Home Salads and snacks Boiled beef liver how many calories. Beef liver: benefits and harms, calorie content. Scientific facts about the beneficial properties of beef liver, rules for its use

Boiled beef liver how many calories. Beef liver: benefits and harms, calorie content. Scientific facts about the beneficial properties of beef liver, rules for its use

Beef liver It is a soft but dense organ of brown-red color. There is probably not a person who would not try a dish made from this product, since it is the most popular offal. Liver dishes are not picky in preparation and can be combined with many, at first glance, incompatible products. There is an opinion that liver dishes are bitter, but this applies more to pork liver; beef liver has a slight bitterness, which adds a piquant taste. This product not only has high taste qualities, but is also useful due to its rich chemical composition, and its low calorie content allows you to consume liver during a diet.

Chemical composition of beef liver

Liver is one of the richest foods By chemical composition since it contains the entire periodic table and a huge amount of vitamins, macro and microelements. Among the vitamins contained in beef liver highest ratio, have vitamins: A, B9, B4, B12, B12, B5, PP. Vitamins B1, B6, C, D and E are present to a lesser extent. It consists of 70% water and 1.31% ash.

As for macroelements, the largest quantities are present:

  • potassium - participates in myocardial contraction and regulates heart rhythm, participates in the transmission of signals from nerve endings, controls the salt content in the body;
  • phosphorus - ensures the absorption of vitamins, improves performance nervous system, regulates acid-base balance and regulates metabolic processes.

In a smaller ratio it contains:

  • calcium - participation in bone tissue formation, control blood pressure, normalization of heart rate, positive influence on the condition of the skin, improving the condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • magnesium - increase in the immune system, production of energy for life, antibodies, participation in blood clotting, protein synthesis;
  • sodium - regulation of water-salt balance, prevention of dehydration, participation in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, supporting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The highest proportion of microelements is found in the following:

  • selenium - affects all types of metabolism, promotes the formation of thyroid hormones, promotes the absorption of iodine and vitamin E;
  • copper - is directly involved in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes, affects the development of tissues and cells in the body, especially blood, transports oxygen to tissues;
  • iron - participates in blood formation, transports oxygen to tissues, regulates the absorption of water-soluble vitamins, increases the body's defenses, neutralizes the effects of toxic substances;
  • zinc - has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face, hair, nails, helps strengthen bones, regulates the alkali and acid content in the blood.

The relatively low content of manganese, which is necessary for the healthy development of the skeleton and cells, is involved in hematopoiesis.

Despite the good percentage useful substances This product contains quite a large amount of cholesterol.

Product nutrients per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 20.36 grams.
  • Fat - 3.63 grams.
  • Carbohydrates 3.89 grams.

Calorie content of the product

The calorie content of this product in its raw form differs from the cooked one and varies depending on the heat treatment, cooking technology and various additional products. Thus, the calorie content of fried beef liver is significantly higher than with other processing technologies. Calorie content of beef liver in raw is 135 kcal (565.22 kJ). Despite the fact that during a diet, every calorie counts, such a product must be included in the diet, since it contains many substances necessary for the body.

The table below shows the calorie content of liver depending on the type of processing.

Useful and harmful properties

The beneficial properties are the high content of vitamin A and group B. Doctors and nutritionists recommend including the liver of calves and cows in the diet of children and pregnant women, and also using it to prevent diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Due to the high content of chromium, which is responsible for blood clotting, it is recommended to use it when overworked and in order to restore the human body after illness, as well as to prevent thrombosis.

The most useful is the boiled form of this product. It is in boiled form that the maximum amount of nutrients absorbed by the human body is preserved. Due to the folic acid content, the product is useful for young children.

Despite all the usefulness of this product, its very frequent use is not recommended, as this can cause harm to the human body. Using any useful product in excessive quantities, the effectiveness of its action is lost, so you always need to know when to stop and listen to the body’s signals. The extractive substances contained (intermediate metabolic products of complex substances) can complicate digestion in older people. It is not recommended to use this product for people with high blood cholesterol.

One of the popular ways to lose weight today is a diet with beef liver. The developers assure her: it’s quite possible to say goodbye to 8 kilograms in just 2 weeks!

