Home General issues Development of technical and technological maps for flour confectionery products. Buteykis N.G., Zhukova A.A. Technology for preparing flour confectionery products - file n1.doc Technological map of sponge cake with cream

Development of technical and technological maps for flour confectionery products. Buteykis N.G., Zhukova A.A. Technology for preparing flour confectionery products - file n1.doc Technological map of sponge cake with cream

There are people who prefer all the modern mousse cakes, dizzying flavor combinations and amazing textures, those same wet sponge cakes with roses. I know at least one person who rolls his eyes with pleasure when I make a cake like this.
I decided to give you a gift before the New Year and publish a recipe for the most “Soviet” sponge cake according to GOST, namely sponge-cream cake (recipe No. 1). Chadeika doesn’t have it in his magazineJ
I tried to describe the recipe in great detail so that everything was clear, so the text is long not because it’s difficult, but because it’s detailed.
I'll make a few more comments before the recipe itself. In the collection of recipes there is only a calculation of the quantities of ingredients, there is no description of the actions. Therefore, I took the descriptions from the book by R.P. Kengis as a basis, but the quantity of ingredients was exactly from the collection of recipes according to GOST.
The most perfect sponge cake For soaking, the syrup is a heated sponge cake, so we will use this technology. But you can do it simple biscuit, separating the whites from the yolks and beat separately with sugar, then adding flour. In general, decide for yourself, but genoise has a better texture, is more fluffy and absorbs impregnation well.
In the collection, buttercream and buttercream with cocoa are given separately, but it is clear that preparing 40g of cream with cocoa is even physically problematic, so I immediately recalculated the amount of cream, increasing it taking into account the fact that I will take some of it for the cream with cocoa. In addition, if you want the decoration to be richer, there are as many roses as I have on this cake, then, in general, you should increase the amount of cream by about a factor of 1.3
To butter cream It was delicious, you need to observe 2 important points. The ingredients must be of the highest quality - the butter must be butter, and the condensed milk must be condensed milk. I hope you understand what I mean. And secondly, technology must be followed, do not ignore a single stepJ
About the syrup. I’m scared to admit that at this age I remember those wet cakes. Exactly WETJSo, when I made this cake, following the recipe exactly, my father-in-law said that more syrup could be added, that is, for the weight of water, they obviously added more to the cake in those wonderful times. But you decide for yourself, next time I’ll make 1.5 servings of syrup.
Yes, and the color of my sponge cake is only that way because I have eggs from my homestead (free range). Biscuit could be sooner white inside, if you use eggs from incubators.
I flavored the cream with beet juice and spinach juice, but you can also use dyes, there will be a little bit of them - only for decoration.
Fruits and berries can also be used for decoration according to the recipe.

Well? Now the recipe itself

Cake yield - 1 kg. Baking dish 18 cm

Biscuit No. 1
Wheat flour c. With.- 10 6 g
Potato starch (dry)- 26 g
Granulated sugar - 130 g
Eggs - 21 7g
Vanilla essence - 1 g
Exit finished product -375,00 G

Cream No. 46
Powdered sugar - 110g
Butter - 210g
Whole condensed milk with sugar -- 85 g
Vanilla powder - 2g
Cognac or dessert wine - 0.7g
Yield - 400.00g

Soaking syrup (fortified) No. 96
Granulated sugar - 103g
Rum essence - 0.4g
Cognac or dessert wine - 10g
Cognac - 11g
Water - 100g
Yield - 200.00g

Cream with cocoa No. 57 - 40g
Butter cream - 40g
Cocoa powder (industrial) - 2g

Fried biscuit crumbs No. 2 - 8g


Heated biscuit ( Biscuit genoise - Pâte à génoise)
Heat the oven to 175 0 C. Grease the mold with oil.
Cooking water bath. To do this, pour some water into the pan and bring to a boil.
Place eggs in a heatproof bowl and add powdered sugar. Place the bowl over a pan of boiling water. The fire should be low so that the boiling is not strong; the bowl should under no circumstances touch the surface of the water.
Constantly whisking the eggs with sugar, heat them to a temperature of 55-60 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then your finger dipped into the mixture should be hot, but not too hot; you cannot overheat the mixture - the eggs will curdle.
Remove the bowl from the water bath and continue whisking for about 10 minutes. Until the egg mass cools down to room temperature and will not increase in volume several times. The result should be an airy foam flowing from the whisk like a ribbon, and the ribbon should lie on top of the mass without spreading instantly.
Add flour by mixing everything using the folding method, that is, rotating the spatula from bottom to top, as if scooping up the mass and wrapping it. Gently but confidently mix until smooth, trying to maintain the airy structure.

Place the dough in the mold and smooth it out carefully. You can “twist” the mold once so that the dough is distributed and, thanks to the centrifugal force, a little more “goes” to the edges. This way there won’t be a too high “hump” in the center, and what rises during baking will settle during cooling. Bake for about 30 minutes (depending on the oven).
Genoise is ready when the dough at the edges begins to lag slightly, and when you lightly touch the surface of the sponge cake with your finger, the dough jumps back, the finger mark immediately disappears.
Cool in the pan. Ideally, the biscuit should mature for 8 hours, then when cutting it will not crumble too much.

In addition, this sponge cake lends itself perfectly to freezing, that is, it can be prepared in advance, and then taken out of the freezer a few hours before and allowed to thaw.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Boil. Turn off the fire. Cool the syrup, add alcohol, flavorings
Other impregnation options can be viewed

The ingredients for the cream should be at the same temperature - room temperature.
Beat the butter until fluffy and, without stopping whisking, gradually add powdered sugar.

Then gradually add condensed milk and continue whisking. At the end add flavoring agents.

But! It is important not to overbeat so that the butter and condensed milk do not begin to separate in “grains.”
If you notice that this has begun to happen, then the cream can be saved by warming it up a little. Place the bowl of cream in a water bath and stir; as soon as you see that the cream has begun to combine again, immediately remove and continue whisking. You should not overheat, otherwise the butter will melt, its properties will change and then the cream will no longer work.
Although in fact, the cream is very easy to prepare :)

Cut the biscuit into 2 layers. If the trimming from leveling the cake did not work out - the cakes immediately turned out even, then just cut off a little biscuit. Crumble and dry in a frying pan.

Soak the cakes with syrup.
Coat one cake layer with 1/3 of the cream, cover with the second cake layer.

Coat the sides of the cake with 1/3 of the cream and sprinkle with biscuit crumbs.

Mix 40g of cream with cocoa.
Transfer the rest of the cream into a pastry bag and decorate the cake with it. You can tint the cream. Also use cream with cocoa.
Place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak and combine the flavors.
Before serving, remove the cake from the refrigerator so that the cream becomes softer.

