Home Fish Pasta carbonara recipe with cream. How to make classic carbonara pasta sauce? Spaghetti carbonara with chicken

Pasta carbonara recipe with cream. How to make classic carbonara pasta sauce? Spaghetti carbonara with chicken

", "carbonara", etc. These popular and very tasty dishes can be enjoyed in specialized cafes and restaurants, or you can prepare them yourself at home, following a simple step-by-step description of the process.

Today we’ll look at a recipe for carbonara pasta with bacon and cream. Hearty spaghetti, wrapped in the most delicate sauce and soaked in garlic aroma, turns out perfect! Even those who are indifferent to all kinds of pasta often cannot resist this wonderful dish!


  • spaghetti - 200 g;
  • raw smoked bacon - 100-150 g;
  • cream (preferably from 30%) - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • hard cheese (ideally Parmesan) - 50 g;
  • fresh parsley - 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Pasta carbonara recipe with bacon and cream step by step

  1. Cut the bacon into thin, approximately equal strips.
  2. We tear the parsley leaves from the stems and chop them with a knife. Finely chop the garlic.
  3. In a saucepan or high-sided frying pan, fry the bacon slices for literally 2-3 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Next we add garlic to the meat. Stirring, keep everything together on the fire for 2 minutes.
  5. Add parsley, stir and immediately remove from heat.

    Carbonara sauce recipe with cream

  6. Now let’s prepare the required carbonara sauce for pasta. Separating them from the whites, place the egg yolks in a small bowl (we will not need the whites in this recipe - we leave them for preparing meringues or other dishes). Grate the hard cheese into fine shavings and add it to the yolk mixture, then pour in the milk cream. Throw in a pinch or two of ground pepper, add salt.
  7. Stir thoroughly, combining the ingredients into a single creamy sauce.
  8. Boil the spaghetti strictly following the instructions on the package. It is important not to overcook the pasta!
  9. Place the finished spaghetti in a colander and immediately place it in a saucepan with the fried bacon. Without wasting time, pour in the previously prepared egg-cream sauce and quickly stir the contents of the pan. Under the influence of the temperature of hot spaghetti, the yolks will quickly reach readiness - there is no need to simmer the finished pasta on the fire!
  10. Sort the spaghetti with bacon into plates. Sprinkle each serving with finely chopped parsley (or decorate with basil leaves); if desired, sprinkle the dish with fine parmesan shavings.

Carbonara pasta with bacon and cream is ready! Enjoy your meal!

I think that carbonara pasta will appeal to many people, given our genetic love for eating lard. A classic Italian dish - Pasta alla carbonara.

Usually this is spaghetti - pasta with a round cross-section, about 2 mm in diameter, and, as a rule, more than 15 cm in length. Thin spaghetti is called “spaghettini”, and thicker ones are called “spaghettoni”. For spaghetti, as a rule, oil-based sauces are prepared, which evenly linger on the pasta, literally “sticking” to it. But it is laid in layers and baked with meat sauce. However, spaghetti with chicken is good even without thick sauce.

One of these sauces is carbonara.

The sauce is prepared from small pieces (cubes, slices) of bacon, ham, and brisket. But this is due to the lack of Italian guanciale in wide sale.

Real carbonara sauce is made from guanciale - dry-cured pork cheeks, then the pasta is obtained most correctly.

The word guanciale comes from guancia - cheek. The aroma of guanciale is very strong, the texture is delicate, but more oily. The second option is pancetta, literally “brisket”). Pancetta is a fatty cut of pork belly cured in salt, spices and herbs (rosemary and sage). For carbonara sauce, fattier pieces of pancetta are used. Usually carbonara pasta is guanciale or pancetta, although the taste is completely different.

Carbonara pasta. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Spaghetti 250 gr
  • Bacon (ham, pancetta, guanciale) 200 gr
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parmesan 30 gr
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Ground black pepper, salt taste
  1. Pasta carbonara has long been a tradition in Italy, especially in the central region of Lazio, of which Rome is the capital. Carbonara, so they say, was first prepared after the end of World War II, when the Allied forces brought traditional American bacon and a lot of dried egg powder to Italy.

    Ham, eggs, parmesan and garlic clove

  2. Gradually, bacon was replaced with local products, powdered eggs with fresh eggs, and the art of making carbonara sauce was brought to the absolute level. Although, as far as I understand, pancetta is used only in Italy, while all over the world they use the usual bacon or smoked lard with sprouts.

