Home Products Activia drinking volume. Activia: the benefits and harms of use, the composition of products. Nutritional value and calories

Activia drinking volume. Activia: the benefits and harms of use, the composition of products. Nutritional value and calories

According to the official statement of representatives of the Danon brand, the main useful component of Activia is live bacteria. They are specially bred in the company's laboratories. But what do experts in the field say about this?

Although the product itself is called and looks like yogurt, its composition differs from most similar products on the market.

The manufacturer claims that their product helps to lose weight and maintain a natural balance in the digestive system.

Is it really? Let's take a look at the composition of the product and analyze the impact of each ingredient on a person.

The ingredients of the Activia product are:

  • cream
  • skimmed milk powder
  • starter for yogurt
  • special bifidobacteria
  • sugar and syrup
  • caramel
  • pectin
  • citric acid
  • sodium citrate
  • dye
  • flavoring
  • starch

A detailed study of the composition leaves the exact opposite impression than the manufacturer's statement. That's why:

  • a large amount of water has been added to the product, which reduces the value of the yoghurt component
  • for a product that should promote weight loss contains too much
  • artificial flavors, as well as flavors, raise suspicions of harming the product to the body
  • it has been reliably established that starch and powdered milk contribute to indigestion

In addition, natural yoghurt retains its main useful qualities only for a week from the moment of fermentation. And the manufacturer has set an expiration date for this product equal to one month. The dubious claim that yogurt retains its usefulness longer does not convince the contrary.

So do not console yourself with empty hopes that regular use of Activia will bring any benefit to your body. Maybe you won’t get any harm either, but food products containing chemicals still bring a certain extra load.

Is it really so? The main characteristics that nutritionists give to this product are as follows:

  • Activia, when used in the first week after fermentation, does not give a greater effect than regular
  • declared bifidobacteria have the same properties as bacteria in any other fermented milk product

That is, nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion that these products are no different from ordinary fermented milk products, with the exception of the presence of a large number of chemical additives.

In addition, a small part of nutritionists are simply sure that eating foods like Activia does more harm to digestion than good. So, such products help the process, like any fermented milk product.

At the same time, constant help to the body in the form of filling with the necessary bacteria from the outside, over time, displaces the natural bacteria of the stomach. That is, the stomach eventually gets used to getting help from yogurt and stops producing its own substances.

So it is better to isolate yourself from the regular use of such products. Of course, on difficult days, when digestion is not in the best condition, it is worth rewarding yours with some amount of this product, but experts do not recommend using it all the time.

Benefits of Activia

In 1987 the world famous trademark Danon has released a new series of fermented milk products Activia. Useful and delicious yoghurts quickly won the sympathy of people leading a healthy lifestyle. Today Activia is represented in 70 countries of the world, including Russia.

What is "Activia"?

"Activia" is a series or brand containing probiotic bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis. The microorganism strains have been bred in one of Danon's research centers and are patented for exclusive use in Activia products.

The main difference from other fermented milk products on the Russian market is that Activia yogurt also contains probiotics. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they retain their viability and participate in the digestion process.

How does Activia work?

Most people on the planet have digestive problems. Poor ecology, low-quality products, poor nutrition adversely affect the health of the whole organism. From such unpleasant symptoms as bloating, increased gas formation, rumbling and discomfort in the abdomen, Activia yogurt helps well. It contains probiotics, vital for people with digestive problems. How does Activia work?

Most probiotic microorganisms do not enter the large intestine, but die already in the acidic environment of the stomach. Bifidobacteria Actiregularis retain their viability much longer. They increase the number of beneficial intestinal flora, thereby improving its work. In total, a jar of Activia yogurt with a volume of 150 ml contains more than 10 billion bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis. It has been clinically proven that by consuming this useful product twice a day, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the stomach in 4 weeks.

