Home Meat Chocolate benefits and harm to the body. How is chocolate useful for the body and can sweets be useful? Health benefits of chocolate

Chocolate benefits and harm to the body. How is chocolate useful for the body and can sweets be useful? Health benefits of chocolate

Some attribute many sins to him: he increases weight, and provokes diabetes, and spoils his teeth, and leads to acne. Others consider it a cure. And still others simply enjoy eating dark chocolate. Is there really no benefit from it, but only harm? Let's try to put an end to this dispute.

Bitter joy: about the properties of dark chocolate

The traditional (and correct) ingredients for making dark chocolate are a minimum of powdered sugar, cocoa butter, up to 70% of the total mass is cocoa liquor. The benefits and harms of the finished product depend on the last component. And it contains up to 300 elements.

There are among them both healing and doubtful in terms of health. So, fats account for more than half of the composition - 54%, protein - 11.5%, starch together with polysaccharides - 7.5%, cellulose - 9%, useful tannin - 6%. No less important minerals and salts occupy 2.6%. The amount of water does not exceed 5%, organic acids - 2%, saccharides - 1%, the notorious caffeine - 0.2%.

Among the substances that determine the benefits and harms of dark chocolate itself, magnesium and potassium should be noted, which support the heart. Among other components worthy of special attention are calcium, which strengthens bones, phosphorus, which improves mental capabilities, B-vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, vitamin E, which neutralizes free radicals, and iron, which prevents anemia.

There are other "usefulness" in it - sodium, vitamin PP, theobromine alkaloid, vegetable fiber, flavonoids, thiamine, fatty acids. And now let's see why this delicacy is considered not only the most delicious, but also the most healthy dessert.

The effect of dark chocolate on the body:

  • slows down aging, as it is a natural and effective antioxidant;
  • has a positive effect on the heart: in moderation, it serves to prevent a heart attack, stroke;
  • improves blood flow;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves immunity;
  • increases endurance, serves as a "long-playing" source of energy;
  • quickly satisfies hunger;
  • helps to restore strength after a sleepless night or heavy physical exertion;
  • stabilizes pressure;
  • produces an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • treats a lingering cough;
  • soothes the throat;
  • is a powerful antidepressant, has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, stimulates the production of endorphins, which causes a feeling of euphoria;
  • activates thought processes;
  • improves memory;
  • relieves symptoms of a cold;
  • prevents the appearance of tartar and caries, as it has antimicrobial properties;
  • helps women more easily endure premenstrual syndrome (has a mild analgesic effect) and menopause;
  • reduces the risk of ulcers and cancerous degeneration of cells;
  • there is evidence that dark chocolate "works" as an aphrodisiac: it increases sensuality in women and potency in men.

Some doctors argue that dark chocolate should be eaten by pregnant women in order to give birth to a stress-resistant and cheerful baby. It will stop hair loss and delamination of nails in the expectant mother.

Important! The more cocoa it contains, the higher the benefits of dark chocolate for the body. Its amount should not be lower than 55%, and cocoa butter - 30%. The most valuable product in terms of its medicinal characteristics contains up to 72% of this ingredient (it is called extra black).

Can you eat unsweetened chocolates?

Although bitter chocolate without sugar is considered the safest for health and harmony in the numerous chocolate “family”, it has both benefits and harms. Its immoderate use is a direct path to a shapeless figure and poor health. In large quantities, such chocolate can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, skin rashes, insomnia, dizziness, and nausea. For some people, it is strictly forbidden in any doses.

List of contraindications to the use of dark chocolate:

  • high blood sugar (the exception is type 2 diabetes: with such a diagnosis, you can afford a piece of bitter “yummy”);
  • migraine attacks: chocolate contains tannin, therefore it leads to vasoconstriction;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • individual intolerance to caffeine.

Although this delicacy causes a surge of vivacity and sharply cheers up, it is impossible to get addicted to it. And in order to achieve a narcotic effect, you need to eat 58 tiles (or 13 kg) at a time, which is simply unrealistic. But it is better not to eat dark chocolate at night, as it can lead to increased excitability.

Nothing but chocolate! Dark means dietary?

What could be better than losing weight on chocolate? So think those who have never sat on a chocolate diet. Her requirements are very strict: the menu consists of unsweetened coffee with milk, still water and one bar of bitters per day. Reviews about this method of normalizing weight are very contradictory. And he has many contraindications, such as diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, liver, hypertension.

While dark chocolate is milk-free and low in sugar, it's also not very good for weight management. In one 100-gram slab as much as 539 kcal! She will share with the eater 35.4 g of fat, a large carbohydrate reserve - 48.2%, proteins - 6.2%. But this product is easily digested and gives a feeling of a “full stomach” for a long time, it has a low glycemic index.

Since dark chocolate has a sedative effect, in small quantities it is allowed even on the most strict diet, because it helps to "seize" the stress associated with a meager menu. But for the figure - this is still not the best helper.

Important! So that such a dessert does not deprive you of a thin waist, you should limit yourself to 1/3 of a regular bar (which is 30 g) per day. For children over 5 years old, this dose should be even less - 20-25 g. It is better not to offer it to kids at all.

Color is not a guarantee of usefulness!

To find quality product not easy! What kind of "chemistry" is not found in such a product. And if the soy emulsifier lecithin is an acceptable additive, then others can be poisons for the body. Some manufacturers add milk fat to dark chocolate to reduce cocoa butter consumption. Often it contains toxic trans fats - rapeseed, cottonseed, soybean, palm oil.

To give chocolate a radical black hue, negligent manufacturers add cheap teas to it. And to enhance the aroma, they are flavored with fillers that imitate the smell of vanilla, cream, rum. It can even be found ethanol. Nothing good will come from using such surrogates.

Important! If chocolate contains more than 5% palm oil, then all its benefits will immediately “disappear”, it will acquire dangerous properties!

So, dark chocolate can be a component of a healthy diet. When used in moderation, it won't erode your teeth, make your hips bigger, or make you endocrinologist's patient. And hormonal failure should be blamed for the appearance of acne.

What is more from eating chocolate - benefit or harm to the body? What are the health benefits of this sweet dessert product? How are the properties of chocolate used in medicinal purposes and in the cosmetic industry? All these questions, of course, concern both the sweet tooth themselves and nutritionists who include or strictly exclude this dessert from the diet.

The influence of the properties of chocolate on the human body: is the product useful or harmful?

How often in everyday life, wondering whether the properties of chocolate are useful or harmful, we hear the following phrases: “Chocolate is bad!”, “Chocolate makes you better!”, “Chocolate causes diabetes!”. But is it really so? Does chocolate really have no useful properties and is it harmful to the body? In fact, there are, and there are a lot of them.

An ideal product that has medicinal properties when used inside and outside, fragrant, tasty and affordable, does not leave indifferent children and the elderly, capricious ladies and courageous men ...

