Home Preparations for the winter Wild strawberry jam. Strawberry jam: recipe. Good recipes. Cooking tips Recipe for delicious strawberry jam

Wild strawberry jam. Strawberry jam: recipe. Good recipes. Cooking tips Recipe for delicious strawberry jam

Fragrant berries cheerfully peek out from under the carved leaves. To grab a glass of treats, you will have to bend low. But strawberries are so tasty and healthy that they pick them in buckets, sparing no time and effort. It is good for everyone, but the delicate berries spoil very quickly even in the refrigerator. The most popular way to preserve it for the winter is making jam.

Valuable properties of strawberries

The plant is perennial, so once you find several clearings, you can safely return to them the next year. The bushes are small, up to 20 cm in height, the leaves are clearly recognizable by three separate segments. The culture reproduces by shoots, which in strawberries are called “whiskers”. In good weather conditions it grows quickly. Flowering begins in May and continues almost until the end of June. On one bush, buds, open flowers and berries of varying degrees of ripeness are simultaneously observed.

Interesting: from a scientific point of view, the ovary is called a false fruit, but among the people it is still a berry.

As it matures, it changes color from green to white, then turns pink and becomes scarlet or dark red. Then it is time to harvest. Sweetness appears already in white fruits, but for jam it is necessary for the taste to fully develop.

The plant contains many useful substances, and some are retained during cooking. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used. They are harvested in the spring, carefully dried in a shady, cool place.

Fresh berries bring the greatest amount of benefits, they are recommended:

  • when the body is clogged;
  • chronic constipation;
  • swelling;
  • vitamin deficiency and anemia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bad breath and gum inflammation.

All parts of the plant contain a large amount of organic acids, vitamins, fiber, tannins, and pectin. Strawberries contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, and essential oils. It is better to consume the product fresh, but the fruiting time of strawberries is short and flies by quickly, so you have to prepare them for future use.

Worth considering: The composition of garden and wild berries is very similar, and both varieties have medicinal properties.

The calorie content of the berry is low - 34 kcal per 100 g of product. It is used as part of diets for weight control programs to add flavor variety to dietary foods.

What are the benefits of strawberry jam?

In boiled form and even in five-minute jam there are much less useful substances than in fresh berries, but the product is still of considerable value. Fructose and glucose give the berry its sweet taste. When combined with the sugar needed to make jam, it becomes unsafe for diabetics. If you don’t eat treats in jars and consume them in moderation, a few spoons a day, metabolic processes are normalized, vital energy is restored, chronic fatigue syndrome is relieved, and your mood improves.

When to pick strawberries for jam

Wild berries ripen gradually, starting in June, and then rapidly, within 1–2 weeks, they yield their harvest. Then it’s almost useless to look for sweet drops of berries in the clearings. By the last days of July, the bushes have almost finished bearing fruit, the leaves begin to dry out, and nutrients accumulate that will help them survive the harsh winter.

There are two collection options. The first is to visit the treasured meadows more often, starting from the last week of June, and collect berries in small portions, immediately processing them for the winter. Secondly, for those who are impatient, it’s easier to come at the beginning of July with a bucket. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the picking process is painstaking due to the small size of the fruits, and then within 24 hours everything will have to be sorted, cooked or frozen, otherwise the delicate berries will spoil.

Worth remembering: Field strawberries in open areas will ripen a week earlier than wild strawberries, and garden strawberries will bear fruit gradually.

How to make strawberry jam: recipes

Many families keep their own family recipes and methods for preparing winter delicacies. The main ingredient is preserved. The exposure time on fire, the proportions of sugar, and the addition of third-party elements change. But the preparation of berries and methods of storing finished products remain unchanged.

Preparatory stage
The brought berries must be carefully sorted. If they are collected independently, then you need to separate them according to the degree of ripeness to ensure uniform boiling of the raw materials.

Then pour cold water over them for a few minutes and leave for the sand or particles of earth to soften and remove. It is more convenient to catch strawberries from a container of water using a colander or slotted spoon.

The next step is to remove the stalks. Some people skip this step, thinking that small green sprigs will not affect the quality of the finished product. There are no comrades for taste and color, but in the classic version they are removed. Only clean berries without stalks, approximately the same color, remain in the container.

