Home Salads and appetizers Persimmon: useful properties and contraindications. Persimmon - useful properties that the sunny fruit conceals

Persimmon: useful properties and contraindications. Persimmon - useful properties that the sunny fruit conceals

Every autumn, the counters of shops and markets light up with bright sunny lights - persimmon fruits. Such an unusual, but fabulously delicious fruit has been familiar to us since childhood.

Parents literally stuffed us with natural delicacies and said that it was very useful. But is it? Are persimmons really that good for our health?

Origin and characteristics

Persimmon belongs to the Ebony family and is a tropical and subtropical deciduous tree up to 15 meters in height, but specimens up to 5 meters are more common. Homeland - China, the variety is also distributed in Turkey, America, Australia, Italy and Europe, often found as a wild representative in the Caucasus. In China, you can find trees that are several hundred years old, there are specimens with a 500-year history.

Persimmon prefers light soil drained with coarse sand. Shrubs are found in nature, which is most interesting, in autumn both trees and bushes shed their leaves, leaving only fiery orange fruits on the branches.

In ancient Greece, the fruits were called "food of the gods" or "divine fire." And this is not surprising, the color and taste of the fruit explain everything. Persimmon is also called a date plum, and in the Tajik language, “a kind of tree” means - to darach.

The use of the plant is wide: in confectionery art- there is an unlimited number of recipes delicious desserts, and in industry - wood of some types of wood is used.

Varieties and their differences

There are about 1500 varieties in the world edible and inedible persimmons. The most common are:

All varieties are very juicy and sweet, with a tart taste that creates an astringent effect in the mouth. In one berry there can be from 2-4 to 10 seeds, but there are fruits without seeds. Seeds are hard, oblong, flattened on the sides, Brown color. They can be germinated at home and get a beautiful ornamental plant.

Each berry has a set of useful components and trace elements that saturate the body with energy, strength and health. The high content of vitamins A, C, P, E, group B, indicates the benefits of fruit for blood vessels, the circulatory system, and the heart. Beta-carotene resists cancer and the formation of cancer cells. All these elements support the body, strengthen the immune system, protect against the harmful effects of modern ecology. Carotene, splitting in the body, promotes the production of growth hormone in children.

In addition, the fruit is rich in useful trace elements:

All minerals are beneficial on the functioning of the whole human body, strengthen the immune system and resist many diseases, but beneficial features persimmons do not end there.

The fruit quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, nutritionists advise including it in the diet during fasting days or diets. The calorie content of the product is 67 kcal per 100 grams. The composition contains protein - 0.5 g, fats - 0.4 g and carbohydrates - 15.3 grams. Fructose and glucose do not lag behind, their pulp contains up to 15%, and the amount of antioxidants is no less than in green tea.

The benefits and harms of persimmon for the body

Like all fruits, persimmon has a number of positive and negative sides. Possessing a rich mineral and vitamin composition, it helps in the fight against the problems of most people - anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, colds. But it can cause allergies and be harmful to patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers.

The rich composition puts the Chinese fruit on a par with apple and fig. What is useful persimmon for the body:

The berry will be useful when consumed in doses, do not overeat, otherwise all the useful components will turn against you. Who and how is it useful to eat sweet fruit:

Contraindications for eating

The high content of tannin causes burning and pain in the stomach, and eating treats on an empty stomach will lead to a laxative effect due to tannins, in some situations it can be dangerous. Individual intolerance and a serious allergy may also appear, in which case it is necessary to refrain from taking dishes containing persimmons and go to the hospital. Useful properties and contraindications persimmons speak for themselves, there are more benefits, but you should not eat fruit for people of the following categories:

Do not drink the product cold water or milk, and an unripe fruit will lead to gluing of substances inside the stomach, so give preference to ripened fruits.

Secrets of choice

There are up to 30 pieces of fruit in the boxes, but which one to choose and how to do it right? When buying a fruit, pay attention to its appearance. The appearance of dents, mold, tears, dirt on the surface of the product is not allowed. The ripened fruit has a rich orange color with brown stripes and black spots. In the cut, the flesh is soft, juicy, brown or dark orange in color. The skin is thin and tender, the surface is smooth.

