Home Nutrition What kind of chocolate melts well in a water bath. Melt the chocolate in a water bath for the cake. Creating the perfect dessert, or How to melt chocolate in a water bath? Expert advice on how to make a water bath for chocolate

What kind of chocolate melts well in a water bath. Melt the chocolate in a water bath for the cake. Creating the perfect dessert, or How to melt chocolate in a water bath? Expert advice on how to make a water bath for chocolate

To prepare many recipes melted chocolate required. Liquid chocolate is the perfect solution to make cocktails, fountains, cupcakes and candies, a variety of confectionery. Many housewives make a lot of mistakes, so the chocolate burns, curls up, so it has to be thrown away. Picking up The right way, you can quickly and easily prepare chocolate mass for delicious desserts.

How to choose chocolate

Getting started, you need to learn how to melt the chocolate. Any chocolate bar from the store is not suitable for melting. There are some significant rules that should be considered in the selection of treats.

  1. Choose a product that has the inscription - "canteen".
  2. At least 55% cocoa in the composition.
  3. The minimum amount of additives, fillers: nuts, raisins, fruits.
  4. Never use porous chocolate.
  5. Do not use discounted chocolate.
  6. You can use dessert, but you can’t make icing from it.

Using the tips, you can successfully, which you can pour over dessert or fruit, ice cream, use in creating a fountain.

Kindling rules

The finished product will turn out shiny, very fragrant, and most importantly - thick. If you want it to match the descriptions listed, it's important to follow strict rules:

  • constantly stir the mass, you can not move away from the stove;
  • never cover with a lid;
  • use a silicone, wooden spoon for stirring;
  • do not dilute with water, only with cream, butter;
  • make sure that the steam from the lower pan does not penetrate into the one in which the chocolate is;
  • before kindling, break the tile into small pieces.

The dessert will turn out better if the chocolate is of high quality. When you need a mass for a cake, then add butter, so an attractive shine will be learned from the glaze.

The work will go down the drain if lumps appear or the mass burns. To avoid this embarrassment, be sure to stir the chocolate every twenty seconds. Having covered the container with a lid, condensate will penetrate into the middle, it must not be allowed. Drops that fall into the dessert will spoil it and make it much thinner. As a result, the mass will lose its optimal consistency.

Despite the simple rules, never neglect them. It is important to learn that the melting point of a white product is no more than 45 degrees, black - up to 55 degrees!

Water bath for melting chocolate

The delicacy melts in the bath not too quickly, but very high quality, evenly. This method is recognized as the simplest, most convenient and best. So, how to melt chocolate in a water bath?

The algorithm of the chef's actions:

  1. You will need two pans: one is small, the other is medium.
  2. Pour water into a medium container, boil and turn off.
  3. In a small saucepan, break the chocolate, send it to the second container. Put on the stove, making a minimum fire.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove, cool.

After cooling, it can be safely used for culinary products, desserts and pastries. The main condition is not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will be bitter. To do everything correctly and without errors, the video instruction will help.

How to melt chocolate in the microwave and slow cooker

In addition to the water bath, there are additional methods of kindling. That is why the culinary specialist can choose the method that is closer and easier to him.

Multicooker owners can easily make a liquid dessert:

  1. Pour water into the container or bowl of the kitchen appliance to the minimum mark.
  2. Break the tile, place in the steaming tray.
  3. Set the mode - "Steaming".
  4. Stir until fully cooked.

This device executes all given commands exactly. Your task is to simply stir the dessert.

The second method in the microwave:

  1. Break the chocolate product into a container that must be placed in the microwave. You can turn on the "Defrost" mode. For 100 grams of product, two minutes of kindling will be required. Stir the mixture every minute.
  2. You can do it a little differently - turn on the normal mode, but open the door every thirty seconds to stir.