Before adding sugar to them, be sure to remove excess water. To do this, scatter the berries on a fine wire rack or in a colander for 30–40 minutes. Now you can choose the most delicious recipe or cook a little of everything, and then arrange a tasting.

Classic recipe

For it you will need the following products:

  • 3 kg strawberries;
  • 4.5 kg of sugar;
  • 800 ml water;
  • juice of half a lemon.

First, the sugar syrup is boiled, and the berries are carefully poured into the boiling mass.

Important: If you simply add berries to get juice, they will then boil into an inert mass.

The future jam is brought to a boil and removed from the stove for a quarter of an hour. You need to do 4 approaches. On the fifth day, lemon juice is poured into the mass, poured into sterilized jars while boiling and rolled up.

Five minutes

The minimum heat treatment time allows you to preserve most of the nutrients.

Important: closed only hermetically, in sterilized jars.

Take equal parts of berries and sugar, pour into layers and place in a dark, cool place until the next morning. To prevent dust from getting in, cover the top with a towel. Lids or other devices that tightly close the container are excluded; the mixture must “breathe.” To ensure uniform dissolution of sugar, the contents are stirred every 2 hours.

After the strawberries have given juice and the sugar has almost dissolved, the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat, boiled for no more than 4–5 minutes and immediately poured into jars.

Raw jam

It is prepared by analogy with currants or raspberries. In essence, it is a berry ground with sugar without heat treatment. To prepare you only need 2 ingredients. For 1 part berries take 2 parts granulated sugar. To ensure that strawberries retain their taste and aroma, they use a little trick - completely eliminate contact with metal. To do this, prepare a ceramic container and a wooden masher in advance.

The carefully ground berry mass is placed in jars and covered with thick plastic lids. Such a strategic reserve can only be stored in the refrigerator, where it will last until the next harvest, if it is not eaten.

The second option is aimed at preserving whole berries. To do this, sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave for a day, stirring regularly. Ingredient proportions 1:1. Then they are also placed in jars and stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than 3-4 months.

Worth considering: After sterilization, the jars must dry. If droplets of water get in, the mixture will ferment even in the refrigerator.

Mint mix

A few fresh mint leaves will give the jam an unusual, refreshing taste. The base is cooked as usual - at the rate of 1 kg of strawberries for the same amount of sugar. The peculiarity of the recipe is the addition of crushed mint leaves during the third boiling. The berries are first covered with sugar for a day, the syrup is drained and brought to a boil. Place the berry mass in it, boil for 2-3 minutes and set aside for about 1/3 of an hour. To bring the jam to readiness, you will need 3 approaches.

The finished product is packaged in jars. It is more convenient to take small containers, 0.5 or 0.3 liters. If sealed tightly, you can even store such jam on a shelf in the hallway of your apartment.

Delicious mixture

If the year turned out to be a poor harvest for strawberries or you were late in harvesting the berries and managed to collect very little, then do not despair. The commonwealth of cultures will help out. The combination of strawberries and wild strawberries gives an indescribable aroma. Both berries are sorted and the petioles are removed. The cooking method is classic, it is better not to cook for five minutes, this is risky, since strawberries have a higher acid content.

In a slow cooker

Sometimes there is no time to carefully monitor the process of boiling the berries, stirring them constantly. And jam is insidious, it is just waiting for the moment to run over the edge or burn. Cooking in a multicooker will eliminate these problems, especially since you can program the equipment for a delayed start and set a convenient time. The proportions are usual, a kilogram of sugar and berries with the addition of 1 glass of water. When determining the maximum load, you will have to focus on the parameters of the multicooker. After the food has been placed, open the steam valve and select the extinguishing mode. It will take 30 minutes to prepare aromatic jam without additional effort, removing foam and constant stirring.

Nutty note

Strawberry jam with lemon zest and walnut pieces is very tasty. They are added during the third boiling to diversify the taste. For 1 kg of berries, 2–3 shavings of zest and 100 g of chopped nuts, preferably peeled from the thin inner skin covering the kernels, are enough.


An amazing aroma and flavor bouquet is obtained by combining several types of berries with a predominance of strawberries. Strawberries and raspberries form a magnificent triad together with it. You will have to choose the earliest varieties of raspberries or watch the first harvest of remontant ones, since in some regions one berry will ripen first, then another.