Do not buy unripe fruits, light shade or hard. If you have already come across such a quality, you can change it. To do this, freeze it, leaving it in the freezer for 24 hours. Many fruits are picked green from the tree, this simplifies the process of transportation, and ripening occurs on its own. The gifts of nature have the ability to ripen without the presence of a mother, a process called gassing.

Growing a tree at home

From the bone of a ripened fruit, you can grow an unusual decorative tree. To do this, the seed is germinated in wet cotton pads or planted immediately in moist nutrient soil. If the landing takes place in a container with soil, then the earth is covered with a film until the first shoots appear. This may take 10-14 days.

Germinated seeds are planted in light loose soil enriched with sand. Water as the soil dries out. Remember! A tropical resident loves warmth and is afraid of drafts. Maintenance won't take much effort. Why not grow such a miracle fruit on your balcony.

A native of East Asia - persimmon - fell in love with residents of other parts of the world because of its unusual, unique taste. In addition, for both women and men, the berry can become an assistant in the treatment or prevention of diseases. True, persimmons have some contraindications. The article will tell about useful and harmful properties orange sweets.

The composition and calorie content of persimmon

Today, it is quite easy to find persimmons in the market or in a greengrocer's shop. There are several varieties of it, as well as ways of ripening. Softer, harder, sweeter, with a bright or slightly astringent taste - different fruits also differ in chemical composition. But in one they are similar: they are a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. The benefits of persimmon are concentrated not only in the pulp, but also in the peel. The main element that determines the degree of viscosity is tannin, which belongs to tannins. The more astringent the taste of the berry, the more tannin it contains. The riper the fruit, the less this substance in it.

Advice. Tannin breaks down at low temperatures, so persimmons are not recommended to be frozen or even simply put in the refrigerator. If the berry you bought is unripe, it is better to let it ripen to an edible state in the heat.

Also in the persimmon are:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • vitamins A, P, C;
  • cellulose;
  • iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium;
  • malic, citric acid;
  • antioxidants.

Persimmon contains many useful substances

There is a lot of sucrose in persimmon, but the berry is considered low in calories. It usually contains 50-70 kcal per 100 g. Of course, consumption is appropriate in moderation due to some properties of the berry. For example, it increases the feeling of hunger.

The effect of persimmon in kidney disease

Persimmon has several qualities that are useful for people with kidney disease:

  • low acidity;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • magnesium content;
  • diuretic substances.

Tannin provides antibacterial qualities. It is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, several types of Escherichia coli. Diuretics help to remove salts from the body. Magnesium prevents the development of kidney disease. A low content of citric and malic acids normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver and excretory tract in general.

Is persimmon useful during pregnancy and lactation

  1. With the help of a diuretic effect, persimmon helps to remove swelling.
  2. Fights anemia thanks to its iron content.
  3. Magnesium: helps to absorb calcium, which means maintaining teeth and bones in order; normalizes the state of the nervous system and sleep.
  4. Persimmon contributes to the development of the baby before childbirth.
  5. Supports the vitality of the expectant mother. The berry is especially recommended for those who have had fainting or frequent dizziness.
  6. Gives a large portion of iodine to a pregnant woman.

Don't Eat Too Many Persimmons a Day

The main contraindication for pregnant women is intestinal obstruction due to an excess of persimmon in the diet. At the beginning of the term, you should not eat more than half of the fetus once a day. For young mothers who are breastfeeding, doctors do not recommend eating persimmon before the baby is 4 months old. Children cannot eat orange berries on their own until the age of 3, because their digestive system is not yet fully formed.

The effect of persimmon in stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

With a stomach ulcer, it is important to control the acidity of the foods eaten. Persimmon in this regard is a convenient berry, because it contains only 0.2% of the total mass of acids. But another property makes the fruits undesirable for sick "ulcers". Hard peel, fibers in the pulp mechanically irritate the diseased mucous membrane of the internal organ, which will adversely affect recovery. When the disease has receded or the process of amendment has reached the finish line, it is allowed to eat only ripe and not tart persimmons.

The effect of persimmon in diabetes

25% sucrose makes the berry undesirable for people with diabetes to eat. As in the case of a banana or grapes, persimmon contributes to a sharp increase in blood glucose. With different degrees of the disease, doctors may allow you to eat no more than half a berry a day, with a general strengthening purpose. Also, persimmon (vitamins C and P) strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on angiopathy, a frequent companion of diabetes.

