Home Soups Pasta stuffed with tortellini. Italian tortellini dumplings with cheese: a simple detailed recipe. Italian dialects - will we understand each other

Pasta stuffed with tortellini. Italian tortellini dumplings with cheese: a simple detailed recipe. Italian dialects - will we understand each other

Tortellini is italian recipe tasty snack. To be more faithful, most often this dish is eaten at Christmas as an appetizer. But depending on the filling, tortellini can be called as a full meal as well as appetizers and even desserts. That is what is good Italian food. If you remember cannelloni, then they can also be cooked with meat, and with sweet stuffing. Lasagna is also not complete with just one meat variation of the recipe. In general, it is worth noting that tortellini are a kind of homemade dumplings. Only from our Russian dumplings they are distinguished by the composition of the dough, the shape and, of course, the most diverse filling. Usually some kind of meat option is chosen, moreover, the type of meat is not limited by anything. But today we have prepared a completely different recipe.

Our recipe is tortellini with cheese. In it, instead of any meat filling cheese is used. We just take several varieties of cheese, mix them together and add them inside the dough. As you can see, cooking is quite simple. Cheeses should be taken good, expensive, which are associated with Italy. To diversify this dish, people cook some Italian sauces. But in this place it is necessary to understand what goes with what. Although everyone's tastes are different, so if you want, you can make some of your favorite sauce. We will not describe it in the recipe, everyone will choose something they love personally for themselves. Well, yes, the sauce is completely optional, you can enjoy the pure taste of the dish. What does it take to make it delicious?

Ingredients needed to make tortellini:

  • wheat flour - 500 grams;
  • chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • ricotta cheese - 200 grams;
  • parmesan cheese - 50 grams;
  • any cheese - 50 grams;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

As you can see, there are few ingredients, only seven pieces. But minimalism in everything is the key to good taste. Separately, it is worth mentioning the filling and its components. Well, absolutely everyone knows Parmesan cheese. His fame scattered long ago outside of Italy. He has even become a kind of personification of her. Perhaps less well known is ricotta cheese. Rather, it is not even quite cheese, because the technology of its preparation is different from the usual cheese. It is made not from milk, but from whey from mozzarella. But it is also a well-known Italian product. The last ingredient in our filling is some unnamed cheese. You can take whatever you like, give preference to what you like. The main thing is that it melts freely and does not remain lumpy in the filling. Okay, let's start cooking!

The first stage of preparation - preparing the dough

Great care must be taken in its production. If you are not ready to mess with the dough, knead it thoroughly, then do not even take on this recipe. Although the ingredients are not as complex as yeast, for example. But it is really difficult to knead it well. Although thanks to the eggs, it is still more malleable than plain dough on the water. Everything will turn out much easier if you have a good food processor. They have several special dough attachments that will make your job much easier. First, you will not be physically exerting yourself. Secondly, the dough will knead much faster.

So, the dough contains only two ingredients - flour and eggs. You don’t even need to salt it, because tortellini are distinguished precisely by unleavened dough. Therefore, the recipe is the simplest imaginable. You need to sift the flour. To do this, use any method convenient for you. Just shake it through a sieve or through a special device for sifting flour. If you do this in a combine, then into the bowl of the combine, if with the help of your hands, then simply form a hill with a recess in the center on a clean table surface.

It is better to beat the eggs separately. Note that we do not use all 5 eggs, but only 4. And then be careful. They can be too large, then they will need much less. In any case, beat them all just so that the yolk and protein are mixed together. Pour in the egg little by little until the dough is no longer separate lumps, but merges together.

After that, you need to knead the dough well for about twenty minutes. If you do it with the help of mechanization, then it will take half the time. As a result, the dough should become quite elastic. It is not befitting for him to stick to his hands and crack. If it sticks to your hands, then add more flour. If it's cracking and you've used up all the beaten eggs, you can moisten it with a little olive oil. After that, it is worth removing it in a cool place for about an hour, so that it is infused.

The second stage of preparation - we prepare the filling

In our recipe, by the way, it consists not only of three types of cheese, but also of their connecting link - eggs. There is nothing special to tell here. You just need to grind all the cheeses on the smallest grater, mix together. To bond, add one egg, mix everything again. And season well to taste. On this preparation of our the simplest stuffing ends. Let's move on.