A very interesting option is obtained by adding early currants, red or black. You need very little of it, the taste of the berry is tart, the aroma is strong and can overwhelm the subtle flavors of strawberries.

Rules for storing jam

After winter supplies are made, the question arises of how to store them for as long as possible. Of course, it’s difficult to hide such a delicacy from your household, and it’s not necessary; it was prepared specifically for them. It’s another matter if the top of the jam is covered with mold or it has fermented.

Storage conditions directly depend on the method of preparing the jam.

  1. Raw, ground with sugar, it will only last in the refrigerator on the shelf for fresh vegetables. There, without air access through the lid, it can be stored for 3-4 months. An open jar will have to be eaten within a week, so it is initially better to package such a product in small containers “for one time”.
  2. Five minutes of one type of berry without additional ingredients with a 1:1 dosage of berries and sugar and hermetically sealed can be lowered into the cellar without damaging the product. With an increased amount of sugar, the jar stands quietly in an apartment.
  3. Thrice-boiled jam, in which the berries are poured with boiling syrup, is indestructible. It can be placed anywhere in a house, apartment, garage or cellar. It does not ferment, does not mold, does not freeze.

Strawberries have no waste

The berry itself brought from the forest is very valuable, but you can get additional benefits from it. After preparing for jam, a whole heap of sepals remains. They should not be thrown away. They are useful for preparing medicinal decoctions used for arthritis, gout, renal colic, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases.

Fragrant, healthy strawberry jam - tips and preparation options: for the winter, with sugar, lemon or paprika.

If you are going to cook strawberry jam for the first time, then be sure to keep an eye on it: simmer for five minutes over low heat, leave for at least 2 hours. This method of cooking will ensure the freshness of the berries, beautiful color and excellent taste.

  • Strawberries - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 800 grams

Sort the strawberries, wash and dry.

Add sugar and wait until the juice comes out.

Cook for five minutes three times.

Place the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Recipe 2: delicious wild strawberry jam

If the harvested strawberry crop is quite small, then you can make jam from strawberry berries along with the stalks.

  • strawberries - 4 cups
  • granulated sugar - 4 cups
  • citric acid - 1 g
  • water - 1-2 glasses

We place the collected strawberries in a large deep basin and begin to gradually sort them out. We throw away all unnecessary leaves and twigs. Then wash the sorted berries very carefully. If the delicacy will be prepared with the stalks, then it is better to rinse the berries several times. Next, the washed berries should be dried with a towel.

We send the dried strawberries into a container in which the jam will be cooked, after which we fill it with sugar. Following the sugar, we add citric acid, but first dilute it in one tablespoon of water. It is due to the addition of citric acid that the strawberry delicacy will remain bright and rich in color.

Now we set the container with the berries in a convenient place for several hours, or better yet, overnight, so that the strawberries release as much of their own juice as possible.

After the specified time, put the raw jam on low heat and cook for five minutes. During this, use a spoon to skim off the resulting foam. After five minutes, remove the container with jam from the stove, after which we put it in a suitable place for a day.

After a day, we put the aromatic delicacy on the stove and cook it until fully cooked. Place the hot jam into sterile jars and immediately cover them with lids.

Recipe 3: five-minute strawberry jam (with photo)

Strawberry jam reaches readiness due to cooling in the total mass, and is poured into jars already chilled.

Due to this process, all the berries remain intact and are evenly distributed in the syrup, and the jam turns out to be very aromatic.

  • water - 400 ml
  • sugar - 700 gr
  • strawberries - 500 gr

Recipe 4: how to quickly make strawberry jam

The peculiarity of this strawberry jam recipe is that we will prepare it not with simple, but with gelling sugar. Due to this, the temperature treatment time is reduced significantly - only 7 minutes. As a result, the berry puree is not digested, and the original color and taste of strawberries is preserved. From the specified amount of products you get about 750 milliliters of ready-made sweet treat.

  • strawberries - 400 gr
  • gelling sugar - 400 gr

The strawberry jam recipe includes only 2 ingredients: fresh strawberries and gelling sugar. I use gelling sugar, which contains a natural thickener - pectin, in a concentration of 1:1, that is, 1 kilogram of sugar is used for 1 kilogram of berries. There are also other types - 2:1 and 3:1 - with them the strawberry jam according to this recipe will turn out less sweet and more liquid.

