Home Nutrition Biscuit dough. Biscuit dough products. Profession pastry chef Confectionery Conclusion

Biscuit dough. Biscuit dough products. Profession pastry chef Confectionery Conclusion


- preparation of raw materials for production
- dough preparation
- molding (cutting)
- baking, cooling
- test quality indicators
- preparation of finishing semi-finished products
- equipment, artistic decoration
- characteristics of products (quality requirements)

1. Introduction

Confectionery products are called food products of high nutritional value, pleasant taste, aroma, attractive appearance, good digestibility. They are distinguished by a high content of sugar or other sweet substances: honey, xylitol, sorbitol, etc. In addition to sugar, molasses, honey, various fruit preparations (mashed potatoes, preparations, supplies), flour (wheat, soy, oatmeal, corn) serve as raw materials for confectionery products. , starch, milk, dairy products, cocoa products, eggs, fats, nuts, food acids, flavoring agents, etc. Confectionery products are divided into two main groups: sugar and flour. Each of these groups includes several types of products. Caramel, sweets, chocolate, cocoa powder, toffee, dragee, halva, marmalade are classified as sugar, cracker cookies, waffles, gingerbread, muffins, rolls, cakes, pastries are classified as flour.
Confectionery products are produced in a very wide range. More than 2,000 different types and varieties of confectionery products are known. Along with the production of general consumer confectionery products, special-purpose confectionery products are produced: therapeutic for the fight against diabetes mellitus using a sugar substitute - sorbitol and xylitol, with the addition of seaweed.
The development of the confectionery industry is inextricably linked with the industrial production at the beginning of the 19th century of the main type of raw material - sugar from sugar beets. Already in the forties of the 19th century, the first confectionery factories appeared in our country. Before the revolution, the production of confectionery products was concentrated only in large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa. Most of the enterprises belonged to foreign firms.
After the revolution and the civil war, the reconstruction of production was carried out. Many processes have been mechanized. In the first and second five-year plans, a number of new universal and specialized factories were built. These factories were mainly located in the eastern and southern regions of the country, which previously had no confectionery production at all.
During the Great Patriotic War, part of the enterprises took place in parallel with their reconstruction based on new technology. At the same time, the entire confectionery industry was equipped with new machines. Many new confectionery factories equipped with advanced technology were built in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tallinn, etc. Large specialized chocolate factories were built and put into operation in Kuibyshev.
All this, along with a significant increase in the production of confectionery products, improved the geographical location of the industry in the country. Transportation of confectionery products was significantly reduced, as their production was brought closer to the place of consumption.
The construction of new factories took place in parallel with a major reconstruction. Production lines were installed at the enterprises for the production of caramel, sweets, chocolate masses, pastille cookies, gingerbread, cakes.
The technology for the production of many types of confectionery products based on the latest achievements of science and technology has also changed significantly. A number of continuous and in-line processes were developed and introduced into production: the preparation of caramel syrups, the continuous kneading of sugar dough, the continuous process of stewing pastille masses under excessive pressure, the in-line production of chocolate masses. Thus, the main processes for the production of confectionery products have been changed based on the most advanced technology. This made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity in the confectionery industry, improve quality and expand the range of products that are in high demand.
New faster and more accurate methods of analysis have been developed for production control. Instead of classical chemical methods, methods based on measuring various chemical characteristics began to be widely used: refractometry, rotoelectrocolometry, etc.
In the seventies, the production of confectionery rose to a new level. The production of confectionery products, which are in high demand by the consumer, is developing especially rapidly.
The growth in the volume of confectionery production and the improvement of the assortment proceed without a significant increase in the number of workers employed in the industry. This is a consequence of the increase in labor productivity on the basis of the development of the most advanced equipment and technology.

2. Main body
a) Description of the topic
Sand semi-finished product is characterized by good friability. This quality is achieved by the fact that the dough for the shortbread semi-finished product has plastic properties. The recipe, which includes a significant amount of sugar, eggs and fat, and a short kneading of the dough after the introduction of flour provides the necessary plasticity, which is a consequence of the fact that flour gluten does not develop elastic qualities. A large amount of fat, eggs and sugar in the dough recipe makes it difficult for the flour gluten to swell. The plasticity of the dough is also facilitated by the fact that it is used only with low-quality gluten with its content of 28-34%
For kneading dough, various machines are used, most often with two es-shaped blades. When kneading, all the raw materials provided for in the recipe are loaded into the kneading machine, excluding flour. Mix for 20-30 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add flour and mix again for no more than 1-2 minutes. In this case, the temperature of the dough should be no more than 22 degrees. An increase in temperature during kneading and an increase in its duration to tighten the dough and reduce its plasticity. A semi-finished product baked from such a dough turns out to be flat and deformed. Immediately after kneading, the dough for the shortbread semi-finished product is rolled out into layers 3-4 mm thick. The dough for some cakes is specially shaped into molds in which it is then baked. Baking is done at a temperature of 200-225 degrees. The duration of baking, depending on the thickness of the layer and the type of dough, ranges from 8-15 minutes. The thickness of the finished semi-finished product is 8 mm ..............................

3. Conclusion

Confectionery products produced by the bakery are divided into two groups - pastries and cakes. At the heart of the manufacture of pastries and cakes is the process of production of baked semi-finished products. Baked semi-finished products are produced in the following types: skewer, sand, custard and air-protein. The process of making cakes, in principle, differs little from the process of making cakes. The main difference is the mass of products. So the mass of one cake ranges from 45 to 110 grams, and the mass of the cake - from 0.5 to 2 or more kilograms.
1. Biscuits with protein cream ("Kalach").
2. Biscuit with butter cream ("Hope".
3. Biscuit with chocolate cream ("Truffle").
4. Puff with butter cream (“Napoleon”).
5. Sand cakes ("Honey cake").
6. Air-protein ("Flight").
1.biscuits with butter cream
2.biscuits with protein cream
1. shortbread without cream
2. shortbread with cream
3. sand type "Basket"
1. tubules with cream
2.puff type "Napoleon"
1.custard without cream
2.custard with cream type "Eclair"
1. meringue with fruit layer
2. meringue with an oil layer.
4. Literature

1. Gerasimova I.V. Raw materials and materials for confectionery production. M.: "Food industry", 1977.
2. Lurie I.S. Technology and technological-chemical control of confectionery production. M .: "Light and food industry", 1981.
3. Merkhel P.S. etc. Manufacture of cakes and cakes. M.: "Food industry", 1973.
4. Panfilov V.A. Optimization of technological systems of confectionery production: stabilization of product quality. M.; "Light and food industry", 1980.

The confectionery production process consists of several stages - dough preparation, molding, baking and packaging.

Most confectionery products are made up of sugar, molasses, fruits, other sweet ingredients, as well as various types of nuts, butter, flour, etc. These are mainly sweet high-calorie foods that are distinguished by their sweet taste, pleasant aroma and beautiful appearance.

In order to find new solutions for the preservation of useful substances, new processes for the production of confectionery products are being sought. An important direction in the development of baking cakes, muffins, rolls and other products is the use of sugar substitutes in order to reduce the calorie content of sweets.

A significant content of easily digestible carbohydrates, excellent taste and high energy value led to the widespread use of confectionery in nutrition, including children's. However, it must be borne in mind that the abuse of confectionery products leads to the development of obesity. With insufficient physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, pancreatitis, colitis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases accompanied by disorders of fat metabolism, the consumption of confectionery products must be limited. In confectionery products intended for diabetics, sugar is replaced with xylitol or sorbitol. Many confectionery products, especially those intended for children, are specially fortified by adding rosehips, black currants, carrot juice, and vitamin preparations.

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Section 1. Personal hygiene of the pastry chef

Section 2. Characteristics of the industrial practice enterprise

Section 3. Technical equipment and organization of production

3.1 Characteristics of the equipment: Machine for sifting flour MPM?800. Purpose and device

3.2 Characteristics of the hot shop: sauce department

Section 4. Commodity characteristics of raw materials. Salt

Section 5. Technological part

5.1 Technological process of cooking dishes from fried fish

5.2 Technological process of preparation of choux pastry




Chef-confectioner is a very honorable and demanded profession. This profession has gained particular importance in our age of speed and transience of life. It combines two types of art - the skill of a cook and the fantasy of a confectioner. A cook is the same artist, creator. In his hands, ordinary products are transformed into works of art. He doesn't just cook, he creates. Becoming a chef is only possible through practice. The cook must be quick, collected, feel the shape, line, color...