The third stage of preparation - we form tortellini

Now comes the most crucial stage of the entire preparation of the dish. It may even be the longest. And to shorten his time, call the whole family to help you sculpt tortellini. But before you start making them, you need to finally prepare the dough. Namely, it needs to be rolled out well. The thinner the better. It is better to achieve a thickness of 2-3 millimeters.

The rolled dough should be divided into small circles, about five centimeters in diameter. Use a mold or a suitable glass to make the circles as quickly and evenly as possible. After all, we need tortellini of the same size. When absolutely all the dough is divided into circles, we proceed to sculpting.

Manufacturing technology is simple. In the very middle we add a little stuffing. Then we fold everything in half and fasten the edges to make such a dumpling. Now we fasten the ends of our dumpling to make a kind of dumpling. Close all edges very well so that not a single hole remains. We have cheese filling which will melt. And it is very undesirable that it later poured into the water.

The fourth stage of preparation - we begin to cook the dish

The recipe comes to its own logical conclusion, it's time to finally cook the tortellini. This happens in the same way as with ordinary dumplings. Bring the water to a boil, dip our Italian dumplings into it. You also need to cook, just wait for the moment when they pop up. After that, you can catch them and immediately serve them to the table.

Do not forget that you can cook any sauce for this dish. Although you can do without it. Tortellini are delicious in every way, just like all Italian food.

This is where the tortellini recipe ends. Now you know how to cook delicious Italian dumplings. Tell your friends about this recipe, cook it yourself and enjoy. Bon Appetit and good luck!

Secrets from Italian grandma Viviana Romanori, who teaches kids how to cook at La Cucina Caldesi:

I moved to England when my daughter had her first child and she needed to get back to work. Many Italian grandmothers I know did the same. I am here to speak Italian to my grandchildren and teach them how to cook. My six year old granddaughter Allegra loves tortellini so we make this dish together. And three-year-old granddaughter Tommaso loves to spin the pasta machine. I was taught to cook by the women of our family. My grandmother was the best craftswoman. I still use her recipes to this day.

Very hard to find in England the right ingredients. If you talk to the Italians living here, they all say with one voice:

"We can't seem to find the right tomatoes!" And Italy is full of them. Here we shell out a lot of money for what in Italy is considered not even the best product. Sometimes you sniff parmesan and think:

“Well, what kind of parmesan is it - just a baby!” Real Parmesan must be at least 24 months old. However, the situation is gradually improving. When my daughter first saw fresh pasta in England, she exclaimed: “Mom, it’s gray!” In Italy, we use eggs from chickens fed with corn, so our pasta is a deep yellow color. It took me a long time to find such eggs in England.

The English do not like to spend a lot of time cooking, as we do. When preparing stews and stews, we are not in a hurry, then it turns out delicious. You can cook the broth in 20 minutes, but it is better to spend 4 hours on it. I start making tortellini and broth at 7 am so they'll be ready by noon. Once an Englishwoman asked me to cook for her tomato sauce to put it in the freezer. It's tomato sauce! He's getting ready so fast! Local housewives like to do everything in three minutes instead of thirty.

And Italian women like to spend time together cooking. When I lived in Italy, my daughters-in-law and I used to gather our daughters and sometimes cook six kilos of tortellini for our families or holiday table. My 82-year-old mother still invites her friends over to cook pasta together.

Some of our men also love to cook, but few of them are capable of something that requires serious effort. Male fad - hot like porchetta. But pasta, I think, women do better.

I often work at Cathy Caldesi's cooking school, where I teach children how to cook dishes such as handmade farfalle and rice balls. I regularly visit Italy, where my second daughter is staying. In addition, I teach at a catering school in my hometown of Serramazzoni. I love showing students the Jamie at Home movies because Jamie uses ingredients from his own garden, just like we do in our villages.

Tortellini are Italian dumplings. unleavened dough with meat, vegetables or cheese. The classic version includes pork tenderloin, egg, butter and white wine.

