Home Soups What are calming teas? Tea that calms the nervous system

What are calming teas? Tea that calms the nervous system

The frantic rhythm of our difficult time contributes to a busy lifestyle, constant stress and anxiety for tomorrow. Every day, a person is swirled with information flows and impressions, which are quite difficult to cope with. Therefore, in the evening before going to bed, many need to relax and enjoy moments of calm and peace of mind. The tension of working days will be perfectly relieved by a cup of soothing herbal tea.

Herbs for tea

In the evening, before going to bed, to calm the nervous system, you should drink a cup of herbal tea. It is best to choose herbs that have long been known in traditional medicine with its relaxing properties. It is desirable that the collection includes three to four useful plant components. Suitable herbs:

  • Valerian. Great for relieving stress headache, heart palpitations, has a hypnotic effect. Drinking a cup of tea in the evening, which contains valerian, will give you a deep healthy sleep.
  • Chamomile. It has the ability to relieve stress and nervous fatigue, normalizes blood pressure. In addition to sedative functions, chamomile is a faithful assistant to a person in the fight against viral infections: it lowers the temperature, relieves pain in a sore throat. This plant strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of migraine, gout, rheumatism.
  • Mint. A cup of mint tea will not only give peace of mind and long-awaited peace, but will also relieve the initial symptoms of a cold. Doctors recommend green herbal tea with mint for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, to eliminate rashes and itching in case of allergies.
  • Blooming Sally. Another name for this herb is fireweed. It has pronounced soothing qualities. Dentists recommend drinking fireweed tea for diseases of the teeth and gums. A cup of Ivan tea is useful for breastfeeding: saturates mother's milk with vitamins, due to which colic is reduced in babies.
  • St. John's wort. Removes the state of anxiety, restlessness, irritation. Useful for prolonged insomnia. Helps to cope with menstrual pain.

Which ones to choose

The choice of sedative herbal preparations in specialized stores is wide and varied. You can buy medicinal herbs in pharmacies in boxes and make tea yourself. It is also possible to purchase mixed tea bags or order soothing herbs online.

Herbal tea Valery is very popular in Russia. This is a great remedy for anxiety and anxiety. After regular use of Valery tea, there will be no trace of stress. A cup of tea at night will help get rid of digestive problems caused by a busy lifestyle, give you comfort and peace in the evening. The composition includes well-known in folk medicine for its healing properties herbs and fruits: motherwort, chamomile, apple tree and cinnamon.

Herbal tea Valery calms the nerves, overcomes insomnia in one evening, relieves fatigue and irritation.

How to brew

Dry herbal collection is brewed in the amount of one teaspoon per 150 g of boiling water. Then tea should be infused for 5 to 10 minutes. If it is left to insist longer, the drink will lose its best taste qualities. After this soothing tea is ready to drink.

You can add a spoonful of honey, a little sugar or a slice of lemon to the drink. This will not make him lose medicinal properties. You can drink this tea both hot and cold.

It is best to store herbal collection in closed containers or boxes in a cool, dry place.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for decoctions and infusions that have a beneficial effect on nervous system. However, it is recommended to use them subject to contraindications. Harmless at first glance, herbs can cause an allergic reaction and others that worsen the general condition.

Chamomile is a plant that can easily cope with irritability. However, its use is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Motherwort is indicated for frequent tantrums and insomnia. Its use is strictly prohibited in the presence of hypotension and bradycardia.

Soothing tea can be prepared from hop cones. This is a versatile plant that can relieve stress, eliminate insomnia and nervousness. Contraindications to it are pregnancy, lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

A good tea with a calming effect is obtained from valerian. True, to obtain the desired effect, you need to use it for a long time. Melissa restores normal sleep, but is undesirable for low blood pressure, duodenal ulcer and renal failure.

Soothing Tea Recipes

With normal pressure and heart rate, you can make a tea with a calming effect from St. John's wort and motherwort, 2 parts each, as well as melissa, yarrow and chamomile, 1 part each. Plant components are thoroughly mixed and brewed 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture in 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the remedy should be 15-20 minutes. Drink the prepared infusion during the day in 3-4 doses.

To combat insomnia, melissa tea is prepared by brewing a tablespoon of the plant in a glass of boiling water. Tea should be infused for no more than 3 minutes, since a strong infusion, on the contrary, will lead to the opposite effect. It is recommended to drink the drink just before going to bed.

Also, tea from hop cones will help to cope with insomnia. The 2nd cones are brewed with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink the remedy during the day in several doses, along with a small amount of honey.

Chamomile, fennel, cumin and valerian are mixed in equal amounts. A tablespoon of the resulting herbal collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Take the infusion during the day and in the evening, half a glass. The tool relieves nervous tension and helps to fall asleep quickly.