A good confectioner is a magician, dreamer, artist. Of all the culinary arts, confectionery is the most whimsical. Seductive snow whirlwinds of meringues, small biscuits wrapped in caramel, cinnamon rolls, donuts with jam reign here. In the creation of pastries and cakes, great importance is given to the skill of the confectioner, as a great architect and creator of confectionery.

A pastry chef is a person whose profession is cooking. Currently, as a rule, at catering establishments, he prepares a variety of dishes, calculates the amount of products needed to prepare a certain number of servings, and organizes the proper storage of products. The pastry chef must be able to beautifully decorate cooked dishes. But this specialist has to deal not only with culinary "creativity". He also draws up menus, applications for products and semi-finished products, calculates the required raw materials and output of finished products, controls their supply and quality. With the advent of the name, prestigious restaurants begin to fight for the chef, sometimes he is even invited to work in other countries. A good chef - confectioner has the opportunity to create their own cafe, bar or restaurant. Chefs work at public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, canteens, sanatoriums, dispensaries, boarding houses, rest houses, dispensaries, entertainment centers, sports and entertainment complexes, campsites, hotels, hotels, motels, supermarkets, in the culinary shops of large hypermarkets, at procurement factories.

Section 1. Lchef's personal hygieneconfectioner

Personal hygiene- this is a set of sanitary requirements that food service workers must comply with. Personal hygiene of employees enhances the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of the overall culture of the food service establishment.

Requirements for personal hygiene of catering workers:

v The body must be kept clean.

v Thoroughly wash hands up to the elbow.

v Take daily showers.

v Hair must be tied back or cut short.

v Fixing hair and combing hair is only allowed in the restrooms.

v Use cosmetics in moderation and avoid strong-smelling perfumes.

v Have short-cut nails, no varnish, clean subungual space.

v Do not wear jewelry or watches.

v Should not have pustular wounds on the hands.

v Do not start work with colds.

v Sanitary clothes are put on in the following sequence: shoes (wash hands), headdress, gown.

v Do not use safety pins when pinning clothing.

v Do not put foreign objects in your pockets.

v Remove sanitary clothing before leaving the production area.

v Change clothing when soiled.

v Store sanitary clothing separately from outerwear.

Sanitary behavior obliges catering workers to monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, equipment, inventory and utensils. Smoking in industrial and commercial premises is prohibited. It is also not allowed to eat in the production halls, as food remains in the production halls, as food remains pollute the work tables. cook confectioner flour

medical examination public catering workers are carried out to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. All food service workers must:

v Examination by a dermatovenereologist - 2 times a year.

v Examination for tuberculosis (fluorography) - once a year.

v Blood test for syphilis (RV) - once a year.

v Smears for gonorrhea - 2 times a year.

v Study for bacteria carrying pathogens of intestinal infections, serological examination for typhoid fever, study for helminthic carriage at least 1 time per year.

Each employee must have a personal medical book, which includes the results of medical examinations, information about the transferred vaccinations and passing the test for the sanimum.

Sanitary control for observance of the rules of personal hygiene, sanitary regime, for the state of health of employees of a public catering enterprise, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES) carry out. Washes are made from hands (palms, fingers, subungual space), sanitary clothes (front floor and lower part of sleeves) and towels. Flushing is performed by wiping a certain surface of the hand and sanitary clothing with a sterile cotton swab moistened with a 0.1% aqueous solution of peptone or sodium chloride.

Section 2. Xcharacteristics of the industrial practice enterprise

I am doing an internship at the Bronx LLC, New York restaurant.

Schedule: sun? Thu: 09.00-01.00, Fri-Sat: 09.00-03.00

Director: Valentina Golovko

The staffing of the cook, confectioner.

Company structure(equipment, inventory) :

The company uses the following equipment and inventory.

In the meat and fish shop: meat grinder, portion scales, production tables, knives and cutting boards marked CM (raw meat), SR (raw fish), washing baths, storage utensils, racks;

In the vegetable shop: washing baths, portion scales, production tables, knives and cutting boards marked CO (raw vegetables), crockery and cutlery, racks;

In the hot shop: stoves, ovens, deep fryer, blender, washing baths, portion scales, production tables, knives and cutting boards marked CO (raw vegetables), VM (boiled meat), BP (boiled fish), VO (boiled vegetables), Greens, crockery and cutlery, racks;

In the cold shop: refrigerated cabinets, production tables, washing baths, portion scales, slicer, blender, knives and cutting boards marked MG (meat gastronomy), RG (fish gastronomy), CO (raw vegetables), VM (boiled meat), BP (boiled fish ), VO (boiled vegetables), Greens, crockery and cutlery, shelving;

In the confectionery shop: kneading machine, baking cabinet, convection oven, proofer, beater, refrigerated cabinets, portion scales, production tables, racks, confectionery sheets, molds, rolling pin, confectionery bags, cutting boards, knives, washing baths, crockery and cutlery.

The company produces a wide range of dishes:


Exit, c.

Sandwich with fish steak and onion fries

Smoked chicken sandwich with bacon and sweet tomatoes

Veal carpaccio

Meat plate for wine

Oysters White Pearl №2

Olivier salad "New York" with burger and poached egg

Warm chicken liver salad with honey plum

Borscht "New York" with giblets

Creamy cauliflower soup with saffron

Risotto with wild mushrooms

Risotto with seafood

New York carbonara with burger and poached egg

Spaghetti with seafood

Veal cheeks with polenta and rosemary

Rack of lamb with baked potatoes

Tuna fillet with warm vegetable salad

Halibut fillet with asparagus and shallots

Ribeye (marbling 3)


Lamb tongues

Kare lamb

French fries

Spinach with cream

Barbecue sauce

Demiglace sauce

Bun black Borodino

Bun with cheese

Classic New York Cheesecake

Orange ice cream

Specialties: Steaks "Filet Mignon", "Ribeye", "Striploin" (marbling from 2* to 5*), "Tomahawk" (marbling 3*); Burger "New York", "Warm marbled beef salad", "Lamb shank with pumpkin and white bean stew", "Duck confit (with mashed potatoes and orange and cilantro sauce)", "Meat plate with wine: lamb tongue , milano salami, parma, coppa, chicken roll", "New York salad with marinated salmon, fresh vegetables and cheese cream", "New York lobster".

Section 3. Ttechnical equipment and organization of production

3.1 Equipment characteristic:Flour sifting machine MPM?800. Purpose and device

The flour sifting machine is designed to remove impurities from it, as well as to loosen and enrich the air with oxygen.

Rice. 3.1. Flour sifting machine MPM-800: a) general view; b) sectional view: 1-pipe, 2-sleeve, 3-body, 4-magnet trap, 5-flap bolt, 6-nut, 7-lid, 8-scrapper supports, 9-auger, 10-sieve, 11 -lift, 12-hopper, 13-grids, 14-impeller, 15-cross, 16-platform, 17-cup, 18-V-belt, 19,20,21 - pulleys

It consists of a cast-iron platform on which a drive, a loading hopper, a tube with an auger and a screening head are installed. The drive consists of an explosion-proof electric motor and two V-belt drives that drive the auger with a sieve and the impeller in the hopper. The loading hopper has a safety grate that prevents foreign objects from getting into the flour, an impeller that feeds the flour to the vertical pipe and a lifting mechanism for feeding bags of flour. Inside the vertical tube there is an auger that feeds the flour to the sieving head of the machine. The screening mechanism consists of a cylindrical body with an unloading tray, a sieve with fixed blades and an unloading window. A cover with a rubber gasket and a hinged fixing bolt is installed on top. The unloading tray of the sifting head has a magnetic trap to remove magnetic impurities from the flour and an easily removable sleeve made of thick fabric, which prevents flour from spraying when it leaves the machine and enters the container.

To turn on the machine, a magnetic starter, automatic switch and control buttons are installed.

The machine is equipped with two sieves with meshes of 1.4 and 1.6 mm for premium flour and flour of the 1st and 2nd grade.

Table 3.1 Technical characteristics of the MPM-800 Screener

Operating principle

Flour from the loading hopper is fed by an impeller to the auger of a vertical pipe, through which it enters the sieving head. Here, under the action of centrifugal force, the flour, loosened, passes through the sieve into the space between the body and the sieve, sinking to the bottom, and with the help of the blades enters the unloading tray. Wholemeal remains at the bottom of the sieve and is removed when the machine is stopped.

Table 3.2 Possible malfunctions of the MPM-800 sifter, their causes and remedies

Rules for the operation of the sifter MPM-800

Check the sanitary condition and the presence of grounding. A sieve of the required size is installed in the working chamber of the screening head housing. The top is covered with a lid, which is fixed with a hinged bolt. A container is placed under the unloading tray. Check the car at idle.

