Home Dessert Lenten flatbreads made with potato broth. Kutaby – flatbreads with potatoes and herbs (lenten version). Recipe for Lenten flatbreads with potatoes

Lenten flatbreads made with potato broth. Kutaby – flatbreads with potatoes and herbs (lenten version). Recipe for Lenten flatbreads with potatoes


First of all, we offer a recipe for vegetable flatbreads with herbs. The dough prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

1. To 1 cup of a mixture of wheat and corn flour, add a pinch of prepared herbs with cloves, add a small amount of salted cold water.
2. Add 1 cup of chopped raw vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin). The products are mixed and carefully beaten on the board.
3. To prepare hot cakes, place small cakes on a dry baking sheet and bake in a well-heated oven. Grease the finished flatbreads with vegetable oil.


Blogger Alina Kalieva offers a recipe for flatbreads with quinoa, which is known to be rich in protein and very healthy. These flatbreads are delicious to eat just like that, along with soup, or spread on them with various pastes and pates.

1 cup quinoa
3 tbsp. spoons of whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
a handful of white and black sesame seeds

Grind the quinoa in a coffee grinder in several batches until it becomes flour. Mix with salt, baking powder and wheat flour. Add water and knead the dough. Divide the dough into small parts (the author made five flatbreads). Sprinkle each piece with sesame seeds and roll out into thin flat cakes. Then place the flatbread in a well-heated dry frying pan and fry on both sides.

Tip: you can do without sesame seeds, or replace them with other seeds, or you can make the flatbreads spicy by adding a mixture of spices. If you replace the wheat flour in the recipe with a gluten-free mixture, these scones are suitable for those with gluten intolerance.


Vegan and blogger Tatyana shares a recipe for potato cakes. Agree, it’s difficult to resist.

150 g whole grain flour;
150 g white flour;
Water - 200 ml;
Potatoes - 600 g;
One onion;
Fresh herbs, grated ginger root;
Spices and salt to taste.

1. Sift the flour. You can use regular wheat or a mixture of whole grain and wheat in equal proportions. Important! Do not substitute other flour, otherwise the cakes will not turn out. Add vegetable oil/olive oil and salt. Gradually add water and knead into a smooth, elastic dough. Knead it for about 5-7 minutes. Cover with cling film and leave to rest at room temperature for 25–30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Boil the potatoes until tender. Mash until most of it turns into a puree, but small pieces remain. Add chopped fresh herbs and grated ginger root. Add seasonings: dried herbs - thyme or mint, hot pepper, ground coriander, curry, salt.
3. Divide the filling and dough into 4 parts. Punch down the rested dough and roll out the first part of the dough into a circle with a diameter of about 8-10 cm. Place a portion of the filling in the center and carefully pinch the edges. You will get a kind of “bag”. Dust the work surface with flour as needed, turn the “bag” over with the pinch side down and roll out thinly.
4. Place the flatbread in a heated dry frying pan (or greased with a thin layer of oil) and fry on both sides until golden brown. Then grease the flatbread with oil (vegetable) on both sides and place it on a plate.


Another recipe for Lenten flatbread with potatoes and champignons was found on a vegan blog. Looks delicious and easy to prepare.

For the flatbread:
White wheat flour - 1 cup
Whole grain wheat flour - 1 cup
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper to taste
Water approximately 150 ml

For filling:
Dill, parsley
Bulb onions

1. Mix flour and spices in a bowl, add olive oil and gradually live water, knead into an elastic dough, cover it with cling film and leave for 30 minutes.
2. At this time, make the filling. Boil potatoes, fry mushrooms with onions. Mash the potatoes and mix with herbs. Divide the filling into 2 parts and add mushrooms to the second part. You will get flatbreads with two different fillings.
3. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll out into a circle. We put the filling in the center, pinch the edges, you get a bag. Turn the cake over and roll it out a little. Fry on both sides in a dry frying pan.


Blogger Katya Dubrovina offers her own version of flatbreads with herbs, assuring that they turn out similar to puff pastries.

1. Mix 200 ml of water with a pinch of salt, 2 tsp. vegetable oil and add about 500 ml of flour. You should get a soft, elastic dough that slightly sticks to your hands and rolls out easily.
2. Knead the dough thoroughly, cover with a towel and let stand for 10 minutes. At this time, you can start filling.
3. Just chop your favorite greens. Green onions would fit perfectly here, but if you don’t eat them, take whatever you like.
4. Roll out the dough thinly into a rectangle, grease with a few drops of vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Distribute the greens evenly and roll them into a roll, which we divide into approximately 16 equal parts.
5. Turn each piece into a ball and roll it into a flat cake approximately 2 mm thick. Fry over medium heat on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Soft and thin flatbreads with airy potato filling will appeal to both adults and children. Due to the fact that the dough is prepared not in the traditional way - in cold water, but in boiling water, the flatbreads are very soft. They can also be prepared for 2 times at once. Cooled flatbreads store well in the refrigerator, and can then be easily reheated in the microwave. They will become tender and fragrant again.

Author of the publication

Mother of five children, she has been a housewife for eight years. He has been interested in baking and cooking in general since he was 10 years old. Quite recently I found a new hobby – food photography, and since then I’ve been trying to combine everything. He is a little interested in handicrafts, but cooking remains in the first place. She also does some baking to order.

