Home Bakery Delicious cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Cream ingredients

Delicious cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry. Cream ingredients

Is it possible to make a Napoleon cake from store-bought puff pastry?

  1. Can!
    I do this almost always, but making my own dough is a hassle
  2. Why not? as for me, it’s even better, the dough will be 100% successful
    You can make puff pastry, or you can buy it ready-made.
    I prefer not to bother and buy two packages of puff pastry without yeast "Star". I roll out each square in length ONLY ON ONE SIDE, so as not to disturb the structure of the dough, according to the size of the baking sheet, and bake at 200 degrees until golden brown. I put the cakes in one layer on a large board, cover with a towel and let them cool. Now I'm preparing the cream. I take 250 grams of Ram margarine and 150 grams of Anchor butter, everything in a soft state, beat in a mixer with a pack of vanilla sugar. Then I slowly pour in an almost full can of condensed milk. It is necessary to pour in parts so that the cream is not too liquid. I beat well at high speed and put the cream in the refrigerator for half an hour. I stack the cooled cakes on top of each other, cut them evenly, then begin to coat them with cream. For each cake about three tablespoons of cream. I press the fourth cake very, very hard, you can put a cutting board on top and put something heavy. Let it sit like that for a few minutes. I chop the cake scraps with a sharp knife, remove the board, grease the top and sides of the cake with cream, sprinkle with crumbs and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The cake always turns out very tasty and flies away with a bang!!
  4. No. Some kind of Viennese cake comes out of puff pastry, but not Napoleon. Once on sale I saw dough like Napoleon’s - thin, not flaky. And it is done like this:

    Napoleon cake

    Place butter in flour and chop with a knife. Stir, add vodka, cream, egg and add a little salt. After kneading, roll into a ball and leave in the cold for an hour. Roll out very thin cakes, at least a dozen, and bake in the oven on a dry baking sheet sprinkled with flour at 200.

    For the cream, the butter is finely chopped and thoroughly ground with powdered sugar. Add vanillin and cream. Beat for about an hour. Spread the cakes with cream, and sprinkle the top of the cake with the crumbs left over from the cakes. The cake must stand for a day so that the cream is absorbed by the cakes.

    Cakes: butter 200 g, flour 3 tbsp. , 1 egg, cream 33% 100 g, 50 g vodka

    Cream: butter 250 g, powdered sugar 1 tbsp. , cream 33% 100 g, vanilla sugar

    Recipe from my grandmother - she studied at Smolny. Previously, round cakes were cut in half in order to bake less, and the cake came out like Napoleon's cocked hat, which is why it got its name.

    Napoleon cake was invented in 1912, when the centenary of Napoleon's expulsion from Moscow was widely celebrated in Moscow. For the anniversary, culinary specialists have prepared a number of festive dishes with appropriate names. A triangular cake that symbolized Napoleon's cocked hat. By the way, it is called a cocked hat only in Russia, and in France such headdresses are called two-horned hats. Then both the shape and content of the cake changed, but the name remained.

  5. I think we can try.
    Custard: take 2 packs of cream (10%), add a glass of sugar to a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Separately, in a mug, mix a little more than 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of starch, gradually pour in one packet of cold cream (i.e., a total of three packets of 200 ml each) so that the mixture is free of lumps, mix well. Pour this starch-flour mixture into boiling milk with sugar, or not into boiling milk, but remove it from the stove while pouring, so that it doesn’t run away. Pour in according to the principle of cooking semolina porridge - in a thin stream, stirring continuously (Very important!); otherwise lumps will form and then the cream will fail! The appearance and thickness are similar to that of semolina. Cool the cream.
    Stir a pack (250) of butter (previously softened at room temperature) into the cooled (at room temperature) cream. First mix in a quarter of the butter, beat with a mixer at low speeds, then add more and more and beat well (but do not over-beat) the cream will be quite airy.

    Let's return to the test (purchased)
    Divide the dough into 7 pieces. Roll the piece into a ball and roll it out thinly into a circle on a floured surface. Measure with a lid (or something else) and transfer to a baking sheet using a rolling pin (I do not grease with anything), prick with a fork and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 4-5 minutes. (until it starts to brown, pull it out onto a board and put the next one to bake.
    Set aside two of the best cake layers for the top and bottom. The worst goes on top.

