Home Products A simple recipe for making pitted plum jelly for the winter. Jam from plum halves in five-minute jelly Pitless plum jelly with gelatin

A simple recipe for making pitted plum jelly for the winter. Jam from plum halves in five-minute jelly Pitless plum jelly with gelatin

Plum fruits ripen in late August - early September. They contain 84.5 percent water, 14 - carbohydrates, 0.7 - proteins, 9-12 - sugars, up to 3 - acids (mainly malic and citric), 1 - hemicelluloses, pectin and tannins, pyridoxine, B vitamins, E, K, P, PP, carotene and mineral salts. The vitamin C content is 5 mg per 100 g of plum pulp.

Early varieties of plums can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks; with further storage, their quality deteriorates. Hungarian plum can be stored for up to 2 months. For the first 2-3 weeks they are stored at a temperature from minus 1 to plus 1 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-90 percent, then the temperature is increased to 5-6 ° C.

One of the best varieties for harvesting is mirabelle

Remove the stems from the plums, chop the fruits and place them in hot water at 85°C for 10 minutes, then cool. Pour the prepared plums with hot syrup and leave in this form for 3-4 hours, and then cook until tender. It is recommended to cook the fruits as a whole in four steps. The standing time between cooking should be 8 hours.
Cool the finished jam, transfer it to the prepared container and close tightly.
For 1 kg of plums - 2 kg of sugar and 400 ml of water.

Select ripe but firm fruits, preferably Hungarian or green genus, other varieties are also suitable. Remove the stems, rinse the plums with cold water, and let it drain. Cut the plums in half lengthwise and remove the pits. First, pour thin hot syrup, boiled using 2/3 of the sugar required for jam, over the plum for 3-4 hours, then cook for 5 minutes, not letting it boil so that the skin does not burst. After this, the plum should stand for another 8-10 hours. Then, depending on the condition of the fruit, cook the plum twice more for 5 minutes, and add the remaining sugar before the last cooking. Remove the bowl from the heat, shake until the plums are well mixed, remove the foam and cook until fully cooked.
In jam made from plums that are not sour enough, you need to add a little citric acid at the end of cooking.
If the finished jam is quickly poured into hot jars and sealed with lids, it will not sour or become moldy.
For 1 kg of plums - 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water.

Collect unripe Hungarian plums, pierce them in several places with a needle, throwing them immediately into cold water. Change the water, put the plums on the stove. As soon as the water boils and the plums float, immediately set the basin aside. When the plums settle to the bottom, put the basin on the fire again. When the plums begin to float again, remove from heat and carefully place in a sieve. The taste and quality of the jam depends on the precise execution of this.
When the water has drained, place the plums in a jar. Boil the syrup from half the sugar, pour the cooled syrup over the plums. After a day, drain the syrup, add half the remaining sugar, boil and pour the cooled syrup over the plums again.
On the third day, add the remaining sugar to the syrup. When the syrup boils, put the plums in it, bring them to a boil 2-3 times, cook over low heat, be careful not to overcook them.
Let the jam cool and pour into jars.

Take the best, but not quite ripe plums. Remove the skins from the plums, place on a plate, sprinkle with half the sugar and place in a barely warm oven. When the plums release juice, drain it, cover the plums with half of the remaining sugar, and place in the same oven overnight. The next day, drain the juice from the dish, mix it with the first portion of juice, pour into a basin, add the remaining sugar, bring to a boil, add plums and cook over low heat until tender.
After the jam has cooled, transfer it to jars.
To get more juice, you can put several completely ripe plums on the dish, which you then throw away.
For 400 g of plums - 400-600 g of sugar.

Cut the skin off the green Hungarian plums, immediately immersing them in cold water. Boil the syrup, put the plums in it and cook until half cooked. The next day, drain the syrup, bring to a boil, add plums and cook until tender. Then put the plums in jars, boil the syrup, if liquid, a little more and pour the cooled plums over them.
You can add vanillin (to taste).
For 400 g of plums - 800 g of sugar, 2 glasses of water.

For compote, it is better to take unripe fruits. Prick large plums without seeds and small ones with seeds with a pin and immerse them in hot water (85°C) for 3-5 minutes to prevent them from boiling during sterilization.
Fill the jars with thick sugar syrup, cover with lids, sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, liter jars for 15, three-liter jars for 25.
You can pasteurize half-liter jars in hot water for 15-20 minutes, liter jars for 25-30 minutes.
Roll them up and place them upside down until they cool.
FOR syrup - for 1 glass of water - half a glass of sugar.