    Pancetta, bacon or smoked lard with sprouts

  3. It is worth saying that carbonara, like any pasta, a folk dish for the “poor,” has a strong aroma and high calorie content. Carbonara sauce is not used with short and curly pasta. The most common pasta is spaghetti. Spaghetti carbonara, if you will.

    The most common pasta is spaghetti

  4. The spaghetti for this pasta is of the highest quality. Firstly, you are cooking for yourself, and secondly, good spaghetti “holds” the sauce much better. Well, thirdly, don’t get used to eating consumer goods.
  5. In principle, you need to be an expert to distinguish good spaghetti from “folk” ones. I'll give you one piece of advice: look at the spaghetti. Good spaghetti has a light, matte-rough surface, which after cooking holds the sauce much better. The glossy surface of the spaghetti will cause the spaghetti to simply float in the sauce. It is enough to go to a fairly large store and visually compare packs of different pasta.
  6. Boil the spaghetti in lightly salted water until al dente. Usually the time is indicated on the package. It is better not to break spaghetti into pieces, as is often done, because... They don't fit into the pan right away. Don't be afraid, after a minute the spaghetti will be completely immersed in the boiling liquid.

    Boil spaghetti in lightly salted water until al dente.

  7. In a frying pan, fry two peeled and crushed garlic cloves in heated olive oil. The purpose of the garlic is to flavor the oil, then the garlic must be removed and discarded.

    In a frying pan, fry two peeled and crushed garlic cloves in heated olive oil.

  8. Cut bacon (ham, pancetta) into cubes or strips.

    Cut bacon (ham, pancetta) into cubes

  9. Next, fry in olive oil. Cook until the bacon pieces begin to crust and crisp slightly.
  10. Empty the contents of one egg into a deep bowl and add two yolks, carefully separating the whites.

    Empty the contents of one egg into a deep bowl and add two yolks

  11. Using a fork, stir the eggs until smooth. Then add pepper to taste and mix again.

    Using a fork, stir the eggs until smooth.

  12. Grate Parmesan on a fine grater, or chop in any convenient way.

    Grate Parmesan cheese on a fine grater

  13. Combine the egg mixture and Parmesan and mix well with a fork.

Pasta carbonara is perhaps one of the most famous Italian dishes. If you haven’t yet learned how to cook pasta in a delicate creamy sauce, with bacon and cheese, then it’s time to correct this annoying misunderstanding! Especially for you - a classic recipe with photos on how to cook spaghetti carbonara at home.

In modern cooking, there are dozens of variations of carbonara. Even in Italy there is no single standard; pasta is prepared with or without cream, different types of pasta are used, a whole egg is added or only yolks are used. In some restaurants, for example, an egg is added to the plate when serving, which results in homemade carbonara pasta, when the guest must stir the pasta himself and thus bring it to readiness. But all these variations have something in common. All recipes, without exception, include: pasta (most often thin spaghetti), as well as bacon, egg and cheese.

Main Products

  • For carbonara, take high-quality durum wheat spaghetti. The thinner the pasta, the better the sauce will spread over it. They need to be cooked in a large amount of salted water, until they are “al dente”, that is, “to the bite”, slightly undercooked.
  • It is ideal to use pancetta, a traditional Italian bacon. It's essentially a fatty cut of pork belly cured in salt, sage and rosemary. Guanciale - salted, unsmoked pork cheek - is also suitable. Well, if you couldn’t find them, feel free to take a piece of cured bacon or smoked brisket.
  • Pecorino Romano cheese is suitable. If you don't like its harsh taste, you can replace it with Parmesan, which goes great with this dish.
  • Cream can be added to pasta or carbonara can be prepared without it. A fresh dairy product with a fat content of 10-15% is suitable.
  • The eggs form the base of the sauce, bringing all the ingredients together and being cooked through by the heat of the freshly cooked pasta. They must be fresh! For the perfect sauce, for every 0.5 kg of spaghetti, take 3 eggs and 1 cup of cheese.

Cooking technique

The most important thing in preparing pasta carbonara is to incorporate the sauce in such a way that it does not curdle when it comes into contact with the hot pasta. To prevent the egg from curdling, cooks use various tricks: let the pasta cool for a few seconds, combine the pasta and slightly cooled sauce, etc. But in general, the technique remains the same:

You need to fry the bacon;
- prepare a raw filling from cheese and eggs;
- boil the pasta;
- add filling and bacon to spaghetti;
- Sprinkle with grated cheese and season with freshly ground black pepper.