A bag of flour is placed on the lifting mechanism, then it is lifted and fixed at the required height, after which part of the flour is poured out of the bag into the hopper and the "Start" button is pressed, including the machine in operation.

After turning on the machine, the flour from the hopper is fed by the impeller to the window of the vertical pipe. There, the flour is picked up by the auger, fed upwards and enters the sieve. After passing through the cells of the sieve, the flour is directed by the blades to the discharge window and through the installed magnetic trap along the fabric sleeve enters the substituted container.

During the operation of the machine, it is necessary to ensure that the hopper is constantly filled with flour. Additional loading of the machine can be done without stopping it. When working on the machine for a long time, it is recommended to stop it periodically to clean the sieve from impurities and unsifted flour particles.

During operation, it is forbidden to open the cover of the screening head and leave the machine unattended. Sanitization of the machine is carried out after

finishing work and stopping the machine: first remove the remaining flour, then remove the sieve, wipe all parts of the machine with a damp clean cloth and leave to dry.

3.2 Feature of the hot shop: Sauce department

The sauce department is intended for preparation of second courses, garnishes and sauces. To perform various processes of thermal and mechanical processing of products, workplaces are equipped with appropriate equipment and a variety of utensils and implements.

Three workplaces are organized in the sauce department: for frying and sautéing products; for cooking, stewing, poaching and baking products and semi-finished products; for cooking side dishes and cereals.

The main equipment of the sauce department is cookers, ovens, electric frying pans for frying products in the main way and in deep fat, electric deep fryers, as well as cooking kettles, a universal drive. Stationary digesters are used in the sauce department in large workshops for cooking vegetable and cereal side dishes. For the preparation of dietary dishes, a steamer is installed in the sauce department.

The work of the cook of the sauce department consists of the following operations: familiarization with the menu plan and technological maps; obtaining products necessary for cooking; selection of dishes.

Of the dishes in the sauce department, they use: stove-top dishes of various capacities (2..15 l), stewpans (2..10 l), cast-iron pans (diameter 140 ... 500 mm), pans for eggs in cells, pans with a handle , cast iron pans for frying pancakes, baking trays for frying custom products.

From the inventory they use: chef's forks (large and small), a metal screen, chef's shovels with a dropper, strainers, three types of sieves, scoops, skimmers, juicing buckets, metal colander (7 l)

Organization of work in a hot shop

The general management of the hot shop is carried out by the head of production. This is a highly qualified specialist who has a special education, whose work experience must be at least three years.

The composition of the teams of cooks is determined depending on the volume of products. When forming teams, the qualifications of cooks in restaurants differ significantly from canteens and other public catering establishments.

With brigade financial responsibility, in addition to cooks, kitchen cleaners and kitchen workers are included in the production team. Job responsibilities between members of the brigade are distributed depending on professional categories, namely:

A cook of the VI category is a foreman and is fully responsible for the entire organization of the technological process in production, for the quality and yield of ready-made dishes. Monitors the correct laying of products, monitors compliance with the technology of cooking and culinary products. Produce branded and banquet dishes.

Cook V category - participates in the manufacture and design of less complex dishes, typical for his professional category.

Cook IV category - participates in the preparation of soups and second courses of mass demand, passivates vegetables, tomato puree.

Cook of the III category - participates in the preparation of products: cuts vegetables, cooks cereals, pasta, fries potatoes and so on.

Occupational health and safety in the hot shop

Compliance with labor protection and safety regulations is essential for the normal work of cooks in a hot shop.

The most important of them:

It is possible to disassemble, lubricate, clean the equipment only after stopping the machine and disconnecting it from sources of electricity, steam, gas.

Before laying products in hot fat, it is necessary to remove liquid from them and lay them in a direction away from you.

The lids of boilers with boiling liquid should be opened in such a way that steam escapes from the opposite side.

Boilers with hot liquid or weighing more than 15 kg are allowed to be removed by two people.

The floor in the workshop should be flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26gr.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be carried out only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Passages near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The lids of stationary cooking pots may only be opened after 5 minutes. after the cessation of the supply of steam or electricity; before opening, lift the turbine valve and make sure that there is no steam. Open the lids of wall-mounted boilers towards you.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

It is forbidden to melt the plates with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).

There must be a first aid kit with a set of medicines in the workshop.

In case of accidents associated with disability, an act should be drawn up in the form.

When working in a hot shop, employees must necessarily study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules of operation must be posted.

Fire Safety

In basements, it is prohibited to arrange warehouses for storing hazardous substances and materials, as well as flammable and combustible liquids.

When operating ventilation, it is necessary to clean it in a timely manner from dust and tarry products, as they can catch fire and ignite easily ignitable objects located nearby.

The furnaces of stoves and boilers with fire heating are taken out to special rooms. To prevent the penetration of flue gases into the room, the damper regulates the flow of air into the ash pan. Firebox doors must have reflectors that protect their surface from incandescence. It is not allowed to shovel hot ash and slag onto the floor; a metal box is used for this purpose.

When operating gas equipment, it is necessary to monitor the burner taps, and at the end of work, close the common gas valve in front of the meter. If there is a smell of gas in the room, it is not allowed to turn on or off electric lighting, ventilation and other electrical appliances, as well as light a fire.

When working on electrothermal equipment, fuses are installed to prevent ignition of the insulation when the network is overloaded.

All premises of the workshop, pantries must have one fire extinguisher and one box of sand to extinguish the fire.

The safety of people inside the building is ensured by the number and size of exits from the premises, as well as ways of evacuating people during a fire. The evacuation plan is posted in a conspicuous place.

Safety precautions for the operation of equipment in the sauce department of the hot shop

ь Before turning on the stove, check the presence of a tray under the block of burners and a hearth sheet in the chamber of the oven, covering the heating elements, the condition of the frying surface. Make sure the burner and oven switches are in the zero position.

b Before using the electric frying pan:

o check the convenience and ease of opening the hinged lid of the frying pan, as well as its fixation in any position;

o make sure that the heat carrier of the oil jacket of the apparatus with indirect heating corresponds to the type indicated in the passport;

o when filling the oil jacket of the machine with heat carrier, make sure that moisture does not get into it. Before filling the jacket, the heat carrier must be heated for 5 minutes at a temperature of 250°C to remove moisture.

b Check the correct operation of other equipment used.

ь Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other malfunctions to your immediate supervisor and start work only after troubleshooting.

ь When operating gas-using equipment, electric ovens, scales, observe the safety requirements set forth in the relevant standard labor protection instructions.

Section 4. Tovarian characteristics of raw materials. Pboiled witheh

Salt - natural crystalline product, consisting of sodium chloride compound NaCl (97..99.7%) and a slight admixture of other mineral salts (MgCl2, CaCl2, etc.)

The value of salt for humans:

1. Participates in water-salt metabolism and in the formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice

2. Regulates osmotic pressure in human cells

Classification of salt by origin

and production method

b Stone (extracted from the bowels of the earth by mine or open pit)

b Evaporation (obtained by evaporation of natural or artificial brines added from the bowels of the earth)

b Self-sustaining (mined from the bottom of lakes and washed from impurities)

b Sadochnaya (obtained by evaporating the water of the oceans, seas, lakes)

Classification of salt by processing

b Fine-grained (0.5 mm)

b Ground (0.8 mm to 4.5 mm)

b Unground (up to 40 mm or lumps)

b Iodized (0.5 mm, enriched with potassium iodide)

Salt varieties

b 1st grade

b 2nd grade

Packaging and storage

At public catering establishments, table salt is supplied packed in paper packs of 1 kg, packed in boxes of 20 kg, and multilayer paper bags of 40..50 kg.

Salt is stored in dry warehouses at a temperature of 17 ° C and a relative humidity of 70%.

Salt quality requirements

Salt should not have a smell and foreign mechanical impurities. Extra salt should be white, for other varieties shades are allowed (grayish, yellowish, pinkish). The content of sodium chloride in table salt of various grades should be at least (in%): extra - 99.7, highest - 98.4, 1st grade - 97.7 and 2nd grade - 97.0. The moisture content for the extra grade is not more than 0.1, the highest and the 1st - from 0.25 (for stone) to 5% (for boiling water).

Iodized salt of all grades must contain 25 g of potassium iodide per 1 ton of salt, the moisture content must not exceed 0.5%

Section 5. Ttechnological part

5.1 Technological process of cooking dishes from fried fish

The fish is fried whole, in links and in portions. For this, all types of fish are used. It is not recommended to fry burbot and skinny fish, as they are a bit dry when fried.