Enjoy your memories!

  • Neretina O.V. Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta. Part 1. Technology of baking production Part 2. Technology of flour confectionery products (Document)
  • Kuznetsova L.S., Sidanova M.Yu. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products (Document)
  • Presentation for an industrial training lesson for confectioners (Abstract)
  • Abstract - The use of creams in the design of confectionery products (Abstract)
  • Zubchenko A.V. Confectionery production technology (Document)
  • Coursework - Assortment of puff pastry products (Coursework)
  • Stabrovskaya O.I., Nazimova G.I. Completion of a course project in the discipline Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta (Document)
  • Work program of industrial training for the profession of Confectioner (Standard)
  • n1.doc


    According to the complexity of preparation, cakes are divided into mass-produced, lettered, figured and branded cakes.

    Mass produced cakes produced according to approved recipes. Their weight ranges from 150 g to 1.5 kg, most often 0.5 and 1 kg. Cakes can be square, rectangular, round, oval.

    Letter cakes - These are sponge-cream cakes weighing 2-3 kg, with a more complex surface finish than mass-produced cakes. The sides are finished with biscuit crumbs.

    Figured cakes prepared weighing at least 1.5 kg with complex artistic surface decoration in the form of a contour-relief or three-dimensional design, with decorations in the form of baked or cast bas-reliefs or whole figures made of chocolate, or other semi-finished products. The side surfaces are finished with baked or other finishing semi-finished products, cream.

    Signature Cakes made at specific enterprises. The cooking technology is developed by the confectioners of a given enterprise.

    Dimensions of cakes (in mm): square weighing 0.5 kg - 120>
    The height of the cakes ranges from 40 to 100 mm.

    The preparation of cakes consists of the following operations: (preparing baked semi-finished dough products, preparing finishing semi-finished products, cutting and gluing layers, spreading the surface and sides, finishing the sides, finishing the surface of the cake. Ready-made cakes placed in cardboard boxes lined with parchment.

    In terms of organoleptic indicators, cakes, like pastries, must meet the requirements specified in OST 10-060-95. Physico-chemical parameters of cakes are determined only in semi-finished products; they must comply with the above OST.

    Deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (in %, no more): for weights over 250 to 500 g inclusive - 2.5; for masses over 500 to 1000 g inclusive - 1.5; with a mass over 1000 g - 1.

    Cakes must be made and sold in compliance with sanitary rules.

    Depending on the semi-finished product baked from dough, cakes are divided into the following groups: sponge, shortbread, puff, nut, puffed, custard, crumb and combined from various semi-finished products.

    Cakes are also prepared from two or more types of tssta. In this case, the butter cream can be replaced with Charlotte or Glace cream. Crumb semi-finished products are also interchangeable.

    Quality requirements: cakes must comply with the requirements of OST 18-102-772, have a clear design with a complete pattern and a beautiful combination of colors on the surface, the sides are sprinkled evenly while maintaining clear edges of the cake.

    Sponge cakes

    Sponge cakes are the most common. They are very easy to prepare, as they have a fluffy and soft structure. In combination with finishing semi-finished products, sponge cakes have good taste. The range of sponge cakes is very diverse.

    Sponge cakes are prepared using the main method (heated) and the cold method (Boucher). Baked in capsules and cake forms. After baking, leave for 6-8 hours to strengthen the structure, since the layers are subsequently soaked in syrup. They are cut horizontally into two parts and when gluing, the top layer is placed crust side down. Canned and fresh fruits and candied fruits are used for decoration.

    Cake "Sponge-cream"

    Biscuit 3750, soaking syrup 2000, butter cream 3600, chocolate cream 400, canned fruits or candied fruits 175, fried biscuit crumbs 75. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    For this trade, you can use buttercream, as well as Charlotte and Glass. To improve taste qualities When trading, cognac or dessert wine is added to the syrup for soaking.

    \/ After aging, the biscuit is cut into two layers. The bottom one is slightly soaked in syrup (40%), since it is the base of the cake, and greased with cream. When making a cake, the cream is distributed 25% into the layer, coating, primer and finishing. Place the second layer, crust side down, and soak more generously in syrup (60%). By-

    The top and sides of the cake (Fig. 30) are greased with cream. Rice. 30. Grease with cream The sides are sprinkled with crumbled biscuit crumbs on the surface and sides of the cake.

    The surface is decorated with designs of white, colored and chocolate cream, fruits or candied fruits (Fig. 31).

    Cake "Fairy Tale"

    Biscuit 3600, soaking syrup 2000, Charlotte* cream 2000, Charlotte chocolate cream 2000, fruit or candied fruits 300, fried biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Fairy Tale cake can be prepared in two ways. The first way The biscuit is baked in a semi-cylindrical form. Cut it horizontally into three layers, each layer is soaked in syrup and glued together chocolate cream. The surface and sides of the cake are greased with chocolate cream. The bottom of the sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Chocolate cream is applied to the surface of the cake from a flat, jagged tube in the form of wavy lines. Decorate the cake with white or colored cream flowers, fruits or candied fruits.

    Second way The biscuit is baked as for a roll. After removing the paper, the layer is soaked in syrup, greased with chocolate cream and rolled into a roll. The surface and sides of the roll are covered with white cream. The bottom of the roll and the ends are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Strips of chocolate cream are deposited on the surface in the form of blackening on the bark of a tree, and the cake is decorated with leaves, flowers made of cream, and candied fruits.

    Coffee Cake

    Biscuit 3750, coffee syrup for soaking 2000, coffee cream 3645, chocolate cream 380, roasted nuts 150, roasted biscuit crumbs 75.

    Rice. 31. “Sponge-cream” cake
    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake has a square shape. The biscuit is cut, the bottom layer is slightly soaked with coffee syrup, greased with coffee cream and the top layer is placed, which is soaked more generously, the surface and sides are greased with coffee cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with coffee and chocolate cream, roasted nuts.

    You can use chocolate cream to make the inscription “Coffee” on the cake.

    Cake “Vanilla with mushrooms”

    Biscuit 3400, soaking syrup 2000, Charlotte chocolate cream 3405, air semi-finished product 600, Charlotte cream 500, fried biscuit crumbs 75, chocolate 20.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The biscuit is cut after aging. The layers are soaked in syrup and covered with cream. The surface and sides are also greased with chocolate cream, the sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with mushrooms baked from the airy semi-finished product.

    To prepare decorations in the form of mushrooms, the airy semi-finished product is deposited on sheets, greased and sprinkled with flour, in the form of mushroom legs and caps. Some caps are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs before baking.

    Bake at a temperature of 100-1°C. After cooling, some caps are glazed with chocolate. The caps and legs are coated with cream and placed on the cake.