To begin, carefully sort the berries, remove the stems, if any, and throw away the spoiled strawberries. After this, we wash the berries in cold water to get rid of the soil.

Add a small amount (about half a glass is enough) of gelling sugar, carefully shake the pan so that the sweet crystals are evenly distributed around the berries. Let stand for 5 minutes so that the berries begin to release juice.

In the meantime, we will definitely prepare jars and lids for strawberry jam. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do it in the microwave - I wash jars (0.5 liter volume) in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I also boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes.

Then put on the fire and bring the berries to a boil - this will take about 5 minutes. Gradually add gelling sugar, constantly stirring the berries with a spoon.

After boiling again, cook everything together over low-medium heat for just a couple of minutes. And that’s, in fact, all - this strawberry jam is prepared very quickly, while the berries undergo minor heat treatment.

We pour the finished sweet delicacy into pre-prepared jars - I got about 750 milliliters.

Then we roll up (or screw on) the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in something warm and let them cool completely. Strawberry jam prepared in this way should be stored in a cool place - a basement or cellar. But it’s better, of course, in the refrigerator, since the heat treatment here is minimal.

Well, in winter, we tear away our summer aromatic wealth and rather invite the whole family to enjoy the delicious strawberry jam. For me personally, this is simply an unearthly pleasure! By the way, jam made from garden strawberries is never bitter, unlike dessert made from wild berries.

Recipe 5, step by step: strawberry jam with mint

  • 1 kg (strawberries) strawberries
  • 1 kg granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. fresh mint (can be dried), finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp. water (as needed)

Peel the strawberries (or field strawberries), wash them under running cold water, and let them drain.

Place the berries in a saucepan, cover with sugar and refrigerate overnight to release the juice.

The next day, pour the berry juice into a wide, thick-bottomed pan.

Put the juice on the fire and cook until it boils (all the sugar should dissolve).

Pour our strawberries (or wild strawberries) into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, while removing the resulting foam. Mix very, very carefully without damaging the berries. Then turn off the heat and let the berries cool. Next, put the pan on the fire again, cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Then cool everything again.

Repeat the process 3 times. Add chopped mint, stir, cook for another 1 minute, then turn off. Let the jam cool completely. Pour the jam into already sterilized jars (sterilize the lids too). Cover with a plastic lid and store in the refrigerator for up to six months.

If you plan to store the jam outside the refrigerator for a longer period (1 year): pour hot jam into the jars and close the lid, turn the jars upside down. Let cool in this position. Properly cooked jam retains the aroma of the berries, as well as healthy vitamins that are so necessary in winter! Enjoy your tea!

Recipe 6: strawberry jam with lemon for the winter

  • Strawberries - 1 Cup
  • Sugar - 1.5 Cups
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

We carefully sort out the strawberries, wash them, and remove the stems.

Place the berries in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave it overnight to release the juice.

Place the jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully remove the foam. From time to time, rock the pan from side to side to mix the berries. Do not stir with a spoon. Remove from the stove and let it sit for half an hour. We repeat the procedure twice more.

What could be tastier in winter than fragrant food prepared by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother? It seems that the intoxicating aroma and delicate taste are reborn from just one memory. And if it is also jam from, then along with the excellent taste, you will receive a huge portion of vitamins, because strawberries are an incomparable storehouse of nutrients.

Making this delicacy is quite simple. It is enough to master the recipe for strawberry jam - five minutes, the secrets of which will now be revealed to you.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

When starting to prepare sweets for the winter, many housewives ask the question, “What should I use to prepare them?” Not so long ago, there was a popular myth that the most delicious jam is made in copper containers. But recent research by scientists has debunked it. It turned out that copper releases substances that lead to the destruction of vitamins and beneficial properties of the berry.

Important! During the cooking process, the vitamin reserve of strawberries is not lost if cooked for a short time. Almost 100% of vitamins C, B6, B9, E, folic acid, zinc, organic acids, manganese, iron, calcium, tannins are preserved and enter the body during consumption of magic jam.