If you properly prepare all the products and add the sauce, then there should be no difficulty in evenly distributing the egg-cheese mixture. Strictly follow all the recommendations in the recipe with photos, and you will probably succeed!


  • spaghetti 150-170 g
  • bacon 100 g
  • 15% cream 150 ml
  • pecorino or parmesan 50 g
  • egg yolk 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • black peppercorns 5 pcs.

How to cook spaghetti carbonara

  1. First I put water on the spaghetti. While it was boiling, I cut the bacon into thin slices (without the skin).

  2. I put it in a heated frying pan and fried it for 5-7 minutes over medium heat so that the fat was rendered and the bacon itself acquired a beautiful blush.

  3. Then I poured the cream into the pan. Warmed it up, but didn't boil it.

  4. I prepared the dressing. To do this, I combined raw egg yolk and grated cheese in a small bowl (reserving a little for serving). Mixed with a fork.

  5. I crushed several black peppercorns in a mortar.

  6. Meanwhile, the water had already boiled. I salted it and boiled the spaghetti - 1 minute less than indicated on the package. I combined slightly undercooked pasta with bacon and cream (at that point it will still be warm, but will have time to cool to room temperature). Mixed with a spatula.

  7. And immediately, without hesitating for a minute, she put the egg-cheese mixture into the frying pan. Mixed quickly. Due to the heat of the spaghetti, the cheese will melt, the egg will reach the desired degree of readiness and will not curdle - firstly, a lot of cheese is used, and secondly, only the yolk, and cream and bacon will slightly lower the temperature of too hot spaghetti.

  8. As a result, the sauce will completely envelop the pasta, soak it and saturate it with the taste of bacon and cheese.

Spaghetti carbonara should be served immediately after cooking, sprinkled with grated cheese and freshly ground black pepper (no need to spare it).

Agree, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive restaurants, even at home it is quite possible to prepare carbonara - very tasty, tender and aromatic. The main thing is to buy a piece of bacon, good spaghetti and the right cheese. Bon appetit!

Carbonara is the great Italian pasta. It is prepared from ordinary products - eggs, bacon, cheese and, in fact, spaghetti itself. Only for many cooks and even chefs, the sauce treacherously settles to the bottom of the plate. I'll show you how to properly combine sauce with pasta. With this carbonara recipe you will always succeed!

Gourmets often argue which carbonara recipe is authentic. Some insist that there must be cream in the sauce, others consider this blasphemy. The confusion begins with the pedigree: historians still have not decided where and when this paste was born. Translated from Italian, carbonara is coal miners' pasta. According to one legend, it was loved by workers who burned wood near Rome.

According to another, less convincing version, carbonara appeared thanks to Italian-American friendship. During World War II, American soldiers arrived to defend Italy with bacon and powdered eggs in their backpacks, and their hosts supplied them with pasta. The Americans, in their simplicity, mixed pasta with scrambled eggs - and carbonara was born.

The legends don't end there. In 2005, an Italian magazine published an article claiming that carbonara originated in Osteria delle Tre Corone, in the Veneto region. Italian oppositionists to Carbonaria once met secretly there, and the pasta was named after them. The osteria is still operating and successfully feeds guests carbonara.

The age of carbonara is the only thing that is not in doubt. This is a young pasta; it appeared in recipe collections only in the middle of the 20th century. Buy good Italian durum wheat pasta for her. What you need is spaghetti - thin, long strands; silky sauce is best distributed over them. Our video at the top of the page will tell you how to boil spaghetti correctly so that it doesn’t stick together.

Drain the spaghetti in a colander and do not rinse it under any circumstances. Be sure to save a glass of the water you cooked the pasta in. Make this a habit; "broth" may always be needed if there is not enough moisture when mixing the pasta with the sauce.

Who hasn’t had pasta that has gone stiff and shrimp and green peas that haven’t stuck together? Intuitively, everything is usually added. But this only makes the pasta fattier, and the oil destroys the taste of the sauce. The Italians are more cunning; they add a little pasta water. Then the pasta turns out correct, sliding and shiny, just like the one served in trattorias on quiet Roman streets.

While the pasta is cooking, chop the bacon. It is better, of course, to take pancetta (it has a more concentrated taste, since the brisket is dried in the sun for a long time), but it is not sold in all stores. Fry the bacon in a frying pan over medium heat until the fat has rendered and the pieces have browned. If you turn the burner on high, the bacon may burn.

Break the eggs into a bowl, grate on a fine grater and stir. Gourmets advise using parmesan and sheep's pecorino in half, but believe me, after carbonara with one parmesan you will still want extra.