Experiences, nervous tension, depression - these conditions very often haunt people. Not every adult, not to mention a child, can cope with a bad mood on their own, calm the nervous system. To normalize the psycho-emotional state, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor so that he prescribes sedatives in the form of tablets. After all, most pharmaceutical drugs have side effects, negatively affect the liver and other organs. At first, it is better to try a soothing tea, it is safe, and besides, it can be used in relation to children. Below we consider effective recipes soothing teas, plants that produce a sedative effect, improve the quality of sleep.

Herbs that positively affect the functioning of the nervous system

The most effective herbs against various neurotic disorders are:

  • Valerian. It produces a sedative effect, copes with insomnia, is an excellent antidepressant, lowers the excitability of the central nervous system.
  • St. John's wort. It has a relaxing effect, helps to cope with headaches, insomnia, neuroses, copes with fears and anxiety.
  • Motherwort. Effective for nervous overexcitability, depression.
  • Chamomile. Has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect; normalizes sleep; struggles with fatigue, aggressiveness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, anxiety.
  • Peppermint. Helps to relax and fall asleep quickly; eliminates headaches, makes the body resistant to stress, gives calm to the nervous system.
  • Hop. Has a calming, analgesic effect; helps to cope with insomnia, hysteria, neuroses, spasms, vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Lavender. Helps with melancholy, irritability, hysteria, poor sleep quality, neurasthenia; fights stress.
  • Green tea. Fresh green tea fights stress, depression, while it does not reduce performance, rather, on the contrary, increases it.

Tea for irritability

The following recipe for herbal tea perfectly calms the nerves: you need to mix dry linden grass and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture (250 ml of water per 1 tablespoon). 20 minutes.

This tea drink helps to cope with stress, irritation. Within a few hours after drinking tea, the psycho-emotional state of a person will improve.

Collection of herbs to calm the nervous system

Medicinal tea made according to the following recipe can be taken throughout the day. To prepare it, you will need chamomile and motherwort (12 g each), as well as lemon balm, linden, mint, strawberries (20 g each). Combine all components, collect 3 tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water. It is better to brew in a thermos for at least 15 minutes. Drink warm, adding honey or any jam to the drink. This delicious tea improves sleep, calms the nervous system.

Soothing teas for babies

You can cook it yourself by collecting the necessary herbs or buy ready-made tea bags.

Soothing tea "Calm"

The product is sold in filter bags (20 pieces per pack). The composition of tea includes such herbs: chamomile, thyme, mint, motherwort, dog rose, yarrow, lemon balm, oregano, St. For better taste, add honey or jam. This tea can be drunk even chilled.

Homemade soothing tea for children

It is useful for restless, easily excitable children to give tea from chamomile, mint and fennel. You can buy these plants at any pharmacy. Mix herbs in equal amounts, take one tablespoon and pour boiling water over it. Hold in a water bath, strain. For small children, it is enough to give 1 teaspoon at a time.

Such teas help the child's body to calm down and fall asleep faster.

Herbal tea "Antistress"

The following tea recipe will quickly calm the nervous system, have a hypnotic effect, relieve headaches, migraines, and nervous tension. To prepare it, you will need thyme, valerian, St. John's wort, mint, rose hips, plantain, hawthorn. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it into a glass hot water(no more than 85 degrees), leave for about 15 minutes. Drink medicinal tea from herbs is necessary for the night.

Teas for sound sleep

Recipe 1: make a mixture of herbs - heather, valerian, motherwort, cudweed. Pass the herbs through a meat grinder, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Drink 80 ml during the day, drink 100 ml in the evening, or more. Take until the condition improves, but not more than a month.

Recipe 2: combine hops and valerian (50 g of each ingredient). Brew, drink 100 ml of medicinal drink at night. Such evening tea drinking will make the sleep strong, healthy, sound, a person will get up in the morning full of strength and energy.

Whatever medicinal tea you choose, you need to know the basic rules, thanks to which the herbal tea will have a calming effect.

Rule 1: take a soothing drink at the same time, without interruption - if the problem is pronounced. If an adult or a child periodically, inconsistently has problems, he has periodic outbursts of anger, irritability, then you can drink tea once, occasionally.

Rule 2: You can drink tea for no longer than 1 month. Then be sure to take a break of 2 weeks.

Rule 3: if the psycho-emotional state of a person has returned to normal, then there is no need to continue drinking soothing tea, as if to consolidate the results of treatment.

Rule 4: The composition of tea must change. You can not take the same sedative collection for more than six months, so as not to cause an addictive effect.

Rule 5: take for insomnia 1-2 hours before bedtime, no later; with irritability - just before bedtime.

Rule 6: You need to start taking soothing tea with small doses.

In what cases can soothing teas be harmful?

Soothing teas are not completely safe. For example, herbal drinks for the nervous system should not be taken if side effects occur. Therefore, the choice of a particular herb must be taken seriously.

