Home Preparations for the winter Pumpkin blanks for the winter candied fruit recipes. Cooking candied pumpkin at home: proven recipes. How to make candied pumpkin - simple options

Pumpkin blanks for the winter candied fruit recipes. Cooking candied pumpkin at home: proven recipes. How to make candied pumpkin - simple options

  • Candied pumpkin with honey
  • Candied pumpkin without sugar
  • Recipe with orange
  • Candied Pumpkin - Recipes

    Once upon a time, grandmothers living in villages mastered the skill of preparing juicy fruits in sugar syrup. Then the process took several days. Today, thanks to modern kitchen technology, cooking methods have become much easier. Consider different recipes.

    Candied pumpkin in an electric dryer


    Sugar - 1.6 kg;
    pumpkin - 2 kg.


    1. We prepare the pumpkin, clean it, take out the seeds, cut into slices.

    2. We put it in a container, fill it with sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg of gourds.

    3. Remove the closed pan for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Stir the contents periodically.

    4. After the time has elapsed, we take out the pan, take out the pieces of pumpkin with a slotted spoon, put them in a separate bowl. Add 1.2 kg of sugar to the resulting syrup. Put on the stove, bring to a boil.

    5. We send the pumpkin to the concentrated sugar solution, after boiling, cook the contents over low heat for 5 minutes. We repeat this procedure three times. Each time, waiting for complete cooling.

    6. Put the product on a sieve. So they should lie down for 2-3 hours. We turn on the electric dryer at 70 degrees, warm it up for several minutes. We spread the candied pumpkin on the grate, leaving a distance between them.

    7. After 10 hours, take out, powder with finely chopped sugar crystals.

    Advice! If you are going to treat children with a natural delicacy, leave it without sprinkling. In this form, "sweets" are more useful.

    Candied fruits in the oven

    Despite the simplicity of the recipe, it will take a lot of time to cook sweets in the oven.


    pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
    water - 300 g;
    granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
    citric acid - 3 g;


    1. Peel the pumpkin with a knife or vegetable peeler. Remove the core with seeds.

    2. Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized cubes. Blanch them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then transfer to a bowl to cool completely.

    3. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and citric acid. Bring to a boil and wait for the complete dissolution of the ingredients.

    4. We transfer the cooled pumpkin pulp to a sieve, let the liquid drain. Then we send it to a container with syrup and boil for 15 minutes at a moderate temperature.

    5. Turn off the stove, leave the workpiece for 10 hours. We repeat the action three times. At the last boil, add vanilla.

    6. We recline the boiled pumpkin on a fine sieve, allowing the syrup to drain. Put the dry chilled pieces on a baking sheet in one layer and send to the oven, preheated to 40 ° for 3 hours.

    7. We take out the half-finished delicacy, sprinkle each piece with sugar and put it on a baking sheet again until it dries completely.

    Note! For the preparation of candied fruits, decorative and fodder varieties of pumpkins are not suitable, they have little pulp, besides, it is tough and fresh.

    Candied pumpkin in a slow cooker

    Even the most picky sweet tooth will not resist the most delicious candied pumpkin. Given the value of the nutrients contained in the vegetable crop, children are given a treat.


    pumpkin - 1 kg;
    sugar - 500 g.


    1. Prepare the pumpkin (wash, peel, remove the seeds). Cut into slices and put in a multicooker bowl.
    2. Cover with sugar, leave in this form for 6 hours. This time will be enough for the vegetable to give juice.
    3. Set the "baking" mode and cook for 40 minutes.
    4. Leave to cool, then repeat the procedure again, twice more. But already setting the timer for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure exactly twice more.
    5. Throw the sweets into a colander to drain the syrup.
    6. A delicious dessert for tea prepared in a slow cooker can be served at the table. Bon appetit.

    Candied fruits in the microwave

    For those who cannot eat sweets, we suggest trying to replace them with candied pumpkin made in the microwave.


    pumpkin - 400 g;
    500 grams of sugar;
    water - 350 g;
    cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
    carnation - 1 pc.


    1. Cut the prepared pumpkin into small cubes.
    2. Pour sugar into the microwave container to prepare the concentrate, add water.
    3. In the microwave, set the power to 800 watts, heat the syrup for 2 minutes. Stir, and repeat the procedure again until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. Add vegetable, cloves and cinnamon. Put in the microwave for 10 minutes.
    5. We take out the pan, let the treat cool down and repeat the action 5 times.
    6. The pumpkin should be an amber-transparent color.
    7. Throw the pieces into a colander so that the liquid is glass. Then put the contents on a plate for the microwave, cook for another 5 minutes.
    8. Let the dish cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Such delicious treat Stores well in a sterilized jar with a closed lid.