Aluminum and enamel cookware are also not suitable for cooking delicacies, but it is best to choose stainless steel equipment.

To prepare five-minute strawberry jam, you need to stock up on the following kitchen equipment:

  • colander;
  • basin, or pan;
  • wooden spoon for stirring;
  • sterilized jars and screw caps (2 pcs);
  • seaming key;
  • gas or electric stove.
All utensils must be clean and dry.

Required Ingredients

The inventory is ready, now we need to provide the production process with the necessary ingredients. Oddly enough, to make five-minute wild strawberry jam, you don’t need many ingredients.

Main products: the berry itself and sugar, in a ratio of 3:1, that is, you need to take, for example, 3 cups of berries and 1 cup of sugar per 1 half liter jar. Such a short list of products for incomparable deliciousness.

Features of product selection

These two varieties are distinguished by the size of the berries and the smell: the garden variety is much larger and sweeter, but loses the forest aroma. In addition, the concentration of nutrients in wild strawberries is three times higher than in garden strawberries. Natural medicine is worth its cost.

If you decide to pick wild strawberries yourself, then you need to do this in mid-June - early July. When buying it on the market, pay attention to the size of the berries (they should be small), aroma and color (bright red).

How to make jam: step-by-step recipe with photos

Having collected the equipment and products, you can immediately begin the process of preparing a vitamin treat.

Preparing the berries

The first step on the path to aromatic sweetness for home gourmets is preparing the berries. They need to be cleared of sepals, stalks, grass and that may have gotten into the dishes during collection. It is also necessary to remove unripe or rotten berries.

Important! It is not recommended to wash wild strawberries. But, if you doubt its purity, you can place the berry in a colander and rinse it under a sharp stream of water, or dip it several times in a container of water. Such washing methods will not damage the integrity of the berries.

Stirring with sugar

The peeled berries must be sprinkled with sugar in layers and left to brew for 3-4 hours, you can even leave them overnight so that the juice appears.

Cooking process

Many housewives ask the question: “How to cook strawberry jam so that the berry does not waste its beneficial properties?” Everything is quite simple: the less you cook, the healthier the delicacy will be.

In our case, place the infused mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Cooking time is 5 minutes, hence the name of the recipe - “five minutes”. True, this is not the end yet. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the foam that will undoubtedly form, and the procedure itself must be repeated two more times after the winter delicacy has completely cooled.

Did you know? Citric acid will prevent any jam or jam from becoming sugary.

Nuances and tricks

Your delicacy will acquire even more unique taste characteristics if you add a pinch of acid or fresh lemon juice to it at the end of cooking.

Experienced housewives advise using the following procedure for checking the readiness of the product: drop the jam onto a plate and stretch it in the middle with a spoon. If the strips do not stick together or spread, it is ready.

Many are also interested in why boil jam several times. The point here is that strawberries have a bitter taste, which additional cooking processes help get rid of. Can help remove bitterness

Strawberry jam is prepared by boiling the berries in sugar syrup. This is a very healthy product that contains many vitamins, acids and microelements. During cooking, the beneficial properties are lost during heat treatment. The healthiest option for preparing the recipe is five minutes. Since the berry is little processed thermally, almost all the vitamins are preserved as in fresh berries. Strawberries normalize metabolism, normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and immunity. Helps you recover faster from colds.

How to make strawberry jam?

Compared to other berries, strawberries do not need to boil the sugar syrup in advance. Preparation is much simpler, you just need to add sugar, cover the container with baking paper or a towel and leave for ten hours. The berry itself will release the required amount of juice.

To ensure that the finished product contains an equal amount of berries and syrup, the same amount of sugar is added per kilogram of fruit. If you want more syrup, use one and a half kilograms of sugar per kilogram of berries.

If you want to make a large amount of jam, do not put the berries in one pan. This will damage the fruits. The ideal proportion per pan is two kilograms of berries, excluding sugar. In this case, the fruits will cook evenly and the strawberries will retain their shape.

It is necessary to cook over low heat, stirring constantly so that the berries cook evenly and do not burn. You cannot leave the product unattended; during boiling, foam rises at lightning speed, and if you hesitate, it will be difficult to wash the syrup off the heated stove.