  • Recipe author: Tamara Archakova
  • After cooking you will receive 8 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 1 hour


  • 340 gr wheat flour
  • 200 ml boiling water
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 10 g vegetable oil
  • 400 g potatoes
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 40 g vegetable oil
  • 15 g parsley
  • 15 g dill

Cooking method

    Prepare food. Sift the flour, wash and chop the greens. Boil and measure 200 ml of water. Peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly.

    Pour boiling water into the dough bowl, add salt, 10 grams of vegetable oil and, stirring gently, add 300 grams of flour with a spoon (set aside the rest of the flour for rolling out flatbreads). When the flour is combined with water, you can knead the dough with your hands. Form into a ball, cover the bowl with cling film or a cloth napkin and leave for 20 minutes.

    Boil the potatoes in a small amount of water with ½ tsp. salt. Drain the water, mash with a masher or fork and cool. Add greens to potatoes and stir.

    Divide the finished dough into 8 parts. Lightly dusting with flour, roll out 8 circles with a diameter of 18-20 cm.

    Distribute 1 tbsp onto one half of the rolled out dough. with a heap of filling.

    Cover the top with the other half of the dough and trim very close to the edge using a dough roller.

    Heat a frying pan over medium heat and brush each flatbread with vegetable oil using a pastry brush before cooking. Cook the flatbreads for 3 minutes on each side.

    Lenten flatbreads ready!

    Bon appetit!

Boil potatoes for filling. Select three medium-sized tubers, rinse thoroughly to remove soil and other dirt, place in cold water, salted with 1 tsp. salt and boil until tender. It took me about 25 minutes.

Sift good-quality white and dry flour along with salt into a wide and deep bowl. To better combine the liquid with the flour, make a depression in the dry mixture. Pour in the specified volume of warm (not hot!) water with the addition of non-fragrant vegetable oil.

Using your fingers, gently combine the water with the butter and flour.

Knead the dough quickly so that it does not become too elastic. This unleavened dough will not stick to your fingers and work surface, so additionally sprinkling flour on the table or hands will be unnecessary.

Before rolling out the dough, give it a little rest - transfer it to a clean surface (board, bowl), cover with a towel or cover our dough ball with film, but be sure to cover it so that it does not dry out.

While the dough is resting, let's make the filling.

Peel the skin of the boiled potatoes, cut the tubers several times and place in a bowl. Mash the potatoes into a puree. You can do this with a potato masher, through a meat grinder, or grind the potatoes in a blender. If the potato mixture turns out to be too dense, you can add a little boiled water.

Finely chop the washed and dried greens. This could be young green onions, young garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.

Mix mashed potatoes with herbs. Stir and flavor the filling by adding salt and pepper.

If you have some leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday at home, you can also use it for the filling, additionally mixing it with herbs.

Divide the dough into equal parts. Take a ball of dough and roll it out on a flat and smooth surface into a thin cake (the thickness of the dough should be the same).

Place the filling (about 1.5 tablespoons) on one half of the thin flatbread.

Cover the potato filling with the other half of the dough and seal the edges.

I suggest using a fork. Firstly, you will get a beautiful curly edge, and secondly, when pressed with a fork, the dough sticks together very well and will not open when frying.

Tip: do not make the edge of the dough too wide, as during frying the dough will dry out and may be too hard.

If you have leftovers from dinner mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes, I can offer you a recipe for delicious flatbreads that will please everyone in your family. These potato cakes can be consumed not only as an independent dish, but also eaten with first courses or simply with a cup of freshly brewed tea, and also taken with you on a trip or outdoors. Such potato cakes do not require much effort in preparation; any housewife can handle them - both beginners and experienced ones.

  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
  • flour - 600 g
  • salt - 2 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 370 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • ready-made mashed potatoes
  • fried onion
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Recipe for Lenten flatbreads with potatoes:

Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add salt, sugar and yeast. Let them swell a little and dissolve. When the yeast disperses, add vegetable oil and gradually add sifted flour. Knead the dough. It should be firm and elastic.

Cover the dough with a clean napkin and put it in a warm place for about 1 hour.

I kneaded my dough in a bread maker.

Prepare the filling:

Wash the potatoes, peel and boil until tender in lightly salted water (about 5-6 potatoes). Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Crush the finished potatoes (drain the water), add the fried onion and pepper.

Divide the dough into equal pieces, approximately 7-8 pieces. Roll out each piece of dough with a rolling pin into a small flat cake, place 1-2 tablespoons of potato filling in the center of the flat cake.

Pinch the edges to form a pie or collect them in the form of a bag. Then gently help with a rolling pin to roll out the cake. The thickness of the cake should be no more than 1 cm.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the flatbreads over low heat until golden brown.

You can also fry our potato cakes in a slow cooker by adding a little vegetable oil to the bowl and using the “baking” mode, bring them until golden brown on each side - about 13-15 minutes on each side.

When we remove the flatbread from the frying pan or remove it from the multicooker, grease each with a mixture of garlic squeezed through a press with a small amount of vegetable oil. We do this with all potato cakes.

Bon appetit!!!


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