    Next, a non-classical approach to Napoleon: Take a glass of walnuts (more is possible) and chop (but not too much, the pieces should remain). Grind the cake for topping.
    Now I lay out all the cakes on the table and spread the cream on them (to distribute evenly), on average two to three tablespoons. Add: cake with cream, nuts, cake; at the end, sprinkle with nuts and sprinkles (you can dry the crust a little more in the oven for the sprinkles; just so that it doesn’t burn). Gently press the cake on top with your hands and leave at room temperature for 4-5 hours, then put it in the refrigerator. The cake is very popular in our family - everyone loves it, both ours and others (guests, I mean). The result is creamy cream; but the fat content of the cake is not felt at all!
    Napoleon cake: 2nd recipe

    500 g butter, 4 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup cold water.

    Separate two tablespoons of butter from the piece and chop into 1.5 centimeter squares, put the remaining butter in the refrigerator. Sift the flour, mix it with salt, knead it with crushed butter, gradually adding water. Roll out the resulting lump into a rectangle, put butter from the refrigerator in the middle, fold the edges and roll out. Then fold it in three and roll it out again. Then put it all in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. And after that, fold it into three more times, roll it out, and put it in the refrigerator again for 20 minutes.
    Then, you need to take out the dough, divide it into three parts, which are rolled out in a layer of about 0.7 cm. And bake the resulting cakes for 10 minutes on high heat or 30 minutes on low.
    Napoleon cake: 3rd recipe

    3 cups flour, 1 egg, 250 g butter, 0.5 teaspoon salt, 34 cups water, 1 tablespoon vinegar.

    Pour two glasses of flour onto a board and chop with butter, build a mound from the resulting mass and gradually pour water and an egg into its center, with salt and vinegar mixed in it.
    Knead the dough by adding the remaining flour. Then divide the resulting dough into 8-9 parts. Leave in the cold for 1 hour, roll out into cakes.

    I usually also bake from ready-made store-bought dough.
    I defrost the dough, roll it out into 6-7 cakes (one for sprinkling). I bake two cakes at a time on a baking sheet moistened with water. I must soak the cakes with the juice of one lemon mixed with 4 tbsp. l. sugar and 4 tbsp. l. boiling water I make custard cream separately.
    Beat 2 eggs with a glass of sugar. Add 2 table, l. with the top of the flour, mix thoroughly. Pour in 2 cups. cold milk. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool the cream. Soften 150 g butter. Beat cooled cream with butter.
    Soak each cake. Coat the soaked cakes with cream.
    Separately, roll 1 cake into crumbs using a rolling pin. Sprinkle the top layer of cream on the cake with the resulting crumbs.
    Place the cake in the cold, covering the top with something. I put it in the refrigerator, covering the top with a deep bowl. Allow 2-3 hours for impregnation (or better yet, overnight))).
  7. why not? I always use store-bought ready-made cakes - the cake goes away with a bang!
  8. everything is possible

The most delicious and most popular cake, but if you prepare it according to the classic recipe, you can spend 3 hours, no less. And in stores today it is very expensive. Just the other day I discovered a very quick recipe for that same Napoleon cake. It took me half an hour to prepare the cake!

For the Napoleon cake you will need ready-made puff pastry (yeast-free), which can be bought at any store. One pack weighing 0.5 kg will be enough. Quick “Napoleon” made from ready-made puff pastry turns out to be very tender and in no way inferior to the classic recipe. Therefore, if you want to bake some kind of cake for the holiday, but don’t want to spend a lot of time at the stove, this recipe will be a real lifesaver for you!


  • Puff pastry (yeast-free)
    — 1 package (0.5 kg)
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Butter - 160 gr.
  • Flour - 2 tsp.
  • Granulated sugar - 50 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 jar


  1. Thaw the finished puff pastry at room temperature. Roll out each layer of dough a little - 4 mm thick. Cut into rectangles measuring 2x3 cm.

  2. Place the dough on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. You can cover a baking sheet with foil and bake on it, so nothing will burn and it will be easier to clean.

  3. Bake puff rectangles at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for about 15 minutes until they are browned.

    Transfer them to a separate bowl, such as a saucepan, and let cool. Set aside 3 pieces, we will then use them to make crumbs to sprinkle on the cake.

  4. Let's make the cream. Beat eggs, milk, flour, sugar and boiled condensed milk with a mixer.

  5. Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly. Don't forget to stir the cream constantly, otherwise it will burn and taste burnt! Heat the cream until it thickens - the consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

    Finally add butter and stir.