Fried fish acquires a good taste due to the fried crust that forms on the surface of the fish, contains more valuable nutrients than boiled and stewed fish. When frying fish, proteins coagulate, collagen protein, fat, vitamins and extractives change, water is released, and the mass and volume of the fish change. The loss during frying of fish is 16%.

Fish is fried with a small amount of fat (the main method), deep-fried and over an open fire. For frying, small fish are used whole with or without a head, medium-sized fish, most often in the form of round fish, large cut into fillets. Sturgeon fish is fried in links and portions. Portioned pieces of sturgeon breeds are kept in hot water for 2..3 minutes and clots of coagulated protein are removed

For frying fish, refined vegetable oils are used - sunflower, peanut, olive, corn, cooking oil (frying).

So that the fish does not lose a lot of liquid and nutrients during frying, and a crispy crust forms on its surface, the prepared fish is breaded.

For flour breading take wheat flour of the 1st grade, previously sifted. Fine salt can be added to the flour before breading for red breading use ground wheat bread crumbs for white breading- finely grated stale wheat bread, peeled from crusts. XLebna breading with straws is a stale wheat bread without crusts, cut into strips. for better attachment of the breading to the product, it is moistened in a special liquid - lezon, which is a mixture of raw eggs with milk or water, with the addition of salt. for 1000 g take 670 g of eggs or melange, 340 g of water and 10 g of salt

Fish is fried on baking sheets, frying pans, electric frying pans, in deep saucepans, deep fryers

They release fish dishes on heated small plates, round metal or oval dishes, portioned pans. The serving temperature of hot dishes should be at least 65 ° C. The amount of fish per serving is 75, 100 or 125 g.

instruction cardcooking" Salmon with spicy sauce"

Exercises: organization of the workplace, preparation of raw materials, preparation of salmon with spicy sauce; preparation of a side dish; decoration, cleaning of the workplace.

Raw material (g): salmon fillet? 200, olive oil for frying?5.

for the sauce (70 g): lemon peel? 5, orange peel? 2.5, lemon juice? 40, liquid honey? 40, cayenne pepper? 2.5, orange fresh juice?100, chili powder? 2, ground cumin? 3, salt-? 5, ground coriander - 3

for garnish(100 g): asparagus - 112, cherry tomatoes - 24, garlic - 3, bay leaf - 1.5, granulated sugar - 1, salt - 1.5.

fordesign: fresh parsley - 5, lemon - 10.

Tools, inventory, utensils: pots, bowls, cutting boards "RS", grill pan, table spoons, knives "RS", portion plates or dishes.

Equipment: stove, scales, refrigerator, work table, washing bath.

Exercise order


2.Check the equipment.

Exercise 2 Preparing raw materials

1. Defrost salmon in the air.

2. Strain orange and lemon juice

3. Sort fresh greens, rinse, dry.

4. Sift dry spices.

5. Sort the lemons, rinse, cut into slices.

6. Sort the asparagus, rinse, peel, retreating from the head 2..3 cm, and rinse again.

7. Sort the garlic, peel, cut into thin slices.

8. Sort cherry tomatoes, rinse, cut lengthwise.

Exercise 3 Cooking salmon with spicy sauce

1. Mix orange and lemon zest, lemon juice, honey, chili, cumin, salt, coriander, cayenne pepper and orange juice in a container.

2. Keep the salmon fillet in the mixture for 5 minutes.

3. Preheat the grill pan, pour in the oil.

4. Fry the salmon on both sides until golden brown.

5. Put the rest of the mixture on low heat and, stirring, boil until thickened.

Exercise 4 Cooking a side dish

1. Tie the processed asparagus into a bundle and put in boiling salted water, bring to a boil and cook until tender.

2. Put slices of garlic, bay leaf on the halves of cherry tomatoes, sprinkle with sugar, salt, pour olive oil on top.

3. Put the prepared cherry tomatoes in the oven for 4 minutes at 160 °C.

4. Remove the finished cherry tomatoes, remove the garlic slices and bay leaf.

Exercise 5

1. Put the asparagus on a warmed dish.

2. Place the salmon on top and pour over the sauce.

3. Put cherry tomatoes, a slice of lemon and fresh parsley next to it.

Exercise 6 Cleaning the workplace

1. Wash the workplace, tools, inventory, equipment.

2. Disinfect.

quality requirements

Appearance: portioned pieces of the same shape and size, retained their shape. The surface is evenly browned, shiny. Cut color is light pink.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Smell: corresponds to the type of fried fish, with the aroma of spices, seasonings, honey, citrus fruits.

Taste: corresponds to the type of fried fish, with a touch of spices, seasonings, honey, citrus fruits, moderately salty.

Serving temperature: 65-70 about C.

The shelf life on the food warmer is no more than 2-3 hours. After cooling to 6-8 ° C and stored at the same temperature for up to 12 hours.

5.2 Technological process of preparation of custard dough

A feature of the preparation of custard dough is the formation of large cavities inside the dough, which are filled with creams and fillings.

Choux pastry should be viscous, but at the same time contain a large amount of water, so the dough is prepared by brewing flour.

To prepare 1 kg of dough take, g: flour - 456, butter - 228, melange - 786, salt - 6, water - 440.

The preparation of the dough consists mainly of the following operations: brewing flour and combining it with eggs.

Pour water into the container, add butter, salt and bring to a boil, then gradually, stirring with a spatula, pour in the flour. Continuing to stir, heat the mass for 5..10 minutes. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. It is transferred to the cauldron of the beaten machine and mixed with a hook-shaped beater to cool down to a temperature of 70..65 o C. Continuing to mix, gradually pour in the melange. The dough should flow off the spatula in the form of a triangle. If the dough is liquid, then during the baking process it will settle, and the products are obtained without rising. A very thick dough produces products with poor rise and cracks on the surface.

The finished dough is laid out in a pastry bag with a round or serrated tube. When using a serrated tube on the surface of products during baking, gaps are not obtained. Products of various shapes are deposited on confectionery sheets, lightly greased. If the sheets are not lubricated at all, then the products will stick to them, and if you lubricate strongly,? will melt during baking. The custard semi-finished product is baked at a temperature of 190..220 ° C for 30..35 minutes (first 12..15 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C, and then at 190 ° C).

If you bake a semi-finished product at a higher temperature, then the products will turn out with breaks on the surface, at a low temperature - with poor rise. In the process of baking, a dense crust forms on the surface of the products, through which water vapor formed inside the product does not pass. Under the pressure of these vapors, the dough is pressed against the walls, the product increases in volume, and a void (cavity) is formed inside it, which is then filled with cream or any other filling.

The custard semi-finished product will settle during baking if the baking temperature is reduced early or if the dough has a weak consistency.

Cooking instruction card" Eclairswith strawberry"

Exercises: organization of the workplace; preparation of raw materials; dough preparation; molding; bakery products; cream preparation; preparation of chocolate icing; registration; workplace cleaning.

Raw material (g):

for the test: flour? 114, butter? 57, melange? 197, salt? 1.5, water - 110.

for cream: vegetable cream - 200, powdered sugar - 40.

for decoration: chocolate icing - 100, strawberries? 200.

Exit? 10 pieces. 75 g each.

Tools, inventory: confectionery sheets, scales, sieve, confectionery bag, pots, spatulas, bowls, knives.

Equipment: beater, electric cabinet, washing tub, table, electric stove.

Exercise order


Exercise 1 Organization of the workplace

1. Prepare the necessary tools, inventory, utensils.

2. Check equipment.

Exercise 2 Preparing raw materials

1. Disinfect eggs.

2. Sift flour.

3. Dilute salt with water and strain.

4. Strawberries sort out, rinse.

Exercise 3 Preparing dough

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil, salt and bring to a boil.

2. Gradually stir in the flour.

3. Warm up the mass for 5-10 minutes at

constant stirring.

4. Transfer the mass to the cauldron of the whipping machine and mix to cool to 65? 75 oC.

5. Gradually add eggs, knead for 10 - 20 minutes (the dough flows off the shoulder blade in the form of a triangle).

Exercise 4 Forming a custard semi-finished product

1. Put the dough into a pastry bag with a smooth or serrated tube.

2. "Deposit" on confectionery sheets, lightly oiled, round blanks.

Exercise 5 Baking

Bake at 190-220 °C for 25..30 minutes.

Exercise 6 Cream preparation

1. Cool the cream, beat into a stable foam (first

slowly for 2..3 minutes, then increase the pace).

2. Without stopping beating, gradually add powdered sugar

(total whipping time 20 minutes).

Exercise 7 Cooking chocolate icing

1.Chop the chocolate.

2. Combine with cocoa butter in a ratio of 4: 1

3. Heat up in a water bath to 33..34 ° C.

Exercise 8 Making a custard semi-finished product

1. Cool semi-finished products, cut lengthwise.

2. Put strawberries on the bottom part, whipped cream on top, cover with the top part.

3.Glaze with chocolate icing.