    The best candied pumpkin recipes at home

    simple recipe


    peeled pumpkin - 1 kg;
    1 large lemon;
    granulated sugar - 300 g.


    1. Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized pieces, put in a deep bowl.
    2. Fall asleep with sugar.
    3. Pour over squeezed lemon juice.
    4. Leave to brew for 12 hours.
    5. We shift the red vegetable into a saucepan, put on fire, cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and wait for it to cool completely.
    6. Repeat the process two more times.
    7. Put the future sweetness in a sieve, letting the syrup drain.
    8. We dry candied fruit in any convenient way, you can do without an oven, for example, by putting it on a balcony or using a vegetable dryer.

    The product is ready, if desired, it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or starch and transferred to clean glass jars for storage.

    Candied fruits with lemon

    This delicious delicacy can be consumed without fear for your figure. For cooking, you will need the following list of products:

    Pumpkin pulp - 350 g;
    sugar - 150 g;
    lemon - 4 slices;
    water - 150 ml;
    powdered sugar - 4-5 tbsp.


    1. Cut the prepared pumpkin into medium pieces.
    2. Add lemon slices.
    3. For a more expressive taste, you can add a cinnamon stick.
    4. Pour all the ingredients with sugar and leave in a cool place to infuse overnight.
    5. Add water and put on the stove, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat to cool. (We repeat this step -3-4 times).
    6. Ready candied fruits should drain, for this we throw them into a sieve or colander.
    7. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, put the boiled pumpkin and lemon on it, leaving a distance between the pieces.
    8. Dry in the fresh air during the day, occasionally turning over.
    9. When the candied fruits stop sticking to your hands, they are ready.
    10. It remains to roll them in powdered sugar

    Candied pumpkin with honey

    For candied fruits in this design, you will need the following list of products:

    Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
    sugar - 2 kg;
    honey - 100 g;
    1 lemon;
    some powdered sugar.


    1. Cut the orange fruit into cubes of the same size. Place in a suitable container. Sprinkle with sugar, leave to infuse overnight.
    2. In the morning we express the juice. We add honey, lemon, pre-washed and skipped whole with zest through a meat grinder.
    3. Boil the resulting syrup for 2 minutes.
    4. Strain hot through a sieve. We pour it into the pumpkin.
    5. We put on fire for an hour and a half and cook.
    6. Until the candied fruits are fully cooked, it remains to strain the contents through a sieve, put the pumpkin cubes on a baking sheet to dry in an oven with a convection function, or use a dryer for this purpose.
    7. Roll each piece of appetizing treat in powder.

    Candied pumpkin without sugar

    For cooking delicious dessert to the cup fragrant coffee or tea you will need the following components:

    Water - 2 glasses;
    honey - 2 tablespoons;
    pumpkin - 400 g;
    fructose - 2 tablespoons;
    ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp.


    1. Boil the prepared pumpkin pulp a little to soften it. Add cinnamon.
    2. Put the pieces on a paper towel.
    3. Pour water into the pan, then send fructose and honey, bring to a boil.
    4. Carefully lower the pumpkin pulp into the syrup.
    5. Boil the future delicacy for 20 minutes.
    6. Leave the pumpkin in syrup overnight. Then we take out almost ready candied fruits for drying. An alternative version of sweets is ready.

    Recipe with orange

    From the minimum amount of products, you get a very tasty and beautiful dessert.

    For him you will need:

    Pumpkin pulp - 700 g;
    600 grams of sugar;
    1 ripe orange;
    some powdered sugar.


    1. Prepare the pumpkin, cut into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 9 hours.
    2. We take out the vegetable, put the liquid on the stove, and start cooking.
    3. Peeled orange, cut into small pieces and immediately add to the syrup.
    4. Next we send pumpkin to the same pan, cook for 6 minutes.
    5. Cool the mass and repeat the cycle of actions 3 times.
    6. We send pieces of future candied fruit to a sieve so that syrup is stacked from them.
    7. Put the workpiece on a baking sheet, send it to the oven for half an hour to dry, setting the temperature to 130 degrees.
    8. Dip each piece in powdered sugar.