There is a little secret associated with the technology of cooking in a microwave oven. The product is rubbed on a grater, then heating will occur evenly, conveniently and quickly. The specificity of such heating is to open the door. In addition to stirring, it is necessary to get the melted pieces, otherwise they will burn. Dishes should be ceramic, glass.

mousse recipe

With melted chocolate, you can cook whatever your heart desires.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • chocolate - 100 grams.

Mousse preparation technology:

  1. Melt the product in the bath, add the right amount of sugar.
  2. Remove the resulting mass from the stove, beat with four yolks.
  3. Then beat the whites to make a stable and strong foam. Mix with chocolate mixture.
  4. Prepare portioned bowls, glasses, spread out the mousse. Then you can send for an hour in the cold.

Serve garnished with fruit, whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Frappe with banana

Ingredients for a delicious drink:

  • ice cream - 220 grams;
  • milk - 300 milliliters;
  • banana - 1-2 pcs.;
  • white chocolate - 30 grams.

Frappe can be prepared as follows:

  1. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath.
  2. Warm milk, add to melted sweets. Continue to heat and stir until they become one.
  3. When the consistency becomes smooth, pour it into a blender, adding chopped banana and ice cream. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly.

Pour the resulting cocktail into glasses, decorate as desired.

Creamy chocolate dressing

To prepare, prepare a list of products:

  • cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquor - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chocolate - 200 grams.

Cooking algorithm delicious dressing, which is suitable for any dessert:

  1. Melt chocolate in a water bath, add liquor and cream.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured into bowls.
  3. It is best to serve the dessert warm, adding cookies, fruits and a variety of berries.

Optionally, you can purchase a special device designed for cooking fondue. Its technology provides for the melting of the product from the heat emanating from the candle. It is installed under the bowl containing the product of melting. In the resulting mass, you can dip sweets, fruits, cheese, corn sticks, cookies.

Thus, melting this delicacy is very simple. You can use a microwave, oven or slow cooker. The easiest way is a water bath. The only thing you need to do is to stir constantly.

Glaze is used in the preparation of various desserts, for example, sweets, cake, pastries, and it is also used for decoration. It is also worth mentioning the popular dish - fondue. It is important to note that melting this product is not so easy, since there are many pitfalls. Now we will try to reveal all the secrets so that this procedure does not cause any problems for you.

What is the best way to melt chocolate?

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find many different options for this delicacy, for example, porous, black, etc. Each option has its fans, but not every one of them can be drowned.

Consider some of the details of popular sweets in tiles:

You should not save and buy cheap tiles, because you will not be able to achieve a good result. When buying, see the composition, which should contain as few ingredients and additives as possible.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath?

This method is considered the best and highest quality. They need to be used if you need to get icing for decorating and greasing cakes and other desserts, since the consistency is homogeneous and shiny.

It is recommended to get the tile in advance, since the product will cook more slowly, and a sharp temperature drop can spoil the consistency and even taste. If you need to add a liquid ingredient, for example, some kind of extract, then you need to do this in advance.


  • Chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a tile and break it into pieces and it's best if they turn out to be the same size. You can grate it on a grater, which will speed up the heating process. This is necessary to ensure that the product is evenly amenable to heat treatment;
  2. Prepare containers of different sizes so that one fits on top of the other. It is important that they are absolutely clean and dry. The thing is that even a few drops of water can spoil the result.
  3. Put the crushed tiles in one container, and pour some water into another, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place the containers so that the one containing the chocolate does not touch the water and completely covers the bottom pan. The thing is that if steam gets into the product, it will delaminate and become unusable. Stir the mass with a wooden spatula so that it heats up evenly;
  4. When all the pieces are melted, remove the container from steam bath and you can use the prepared product.
  5. To make the surface of the glaze shine after hardening, you need to put a little butter.

There are some tips on how to melt a chocolate bar properly. Firstly, in no case do not close the container with a lid so that condensation does not form, as the consistency will delaminate.

The mixing spoon must be completely dry. Secondly, the maximum allowable heating temperature is 50 degrees.

How to melt chocolate in the microwave?

Another popular option that is suitable if you do not need to use the product as a glaze. In the microwave, the process is greatly simplified.


  • Chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. Break or grate the tile and place the container in the microwave. Power set to 50%;
  2. The time depends on the weight of the product used. So, if the weight is 30-50 g, then 1 minute is enough. For a weight of 240 g, set the timer to 3 minutes;
  3. For uniformity, uniform heating is important, so if there is no turntable, then you need to rotate the container manually, after equal intervals of time;
  4. If everything is done correctly, then the container will remain cold, and the chocolate will become liquid. When the bowl is hot and the product is overheated, it should be immediately transferred to a cold bowl, add a few more pieces and mix thoroughly.

How to melt chocolate in the oven?

Another alternative, which has its own subtleties.

Step-by-step instruction:

How to melt white chocolate?

This option is more difficult to drown than the bitter product, because it has a lower melting threshold. Best to use water bath because you can control the temperature.

Step-by-step instruction:

The result is a uniform glaze that will have a shine. It can be used to make various decorations for confectionery.

What to do if the chocolate is overheated?

If lumps began to appear, do not be upset, because there are several options for how to fix the situation. Remove the icing from the heat and add a piece of butter or shortening to it. You should start with 1 teaspoon, but as a result, the amount may increase to 1 tbsp. spoons for every 170 g.

You can save the situation with the help of vegetable oil without fragrances, milk or cream. It is important that the chocolate and the liquid have approximately the same temperature.

Now you know all the existing methods of melting chocolate. By following all the above rules and recommendations, you will certainly be able to achieve a good result.

Chocolate is a rather capricious product, so cooking dishes from it is a whole art. This "matter" can easily spoil your large-scale plans: it stratifies, then it crumbles, then it ends. However, among people there are many culinary experts who have long unraveled all the secrets of the behavior of this delicacy, for example, how to melt chocolate in a water bath or how to temper it. Eminent confectioners have always said that it is not enough to be able to competently heat this product.

If you want your creations not to “gray” as a result of all the culinary efforts, in other words, not covered with a white layer, the best solution is to take tempered chocolate as an ingredient.

Water bath and chocolate

There are many ways to melt. A huge number of people know how to melt chocolate in a water bath. What is this method? In order to perform this procedure, you will need a large pan and a smaller container that can be inserted into the first one. Before you melt the chocolate in a water bath, you need to boil the water and remove it from the heat. The brown delicacy should first be crushed into small pieces and placed in a heat-resistant container, which is then placed on the pan. In this case, the bowl should be firmly fixed. Then it is necessary to systematically stir the product. Those who are interested in the question of how to melt chocolate in a water bath should know that the melting point of a dark-colored product is in the range from 50 to 55 degrees Celsius, and white - from 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to melt chocolate in a bath with boiling water, otherwise it will begin to thicken, and you can regard this as the fact that it has not melted, although in fact it has already been brewed. It is necessary to control that water does not accidentally get into the mass, otherwise it will not work to melt the chocolate in a water bath correctly - it will turn into lumps.

Next, pour the melted product from the bowl onto a flat surface, optimally if it is marble. Marble heats up worse and cools very quickly, and this circumstance gives an advantage to confectioners who often have to prepare chocolate desserts. Using a spatula, it is necessary to stir the product until it cools down to a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius - this is a normal indicator for work. To check the readiness of this delicacy, you should lightly touch it with your finger.

Properly prepared tempered chocolate should feel slightly cool on contact.

For impeccable quality

Culinary experts warn that if even a tiny part of the solid product gets into the prepared chocolate composition, then the sweet mass will curl up and resemble a snowball. In order for the result of working with chocolate to be of impeccable quality, it is better to work with rubber gloves for medical use. That's the only way it'll work desired product. With the apparent simplicity of the process, it is important to follow all the rules of preparation.

Chocolate is the perfect accompaniment to most desserts. In some cases, chocolate chips are used, but melted chocolate is more commonly used. Melting this product correctly is very important, as mistakes made in the process can completely spoil the taste of the product.