Per serving: 531 kcal: 33.3 g protein; 47.8 g of carbohydrates; 23 g fat (9.1 g saturated); 1.1 g sugars. Serves 3-4 (about 20 tortellini each)

Ingredients (For 4 people)

beef brisket 300 g

Beef bones edible 150 g

Chicken legs 300 g

Onion 1-2 pcs.

Carrot 1 pc.

Celery stem 1 PC.

Chicken egg 2 pcs.

Wheat flour 200 g

Olive oil A small amount of

Ground beef 75 g

Ham 50 g

Boiled sausage 50 g

Parmesan cheese grated 50 g

Grated nutmeg 1 pinch

Step by step recipe Italian tortellini with meat and cheese in broth with photo

1. First, prepare the broth. Place the bone-in beef, chicken, and vegetables in a saucepan. Add a pinch of salt, pour in 2 liters of water to cover the contents. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer over low heat for 4 hours.

2. Mix all the ingredients for the dough and knead in food processor using a special nozzle (or by hand). The dough should be homogeneous and pliable. Sprinkle it with flour, cover with a film and leave to rest for half an hour.

3. Prepare the filling. Salt the minced meat and fry in a saucepan in a small amount of olive oil until golden brown. Drain off excess liquid and set aside. Transfer to a blender, add ham, mortadella, parmesan, nutmeg and chop.

4. Cook the tortellini in small batches so that the dough does not dry out. Divide it into 8 parts, take one for work, cover the rest with cling film or a kitchen towel. Roll out the dough into a long, very thin layer 6 cm wide using a pasta machine (or a rolling pin sprinkled with flour). Cut into squares with a side of 3 cm.

5. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour. Put 1/4 tsp on each square of dough. meat filling, close it with half of the dough so that you get a triangle. pinch tightly. Wrap the triangle around your middle finger and tuck the edges in to make a ring. Continue making tortellini until you run out of rolled out dough. If there is more filling, use it for meatballs or stews.

6. Ready broth strain, taste and add salt if needed. Bring the broth to a boil, throw in the tortellini and cook for about 3 minutes until they float to the top. Divide the tortellini broth among bowls and serve topped with grated parmesan.

Nice appearance always makes any dish tastier, serving and serving is such culinary marketing for the eyes and stomachs. This is why I love egg yolk pasta dough. It is always bright yellow and this color itself enhances appetite and hunger. And when we wrap the stuffing in it from fresh mushrooms and curd cheese with herbs and lemon zest - this is a real paradise for gourmets. Moreover, we will still learn how to make tortellini, look at the photo, these beauties seduce us. Add to this a pleasant mushroom broth and peas for beauty and satiety. The thing is excellent, you can cook with the whole family by arranging a competition for the most beautiful tortellini.

Tortellini (ital. Tortellini) - Italian unleavened dough dumplings with meat, cheese or vegetables. The historical homeland of tortellini is the Emilia region, but now this variety pasta cooked all over Italy. In their form, tortellini resemble small dumplings, the corners of which are connected to form a ring or bud.

To make it more convenient, I put it in a separate recipe, it lies in "". Because the same dough can be used for lasagna, pasta, ravioli and others.

Let's get to the stuffing here.

We take mushrooms (170 g). I love fresh champignons, they are affordable and always delicious. But you can take any fresh mushrooms, mushrooms from a jar or even frozen in bags (of course, the last two need to be filtered from the liquid). Cut into medium pieces. Here the precision is not important, because we will grind them. We also chop a red onion (you can take a regular one), a couple of cloves of garlic and mint (take your taste and quantity and herbs).

Put it all in a blender bowl. If the bowl is small, you can lay food in portions.

Leave some space in the bowl.

Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. You can take any other vegetable.

you will succeed mushroom paste. Here you can add anchovies or sprats - this is a matter of taste.

And fry this pasta in a dry frying pan, no more than 5 minutes.

While the mushroom paste is fried, we put it in a bowl cottage cheese(I take Hochland, Almette calls it cream cheese, but do not confuse it with processed cheese). You can replace macarpone, ricotta, even small cottage cheese. And rub the lemon zest in there.

When the mushroom pasta is ready, let it cool for 10 minutes, otherwise it will melt the cheese. Combine cheese and pasta.

Place the filling in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. If you cover with cling film, you can store for a couple of days. We cool in order to make it more convenient to collect tortellini, the filling will be harder.