The most crucial moment is to combine the bacon, egg mixture and spaghetti. First add the paste to the bacon and stir with kitchen tongs. If you mixed them right on the stove, now is the time to remove the pan from the heat. It is very important! Why? Find the answer to this question in the main video.

The sauce should cover every millimeter of spaghetti. The heat from the pasta is enough to melt the cheese and cook the eggs. You don’t think that eggs in carbonara remain raw?! If the paste is sticky and lacks moisture, add some of the reserved “broth.” The right carbonara has a sauce that glides and shines like silk.

Serve immediately, carbonara can't wait. It is often even advised to place it on heated plates so that the pasta does not cool down longer. In winter, I am ready to eat carbonara at least every evening. This is a perfect, satisfying and very tasty pasta. In Russian frosts, it warms you from the inside. Try it! Bon appetit!

Pasta carbonara


Ingredients(for 2 servings)

spaghetti - 1 package (about 250 g)

bacon or pancetta - 75 g

hard cheese such as Parmesan - 50 g

eggs - 2 pcs

yolk - 1 piece

olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

garlic - 1 clove

salt - 1 tbsp. spoon

freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Boil water in a large saucepan (at least five liters), add a tablespoon (or even two) of salt and add spaghetti. The water should be fairly salty. Cook for the amount indicated on the package. It is better if the pasta turns out al dente, that is, with a tiny white dot inside.

2. Cut the bacon into cubes, chop the garlic. Place a large frying pan over medium heat, add olive oil, add bacon and fry for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the fat will melt out of the bacon, and it will brown itself. Add garlic halfway through cooking. When the bacon is cooked, remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid to keep it warm.

3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Break the eggs into a bowl, add another yolk, add the cheese, pepper and mix.

4. Drain the pasta in a colander, reserving one cup of the “broth.” Then add to the pan with the bacon and stir with kitchen tongs. If you mixed on the stove, move the pan to the kitchen counter. Add the egg-cheese paste - work quickly until it turns into a sauce and coats all the spaghetti. Is the sauce too thick and not silky? Add a few tablespoons of "broth" and stir again. Serve immediately, carbonara can't wait!

Spaghetti Carbonara, originally from Italy, has won the hearts of many sophisticated connoisseurs of haute cuisine. Today, pasta is served in all major restaurants, pizzerias and cafes. However, many housewives prefer to cook spaghetti at home, mastering the culinary niche. We will present the most delicious recipes, which often contain bacon, cream, and cheese.

Pasta “Carbonara”: a classic of the genre

  • olive oil - 120 ml.
  • spaghetti (durum wheat) - 1 pack
  • chicken yolk (raw) - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • Parmesan or Pecorino cheese - 220 gr.
  • Pancetta bacon - 260 gr.
  1. First you need to boil the pasta. Pour 1 liter into the pan. water per 120 gr. spaghetti, wait for the first bubbles. Add 60 ml. olive oil, lower the burner to medium. Place the pasta inside and stir.
  2. The duration of heat treatment depends on the manufacturer. The expiration date is indicated on the back of the pack. For carbonara, spaghetti is cooked until half cooked (al dente). This means that the core must remain solid.
  3. While the spaghetti is cooking, chop the pancetta into slices and place in a frying pan with 60 ml. oils Fry until the lard becomes transparent. It is important to monitor the structure; pancetta should not be overdried.
  4. Turn off the heat and cool the bacon to room temperature. At this time, grate the cheese. Beat the yolks with a fork or mixer, combine with half the volume of all the cheese (110 g). Add ground pepper to taste.
  5. Place the bowl with the egg mixture in a steam bath and stir for 10 minutes. Mix the bacon with the steamed sauce, heat again, and keep stirring. The spaghetti is already boiled, remove it and leave it in a colander to drain.
  6. After 3 minutes, add the pasta to the bacon and sauce and mix well. Serve garnished with remaining cheese.

Carbonara with mushrooms and ham

  • Parmesan cheese (or other hard variety) - 230 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • egg noodles - 300 gr.
  • butter - 30-40 gr.
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 125 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • high fat cream (from 27%) - 210 ml.
  • ham - 130 gr.
  1. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, and cook the noodles. Don't stop stirring. Boil the pasta until 80% done. Now take care of the mushrooms. They need to be peeled and washed, then chopped into slices along the stem.
  2. Separately, chop the ham and onions. You can pass the garlic through a press or cut it into thin slices. Place the butter in a frying pan and melt. Fry garlic and onion on it. When the vegetables have dropped in volume, add the mushrooms and ham.
  3. No whites are needed, just separate the yolks. Combine them with salt and ground pepper. Grate the cheese and add it here. Add chilled cream. Process the entire mixture with a blender or mixer. Pour the sauce into the frying pan, simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Now shake the noodles in a colander to drain the water. Transfer the pasta to the skillet with the eggs. Stir, turn off the burner, cover with a lid. After 10 minutes of infusion, serve.