The only plant that everyone can take is chamomile. It has no side effects, contraindications.

Women in position and children need to approach the choice of soothing teas very seriously. For example, pregnant women should drink teas based on motherwort and valerian very carefully. Children under 1 year old should be given teas only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is forbidden to take sedative decoctions for brain tumors, patients suffering from epilepsy, as well as people who are being treated for alcoholism.

By choosing the right soothing tea, you can relieve stress, nervousness, high blood pressure, normalize sleep. An herbal soothing drink will help anyone recover without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations. The main thing is to take it in the exact dosage, take into account possible contraindications.

With the help of soothing teas, you can not only cope with various nervous disorders, but also improve the general condition of the body, in particular, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Soothing teas are made from herbs and various plants that have a sedative effect. You can buy a ready-made collection at a pharmacy or choose a combination, focusing on your own taste and the effect you want to achieve.

Many people don't like the taste of a pure herbal drink, in which case you can use green tea as a base, adding soothing herbs to it when brewing. Almost any variety of green tea can be used as such a base tea, since they contain a huge amount of flavonoids and antioxidants that help the body overcome depression and stress. It should be noted that lime and jasmine also have a calming effect, while they do not affect perception and increase the level of performance.

Soothing tea ingredients

Valerian is one of the most famous soothing herbs. Teas with the addition of valerian roots normalize heart rate and blood pressure, providing a wonderful relaxing effect.

Motherwort has not only antidepressant and sedative effects, but can also act as an antispasmodic. The leaves of this plant are usually added to tea.

St. John's wort has a complex, mild effect on the body. It relieves anxiety, fear, significantly increases resistance to stress and depression. St. John's wort flowers, collected in the first half of summer, are used to prepare a soothing tea.

Chamomile is another common ingredient in soothing teas. It tidies up the nerves, relieves anxiety, and is also a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent.

Teas with the addition of mint are widely distributed. This plant is a natural antidepressant, improves sleep and increases the body's resistance to various stresses.

Hops has an anticonvulsant effect, relieves aching pains in the stomach and heart, which often occur during nervous overexertion. It is best brewed with green tea, since hops have a fairly pronounced and specific taste.

Soothing teas are best taken in small courses of two or three weeks, this makes them more effective. It is very important to follow the dosage correctly so as not to harm the body. Keep in mind that most sedative herbs in too high doses can cause drowsiness, negatively affect memory and attention. If you have hypersensitivity to such products, be sure to reduce the dosage.

Sleeping pills normalize sleep, but many of them adversely affect brain activity and are addictive. The next day after taking, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, and a feeling of dry mouth often appear. Side effects cause no less problems than heavy falling asleep and poor sleep. Therefore, at the first manifestations of insomnia, you do not need to immediately buy sleeping pills. Sleepy herbs with a moderate sedative effect will reduce anxiety and irritability, provide deep and healthy sleep without awakening.

Unlike pharmacological agents, plants with hypnotic properties do not cause tolerance and dependence. After prolonged use of herbal preparations, there are no undesirable effects. Herbal teas do not give a quick effect, but when used systematically, they restore the nervous system and help get rid of insomnia and eliminate concomitant diseases.
Herbal preparations affect the body in a complex way:

  • Remove slags;
  • Helps reduce the excitability of the nervous system;
  • Improve brain function;
  • Remove inflammatory processes;
  • Purify the blood;
  • Increase immunity.

For the treatment and prevention of insomnia, sleep tea can be used without medical supervision. Dried herbs, fruits, roots, flowers contain essential oils, alkaloids, trace elements, vitamins, which quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and eliminate difficulties in falling asleep without causing drowsiness after waking up. Contraindications to the use of soothing tea are minimal. Due to the increased sensitivity of the body to some components, allergic reactions may occur.

Plants with sleeping pills

The effectiveness of some medicinal plants has been proven by clinical trials. Many people who have taken herbal preparations to improve sleep have noticed that their sensitivity to external stimuli has decreased, the feeling of internal tension and problems with falling asleep have disappeared.
List of herbs with good hypnotic and sedative effects.