  6. Press the puff pastry rectangles with your hands until a quarter of them crumbles.

  7. Pour over the prepared hot cream and mix thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30-40 minutes.

  8. Crush the rectangles that we set aside into small crumbs with your hands.

  9. Carefully place the cooled cake mixture on a plate - in the shape of a square or circle.

  10. Sprinkle crumbs over the top and sides of the cake.

    The finished Napoleon cake made from puff pastry can be eaten immediately. But I recommend keeping it in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is thoroughly soaked, then the taste is completely indistinguishable from the original cake.

During the Soviet era, recipes for iconic dishes were known, one of which is Napoleon cake. To prepare it, housewives needed to stock up on the necessary products and have a lot of free time.

After all, it will take more than one hour to “ripen” the dough and soak the cake. Much has changed since then, and the puff pastry that forms the base of the cake can be bought in stores. This significantly shortens and simplifies the whole process, and those with a sweet tooth happily take the opportunity to make their own treats without particularly burdening themselves.

Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry, the recipe for which we will now analyze, has a delicate texture and excellent taste. You don't have to go to a pastry shop to buy your favorite dessert. Let's take a break from other worries and please our loved ones with homemade baked goods.

The principles of making the famous cake

The base of the dessert is puff pastry cakes. Baking them takes a lot of time, and besides, it is not so easy to cope with all the processes. Puff pastry does not always turn out one hundred percent.

If you've never tried yourself as a cook, you'd better give up the idea of ​​cooking Napoleon from start to finish. The best option for inexperienced housewives is a cake made from purchased dough.

For dessert, use both yeast and yeast-free puff pastry. Bake the cake layers in the oven or in a frying pan. Napoleon consists of 11-12 cakes, one of which must be crushed. The finished cake is subsequently sprinkled with crumbs.

Butter, butter or custard is suitable for layering cake layers. But this list is incomplete; you can make cream using any other recipe. The cake requires several hours to soak. Make the cake the night before and it will be ready to serve in the morning.

Recipe No. 1: Napoleon with custard

For the cream you will need the following products: a liter can of milk; 3 eggs; ¼ stick of butter; a glass of granulated sugar; 70 g white flour. Flavor the cream to taste with vanilla sugar. For the cake layers, buy 1 kg of puff pastry.

Start preparing the cake by defrosting the dough. Remove it from the refrigerator and leave it on the kitchen counter for about 2 hours. Then:

  1. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out 12 circles of the same diameter.
  2. Bake the cakes in a hot oven for 15-18 minutes, they should be slightly browned.
  3. Cook the cream, first heat the milk in a saucepan.
  4. Grind the eggs with flour and granulated sugar until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with the milk in a stream. Continuously stir the resulting mixture with a whisk until it gurgles and thickens.
  6. When you remove the saucepan from the stove, add vanilla sugar to the cream and cool.
  7. Cut the butter into small pieces and let it melt slightly, then beat with the cream until smooth.

Place the Napoleon cake on a tray or platter. Everything is simple here: spread each cake with cream and fold it into a pile. Sprinkle the top of the dessert and its sides with crumbs, which you get by chopping one cake layer.

Recipe No. 2: Napoleon with whipped cream

For the cream, buy: 0.4 kg of condensed milk; a glass of cream with 33% fat content; a pack of quality butter.
You will also need 1 kilogram of yeast-free puff pastry.

How to prepare the cake:

  1. Thaw the dough directly in the package.
  2. Roll out the layer and use a plate to cut out 6 round pieces.
  3. Bake the cakes on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  4. Bake the scraps separately; they should have a more intense color.


  1. Soften the butter and beat at low speed with condensed milk.
  2. Cool the cream and whip until fluffy.
  3. Combine both masses in one bowl, stirring gently with a spatula.
  4. Assemble the cake on a platter, stacking the cake layers on top of each other. Apply a layer of cream to each, press lightly so that small drips form on the sides (as in the photo).
  5. Crush the scraps with a rolling pin and sprinkle the dessert on top and sides.

The dessert should soak in a cool place, give it at least ten hours.

Recipe No. 3: Napoleon with sour cream and butter cream

Ingredients for the cream: a glass of condensed milk and the same amount of fat sour cream; a pack of peasant butter; 150 g granulated sugar.
In addition, you will need 800 g of puff pastry without yeast.