We will figure out how to properly melt chocolate in a water bath to prepare various dessert options.

There is a huge assortment of chocolate on store shelves, but not every tile is suitable for our purposes. Immediately put aside the tiles with filler or filling. Chocolates with nuts, with a marmalade layer or interspersed with cookies are best eaten just like that, without trying to melt.

Aerated chocolate, beloved by many, will not work either. This is very tender delicacy, which literally melts in the mouth due to the content of many small air bubbles in the product. When melted aerated chocolate it is not possible to obtain a homogeneous mass, so the dessert will be hopelessly spoiled.

But it's perfect for melting. Choose bars with at least 70% cocoa. When melted, this variant of chocolate turns out to be thick, uniform, and shiny.

You can melt milk chocolate, but this version of the delicacy is not suitable for making glaze. Even when melted, the mass remains quite thick, so it does not spread well over the surface. But for making inscriptions, creating chocolate "laces" decorating the sides of the cake, and for sweets, this version of chocolate is ideal.

Great for melting White chocolate. This version of the dessert does not contain grated cocoa, the basis is cocoa butter. White chocolate is great for making white or colored icing. In the latter case, a few drops of food coloring should be added to the melted mass.

Couverture is ideal for making glazes. This is a specially created chocolate mass for melting. It is sold in briquettes, crumbs or drops. It is dark, milky or white. It differs from ordinary chocolate in a higher fat content and finer grinding of cocoa. When melted, a plastic mass is obtained, which spreads well over the surface.

How to melt chocolate for a cake?

Cake, watered - it's beautiful and delicious. Chocolate icing helps not only to decorate pastries, but also to hide some of the flaws made during baking, in particular, a not too even crust of the cake. Let's figure out how to melt chocolate for a cake.

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Dark chocolate

This method of making chocolate is ideal for making icing or cream for decorating a cake. If you follow the instructions exactly, you will get a beautiful homogeneous mixture with a soft glossy sheen.

The chocolate bar to be melted should be at room temperature. If you store chocolate in the refrigerator, take the bar out ahead of time to warm it up. From a sharp change in temperature, the chocolate mass will turn out to be heterogeneous.

The bar needs to be broken into equal small pieces so that the chocolate melts evenly. You can grate the tile, so the product will melt faster.

To make a water bath, you need two containers. One must be larger than the other. A container of a smaller diameter should not fall into a large one, it must be supported by weight. Water is poured into a large bowl (pot) so that it does not touch the bottom of a smaller container installed on top. It is better to pour hot water so that it boils faster.

The upper container must be wiped well so that there is not a drop of moisture in it, chopped chocolate is laid out. The ingress of moisture into the chocolate mass will lead to delamination. The whole structure is placed on a plate. When the water in a large saucepan boils, adjust the heat so that the liquid does not boil much.

Melt the chocolate, stirring constantly. To do this, you need to use a silicone or plastic spatula, a metal spoon is not recommended. As soon as the chocolate is completely melted, the heat is turned off and the mass is allowed to cool slightly.

If you are melting chocolate for icing, then immediately after removing it from the stove, you can add a piece of butter to the mass (20 g of butter per 100 g of chocolate). After adding the butter, you need to stir the mass well until the butter is evenly distributed in the chocolate. The glaze with butter is especially beautiful, as it will shine even after hardening.

Advice! Do not cover the bowl with melted chocolate in any case, as water vapor will condense on it. Drops will fall into the chocolate mass, which will lead to its delamination.

White chocolate

Properly melting white chocolate is somewhat more difficult. White tiles melt faster, so it's easy to overheat the mass, which will lead to lumps.

The tile needs to be crushed as finely as possible, it is advisable to grate it or cut it with a knife. chocolate chips placed in the upper water bath. In this case, you need to pour quite a bit of water into the lower container. The distance between the bottom of the upper bowl and the level of the boiling liquid must be large, otherwise the mass will quickly overheat.