Exercise 9 Cleaning the workplace

1. Wash the workplace, tools, inventory, dishes, equipment.

2. Disinfect.

quality requirements

Appearance: eclairs of the same shape, without large cracks, chocolate icing is covered evenly, glossy. The color of the eclairs is golden yellow. The color of chocolate icing is chocolate.

Consistency: soft, tender.

Smell: freshly baked with the aroma of chocolate, whipped cream and strawberries.

Taste: fresh baked goods with a taste of chocolate, whipped cream and strawberries, moderately sweet.

Serving temperature: 6 - 8 o C

Terms and conditions of storage and sale

Eclairs are stored in refrigerators. Shelf life is not more than 6 hours at a temperature of +4..+2 o C and relative humidity of 75%. Implemented within 6 hours.


The profession of a pastry chef carries a very big responsibility, as it is closely related to people. People eat every day and any mistake or inattention of the cook can lead to serious consequences. This must always be remembered!

In order to be a good pastry chef, you need to respect and love your profession, show interest in it, constantly enrich your knowledge and develop, follow the rules of personal hygiene, be attentive, quick, friendly, polite and tactful. If you follow these rules, then as a result it will be possible to work in the most prestigious restaurants not only in your own country, but also abroad.

I'm glad I chose this profession. It will be of great use to me in the future.

WITHlist of used literature

1. Buteykis N.G. "Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: a textbook for early education / N.G. Buteykis. - 11th ed., Rev. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012 - 336 p.

2. Anfimova N.A. "Cookery: a textbook for early professional education / N.A. Anfimova. - 4th ed., revised and supplemented. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.-336 p.

3. Matyukhina Z.P. "Commodity science of food products: a textbook for the beginning of professional education / Z.P. Matyukhina. - 4th ed., ster. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.-336 p.

4. Shumilkina M.N. "Confectioner: textbook / M.N. Shumilkina, N.V. Drozdova. - 3rd edition, revised and additional - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2012.-315 p.

6. Usov V.V. "Organization of production and service at public catering establishments: textbook. Manual for the beginning of professional education / V.V. Usov. - 11th ed., Sr. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.- 320 p. .

7. Zolin V.P. "Technological equipment and services at catering establishments: textbook. A guide for the beginning of vocational education / V.P. Zolin. - 11th ed., Ster. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012-320 p.

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1 Classification, assortment, recipes, quality requirements for culinary products on the topic of work

1.1 Overview of the range of dishes on the topic of work

1.2 Overview of recipes. Requirements for the quality of culinary products, forms of serving

2 Characteristics of raw materials

1 Requirements for raw materials for the production of dishes on the topic of work

2.2 Principles of interchangeability of different types of raw materials for the production of culinary products

2.3 The physiological significance of raw materials and dishes from it for the human body

3 Development of technology for the preparation of culinary products

3.1 Characteristics of technological processes of primary processing of raw materials and technology for the preparation of semi-finished products on the topic of work

3.2 Development of cooking technology

3.3 Rules for registration, holiday, storage of dishes and culinary products

Development of technological documentation for specialties

4.1 Calculation of the energy, nutritional and biological value of dishes

4.2 Calculation of integral score

3 Ensuring food safety performance

4.4 Development of technological and technical-technological maps for the developed dishes


List of sources used



The art of cooking is one of the most ancient areas of human activity. Finished products must meet certain requirements: the quality of flour products is determined by organoleptic indicators by appearance, color and smell.

In the assortment of catering establishments, along with dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, confectionery products occupy a large place: pancakes and pancakes, pies, pies, pies, pies, cakes, pastries, muffins, cookies, gingerbread, waffles.

Flour confectionery products are of great importance in nutrition. Since the raw material from which they are prepared is the main source of energy, a plastic material for building tissue cells.

The composition of flour confectionery products includes fats of animal and vegetable origin, which are involved in fat metabolism and contribute to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Proteins, which contribute to the construction of cells, carbohydrates, which serve as an energy material for muscle work.

Bakery products include a wide range of products obtained from flour with various additives that improve taste - sugar, eggs and butter.

Butter dough is dough made with fat, eggs and sugar. With a large amount of sugar and fat, bakery products turn into confectionery - cakes and pastries, which have little similar nutritional properties to flour products, although they are based on flour.

Cookies, gingerbread and buns occupy an intermediate position between bread and cakes and pastries. If in flour the main part of the calorie content is provided by starch, then in confectionery products the main share of the total calorie content is made up of fats and simple sugars. It is these products, and not simple bakery products, that can cause excessive consumption of fat and sugar, contributing to overeating (tasty, impossible to break away!) And obesity.

Hence the rule: the less muffin is added to the dough, the healthier it is. Cooking skill is to make the dough less rich, but tasty. For this, various flavoring additives are used or a filling is included in the product. For example, pies with fruit or with any vegetable filling can be prepared from unbaked dough, and the taste is excellent!

Food manufacturers have begun to pay more attention to the manufacture of products using various health-promoting food ingredients, including dietary fiber. Daily consumption of products containing dietary fiber helps to reduce the risk of colon diseases and blood cholesterol levels, have a hypolipidemic effect, which allows them to be used in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. It is noted that dietary fiber affects the course of diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hyperlipoproteinemia, hypertension, varicose veins, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, the development of intestinal cancer, and the prevention of obesity.

Humanity owes the discovery of a method for preparing yeast dough to a happy accident. Obviously, the yeast cells that got into the dough caused alcoholic fermentation in it. The dead body suddenly came to life, began to breathe and rise. One can imagine how shocked the first witnesses of this miracle were. These phenomena seemed mysterious and incomprehensible to them. Centuries passed before the human mind lifted the veil over the secret of alcoholic and lactic fermentation, but even now people say not to “make” dough, but “create”, emphasizing the significance and mystery of the action.

For a long time people did not know the reason for the fermentation of the dough, they had no idea about yeast, but this did not prevent them from successfully using the fruits of the vital activity of microscopic fungi - our faithful helpers. Just the rest of the once prepared dough - the leaven was cherished like the apple of an eye, as cavemen once cherished the fire. This sourdough was used to make new dough, pass it from house to house, and so it went on for centuries, before we learned how to isolate and breed yeast, which has now become an ordinary thing.

Like all living beings, they need food and certain conditions for life. They have enough nutrition in the dough: there are sugars, and mineral salts, and proteins and vitamins. And people will take care of the required temperature - they will put the dough in a warm place.

One problem - yeast can not move. Each cell in the process of division forms a whole colony, and everything is in one place. As a result of the vital activity of such a family, alcohol and carbon dioxide accumulate around it, and it becomes impossible for it to live - fermentation stops. They learned to help the yeast quickly: it is necessary to knead the dough during fermentation, while the yeast is evenly distributed, excess carbon dioxide is removed and fermentation begins with renewed vigor.

flour culinary dish recipe

1 Classification, assortment, recipes, quality requirements for culinary products

1.1 Overview of the range of flour culinary products from yeast dough. Recipe overview

Fried pies. From a doughless dough of a weak consistency, pies are formed in the form of a semicircle, melted and fried in fat heated to 160--170 ° C. For frying, special fryers are used, either electric fryers with regulation of the degree of heating, or electric frying pans. It is forbidden to fry pies in a stovetop dish. Inventory and equipment are lubricated with vegetable oil. It is forbidden to use flour for adding when cutting the dough. Flour, charring during frying, reduces the quality of fat, worsens the appearance of products. For frying pies, refined vegetable oil or a mixture of 50% vegetable refined oil and 50% cooking oil (beef lard) is used.

Pies. Products are given the shape of a "boat". Pinch the dough so that the middle remains open. After proofing, the products are baked for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 230-240°C.

Snack pies("boat") is made from sponge dough with minced meat and fish, with sago and fish, with rice. Moscow pies - made from sourdough and non-dough dough, round, large, stuffed with screech and fish, minced fish with pieces of salmon, sturgeon, stuffed with meat and eggs. To give pies juiciness, after baking, a little concentrated broth or a little melted butter with chopped herbs is poured into the hole from above.

Kulebyaki. The dough prepared in the sponge method is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick and 18-20 cm wide, minced meat (meat, fish, cabbage, etc.) is placed in the middle of it along the entire length. The edges of the dough are connected over the minced meat and pinched. The shaped kulebyaka is placed on the sheet with the seam down, the product is leveled, smeared with melange, the surface is decorated with narrow strips of dough and placed in a warm place for proofing. Before baking, the kulebyaka is pierced in several places with a chef's needle to release the steam generated during baking. Bake at a temperature of 210-230°C for 35-45 minutes. Kulebyaki differ from other products with minced meat in a large amount of minced meat (about 90% of the mass of the dough). Several types of minced meat can be used at the same time, and they are separated by baked pancakes. To prevent the dough from getting wet, you can also put pancakes between the dough and minced meat.