Today, cocoa, which is called the chocolate tree in our country, is also grown on other continents. The fruit, the ripening of which lasts four months, is small in cocoa, and its length ranges from 20–38 centimeters. In appearance, it resembles a large cucumber or small melon, with a leathery, slightly woody shell of red, reddish-brown, green or yellow, changing in the process of ripening. A single seed (bean) is covered with an oily skin.

The valuable properties of chocolate for health are due to the fact that the cocoa beans of the chocolate tree contain up to 300 different nutrients. Exemplary chemical composition cocoa bean is as follows: fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, starch and polysaccharides - 7.5%, tannin - 6%, water - 5%, minerals and salts - 2.6% , organic acids - 2%, saccharides - 1% and caffeine - 0.2%. Among the substances contained in cocoa beans and determining the properties of chocolate, one can note: anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechin, histamine, cocohil, serotonin, tryptophan, tyramine, phenylethylamine, polyphenol, salsolinol, magnesium.

Numerous studies have noted that the fats contained in cocoa beans are referred to as saturated fats. But at the same time, these alleged harmful properties chocolate does not have a harmful effect on the human body - this product does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. The composition of cocoa beans is such that the elements included in it organically complement each other. For example, chromium is involved in the breakdown of glucose, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, and promotes fat metabolism. All these properties of chocolate are used in cosmetology, medicine, and with proper nutrition.

The cocoa product is consumed in two forms - in liquid, like a drink, and in solid, in the form of chocolate. The solid product obtained from cocoa beans is called chocolate and is divided into types according to the amount of cocoa. The sugar content in any type of chocolate should not exceed 63% for regular chocolate (bars without additives) and 55% for dessert chocolate mass (bars with various fillings).

According to the content of cocoa, chocolate is divided into bitter, milk and white. Bitter chocolate is made from cocoa butter, grated cocoa and powdered sugar, and the ratio of grated cocoa and sugar changes taste qualities product, making it more or less bitter. Such chocolate has more health benefits and is the most valuable both for nutrition and for use in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Composition milk chocolate similar to bitter, only the amount of grated cocoa in it is less and is always present powdered milk fat content 2.5%. Sometimes dry cream is used instead of milk. Finally, White chocolate obtained by mixing cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder and vanillin. Cocoa powder is not added to such a product, so white chocolate has a creamy (white) color and a unique “milky” taste.

Antioxidant and other properties of chocolate for medicinal purposes and cosmetology

The beneficial properties of chocolate for humans make it possible to use this product for prevention. colds- scientists from the UK have discovered the excellent properties of this dessert in the fight against cough. Cocoa also strengthens blood vessels, which helps in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Of course, chocolate is not a medicine and does not cure a sick person, but it beneficial features so wide that they will help you not to get sick, protecting you from many ailments. The same vitamin A, found in sufficient quantities in cocoa beans, helps to lower blood pressure and stabilize blood cholesterol levels, that is, it has an active antidiabetic effect.

The trace elements that are part of chocolate have a healing and tonic effect on the skin. So, the substance cocohil, discovered at the University of Münster, smoothes wrinkles and promotes the growth of skin cells, while methylxanthine and caffeine additionally tone it up. Therefore, it is especially important to use cocoa for applying masks in the areas of the neck and face. The presence of palmitic, stearic and other acids in cocoa butter is important for combating dry skin, and vitamin A helps in skin regeneration. Histamine, found in chocolate, is actively involved in the rejuvenation of skin cells, promotes the healing of wounds, burns and the consequences of allergic reactions. After chocolate therapy, the skin becomes velvety, and age spots and acne become pale and may even disappear altogether.

Cocoa contains caffeine, which is involved in the normalization of the metabolic processes of the whole organism and its largest organ - the skin. Caffeine stimulates blood circulation and has a tonic effect. These beneficial properties are very useful in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. In addition, caffeine promotes hair growth, which is useful when using cosmetic products designed for the scalp. Vitamins B are involved in all biological processes in the skin, and vitamin PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Cocoa bean oil is rich in vitamin F, which contains several important fatty acids, such as stearic, linoleic, palmitic and others, which contribute to the regeneration of skin cells by restoring their membranes and retaining moisture. The necessary tightening of the skin, the so-called lifting effect, is provided by substances from the group of alkaloids - theophylline and theobromine. Lipids present in cocoa beans are involved in the renewal of the stratum corneum. They determine the antioxidant properties of chocolate and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and a group of phenols (polyphenols), protecting cell membranes from the effects of free radicals, has a decongestant, rejuvenating effect and improves overall immunity. The effect of the anticarcinogenic properties of chocolate on the human body makes it indispensable in the prevention of cancer and strengthening the immune system.

Studies have shown a significant difference in the properties of real chocolate from wild beans and beans grown on plantations. Cacao harvested in the jungle is richer in vitamins and minerals, and a process of low-temperature processing of beans has been developed to preserve these beneficial components. The authors of this process called their product "living cocoa". The authors recommend using this product in the form of beans (just chew them), in powder (brew in warm water or eat with fruit). The main thing that the authors of the idea categorically object to is thermal high-temperature processing of cocoa, which destroys most of the valuable properties of cocoa beans. But here, of course, the choice is yours.

But if you want to enhance the benefits of cocoa beans, use cocoa liquor or cocoa butter, or even better, buy cocoa beans that you can grind yourself to get a product with the highest level of polyphenol antioxidants. You can snack on unprocessed crushed cocoa beans, because the content of healthy fats in them exceeds 50%, while in the finished cocoa butter five times less! And you don't just have to nibble on bitter cocoa beans - make them an integral part of any product: from cocktails to confectionery. Get not only a powerful boost of antioxidants, but also an excellent chocolate taste.

The composition of chocolate, its benefits and harms

The medicinal properties of chocolate are due to the composition of cocoa beans, which include a huge number of biochemical compounds that can be classified as follows:

  • fats, which make up approximately 54% of the composition;
  • proteins in cocoa is 11.5%;
  • carbohydrates, including sucrose, starch and pectins, make up to 8%;
  • free amino acids in an amount of about 12%;
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and others) up to 5%;
  • vitamins (A, B, B, E, PP and others);
  • phenols, including flavonoids;
  • terpenoids;
  • purine alkaloids (theobromine);
  • caffeine in the amount of 0.2%;
  • phenethylamine.

The natural compounds found in cocoa beans help the body produce the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) serotonin, tryptophan, and dopamine that affect overall mood and energy. With a low level of production of these substances, a depressive state occurs, which contributes to the emergence of various neuroses.

Among the various useful elements of chocolate, calcium and phosphorus salts, glycerides, theobromine can be noted. It is an alkaloid that, like caffeine, has a stimulating effect on the human cardiovascular and nervous systems. Chocolate typically contains about 0.4% theobromine, which is enough to give chocolate in a bar or hot chocolate as a drink a tonic that can increase performance and relieve fatigue. In addition to theobromine, cocoa beans contain 0.05-0.1% caffeine, which also tones the body. At the beginning of the 19th century hot chocolate was sold in pharmacies as a means to give strength and vigor.