Yoghurt "Activia": product composition

The Danone company, the manufacturer of Activia yoghurts, assures that it does not add preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers to its products. This is confirmed by the data indicated on the label. The composition of natural classic yogurt with Actiregularis bifidobacteria with a fat content of 3.5% is as follows:

  • dry;
  • live yoghurt cultures;
  • live bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

For improvement palatability Various fillers are added to Activia fermented milk products. Yogurt "Activia" with prunes or strawberries is no less useful and contains the same amount of bifidobacteria. But the composition of such a product will be less natural: sugar syrup, prunes, corn starch, thickener - pectin, lemon juice, sugar.

Nutritional value and calories

It is a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are vital for the body to function properly. 100 grams of Activia yogurt contains 4 grams of protein and fat and 6 grams of carbohydrates. And this means that the use of such a fermented milk product will be useful to everyone. Other Activia products have similar nutritional value.

Which is only 75 kcal, must be present in the diet of losing weight. With it, you can become slim and attractive without harm to health.

The benefits of Activia yogurt for the body

About the benefits natural yoghurts known for a long time, because the history of this fermented milk product has been around for 8 thousand years. The benefits of Activia for the body are undeniable and proven by clinical studies.

  • Bifidobacteria Actiregularis in the composition of yogurt destroy pathogenic microbes and microorganisms in the large intestine and promote the colonization and reproduction of beneficial bacteria in it.
  • The feeling of heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms in the abdomen disappear: bloating, pain, increased gas formation, painful bowel movements.
  • Yogurt "Activia" helps to establish stable bowel function and get rid of constipation.

  • Natural fermented milk product contributes to stable weight loss due to well-established intestinal motility.
  • "Activia" is not a drug, but the effect of its use persists even after discontinuation.
  • Bifidobacteria in yogurt remain alive until the end of the product's shelf life. This was achieved through the use of the latest technologies in its production.
  • Restores and normalizes metabolism in the body.

Despite all beneficial features"Activia", do not forget that it is not a product baby food, and therefore, yoghurts and other fermented milk products in this series should not be consumed by children under the age of 3 years.

Assortment of fermented milk products "Activia"

One of the important advantages of Activia fermented milk products is in a rich assortment. At the same time, the quality and quantity of bifidobacteria remains at the same high level. The range of dairy products includes the following types:

  • "Activia" cottage cheese has a light and delicate cream structure. It contains even more proteins and is a source of calcium for the body. In addition to the traditional natural taste on sale there is a curd mass with the taste of a baked apple or peach with the addition of three cereals and flaxseeds.
  • "Activia" thermostatic "consists of only 3 ingredients: milk, sourdough and Actiregularis bifidobacteria. It is fermented right in the jar, so it retains even more benefits.
  • Yogurt. In addition to natural, it is represented by a whole variety of tastes: berries, prunes, cherries, muesli, bran and cereals, strawberries and others. There are more than 10 types in total.
  • "Activia" drinking is the most delicate yogurt enriched with Actiregularis bifidobacteria. It distinguishes not only useful composition but also convenient packaging. Only 52 kcal is contained in a bottle of this fermented milk drink "Activia". Drinking yogurt is represented by such an assortment of flavors: prunes, cereals, pineapple, figs, mango and others.

  • "Activia" kefir contains all the benefits of lactic acid bacteria. This product is less caloric compared to the rest: from 31 to 39 kcal, depending on the fat content - 0% or 1%. "Activia" drinking kefir is sold in a convenient bottle of 450 or 870 grams.

All fermented milk products contain one obligatory, most important ingredient - bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

A series of yogurts "Activia": customer reviews

Most buyers appreciated the sour-milk products "Activia" at their true worth. Their positive reviews confirm that the presented yogurt is tasty and healthy, it really improves bowel function and helps get rid of constipation.

Nevertheless, not all buyers are satisfied with the quality of products. Activia sometimes receives negative reviews. Buyers are not satisfied that non-natural ingredients, dyes and other "chemistry" are present in filled yogurt.