Many housewives believe that it is impossible to stir berries during cooking, so as not to damage the fruit. It's a delusion. It is necessary to mix, but correctly. Use only a wooden spatula or spoon. There should be no sudden movements. Stir only along the walls and gently along the bottom, touching the fruit as little as possible.

Berries sprinkled with sugar should release juice, this takes time. You can’t cook it right away, the strawberries will lose their shape and the undissolved dry sugar will burn.

It is better to cook in an enamel basin. This material heats up evenly. The strawberries will not spread, will remain strong and retain their original shape.

How long to cook strawberry jam?

Being a delicate berry, strawberries do not require long cooking. Having put it on the fire, you need to boil it, simmer for five minutes, stirring very carefully with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam that forms in the process. Remove from heat and leave to cool for ten hours. Repeat this three times. With this approach to preparation, the fruits remain strong, the syrup is transparent, and the aroma is pleasant. With a longer cooking option, if you decide to cook more, the berry will lose its original appearance and the syrup will become thick. Between preparations, store without refrigeration in a dark place away from direct sunlight.

How to choose the right berries?

When choosing strawberries, you should pay attention to the size and level of ripeness. It is important to choose the right time to harvest. It is optimal to collect in dry weather, preferably during the day. If you pick in the morning, the dew will be absorbed into the strawberries, making the berries soft and watery.

The tastiest jam is made from medium-sized berries. They do not fall apart during cooking and look good when finished. If you put it in the refrigerator for a while, the berries will lose their sweet taste and aroma.

All collected or purchased berries should be placed on the table and sorted. Large and very small berries are not suitable for ideal jam. Fruits that are damaged, rotten or overripe are not left for cooking. The stems of good berries are removed and then washed.

Some housewives do not wash the fruits before cooking. It is not right. The berries must be washed so as not to spoil the taste of the jam with contaminants. Do not wash under running tap in a colander. The water pressure will damage the appearance of the berries. Pour cold water into a large basin and, while selecting berries for jam, rinse them one at a time. This way the berries will not be damaged. Take out the washed fruits by the handful and place them on a towel. You can’t keep them in liquid for a long time so that they don’t absorb water and become watery. It is recommended to dry completely so that excess moisture does not get into the jam. This process will take approximately six hours.

Strawberry jam with whole berries. Recipes:

Classic strawberry jam

This recipe for strawberry jam for the winter is the simplest and most common.


  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • strawberries – 3 kg.


  1. It’s good to sort through the fruits. Remove sepals. Rinse in the basin several times, changing the cold water. If it is not possible to purchase medium-sized berries, then cut large ones in half.
  2. After washing, dry the strawberries. You can leave it for several hours for the moisture to evaporate, or use a paper towel and gently blot it dry.
  3. Place the berries in a high heat-resistant container and cover with sugar, leaving for ten hours.
  4. After a while, when the berries have released their juice, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Next, cook for five minutes over low heat, remembering to remove the foam and stir.
  5. After half an hour, when the mass is not so hot, cover with a towel or baking paper. Leave for ten hours.
  6. Repeat the same procedure two more times.
  7. After the third time, pour it hot into jars that have undergone a sterilization process. The container should be filled to the very top, leaving no room for air. If there is foam or bubbles, remove before closing the lid. Roll up the lids, previously boiled in water.

"Strawberries in their own juice"

There are few recipes for strawberry jam in your own juice for the winter. Their difference lies in the amount of sugar and the time required for sterilization.


  • sugar – 500 g;
  • strawberry – 2000


  1. Dry the prepared, washed berries and cover with sugar for ten hours.
  2. Sterilize jars. Transfer the berries. Pour the juice with a spoon.
  3. Boil the lids and close the container.
  4. Cover the basin with a cloth and pour in cold water. Place the jars, which should be in water up to the middle.
  5. Turn on the fire. When it boils, cook for ten minutes.
  6. Immediately screw the lids on tightly and cover.

This recipe makes two liter jars of the treat.

Strawberry jam for the winter “Five Minute”

The jam got this name because it only cooks for five minutes. This is the fastest cooking option.


  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • strawberries – 4 kg.