Chocolate with a high content of cocoa increases the production of serotonin (“hormone of joy”), and most cocoa is found in dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa content, the stronger the effect. At the same time, chocolate containing at least 74% cocoa may well be considered a dietary product. There is relatively little sugar in it, and because of its rather bitter taste, you won’t eat much of it.

Speaking about the beneficial and harmful properties of chocolate, it should be borne in mind that this product contains a large amount of fat and sugar (27 g and 54 g, respectively, per 100 g of dark chocolate), so its excessive consumption leads to weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes mellitus. Due to the high content of oxalates in cocoa products, they are not recommended for people with a tendency to form sand and kidney stones.

Useful properties of bitter (dark) chocolate

The following are the health benefits of dark chocolate for the human body:

  • The bitter variety is considered the most useful. It contains the maximum amount of grated cocoa, but very little sugar, which explains its special taste. It should be noted that a product that contains about 40% cocoa butter is called black, and a capacity of 70% of this substance characterizes dark chocolate.
  • The high content of tacoferons contributes to a feeling of joy, improves blood circulation, eliminates fatigue during physical and mental stress;
  • It is the beneficial properties of dark chocolate that contribute most to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots;
  • Real dark chocolate contains stearic acid, which cleanses blood vessels;
  • It also reduces the risk of diabetes.

The composition of vitamins and valuable properties of dark chocolate for health

Composition of vitamins and microelements in dark chocolate (per 100 g of product):

  • vitamin PP (niacin equivalent, that is, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) - 2.1 mg at a daily rate of 15 to 25 mg,
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.9 mg at a daily rate of 20 to 50 mg,
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg at a daily rate of 1.5-2 mg,
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg at a daily rate of 2-2.5 mg,
  • vitamin E (tocopherol and tocotrienol) - 0.8 mg at a daily rate of 10-20 mg,
  • iron (Fe) - 5.6 mg at a daily rate of 10-20 mg,
  • magnesium (Mg) - 133 mg at a daily rate of 400-800 mg,
  • calcium (Ca) - 45 mg at a daily rate of 800-1000 mg,
  • potassium (K) - 363 mg at a daily rate of 2000-3000 mg,
  • phosphorus (P) - 170 mg at a daily rate of 1000-1200 mg,
  • sodium (Na) - 8 mg at a daily rate of 2000-4000 mg.

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, stabilize the level of bad cholesterol; improve blood flow to the brain; reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Useful properties of white and dark chocolate

White chocolate does not contain cocoa mass or cocoa powder. "Chocolate" taste is formed through the use of. The oil is usually used deodorized to eliminate unwanted side flavors. Sugar is more often replaced with cheap sweeteners or refined sugar is used. Milk for white chocolate is used only dry. Very often hydrogenated vegetable fats are used for cheap white chocolates. Sometimes these fats replace cocoa butter, and the aroma and taste of cocoa is obtained using flavors and artificial flavors. According to international rules, white chocolate should have the following proportions:

  • at least 20% cocoa butter
  • 14% dry milk
  • 3.5% milk fat
  • no more than 55% sugar or sweeteners

White chocolate can be useful for those who love chocolate, but are unable to eat dark or milk chocolate due to the theobromine contained in cocoa, which has stimulating and tonic properties. White chocolate does not contain theobromine and caffeine.

The beneficial properties of natural white chocolate are due to the content of B vitamins and minerals (though in very small amounts). Of greater importance in the composition is potassium, phosphorus and choline. But they are completely absent - caffeine and theobromine, substances that have an exciting effect and provoke allergic reactions.

Dark chocolate helps the brain absorb information and also improves mood. In the cocoa butter, which is part of chocolate, there are a lot of vegetable proteins necessary for the development of brain cells.

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition are that it protects the brain vessels from atherosclerosis, prevents strokes and heart attacks, and creates conditions for the normalization of blood pressure. However, this does not mean that this product should be consumed in large quantities. Daily use of the third part of the bar can fully reveal the beneficial properties of chocolate.

Useful properties of chocolate and contraindications to its use

Remembering the beneficial properties of chocolate, do not forget about contraindications to its use. So, cocoa beans contain nitrogen-containing components that harm metabolic processes. So, for diabetics and people suffering from obesity, chocolate is simply contraindicated.

Is chocolate the culprit of excess weight? Although this is indeed a high-calorie product, the main sources of calories are glucose and milk. So you can easily calculate what will give us fewer calories - dark chocolate or milk chocolate. But in general, the carbohydrates contained in chocolate are broken down quickly and consumed just as quickly. And in reasonable quantities, they will not cause harm to health.

Chocolate contains caffeine and theophylline, which cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and enlargement of the prostate gland (prostate) in men. One cup of cocoa or hot chocolate can contain between 6 and 42 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine contributes to an increase in heart rate (tachycardia) and a slight increase in blood pressure, so people who have had a heart attack are advised to reduce their consumption of chocolate (125-gram chocolate bar contains more caffeine than a cup of instant coffee).

Bitter chocolate is contraindicated in children. Yes, they probably won't like it.

Most often, people, without thinking about whether chocolate is good or bad, just enjoy eating a piece of this delicacy for dessert or during an afternoon snack, and some people like to eat chocolate candy at night. Doctors are in a hurry to reassure: the benefits of chocolate (especially bitter) are greater than the harm, and significantly, and given that it also improves mood, it is simply blasphemous to deprive yourself of this wonderful product.

What are the benefits of chocolate and cocoa

May you have everything in chocolate! - they say to a person whom they want to wish the very best. Why in chocolate? Yes, because it has long become a symbol of luxury and prosperity. An ideal product that has medicinal properties when used inside and outside, fragrant, tasty and affordable, does not leave indifferent children and the elderly, capricious ladies and courageous men...

Chocolate - favorite treat many people. True, there are those who are indifferent to him, and, as it turns out, in vain! After all, chocolate is not only delicious product but also a remedy. Is chocolate good for you and why? Firstly, one should not deny the invigorating effect of chocolate, due to the presence of cocoa beans in it. What chocolate is useful for is that even a small piece helps with a sharp decline in strength, stimulates the brain. True, not for long, it is necessary to consolidate the effect with a full meal. Note that we are only talking about real dark chocolate, down with fakes! The benefits of dark chocolate have long been used in medicine. It reduces pain in the heart, improves liver function and digestion. In cosmetology, and are popular. But best of all, and most importantly - tastier, to be treated with chocolate from the inside! The benefits of chocolate for children, however, are not so high. In general, pediatricians advise introducing sweets to kids as late as possible, starting somewhere from two to three years old, then the kids will be calmer about it.
lean towards the sweet.

The benefits of chocolate for the body is that the natural substances found in cocoa beans help the body produce neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) - serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine, which affect overall mood and energy. With a low level of production of these substances, a depressive state occurs, which contributes to the emergence of various neuroses.

