Home Preparations for the winter Prefabricated soup technological map. Chicken broth with noodles, portion (TTK1716)

Prefabricated soup technological map. Chicken broth with noodles, portion (TTK1716)

Topic No. 6

Preparation of Soups and Broths

42 hours.

1. Making chicken broth. Milk soup with rice.

Studying techniques for sautéing flour and vegetables.

2. Preparation of kharcho soup, sweet soups. Compilation

technological cards with output for one portion.

3. Preparation of pureed soups (from vegetables and chicken).

4. Making potato and rice soup and soup

potato with peas.

5. Cooking borscht.

6. Cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. Okroshka.

    Preparation of hodgepodges.

Basic lesson objectives:

    Learn the terms related to the preparation of soups and their classification.

    To develop practical skills in organizing workplaces in the soup department of a hot shop.

    Study the sequence of technological operations when preparing soups.

    Learn to work with regulatory and technological documentation, determine taste qualities, design dishes, comply with serving rules, storage conditions and sales deadlines.

    Develop a culture of table manners in students.

Characteristics of soups and their classification.

Soups are a liquid food, a decoction of meat, fish, mushrooms, etc. with seasoning from vegetables, cereals, etc. Soups also include cabbage soup and borscht

Soups are important part of lunch. They consist of two parts: liquid- base and dense- side dish Broths, milk and milk drinks (kefir, yogurt), decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, and kvass are used as a liquid base. Vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes and pasta, poultry fish, meat, etc. are used for garnish.

Bouillon - a decoction obtained by boiling meat, bones, poultry, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, etc. in water.
At catering establishments, a soup section is intended for preparing first courses.
The technological process of preparing first courses is divided into two stages: preparing broths and preparing soups.

By cooking method : gas stations; transparent; puree (puree soups); sweet; cold, etc.
In addition, depending on the base, soups can be based on decoctions (broth) or milk (dairy).

Gas stations soups are called soups, when preparing vegetables, potatoes, cereals, legumes, and pasta in broth or mushroom broth until tender. These soups are seasoned with sautéed vegetables.

Transparent soups designed to stimulate appetite, as they contain a large amount of extractives. Clear soups have low calorie content.
Clear soups consist of clear broths and side dishes that are prepared separately.

Puree soups (puree soups) They have high nutritional value, they are easily absorbed by the body, therefore they are widely used in children's and medical nutrition. These soups are prepared from vegetables, cereals, legumes, poultry and game, liver, and fish. Distinctive
The peculiarity of puree soups is that for their preparation the products are pureed, so the soups have a homogeneous and delicate consistency. The basis for puree soups is pureed food and white sauce.
Puree soups, as their name suggests, have a puree-like consistency. They are prepared from vegetables (potatoes, carrots, turnips, white and cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.), mushrooms (ceps, morels, champignons), cereals and legumes (rice, oatmeal, green peas, etc.), meat products and poultry (liver, chickens, game), crayfish and less often
- from fish products in meat, mushroom, fish broths and vegetable broths.
Sweet soups known in Rus' since ancient times. They are prepared on the basis of compotes from fresh, dried, frozen fruits and berries. You can use pureed fruits and canned fruit and berry purees. Served not only cold, but also hot with sour cream or cream.
Russians are unusually original and unique
cold soups, prepared with kvass, beetroot and fruit infusions, and also cold borscht. These soups are prepared in a cold workshop, using specially designated dishes, equipment and boards with appropriate markings. Ready soups are stored in the refrigerator.
Milk soups prepared with whole milk, with a mixture of milk and water, and also with powdered milk and condensed milk without sugar. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables.

Soups are classified as follows: according to serving temperature: cold (10-14 degrees), hot (75-80 degrees).

Preparation of broths.

The taste of the broth depends on the ratio of water in itAnd product, degree of grinding, cooking duration.
to prepare normal broth for
1 kg of product is taken4...5 l of water, and for concentrated1,25 l. From 1 kg of product should be poured1 l concentrated broth.
to get a normal broth
1 l concentrated broth dilutedZ. 4l hot water and bring to a boil.

For cooking Bone Broth:

the prepared bones are placed in a cauldron,
one water in the ratio
4,5 ... 5 l on 1 kg bones;

bring to a boil, skim off the foam. Cook at low simmer with the lid closed, skimming foam and fat from the surface;

boil beef bone broth4 h, pork and veal – 2-3 hours

behind 40... 60 minutes before the end of cooking add baked aromatic roots, carrotsAnd onion;

The finished broth is filtered through a sieve.

