new and of good quality, so it will be much more pleasant to sleep on your own, clean and pleasant, sheets and a pillowcase, covered with a blanket in your duvet cover. The same goes for towels. In addition, try to remember to bring a cup with a spoon, as well as tea, coffee or another drink that you are used to drinking. Rubber slippers taken from home will also serve you well.

What to take on the train: first aid kit

Since you have a long trip ahead of you, it is by no means superfluous to take a first aid kit with you with the most necessary things. If you regularly take any medications, be sure to take a sufficient supply of them for the trip, as it is likely that at the stations you will not be able to buy everything you need.

What to take on the train: food and drink

If you have a long journey ahead of you, don't forget to take care of your diet. When choosing, you should give preference to those products that can not deteriorate for a long time without a refrigerator. As a rule, passengers take the following with them: fresh vegetables and fruits (apples, pears, cucumbers, bananas), smoked sausage, cheese (preferably hard varieties), as well as cookies, crackers or chips. For drinks, be sure to bring tea or coffee, as well as water. It is best to stock up on plain drinking water. Juices are undesirable on a long trip as they can go bad. it’s also better not to take it - they, compared to non-carbonated ones, do not quench their thirst very well.

Of course, you will always have the opportunity to eat in the restaurant car, but be aware that the prices there are usually quite high.

What to take a child on a train

If you are traveling with a child, then you need to make sure that he is as comfortable as possible during the trip. If your little one is too young for adult food, be sure to bring enough baby food with you for the duration of your trip. In addition, do not forget about such important things as disposable diapers, wet and dry wipes, etc.

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