The main feature of the diet is beef liver on the menu every day. It sounds tempting, but is this product really that useful? And what is its calorie content in this case, if it was possible to create such an effective weight loss system based on beef liver?

The benefits of beef liver for health and figure are truly difficult to overestimate – of course, if you don’t get carried away with it beyond measure:

  • this product is a rich source of vitamin A, which protects eye health;
  • it also contains a lot of iron, which supplies cells with oxygen and is designed to fight anemia;
  • for heavy smokers and those who like to have a glass or two after a hard day at work, beef liver, containing powerful antioxidants selenium and thiamine, will help cleanse the body of alcohol and tobacco toxins;
  • potassium in the by-product will remove harmful fluid from the body (that’s minus a kilogram or two), and at the same time will greatly strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • This product, even in small quantities, perfectly supports strength, quickly restores vital energy levels and helps you always be in good shape.

Counting calories: liver...


The developers of the miracle diet were not mistaken: the nutritional value of the liver is really so low that it can safely be included in the list of dietary dishes.

Just 100 g of it contains 127 kcal. This is 2 times less than the calorie content of beef meat (despite the fact that its vitamin and mineral composition is wider and many times richer). Protein in such a small piece is as much as 20 g, fat – 3 g, carbohydrates – 4 g.

When choosing an offal in a store, it is important to pay attention to its color and smell. The liver of adult animals is usually dark and dense in color. In young calves it is lighter in color - this is what is preferable to buy: then the likelihood that the animal was sick before slaughter will be much lower.

The surface of the liver should be smooth, shiny, without visible damage. It would be a good idea to ask the seller to make a small cut and smell the piece you like. A sour smell will immediately indicate that the product is stale.


The calorie content of boiled liver is almost the same as fresh liver - 125 kcal per 100 g. And the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates remains unchanged.

Perhaps liver processed in this way is not as appetizing as, for example, fried liver, but a piece of boiled liver can serve as an excellent base for a salad, cold snack or pate.

Possessing its own discreet, weakly expressed taste, when boiled this offal gracefully sets off the taste of other products, for which culinary specialists value it so much.

Important feature: the fresh product is slightly bitter. To get rid of bitterness, soak the pieces in milk an hour or two before cooking: this will not increase the calorie content of the liver, and the repulsive taste will disappear without a trace.


As you might expect, caloric content fried liver quite high - 208 kcal per 100 g. Fat in such a piece is 10.2 g, protein - 22.8 g, carbohydrates - 9.4 g.

Of course, fried liver is much higher in calories. And such a dish cannot be called dietary. And yet, it is not necessary to completely abandon this method of cooking the liver.

For example, the nutritional value of the very popular liver cake (liver cakes fried with spices, layered with fried onions and carrots) is at an average level. So treat yourself to this once in a while savory dish even those who uncompromisingly watch their figure can enjoy a rich taste.

Perhaps the only contraindication may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in the acute stage - although doctors usually recommend that patients with such diagnoses avoid any fried foods.


Stewed liver is the golden mean between benefits and taste. Its calorie content is only 117 kcal per 100 g, of which fat 3.29 g, protein - 16.62 g, carbohydrates - 2.07 g.

At the same time, she has a subtle delicate taste, capable of pleasing the heart and stomach of the most discerning gourmet.

The liver is most often stewed in a sauce - milk or vegetable. The main rule here is to reduce components with a high fat content, otherwise the offal will absorb its excess, and then talking about its benefits for the figure will be completely inappropriate.

To minimize the harm from such a dish and maximize its benefits, offer your household an unusual dish for lunch or dinner - liver stewed in berry sauce. A drop of oil for frying will not harm your slender shape, and your family members will certainly appreciate the curious taste.

Liver is a popular offal from which many main dishes can be prepared. People who care about their weight should know about the calorie content of liver of different origins - chicken, beef, pork. This will help you more accurately distribute the energy value of your diet throughout the day.

Calorie content of chicken liver

Chicken liver has a very delicate taste and is a delicacy in many countries. Dishes made from it are tasty and satisfy hunger well. Calorie content chicken liver per 100 g of product is 140 kcal. These numbers are comparable to beef.