Let's start preparing dessert:

  1. Thaw the dough, then sprinkle it with flour, roll it out and cut into squares. Their size should match the size of the cake itself.
  2. Bake the cakes on parchment paper placed on the bottom of a baking sheet.
  3. Brown one cake more and crumble it by rolling it with a rolling pin.
  4. Beat granulated sugar and sour cream until fluffy, but do not overdo it, otherwise flakes will form in the cream and it will be spoiled.
  5. Soften the butter and beat with condensed milk in a separate bowl.
  6. Combine both parts of the cream and mix.
  7. Cool the cakes and stack them on a tray, spreading them with cream.
  8. Leave the top crust clean and place a cutting board on top and press down. Place pressure and place the cake in the refrigerator for one hour.
  9. Apply a layer of cream on top and sides and sprinkle with crumbs.
  10. Before tasting, the dessert should be kept in a cool place for another 7-8 hours.

Recipe No. 4: Napoleon with Strawberries

Buy half a kilogram of sheet dough and the same amount of fresh strawberries.
In addition, you will need: half a liter of heavy cream and 6 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thaw the puff pastry.
  2. Place it on a floured work surface and cut into 8 square pieces.
  3. Roll each into a layer, prick with a fork and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake at 200 degrees until done.
  5. Stack the cakes and leave to cool while you make the cream.
  6. Cool the cream, then whip it, gradually adding powdered sugar.
  7. Before using, wash and dry the strawberries with a paper towel. Cut the berries into slices. 8 Assemble the cake, alternating three layers: dough cake - cream - strawberries. Smooth the top of the dessert with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Do not cut the cake immediately; it should soak in a cool place. Give it a few hours or even the whole night. During this time, it will become tender and be easily divided into portions without coloring or breaking.

Recipe No. 5: Napoleon with cherry puree and cream cheese

Buy half a kilogram of ready-made dough and: a glass of full-fat sour cream; 150 g ripe cherries; 80 g granulated sugar; 100 g powder; 250 g mascarpone cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thaw the puff pastry.
  2. Divide it into square pieces and roll out several pieces.
  3. Bake the cakes in a hot oven, pricking them with a fork. Baking time is 15-17 minutes, it all depends on the capabilities of your equipment.
  4. While the cakes are cooling, pit the cherries and grind them in a blender along with granulated sugar.
  5. Beat the buttercream with powdered sugar, then add sour cream. You should get a homogeneous fluffy mass.

All you have to do is form the cake on a plate. To do this, stack the cakes, each time covering them with cheese and sour cream and berry puree. It will take a few hours for the cake to be completely soaked, so be patient.

Recipe No. 6: Napoleon with a layer of cream cheese

List of ingredients: 1 kg of ready-made puff pastry; 650 ml milk; 2 eggs; packaging of coconut flakes; 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar; 4 tablespoons flour; 300 g white chocolate; 250 g mascarpone.

Before you start preparing the dessert, defrost the puff pastry. After:

  1. Roll it out and cut out eight circles. Use a plate so that all the pieces are the same size (see photo).
  2. Line the bottom of a baking sheet with parchment and transfer the first cake layer onto it. Prick with a fork and bake at 190-200 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, when the cake is slightly browned, remove it from the oven.
  3. Bake the remaining cakes in the same way and cool them.
  4. Place the trimmings in the oven and brown them until brown.
  5. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Add flour, break up all the lumps with a whisk and pour in a glass of milk.
  6. Bring the remaining milk to a boil and mix with the egg mixture. Whisk the mixture constantly to prevent the eggs from boiling.
  7. When the mixture thickens, remove it from the heat, add vanilla sugar and crushed white chocolate.
  8. Whisk the cream until all ingredients are dissolved, then set aside to cool.
  9. Add mascarpone into the cooled cream in portions, stirring each time until homogeneous.

Form the cake:

  • Place the first cake layer on the dish and apply the cream.
  • Sprinkle coconut flakes only on every other cake layer and on the top of the dessert. If desired, decorate the cake with Raffaello candies.

Recipe No. 7: Napoleon with semolina custard

To prepare the dessert, buy one kilogram of ready-made puff pastry.
You will also need: a glass of condensed milk; half a liter can of milk; 0.5 cups sugar; ¾ stick of butter; 75 g semolina and zest of one lemon.

Thaw the dough and start preparing the dessert:

  1. Divide the dough into 8 equal parts.
  2. Roll out a thin layer from each of them, attach a plate and cut out a round shape.
  3. Bake the cakes on baking paper, remembering to prick them with a fork. The temperature in the oven should be high - 180-190 degrees. Bake the scraps, which you can then use to make crumbs for decoration.
  4. While the cakes are cooling, make the cream. Cook semolina porridge and mix with lemon zest.
  5. Beat butter with sugar and condensed milk.
  6. Gradually add semolina porridge into the cream, beat the mixture with a whisk or blender.
  7. Form a cake and decorate with crumbs (as in the photo). To be fully prepared, the dessert should be kept in a cool place for 8-9 hours.