    Candied pumpkins at home are extremely simple to prepare, and even if you have never made this delicacy, it will definitely work out the first time. Homemade candied fruits will be much tastier than store-bought ones. These fruit and berry marmalades are prepared in two stages: first they are boiled on the stove in sugar syrup, then they are dried in an electric dryer or oven. Candied pumpkins turn out sweet, slightly crunchy, not tight, no matter how you cook them, the main thing is to correctly observe the proportions of the ingredients.

    By the way, in an electric dryer, fruits are excellent without adding sugar. But you need to use a sweet pumpkin, and cut it preferably into thin strips, not bulky cubes, so that it dries well. Dried fruits are a great lifesaver for moms, especially in the winter season. Homemade dried fruits can be added to baby cereals or to cottage cheese desserts(although they need to be soaked first). Candied pumpkins in the dryer are prepared after boiling in sugar syrup, and in this they differ from ordinary homemade dried fruits.

    What is a good electric dryer for candied fruits? It has a larger capacity compared to an oven, as you can lay fruits or vegetables in several layers. The rest of the drying principle is the same. The total cooking time is a little more than a day, but nothing will be needed for active action: just peel and cut the pumpkin and boil 3 times for 5 minutes. As a result of these simple steps, soft, translucent, bright orange fruit pieces are obtained. They can be served with tea, decorated with cakes, added to pastries.
    When cooking candied fruits, in addition to sugar syrup, citrus fruits and various spices are used. I suggest taking a lemon: this citrus will give a pleasant sourness and dilute the too sweet aftertaste of the dessert. Lemon will also help keep the candied fruits in shape. As spices, I take ground cinnamon, you can add anise and ginger - it turns out very fragrant candied pumpkin.

    To prepare candied fruits you will need:

    • 1 kg pumpkin;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon;
    • 100 ml of water.

    How to cook candied pumpkin.

    1. Cut the lemons into slices. We will use lemons with fragrant peel - there is a lot in the zest essential oil, which will give candied fruits an incredibly appetizing aroma. And the lemon will not let the pumpkin boil, thanks to it the candied fruits will turn out whole and beautiful. But be careful with lemon - if you use more than in the recipe, the sugar pieces of fruit can turn rubbery.

    By the way, when transporting lemons and other fruits, their peel is covered with wax. This protects the fruit from untimely spoilage. Therefore, we will wash the lemon peel in hot water with a brush.

    2. Put the lemon and spices in a saucepan. We take enameled or stainless steel. Add 100 ml of water.

    3. Boil for 1-2 minutes over low or medium heat. Stir so that the sugar completely dissolves and does not stick to the bottom.

    4. In order to cook delicious candied pumpkin, you need ripe fruits with dense pulp. Need a "golden mean": not too soft and not too hard gourd. Pumpkin varieties - any, especially tasty candied fruits are obtained from nutmeg (elongated) varieties. But round pumpkins also come out delicious. Cut pumpkin into slices step by step photo.

    How is pumpkin useful for the human body? It is 90% water, it has practically no fat, but there are many healthy carbohydrates. Vitamins A, B, C and E are quite often found in vegetables, fruits and berries. The peculiarity of pumpkin is the content of valuable vitamin K (necessary for protein synthesis) and vitamin T (it is found in large quantities in sheep meat and is called “meat vitamin”, it is very rare in plant products). There are rare minerals in the orange pulp: cobalt, fluorine, silicon. In addition, the composition contains carotene, useful for vision, easily digestible sugars and fiber. Interesting fact: pumpkin is a relative of watermelon and cucumber.

    5. Put the pieces of pumpkin in another pan and pour sugar syrup with lemon.

    6. Put on a slow fire, boil for 5 minutes. If you cook the pumpkin for a long time and over high heat, there is a chance that even pieces may become loose or turn into porridge. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave to cool. It is advisable to leave for 3-4 hours, you can overnight. The pumpkin should be soaked in syrup, the pieces will wrinkle slightly.

    7. Boil the pumpkin for 15-20 minutes over medium heat, then cool completely again.

    8. Cooled candied fruits turned bright orange.

    9. And once again we repeat the procedure of boiling-cooling. There should be 3 approaches in total, during which time the slices will be thoroughly saturated with sugar syrup, change color, and become shiny. Now for the spices. I used cinnamon in the recipe - it gives the delicacy just a magical aroma, and it emphasizes the taste of pumpkin perfectly. It can be added at this stage, or you can mix it with powdered sugar and roll the finished candied fruit for better storage.