Due to the content of tannin and sucrose, persimmon is strongly discouraged for obese people. Excess weight is often due to metabolic disorders, and the elements contained in the berry can only worsen it. Persimmon may also simply not fit into the human diet due to allergies or individual intolerance. Usually they are expressed in the appearance of a rash, itching, intestinal upset, etc. If you notice the appearance of such symptoms, try limiting the use of fruits. See if your condition improves after this.

Persimmon contains a large amount of sugars

Persimmon has a positive effect on other human organs. Vitamin A is useful for vision, and is also an excellent preventive measure for respiratory diseases and therapeutic - for bronchitis, SARS. Pectins, antioxidants cleanse the body of harmful substances, which is especially useful for residents of large cities. Persimmon also strengthens the cardiovascular system, breaks down cholesterol in the blood, and supports immunity.

This fruit has a lot of useful properties. The main thing to remember is that the benefits of persimmon are palpable only with its moderate consumption.

The benefits of persimmon: photo

Sunny fruit, pleasing with rich colors on a cold autumn day or in a winter cold, gives a delicious taste and charm of the hot tropics. "Divine fire" is one of the variants of the name of persimmon. The minimum calorie content with a high level of sugar content, a rich mineral composition, immunomodulating properties distinguish this fruit. Why is persimmon useful and why is it so popular on all continents? More than half a thousand varieties are used in salads, desserts and pastries, and wines, tinctures and beer based on it are highly valued by gourmets.

The benefits and harms of persimmons

Fresh, dried or dried date plum (Persian name for persimmon) contains the most unique set trace elements, minerals, vitamins. Many varieties, varieties, the medicinal properties of which are invaluable in the prevention, treatment of diseases, have specific features relative to other fruits. Is persimmon useful for the body of men, women, children, and what does it treat?

High nutritional, taste characteristics, dietary value, abundance of useful substances are highly appreciated by lovers of this fruit. Doctors and nutritionists agree that the beneficial properties of the sunny, divinely delicious non-GMO berry are unique:

  • For disease prevention:
    • juicy pulp is ideal for getting rid of constipation;
    • sibatol, betulinic acid slows down the aging process;
    • stimulates the production of red blood cells, protecting against blood cancer;
    • prevents the development of anemia and chronic fatigue;
    • has useful diuretic properties.
  • In the treatment of chronic diseases:
    • a decoction of dried fruits is useful for hemorrhoids;
    • low acid content makes persimmon indispensable for patients with gastritis;
    • normalizes pressure at elevated rates;
    • antiseptic properties are useful for the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea;
    • infusion of the peel of an unripe berry relieves allergies.
  • For a healthy person:
    • used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of acne;
    • fills the body with energy, nourishing the brain due to the high content of sugars;
    • cleanses the liver of accumulated "garbage", removing toxins and toxins.

When thinking about what fruits are good for pregnancy, don't forget to think about the sweet, juicy persimmon. Without causing allergic reactions, it will replenish the reserves of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, non-fatty acids demanded by the body of the mother and baby. A small amount of calories with a high energy potential makes the date plum a leader in a variety of diets. Eating 2-3 fruits a day, you will not get fat, and the feeling of satiety will stay with you for a long time.


What is useful fragrant persimmon? Minerals, microelements, with which the berry is rich, provide up to half of the body's daily needs. What vitamins in persimmon make it so useful:

  • Vitamin C has antibacterial properties. Pro-vitamins A, P will help restore the body with beriberi.
  • Magnesium, potassium - useful for maintaining the cardiovascular system.
  • Copper increases the absorption of iron needed for various types anemia.
  • A significant content of iodine normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.
  • Pectins, tannins improve the digestion process.


How many calories does a fruit contain and how is an appetizing persimmon useful for dieters? 1 piece divinely delicious useful berry contains from 87 to 120 kcal, while fats account for only 5 kcal. There are no fatty acids, cholesterol in persimmon. The share of useful carbohydrates is up to a third of the weight, of which half is sugar, and 35% is fructose necessary for the body.