Remove the pits and cook the plums over high heat in a little water, stirring all the time. Let the jam simmer for 5-8 minutes, then add sugar and cook until tender over high heat. In this case, it is necessary to stir continuously and skim off the foam all the time. Transfer the finished jam into hot, dry glass jars, cover with a towel and let cool.
If the jam is well cooked, a crust will form on its surface.
Cover the jars tightly with clean parchment paper and tie them.
The jam preserves the aroma, color, taste and all the nutrients of the fruit.
For 1 kg of plums - 1 glass of water, 1-1.2 kg of sugar.

Wash the plums, remove the pits, place in a deep saucepan and heat over low heat until they become soft (usually this lasts 15-20 minutes). Place the plum mass in a large frying pan, add cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of sugar, place in an oven preheated to 150°C with the door loosely closed.
Every half hour, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the plums.
Place the finished jam into jars and roll up.
1 kg plums, 200-250 g sugar, a little cinnamon.

Wash the plums, remove the seeds (you don’t need to remove them), sprinkle with granulated sugar, place tightly in one layer on a baking sheet and place in an oven heated to 250°C.
Transfer the mixture brought to a boil into sterile jars and roll up the lids.
For 1 kg of plums - 300 g of sugar.

Wash very ripe plums, remove the seeds and let them boil in a small amount of water. Rub the mass through a sieve or pass it through a meat grinder twice with a fine grid, then put it in a basin, bring to a boil, after 10 minutes add granulated sugar to taste (you can make jam from very sweet plums without sugar) and, when the sugar has dissolved, turn up the heat.
Cook the jam, stirring all the time. The total cooking time for the jam is no more than 40 minutes.
For 1 kg of plums - 1.5 cups of water, sugar to taste.

Rinse the plums and remove the pits. Peel the apples, cut them into several parts, remove the core. Place prepared plums, apples, and sugar in layers in a saucepan. Mix the shaved zest of half a lemon, a little finely ground cinnamon, stir, sprinkle with sugar; cook, stirring all the time, until a thick marmalade forms. To determine its readiness, run a spatula along the bottom.
The product is ready when the mixture comes together slowly on the track.
Place the finished marmalade in boxes or drawers on parchment paper.
For 2 kg of plums - 1 kg of sour apples, 1-1.5 kg of sugar.

Cover ripe plums without stems with sugar. The next day, pour them into a wide bowl, pour a mixture of water and vinegar, add a little cloves. Place the plums in the oven and bake over low heat, shaking the fruit all the time so that the top layer does not burn. As soon as the juice thickens and the plums wrinkle, remove the fruits, cool, then put them in jars, pour in the juice, after removing the spices from it.
Seal the jars with parchment paper.
Plums prepared using this method are an excellent dessert for any time of year.
For 5 kg of plums - 2.5 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water, 1 glass of vinegar.

Peel the plums, sprinkle with granulated sugar, add a small amount of water, put on fire and cook until fully cooked. After boiling, pour the warm mass onto oiled foil and dry.
When the fruit plate becomes elastic and can be easily separated from the foil, it should be rolled into a roll and sprinkled with granulated sugar or nuts.
You can store the roll at room temperature for many years - the roll does not lose its quality.
For 1 kg of plum - 100 g of sugar.

Wash the ripe mirabelle, remove the seeds, grind with a porcelain pestle, place in a basin, boil for 5 minutes, add sugar and lemon juice and cook over low heat until the mousse becomes dense.
Place the hot mousse into jars and sterilize half-liter jars for 30 minutes, liter jars for 50 minutes.

For 1.6 kg of fruit - 400 g of sugar, juice of one lemon.

Prick a fresh, strong mirabelle with a sharp wooden stick in several places, place it in an enamel bowl, pour boiling syrup with lemon juice and, covering tightly, leave to stand overnight. The next day, drain the syrup, bring to a boil, pour it over the berries and boil for 2 minutes.
Then place the hot berries with syrup in jars, sterilize half-liter jars for 25 minutes, liter jars for 30 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
For 1.2 kg - 400 g of sugar, 250 g of water, juice of one lemon.