For dietary nutrition It is important to choose good quality chicken liver:

  • With a shiny smooth surface (evidence of the freshness of the product);
  • Brown color;
  • Without various inclusions or blood clots;
  • With a subtle characteristic smell of liver.

Poor quality liver has a loose consistency. If it falls into pieces, it means it has been defrosted and frozen again several times.

Different variants heat treatment also affect the calorie content of the liver. Yes, calorie content stewed liver chicken about 164 kcal, boiled (boiled) the lowest - 152 kcal. The calorie content of fried liver is the highest, amounting to 181 kcal.

In addition to its low calorie content, chicken liver is also useful because it contains a lot of folic acid and B vitamins, and 100 g of the product contains the daily requirement of iron. Therefore, this product is indispensable for anemia of various origins, including in pregnant women. If we compare the composition and amount of protein in the liver and chicken breast, as well as the calorie content of the liver and chicken meat, then they are almost identical. But there are much more vitamins A and group B in the liver than in the breast.

Calorie content of beef liver

Beef liver is also healthy - it is low in fat, high in protein, amino acids and vitamins. The calorie content of beef liver is lower than that of chicken liver. When boiled, there are only 127 kcal per 100 product.

Such a low calorie content of liver makes it a valuable product for creating a diet for obesity and overweight.

It is recommended to make the liver a mandatory component in the menu of active smokers, as it can neutralize the harmful effects of nicotine and tar. The antioxidants it contains strengthen cell membranes and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

For young children, it is better not to include beef liver in the menu, as it contains a lot of keratin and is quite difficult to digest.

Calorie content of pork liver

Pork liver- a tasty and healthy by-product, which is also low in cost. Pork liver contains a lot of amino acids, and vitamins are in an easily digestible form. The calorie content of pig liver is small compared to meat and other animal products.

To prepare dishes from pork liver, it is important to choose it correctly. Fresh liver is of uniform color, with an elastic, smooth surface, and a slightly sweetish odor of low intensity.

The calorie content of pork liver is 109 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of the liver will be influenced by the method of its preparation and the addition of other components of the dish. For example, the calorie content of fried liver will be higher due to the fact that high-calorie fats are used for frying. But the calorie content of stewed liver is not as high as that of fried liver, since the liver is stewed mainly in water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

Cooking pork liver has its own characteristics. So that it does not become bitter and becomes softer, it is better to soak the product in milk before cooking. It is better to salt the liver at the end of frying, this will make it less tough.

The relatively low calorie content of pig liver is an argument in favor of including it in the list of dietary products.

The liver of animals consumed as food is rich in copper, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium and other trace elements, which makes it extremely useful. It improves blood composition, increases immunity, strengthens bones, teeth, stimulates brain activity, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and nervous system.

The liver also contains vitamins A and E, which improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails and nourish the organs of vision, and vitamins PP and K, which strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and potassium, which strengthens the heart. In addition, it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, and contains vitamin H, which improves memory and attention and promotes nail and hair growth and skin health. It also contains a lot of B vitamins, which normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve the activity of the brain and nervous system, increase efficiency and resistance to stress, and promote good mood and sound sleep.

These vitamins are also very useful for pregnant and lactating women, as they contribute to the normal development of the fetus and child. Choline contained in the liver regulates insulin levels in the blood and prevents the formation of fatty tissue.

The main source of liver calories is proteins. It contains about 18% of them, carbohydrates - about 5-6%, fats - within 4-5%. Liver is also rich in amino acids - lysine, tryptophan, methionine, etc. Liver is useful for patients diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis, it prevents the occurrence of anemia, it is useful for older people to use it to maintain the health of the heart, blood vessels, joints and nervous system. Heparin, contained in the liver, regulates blood clotting, thereby helping to prevent myocardial infarction. The liver is also useful for urolithiasis.

Calorie content of beef liver

Beef liver improves the body's immunity and regenerative powers; it is useful for burns, kidney diseases and infectious diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system. It is also recommended for athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle.