Who benefits from eating persimmons

What is useful persimmon for women when losing weight? Part of the diet, being the basis of fasting days, persimmon is an indispensable guest on the autumn-winter table of losing weight beauties. For the ability to break down sugars in the intestines and produce the energy we need for an active life, persimmons are highly valued by nutritionists. Children's anemia, neurosis, caused by iron deficiency, disappear if children include one sweet orange fruit in their daily diet.

Answering the question whether persimmon is useful during pregnancy, doctors say that pregnant women should eat 1-2 fruits a day. To avoid iron deficiency in newly born babies, neonatologists advise nursing mothers to add half a fruit to their daily diet. Yes, at breastfeeding, the most valuable vitamins will get to the baby, while increasing his immunity, stimulating digestion.


The distinctive astringent properties of the date plum are due to the tannins contained in the skin of the fruit. Tannins negatively interact with food rich in proteins - seafood and fish, causing intestinal heaviness and causing bezoar lumps (stones). What are side effects and contraindications:

  • It is better for diabetics to refrain from including healthy fruit into the diet. In diabetes, a huge amount of sugars (up to a quarter of the daily requirement) negatively affects the level of insulin.
  • With pancreatitis, the tannic and astringent features of the berries will not be useful, but can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Is persimmon useful for people after surgical interventions? Doctors recommend refraining from fruit for people who have recently undergone strip surgery: having a high mineral and vitamin value, this fruit triggers the formation of adhesions.

All about persimmon

Date plum belongs to the genus Ebenovyh, representing an evergreen or deciduous tree. It is cultivated in most countries with a warm climate - from Japan to South America. How does persimmon grow and how do varieties differ? The berry has a tart taste and juicy pulp. The riper the fruits, the less tannins the fruit contains and the more beneficial properties it has.

How it grows

At the end of autumn, a bright, pleasing to the eye with a sunny color and delicious taste, appears on the shelves of shops and markets. useful persimmon. Due to the high demand in world markets, this tropical plant is cultivated in areas with a warm climate: in Australia and China, Japan, South America, Eurasia. Ripening, the fruits become bright orange, with a glossy skin. Exotic, "non-standard", but no less useful species include:

  • "Velvet Apple". It grows in the Philippines, has a velvety peach-like skin and is red in color.
  • « Chocolate pudding". Popular in South America. One fruit reaches a weight of 900 g. When ripe, it turns chocolate brown.
  • Flat. Grows in Paraguay.
  • Caucasian. Some species have fruits no larger than traditional apricots or peaches - up to 4 cm in diameter.


When choosing the type of persimmon, most people prefer the beetle. Its fruits are less astringent and have an oblong shape. What is the difference between persimmon and king? Floor only. Ripening on one tree, pollinated female berries are called persimmons, and kinglets are male. Caucasian, Japanese, Chinese varieties are no less in demand. Unlike the astringent persimmon, sharon is pitted, tannin-free, and has firm, light orange flesh.

How to choose

Light orange color, green calyx of the inflorescence indicate insufficient ripeness of the berry. Dark sides, excessive softness, brown spots indicate damage to the fetus during transportation or storage. How to choose a persimmon so that it pleases with a delicious taste? A whole skin of rich orange color, a brown stalk, the absence of cracks and dark spots distinguish ripe, juicy and healthy fruits. Provide long-term storage this recipe will help: put the berries cut into quarters in a container and freeze.

How to eat

Deciding which persimmon is more useful, be guided by your own preferences. For salads, a hard sharon is suitable, for desserts or pastries - a soft kinglet. How to eat persimmon? After removing the stalk with the inflorescence, make a small incision and eat the pulp with a dessert spoon. The peel should not be eaten: it contains tannins that provoke the formation of stomach stones. Refrain from eating fruits at night to avoid heaviness in the stomach.

Find out more information about the fruit, medicinal properties.

Video: useful properties of persimmon

Unique composition, the presence of half the daily dose of vitamin C, antioxidant properties, the ability to tone up and at the same time soothe the overloaded with stress nervous system- a small list of "utilities" of date plums. Adults and children love her. Doctors recommend adding fruits to the diet due to their medicinal properties. What is useful juicy persimmon, you will learn by watching the video.

Also, from the presented article, you will learn what properties this product has, whether it can be used during pregnancy, etc.

general information

Few people know what persimmon is useful for. And before giving you this information, I would like to tell you a little about the product itself.