In general, "Activia" is a useful and necessary product in the diet, with regular use of which the work of the intestine becomes stable and harmonious.

Today in the section I analyze drinking yogurt. The store has a large selection, so we will find something familiar. In my hands was the Danone company. We have already considered. At that time, the conclusion was made that the product deserves our trust, despite the dubious slogans on the packaging. Let's check how our expectations will come true this time.

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(c) Maria Verchenova

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Reading the ingredients:

Normalized milk, reconstituted milk from powdered milk, filler (sugar syrup, apple, concentrated apple juice, rye and wheat bran, muesli powder (wheat, oats), corn starch, concentrated lemon juice, cinnamon, thickener - pectins, natural flavoring); sugar, yogurt starter, ActiRegularis bifidobacteria.

Standardized milk

An obvious component in a fermented milk drink, it does not raise any questions. I will only clarify what normalized milk is.

As you know, milk has fat content. We are used to seeing the inscription 3.2% on the packages and distinguishing it from the inscription 2.5%. In nature, no cow will give you milk with an accurate fat content. It will depend on the breed, and on the feed, and on the weather, and even on the mood of the cow. Typically, the fat content ranges between 3 and 6%. When milk enters the dairy, it is normalized, i.e. either remove part of the fat (separate), or, conversely, add. This is done to ensure that the final product always meets the specified standards. Judging by the fact that the fat content of yogurt is 2.5%, in this case the milk was separated to remove excess cream.

Milk is a healthy and nutritious product rich in amino acids and vitamins. But now we will not talk about it, because. We are talking about dairy products. While lactic acid bacteria were preparing yogurt from milk for us, they had already processed both casein and lactose, and added their benefits.

Reconstituted milk from powdered milk

This is the part that worries me. What does it mean: first there was milk. It was normalized, dried, and a powder was obtained. Perhaps added anti-caking components. Then this powder was brought somewhere and diluted with water there.

The process is clear, but I don't like it when food takes so long to process. It becomes too refined and, if I may be allowed to use an unscientific term, "dead". In addition, such milk is saturated simple sugars- as it dries, everything that was useful in milk is converted into lactose or its derivatives. And when the powder is diluted with water, the properties of the original products are no longer restored.

So, the first bell is that this yogurt is not as useful as we would like. But, perhaps, lactic acid bacteria will make something alive and necessary out of powdered milk? While it is difficult to say, let's study the label further.


Now we will analyze specifically each component from this filler, but for now let's pay attention - it is in third place on the list. This means that it is less than any type of milk, but more than lactic acid bacteria.

For comparison: if you do homemade yogurt, then put 2-3 tablespoons of sourdough per liter of milk. And then, about the same amount of jam can be put on the resulting volume of yogurt. Those. in principle, the volume of the filler and the volume of the sourdough are generally comparable.

Sugar syrup (filler component)

It is mentioned first in this list, which means that the basis of the filler is not fruit at all, but sugar syrup.

For comparison: in homemade jam, the basis is berries. Sugar can be almost the same or even a third of the volume of berries.

And a signal sounds for us: in this yogurt, components - sources of fast carbohydrates - are in second and third place. Not proteins, as one would expect from fermented milk products, and not complex carbohydrates, as one might assume from the inscription "apple and cereals", namely fast carbohydrates. The very ones about which we were taught that because of them ice cream and cake are harmful to the figure.

Apple (filler component)

It's funny that the apple is mentioned in the singular J Well, okay, these are the difficulties of nomenclature and translation. We will assume that there is not one apple here, but exactly enough so that there is less sugar, but more than apple juice.

However, apple pieces are not observed in yogurt (see photo). This means that it was very much crushed during the preparation of the filler. In turn, this means that most of the vitamins from the apple have been destroyed. All we're left with is the taste and some more fiber.