The calorie content of beef liver ranges from 100 to 130 kcal per 100 g and depends on the age of the animal and the fat content in it. The calorie content of fried cow liver is 205-215 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of fried liver with onions is from 110 to 120 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of boiled beef liver is about 125 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled beef liver may be slightly bitter: to get rid of the bitterness, it is soaked in milk before cooking - this does not affect the energy value, but makes the liver softer and tastier. The calorie content of stewed beef liver is 117 kcal per 100 g, stewed in sour cream – 133 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken liver calorie content

Chicken liver is softer than beef liver and cooks faster. It produces very tender and delicious pates. The peculiarity of chicken liver is its high content of folic acid (vitamin B9), which is extremely beneficial for the nervous system. It also contains a lot of vitamin A. Just 100 g of chicken liver contains daily norm gland. This product is useful for weakened vision, decreased performance and fatigue, as well as lung diseases.

The calorie content of chicken liver is about 140 kcal per 100 g due to a slightly higher fat and protein content than beef liver. The calorie content of fried chicken liver is 153-185 kcal per 100 g - it depends on the amount of fat used in the preparation of this product. The calorie content of stewed chicken liver is 135-150 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of pork liver

The younger the pig whose liver you use for food, the more tender and liver tastes better. It is covered with a film that must be removed before cooking. Pork liver is used for cooking various dishes– pates, cutlets, minced meat, even liver cake, and is also eaten stewed and fried and baked. If you are afraid that pork liver will be tough, soak it in milk or stew in sour cream - this will make it softer and more tender. Pork liver is often bitter (especially the liver of adult animals), so before cooking it must be soaked in water, milk or sauce for a couple of hours.

Pork liver contains almost all the amino acids necessary for the human body, including essential ones. It is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, diabetes and anemia.

The calorie content of pork liver is about 110 kcal per 100 g. It has a lower fat content, but more carbohydrates than beef or chicken liver. In terms of protein content, it is slightly inferior to chicken liver.

The calorie content of fried pork liver is 220 kcal per 100 g, it is possible to reduce it by not using fats when frying or using very little fat (for this you will need a frying pan with non-stick coating). The calorie content of pork liver stewed with onions, carrots and sour cream is 133 kcal per 100 g.

What can you cook from liver?

Berlin-style liver with apples is very simple tasty dish, prepared from beef liver. Take 0.5 kg of liver, cut into portions and lightly beat through film, roll in flour, salt and pepper and start frying in a frying pan with vegetable oil. After frying all the pieces, place them on a paper napkin to remove excess fat. Do not drain the oil from the frying pan - it will come in handy later.

Cut two green apples into pieces, after peeling the skin. Now fry the apples in the oil in which the liver was fried until medium soft - they should be saturated with the liver spirit. After frying the apples, remove them, and now in the same oil with apple and liver juices, fry the onion cut into rings with the addition of curry and paprika until half cooked.

Then place the apples in layers on the dish, then the liver and then the onions. Place in a microwave at 700-800 watts for 2-3 minutes or in an oven preheated to 175 degrees for 5-7 minutes, then remove, garnish with fresh herbs and serve. The calorie content of Berlin-style liver is only 89 kcal per 100 g.

Beef liver in sour cream is very easy to prepare. You will need 0.5 kg of liver, 1 glass of sour cream, onion, glass chicken broth, vegetable oil, pepper and salt. You can use chicken liver - it cooks even faster.

Cut the liver into pieces, roll in flour, pepper and salt and fry in a frying pan until golden brown crust. Place the liver in a saucepan, add broth and bring to a boil; add sour cream and simmer over low heat. Fry the onion in oil until golden brown and add to the liver. When the liver becomes soft, the dish is ready.

The calorie content of stewed liver in sour cream is 165 kcal per 100 g. As a side dish you can serve rice, buckwheat or pea porridge, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta or fresh vegetable salad.

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About the liver:

“How many calories are in the liver” - this question is often heard from people struggling with extra pounds, or those who are used to monitoring their weight. Really, how many calories does liver have? And what deserves more attention – its calorie content or beneficial properties?

When properly prepared, liver dishes will become welcome guests on any table. Energy value of this product (fresh) is relatively small. On average, the calorie content of liver is approximately 125-130 kcal per 100 g. product. Liver is inferior to meat in terms of the number of calories in it, so it can be included (within reason, of course) in the diet of people struggling with excess weight.