    10. Sugar syrup has become very thick and a little viscous. We won’t need it anymore, but you can make, for example, marmalade from it, or just add tea instead of sugar.

    11. We take out the pieces of pumpkin from the syrup and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Tip: Remove the candied fruits immediately from the hot syrup with a slotted spoon and a tablespoon. Cold syrup is much more difficult to drain. Lemon syrup does not have to be thrown away! It can also be dried and then added to tea.

    12. Gently fill the entire baking sheet. From this quantity of products, 1 large baking sheet and 1 small one come out. It is not necessary to spread the slices very tightly to each other - they can stick together.

    13. Dry the pieces in the oven at 50-60 degrees for 3-6 hours, depending on the size, then you can leave it in the kitchen. Do not dry at high temperatures: this will only spoil the candied fruits, they will burn and it will be impossible to chew them. In an electric dryer, candied fruits need to be cooked for 12-18 hours and constantly monitored so that the sugar does not burn and the slices do not turn brown. Ready-made candied fruits are easily removed from the parchment.

    14. In order for candied fruits to be better stored, roll them in powdered sugar with cinnamon. You can also use starch, but then roll the pumpkin first in cinnamon, and then in starch. True, in this form, the slices do not look so appetizing.

    Homemade candied pumpkins are amber, sweet and healthy slices filled with the warmth of the summer sun. Cooking them is not so difficult, the main thing is to know what kind of pumpkin is better to use and some secrets of their preparation. So, let's look at how to make candied fruits - quick and delicious recipes in the dryer, oven and slow cooker.

    Choosing a pumpkin for candied fruits

    Today there are several varieties, each of which will allow you to get candied fruits with a different effect and taste. So, the simplest varieties such as “Accord” or “Aport” are suitable for products with a marmalade structure. But candied fruits with the effect of “crackers” can be obtained from starchy French or Japanese varieties of vegetables.

    The main thing is not to stumble upon fodder, they are used for fattening animals and candied fruits will turn out to be fibrous and tough.

    Unripe fruits are also not suitable for candied fruits, or vice versa, they are too juicy; already at the first stage of boiling, you can get porridge. It is best to take any dessert variety of fruit that will have dense pulp. You can find out if a vegetable is well ripened by a clear sound (you just need to knock on a pumpkin) or by seeds, they should be full and easily separated from the pulp fibers.

    When choosing a vegetable, you should pay attention to its surface, it should be without any damage and soft “bald spots”.

    simple recipe

    For those who are preparing candied pumpkin for the first time, there is a simple step by step recipe with addition .


    • pumpkin (1 g);
    • 280 g sugar;
    • one lemon.

    Cooking method:

    • The pulp of the vegetable is cut into squares, put in a bowl, pour in sugar, pour over citrus juice, mix and leave for 12 hours.

    • Then pour the sweet slices of the vegetable into the pan, put thin circles of citrus, bring to a boil and wait five minutes.

    • After we give the pumpkin time to cool and repeat the process two more times. After we shift the pumpkin into a sieve so that all the syrup is gone, lay it on a baking sheet and dry it in the sun.

    If the candied fruit stopped sticking to the fingers and began to bend well, then they are ready, sprinkle them with sweet powder and store them in a glass jar.

    With orange and cloves in the oven

    Especially sweet and fragrant are candied pumpkin with orange and cloves. We will cook and dry such ingredients together with the vegetable, so the products will be able to absorb the whole taste and aroma of citrus and spices.


    • 1 kilogram of pumpkin (pulp);
    • one orange;
    • 700 g sugar;
    • 2-3 cloves.

    Cooking method:

    1. Grind the pumpkin and put it in an enameled bowl, sprinkle with sugar, shake and keep in the cold for a couple of hours.
    2. Just before cooking, add orange juice to the pumpkin slices, as well as citrus zest, cut into small strips.
    3. We put the pan with the contents on the fire, let it boil and cook for five minutes, then cool and repeat the process two more times.
    4. After that, all the ingredients (without syrup) are transferred to a baking sheet with parchment, dried in the oven, be sure to open the door for 5 hours, and then leave the products in the open air for another day.

    We store the finished delicacy in glass jars.

    Recipe in electric dryer

    If your family does not like pumpkin, then no one will refuse tasty and sweet “candies”. From such a vegetable you can quickly and tasty make healthy treat, which can be served with tea, they can decorate or bake pies.


    • pumpkin (weighing 2 kg);
    • 580 g of granulated sugar;
    • 10 g of citric acid.