    Cake "Gift"

    Biscuit 3000, *Charlotte cream 3700, soaking syrup 2000; for finishing: roasted nuts 1200, powdered sugar 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the biscuit is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup and covered with cream. The surface and sides are greased with cream, sprinkled with fried chopped nuts and powdered sugar. The cake is prepared only with Charlotte cream.

    - Truffle Cake

    Sponge cake 3000, *Charlotte chocolate cream 3600, soaking syrup 2000, chocolate chips 1000, Patterned chocolate 400. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The sponge cake is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup, and glued with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are smeared with the same cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips (truffle sprinkles) and decorated with chocolate. The cake is prepared only with Charlotte cream.

    Cake "Karmei"

    Sponge cake 2000, sponge cake with cocoa 1400, % buttercream 3800, dessert wine 200, chocolate fondant 1500, fruit filling 300, “Patterned” chocolate 200. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Bake the main sponge cake with cocoa powder. Cut into layers. The bottom of the main sponge cake is greased with cream, put

    A layer of sponge cake with cocoa and also greased with cream. A layer of the main biscuit is placed on top. The surface and sides are lubricated fruit filling and glazed with chocolate fondant. After it hardens, the cake is decorated with cream and chocolate. Dessert wine is added to the cream.

    Cake “For tea*

    Biscuit 3750, cream with cocoa 4000, soaking syrup 2000, fruit 175, fried biscuit crumbs 75. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the sponge cake is cut into three layers, each is soaked in syrup and sandwiched together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with the same cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with cream and fruit. The cake is prepared only with buttercream and cocoa.

    Lemon Cake*

    Biscuit 3670, Charlotte lemon cream 4400, Charlotte cream 1640, Charlotte chocolate cream 110, fried biscuit crumbs 280. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    To prepare Charlotte Lemon cream, add juice from 400 g of lemons. The biscuit is cut into three layers and glued together with lemon cream. Apply this cream to the surface and sides. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs, tinted yellow. Some of the crumbs are used to finish the surface of the cake. Decorate the cake with Charlotte and Charlotte chocolate cream.

    Forget-me-not cake

    Biscuit 4500, cream “New” 1750, cream cream “New Chocolate” 1750,

    soaking syrup (fortified) 1550, chocolate icing 300, fried biscuit crumbs 150. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The biscuit is cut into three slices, soaked in syrup and glued together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are greased with white cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Decorate the cake with forget-me-not cream and chocolate icing.

    Wedding Cake*

    Sponge cake 1360, soaking syrup 840, cream 1280, jam 300, puffed semi-finished product 220. Yield 1 pc. 4 kg.

    The biscuit is baked in round molds of different diameters. After aging, cut horizontally into four layers. Soak in syrup and glue together with cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are decorated with baked pieces from air test round shape. The surface is decorated with colored cream, as well as with airy semi-finished products of various shapes. For the cake you can use Charlotte cream.

    Rubi Cake

    Biscuit 3500, soaking syrup 3000, Charlotte cream 2000, apple jam 1400, jelly 70, biscuit crumbs 30.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After standing for 8-10 hours, the biscuit is cut horizontally into two layers, soaked in syrup, and covered with jam. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream and colored jelly.

    Cake "Prague"

    Sponge cake “Prague” 8100, cream “Prague” 6170, chocolate fondant 2000, jam 920. Yield 10 pcs. to 1720

    Preparing "Prague" biscuit. Baked in round cake pans. After baking, cool, peel and cut the biscuit horizontally into three layers. Glue the layers together with Prague cream and place in the refrigerator until the cream cools completely. The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with chocolate fondant. After it has hardened, the surface is decorated with cream. The cake can be cut into 28 pieces.

    Birch Cake

    Sponge cake 1690, sponge cake with cocoa 1610, syrup (fortified) for soaking 2200, strawberry jam 1170, chocolate cream 930, butter cream 900, lipstick 1330, sponge cake crumbs with cocoa 100, almonds 70. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake shape is round. After baking, the biscuit is kept for 6-8 hours and cut into three layers. Each layer is soaked in syrup. One layer is lubricated butter cream, put a sponge cake layer with cocoa on it, grease it with chocolate buttercream and cover it with a sponge cake layer. The surface and sides are lubricated strawberry jam and glaze with white lipstick. While the lipstick has not hardened, sprinkle the sides of the cake with fried sponge crumbs and cocoa powder. When the lipstick has hardened, the surface of the cake is decorated with cream in the form of a birch trunk and leaves, and peeled almonds are placed in the form of leaves.

    The cake can be prepared weighing 2 and 3 kg.

    Nut Cake

    Biscuit 3750, creamy nut cream 1250, lipstick 2060, soaking syrup 1420, fruit 1000, roasted nuts 520.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After aging, the sponge cake is cut into two layers, soaked in syrup, and glued with creamy nut cream. The surface of the cake is glazed with fondant. After it hardens, the sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream and fruit.

    Cake "Evening"

    Sponge cake with cocoa 2250, main sponge cake 1100, soaking syrup 2250, chocolate fondant 1500, jam 2000, jam 780, protein cream 20, sponge cake crumbs with cocoa 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After baking and aging, the sponge cake is cut into three layers, soaked in syrup, glued together with jam or confiture, but so that there is a main sponge cake in the middle. The surface and sides are smeared with jam. The surface is glazed with chocolate fondant. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs and cocoa. After the lipstick has hardened on the surface, jewelry is made from protein cream in the form of stars.

    u Cake “Benkvntno-fruit”

    Biscuit 3000, soaking syrup 1300, fruit filling 3600, jelly 750, canned fruit 1250, fried sponge crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Two layers of biscuit are soaked in syrup and sandwiched with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. Canned fruits are placed on the surface of the market, decorated with jelly and poured with unfrozen jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    “Sponge” cake with protein cream and fruit layer Biscuit 3000, soaking syrup 1400, protein mixture 2420, fruit filling 2600, fruit 250, powdered sugar 240, biscuit crumbs 90. Yield 10 uim. 1 kg each.

    After standing for 8-10 hours, the biscuit is peeled, cut horizontally into two layers, soaked in syrup, coated with fruit filling, and the surface and sides are lubricated with it. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is greased with protein cream, decorated with the same cream, fruit and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Cake “Korznvka with strawberries”

    Sponge cake 960, soaking syrup 420, butter cream 990, chocolate cream 70, strawberry cream 513, chocolate glaze 63, cognac for syrup 60. Yield 3 kg.

    This shaped cake is prepared in a square shape. Two layers of biscuit are soaked in syrup and glued together with cream. The surface and sides are also lubricated with cream. The sides are decorated with a cream pattern. A layer of chocolate cream is applied to the surface of the cake. For the basket, the sponge cake is baked in a special form or formed from layers of sponge cake, which are glued together with cream, after being soaked in syrup. Place in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled and placed on the surface of the cake.