Pies. They can be open, semi-open and closed. For an open pie, the dough is cut in the form of a cake, which is placed in a low-edged mold, oiled, or on a greased pastry sheet. The filling is placed on top and the edges are slightly wrapped by 1.5-2 cm, giving the product a round shape. A half-open pie is formed in the same way, but the top is covered with thin strips of dough in the form of a grid. Usually sweet pies are prepared this way. When preparing closed pies, minced meat (from fish and potatoes, or fish and eggs, or potatoes and pork, cabbage, etc.) is placed evenly over the entire surface on one layer of dough 1-1.5 cm thick, covered with a second layer and pinched. 5-10 minutes before the end of the proofing, the pies are smeared with melange, several punctures are made and baked at a temperature of 210-240 ° C for 30-45 minutes.

Donuts. Dough for donuts is prepared in a non-dough way with a weak consistency (moisture content 43%). When cutting dough, the inventory and equipment are lubricated with vegetable oil. The dough is cut in the same way as for fried pies, giving donuts the shape of rings or balls. After 20-30 minutes of proofing, donuts are fried in fat. Ready-made donuts are sprinkled with powdered sugar during the holidays.

School buns. Prepared from dough prepared in the sponge method. The dough is cut into round buns, placed on greased sheets. After proofing, the buns are smeared with egg and baked.

Vanilla buns. They are prepared in the same way as school buns, but vanillin is added to the dough during cooking.

Sweet buns(brioche). The sponge dough is shaped into balls and 4-5 pieces are placed in one form. Products are thawed, greased with lezon (egg with milk) and baked for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 230-240°C.

Goodness ordinary. The dough is prepared in the sponge method, cut into buns, oysters, bars, etc. The products are placed on oiled sheets, left to proof for 30 minutes, brushed with egg, sprinkled with powdered sugar before baking and baked at a temperature of 220-230 ° C.

Baba rum. Sweet dough is prepared in a sponge method. Forms (cone-shaped, smooth or corrugated) are lubricated with softened fat. The finished dough is placed in molds no more than 1/3 of the height, and after proofing, baked at a temperature of 210-220 ° C for 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the mass. After baking, the finished semi-finished product is left for 2-4 hours, then the form is shaken, the product is removed from it, the narrow part of which is immersed in syrup for 10-12 seconds. The upper part is glazed with fondant heated to 45-50°C. The fondant should lie in a thin layer without cracks.

Bun "envelope". On a table sprinkled with flour, a piece of puff pastry is rolled out into a rectangular layer 5-8 mm thick, cut into square pieces 8 × 8 cm in size (weight 55 g), the corners of the pieces are folded to the center and slightly pressed. The buns are placed on greased baking sheets so that they do not stick together during proofing and baking, they are allowed to stand for 10-12 minutes and, brushed with an egg, bake.

Bun "triangle". Pieces of a square shape (see above) are bent diagonally in the form of a triangle.

Bun "book". Pieces of a square shape (see above) are bent in half in the form of a book, the edges are slightly pressed with a knife or shallow cuts are made on them.

Puff bun with nuts. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into strips 20 cm long, the strip is twisted in the form of a rope, then wrapped in a spiral, the end of which is laid under the bun. After complete proofing, the bun is smeared with egg and sprinkled with crushed raw nuts.

Puff with marzipan. The dough is rolled out into a layer 5-6 mm thick, cut into strips 15-20 cm wide. The strips are cut into triangular pieces with a base of 100-120 mm. Marzipan (nut) filling is placed at the base of the triangle. The dough is rolled up and folded, giving the shape of a bagel (horseshoe). Formed products are placed on a greased baking sheet. After proofing, brush with egg and bake. After 30-40 minutes after baking, the puff is glazed with warm lipstick.

Jam puff. The dough is rolled out into a layer 10 mm thick, cut into strips 100-120 mm wide. In the middle of the cut strips of dough, put jam with a pastry bag. One edge of the strip is smeared with an egg and the second edge is placed on it, lightly pressed and cut into separate buns. After proofing, they are smeared with egg and baked.

Pancakes. They are baked on both sides in heated cast-iron pans, greased; the thickness of the pancakes must be at least 3 mm. On vacation, hot pancakes are stacked in a pile of 3 pcs. per serving on a plate or round ram with a lid. Serve separately: in a gravy boat - melted butter or sour cream; in caviar bowls - caviar or sturgeon caviar; on a plate - salmon, herring, salmon. You can cook pancakes "with salt". To do this, put washed smelt, fried onions or other products in the pan and pour them with dough.

Fritters. They are baked on heated (cast iron) frying pans, thick-walled baking sheets or electric frying pans in the same way as pancakes, but the dough layer is thicker and the sizes are smaller. The dough is laid out with a spoon (previously moistened with water so that the dough falls behind better) or released from a pastry bag. Pancakes are baked on both sides. They can be deep fried. The thickness of finished products should be at least 5-6 mm. Finely chopped apples, washed raisins, etc. can be added to the dough for pancakes. Pancakes with butter, sour cream, jam, marmalade, honey, jam, sugar are released in 3 pieces. per serving.

Cheesecake- the name of these small open pies, apparently, comes from the word "vatra", which in most Slavic languages ​​means "fire", "hearth". And in fact, a round, ruddy cheesecake resembles the sun.

Cooking technology:

Yeast dough is prepared in a bezopare way. The dough is divided into pieces weighing 58 or 29 grams, rolled into balls. They are placed on a confectionery sheet, greased. After proofing in buns, a recess is made with the end of the rolling pin, the thickened edges are smeared with egg grease. The recess is filled with jam. Cheesecakes made with minced curd should be lubricated with egg grease after filling with minced meat and proofing. Then the cheesecakes are baked at a temperature of 230-240°C for 6-8 minutes. Output of finished cheesecakes: 100 pieces -75 grams and 200 pieces of 36 grams.


Cooking technology:

From flour, water and salt, prepare a large unleavened dough, as for noodles. To prepare minced meat: pass fatty lamb and onions through a meat grinder, season with salt, pepper and add water to the mass.

Roll out the dough with a layer 2 mm thick, cut out the cakes with a round corrugated notch, grease with an egg, put the minced meat in the middle and bend one edge of the cake over the minced meat to make a crescent-shaped pie.

Fry in a large amount of fat (deep-fried), serve hot.

Cake. The cake is baked from yeast dough. When kneading, washed and sorted raisins are added to the dough. The finished dough is laid out in greased forms and proofed for 30 minutes. After proofing, the surface of the product is smeared with an egg and pierced with a hairpin to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. The cake is baked at a temperature of 190 - 200 ° C. The products are removed, slightly shaking the mold. The surface of the chilled cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

pumpkin pancakes

Whisk together milk, eggs, flour, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, pepper and baking powder until smooth.

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, add to the dough and grind the resulting mass in a blender until puree.

Fry in oil until golden brown.

Sprinkle finished pancakes with powdered sugar. They can be served with honey, whipped cream, condensed milk or sour cream.

Pumpkin Cookies

Rub the egg with sugar. Melt the margarine over low heat, mix with flour and combine with the egg-sugar mass.

Grate the baked pumpkin and add to the dough. Mix until smooth.

Put the resulting creamy dough in small portions on a greased baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 ° C.

American pumpkin pie

Sift flour and salt into a deep bowl. Grind between the palms with soft butter so that the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, then add a lightly beaten egg and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30-50 minutes.

Clean pumpkin, remove seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes. Place in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, add a little water and simmer until soft and the liquid has completely evaporated. Grind the pulp with a blender into a homogeneous mass. For greater tenderness, the resulting puree can be rubbed through a sieve.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface and cover it with a round low form with a diameter of about 30 cm. Place a sheet of baking paper on top of the dough and fill in any cereal. This will allow the cake to bake evenly. Bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees.

Put pumpkin puree in a deep bowl, beat with two eggs, sugar, cream, spices and salt. Pour the mixture into the baked dough. Bake the cake for 50-55 minutes at 180 degrees. When the cake has cooled, it can be safely cut into portions.

Shortbread cookies with beets<#"550448.files/image001.gif">/n, where

Ac min - amino acid score of the limiting amino acid, %;

n - the number of essential amino acids (1 - 8).

Chemical score is the ratio of the content of each amino acid in the product to its content in the "ideal" protein, taken as a standard.