Wash not too ripe mirabelle fruits, cut them in half, remove the seeds, place tightly in jars, sterilize half-liter jars for 25 minutes, liter jars for 35 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
Mirabelle in its own juice is used as a filling for pies.

Place pitted plum halves tightly, cut side down, into jars. Sprinkle each layer with sugar. Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with hot water.
Sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes, three-liter jars for 35 minutes from the moment the water boils and immediately seal them hermetically.
For a half-liter jar - 150-200 g of sugar, for a liter jar - 200-350 g (depending on the acidity of the fruit).

Rinse the plums, place tightly in jars, and fill with hot water. Cover the jars with lids, place in a pan with hot water, sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 25.
Seal the jars hermetically.

Rinse the plums, cut them in half lengthwise, remove the pits, and place tightly in jars.
Cover the jars with lids, place in a saucepan with hot water, sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes from the moment the water boils and immediately seal them hermetically.

To make cheese, you need to take a plum, which is boiled. Wash the plums, remove the seeds, sprinkle with a small amount of sugar. When the juice comes out of the plum, put it on low heat and cook until it has the consistency of thick jam. Rub the finished mass through a sieve, add coriander (cilantro) seeds, stir and place in a thick, clean cloth, shape the mass into cheese and put under pressure for three days.
Take out the cheese, grease with vegetable oil and roll in coriander seeds (the seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder), store in a cool place.
Cheese is an excellent dietary product, helps remove toxins from the body and relaxes the stomach.
For 1 kg of plums - 100 g of sugar.

Lightly crush the ripe plums, place in an enamel pan, add water and heat slightly to a temperature not exceeding 70°C. Then transfer the mass into a canvas bag and squeeze out the juice. Filter the juice through a thick cloth or 3-4 layers of gauze, let it settle, heat in an enamel pan to 95°C, but do not boil.
Pour the juice into heated glass jars or bottles and immediately seal, and then cool by turning the neck down or laying it on its side.
If the plums are very sour, you can add sugar to taste.

Hungarians are good for peeing. Select fruits with dense pulp, without damage or signs of disease, and rinse thoroughly. It is best to soak plums in oak barrels or tubs, but you can also soak them in enamel, glass or ceramic containers. For aroma, add mint, cherry, black currant leaves, you can add celery, parsnips and oregano.
Prepare the filling with sugar, salt and malt. Malt can be replaced with kvass extract or rye flour can be used instead; It is advisable to add a little mustard. When soaking plums, some of the sugar can be replaced with honey, increasing its amount by 40 percent, since the sugar content of honey is slightly lower. The product has a very good spicy taste and a pleasant honey aroma.
After pouring the solution into the drain, cover the surface of the fruit with a cotton napkin, place a circle and a bend so that there is 4 cm of solution above the circle.
For 6-8 days, keep the barrel with fruits indoors at an air temperature of 18-20°C for preliminary fermentation, and then take it out to a cold place. After a month, the plums are ready to eat.
They can be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.
For 50 kg of plums - 20-25 liters of water, 0.8-1 kg of sugar, 450-500 g of salt, 500 g of malt, 50-70 g of mustard powder.

Wash ripe, strong fruits, prick them several times with a sharp wooden stick and place them in a jar in layers, interspersed with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Then fill the berries to the top with a weak solution of wine vinegar. Cover the jar with three layers of damp parchment and tie it, place it in a tank of warm water and boil slowly for 1 hour.
For the first 14 days, the jar must be shaken daily so that the berries settle.
Mirabelle prepared in this way is used as a seasoning for meat dishes.
For 1.6 kg of berries - 600 g of sugar, 15 g of crushed cinnamon.

Wash the ripe plums thoroughly, separate them from the pits, place them in a saucepan, add 20 percent water and cook for 5-10 minutes until the plums are completely boiled. Then rub the mass through a sieve, put it in a saucepan, add sugar. Mix thoroughly, boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, pour into prepared jars.
Sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
For 900 g of mass - 100 g of sugar.