    The basket is decorated with weaves of white and chocolate cream. Then strawberries made from cream are placed on the cake and decorated with cream in the form of leaves and stems. Decorations are made from chocolate icing at the corners of the cake. To make strawberries, they use the semi-finished product “Strawberry”. Recipe for semi-finished product per 1 kg:

    butter cream 555, granulated sugar 466, strawberry essence 2, red food coloring.

    The buttercream is flavored with strawberry essence, placed in a pastry bag with a smooth tube and deposited in the form of small balls on a pastry sheet. Place in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then these balls are rolled in granulated sugar, tinted with red food coloring, giving the shape of a strawberry.

    Cake "Russian"

    Sponge cake with cocoa 4020, creamy cream 1100, buttercream with chocolate 2200, creamy chocolate cream 830, honey soak 1380, roasted nuts 270, chocolate glaze 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Prepare the main sponge cake with cocoa. Baked in round shapes. After aging, the biscuit is cut into three layers.

    Each layer is soaked in syrup with honey (sugar 652, natural honey 130, water 600). The bottom layer is greased with cream mixed with grated chocolate (93 g of chocolate per 1 kg of cream), a second layer is placed and also greased with this cream, then covered with a third layer. The surface and sides are greased with chocolate cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. A border is made on the surface with white cream, the inscription “Russian”, decorations in the form of spikelets, half of the cake is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

    Cake "Marnka"

    Chocolate sponge cake 1530, sponge roll 1462, chocolate cream 5513, chocolate glaze 95.

    Output 10 pcs. to 860

    Biscuit and roll are prepared in a cold way. Cocoa powder is added to the biscuit. Baked in round shapes. Once cooled, remove from the molds and cut into four pieces. Only two are used for the cake.

    After baking and cooling, the sponge cake for the roll is layered with cream in pairs, cut into strips 20-30 mm wide and rolled into a roll so that its diameter matches the diameter of the cake. Place on a biscuit layer, greased with cream, spiral up. The surface of the roll is greased with cream and covered with a second layer of sponge cake. The surface and sides are greased and decorated with cream, the top is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

    Cake “Biryusipka*

    Sponge cake 4849, chocolate cream 3858, finishing cream 1940, soaking syrup 1456, chocolate glaze 247, roasted nuts 494, lemon slices 156.

    Output 10 pcs. to 1300

    The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way, baked in round molds, cooled, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers, soaked in syrup, the bottom one - a little, the top ones - more. They are glued together with chocolate cream and cream. The surface and sides are greased with white cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried chopped nuts. The surface is decorated with a border of white cream along the edge, and in the middle with a border of chocolate cream. Lemon slices are placed inside this border, and crushed chocolate is sprinkled between the first and second borders.

    Cake "Crane"

    Biscuit 4293, cream 3805, lipstick 1024, cocoa powder 244,

    jam 488, fruit or candied fruits 146. For cream: butter 1912, yolk 493, condensed milk with sugar 1149, roasted nuts 311, vanillin 0.5. Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    For the cake, a sponge cake is prepared using the basic method, but butter and nuts are used to prepare it. The nuts are fried and combined with flour, and the butter is melted and added after kneading with flour and nuts. Baked in round shapes. After aging, it is cut into three layers.

    Add "/ 3 mass of water by mass, beaten egg yolks to the condensed milk and boil until thickened for 2-3 minutes in a water bath. Rub through a sieve, cool to 20°C. Beat the butter, add the prepared mass, crushed roasted nuts, vanilla and beat for 10-IS min. The biscuit layers are glued together with this cream. The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with lipstick with the addition of cocoa powder, decorated with fruits or candied fruits. When the lipstick has hardened, a crane-shaped design is applied using a stencil with cocoa powder.

    Cake "Snowball*"

    Sponge cake with sour cream 5960, custard protein cream 1980,

    jam 1940, powdered sugar 50, liqueur 70. For sponge cake with sour cream: flour 1986, granulated sugar 1986, sour cream 1986, melange 1986. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The sponge cake is prepared using the basic method, but after beating the sugar and melange until a stable pattern appears on the surface, this mass is mixed with flour and sour cream. Bake in round shapes, cool, cut into three layers. They are glued together with jam and liqueur. The surface and sides are greased with protein cream. Decorate the surface with the same cream. Heat treated at 220-230°C for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Vaclavekny*

    Chocolate sponge cake 4800, * Czech cream 7450, grilled crumbs 1350, compote fruit 1300, chocolate icing 100. For cream: granulated sugar 1917, butter 4383, whole milk 1917, starch 274, cognac or wine 219. Yield 10 pcs. . to 1500

    Chocolate sponge cake is baked in round molds. After cooling, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers. To prepare the cream, milk is boiled with sugar, brewed with starch, previously diluted milk and cooled. Beat the butter, add the cooled mass, cognac or dessert wine and beat again for 10-15 minutes. The finished cream is mixed with some of the fruit.

    For grilled crumbs, prepare caramel by boiling the syrup to 165*C. Roasted nuts are poured into hot caramel, poured onto a table or sheet greased, allowed to harden, then crushed. For 756 g of granulated sugar take 378 g of molasses, 378 g of dried nuts and 0.0003 g of vanillin.

    The biscuit layers are glued together with cream. Lubricate the top and sides with cream and sprinkle with grilled crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with cream, fruit and chocolate.

    Cake "Amber"

    Biscuit 2650, apricot jam 5950, canned apricots 700, jelly 600, fried biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a square shape. The biscuit is baked, cooled and cut into three layers. They are being squeezed apricot jam. The surface and sides are also covered with apricot jam. The cake is decorated with slices of canned apricots and filled with jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    Sand cakes

    Cake "Apricotine"

    Shortbread 4500, butter cream 2700, lipstick 2000, fruit or candied fruits 250, fried nuts 90, chocolate cream 90, Abricotin liqueur 250, fried sponge crumbs 60. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Abricotin liqueur is added to the cream. The sand layers are baked, cooled and the two layers are sandwiched with butter cream. The top layer is glazed with lipstick. When the lipstick has hardened, cut the layer into cakes with a hot knife so that there are even edges. The sides of the cake are greased with cream and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs.

    A grid of chocolate cream is applied to the surface. Decorate the cake with butter cream, fruits or candied fruits, and fried nuts. Charlotte cream and Glass cream are also used.