For cooking meat and bone broth:

used: for beef carcasses- shoulder and subscapular parts, brisket and trim, and for carcasses of smaller livestock, shoulder and brisket;

cook bone broth;

behind 2... 2,5 h before the end of cooking, add the shoulder and subscapular parts of beef in a mass1,5...2 kg, brisket - before Z kg

behind 40... 60 minutes before the end of cooking, add baked aromatic roots, carrots and onions;

The finished broth is filtered through a fine sieve.

For cooking fish broth:

1) they use food waste from sturgeon fish, bones, fins, skin and cartilage;

2) prepared food waste in bulk
cold water

H)bring to a boil, skim off the foam;

4) cook at low boil with the lid closed for
min, removing foam and fat from the surface;

5) lay raw aromatic roots and onions,boil

6) filter the finished broth through a fine sieve

preparations poultry broth:

the prepared products are poured with cold water and brought to a boil;

cook at low boil, skimming off foam and fat;

through 20... 30 add baked aromatic roots and onions;

Boil the broth for 1-2 hours

The finished broth is filtered through a fine sieve.

Technology for preparing milk soup


Execution technology

1. Preparation of cereals

Rice pearl barley or millet groats, sort, rinse several times, add to boiling salted water and cook until half cooked for 5-7 minutes, place on a sieve and allow the water to drain.

2. Preparing milk

Whole milk is filtered, poured into a bowl, and brought to a boil.

3 Making soup

First way

Pour the prepared cereal into boiling milk, add salt, sugar and cook until tender.

4. Making soup

Second way

Place the prepared cereal into boiling salted water, cook until softened, add hot milk, sugar and cook until tender.

Technology for preparing puree soup from various vegetables

Execution technology

1.Preparing the Broth

Preparation of bone, (meat and bone),
chicken brothAnd vegetable broth.

2.Preparation of products

Heat treatment
products- cooking (chicken, potatoes, cauliflower, cereals, legumes) or poaching (root vegetables, liver, fish).
Grinding a cooked product to turn it into a puree
using a metal sieve.
The onions are chopped into strips and lightly sautéed in butter. Carrots and turnips are cut, the turnips are scalded to remove the bitterness, and they are flattened. White cabbage is chopped, scalded, and flattened. The potatoes are cut into pieces and boiled. Green peas are poached

3.Preparing the liquid base of the soup.

prepare a flour and fat sauté, which is diluted with hot low-fat broth and boiled. The resulting wheat starch paste prevents further settling of particles of the crushed product to the bottom of the dish. In cereal purees containing a lot of starch, there is no need to add flour sauteing.

4.Preparing white sauce.

Wheat flour is sautéed with or without fat. Sauteed wheat flour is combined with prepared bone or chicken broth, seasoned with butter

5.Preparing leison.

Raw yolks are placed in a bowl with a thick bottom, stirred thoroughly, gradually pour in warm boiled milk or cream, boil at temperature70... 75 °C until thickened, then filter.

The puree soup is seasoned with boiled milk-egg mixture, butter or cream.
After seasoning, puree soup should not be heated above 70

Technological map for preparing Kharcho Soup.

Cooking technology

The meat is cut into pieces weighing 25-30 grams and cooked for 2 hours. Finely chopped onion and tomato paste are sautéed. Rinse the rice grains and soak for 1 hour. Strain the finished broth. Pieces of meat, rice, and sautéed onions are placed in the broth. Cook until done. At the end, add tomato paste, spices, and bring the garlic to a boil. When leaving, sprinkle with parsley.

Technology for preparing “Sweet soup from a mixture of dried fruits”

Execution technology

1.Preparation of products

Preparation of products. Dried fruits are sorted, sorted by type, washed, large apples and pears are cut into pieces.

2. Preparation of fruit decoction.

Prepared apples and pears are poured with water and cooked for 15...20 minutes. Then add the rest of the fruits and sugar and cook until softened.

3.Preparing potato starch.

The starch is diluted with cold water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

4.Preparing the side dish.

Boil rice, sago, dumplings, dumplings with berries, and pasta. Prepare puddings and casseroles

5.Preparing sweet soup

Add diluted potato starch to the boiling fruit broth with continuous stirring, bring to a boil, add citric acid and sugar. Do not boil to avoid liquefaction.