Now you can try it.

Useful video

There is not always time to bake Napoleon, since a lot of time is spent on preparing puff pastry. Fortunately, modern industry has now become so successful that buying dough for this cake is not a problem. Let’s even say that the problem is in choosing this product, since new brands and types of packaging are constantly appearing on the market. You can even buy sheets of dough rolled into a tube. When you unroll them, you don’t even have to work with a rolling pin for long, since each layer is so thin that you can immediately lay it on a prepared baking sheet and put it in a preheated oven. Only a very lazy person cannot make a cake from this type of dough. But since there is a large selection of products, you need to learn to understand them.

Types of puff pastry

There are two types of puff pastry - yeast and yeast-free.

Both are available for sale and you can make a wonderful Napoleon cake from store-bought dough easily and quickly. How does one type differ from another? Firstly, the recipe for yeast dough is described in detail on our website in several articles - it involves constant cooling and rolling out the dough, and then gradually wrapping it in 256 layers. Secondly, the dough itself, although tasty, takes so much time and effort to prepare on your own that at some point you begin to think about a purchased version.

Both types of this dough are perfectly stored in the refrigerator, or rather in the freezer, tightly sealed with cling film.

Before buying puff pastry in a store, carefully read its composition.

The classic recipe for yeast-free puff pastry includes:

  • Premium flour;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Butter or cream margarine.

While a yeast dough recipe must have the following ingredients listed on the package:

  • Premium flour;
  • Butter;
  • Yeast;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Milk;
  • Eggs.

In addition, the storage regime in the store must be observed, which must be prescribed on the packaging. But it is also worth noting that any large bakery plant in any city in our country always prepares fresh puff pastry for sale. Of course, at the time of sale you will not find any instructions or composition on it, but you can always ask for the certificate that is attached to this product and kept by the seller.

Preparing baked goods from ready-made dough - a quick version of the cake

If you decide to bake a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry, then all the work will consist of rolling out the cakes, baking them and coating them with any cream.

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Of course, the fastest and easiest recipe is making a quiche.

It is not only simple, but also quite budget-friendly in our cash-strapped times. In order to supply the cake with custard, you do not need to run to a nearby store, since all the products are usually in the refrigerator. The recipe for this type of cake layer is described in detail in the custard section on our website. There you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Now the recipe for making the cake itself.

It is necessary to cut a piece of dough from the total mass, roll it out on a flour-dusted table and transfer it to a baking sheet previously covered with baking parchment. The best option is to prick the cake with a fork, as this will prevent it from puffing up too much and forming large air bubbles.

You can assemble the Napoleon only after the cakes have completely cooled and soaked, since the hot layers flavored with custard will immediately fall and a cake of 8-10 cakes will seem like a thick pancake rather than an appetizing cake. The cream should also cool completely by the time you assemble the cake, since the hot cream will be strongly absorbed into the cakes.

Baking the cakes does not take more than 15-20 minutes each in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, but it all depends on the configuration and quality of your stove. You must carefully monitor the preparation to ensure that the cakes do not burn.

Therefore, a 10-layer cake will take over 2 hours to cook if you only use one baking rack.

Therefore, it is better to prepare the cream first, and while it cools, do all the steps with the layers of the cake.

But if you want a cake coated with boiled condensed milk, then you need to cook it the evening before the day of preparing Napoleon himself. It is also worth considering that to coat with any condensed milk, this product takes too much. When I baked a cake from purchased dough, I had to make cream from condensed milk and butter. Even in the ratio of a can of condensed milk to a stick of butter, it took me about 2.5 cans of dairy product per 2.5 kg of puff pastry.

In this case, it is better to prepare all the necessary products in advance with a reserve if you decide to use the cake recipe for a holiday with a large number of guests.

If you want to use cream with condensed milk and butter to soak the cake, then the ratio should be somewhat different from what you are usually used to seeing in this cream. There should be a little more condensed milk. The normal ratio is 2 cans of condensed milk and 1.5 sticks of butter. The cream will be more liquid, but at the same time it will soak a large number of cakes well.

Of course, the recipe for cream with condensed milk and butter is the simplest, but it does not soak the layers very well, so most housewives prefer to prepare custard with butter to soak the cake.

One simple recipe

For the simplest and fastest napoleon you will need a kilogram of ready-made puff pastry, a pack of butter, a can of condensed milk and 200 grams. cream.