    Cake "Lennngradsiny"

    Sand semi-finished product 3600, chocolate cream 2300,

    chocolate fondant 1650, fruit filling 220, chocolate 120, fried nuts 60, biscuit crumbs 60. Yield 10 pcs. 800 g each

    After baking and cooling, the sand layers are glued together two at a time with chocolate cream. A thin layer of fruit filling is applied to the top layer as a primer and glazed with chocolate fondant. When the lipstick hardens, the layer is cut with a hot knife into cakes. The sides are coated with chocolate cream and sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The inscription “Leningradsky” is made from chocolate buttercream on the surface of the cake. Decorate the cake with chocolate buttercream, fried nuts, and chocolate.

    “Abricotin” and “Leningradsky” cakes weighing 1 kg or more consist of three or four layers. Charlotte and Glace creams are also used.

    Cake "Falling Leaves"

    Shortbread with cocoa and nuts 5700, chocolate cream 1500, butter cream 400, jam 1400, chocolate fondant 900, shortbread crumbs 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Recipe for making 1 kg of shortbread: flour 486, butter 269, granulated sugar 180, melange 63, cocoa powder 54, roasted nuts 90, baking soda 0.45, ammonium carbonate 0.45, salt 1.8, essence 1.8.

    Shortbread dough Prepare as usual, only add cocoa powder and chopped roasted nuts along with flour. The dough is rolled out into a layer 3-4 mm thick and round shaped shortbread cakes are cut out of it. After baking and cooling, spread a layer of jam on the bottom cake, place a second cake, brush it with chocolate cream and cover with a third cake. The surface and sides of the cake are coated with jam. The surface of the cake is glazed with chocolate fondant, the sides are sprinkled with sand crumbs. 12 sectors are marked on the surface of the cake and each is decorated with cream in the form of green leaves and designs of white and chocolate cream.

    Cake "Dobryninsky"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, protein cream 3300, cranberry jam 1950, powdered sugar 200, biscuit crumbs 50. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Shortbread dough is baked in layers 7-8 mm thick, glued together in pairs with protein cream mixed with cranberry jam. The surface and sides are greased with protein cream. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. The surface of the cake is decorated with protein cream, cranberry jam and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Podmoskoashy"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4006), jam 4200, chocolate fondant 1400, fried nuts 300, biscuit crumbs 100. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Sand layers are baked to a thickness of 5~6 mm, and four layers are layered with jam. The surface is primed with jam and glazed with chocolate fondant, immediately decorated with nuts. The sides are greased with jam and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

    Pest cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4240, cream (Zelkovo-custard 3030, jam or jam 2560, powdered sugar 1170. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg.

    The cake is made in a round shape from three layers of sand. After baking, they are glued together with jam or jam. The surface and sides are lubricated with protein cream, and the surface is decorated with the same cream. Place in a pastry cabinet for 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 220-230°C. Sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar.

    Cake "Lily of the Valley"

    Sand semi-finished product 4800, fruit filling 3000, lipstick 1850, raw glaze 260, fried biscuit crumbs 70, cocoa powder 20. Yield 16) pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a rectangular shape. The succulent layers are baked, cooled slightly and glued together in pairs with fruit filling. The surface is primed with fruit filling and glazed with lipstick. A “marbled” pattern is made on the surface. To do this, part of the lipstick is tinted with cocoa powder and placed in a cornet. The tinted lipstick is applied little by little in the form of parallel strips to the uncured lipstick. It remains behind the knife
    Cake "Moscow"

    Shortbread semi-finished product 5000, brew semi-finished product 700, fruit filling 3080, lipstick 2000, candied fruits. 150, biscuit crumbs 70. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    This cake is square shaped. Shortbread dough is baked as usual. From choux pastry bake the grid. To do this, on a confectionery sheet, greased with a thin layer of fat, parallel strips are deposited from a smooth tube along the diagonal of the sheet, on top of them - a second row of parallel strips at an angle of 90 * to the first row. Bake and cool. Two layers of hot sand are sandwiched with fruit filling. The surface and sides are also smeared with fruit filling. A custard mesh is placed on the surface. A cornet with a round hole with a diameter of 2 mm is filled with heated lipstick and applied to the surface of the mesh in the form of intertwining threads. The sides of the cake are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. Candied peel sticks are inserted into the holes in the mesh in the center of the cake.

    Sand and fruit cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, fruit filling 3430, fruits and candied fruits 1250, jelly 750, fried sponge crumbs 70.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake can be made round or square. After baking and cooling, the shortbread pieces are glued together with fruit filling. The surface and sides are smeared with fruit filling. The cake is decorated canned fruit, candied fruits, pieces of jelly and pour unfrozen jelly in two steps. When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    Shortbread cake with jam

    Shortbread semi-finished product 5400, jam 4250, powdered sugar 150, chocolate 100, crumbs from semi-finished shortbread 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The shortbread dough is rolled out into layers 5-6 cm thick and baked. Three layers are glued together with strawberry or apricot jam. The surface and sides are smeared with jam, sprinkled with crumbs from scraps of semi-finished shortbread. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar and decorated with chocolate.

    Sand-cream cake

    Shortbread semi-finished product 4500, cream 5150, fruit or candied fruits 290, fried biscuit crumbs 60.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Shortbread dough is baked in a whole layer or in the form of square or round pieces. After baking, cool and glue with cream. A cake weighing 500 g consists of two layers, and a cake weighing 1 kg consists of three layers. The surface and sides are greased with butter cream. The sides are sprinkled with fried biscuit crumbs. The cake is decorated with cream, fruit or candied fruits.

    Cake “Ivushka*

    Sand semi-finished product 6900, raspberry cream 6077, finishing cream 1318, chocolate icing 399, fried nuts 323. Raspberry cream: butter 3032, granulated sugar 1736, 35% cream 725, raspberry confiture 1181, cognac or wine 124.

    Cream for finishing: butter 788, 35% cream 189, granulated sugar 452, vanillin 0.4, cognac or wine.

    Output 10 pcs. to 1500

    For the cake, round shortbread cakes are baked or cut out of the layer using a stencil. The cream is prepared with cream, but raspberry confiture is used. Instead of confiture, vanilla powder is added to the finishing cream.

    Three shortbread cakes are layered with raspberry cream and cream, and the sides of the cake are coated with it.

    The top of the cake is decorated with cream on cream in the form of a border, the sides are sprinkled with nut crumbs. Decorations in the form of a willow branch are made from chocolate icing on top.

    Cake "Fruit*

    Shortbread dough 2893, sponge cake 2051, *Charlotte cream 1096, jelly 848, apple jam 3350, canned fruit 800, biscuit crumbs 105. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Bake two dough pieces, one biscuit piece, and glue them together with fruit filling (the sponge piece is placed in the middle). The top of the cake is also covered with fruit filling, fruits are laid out in a certain pattern and filled with jelly. After hardening, the jelly is decorated with cream. The sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

    Sand and Walnut Cake

    Sand semi-finished product 4900, nut semi-finished product 2000, confiture 3000, shortbread crumb 100.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Pssochnos are baked in the form of round pieces, 3 pieces per cake. The nut semi-finished product is prepared like heated almond dough. On sheets greased and sprinkled with flour, rings with a pattern in the middle are planted according to the size of the sand pieces. Bake, cool, 3 layers of sand are glued together with confiture. The surface and sides are greased with confiture, the nut preparation is placed on top, the sides are sprinkled with sand crumbs.