The following are the main points that emphasize the benefits of chocolate and cocoa for human health and appearance:

  • Cocoa has a beneficial effect on human skin, being an excellent natural cosmetic product.
  • Cocoa has a beneficial effect on hair, supporting their growth and healthy condition.
  • Cocoa is actively involved in the regeneration of the skin and treats many skin diseases and burns.
  • Cocoa is good for nutrition and has few restrictions on consumption.
  • Cocoa is one of dietary products indicated for use with excess weight, as well as for vegetarians.
  • Cocoa is important for the nutrition of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
  • cocoa is effective means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Eating chocolate for five years (40 grams per day) improves heart function.
  • Cocoa improves the condition of blood vessels and prevents diseases such as varicose veins, atherosclerosis and stroke.
  • Cocoa stabilizes blood cholesterol levels.
  • Cocoa, acting on blood vessels, improves the condition of a patient with diabetes. The natural components of cocoa normalize metabolic processes associated with blood sugar levels.
  • Cocoa is rich in active antioxidants and is a prophylactic against cancer.
  • Cocoa is rich in magnesium, zinc, chromium, iodine and other minerals and allows you to make up for their deficiency in the human body.
  • Cocoa will help everyone who smokes or is in conditions of harmful production or unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Cocoa relieves stress.
  • Cocoa fights depression.
  • Cocoa improves thought processes, performance and overall well-being.

Gorky and dark chocolateuseful choice diabetic.

Modern medical science comprehends the mechanisms of many ailments and is looking for the best ways not only in the treatment of certain diseases, but also in their effective prevention. The same goes for our appearance. We want to stay young, but how to effectively maintain our appearance and make it more attractive is a difficult task. However, it turns out that next to us there is a wonderful fighter against diseases and an elixir of youth. Chocolate and cocoa good means in solving problems of this kind, although the methods of their application and their usefulness are now only slightly revealed to us, long time appreciating only the excellent taste of their products.

What else is dark chocolate good for beauty and health? Among other things, this product is also an excellent prebiotic and, as a result, an important part of dietary products. What do we really know about prebiotics? According to the standard, these are indigestible components of food that stimulate the growth and vital activity of the microflora of the large intestine. These ingredients include trisaccharides, polysaccharides, dietary fiber, antioxidants, microbial extracts, and other prebiotics. Once in the intestines, prebiotics selectively stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora for humans, and primarily lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. As for the benefits of chocolate for women and men, scientists from the Nestlé Research Center, with the participation of colleagues from the German companies BASF and Metanomics, concluded in 2010 that when daily use 40 grams of dark chocolate changes the metabolism of intestinal microflora. A similar study was later carried out Mars company and the University of Reading, and were led by Dr. D. Spencer. For the study, a group of 21 people was selected, some of whom consumed cocoa with a high content of flavonoids (494 mg), and some were content with a drink with a low content of nutrients (23 mg). The result showed a significant increase in the intestines of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the subjects who drank the cocoa drink enriched with flavonoids. Dr. Spencer noted: “The increase in the growth of lacto- and bifidobacteria was the result of the body receiving cocoa flavonoids. It is important to note that these bacteria have a beneficial effect on the intestines, inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms and are currently the most common prebiotics. An increase in the growth of beneficial bacteria affects the positive processes in the colon. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, stimulate the synthesis of certain vitamins, such as B9, and lower cholesterol levels.”

Methylxanthines are of great importance in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, having a beneficial effect on the heart and circulatory system with theobromine and caffeine. As already noted, back in the 19th century, the beneficial effects of theobromine in angina pectoris were noticed. One hundred years ago, theobromine in combination with sodium salicylate was used as a vasodilator drug. In the same years, questions were raised about the effect of theobromine on arterial pressure. Recent studies have shown that theobromine and caffeine in natural doses, that is, as part of cocoa, do not affect the blood pressure of healthy people and patients with type 1 hypertension. The same applies to cocoa drinks artificially enriched with theobromine. Along the way, the researchers found some interesting things. Cocoa, and in particular theobromine included in it, significantly increased "good" cholesterol, the very one that protects our blood vessels. At the same time, the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood of the subjects decreased!

Benefits of dark chocolate for men and women

It has been proven that the benefit of dark chocolate for men is that it reduces the risk of heart attacks in the stronger sex by 17%. This conclusion was made by scientists after an experiment in which men ate 63 grams of chocolate per week for ten years.

The benefits of chocolate for the female body are no less noticeable. However, like other sweets, they should not be abused, otherwise the effect will be the opposite: hello, extra pounds! So that the benefits of dark chocolate for women are not overshadowed by excess weight, the delicacy should be eaten in small portions. For example, one-fourth of a tile per day. This will not only not affect the figure, but will also benefit. It is known that chocolate helps to get rid of a sad mood or stress, that is, it reduces the production of the hormone cortisol. Natural dark chocolate can help a woman get out of depression. Chocolate allows a woman to remain young and beautiful, because it contains antioxidants that prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face.

The benefits of chocolate for men and women are also in the fact that cocoa has a beneficial effect on sexual life.

Which chocolate is good for brain health

The brain is the most important human organ. It is responsible for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body. And in order for all brain structures to work smoothly and without failures, you need a good diet containing the necessary vitamins and minerals. With great mental stress, the brain simply requires glucose. In such a situation, you should not torture yourself, and dried fruits or a little chocolate will help satisfy your brain’s hunger for sweets. Which chocolate is better for the brain and why?

Dark chocolate is an important brain stimulant. It activates brain cells, dilates blood vessels, participates in the supply of oxygen to the brain. Chocolate is useful for brain disorders caused by lack of sleep and overwork. Helps to recover faster from a stroke. In addition, it contains phosphorus, which nourishes the brain, and magnesium, which is responsible for cellular balance.

Bitter cocoa without the content of foreign components improves blood circulation in the brain and increases tone. It is insanely useful, but not in the form of a chocolate drink promoted by advertising, namely real hot chocolate. It is believed that the ancient Aztecs were very fond of drinking this drink in the morning. Knowing which chocolate is better for the brain, drink it with a little water, milk and cinnamon to taste.

Surely, doubts about whether dark chocolate is healthy have already disappeared.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

Which chocolate is healthier - dark or milk? After bitter chocolate, the healthiest chocolate is dark, and it has long turned from a luxury into an everyday necessity. Cocoa contains many substances that improve mood, such as magnesium, which is necessary for the production of serotonin in the body. Another element contained in cocoa is called andamine, which causes a feeling of euphoria. It affects the same areas of the brain as marijuana. In addition, your chocolate bar contains phenylethylamine, a substance similar to amphetamine, and theobromine, which invigorates like caffeine.

The benefit of dark chocolate is that this product contains polyphenol - a very effective antioxidant from the flavonoid group: it protects body cells from free radicals. 40 g of dark chocolate contains as many polyphenols as a glass of red wine. If you eat a little dark chocolate every day, you can normalize the pressure.