You need to start by rolling out the dough, cut it into equal pieces, then roll each piece into a layer no more than 5 mm thick.

Then each layer must be pricked with a fork and cut according to the template. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for no more than 20 minutes each.

The more cakes, the tastier your Napoleon will be.

When all the cakes are baked, you need to start preparing the cream.

Which is not too difficult to make from softened butter. To prepare the cream, beat the butter until white and fluffy with a mixer. Then add condensed milk and milk. Beat all the cream well with a mixer and soak the well-cooled cakes.

We bake the dough scraps a little longer than the main cakes, then break or chop them with a knife. Sprinkle the chopped scraps over the cake on all sides, not forgetting the side surfaces.

This simple recipe can be implemented even by a novice cook.

The only thing you need to remember is the long-term soaking of the cakes in the refrigerator. The finished and decorated cake must stand in the cold for at least 12 hours to be completely soaked. Cream will contribute to a softer taste, and condensed milk will add sweetness to the cake itself.

It is always worth remembering that no sugar is added to puff pastry without yeast, so the cakes turn out unleavened. And if you need a dessert with a bright sweet taste, then the bulk of sugar or any sugar-containing product is added to the cream. You shouldn’t skimp on the fondant for soaking each layer, since the better the finished dessert is soaked, the brighter its taste will be.

Prepared Napoleon soaked in condensed milk and butter can be stored in the freezer, carefully packed in cling film for up to 7 days. This cake should be defrosted at room temperature for no more than 2 hours. But you can simply move it from the freezer to the refrigerator for one night and calmly enjoy a delicious cake in the morning.

Also, ready-made puff pastry should not be defrosted in the microwave, since even the defrosting mode can dry out the dough too much and make it unsuitable for rolling. For this reason, the dough is also defrosted at room temperature.

I offer you a recipe for Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry and my signature cream for it. The cake cooks quickly and turns out crispy and soft at the same time. What I like about this recipe is that the cake is prepared quickly and is quite suitable for a quick tea party at home, or for a holiday table as a dessert.

In Europe, this cake is called "Millefeuille" due to the large number of layers. Usually custard is used for such a cake, but on the Internet you will find many options for creams for this cake.

It is best to buy puff pastry that has already been rolled into layers. Then it will take very little time to prepare the cakes. I always keep a couple of packages of ready-made puff pastry without yeast in the freezer. Before you start preparing the cake, remove the dough from the freezer and let it thaw a little. We also take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens at room temperature.

So, to prepare the Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry, we will take the following products. As you can see, there are very few of them.

I will be making a rectangular cake because I have layers of dough that are shaped like this. Place a layer of dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We divide the layer in half and make many punctures along the surface of the dough, this is necessary so that the dough rises evenly during baking. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 190 degrees and bake the cakes for 10-12 minutes.

We will need to prepare 4 cakes in this way. That is, I will bake two trays of cakes.

While the cakes are baking, prepare the cream for the cake. My signature cake cream consists of two creams mixed together.

Cream No. 1: Place sour cream and sugar in a bowl.

Using a mixer, beat the ingredients into a very homogeneous smooth mass.

Cream No. 2: In a bowl, mix softened butter and condensed milk.

Using a mixer, also beat the ingredients until smooth.

Now mix these two creams together.

The SECRET and success of this cream is that the sour cream soaks the cakes, and the butter cream forms a creamy layer. Together they give us a very juicy and delicious cake.

Place the resulting cream in the refrigerator until the baked cakes have cooled completely.

These are the cakes we should get in finished form.

While still hot, cut each cake in half lengthwise with a serrated bread knife.

We will use 7 of the 8 resulting cake layers for the cake; we will crush one cake layer into crumbs and sprinkle it on the finished cake.

Let the cakes cool completely and spread each layer with cream.

Place the cakes one on one and grease them with cream. Don’t worry that the cake is uneven, we’ll fix everything.

When all the cakes are coated with cream, leave a little cream to coat the top and sides of the Napoleon.

In the meantime, place a cutting board on top of the cake and place something heavy on it. This is necessary so that the future “Napoleon” settles a little and becomes horizontally level. Leave the cake for 10 minutes with a load, and then coat the top and sides with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Cake "Napoleon" from ready-made puff pastry is ready.

The cake can be served immediately. If it sits for a while, it will become softer. We love to eat freshly prepared Napoleon cake because it will be crispy, moist, and flavorful.

The top of the “Napoleon” can be decorated with almond petals or nuts - if desired. Enjoy your tea.

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