    Cake pigeon's milk*

    Pastry semi-finished product 3100, cream 790, chocolate 200.

    For the butter-whipped semi-finished product: flour 140, granulated sugar 106, butter 106, melange 75, vanillin 0.1.

    For the cream: ca$aptnecoK 308, molasses 155, agar 4, water 130, fir oil 200, condensed milk with sugar 94, egg mixture 60, vanillin 0.3, citric acid 2. Yield 1300.

    Beat butter and granulated sugar until smooth, add melange in which vanillin is dissolved. Beat the mixture until fluffy, 15-20 minutes. Then add flour and knead the dough. The mixture is spread into two layers using a stencil on sheets greased with brush. Bake at 220°C for 5-8 minutes.

    The butter-whipped semi-finished product is placed in a rectangular form without a bottom, covered with a layer of cream, and then the second semi-finished product is placed and a layer of cream is again applied on top to fill the form to the brim. Place in the refrigerator until the cream hardens completely. Cut out of the mold with a thin knife. The surface and sides are glazed with chocolate. After it hardens, a chocolate pattern is applied to the surface of the cake.

    You can make a cake with halva. The halva is rubbed through a sieve, crushed crumbs from the butter-whipped semi-finished product are added. The sides are sprinkled with halva and crumbs. A stencil is placed on the surface and also sprinkled with halva. Then the stencil is removed.

    Layer cakes

    Cake “Layer with cream*

    Puff pastry 5030, butter cream 3800, powdered sugar 150, puff crumbs 1020. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puff layers are baked, cooled and glued with cream. A cake weighing 500 g consists of two layers, and a cake weighing 1 kg consists of three. The last layer is placed with the smooth side up. The surface and sides are greased with cream and sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs, pressed against the cake using a metal plate, aligning the corners of the cake. The surface of the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar. This cake can be prepared with Charlotte* and Glace cream.

    Cake “Layer with confiture*

    Puff pastry 5330, confiture 3500, crumbs from puff pastry 1020, powdered sugar 150. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puff paste is rolled out into a layer 5-6 mm thick. After baking and cooling, the two layers are glued together with confiture. The surface and sides are greased with confiture, sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs and powdered sugar.

    Cake “Moscow puff pastry*

    Puff pastry 4000, fruit filling 4000,

    crumbs from semi-finished puff pastry 1800, powdered sugar 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Puff pastry is baked in layers, cooled and glued together in 2-3 layers with a fruit filling. The surface and sides are greased with fruit filling, sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs and powdered sugar.

    Cake "Sports"

    Puff pastry 4000, fruit filling 4000, fondant 1800, puff crumb 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    After baking, the puff layers are glued together with fruit filling. The last layer is placed with the smooth side up. The surface and sides are covered with a layer of fruit filling. The surface of the cake is glazed with fondant and, using a cornet with a smooth hole 1-2 mm in diameter, decorated with fondant of a different color. The sides of the cake are sprinkled with puff pastry crumbs.

    Almond cakes Mnndalio-fruit cake

    Almond semi-finished product 5770, fruit filling 2170, soaking syrup 420, fruits and candied fruits 1140, lipstick 420, almond crumbs 80.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is placed on a pastry sheet, greased and sprinkled with flour, and shaped using a knife into two squares the size of the cake.

    For the top of the cake, a pattern of a jagged tube (two crossing diagonals and a border along the edges) is applied to one square of dough. After baking and cooling, the lower workpiece is greased with fruit filling and the upper workpiece is placed on it, after wetting it with syrup. Each of the four resulting sectors of the upper blank is filled with lipstick of a different color. While the lipstick has not hardened, the cake is decorated with fruits and candied fruits. After hardening, the sides are coated with fruit filling and sprinkled with almond crumbs.

    Cake "Khreshchatyk"

    Almond semi-finished product 4480, Charlotte chocolate cream 2350, Charlotte cream 3060, semi-finished almond crumbs 110. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Almond blanks are shaped in the same way as for the Almond-Fruit cake. After baking and cooling, three layers of semi-finished almond product are combined with white Charlotte cream. The surface and sides are greased with Charlotte chocolate cream. The sides are sprinkled with semi-finished almond crumbs. The surface is decorated with cream in the form of a flower and chestnut leaves.

    Airy nut cakes

    Cake "Flight"

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4300, puffed semi-finished product 300, Charlotte* cream 4900, chocolate cream Charlotte 150, powdered sugar 150, crumbs from the puffed nut semi-finished product 200. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Prepare a round cake. For the cake, an air-nut semi-finished product is baked according to the following recipe:

    sugar 3030, egg whites 1515, roasted nuts 1288, vanilla powder 3^.9.

    Two cakes of the puffed nut semi-finished product are glued together with cream, the surface and sides are also greased with cream and sprinkled with crumbs from the puffed nut semi-finished product.

    To decorate the cake, several round pieces are baked from airy dough, cooled and placed on the surface of the cake. A thin pattern of chocolate and white cream is applied. Sprinkle the top of the cake with a thin layer of powdered sugar.

    Cake "Kyiv"

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4200, Charlotte cream 3700, chocolate cream Charlotte 176, fruits and candied fruits 340, cognac in cream 50. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puffed nut semi-finished product is prepared in the same way as for the “Flight” cake, but only the prepared nuts are first mixed with flour. The two layers are glued together with white cream, the surface and sides are greased with chocolate cream. The cake is decorated with designs made of colored cream, fruits and candied fruits. The sides are decorated with chocolate cream.

    Tea Rose Cake

    Puffed nut semi-finished product 4300, Charlotte cream 4200, chocolate glaze with butter 120, candied fruits 100, crumbs of puffed nut semi-finished product 200.

    Output 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    The puffed nut semi-finished product is baked in an oval shape and glued together in pairs with cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with cream. The sides are sprinkled with crumbs of the semi-finished puffed nut product. The surface is decorated with tea rose cream, candied fruits and chocolate icing. Add butter (3:1) to the chocolate glaze.