6 Feed

Place a side dish on a dinner plate, pour sous, add sour cream or cream

Technology for preparing Potato Soup

Preparation of bone, meat and bone broths and mushroom broth. 2. Potatoes are processed, cut into cubes, slices or cubes. Processed carrots And parsley (root) choppedcubes or sticks and sauté. The processed onions are cut into slices and sautéed. Tomato puree is sautéed, Processed fresh tomatoes are cut and sautéed.

In broth or water; add potatoes, cook for 5...10 minutes;
add sautéed parsley, carrots and onions; cook until done; bring to taste, add spices.
When cooking, you can add sautéed tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes after adding sautéed vegetables.

Cooking diagram for “Meat Solyanka”.

Borscht preparation recipe

Technology preparations bread kvass

Rye bread is cut into small pieces and dried in an oven until a crispy crust forms;
boil water, cool to 80°C, pour in prepared crackers and leave for 1.5... Infuse for 2 hours, stirring the water periodically. As a result of infusion, a wort is obtained, which is drained and filtered; In the bread wort, which has a temperature of 23...25°C, add sugar, yeast, diluted with the wort, and place it in a warm place for fermentation for 8...12 hours. During the fermentation process, you can add raisins, caraway seeds, and mint to the kvass. Cool and store in the refrigerator or on ice.

Technology preparing meat okroshka

Preparation of products. Z green onions are chopped, part of the onion is ground with salt until juice appears, fresh cucumbers are peeled from rough and bitter skin, large seeds are removed, cucumbers with thin skin are not peeled. Processed cucumbers are cut into small cubes or strips; The eggs are boiled, peeled, and the whites are separated from the yolks. The yolks are rubbed through a sieve, and the whites are cut into small cubes.The meat is boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes or strips;
the bread kvass is filtered; dill finely chopped. Boiled egg yolks are ground with prepared mustard, salt, sugar and part of the sour cream, combined with green onions, ground with salt, gradually diluted with bread kvass while stirring and placed in the refrigerator.

Add sautéed roots and onions

Cook for 10-20 minutes

Add tomatoes or sautéed tomato puree over 5-10 minutes

Add sautéed flour diluted in broth and spices

Served with sour cream, herbs, pieces of meat

Potato soup with pasta No. 18/2

Name of dish: Potato soup with pasta


Type of processing: Cooking

Product (semi-finished product)

Gross, g




Vegetable oil

Iodized table salt

Meat broth

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Cooking technology

Peeled carrots and onions are cut into strips and simmered with the addition of water (20% by weight) and oil. Peeled potatoes are cut into cubes, placed in boiling water or broth and boiled for 7-10 minutes, then vermicelli or noodles, stewed vegetables, salt are added and cooked for 7-10 minutes. until ready. When leaving, you can add finely chopped greens (1-2 g) to the soup. Organoleptic quality indicators Appearance - fat sparkles on the surface, vegetables and vermicelli (noodles) retain their shape. The color of the liquid part is light cream, vegetables and pasta are characteristic of their type. Consistency - pasta and vegetables are soft, the ratio of liquid and dense parts. The smell is characteristic of the cooked products included in the recipe, without any foreign substances. The taste is characteristic of the cooked products included in the recipe.

Potato soup with cereals No. 16/2


Name of dish: Potato soup with cereals

Technological map (culinary recipe) №16/2

Type of processing: Cooking

Recipe (layout of products) for 1 serving gram net dish:

Product (semi-finished product)

Gross, g


Rice groats


Vegetable oil

Iodized table salt

Meat broth

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements):

Name of the indicator calculated in accordance with the new SanPiN

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Cooking technology

Peeled carrots and onions are cut into small cubes and simmered with the addition of water (20% by weight) and oil. Diced potatoes are placed in boiling water, washed oatmeal is added, brought to half-cooked, then stewed carrots and onions are added and cooked until tender, salt is added at the end of cooking. When leaving, you can add finely chopped herbs (1-2 g) to the soup. Organoleptic quality indicators Appearance - the form of cutting potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes. The color of liquids is grayish-brown, vegetables and cereals are characteristic of their species. The consistency of the cereals and vegetables is soft, the ratio of the liquid and dense parts is consistent. The smell is characteristic of the cooked products included in the recipe, without any foreign substances. The taste is characteristic of the cooked products included in the recipe.