Wash ripe plums thoroughly in cold water, remove the seeds and place in an enamel pan, add 20 percent water and cook for 10-12 minutes until the plums are completely boiled. Then rub the whole mass through a colander.
Wash sour or sweet and sour apples thoroughly in cold water, place in an enamel pan, add 20 percent water and boil for 15-20 minutes, depending on the variety, ripeness and size of the apples. Rub the boiled apples through a colander, resulting in the separation of the skin and seeds. Place plum and apple puree in a bowl, add sugar and spices and boil everything together for 5 minutes, then pour into prepared jars.
Sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
3 kg plum puree, 1 kg apple puree, 1 kg sugar, 0.5 g cloves, 1 g cinnamon, 0.2 g ginger.

The plums are fresh, elastic, without mechanical damage, thoroughly washed in cold water and placed in jars. At the same time, prepare the marinade filling by boiling water with sugar and spices for 5-10 minutes, then add acetic acid or vinegar. Mix the marinade thoroughly and strain through 3-4 layers of gauze. Divide the spices remaining after straining evenly into the jars.
Pour the prepared hot marinade into the jars with plums, cover with lids and sterilize half-liter jars for 10 minutes, liter jars for 15 minutes, and three-liter jars for 25 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up hot jars,
For marinade filling - 1 liter of water, 300 g of sugar, 0.8 g of cinnamon, 0.4 g of cloves, 0.4 g of star anise, 0.4 g of allspice, 8 g of 80% vinegar essence.

Wash ripe plums thoroughly in cold water and, after removing the seeds, place in an enamel pan, add 20 percent water and boil for 10 minutes. Then rub the plums through a colander. Place the pureed mass in a saucepan, add sugar and spices, and boil everything together for 5 minutes.
After this, pour the plums into prepared jars, sterilize half-liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
For 800 g of plum puree - 200 g of sugar, 0.2 g of cinnamon, 0.2 g of cloves, 0.1 g of ginger.

Dip the sorted, washed plums for half a minute into a boiling solution of baking soda (a tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water), immediately immerse in cold water and rinse well. After drying the fruits in the air, place them in one layer on trays and keep them in the sun for 5 days, stirring them daily to prevent them from becoming moldy. After this, place the trays in the shade, under a canopy, where the plums are dried for another 3-4 days.
You can dry plums in a Russian stove or oven. This will take 12 hours.
Dried plums should be soft and elastic. Store plums in a dry, ventilated place.

Not only compotes, preserves or jams, but also jellies are prepared from plums. This is a delicious aromatic dessert that is loved by both children and adults. There are many recipes for plum jelly for the winter. Let's look at some interesting recipes.

Classic recipe for plum jelly for the winter

The sweet and sour dessert is prepared easily and quickly, and if you add a variety of spices, fruits and berries, the taste is unforgettable. First, let's look at how to prepare plum jelly for the winter according to the recipe.

To prepare this dessert you will need:

    Water - 2-3 tbsp.

    Plums - 1 kg.

    Sugar - 1 kg.

    Pectin - 250 g.

If you have all the ingredients, you can start preparing plum jelly for the winter.

First you need to put the containers for sterilization, and in the meantime work on the fruit. The plums are cut into four parts and the pits are removed. The peeled fruits are placed in a saucepan, filled with water, and placed on low heat to boil. The plums must be stirred constantly so that they do not burn to the bottom of the pan.

When the fruit begins to boil, sugar is added to it, then pectin. The plums should only boil for fifteen minutes. The hot dessert is poured into sterile jars and sealed tightly. Classic seedless plum jelly is ready for the winter.

From plums and currants

There is another recipe for jelly, which contains not only plums, but also currants. This dessert is ideal for the holiday table, as it has a rich, bright color and an unforgettable taste.

To make plum and currant jelly you need the following ingredients:

    plum - 0.5 kg;

    currants - 0.5 kg;

    water - 2-3 tbsp;

    pectin - 250 g;

    mint - 3-4 leaves;

    sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

  1. The plums should be sorted, washed, pitted and cut into 4 parts. Separate the currants from the branches and rinse thoroughly under running water. Mint is chopped very finely with a knife.
  2. Fruits and berries must be placed in one container and covered with sugar to create juice. Then put the fruits and berries on the fire and simmer for 15 minutes. Then remove the container with plums and currants from the heat until it cools.
  3. After four hours, the fruits and berries need to be put on the fire again, add water according to the recipe, cook for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, remove from heat again and leave to cool.
  4. When the fruits and berries have become warm, they need to be put on the fire again and mixed thoroughly. After the mixture boils, add pectin and mint, boil for 5 minutes, then roll the still hot mixture into sterile jars.