The name of the fruit "persimmon" is of Greek origin. It literally translates as "divine fire" or "food of the gods." This word came to Russian from Farsi, where in the original it sounds like “خرمالو”, that is, “hormal”, which means “date plum”.

Fruit or berry?

Today there is a lot of debate about whether it is a fruit or a berry. However, experts say that it is more correct to use the second word in relation to persimmons. Indeed, in almost all reference books, this fruit is referred to as seed berries. But if it is convenient for you to assume that persimmon is a fruit, then no one will punish you for it.

Where did it come from and where is it distributed?

Useful qualities of persimmon are not known to everyone. And before telling you about them, you should tell where this fruit came from in our country. Japan is considered the birthplace of persimmon. It was from this state that the seeds of the product were first brought to us at the end of the 19th century. Although scientists believe that China was and remains the real homeland of this exotic berry.

It should be noted that there are about 500 varieties of persimmon. All of them grow in a tropical (or very close to it) climate. The most famous varieties in Russia are “sweet chocolate”, “kinglet”, “impatient Japanese” and “tart Caucasian”. It is this persimmon that can be purchased in Russian stores or markets.

What persimmon vitamin-containing fruits are those that grow in the Indo-Malay region. Although no less useful is the persimmon that is brought to us from Eurasia, America and even Australia.

What is persimmon good for?

The question posed is of interest to many persimmon lovers. After all, before buying this fruit, it is very important to have information about which organs and how exactly it affects.

So what is persimmon good for? Let's answer this question right now.

Persimmon: useful properties during pregnancy

While carrying a child, many women are forced to forget about some fruits and berries that can adversely affect the fetus. It should be noted that persimmons are often referred to as such products. However, most experts point out the fallacy of this opinion. So how does persimmon affect a woman's body? Useful properties (during pregnancy) play an important role for normal. Persimmon has a lot of magnesium, which, of course, has a very positive effect on all metabolic processes. Also presented fruit is saturated with iodine and iron. It is these elements that are essential for the normal bearing of the child and the health of the expectant mother.

Benefits for Women

The beneficial properties of persimmon for women are known to few. But those who own this information are trying not only to include such fruits in their diet, but also to make all kinds of cosmetics out of them. What is it connected with?

The beneficial properties of persimmon for women are such that by regularly consuming such fruits, the fair sex is able to quickly restore the deficiency of macro- and microelements in her body. And this fact will undoubtedly affect its appearance. After all, thanks to the beneficial properties of persimmon, a woman stops losing her hair and exfoliating her nails. In addition, the skin of the weaker sex becomes tender, velvety and covered with a healthy blush.

If you decide not only to use persimmon, but also to use it to prepare various masks, then we suggest using the following recipe.

For cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to make a face mask. To do this, take the pulp of one persimmon, and then mix it with one egg yolk. After mixing the components, they should be gently applied to the face and kept for 25 minutes. Such a tool is good for acne proneness, as well as for enlarged pores.

Benefits for men

What is useful persimmon for men? This question interests many representatives of the stronger sex. And before answering it, I would like to say that persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins and elements that are quickly and well absorbed by the body. That is why this product is recommended to be included in the diet of all family members, regardless of their age and gender.

Speaking about the usefulness of persimmon for men, it should be noted the property of the fetus to prevent the development of prostatitis. In addition, regular use of this product significantly reduces the risk of problems with the stomach and intestines. Even a small amount of ripe pulp can prevent the development of abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

It should also be said that the high content of magnesium in ripe fruits significantly reduces the risk of formation. At the same time, persimmon has a rather mild diuretic effect, due to which it is able to remove salts and harmful substances from the kidneys.

In winter, almost every person experiences a lack of this mineral, which immediately affects his appearance and health. It should be noted that the male body tolerates magnesium deficiency quite hard, and it will use it much more intensively than the female one. This is due to the fact that from regular lack of sleep, constant stress and a large amount of work in the body of a man, magnesium becomes less and less. Signs of this phenomenon may be muscle spasms, depression, the appearance of excessive irritability, etc. Also, a lack of magnesium provokes heart disease. That is why it is very important to include this delicious orange fruit in the diet of a man, especially in winter.