Click image to enlarge image

Apple juice concentrated (filler component)

What is concentrated juice: it is made in order to be able to transport raw materials over long distances. Apple/lemon juice is squeezed, pasteurized and transported. Sometimes they can be evaporated to increase concentration and not carry too much water. But if you saw natural juices, then they are already very concentrated in themselves. There isn't much to boil down there. On the contrary, if you squeeze juices from fresh fruits, they must be diluted with water so as not to burn your stomach.

It should be noted that this component does not get along well with milk and yoghurt bacteria. From this it becomes obvious why all these berries are put into yogurt after it has ripened. And they put it in the form of a filler, i.e., if we draw an analogy with our life, in the form of jam. Adding juice to jam is, in general, an interesting practice. And we understand that yogurt itself is no longer juice, but juice-based jam.

Rye and wheat bran (filler component)

Oh great! Just what the doctor ordered. They promised cereals on the labels, and indeed they put cereals.

True, not in yogurt, but in jam, which is then added to yogurt. And here it turns out a little nonsense: the bran in this yogurt is boiled. Those. fiber is no longer as coarse as we expect, due to heat treatment it turned into an easily digestible form, and together with the prebiotic we got a small set of complex carbohydrates. With vitamins that comfort.

In the photo above, where I tried to find an apple in yogurt - also see that there is not much bran. Plus, they're boiled.

According to the meaning, it turns out that the bran promised on the label, in this case, does not bring us any benefit. It's easier to buy any yogurt you like, don't chase after the inscription "with cereals", and add a spoonful of bran yourself. Fortunately, in such a bottle everything is easily mixed.

Muesli powder (wheat, oats) (filler component)

Please note - not muesli, but muesli powder. I translate: flour from wheat and oats.

But we were choosing a fermented milk product, hoping for a healthy snack, and now flour product it turns out…

Corn starch (filling component)

But on the other hand, we are talking about the components of the filler, and if you already took yogurt with factory-made jam, you need to understand that there will be some amount of starch in the factory-made jam. Basically, you shouldn't worry too much.

Another issue is that I don't like the idea of ​​drinking starch with yogurt. I refuse Turkish delight because of this starch, and here they put it in yogurt, and even season it with the slogan “healthy!”.

Cinnamon (filler ingredient)

Here it is, the magic ingredient of yogurt for weight loss! Need more! “Cinnamon has the ability to speed up your metabolism, and just half a teaspoon a day will help you lose about a kilogram in a month.”- so it is customary to write in glossy magazines, without going into the mechanism of such an ability.

Of course, against the background of sugar and starch, cinnamon will not give any effect. And the dose is far from half a teaspoon. It is added solely to improve the taste properties.

Thickener - pectins (filler component)

This is the same case as with starch. In a factory jam, it is a completely expected component. There is nothing wrong with them, they are extracted from apples (especially after squeezing the juice) and citrus fruits. It is also easy to get pectin at home, so that later you can do it. homemade marmalade or other goodies. known to all apple marshmallow has its elastic properties precisely due to the high content of pectin in baked apple puree.

Pectins are often referred to as "vegetable protein". But we must understand that this is an allegory. Pectins are complex carbohydrates that perform a structural function in plants, i.e. give strength and shape. In our body, proteins perform a structural function, hence the analogy.

Natural flavoring (filler component)

The taste of this yogurt is really apple. Even too apple. Since I am used to eating natural food, I feel such flavors and they are unpleasant to me because of their harshness. A live apple, or even jam, has a more subtle, but also richer taste. However, these are just my feelings. In the context of this note, they should not affect our overall impression of the label.

On this we are done with the filler. Read on.


If you are reading my blog, then most likely make sure that your diet is correct. And to have less sugar in it. Therefore, this component will surely confuse you as well as me. But I will say more about its presence. Let's remember: first they made jam, then yogurt, and then they put jam in yogurt. And now we see that after the jam, sugar was also added to the fermented milk product.