Dark chocolate contains a range of antioxidants, proanthocyanidins and polyphenols, with cocoa content of 70% or more. There are more polyphenols in one slice of chocolate than in a glass of red wine, and as much as in a cup of green tea. The molecules of these substances slow down the growth of tumor cells and limit angiogenesis (the process of formation of new blood vessels in an organ or tissue). In cancer, this process is very intense.

For dark chocolate to benefit, not harm, consume it in reasonable amounts.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

To find out which chocolate is good for health, check out the following information: studies show that eating even small amounts of dark chocolate two or three times a week can help lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate improves blood flow and may help prevent blood clots. Dark chocolate can also prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

The benefits of dark chocolate for the brain are also great. It increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. It also helps reduce the risk of stroke. Dark chocolate contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on a person's mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a substance that the brain produces when you feel in love. Therefore, the consumption of dark chocolate helps to feel happy. Dark chocolate also contains the mild stimulant caffeine. However, dark chocolate contains significantly less caffeine than coffee. A small bar of chocolate (50g) contains about 30mg of caffeine, while a 250ml cup of coffee contains 200mg.

Dark chocolate helps control blood sugar and helps keep blood vessels healthy and intact. It can protect against type 2 diabetes. The flavonoids in dark chocolate also help reduce insulin resistance by helping cells function properly and regain their ability to use the body's insulin effectively. Dark chocolate also has a low glycemic index, meaning it won't cause huge spikes in blood sugar levels.

Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. They help protect the body from free radicals that cause oxidative damage to cells. Free radicals speed up the aging process and can cause cancer. Antioxidant-rich foods like dark chocolate can protect against many types of cancer and slow down the signs of aging.

Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which has been shown to help strengthen tooth enamel. This means that this chocolate, unlike most other sweets, reduces the risk of cavities with proper oral hygiene. Theobromine is also a mild stimulant, though not as strong as caffeine. It can, however, help suppress a cough.

Dark chocolate contains a number of vitamins and minerals that may support health. In particularly high concentrations, it contains minerals such as potassium, copper, magnesium, and iron. The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. The iron in chocolate protects against iron deficiency anemia, while the magnesium helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

And again, do not forget that in order for dark chocolate to benefit, and not harm, do not abuse this product.

The benefits and harms of milk chocolate for the body

Now it's time to learn about the benefits and harms of milk chocolate for the human body.

Milk chocolate has almost the same effect on the body as black chocolate. The fundamental difference lies in the composition: on the label of a milk bar, in addition to information about the 30-50% cocoa content, you will find a mention of cocoa / vegetable oil, cocoa powder, powdered or condensed milk (it can also be powdered or skimmed cream), sugar. Milk chocolate differs from black primarily in that it contains less cocoa products. The second main difference is the high fat content, which is achieved by adding dairy products. The benefits of milk chocolate are somewhat less than black. The content of useful substances and vitamins (catechin, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron), which cocoa beans are rich in, decreases along with the percentage of cocoa.

If the benefit of milk chocolate is, first of all, in the production of endorphins (hormones of joy) and raising the mood, then it has much more harmful effects. All of them are associated with high fat delicacy and a record sugar content. From here it is easy to predict the consequences: increased cholesterol levels, extra calories, caries, problems with blood vessels and other well-known “sweet” consequences. True, some of them are often exaggerated.

The health benefits and harms of white chocolate

And what is white chocolate good for and what is its harm to health? The sweet ingredients contain a thickener - lecithin and vanillin, manufacturers add nuts, coconut, raisins and other components to it. High aromatic properties and low sugar content are the undoubted benefits of white chocolate, in addition, it contains cocoa butter, rich in vitamin E. It helps women bear the fetus during pregnancy. The benefit of white chocolate is also that the presence of linolenic and arachidic fatty acids in this delicacy contributes to the prevention of diabetes.

The benefits of white chocolate are known due to its tannin, it has anti-inflammatory properties, methylxanine, used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and lung diseases. The product contains anesthetic caffeine, which improves cerebral circulation. Thanks to caffeine, it has a stimulating effect on the body, and due to its tannin content, the product heals abrasions and wounds on the skin. Masks are made from it, which are used for dry or inflamed skin, they treat the effects of furunculosis and eliminate other skin defects.

The harm of white chocolate is observed due to the high content of milk fats in it, which are extremely high in calories. The product is not recommended for obese patients. The harm of white chocolate from its ability to be addictive is known. In addition, due to its high fat and carbohydrate content, it can lead to weight gain if consumed in large amounts.

The harm of white chocolate for allergy sufferers lies in the content in the product, which can cause severe irritation. It can also increase blood pressure or provoke an arrhythmia.

The benefits of white chocolate for young people are high. It successfully fights teenage acne, protects delicate skin from chapping and even frostbite, which means it gives us a good appearance.

The benefits of hot chocolate and how cocoa is useful for the female body

What are the benefits of hot chocolate for humans and especially for the female body? Modern biochemical studies show that cocoa beans contain over 400 chemical compounds, the main of which is phenylephamine. It is this substance that is produced in the human body when he is in love. Another benefit of hot chocolate is that it excites sexual appetite.

Hot chocolate or cocoa clears the mind, promotes digestion and mental activity, rejuvenates the body, and also works with female reproductive cells. The benefit of hot chocolate also lies in the fact that this drink helps with menstrual irregularities, restores ovarian function after childbirth and gynecological operations. It is also indispensable for violations of the thyroid gland.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, cocoa helps to lose extra pounds. It is useful for everyone who watches their figure to go on a cocoa diet.

Well, “in a difficult moment of life” to raise your tone and improve your mood, drink hot chocolate made from grated chocolate with cream and sugar. Offer the same drink to your loved one before intimacy - to rekindle desire, just like after - to restore strength and stimulate the prostate gland.

The benefits of chocolate for children

Although the benefits of chocolate for children are quite high, doctors strongly recommend not giving it to babies under 1.5 years old. The reason lies in caffeine, theobromine and sugar. These substances excite the nervous system, which is not at all at the time during infancy. The baby is just beginning to learn natural food, he is teething, so additional stimulation of the nervous system is completely unnecessary.

Scientists have developed a new type of chocolate with the addition of juice. The new technology could replace about 50% of the fat in chocolate with juice, vitamin C water or diet cola.

Such chocolate is much healthier for children than regular chocolate, since 60 grams of regular dark chocolate contains 13 grams of fat (this is 20% of daily allowance), most of the fats in chocolate are unhealthy saturated fats. The new technology will reduce the amount of fat in the product.

Also, this technology allows you to reduce the amount of sugar in chocolate, which is also good for children's health. To date, the technology works with dark, milk and white chocolate. Scientists have already managed to get chocolate with apple, orange and cranberry juices.