Benefits for children

What is useful persimmon for men and women, we described above. However, such a fruit should not only be used by adults of the stronger or weaker sex. After all, for children, it can also bring a lot of good things.

What is useful persimmon for children? As you know, the unformed body of a child is very susceptible to the penetration of all kinds of viruses and infections. To protect your child from colds and other diseases, he is recommended to give persimmons regularly. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin C and A. Also, the composition of the presented product includes many different elements that can have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body. To verify this, we offer you a list of those vitamins, macro- and microelements that are contained in persimmon.

Useful properties of the orange fruit

Ripe persimmon fruits contain the following substances:

Product calorie content

Despite such a rich composition of persimmon, it is rather low. Moreover, the presented fruit has a low calorie content. So, for 100 grams of persimmon, there are only 62 energy units.

Persimmon - medicine for the liver

In this section of the article, we will tell you about the benefits of persimmon for the liver. The presented fruit (or berry) is able to improve its work, as well as prevent the development of age-related neoplasms. In addition, regularly including persimmons in your diet, a person can noticeably improve his own liver. After all, this fruit contains special substances that contribute to the removal of toxins that accumulate in it throughout life.

Not only fruits are useful

The beneficial properties of the orange fruit are manifested not only when the pulp is consumed. Indeed, according to experts, with beriberi, tea, which is brewed from the leaves of the tree, also helps well. It should also be noted that all the properties of persimmon are preserved after its seasonal harvesting, or rather after freezing, drying or drying.

Contraindications for use

Before purchasing such a product for its consumption, you should find out what contraindications it has. So, it must be remembered that persimmon slightly increases blood sugar, and therefore it is not recommended to include it in the diet of diabetics and obese people. Also, the orange fruit should be given to children with caution, since in some cases it can cause various allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes (or even Quincke's edema).

Another important point for the safe use of persimmon is its compatibility with other products. For example, persimmons are not recommended to be eaten with milk or cold water. Also, you should not buy unripe fruits (greenish), as they contain a lot of tannin, which is able to bind all the food in a lump, worsening the digestion process and causing constipation.

lat. Diaspyros, which means " heart apple”) is a large, juicy orange berry that is common in temperate tropical countries. The homeland of this orange berry is the northern part of China, but at the moment it is also common in many countries of Eurasia. To date, there are about 500 - 700 types of persimmons. It is round or oval in shape, looks like a tomato, and weighs about 500 grams. The peel of this berry is thin, glossy and very sweet, while the flesh is fleshy and has about 8 smooth and shiny seeds.

The chemical composition of persimmon

This fruit is rich in many useful substances which have a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains vitamins, micro and macro elements, natural acids, as well as glucose and sucrose. Persimmon is a low-calorie product, 100 g of a berry contains only 70 kcal. And also 3.6 g or tenth daily rate soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

10 health benefits of persimmon

Persimmon has many useful and irreplaceable properties, so it is necessary product for the treatment of ailments and the prevention of various diseases, such as:

Persimmon also has excellent bactericidal agents. IN traditional medicine persimmon pulp is used to heal various wounds or burns.


Despite the large list of useful and medicinal properties, persimmon still has a number of contraindications:

  • Children under three years of age should limit the intake of persimmons;
  • You can not use this berry for constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, as well as severe obesity;
  • It is not recommended to use persimmon in your diet if it causes you an allergic reaction.
  • Diabetic patients should also consume it in moderation, as it contains an increased amount of glucose and can raise blood sugar levels.
In the Middle East, persimmon fruit has long been considered the fruit of the prophets and symbolizes wisdom.
In ancient Greece, people knew about all the healing properties of persimmon fruits, and they called this fruit “divine fire”.
A South American persimmon cultivar, when fully ripe it becomes dark, like dark chocolate, in color. By the way, it also tastes like chocolate, which is why this variety is called “Chocolate Pudding”.
In Japan, this fruit symbolizes victory and is called the "fruit of fruits."
Arabs and Persians believe that there are genies in the trunk and twigs of persimmons, which transfer a little fire to the orange fruits.
In order to prepare a kind of bread, North American natives used small fruits of wild persimmon for this.
There are many countries that use this fruit for cooking. alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and even sake.
In Georgia and Armenia, parents give persimmons to their daughters, as they believe that this fruit gives beauty, happiness and family well-being.

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