Liver is an important source of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The liver can be beneficial for the health of expectant and nursing mothers, for people whose work involves physical activity, as well as for children during active growth and puberty.

Liver is one of the most useful by-products, because it contains a lot of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. This product has a characteristic bitterness and a special smell. You can get rid of them different ways. For example, you can soak the liver in a special marinade or milk. Fruits and various fragrant and spicy mixtures will also help remove the unpleasant taste. A lot is prepared from liver different dishes– it can be stewed, baked, fried!

The liver of any animal contains a large amount of useful substances and complete proteins. The product contains 70 - 75% water, 17 - 20% proteins, 2 - 5% fats; the following amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan. The main protein, iron protein, contains more than 15% of the iron necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and other blood pigments. Thanks to copper, the liver has anti-inflammatory properties.

Lysine is an essential amino acid, it affects the digestibility of proteins, the condition of our ligaments and tendons depends on it, this amino acid helps to absorb calcium, prevents osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. Lack of lysine can lead to impotence. Tryptophan is necessary for quality sleep and elimination of anxiety. Methionine, together with choline and folic acid, prevents the formation of certain types of tumors. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an excellent antioxidant that protects the human body from the effects of smoking and drinking alcohol.

The liver contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium. Vitamins B, D, E, K, β-carotene, ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has a positive effect on the kidneys, improves brain function, maintains vision, smooth skin, healthy teeth and hair.

Chicken liver is very popular and healthy. It is known that this offal has a very high content of vitamin B12, which is vital for the formation of red blood cells. Chicken liver has long been used as a way to get rid of anemia, that is, anemia. In addition, it is known that chicken liver is very useful for problems with the thyroid gland, since chicken liver contains a sufficient amount of selenium.

At the same time, it should be recalled that, despite the relatively low calorie content of the liver, abuse this food product still not worth it. The liver contains a lot of cholesterol and other components that in large quantities will not benefit our health.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that you can only eat the liver of completely healthy animals (birds, fish) that have received proper nutrition.

Elderly people should not consume liver, since liver contains extractive substances that it is better for elderly people to avoid.

You should not include liver in the menu of those people who have high cholesterol levels in their blood, since liver is a product rich in cholesterol. But excess cholesterol can cause stroke, myocardial infarction, and angina.

You should also refrain from consuming it if you have an individual intolerance to the product or if you have a food allergy to this product (especially for fish liver).

An absolute contraindication for eating liver dishes is some problems with the health of the thyroid gland (its increased function).

Too much liver on the menu can cause food poisoning due to an excess of vitamins. It is recommended to include this product in the menu no more than once a week.

The most commonly used food products are pork, beef and chicken liver. An interesting fact is that the number of calories in chicken liver is approximately equal to the calorie content of chicken meat. But pork liver has three times less calories than pork. The energy value of beef liver is two times less than that of beef.

Caloric content of liver, depending on the method of preparation:


Chicken liver is used as an ingredient in almost every cuisine in the world. Dishes made from chicken liver are very popular all over the world. They are even considered a delicacy. Plus, they have few calories.

The calorie content of chicken liver is 136 kcal per 100 g. product


Calorie content of boiled chicken liver is 152 kcal per 100 g. product


Calorie content of fried chicken liver is 181 kcal per 100 g. product


Calorie content of stewed chicken liver is 164 kcal per 100 g. product


First of all, we note that pork liver is a source of essential amino acids and B vitamins. In addition, this product contains vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as minerals - copper, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron. Pork liver (like its other types) will be useful for people with low hemoglobin, as well as those who suffer from atherosclerosis and diabetes.

The caloric content of pork liver is 120 kcal per 100 g. product


The calorie content of fried pork liver is about 200 kcal per 100 grams. product


Liver calories boiled pork– 109 kcal per 100 g. product


Beef liver is an ingredient for a large number of different nutritious meals. This product is a rich source of B vitamins. In addition, the liver contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and a lot of enzymes and extractives. Minerals from its composition are iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper.

Calorie content of beef liver is 125 kcal per 100 g. product


Calorie content of fried beef liver is 199 kcal per 100 g. product


Calorie content of boiled beef liver is 113 kcal per 100 g. product

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