It turns out a delicious and tender jelly from plums and currants for the winter.

Add spices and gelatin

This recipe for plum jelly is simple to prepare, but additional spices are added for an exquisite taste and aroma. To make jelly you will need the following ingredients:

  • plums - 1 kg,
  • water - 2-3 tbsp.,
  • sugar - 700 g,
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cardamom - 0.5 tsp,
  • mint - 4-5 leaves.

The plums need to be cut into 2 or 4 parts, remove the seeds from them, and place on a deep baking sheet to boil.

Then cover the fruit with sugar and sprinkle with cardamom. Place the pan with plums in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Bake them until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly. WITH Beat the plum mixture with a blender until pureed.

Add water to the resulting puree and place on low heat. After the mixture boils, add gelatin, mix thoroughly, and transfer to sterile jars. Roll up the lid and that’s it, the jelly is ready for the winter.

Cooking features

Before preparing dessert, you need to choose the right ingredients, since the quality and taste of the dish depend on the products. To get the jelly of the correct consistency, it is best to take hard, sweet and sour varieties of plums.

Instead of gelatin, you can add agar-agar, which acts much faster than gelatin, and the dessert will have a more correct consistency.

If you still choose a sweet variety of plums, then you can add juice from one lemon or citric acid.

It is best to cook the jelly in a deep bowl with a thick bottom so that the plums do not burn during cooking, otherwise the taste of the dessert will spoil.

To diversify the tastes, you can add other fruits or berries, but only those that contain a lot of pectin. For example, pear, quince, gooseberries, apples. If you want to add raspberries, strawberries, blackberries to dessert, then you need to add more pectin or gelatin. Otherwise, the jelly will not get the desired consistency.

If the plum variety is not very juicy, then more water will be needed: very little juice will come out of the fruit, and the mass may burn.

During cooking, you can add a little wine or cognac to the hot mass, you will get a very tasty jelly with a unique taste and aroma. However, this dessert is not recommended for children.

If the plum mass remains liquid for a long time, you need to reduce the heat and continue to simmer; the jelly should be thick. If this still doesn’t help, then you can add a little more pectin. Thickness can also be achieved using breadcrumbs.

To get a transparent dessert, you need to use unripe varieties of white plums and boil them until the mass stops foaming.

Plum jelly for the winter can be prepared in various variations, taking as a basis the recipe that you liked the most. The main thing is that the dessert does not take much time to prepare, and in the cold season it will be an excellent addition to tea drinking. But to prevent the plum jelly from becoming sugary and the lids from swelling, you must add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the jar.

We choose honey plums, ripe and juicy. Unripe, with signs of rotting or overripe will not be suitable, as it will spoil the taste of the jelly.

It is best to use regular granulated sugar, but not refined sugar, because it slows down the extraction process, and therefore the cooking. If you need to prepare more jelly, you can increase the amount of products while maintaining the proportions.


  • 1 kg plum;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml water.


  1. Pour water into a basin and place a plum in it. Wash thoroughly to remove dust and dirt. If the fruit is wormy, add a little salt and leave for 10 minutes so that all the debris and unwanted “plum inhabitants” float to the surface.
  2. We transfer the fruits to a saucepan and pour boiling water for 5 minutes, and then lower them into cold water. This will help you remove the peel quickly and efficiently. Then remove the pits from the plums. To do this, cut each fruit in half.
  3. Sprinkle the fruits with ½ part of the sugar and leave to steep until they release juice. It should cover the plums completely. To make the process go faster, leave the basin in a warm place and periodically stir gently.
  4. Drain the resulting juice and add a glass of boiled water. Place the container on low heat and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, cook the plum until it softens.
  5. Grind through a sieve or grind with a blender.
  6. Add the remaining sugar to the puree and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes until the mass increases in volume by 2-3 times. We remove all the foam that forms on the surface, otherwise the jelly will not work.
  7. Pour the juice into the plum pulp and bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly.
  8. Pour the finished product into hot jars, close, turn upside down and wrap. Leave for 10 hours until it cools completely and only then put it in the basement to store the seams.

It is important to cover only the finished jelly. To check if it is ready, you can drop it on a saucer and wait 2 minutes. If the mass does not begin to spread, then the jelly is ready.