    Air cakes

    Cake "Spiderweb"

    Puffed semi-finished product 3440, creamy cream “New” fruit 4160, creamy cream “New” 240, creamy cream “New”

    chocolate 400, roasted nuts 1200, puffed semi-finished product crumbs 560. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Airy semi-finished products are baked in the same way as for the “Flight” cake. After standing for 12-24 hours, three layers of the airy semi-finished product are glued together with “Novy” fruit cream. The surface and sides are lubricated with the same cream. The surface is sprinkled with fried chopped nuts, and the sides are sprinkled with nuts mixed with crumbs of the puffed semi-finished product. A thin pattern in the form of intertwined lines of white and chocolate “Novy” buttercream is applied to the surface of the cake.

    Cake "Yaroslavna"

    Puffed semi-finished product 3100, cream “Charlotte” 5620, cream “Charlotte chocolate” 130, candied citrus fruits 1000, crumbs of puffed semi-finished product 560. Yield 10 pcs. 1 kg each.

    Airy semi-finished products are baked and aged in the same way as for the “Flight” cake. Three airy pieces are connected with Charlotte cream mixed with some candied fruits. The sides are sprinkled with crumbs of the puffed semi-finished product. The surface is decorated with white and chocolate cream “Charlotte” and candied fruits.

    Storage and transportation of pastries and cakes

    Storage and transportation of pastries and pies is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 10-060-95 “Cakes and Pastries”.

    Cakes are placed in artistically decorated cardboard boxes made of polymer materials approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. (The bottom of the boxes is covered with a napkin made of parchment, sub-parchment, glassine, cellophane..

    Cakes should be placed in trays or on sheets. The sheets are placed in boxes. Trays and sheets can be metal with an anti-corrosion coating or wooden, coated with food varnish, or from other material approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The bottom of the tray or sheet should be lined with parchment, parchment or glassine. To avoid deformation, the cakes are placed in one row; at least five must be placed in a tray or sheet various types cakes. If you have an order from a trading organization, you can place cakes of the same name. Undecorated cakes are placed vertically. Small cakes (dessert) are placed in boxes or boxes, or in trays and on sheets. Cakes such as “Korzinochki”, crumb cakes, “Boucher”, air cakes are placed first on paper capsules and then in trays.

    Boxes of cakes and boxes of pastries must be marked as follows:

    I (name of the manufacturer; its address;

    Product name; dates and hours of manufacture; storage conditions; shelf life;

    Information about the nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product;

    Designation of the OST 10-60-95 standard.

    Transportation of cakes and pastries is carried out in compliance with relevant sanitary rules in dry covered vehicles or carts. They should not be transported together with products that have a strong odor.

    Transportation, loading and unloading of cakes and pastries must be carried out carefully, without impacts or sudden shaking. When loading and unloading, they must be protected from exposure to precipitation.

    (/Cakes and pastries with various creams and fruit filling are stored at a temperature of (4±2)*C. The guaranteed shelf life is established starting from the time of manufacture (hours, no more): without finishing, with protein cream or fruit finishing - 72; with creams based on butter - 36; with whipped cream cream - 6; with custard - 6.

    Technological scheme for preparing biscuit semi-finished product (main) and products made from it

    Instructional and technological map

    Material and technical equipment

    Equipment: production tables, tabletop dial scales, baking cabinet, mixer.

    Equipment, tools, utensils: pans of various capacities for kneading dough, mixing products, beating eggs, boiling cream, syrups and other operations, wooden spatulas (joyers), a thin long knife, beaters, whisks, a pastry bag with tubes, a sieve, a colander, baking dish, baking dish (plate).

    Raw materials: flour, starch, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, butter, whole condensed milk with sugar, eggs, melange, water, cognac, rum essence, vanilla powder, gelling agents, fresh and canned fruits.

    Table 1

    For the biscuit:

    For cream:

    For the syrup:

    For decoration:

    Sequence of technological operations

    Operation No. 1. Organization of the workplace.

    Prepare the necessary tools, equipment, utensils.

    Check and prepare equipment for operation.

    Operation No. 2. Preparation of raw materials.

    Disinfect eggs; sift flour, sugar, starch; soak gelatin in cold water for 2-3 hours.

    Operation No. 3. Preparation of biscuit dough.

    Combine eggs with sugar.

    Stirring, heat in a water bath to 45°C.

    Place the mixture in the bowl of a beater and beat until the volume increases 2.5-3 times and a stable pattern appears on the surface, add the essence.

    Gradually add flour mixed with starch and mix gently (no more than 15 seconds).

    Operation No. 4. Molding.

    Biscuit dough Place in a mold or on a baking sheet lined with paper. The mold should be filled to ½ height with dough so that the dough does not spill out during baking.

    Operation No. 5. Heat treatment.

    Bake the biscuit dough at a temperature of 200-220°C for 50-60 minutes. In the first 10 minutes, the semi-finished biscuit product should not be touched, as it will settle due to the shock.

    Operation No. 6. Cooling the biscuit semi-finished product.

    After baking, the semi-finished product is cooled for 20-30 minutes and left for 8-10 hours with access to air.

    Operation No. 7. Preparation of jelly.

    Boil gelatin. Then add sugar and skim off the foam. Cool to 60-65°C, filter and add acid and paint.

    Operation No. 6. Preparation of fruits and berries.

    The most beautiful specimens of fresh fruits and berries are selected without the slightest sign of spoilage. Wash and place on a sieve to drain the water. Fruits and berries are placed on the surface of the cakes, covered with cream. Cover the top with jelly in two steps.

    You can use canned berries and fruits or fresh berries in syrup for decoration. For use fresh berries In syrup, cherries or strawberries are covered with sugar, placed over medium heat and brought to a boil. Cook over low heat for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and place in a colander to drain the juice. The juice can be used to prepare syrup for impregnation.

    Operation No. 8. Preparation of syrup.

    Combine granulated sugar with water (juice), bring to a boil, skim off the foam, boil for 1-2 minutes and cool to 20°C. Then cognac and rum essence are added. Use syrup at a temperature no higher than 20°C, since at higher temperatures the products may lose their shape.

    Operation No. 9. Preparation of cream.

    The pre-cleaned butter is cut into small pieces or shavings and loaded into a beater, where it is mixed at low whisk speeds for 5-7 minutes until it turns white and fluffy. After this, the rotation speed of the whisk increases and powdered sugar combined with condensed milk is gradually introduced into the churned butter, and at the end of whipping vanilla powder is added. Beat for 10-15 minutes.

    Operation No. 10. Preparing the cake.

    After standing, peel the biscuit layer and cut it horizontally with a thin long knife into three pieces of equal thickness.

    Lightly wet the bottom layer with syrup, as it is the base of the cake. For this, a quarter of the syrup in which the berries were boiled is used.

    Spread a layer of cream, spreading it evenly with a knife over the entire surface of the layer, distribute a third of the berries.

    Place the second layer of sponge cake on top of the first one, crust side down, soak it with more syrup, prime the surface with cream, and arrange the berries.

    Operation No. 11. Artistic decoration of the cake.