The benefits and harms of soy chocolate with lecithin

There is such a product as soy chocolate: does it bring benefits or harm? Those who are terribly afraid of soy should be warned: most varieties of chocolate contain soy lecithin E476, which belongs to the group of stabilizers. Lecithin for the food industry is obtained from many plants, such as sunflower, but soy is cheaper, so it is used more often. Speaking about the benefits and harms of soy lecithin in chocolate, doctors reassure: in small quantities it is useful for the body, primarily for the nervous system.

The benefit of lecithin in chocolate is also that it has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, brain, and slows down oxidative processes in the body. But soy lecithin in excessive amounts is harmful: it contains phytoestrogens, which have a negative effect on the human hormonal background. Soy lecithin is part of almost any chocolate.

In a number of countries, the use of soy lecithin is prohibited, however, in Russia, Ukraine and most European countries, E476 is freely used in the food industry.

Which chocolate is the most useful: bitter, dark, white or milk?

In order to figure out which chocolate is the most useful, you should know what it is. Bitter, dark, white, milky - all these varieties, despite the common name "chocolate", have completely different properties. Which chocolate is healthier: dark or bitter, white or milk? The benefits of milk and white chocolate due to their high content of sugar and other additives are in doubt, but bitter or dark chocolate in reasonable quantities is undoubtedly useful. True dark chocolate should contain only three ingredients: cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and sugar.

Cocoa, which means high-quality dark chocolate, is rich in flavonols, which prevent clogging of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of myocardial infarction and angina attacks. Due to the ability of flavonols to synthesize nitric oxide, which is actively involved in the blood circulation in the body, dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. In addition, cocoa contains magnesium, one of the most important minerals for heart health. Thus, with regular, at least twice a week, consumption of dark chocolate, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced.

Which chocolate is the healthiest for children and adults: the best brands

Well, now for some specifics: Which brand of chocolate is healthier for kids and adults? Natural chocolate without artificial additives is very difficult to find. Even manufacturers of expensive and exclusive brands of chocolate have difficulty finding quality raw materials. Small Swedish producers often use 64% chocolate mass from cocoa from a wild-growing cocoa tree from the jungle of Bolivia. Swiss chocolate maker Felchlin has made a deal with Amazon Indians to harvest a wild cocoa tree for a set period of time on their terms. True gourmets, in addition to the Felchlin brand, choose Valhrona, Callebaut, Chokovic, Belcolade - a brand of chocolate whose producers comply with fair trade rules. Finding it is quite difficult.

Spain's oldest gourmet chocolate brand, Valor, is made in Villajoyosa, often referred to as the "chocolate city". The city has a lot of entertainment related to chocolate, for example, a museum where you can get acquainted with the production technology of this delicacy. Glory came to the city in the XVIII century, when cocoa beans from Ecuador and Venezuela began to be brought here. The healthiest chocolate brand Valor is widely known throughout Europe. In the company's flagship boutique and in various cafes in Alicante, you can try delicious chocolate mousses, cold chocolate drinks with ice cream, as well as a local delicacy, hot chocolate with donuts.

What is the healthiest dark chocolate: the best brands

No one has any doubts which dark chocolate is the most healthy and delicious - of course, Belgian! Belgian chocolate is free of artificial flavors, preservatives and additives according to old production standards. In it only natural oil cocoa and cocoa mass, and of the highest quality. In Belgium, chocolate is considered bitter if it contains at least 72% cocoa liquor. Almost every Belgian city has a small chocolate factory, as well as small boutique shops where you can buy delicious chocolate. handmade. What dark chocolate is useful and known all over the world? The Belgian city of Bruges is generally recognized as the chocolate capital of the world. The most famous Belgian chocolate brands are: Neuhaus, Leonidas, Godiva, Gilian, Pierre Marcolini, Wittamer.

French producers of quality chocolate have recently begun to dislodge Belgian and Swiss chocolatiers from the top lines of the best chocolate rating.

The best dark chocolate of French production amazes not only with the sophistication of taste and courage in the selection of ingredients. A box of chocolates from the Richard factory, for example, is equipped with built-in sensors that monitor temperature and humidity. The best brands of French chocolate are represented by the following brands: Richard, Madame Sevigne, Michel Richard, Michel Chatillon, Debauve & Gallais.

The best brands of dark chocolate in Russia are produced at the following factories: Fidelity to Quality, Russian Chocolate, Rossiya, Victory of Taste, Odintsovo Confectionery Factory, Bogatyr. The whole gamut of dark chocolate flavors is most fully represented, perhaps, in the products of the Vernost Kachestvo factory. Content of grated cocoa in premium chocolate bars: 65%, 75%, 85% and 99%. Inside one 100 gram package of Assorted Bitter Chocolates, there are 20 square 5 gram bars representing the entire range of bitter chocolate flavors produced by this factory. The taste palette of dark chocolate of the Odintsovo confectionery factory (producing chocolate of the A. Korkunov brand) contains from 55 to 72% cocoa liquor.

Also best brands Russian chocolate is produced at three factories of the United Confectioners holding: Concern Babaevsky, Rot Front, Red October. Bitter chocolate, produced by the Babaevsky concern, amazes with a variety of flavoring additives. Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds), vitamins, pieces of candied fruits, sesame, ginger are added to it. Some types of chocolate are made using a sweetener (isomalt). Bitter chocolate without additives contains 75 and 87% cocoa liquor. The Krasny Oktyabr factory produces dark chocolate of the Slava (porous and dessert) and Gorky brands, containing 80% cocoa liquor. The Rot Front factory, which is part of the same holding, produces 3 variants of dark chocolate of the Autumn Waltz brand, containing 56% cocoa liquor: bitter chocolate with an alcohol content; bitter chocolate with orange pieces; bitter porous chocolate containing alcohol and pieces of orange.

Buy good chocolate not as simple as it seems. For real delicious chocolate- handmade chocolate, a work of art that is hard to pass by. Today, the word "chocolate" refers, most often, to bars made from a combination of cocoa proteins, fats, sugar and other ingredients.

Chocolate is usually produced in small, simulated shapes of squares, animals, people, or fantasy objects. Often they are issued for festive events, for example, in the form of rabbits and eggs for Easter, coins for Hanukkah, St. Nicholas for Christmas, hearts for Valentine's Day and Santa Clauses for the New Year.

Harm of chocolate for the body

Well, now a little fly in the ointment in the barrel of "chocolate honey". Knowing which brands of chocolate are the most useful, we must not forget about the dangers of this product.

Chocolate is a high-calorie product. One bar of chocolate (100 g) contains more than 500 kcal, which is about 1/5 of the daily diet. Excessive consumption of this delicacy leads to the fact that fat begins to be deposited between the muscles, in the connective tissue and under the skin.

The composition of chocolate contains a large amount of fat (up to 40 g per 100 g of chocolate), which negatively affects the cardiovascular system. This delicacy contains caffeine, which can cause heartburn, gastrointestinal diseases, nausea, and prostate enlargement in men. Even from one mug of chocolate, the pulse increases, blood pressure rises. People who have experienced a heart attack and stroke, it is better to abandon this product.