The plum is yellow and is often called honey plum. If this type of fruit is used in the recipe, then less sugar is required.

Blue fruits are more sour, so when cooking jelly, you need to maintain the proportions of sugar to plums of almost 1:1. Then the finished treat will be sweet and aromatic.


  • 1.5 kg plums;
  • 1 kg white sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. gelatin;
  • 300 ml water.


  1. We peel and pit the plums as in the first recipe. Place in an enamel bowl and fill with water.
  2. Bring to a boil over low heat so that the fruits release their juice.
  3. Add sugar and cook, stirring regularly until all the crystals have dissolved. Don't forget to remove the foam that forms on the surface.
  4. Pass the mixture through a sieve to separate the juice from the pulp. Pour gelatin over it and leave it to swell according to the recipe. Then place in a water bath and heat until the lumps are completely dissolved. Stir frequently until the mixture from juice and the gelatin turned out homogeneous.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into the plum pulp and mix. Pour into jars and close, turn upside down, and wrap. Leave to cool for 8 hours at room temperature.

Ready jelly can be stored for 16 to 18 months in a cool place. This could be a pantry or cellar. Over time, the plum begins to sugar and the jelly turns out dense and very thick. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the first year of storage.

If you are tired of the usual preparation options, you can add variety to the plum jelly by adding aromatic apples.

Some housewives don’t stop there and add their favorite spices: cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, making it more spicy. To do this, you need to put them in a gauze bag and lower them into a container near the drain during cooking, and then take them out.


  • plum - 800 g;
  • apples (any) - 1 kg;
  • butter - ½ part tsp;
  • beet sugar - 1 kg;
  • pectin - 2 tbsp;
  • filtered water - 600 ml.


  1. We clean the fruits from seeds, cores, and peels. Cut into pieces as desired and place in a saucepan. Add water and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  2. Then set the stove switch to minimum and cook the apples and plums for another 10 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. In this case, every three minutes you need to remove the foam and mix the fruit, kneading them with a spoon.
  3. Strain the hot mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve to separate the pulp and juice. The output should be 5 glasses of liquid. If it turns out less, add water.
  4. Add pectin, sugar and butter to the juice. Cook over moderate heat for 1-2 minutes. Mix with pulp and pour into jars.

If you are concerned about the lids swelling, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the jelly before sealing it in the jars. It should be borne in mind that citrus fruits have a special aroma that can overpower the taste of plums and apples.

You can store the delicacy in the pantry for up to 18 months in a closed version, and after opening the jar - for 2 months. At the same time, it is better to leave it in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. Plum jelly can be used for baking rolls, simple cakes, and also served with pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes.

The jam is made in a thick syrup, like jelly. The plums lose their shape a little, so if you want less boiled plums and don’t need thick syrup, you can simply cover the plums with sugar, soak the plums until the juice appears and cook until boiling. Cool. And cook again until it boils. Repeat this 3 times.


To prepare jam from plum halves in five-minute jelly, we will need:
1 kg plums (Hungarian variety);
1 kg sugar;
0.5 cups of water (250 ml glass).

Cooking steps

Pour 800 grams of sugar into a bowl for making jam (reserve 200 grams), add 0.5 cups of water so that the sugar can be stirred. Put on fire and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the syrup from the heat and immediately add the plum halves to the syrup, leave until cool so that the plums release their juice.

Then add the remaining 200 grams of sugar to the syrup with plums, turn off the stove and stir the jam from the plum halves until the sugar dissolves. After cooling, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Leave the jam again until it cools completely (you can leave the jam for 8 hours, boil it in the morning, next time in the evening, etc.). After cooling, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. This will allow the fruits to fill with syrup and the syrup to thicken.

Makes approximately 1 liter of jam.

Then let the jam cool a little while we sterilize the jars and lids. Jars can be sterilized in the microwave (pour 1 cm of water into the bottom of the jar and turn it on for 2-3 minutes at maximum power), or in a steam bath (a saucepan with boiling water and a sieve), or in the oven, whichever is more convenient. Boil the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up or screw on the lids. Turn the jars over and leave until completely cool.