  • Valerian.
    Since ancient times, it has been known as a plant that calms the nervous system. The sedative property is provided by isovaleric acid and alkaloids (hatinin, valerin), which are found in rhizomes. Valerian is taken for spasms, headaches, neuroses, migraines, insomnia.
  • Hop.
    The inflorescences contain the substance lupulin, which stabilizes the central nervous system, relieves pain, improves the quality of sleep.
  • Mint.
    Leaves, stems, flowers contain isovaleric acid and menthol. Mint is used as a vasodilator, sedative. For good sleep, you need to drink three glasses of mint tea a day.
  • Oregano (motherboard).
    Flavonoids found in the plant give an antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic, hypnotic effect. Oregano gives the drink a pleasant aroma and piquant taste.
  • Thyme (thyme).
    Substances included in chemical composition plants, improve blood circulation in the brain, have a sedative effect, relieve irritability, restore the metabolic process of nerve cells, relieve insomnia and headaches.
  • Fireweed (Ivan tea).
    In the composition of leaves, flowers and rhizomes, many valuable components were found, vitamins of group B (participate in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, which regulate sleep). Fireweed helps with insomnia caused by stress, migraine, overexcitation, increased nervous overload. One cup of tea before bedtime is enough to get a good night's sleep and be cheerful in the morning.
  • Melissa.
    The main valuable substance found in the leaves and tops of the grass, linalol relaxes, soothes and induces sleep. fragrant tea from lemon balm refreshes and soothes.
  • Passiflora (passion flower).
    A plant with a strong hypnotic and sedative effect, is part of many medicines. Flavonoids, alkaloids, cyanogenic glycoside (passifloride) improve the quality of sleep, relieve motor anxiety and anxiety. Coumarin has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Motherwort.
    Stachydrine, found in the leaves of the herb, has a mild hypnotic effect. Facilitates falling asleep. Motherwort is useful for nervousness, insomnia, neurasthenia, depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • St. John's wort.
    It is used to treat several dozen diseases. Sleep tea from St. John's wort, gently affecting the central nervous system, relaxes, soothes and promotes fast falling asleep.
  • Lavender.
    Sedative and hypnotic effects are provided by borneol, valeric acid, coumarins. A lavender tea drink with a slight sweetish taste will help.
  • Peony (marin root).
    A soothing tea is made from the roots of the plant. Tannin and alkaloids contained in the roots soothe, relieve convulsions, spasms of internal organs and blood vessels.

Each of these plants contributes to the normalization of sleep and eliminates many causes (pain, cramps, irritability, heart palpitations) that prevent you from falling asleep and make you wake up at night.

Healthy drink recipes for good sleep

Tea can be made from one or more plants. Infusions should be drunk regularly for a month before bedtime. With irritability and nervousness, it is recommended to use sedative tea 3 times a day.
It is advisable to brew herbs in glass, earthenware or porcelain dishes and cover with a towel to stand out more useful substances and essential oils did not evaporate. For the best effect, you need to use not one herb, but a collection. In addition to the plants described above, chamomile, linden, hawthorn fruits, sage, blackberry leaves can be added to tea. They have a mild calming effect on the central nervous system, help to cope with stress and insomnia. When drinking tea before bedtime, add honey and lemon.

To make sure the herbs don't cause allergies, drink a small amount of the infusion first.

Melissa and mint tea

For one glass of water, you need one teaspoon of each herb. Brew for 15 minutes. It turns out a soothing drink with a mild taste.

Hop tea

Pour two tablespoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. A good hypnotic effect will give a mixture of hops and valerian.

lavender tea

A pleasant taste and aroma will turn out if you pour a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 minutes, drain the water and pour boiling water again for 4-5 minutes.

Five herbs for good sleep

  • lemon balm - 5 parts;
  • lavender - 3 parts;
  • thyme - 3 parts;
  • oregano - 4 parts;
  • mint - 3 parts.

Brew a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water for 10-15 minutes and drink at night.

Sleeping drink from peony

Pour half a teaspoon of the roots with two glasses of water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink a serving throughout the day half an hour before meals. The tart bitter taste of the drink can be softened with honey.

Ready-made herbs

What is the best soothing tea? You can experiment and choose sleep herbs that work for you.
Pharmacies sell tea bags for making sleeping pills. They are easy to prepare, effective and tasty.

  • Sleep formula.
    Consists of lemon balm, oregano, chamomile, hops, hawthorn fruits. The phytocomplex restores the natural mechanisms of the process of falling asleep.
  • "7 Herbs for Sleep"
    The composition includes finely ground plants with hypnotic and sedative effects. Rooibos red tea, which grows in Africa, gives a sweetish aftertaste and delicate aroma. It contains vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the nervous system and immunity.
  • Relaxosan.
    Herbal collection in tablets for those who do not want to waste time preparing tea for sleep, consists of an extract of valerian, mint, lemon balm. Tablets are not addictive, recommended for adults with sleep disturbance, frequent awakenings, increased nervous excitability.

Herbal teas can be used alone and with synthetic preparations. But not always treatment at home brings results. If you have not been able to defeat insomnia, contact competent specialists for advice.

List of used literature:

  • Pokhlebkin V.V. Tea: Its types, properties, use. - 3rd ed., trans. and additional - M.: Light and food industry, 1981. - 120 p.
  • Okakura K. The book of tea. - Minsk: Harvest, 2002. - 96 p.
  • Magazine "Oriental Collection". Special issue "Life in a Cup" ("A Cup of Tea. A Cup of Coffee"). - M.: RSL, 2015 (No. 64). - 164 p.

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