Chemical rate = , where

The amino acid score, which has a minimum value, is called limiting.

4. Development of technological documentation for specialties

.1 Calculation of the energy, nutritional and biological value of meals




Energy value, kcal

In the product

In the product

In the product

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke


pumpkin pancakes

ground cinnamon

Baking powder

ground pepper

Muffins with pumpkin

Condensed milk

pumpkin puree

Vegetable oil

Beetroot cake 3550,99


Shortbread cookies with beets 3550,99


Energy value calculation

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

B (172.6 * 4) + F (27.25 * 9) + Y (546.56 * 4) \u003d 3585.89 kcal

89*4.18=13049.5 kJ

pumpkin pancakes

B (49.4 * 4) + F (114 * 9) + U (216.44 * 4) \u003d 2089.36 kcal

36*4.18=8733.525 kJ

Muffins with pumpkin

B(44.7*4) + F(118.03*9) + U(381*4)=2765.07 kcal

07*4.18=11557.9 kJ

Beetroot cake

B (85.48 * 4) + F (80.85 * 9) + Y (120.36 * 4) \u003d 3550.99 kcal

99*4.18=12483.15 kJ

Shortbread cookies with beets

B (16.56 * 4) + F (19.33 * 9) + U (52.69 * 9) \u003d 714.38 kcal

38*4.18=2986.1 kJ

Table 5.2

Name of essential amino acid

Name of the signature dish*





, 2-Beet cake , 3-Pumpkin Pancakes, 4-Pumpkin Muffins, 5-Jerusalem Artichoke Cookies

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

XC1 \u003d (8.67 / 50) * 100 \u003d 17.34

XC2 \u003d (7.915 / 40) * 100 \u003d 19.78

XC3 \u003d (12.58 / 70) * 100 \u003d 17.97

XC4 \u003d (12.70 / 55) * 100 \u003d 23.09

XC5 \u003d (3.725 / 25) * 100 \u003d 14.9

XC6 \u003d (6.06 / 40) * 100 \u003d 15.15

XC7 \u003d (2.07 / 10) * 100 \u003d 20.7

XC8 \u003d (6.214 / 63) * 100 \u003d 9.86

Calculation of the chemical score for a signature dish pumpkin pancakes

XC1 \u003d (1.53 / 50) * 100 \u003d 3.06

XC2 \u003d (1.03 / 40) * 100 \u003d 2.575

XC3 \u003d (1.56 / 70) * 100 \u003d 2.229

XC4 \u003d (0.98 / 55) * 100 \u003d 1.78

XC5 \u003d (0.56 / 25) * 100 \u003d 2.24

XC6 \u003d (1.05 / 40) * 100 \u003d 2.625

XC7 \u003d (0.30 / 10) * 100 \u003d 3

XC8 \u003d (1.64 / 63) * 100 \u003d 2.603

Muffins with pumpkin

XC1 \u003d (2.057 / 50) * 100 \u003d 4.114

XC2 \u003d (1.986 / 40) * 100 \u003d 2.995

XC3 \u003d (3.098 / 70) * 100 \u003d 4.425

XC4 \u003d (1.777 / 55) * 100 \u003d 3.23

XC5 \u003d (0.798 / 25) * 100 \u003d 3.192

XC6 \u003d (1.627 / 40) * 100 \u003d 4.067

XC7 \u003d (0.687 / 10) * 100 \u003d 6.7

XC8 \u003d (1.781 / 63) * 100 \u003d 2.82

Calculation of the chemical score for a signature dish Beetroot cake

XC1 \u003d (6.578 / 50) * 100 \u003d 13.156

XC2 \u003d (6.05 / 40) * 100 \u003d 15.125

XC3 \u003d (9.248 / 70) * 100 \u003d 13.21

XC4 \u003d (5.93 / 55) * 100 \u003d 10.78

XC5 \u003d (2.86 / 25) * 100 \u003d 11.44

XC6 \u003d (4.204 / 40) * 100 \u003d 10.51

XC7 \u003d (1.76 / 10) * 100 \u003d 17.6

XC8 \u003d (5.3108 / 63) * 100 \u003d 8.42

Calculation of the chemical score for a signature dish Shortbread cookies with beets

XC1 \u003d (2.16 / 50) * 100 \u003d 4.32

XC2 \u003d (1.905 / 40) * 100 \u003d 4.76

XC3 \u003d (3.089 / 70) * 100 \u003d 4.41

XC4 \u003d (1.77 / 55) * 100 \u003d 3.22

XC5 \u003d (0.745 / 25) * 100 \u003d 2.98

XC6 \u003d (1.56 / 40) * 100 \u003d 3.9

XC7 \u003d (0.747 / 10) * 100 \u003d 7.47

XC8 \u003d (1.69 / 63) * 100 \u003d 2.68

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

RED \u003d ((17.34-9.86) + (19.78-9.86) + (17.97-9.86) + (23.09-9.86) + (14.9-9, 86)+(15.15-9.86)+(20.7-9.86))/8 = 7.49%

KRAS calculation for a signature dish pumpkin pancakes

RED \u003d ((3.06-1.78) + (2.575-1.78) + (2.229-1.78) + (2.24-1.78) + (2.625-1.78) + (3- 1.78)+(2.603- 1.78))/8 = 0.734%

KRAS calculation for a signature dish Muffins with pumpkin

RED=((4.144-2.82)+(2.995-2.82)+(4.425-2.82)+(3.23-2.82)+(3.192-2.82)+(4.067-2, 82)+(6.7- 2.82))/8 = 1.13%

Beetroot cake

RED=((13.156-8.42)+(15.125-8.42)+(13.21-8.42)+(10.78-8.42)+(11.44-8.42)+( 10.51- 8.42)+(17.6- 8.42))/8 = 4.11%

KRAS calculation for a signature dish Shortbread cookies with beets

RED \u003d ((4.32-2.68) + (4.76-2.68) + (4.41-2.68) + (3.22-2.68) + (2.98-2, 68)+(3.9-2.68)+(7.47-2.68))/8 = 1.53%

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

BC \u003d 100 - RED \u003d 100 - 7.49 \u003d 92.51%

Calculation of the biological value of a signature dish pumpkin pancakes

BC \u003d 100 - RED \u003d 100 - 0.734 \u003d 99.266%

Calculation of the biological value of a signature dish Muffins with pumpkin

BC \u003d 100 - RED \u003d 100 - 1.13 \u003d 98.87%

Calculation of the biological value of a specialty dish Beetroot cake

BC \u003d 100 - RED \u003d 100 - 4.11 \u003d 95.89%

Calculation of the biological value of a signature dish Shortbread cookies with beets

BC \u003d 100 - RED \u003d 100 - 1.53 \u003d 98.47%

4.2 Calculation of integral score

The nutritional value of products, dishes, culinary products can be expressed using the integral score method. The calculation of this indicator is based on determining the percentage of compliance of each of the most important components of dishes with the formula of a balanced diet. To calculate the integral score, it is necessary to first set the percentage of losses of all ingredients included in the recipe, taking into account the method of technological and heat treatment. Then establish the actual content of food and biologically active substances in the finished dish.

Based on the data obtained, the integral score is calculated according to the formula:

IP \u003d P 100 / P fsp,

where IP - integral speed;

P fsp - the value of the indicator in the formula for a balanced diet;

P - the value of the corresponding indicator in the studied dish.

Thus, the integral score, expressed both in mass and energy units, largely reflects its ability to satisfy the needs of the human body for nutrients.

Calculation of the integral score of branded dishes

Table 5.3

daily requirement

Quantity per dish

Integral speed



Basic substances



*1- Shortbread cookies with beets

Beetroot cake

3-Pumpkin Pancakes

Muffins with pumpkin

Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke

4.3 Ensuring food safety performance

Security - the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of damage.

There are: chemical, sanitary and hygienic and radiation safety of culinary products.

Chemical safety - the absence of an unacceptable risk to the life and health of consumers due to toxic substances. Substances affecting the chemical safety of culinary products are divided into the following groups: toxic elements (heavy metal salts), nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, antibiotics, hormonal preparations; prohibited food additives and dyes.

Sanitary and hygienic safety - the absence of an unacceptable risk that may occur when culinary products are contaminated with bacteria and fungi. At the same time, toxic substances accumulate in the products (mycotoxins during molding, toxins of botulinum, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.), which cause poisoning of varying severity.

Radiation safety - the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of damage to the life and health of consumers by ionizing radiation.