Plums are a delicious berry that both adults and children love fresh. It’s a pity that you can’t enjoy it all year round. With preliminary preparation, you can quickly and easily make preparations: jam, jelly, jam or freeze. Plum jelly for the winter is a sweet delicacy with a slight sourness.

By adding additional ingredients you can achieve a bright and unusual taste.

Features of preparing plum jelly

The main secrets of making jelly that must be taken into account when preparing:

  1. If you add a few drops of lemon juice to the jelly, the jelly will not become sugary.
  2. There are two types of plums - blue and yellow. Blue ones are more sour and require more sugar to cook.
  3. For preparation, you should use ordinary bulk sugar. The plums will quickly yield juice and will be ready for further heat treatment.
  4. You can check the readiness of the jelly drop by drop on the plate. If it does not spread, then the jelly is ready and can be closed.
  5. Jars and lids must be sterilized. Seal tightly and turn upside down. Wrap in a warm blanket and let cool.

The preparations are used as an independent dish, as well as for preparing desserts and baked goods.

Selection and preparation of plums

To make jelly, you need to choose ripe and juicy plums. An excellent option is sweet varieties, because their preparation requires a small amount of sugar.

Sort the plums and remove rotten specimens. Rinse under running water. If you need to remove the skin, then put it in boiling water for a while, and then in cold water. This procedure will allow you to get rid of the skin very quickly. Remove the seeds and chop.

Recipes for making plum jelly at home

There are many methods for preparing food for the winter.

A simple recipe for the winter

Even a novice housewife can prepare this recipe.

Grocery list:

  • berries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • plum juice – 1 liter.
  • water – 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the berries and remove the seeds. Remove the skin after scalding it in boiling water.
  • Place in a stainless container, add water and put on fire.
  • As soon as the mixture boils, cook, stirring, until the berries are soft.
  • Grind using a sieve, or use a blender.

  • Add sugar and boil for half an hour. The plum puree should thicken.
  • After this, add juice and boil again.
  • Place the jelly in pre-sterilized jars and cover with lids.
  • Seal and wrap tightly.
  • Once completely cooled, store for storage.


Jelly is very easy to prepare and tastes like marmalade.


  • plums – 2.5 kilograms;
  • sugar – 2 kilograms.


  • Wash the plums, remove the pits and remove the skin.
  • Grind; The easiest way is to use a meat grinder.
  • Add a little water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.

  • Add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram per liter of finished mass.
  • Put it on the stove again and let it boil. Boil until done, which is checked drop by drop.
  • To obtain a more liquid jelly, the boiling time must be reduced. To obtain a thick mass reminiscent of marmalade, boil until excess liquid is removed.
  • Place in prepared jars and roll up.

With gelatin

Jelly can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar.


  • berries – 1.5 kilograms;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • gelatin.


  • Prepare the berry pulp.
  • Place in a stainless steel container, add water and boil.
  • Add all the sugar and cook some more.

  • Strain the mixture through a sieve.
  • Cool the juice until warm, pour into a mug and add gelatin. Give some time for the gelatin to swell.
  • Place in a water bath and, stirring constantly, wait until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the juice and gelatin into the rest of the hot mixture and mix well.
  • Pour into jars and roll up.

With pectin

Jelly using pectin is prepared similarly to the previous recipe. Only instead of gelatin, pectin is added. You can also use agar-agar.

With currants

A tasty and richly colored dessert is made from plums with the addition of black currants. Children love this dessert, especially when served with pancakes or pancakes.


  • plums – 1 kilogram;
  • currants – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 2 kilograms.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the currants, remove stems, leaves and rinse using a colander.
  • First scald the plums with boiling water. Remove skin and seeds.

  • Place the berries in a container, sprinkle with sugar, and blend everything using a blender (immersion attachment). If there is no such device, grind the berries in a meat grinder. Add sugar to the prepared mixture.
  • Bring the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved over the heat.
  • When the crystals disappear, boil.
  • Set aside and let cool slightly. After this, repeat the procedure. In total, boil three times.
  • After this, put into jars and seal tightly.


The jelly will be best preserved in hermetically sealed glass containers. There is another way to preserve jelly - without seaming. Place a layer of parchment paper on the neck, then place cardboard according to the size of the neck. Cover everything again with parchment paper and tie it well with twine. For a strong grip, wet the twine with hot water. Once dry, the rope will dry out and become taut, preventing air from entering.

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