Noodle soup with chicken broth No. 20/2

Name of dish: Noodle soup with chicken broth

Technological map (culinary recipe) №20/2

Type of processing: Cooking

Recipe (layout of products) for 1 serving gram net dish:

Product (semi-finished product)

Gross, g




Iodized table salt

Chicken broth

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements):

Name of the indicator calculated in accordance with the new SanPiN

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Cooking technology

Vegetables are peeled, potatoes are cut into cubes, carrots and onions into strips. Sliced ​​carrots and onions are simmered with the addition of broth (20% by weight) and butter. Place potatoes cut into cubes into boiling chicken broth, cook for 7-10 minutes, then add pasta, stewed vegetables, salt and cook until tender (7-10 minutes). When leaving, you can add finely chopped greens (1-2 g) to the soup. Organoleptic quality indicators Appearance - there is a sheen of fat on the surface, vegetables and pasta have retained their shape. The color of the broth is amber, the dense part is characteristic of the products included in the recipe. The consistency of pasta and vegetables is soft, the ratio is liquid to dense. The smell is characteristic of chicken broth and vegetables, without extraneous ones. The taste is characteristic of chicken broth, vegetables and pasta.

Milk soup with noodles No. 21/2

Name of dish: Milk soup with noodles

Technological map (culinary recipe) №21/2

Type of processing: Cooking

Recipe (layout of products) for 1 serving gram net dish:

Product (semi-finished product)

Gross, g



Drinking water



Iodized table salt

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements):

Name of the indicator calculated in accordance with the new SanPiN

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Cooking technology

Pasta is placed in boiling salted water (in a ratio of 1:6), boiled for 5-10 minutes, then drained in a colander, allowed to drain and placed in boiling milk with water, sugar and salt are added, boiled for 3-5 minutes, at the end When cooking, add butter and bring to a boil. Organoleptic quality indicators Appearance - fat glitter on the surface, pasta is not boiled. The color of the liquid part is light cream, the pasta is white. The consistency of pasta is soft, the ratio of the dense and liquid parts. The smell is characteristic of boiled pasta with milk and butter, without foreign substances. The taste is characteristic of boiled pasta with milk and butter, sweetish.

Name of dish: rice milk porridge

Technological map (culinary recipe) №22/2

Type of processing: Cooking

Recipe (layout of products) for 1 serving gram net dish:

Product (semi-finished product)

Gross, g


Drinking water



Iodized table salt

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements):

Name of the indicator calculated in accordance with the new SanPiN

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal

Cooking technology

Rice cereals are washed and boiled in salted water until half cooked for 10-15 minutes, then hot boiled milk, salt, sugar are added and cooked until cooked; at the end of cooking, add butter and bring to a boil. Organoleptic quality indicators Appearance - there is a sheen of fat on the surface, the cereal is not boiled. The color of the liquid part is light cream, the grain is white. Consistency - the cereal is soft, the ratio of the dense and liquid parts is appropriate. The smell is characteristic of boiled rice with milk and butter, without foreign substances. The taste is characteristic of boiled rice with milk and butter, sweetish.

TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. Chicken broth with noodles, portion


This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Chicken broth with noodles, portion produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)

Name of raw materials and products Unit Raw material consumption and
products for
for 1 time
Gross Net
Chicken brothml200,000 200,000
Ham thigh fillet without skinG40,000 40,000
Boiled spaghetti s/rG30,000 30,000
Peeled carrots s/r”G20,000 20,000
Extra table saltG1,000 1,000
Ground black pepperG1,000 1,000
Chicken table egg 1 catPC0,250 0,250
Dill p/f “G2,000 2,000
Spices s/rsince then1,000 1,000
Yield (in grams): 300

The broth and spaghetti are prepared according to the layout. Carrots 3-4mm thick and chicken cut into slices 6-7mm thick.

Add carrots to the boiling broth (cook the vegetables until tender so that the carrots are soft) and bring to a boil.

Add chicken (plus chicken from 25 g broth) and heat through. Adjust to taste with spices. Boiled spaghetti is placed on a plate

(cut into 5 cm pieces), pour broth with vegetables.

Decorate with herbs and quartered eggs.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance – Characteristic of this dish.

Color – Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell – characteristic of the products included in the product, without any foreign tastes or odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Technological engineer.

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