    The sides of the cake are covered with cream. On the top of the cake, make 12 cream rosettes from a pastry bag, put a cherry (strawberry) on each. The center of the cake is decorated with slices of fruit and poured with unhardened jelly in two steps.

    When the jelly has hardened, sprinkle the sides with fried biscuit crumbs.

    Options for finishing a sponge cake with berries, fruits and jelly.

    Table 2 Types of defects in semi-finished biscuit products and their reasons.

    Types of marriage


    The semi-finished biscuit product is dense, small in volume and low in porosity.

    Flour with a high gluten content (without added starch), insufficiently beaten eggs, long kneading with flour, the dough was not baked for a long time, mechanical stress during baking, increased amount of flour.

    The biscuit semi-finished product has compacted areas of crumb.

    Insufficient baking time.

    Semi-finished sponge cake with lumps of flour

    Insufficient dough kneading; all the flour was poured in at once.

    The biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust.

    Low baking temperature, insufficient baking time.

    The biscuit semi-finished product has a burnt thickened crust.

    High temperature, long baking time.

    Biscuit quality requirements

    The semi-finished biscuit product should have a light brown, smooth thin surface, elastic structure, and yellow crumb.

    Syrup quality requirements

    The syrup should be viscous, transparent, with the smell of essence and wine. Humidity - 50%.

    Cream quality requirements

    The cream mass should be fluffy, homogeneous, buttery, creamy in color, and retain its shape well. Humidity - 14%.

    Sales, packaging, storage of cakes

    Cakes with the taste of poor-quality raw materials or other ingredients are not allowed for sale. foreign odors and flavors; deformed; with a blurred or blurred finishing pattern; with hardening, lack of mixing, foreign inclusions and contaminated.

    The cakes are placed in colorfully decorated boxes, the bottom is covered with a parchment napkin.

    The guaranteed shelf life of cakes in the presence of a refrigerator is established from the time of manufacture and is equal to 72 hours for cakes with protein cream or fruit finishing.

    In public catering, various regulatory documentation is used. Regulatory documentation is divided into categories and types. The category determines the significance of regulatory documentation, and the type determines its content.

    Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products, produced and sold only at this enterprise.





    1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the flour confectionery product “Sponge cake” with soufflé, produced at the enterprise restaurant “Avtostop”


    To prepare the “Sponge” cake with soufflé, the following raw materials are used: butter GOST R 52969 - 2008, granulated sugar GOST 21 - 94, flour premium GOST R 52189 - 2003, condensed milk with sugar GOST 2903 - 78, table eggs GOST R 52121 - 2003, potato starch GOST 7699 - 78, gelatin GOST 11293 - 89, chocolate GOST R 52821 - 2007, cocoa butter GOST 28931 - 91, fresh strawberries GOST 6828 - 69, citric acid, essence, molasses or products from foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

    The raw materials used for the preparation of the confectionery product “Sponge cake” with soufflé must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


    Table 15 - Recipe for “Sponge” cake with soufflé


    The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

    The baked semi-finished round sponge product is glued to the soufflé. The surface is glazed with chocolate glaze, decorated with strawberries and placed in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens.


    5.1 “Sponge” cake with soufflé on the surface is decorated with chocolate glaze and fresh strawberries.

    5.2 The “Sponge” cake with soufflé is placed in an individual artistically decorated box made of cardboard or polymer materials, the bottom is lined with parchment paper.

    5.3 Transportation must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary requirements, without shocks or sudden shocks.

    5.3 Shelf life no more than 72 hours from the end of the technological process.


    6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the product:

    Appearance - the cake consists of two layers: a baked semi-finished sponge cake and a soufflé, the surface is evenly covered with glaze, decorated with strawberries

    Sectional view - The layers are clearly visible: the baked semi-finished product and the soufflé provided for in the recipe

    Color - Biscuit semi-finished product: light brown, soufflé - white

    Taste - Sweet. The product should not have an unpleasant odor or taste, not fresh food.

    Smell - Corresponds to baked semi-finished product and soufflé

    Consistency -. Biscuit - porous, elastic, easily broken; soufflé - fluffy, homogeneous, retains its shape well.

    6.2 Physico-chemical indicators:

    Physico-chemical indicators and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the product correspond to the categories specified in SanPiN - 96 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of food raw materials and food products"and SanPiN - 02 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them"

    7. FOOD AND ENERGY VALUE (Appendix 1)

    Developer O.R. Mukhortova


    Product name:Oregon Cake

    Cake making technology

    Preparation of biscuit semi-finished product. Beat the egg-sugar mixture until the volume increases 2.5...3 times and until a stable pattern appears on the surface. Flour is combined with starch and quickly, but not abruptly, combined with the beaten egg-sugar mass so that the dough does not tighten and settle. The finished biscuit dough is baked in molds. Forms and sheets are lined with paper and can be greased with oil. The biscuit dough is placed in molds on 3 / 4 their heights. The dough is baked at a temperature of 200...210 °C. Baking time 20-25 minutes. The readiness of the semi-finished product is determined by the light brown color of the crust and elasticity. If, when pressed with a finger, the hole quickly recovers, the biscuit is ready. Then the biscuit is cooled for 20...30 minutes and removed from the molds.

    Preparation of syrup . Combine granulated sugar with water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, boil for 1-2 minutes and cool to 20°C. Then vanillin is added.

    Preparing buttercream. The butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and whipped for 5-7 minutes. Powdered sugar is first combined with condensed milk and gradually added to the whipped butter. Beat for 7-10 minutes. At the end of whipping, add vanilla powder.

    Chocolate glaze. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a small saucepan, add water. Place over low heat to melt the chocolate until liquid. Melt 50 g butter in a separate saucepan. Add it in small doses to the diluted chocolate until you get the desired consistency.

    Preparation of mastic. Soak gelatin in cold boiled water. The swelling time can vary from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the quality of the gelatin. Heat the swollen gelatin over very low heat or in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. Into sifted powdered sugaradd gelatin and mix. When kneading, be sure to add powder in small portions. Gelatin mastic must be stored in a plastic bag without access to air.

    Preparing the cake . The biscuit semi-finished product is cut into three layers. Each layer is soaked in syrup. The layers are glued together with butter cream, placing the prepared Walnut. The surface and sides are smeared with jam, then poured with chocolate glaze. The surface is decorated with a mastic bow.

    Cake quality requirements

    Cake correct form. The edges are equal, not sagging. The surface is well glazed with chocolate glaze, without cracks. The top of the cake is decorated with a fondant bow. The mastic is smooth, not crumbly. When cut, the cake has three layers of dough and two layers of cream. The biscuit is well baked and soaked in syrup. The cream is homogeneous in consistency, with the addition of chopped walnuts.

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