  1. Sort out the fruits. Remove rotten and bruised berries and stalks.
  2. Using a bowl of water, rinse each berry, changing the water several times.
  3. Remove the berries and dry them. Excess moisture will harm the treat.
  4. Place in a deep container and sprinkle sugar on top.
  5. Leave for ten hours. Do not mix the fruits.
  6. Place on the stove. Boil for five minutes once it comes to a boil.
  7. Remove foam. Along with it, the remaining garbage rises to the top, which is easy to collect.
  8. Leave for 24 hours.
  9. Repeat the cooking process and roll up.

According to this recipe, the delicacy is made with beautiful dense berries and liquid syrup.

Strawberry jam with whole berries in a frying pan

This recipe makes amazing tasting jam. Even those who don’t like this delicacy will like it.

  • strawberries – 1200 g;
  • sugar – 800 g.


  1. For this cooking method, a small, but strong berry is suitable. Sort the fruits: separate spoiled, bruised and damaged berries from the total mass. Remove leaves. Wash and dry.
  2. In a deep frying pan, mix strawberries with sugar. Immediately put on high heat.
  3. During the cooking process, juice will begin to release from the berries. In about five minutes the delicacy will boil. Before you start cooking, keep in mind that the mass changes volume as it boils and begins to rise. Therefore, do not add berries to the brim.
  4. Stir constantly using a wooden spatula. Skim off the foam. After some time, the mass will become thicker. Do a drop test. Take a plate, drip some jam, if it doesn’t spread, it’s ready. During the cooking process, you can adjust the degree of thickness and remove from the heat earlier or later as desired.
  5. Transfer the mixture into steamed jars with a spoon. Close the lids tightly.

Homemade thick strawberry jam

This cooking method is suitable for lovers of thick jam, which is easy to spread on a loaf and without fear of staining the table.


  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • strawberries – 4 kg.


  1. Rinse the fruits in a basin while removing sepals.
  2. Dry or blot with a paper towel.
  3. Place the berries in a container and cover with sugar.
  4. Pour in the sugar in several additions, shaking the pan after each time so that it completely covers each berry.
  5. Leave to let out the juice for 24 hours.
  6. Boil the mixture. Boil for five minutes. Leave for a day.
  7. During this time, the jam will acquire a beautiful rich color and aroma. Boil and cook for about 30 minutes so that the delicacy boils down and acquires the required thickness.
  8. Transfer to treated, sterilized jars. Screw the lids on tightly.

French strawberry jam with whole berries

Even foreigners love this delicacy. It is enough to add a new ingredient and the jam turns from a Russian dish into a French dish.


  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1400 g;
  • strawberries – 2 kg.


  1. For this recipe, choose medium-sized berries; small ones are not suitable. Wash and peel the fruits.
  2. Pour in all the sugar and leave for 12 hours.
  3. Squeeze the lemon. Pour the juice into the strawberry mixture. Place on the fire and simmer for five minutes.
  4. Wait half an hour for the treat to cool slightly. Pour the syrup into a separate bowl, cook the berries over low heat for 35 minutes, stirring regularly and removing the foam.
  5. Pour the syrup back and simmer for five minutes. Prepare for the winter.

Jam with gelatin

If you like thick jam that cannot be spilled, and the mass is applied only with a spoon, this recipe is for you.


  • gelatin – 2 teaspoons;
  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Sort the berries, remove leaves, rinse. If there are large berries, cut them in half.
  2. Place the prepared fruits on the scale. In the process of selecting suitable berries, the weight decreased. If you don't have enough weight, add more berries or reduce the amount of sugar.
  3. Pour sugar over the berries. They should sit for a day.
  4. Boil for five minutes. Leave on the table for six hours. Beat with a blender. Boil for ten minutes.
  5. Squeeze the lemon. Prepare gelatin. Pour the juice and gelatin into the strawberry mixture.
  6. Cook for ten minutes. Remove the foam.
  7. Cool the jam and transfer to the prepared container. Roll up.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Today this is the most convenient way of cooking. In a slow cooker, the delicacy cooks itself and does not burn. Just calculate the volume of berries so that the jam does not boil away during the cooking process.


  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • berries – 2 kg.


  1. Rinse the fruits. Remove leaves.
  2. Place in the multicooker bowl.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Turn on the “Stew” mode, after an hour the delicacy is ready.
  5. Sterilize jars. Screw on the lids.

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