Can you imagine it? Pour a glass of kefir at home, put a spoon in it homemade jam and then another spoonful of sugar.

I think it's called "absurd".

Yoghurt starter

An obvious component that should be present in "natural bio-yogurt". There is little to comment here. And at the same time, I'm going back to sugar. Remember, at first we said: sourdough and jam are about the same. Judging by the way filler, sugar, and sourdough are placed in the list of ingredients, there is almost as much sugar in this yogurt as filler.

I also note that sugar is not particularly needed for yogurt sourdough. The milk sugar lactose is enough for lactic acid bacteria. Moreover, an excess of carbohydrates can act depressingly on the starter and stimulate the development of pathogenic microflora.

Bifidobacteria ActiRegularis

Not a single Danone yogurt can do without this component, it just so happened. I wrote a more detailed story about ActiRegularis, so I won’t dwell on it now. If for some reason you haven't seen it yet, be sure to read it.

So, an interim summary based on the analysis of the components. There are two good and correct ones: milk and yoghurt starter. There are components that we do not need in principle: sugar, milk powder and the famous ActiRegularis. The filler itself, although it is difficult to attribute to useful products, but in general it does not cause concern - after all, we understand that we take kefir with jam. We also fix that the mention of an apple and cereals does not mean that these products are in a form that will benefit us. It's just a matter of taste. I will say more, if you remove apples, bran and muesli powder, then nothing will happen to yogurt and its properties (including flavoring).

Nutritional and energy value

  • Proteins 2.9 g
  • Fat 2.2 g
  • Carbohydrates 12 g, incl. sucrose 6.6 g
  • kcal 79 kcal

All this is given per 100 g. Most of us, having bought such a bottle for a summer snack, will drink it all. Bottle 290 g, i.e. we get 229 kcal at a time, and more than half of these calories will come from fast carbohydrates.

Also note how few proteins. It's comparable to broccoli! Those. this product definitely cannot be considered a high-protein snack, although it seems to be a dairy product.

* In fairness, it must be said that milk and sour milk should not be considered products that are rich in protein at all. They are about equal in protein and carbohydrates.

For comparison:

I used this comparison to get the point across: when choosing the yogurt we are discussing for a snack, do not think that this is the best and healthiest option. If you want to cool off and eat something sweet, do not deny yourself a good ice cream - it is less caloric.

If there is a need to eat quickly, and you know that during the day there is a deficiency in proteins, then a hamburger will do you more good.

The calculation for a hamburger is given according to the recipe McDonald's . The homemade version on a cereal bun can be brought up to 180 kcal, increase the amount of fiber and reduce the amount of fat.

Yogurt is good option only if you "horror as you want" it is his and you really like this taste. More than the taste of ice cream and chocolate. But don't treat him like a useful kefir, but as for a sweet dessert - remember that the sugar in it is approximately 2/3 of the volume.J


  1. Yogurt contains only two good and correct components: milk and yoghurt starter. A significant part of it is made up of components that we basically do not need: sugar, milk powder and ActiRegularis bifidobacteria. filler used to give apple flavor, although it is difficult to attribute to useful products, but in general it does not cause concern - after all, we understand that we take kefir with jam.
  2. The cereals and apples advertised in large print on the packaging are not in a form that provides health benefits.
  3. In terms of nutritional value, the product loses significantly, because. 2/3 consists of fast carbohydrates. In terms of calories, one bottle of yogurt is comparable to a fast food hamburger.
  4. The packaging uses attractive slogans that mislead us and form the wrong expectations. Following these expectations can lead to bad health outcomes.
  5. Of the benefits: a convenient bottle that is pleasant to hold in your hands. Can be washed and used at home for making cocktails.

In continuation of the topic, I attach a video.

General overview "How yoghurts are made"

Roskontrol checks the properties of yoghurts

This concludes the review of drinking "Activia natural bio-yogurt with apples and cereals". If you are interested in me dismantling any product in the rubric, then send your wishes

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