Microbiological indicators of culinary products characterize compliance with technological and sanitary and hygienic requirements during their production, storage and sale conditions, transportation and are evaluated by three groups of microorganisms: coliforms); - potentially pathogenic microorganisms: Escherichia coli (E. coli), coagulase-positive staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and bacteria of the genus Proteus (Proteus); - pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella.

The criteria for the safety of public catering products are the complete absence in the product or the content, within acceptable levels, of foreign substances of exogenous nature that have a negative effect on humans.

The manufacturer is obliged to ensure constant technological control of production, state supervision bodies in the prescribed manner - selective control.

4.4 Development of technological and technical-technological maps for the developed dishes

Technical and technological cards (TTK) for dishes and culinary products are made up for new types of products developed and sold only at this public catering enterprise (TTK does not apply to products supplied to other public catering enterprises).

TTK include the following product information: product name and scope; a list of raw materials necessary for the preparation of a dish (product); requirements for the quality of raw materials with an indication of its compliance with regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TUs), the availability of a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate; norms for laying raw materials in gross, net weight, output of semi-finished products and finished products for 1, 10 or more portions; a description of the technological process of preparing a dish or a culinary product, indicating the parameters and methods that ensure compliance with the safety requirements established by the current regulations; requirements for execution, submission, sale, storage in accordance with GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions”, SanPiN, conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products; quality and safety criteria indicating organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators in accordance with applicable regulations; indicators of nutritional value indicating the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and calories.

For each TTC, an expiration date is set.

TTK is signed by the developer and approved by the director of the enterprise.

Each technical and technological card is assigned a serial number in the card index of a public catering enterprise.


. Application area

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke".

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare the dish "Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke" the following products are used:

Sugar GOST 21-94

Table salt GOST 13685-84

Jerusalem artichoke TU 10-1155-93

Margarine GOST 976-81

Baking soda GOST 5100-85

Drinking water GOST R 51232-98

2.2. The raw materials used for the preparation of Jerusalem artichoke biscuits must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe "Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke"

. Technological process

1. Add Jerusalem artichoke powder to wheat flour

Add eggs, salt, soda, sugar, milk.

Knead the dough

Stir in melted margarine

Grease metal sheets with margarine and spread the dough on them.

Bake in the oven at 230 - 250 o C

color: golden-ruddy;

taste and smell: sweet dough.

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0


1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Pumpkin Pancakes".

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare the dish "Pumpkin Pancakes" the following products are used:

Baking wheat flour GOST R 52189-2003

Natural cow's milk GOST 9225-84

Food chicken eggs GOST R 53669-2009

Sugar GOST 21-94

Table salt GOST 13685-84

Pumpkin GOST 7975-68

Cinnamon GOST 29049-91

Vanillin GOST 16599-71

Margarine GOST 976-81

Baking soda GOST 5100-85

Drinking water GOST R 51232-98

2.2 Raw materials used for the preparation of Pumpkin pancakes must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe "Pumpkin Pancakes"

name of raw materials

GROSS weight (g)

NET weight (g)

Wheat flour


ground cinnamon

Baking powder

Powdered sugar

ground pepper

. Technological process

1. Whisk milk, eggs, flour, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, pepper and baking powder until smooth.

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, add to the dough and grind the resulting mass in a blender until puree.

Fry in oil until golden brown.

Sprinkle finished pancakes with powdered sugar. They can be served with honey, whipped cream, condensed milk or sour cream.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1 Pumpkin pancakes are served in a round ram with a lid, while the table is served with snack plates with a diameter of 200 mm and snack utensils.

2. Implementation period - 12 hours.

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance: round pancakes;

taste and smell: sweet dough.

2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

7. Nutritional and energy value


. Application area

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Muffins with pumpkin".

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare pumpkin muffins » the following products are used:

Baking wheat flour GOST R 52189-2003

Condensed milk GOST 2903-78

Food chicken eggs GOST R 53669-2009

Sugar GOST 21-94

Table salt GOST 13685-84

Pumpkin GOST 7975-68

Cinnamon GOST 29049-91

Baking soda GOST 5100-85

Vegetable oil GOST 30624-98

Drinking water GOST R 51232-98

2.2. Raw materials used for the preparation of Muffins with pumpkin must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe "Muffins with pumpkin"

. Technological process

1. Combine butter with sugar, mix

Beat eggs, stir

Add pumpkin puree and condensed milk, mix

Pour flour, soda, cinnamon, mix: the dough is viscous

Pour the dough into greased molds and bake in the oven at 180C for 25-30 minutes

Sprinkle the baked goods with powdered sugar

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1 Muffins with pumpkin are served on small dessert plates with a diameter of 20 cm with dessert utensils

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance: 30x17.5x3;

color: brown or light brown;

taste and smell: sweet dough.

2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1 caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

7. Nutritional and energy value


. Application area

"Beetroot cake ».

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare the dish "Beetroot Cake" » the following products are used:

Baking wheat flour GOST R 52189-2003

Beetroot GOST 1722-85

Food chicken eggs GOST R 53669-2009

Sugar GOST 21-94

Table salt GOST 13685-84

Cinnamon GOST 29049-91

Baking soda GOST 5100-85

Drinking water GOST R 51232-98

2.2. Raw materials used for the preparation of beetroot cake must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe "Beetroot cake"

. Technological process

1. Rub butter with sugar and eggs.

Add grated beets and beat for 5-6 minutes.

Add flour, baking soda, salt, mix quickly

Put the mass into molds moistened with water and bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1 Beetroot cake served on small dessert plates with a diameter of 20 cm with dessert utensils

2. Implementation period - 72 hours.

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance: 30x17.5x3;

color: brown or light brown;

taste and smell: sweet dough.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1 caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

7. Nutritional and energy value


. Application area

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Shortbread cookies with beets ».

2. List of raw materials

2.1. To prepare the dish "Shortbread cookies with beets » the following products are used:

Baking wheat flour GOST R 52189-2003

Beetroot GOST 1722-85

Food chicken eggs GOST R 53669-2009

Sugar GOST 21-94

Table salt GOST 13685-84

Baking soda GOST 5100-85

Butter GOST R 52969-2008

Drinking water GOST R 51232-98

2.2. The raw materials used for the preparation of shortbread biscuits with beets must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe "Shortbread with beets"

. Technological process

1. Rinse beet tops and chop finely

Rinse the beets thoroughly, remove dirt, dark spots and pass through a meat grinder along with the skin

Prepare the dough: soften the butter thoroughly, add powdered sugar, egg, soda and beat until smooth.

Mix the tops and beets, add to shortcrust pastry

Add flour, mix quickly and cool

Roll out dough, cut out cookies

Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes, heated to 230 ° C.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1 Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke are served on small dessert plates with a diameter of 20 cm.

5.2. Implementation period - 45 days.

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance: round cookies;

color: golden-ruddy;

taste and smell: sweet dough.

2. Physical and chemical indicators:

mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) _______

mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) _______

3. Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU per 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1 caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

7. Nutritional and energy value


To increase the nutritional value of bakery products, various fruits, vegetables and products of their processing can be used. Their use is promising, since they are rich in mono- and disaccharides, primarily fructose, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, including pectin, and other components.

Traditionally, fruit and vegetable semi-finished products are recommended for use in the production of products from high-quality wheat flour. In this case, such additives not only improve the nutritional value, but also perform an aesthetic function, giving the products a characteristic color and aroma, for example, yellow when using carrot processing products. At the same time, the prospect of using semi-finished products based on fruits and vegetables for the manufacture of products from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour is of particular interest.

List of sources used

1. Skurikhin, I. M. Handbook "Chemical composition of food products" [Text] in 2 volumes / I. M. Skurikhin. - M.: "Agropromizdat", 1987. - 2 volumes.

2. Kovalev, N. I. Cooking technology [Text] / N. I. Kovalev, M. N. Kutkina. - M.: Business literature, Omega-L, 2003. - 451 p.

Collection of regulatory and technical documents for public catering establishments - Khleprodinform, M - 2003


Furs, I. N. Technology for the production of public catering products: Proc. Manual [Text] / I. N. Furs. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. - 799 p.



8. Ratushny, A. S. Technology of catering products [Text] / A. S. Ratushny, B. A. Baranov, N. I. Kovalev. - M.: Mir, 2004. - T. 2.: ill.




Annex 1

Scheme of the technological process of preparing the dish "Cookies with Jerusalem artichoke"

Annex 2

Scheme of the technological process of cooking the dish "Pumpkin pancakes"

Annex 3

Scheme of the technological process of preparing the dish "Muffins with pumpkin"

Appendix 4

Scheme of the technological process of preparing the dish "Beet cake"

Appendix 5

Scheme of the technological process of preparing the dish "Shortbread cookies with beets"

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