Not at all good, but the harm of chocolate to health will be significant if you use cheap products from an unknown manufacturer. Small producers often replace expensive cocoa butter with palm and coconut oil. Such chocolate products will contain trans fats, which can cause hormonal imbalance, excess weight, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors and other serious pathologies. Chocolate can exacerbate an allergic reaction. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of any allergy appear, you should stop eating sweets for a week.

Before making a purchase, we advise you to carefully read the labels on the packaging. If “vegetable fat” is found among the ingredients, this means that its natural fat has been removed from cocoa - cocoa butter, for which the cosmetic industry is ready to pay any money. Most likely, cocoa butter was replaced with cheap vegetable oil or coconut oil.

Palm oil, which is very unhealthy, is sometimes added to lump chocolate. So, for example, the brand of cocoa Egonkakao (Oegonkakao), beloved by the Swedes since childhood, owes its taste and aroma to artificial additives and flavors. Therefore, think carefully before grabbing a chocolate bar from the shelf at the checkout and throwing it into the cart. Instead of eating bad chocolate, it's best to avoid it altogether.

People are used to thinking that chocolate does not bring any benefit. Spoiled teeth and figure, high blood pressure and blood sugar - an incomplete list of what they fear when eating any treat. Such statements have nothing to do with dark chocolate. You can eat it at least every day, and this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, brain function, nervous system, even improve the figure. To achieve such results, it is necessary to choose the right delicious tiles and adhere to the permissible norm.


Vitamin and mineral composition of dark chocolate

Unlike most sweets, even people with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders can consume dark chocolate. The benefit of the product is in the ability to normalize metabolic processes. Not only will it not aggravate the situation, on the contrary, it will help to cope with the problem. The vitamins and minerals contained in the delicacy have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole:

  1. Vitamin E, present in dark chocolate, is called the "vitamin of youth". It maintains the beauty and elasticity of the skin, normalizes the production of hormones. The action of tocopherol is equated with the action of progesterone, which is important for the female reproductive system.
  2. Vitamin B2 is necessary to maintain visual acuity, is involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. Without it, the production of red blood cells is impossible.
  3. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is an essential component in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it “cleanses” blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Magnesium improves efficiency, improves brain processes: attention and memory. Together with potassium, which is also sufficiently contained in chocolate, it is involved in ensuring the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  5. Iron prevents the development of anemia, relieves its symptoms: dizziness, darkening of the eyes, pallor.
  6. Fluorine and calcium help strengthen bones, nails, teeth. Dark chocolate is an excellent tasty prevention of osteoporosis.

A piece of dark delicacy is able to restore strength, energize. All the useful substances included in its composition are absorbed by the body quickly and in full.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

The properties of dark chocolate are associated with a high content of cocoa beans, which contain flavonoids. These are a kind of antioxidants that prevent the development of many vascular diseases, have a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and regulate hormone levels.

Cocoa fruits have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, help prevent diseases of the oral cavity, plaque formation, and relieve bleeding gums. How prophylaxis is used in official medicine to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and anemia.

Contains theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, involved in the production of the “hormone of happiness”, endorphin. Flavonoids contribute to the activation of the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, including cerebral. Catechin protects tissues from the effects of free radicals. This prevents the development of cancer cells, protects the heart and blood vessels from diseases.

Nutritional value of dark chocolate

Video: Nutritionist about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate

Application of chocolate

Nutritionists have developed a special diet based on dark chocolate. It lasts from one to three days and is designed for a healthy person. It is noted that after the chocolate diet, not only extra pounds go away, but also the appearance improves due to the removal of toxins, the normalization of metabolic processes.

On a note: Fasting days are arranged on dark chocolate, helping to reduce weight up to 2 kg at a time. For a one-day diet, one 100-gram bar of high-quality dark chocolate is eaten. At this time, you should not limit yourself to liquids, it is permissible to drink coffee, black, green and herbal tea without sugar. Such unloading can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Dark chocolate is also used in cosmetology for the manufacture of tightening face masks. Chocolate wraps quite effectively help fight cellulite and stretch marks. It is no coincidence that chocolate extracts are present in many hair, face and body skin care lines.

Video: Cosmetic procedures using chocolate at home

When choosing, you should carefully study dark chocolate: its benefits and harms directly depend on the composition. The higher the content of cocoa beans in a bar, the more useful it is. Chocolate, in which cocoa beans account for at least 70%, will bring real benefits.

The composition should not contain starches, oil (especially palm). If a white coating has formed, then the storage conditions have not been met. Of course, such a product will not bring harm, but useful properties will be lost.

The tile should not melt in the hands. If melted chocolate remains on the fingers at one touch, this indicates impurities (perhaps not indicated in the composition), of the low quality of the product.

The low cost of dark chocolate should also alert. A truly high-quality chocolate has a rather high price, but it is he who will bring pleasure and be the most useful.

Contraindications and precautions

Dark chocolate has practically no contraindications. It can be used even by people suffering from diabetes and obesity, in reasonable quantities. However, the calorie content here is also significant - 540 kcal per 100 grams of product. With excessive use, healthy carbohydrates accumulate in the form of body fat.

Dark chocolate should not be abused by those who have problems with sleep, as the caffeine contained has a tonic effect on the body. It is also contraindicated in severe metabolic disorders.

Any chocolate is a potential allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should eat it with caution. During pregnancy, you should limit yourself to a small piece of goodies, if you really want to. During lactation, it is better to completely exclude such an allergenic product from the diet, otherwise the child's body may be harmed.

Everyone's Favorite delicacy, His Majesty chocolate, perfectly charges with optimism, fills with energy. It is an excellent natural antidepressant that helps to survive periods of melancholy, gently relieves sadness. Fabulous chocolate health benefits and harms which is now well studied, owes its appearance to the legendary Aztecs. Of course, modern sweets and bars are very different from the invigorating drink of the Indians "Chocolatl" from cocoa beans. That ancestor of modern sweetness had a bitter, tart taste, but the Aztecs valued it for its ability to give joy and strength. The recipe was then kept in strict confidence, and cocoa beans were valued more than gold.

A tasty product has long become a symbol of well-being, material wealth, luxury, pleasure. However, the benefits of sweets are questionable for some. The sugar content can harm people who are overweight or have diabetes. In other cases, enjoying excellent taste is very useful. Its influence is especially noticeable during periods of severe fatigue, loss of strength. A piece of chocolate is able to restore the missing energy for new achievements. True, a full meal, despite the high calorie content, tiles or snickers cannot replace.

Calorie content, composition and useful substances in chocolate

To understand the benefits of the product, you should pay attention to its composition and nutritional value.

Calorie table of various types of chocolate in 100 gr.