Carbonara with chicken and sesame seeds

  • cream (fat content from 25%) - 125 gr.
  • firm spaghetti - 0.3 kg.
  • sesame (white) - 20 gr.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • chicken fillet - 250 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • olive oil - 90 ml.
  • Parmesan cheese - 60 gr.
  1. Boil water for cooking, add oil and salt. Send the spaghetti inside, cook it at the medium mark for 6-7 minutes. It is necessary to bring the pasta to a state of semi-preparedness.
  2. Now get to the chicken. Rinse and dry with paper towels. Remove the film from the fillet, chop the meat into cubes measuring 2*2 cm.
  3. The garlic is not put through a crusher, but is chopped into thin slices. Mix it with chicken fillet, place in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry for 3 minutes over high heat, then reduce power.
  4. The total duration of simmering meat is 8 minutes, no more. After this time, salt the dish and pour in the cream. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
  5. Make a sauce with beaten eggs, sesame seeds, grated Parmesan and salt to taste. Now work through the mixture with a mixer and pour into the chicken. The spaghetti is ready, leave it in a colander, then transfer it to the frying pan and simmer for 3 minutes.

  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • basil leaves - 40 gr.
  • olive oil - 60 ml.
  • asparagus - 430 gr.
  • noodles (durum wheat) - 240 gr.
  • tomatoes - “Cherry” 280 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 gr.
  1. First, prepare the necessary products by collecting them in one place. Asparagus should be cut into pieces 2-3 cm in size. It is advisable to chop the tomatoes in half and grate the cheese.
  2. Now get to the noodles. Boil it in boiling water, salted in advance. Bring the pasta to half-cooked. Find a large frying pan, add olive oil and heat it.
  3. Saute the asparagus for 4 minutes. Add chopped garlic here and sauté for another 45 seconds. Add the cherry tomatoes, cover the dish, and simmer the contents until softened (about 5 minutes).
  4. In another container, combine grated cheese with eggs, salt and pepper. Start whisking vigorously, making a homogeneous sauce. Set aside the boiled noodles in a colander, and after 2 minutes put them in a frying pan.
  5. Pour in the egg mixture and mix well. Turn on the heat and simmer the dish for 2 minutes. After this time, let the paste stand for a quarter of an hour. Serve sprinkled with grated cheese.

Carbonara with basil and cream

  • nutmeg - 3 gr.
  • bacon - 165 gr.
  • basil (greens) - 3 sprigs
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • spaghetti - 280-300 gr.
  • olive or corn oil - 60 ml.
  • cream with fat content from 22% - 140 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Parmesan cheese - 125 gr.
  1. The spaghetti and sauce are cooked at the same time. First, fill a saucepan with water, boil and add salt. Place the pasta inside and cook for 7 minutes until al dente (half cooked).
  2. To make the sauce, chop the bacon into bars and the garlic into slices. Place in a frying pan with oil and fry until crusty. In another cup, combine cream, eggs, nutmeg. Add grated cheese and chopped basil.
  3. Beat the egg and cheese mixture with a fork. Place the boiled spaghetti with the bacon and garlic. Add sauce and heat for 3 minutes. Grate some Parmesan, sprinkle it over the carbonara and serve.

Carbonara with sea cocktail

  • tomato paste - 160 gr.
  • olive oil - in fact
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • sea ​​cocktail - 250 gr.
  • firm spaghetti - 280-300 gr.
  • cream with fat content from 35% - 260 gr.
  • cheese - 60 gr.
  1. First, remove the seafood cocktail from the freezer and let it thaw. Drain off the remaining liquid and remove the ice, rinse the contents and place in a sieve. Let dry.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, put it on the fire and wait until it boils. Pour in olive oil and salt. Place the pasta inside and cook at the medium mark for 8 minutes (counting from the moment it boils).
  3. Remove the husks from the garlic, chop it, and fry in oil. Add seafood cocktail here and simmer for 3 minutes. After this period, add tomato paste and continue cooking for another 3 minutes.
  4. When the liquid has boiled away, salt the dish and add pepper. Add heavy cream, keep stirring. Place the boiled pasta in a frying pan and turn off the heat. After a quarter of an hour, serve, sprinkled with cheese.