Melt white chocolate, stirring constantly. After most of the pieces have melted, remove the bowl from the water bath and continue to stir to melt the remaining pieces. If desired, add to the melted chocolate mass food coloring.

Read also: Sour cream - 8 recipes for different cakes

For the fountain

The chocolate fountain is extremely effective and very tasty. Chocolate for the fountain is best purchased special, designed for filling fountains. It melts well and remains flexible.

You can also use regular bar chocolate, then you need to add butter to it. Ideally, it should be cocoa butter, but you can use any vegetable oil without smell. Butter is added to chocolate in a ratio of 1 to 10, that is, per 100 gr. chocolate you need to take 10 gr. oils.

Melting chocolate in the lower bowl of the fountain is only possible using very small devices. For medium and large fountains, chocolate must first be melted in a water bath. And if you use ordinary tiles, and not a specially prepared product, then when melting in a water bath, you must definitely add oil.

Melted chocolate in a water bath for fondue

Fondue chocolate is often mixed with milk. You can use condensed milk or cream. The higher the fat dairy product the more tender the fondue will be. Sometimes added to the melted mixture alcoholic drinks or coffee. Here are a few recipes for cooking.

simple fondue

  • 350 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Melted chocolate is often used to decorate cakes and pastries. It would seem that it could be easier. But often hostesses face some difficulties. Therefore, today we will tell you about how to properly melt chocolate in a water bath so that it is liquid.

If you want to get a moderately thick, homogeneous and shiny mass at the exit, you should choose only high-quality chocolate. It is best if it is bitter, which contains at least 70% cocoa. Pay attention to the composition; no palm and soybean oil only cocoa butter!

How to melt chocolate for decoration

A hot water bath is usually made from a bowl placed in a pot of water so that the bowl does not touch the water.

In addition, you can use a special steamer pan, which works on approximately the same principle.

Chocolate melted in a water bath is then usually made into ganache - this is how chefs call a mixture of chocolate and cream, sometimes with the addition of water, as for chocolate pudding with a liquid center where water is needed so that the chocolate melts better during baking.

With a different ratio of these two ingredients, a different texture is obtained: the more chocolate, the more solid the frozen mixture will turn out.

For example,

  • two parts of chocolate to one part of cream will give a very dense and solid mass;
  • from cream and chocolate in equal proportions, ganache will turn out to be dense, but plastic;
  • and if you take one part chocolate to two parts cream, then the texture will be soft, like mousse.

Thus, dense truffles can be made from ganache, you can fill them with cakes so that the surface is smooth and shiny. chocolate glaze, or even served on its own for dessert. Melted chocolate is also used to make chocolate tart and chocolate chip cookies.

Usually, to make ganache, the cream is heated almost to a boil, and then poured over pieces of chocolate to melt.

But a particularly smooth and homogeneous ganache can be obtained by first melting the chocolate as above, and then adding hot cream (or cream with water, as for chocolate pudding) to it in three steps, each time thoroughly mixing the mixture until a homogeneous and velvety consistency . This will ensure that the chocolate is completely combined with the rest of the ingredients.

The flavor and texture of the ganache may also change as it cools. If you put it in the refrigerator to set, then when the ganache reaches room temperature again, it may soften too much and go grainy.

So it's better to leave the ganache at room temperature for four hours so that it cools down gradually and evenly. Thus, cocoa butter forms stable crystals that do not melt and soften as easily. Then it can be put in the refrigerator until the final solidification.

It is very interesting to experiment with ganache.

Both chocolate and cream absorb the taste well, so you can insist on whatever you want. Different infusion liquids allow you to try different ingredients.

For example, if the recipe calls for citrus zest, because of which the cream can curdle, then you can insist on it not cream, but chocolate.

If you want to use dry ingredients - herbs, seeds or spices - you need to add them to the pan with cream or chocolate melting in a water bath, heat slightly and let the mixture brew, periodically trying to see if the taste is intense enough. When you get exactly what you need, you need to strain the mixture - and you can enter, respectively, into cream or chocolate, in three doses, as indicated above.

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