10 benefits of chocolate for our health

The benefits for all lovers of sweets are obvious. Scientists have scientifically proven its anti-stress and boosting general tone action. Even diet will not be a hindrance to enjoy the great taste. Even people who are closely watching their weight can enjoy dark chocolate. Just be guided by a sense of proportion. Small chocolate bar or a piece of tile weighing about 50 gr. normal daily portion, you should not exceed it.

  1. Stimulates the brain

    Studies have shown that occasional consumption of flavanol-rich chocolate can increase blood flow to the brain, which improves brain activity. It has also been suggested that cocoa flavanols, due to these qualities, may be beneficial for people with dementia and those at risk of stroke.

  2. Decreased appetite and weight

    Researchers in the Netherlands found that people who were given a sniff of 85 percent dark chocolate reported that their appetite levels dropped by up to half. Researchers have found that the smell of chocolate interferes with the production of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and food intake. Such a wonderful effect lasts about an hour.

  3. Rich source of antioxidants

    The researchers found that the flavanol content of cocoa powder is 30.1 mg/g, which is significantly higher than other fruit powders. It was also found that the antioxidant capacity of dark chocolate was higher than that of most fruit juices, with the exception of pomegranate. The total polyphenol content in each serving was also higher in dark chocolate (about 1000 mg per serving), which was significantly higher than in all fruit juices except pomegranate.

  4. Benefits of chocolate for diabetics

    A study published in 2015 comparing the consumption of white and dark chocolate by type 2 diabetics. The study groups consumed 25 grams of dark or white chocolate for eight weeks. The researchers found that the dark chocolate group saw a decrease in blood pressure and, oddly enough, a decrease in fasting blood sugar.

  5. Cholesterol control

    According to the results of various studies, the polyphenols contained in chocolate contribute to the normalization of cholesterol levels. Three weeks of dark chocolate consumption increased HDL (good cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein). A 15-day intake of dark chocolate resulted in a 7.5% reduction in LDL (bad, low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and a 6.5% reduction in total cholesterol. Seven days of regular dark chocolate consumption resulted in a 6% reduction in LDL and a 9% increase in HDL.

  6. Oncology prevention

    Considering chocolate's rich supply of flavonoids, researchers at the American Cancer Society concluded that it may play an important role in cancer prevention. These studies in the field of cancer prevention are still not completed and the final conclusions have not yet been made, but the findings are encouraging.

  7. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

    Due to the fact that eating chocolate reduces the level of LDL (bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein), which reduces the risk of heart disease. In a study conducted with a group of 470 elderly men who regularly consumed cocoa, a decrease in cardiovascular disease mortality by as much as 50% over a 15-year period was recorded. Another study showed that eating chocolate two or more times a week reduced the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. Another study showed that eating chocolate five or more times a week reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57%.

  8. Skin health and beauty

    The bioactive compounds in chocolate also improve the health and appearance of your skin. These flavanols can protect from the sun, improve blood circulation in the skin, increase skin density and moisturize it. The minimum dose of erythema (honey) is the minimum amount of UVB rays required to cause reddening of the skin, 24 hours after exposure. In one study of 30 people, there was a 2-fold reduction in UV damage to skin after eating chocolate for 12 weeks. If you are planning a beach holiday, consume dark chocolate in the previous weeks and months.

  9. source of endorphins

    The taste, smell and texture of chocolate improve mood due to the high content of theobromine, which is involved in creating happiness hormones. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a substance that has a stimulating and euphoric effect. In the brain, phenethylamine affects mood, creating an emotional background similar to when you are in love. The flavanols found in chocolate stimulate the production of endorphins, which play a key role in preventing depression and other mental disorders.

  10. Chocolate is good for pregnancy

    One of the complications during pregnancy is preeclampsia, one of the manifestations of which is high blood pressure. Researchers have found that one of the substances in dark chocolate, theobromine, can stimulate the heart and help dilate the arteries. In pregnant women who received higher doses of chocolate, a 40% reduction in the likelihood of developing this complication was seen, as well as improved blood flow to the fetus.

Which chocolate is the healthiest and how to choose it

Useful properties depend on the variety and method of preparation. When choosing, it is better to pay attention to the manufacturer and price. A good high quality product cannot be cheap. A low price indicates the dubious quality of the ingredients used or, in general, a fake with flavors that will not bring benefits for sure. When choosing, it is worth preferring well-known companies that value their reputation in the market.

The most useful is considered to be dark chocolate and its bitter varieties. They have less sugar, but there are more than enough microelements and vitamins. It will not damage the figure, give a good vitality and help to get out of hibernation in the long winter.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition written on the package. Real chocolate must contain cocoa butter. It is used to give the necessary consistency, contains most of the useful substances. Without this ingredient, the product cannot be considered chocolate, but benefit for the body obviously won't bring

Do not buy tiles containing palm oil, soy, dyes. Such a confectionery product can cause allergies, harm blood vessels and the liver. Its consumption will not bring pleasure, because such good taste properties confectionery they do not differ.

Some are afraid to eat tiles covered with a whitish coating. Such a product will not bring harm. Only natural chocolate turns gray for quite harmless reasons, mainly due to temperature changes or violation of storage conditions.

What harm can chocolate do to the body?

Possible contraindications for the use of chocolate are quite rare. Basically, its high calorie content and sugar content raise doubts about its benefits.

  • A sweet delicacy should be consumed moderately, carefully by older men and women. The health benefits and harms of chocolate of people after 50 years causes controversy among doctors and scientists. They are connected with the fact that the metabolism is often disturbed in old people. And its invigorating effect can have a bad effect on the quality of sleep, make it irrational to spend fading strength. Benefits for the heart older people is also questionable.
  • Consumption of treats can provoke the development of diabetes due to the high content of carbohydrates. Sweet tooth needs to be moderate and careful. Now released chocolate with stevia, a natural sugar substitute that will allow you not to worry about the figure or the threat of diabetes. The natural sweetener does not affect the taste of the treat. Such chocolate without sugar usually indistinguishable from the classic.
  • high calorie content may have a negative effect on the figure. Often eating a treat, you can easily earn obesity. A high fat content can lead to problems with vascular patency. Diet fans will love it. bitter chocolate.
  • children treats are prohibited under 3 years of age. It contains caffeine, which is harmful to the baby, and can make behavior restless. Also often the appearance of diathesis in particularly sensitive children.
  • The product may cause allergies. Before use, make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to the product.

Exist myths that the product destroys the teeth. This is absolutely wrong, since its moderate use will strengthen the gums, help prevent caries due to the presence of a natural antiseptic, the peel of cocoa fruits.

  • The first chocolate bar was presented to the world by the Cadbury factory back in 1842.
  • Consumption of treats increases sensuality and sexuality. The intimate life of men and women becomes richer, and sensations brighter. The famous Madame Pompadour used hot chocolate as a food aphrodisiac.
  • A cocoa tree can live up to 200 years, but the fruiting period is short, the plant is fertile for only 25 years.

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