Carbonara with minced meat

  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • minced pork and beef - 450 gr.
  • olive oil - in fact
  • firm spaghetti - 250 gr.
  • tomatoes - 100 gr.
  • onion - 45 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 120 gr.
  1. Remove the skins from the onions and garlic and chop the vegetables. Place in a frying pan, pour in olive oil. Bring the mixture to readiness (golden color). Rinse the tomatoes, cut out inedible areas, and chop into cubes.
  2. Mix in the garlic and onion, cover the dish with a lid and simmer the contents for 8 minutes. When the ingredients have reduced in volume, transfer them to a bowl and wash the pan.
  3. Now fry the minced meat separately in olive oil. It should turn pale and crusty. Don't forget to pepper and salt the meat. Mix all ingredients, leave on low heat under the lid for 5 minutes.
  4. Now get to the pasta. You need to salt the water, boil it, and boil the spaghetti in it for 7 minutes. When the time comes to an end, place the products in a frying pan and fry in butter.
  5. Combine the spaghetti with the minced meat and vegetable dressing and stir. Warm up the plates, spread carbonara on them, sprinkle with cheese. Garnish separately with mint or basil.

  • olive oil - 125 ml.
  • hard cheese (Parmesan is suitable) - 80 gr.
  • spaghetti - 330 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • bacon - 150 gr.
  1. Salt the water in which the pasta will be cooked. Bring to a boil, pour in 60 ml. olive oil. Place the spaghetti inside and cook for 8 minutes over medium heat. Then place in a sieve to drain the liquid.
  2. Chop the garlic into cloves, never put it through a press. Chop the bacon into bars. Mix the ingredients and fry in the remaining olive oil. After 5 minutes, add the pasta.
  3. Beat the eggs separately and add to the spaghetti. Stir the ingredients while continuing to simmer over low heat. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the pasta. Start tasting by placing it on plates.

Carbonara with shrimp

  • hard cheese (Parmesan is suitable) - 80-100 gr.
  • frozen shrimp - 350 gr.
  • Provencal spices - 20 gr.
  • spaghetti - 280 gr.
  • cream 35% fat - 125 ml.
  • bacon - 200 gr.
  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, heat to 50 degrees. Grate the cheese, add to a heat-resistant container, heat for 8 minutes. Stir constantly until the mixture has a homogeneous structure.
  2. While the cream and cheese are boiling, chop the bacon into bars or thin slices. Thaw the shrimp naturally, rinse and dry.
  3. Boil the seafood in water, adding salt to the liquid. Heat treatment takes 3 minutes. Separately, cook the spaghetti by dipping it into the boiling liquid.
  4. Remove the cream cheese from the burner and add the bacon, pasta and shrimp. Place the entire dish in the pan and cover with a lid. Simmer for 3 minutes, then serve immediately.

Carbonara with mushrooms in a slow cooker

  • olive oil - 65-75 ml.
  • high fat cream (from 32%) - 240 gr.
  • spaghetti - 250 gr.
  • mushrooms - 350 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 140 gr.
  • onions - 50 gr.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  1. Fill the multicooker bowl with boiling water, salt and add a little olive oil. Send the spaghetti inside, cook for 7 minutes on the “Pasta” or “Cooking” mode.
  2. While the appliance is running, prepare the mushrooms. They need to be washed, peeled, dried and cut into thin slices along the grain. The onion is chopped into half rings.
  3. On the stove or in the microwave, heat the cream to 60 degrees. Grate the cheese and mix it with the milk mixture. Place the boiled pasta on a sieve, then into another clean bowl.
  4. Wash the multicooker and dry it. Pour oil into a bowl, add onions and mushrooms inside. Sauté the contents on the “Saute” function for 10 minutes.
  5. When the mushrooms are fried and the onions become golden, add the chopped garlic. Add pepper and salt, stir. Season the dish with the cream cheese mixture.
  6. When the “Frying” function comes to an end, set it to “Stew” for 10 minutes. Stir the mixture without covering the multicooker with the lid. At the end, add the pasta, let it sit on the “Warming” program, and taste.

Make Carbonara pasta using classic technology. Take a closer look at recipes with the addition of ham, bacon, champignons, asparagus, and Parmesan cheese. Prepare spaghetti with sea cocktail or separately with shrimp, eggs, sesame seeds, chicken, tomatoes.

Video: carbonara pasta according to a classic recipe

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