In the meantime, let's take a test. I do everything in a planetary mixer, but you can do the same with your hands and a rolling pin. We start by dividing our ball into 4 parts. All the dough that we are not using at the moment should be covered with a damp towel (not wet). I roll out each quarter of the dough into a small layer about 7 mm thick.

I put the nozzle for rolling out the dough on the mixer. An overview of these nozzles with beautiful photos can be read here.

I roll the dough layer through the rollers of the nozzle. In total, 3-5 passes will be needed, each time we lower the thickness. On Kitchen Aid, this is a 3 notch. If you do it by hand, roll it out with a rolling pin to 2-3 mm.

The width of the dough strip should be slightly larger than the die cut for the dough. I took a diameter of 9 cm. You can take a little less, up to 7 cm. If there is no die-cutting, you can buy it in my store or use cups in the old fashioned way. Cut out the circles. From each strip of dough I got 4 circles. If you prepared the dough correctly, then you will no longer need flour for dusting. The dough will not stick to your hands and the table.

Lay out the cut circles on the board. Place a teaspoon of filling in the center. And we coat the edges of the dough with a barely damp brush (dip it in a beaten egg).

Assembly is simple. First, fold the workpiece in half and fasten the halves well, squeezing them with your fingers. The width of the field will be about 1-1.5 cm.

And now we connect the corners, also fastening with a finger.

This is the beauty you get.

Ready-made tortellini can be frozen or boiled immediately.

I cook in mushroom broth(you can cook your own or take jelly). Adding some fresh champignons and peas. Cook until tender - 2-5 minutes.

Serve with parmesan.

Tortellini (tortellini, tortellini) - Italian pasta with a filling originally from Emilia-Romagna (considered a specialty of Bologna). The shape resembles small dumplings, the corners of which are connected to make a ring or a bud. According to legend, a young chef invented tortellini: he cooked pasta with filling, wrapped the workpiece around the little finger, thus capturing the navel of his mistress. Depending on the region, the size and shape of the pasta varies. I distinguish between tortelli or torteletti - narrow, twisted into rings or round wheels. The color of the dough for tortellini depends on the additives: spinach gives the green color, tomato gives the red color. The filling is made from chicken, ham with the addition of lemon zest, nutmeg and parmesan. You can cook tortellini with vegetable filling. Pasta dough is not salted because tortellini is usually served with a sauce that has a rich, rich taste. Usually it is tomato or cream sauce, sometimes mushroom

In the section "Tortellini" 28 recipes

Tortellini stuffed with guinea fowl

The filling for tortellini is prepared from guinea fowl. The carcass of the bird is first cut into large pieces, fried and brought to readiness in white wine. After the meat is separated from the bones, passed through a meat grinder and mixed with eggs or proteins. egg dough rifling...

chapter: Tortellini

Ingredients (12)
40 g peeled and lightly toasted pine nuts
50 g grated fontina (or any easy-melting cheese)
egg - 1 pc
Show all (12)

Ingredients (14)
large egg - 3 pcs.
salt - a pinch
250 g boiled shrimp
150 g pitted olives
100 g Fontina cheese
Show all (14)

Ingredients (14)
Beef brisket 300 g
Beef bones edible 150 g
Chicken legs 300 g
Onion 1-2 pcs.
Carrot 1 pc.
Show all (14)

Ingredients (9)
300 g frozen tortellini with cheese
4 teaspoons olive oil
450 g fresh shiitake mushrooms (I used champignons) chopped
4 garlic cloves very thinly sliced
2 glasses of water
Show all (9)

Ingredients (24)
For chlorophyll
bunch of parsley
ice water
For the test
200 g flour
Show all (24)

Ingredients (27)
For the pumpkin dough
200 g flour
50 g pumpkin puree
1 egg
a pinch of salt
Show all (27)

Ingredients (23)
For the test
based on 100 g of flour
1 egg (ex.
10 eggs per 1 kg of flour)
For filling
Show all (23)

Ingredients (21)
200 gr flour
2 eggs
2 tbsp olive oil
250 gr ricotta
Show all (21)

Ingredients (10)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 cup boiled chopped chicken (optional)
bunch of chopped basil
Red pepper

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