    Cooking method:

    1. We peel the peel from the pumpkin, cut the pulp into squares, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6 hours. During this time, the vegetable pieces will release juice, and the sugar will be completely absorbed.
    2. Pumpkin sticks in own juice send to the fire, let them boil and cook for two minutes. Then we remove from the stove and forget about them for 6 hours. During this time, the vegetable will become softer and soaked in syrup.
    3. After the time has elapsed, return the vegetable to the stove, add citric acid, boil again and cook for two minutes. If after the second boiling the pumpkin remains hard, then repeat the procedure for the third time. The vegetable pieces should become soft, but should hold their shape and not become mashed.
    4. The syrup should not be sent to the sink, because you can cook compote from it or use it as an impregnation for pies and.
    5. We shift the vegetable blanks onto the grate of the electric dryer and turn on the device for five hours. In order for the vegetable slices to dry at the same time, it is worth swapping the grate.

    As soon as the pieces become elastic, but at the same time remain soft inside and sticky, then we remove them from the grill, the main thing here is not to dry the candied fruit. Sprinkle the products with powdered sugar and you can enjoy the dessert.

    In a slow cooker

    With the help of a slow cooker, you can also make delicious candied pumpkins. For the recipe, you can take any spices, vanilla, or cloves.


    • 400 g pumpkin (pulp);
    • 280 g of sugar;
    • cinnamon stick.

    Cooking method:

    • We chop the pumpkin into cubes, put it in the bowl of the device, sprinkle with sugar and put the bowl with the contents in the cold for the whole night.
    • The next day, we return the bowl to the device, add cinnamon to the vegetable sticks and turn on the “Baking” option for 25 minutes so that the sweet granules disperse in pumpkin juice.
    • After the signal, we cool the pumpkin, then we switch to the “Extinguishing” program for 15 minutes so that the sweet aromatic liquid soaks the slices well.
    • Then we cool again and return to the “Baking” program, open the lid, carefully turn the pieces over and bake the products for 15 minutes. If the syrup looks like liquid caramel or, then the candied fruits are ready, they can be transferred to parchment and dried in the open air.

    Sprinkle finished products with powder and serve with tea.

      Do you like candied fruit?

    Candied pumpkin with honey

    Today there are different recipes (with photos) for candied pumpkin, but each of them uses sugar. We offer you a recipe with the addition, such a dessert will be more useful, especially for children and those who are contraindicated in sugar.


    • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
    • two spoons of honey;
    • two tablespoons of fructose;
    • a spoonful of cinnamon.

    Cooking method:

    • We cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water and put cinnamon, cook the pieces of vegetable until they become soft.

    • Pour the same amount of liquid into another container, add fructose and add honey, as soon as the syrup boils, put pumpkin pieces, cook for 20 minutes.

    We stand the pumpkin directly in the syrup for a day, then separate them from the liquid, and dry them in the oven for 40 minutes.

    Candied frozen pumpkin

    Today, every housewife tries to prepare as many vegetables and fruits as possible for the winter. Frozen pumpkin can be boiled delicious porridge or make candied fruits.


    • ½ kg of frozen pumpkin;
    • 380 g of sugar;
    • 300 ml of water;
    • cinnamon, vanilla to taste;
    • sweet powder for sprinkling.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour sweetener, spices into a saucepan and pour water, cook sweet and fragrant syrup.
    2. We take the vegetable out of the freezer, it is not necessary to defrost, put the pieces in the boiled syrup and, after boiling again, cook for 20 minutes.
    3. After we let the vegetable cool, then boil again for 10 minutes.
    4. As soon as the contents of the pan have completely cooled, transfer to a sieve and wait until all the syrup is gone.
    5. We dry the pumpkin pieces in any way: in the oven, electric dryer or in the fresh air, if it is warm and sunny outside.

    Secrets of delicious candied pumpkin

    1. Candied fruits can be served as an independent dessert or used to decorate desserts.
    2. Instead of granulated sugar, you can take honey or fructose, which will allow you to enjoy dessert even for those who are contraindicated in dishes with sugar.
    3. Before drying a vegetable, it must be kept in sweet syrup for at least ten hours, so the candied fruits turn out to be plump and not fall apart.
    4. For drying in the oven, do not chop the vegetable too finely and thinly, otherwise the candied fruits will turn out tough.
    5. If the recipe calls for a lemon, then choose a large fruit with a thin skin.
    6. Dried products should be immediately removed from the baking sheet so that they do not stick. If this still happened, then return the products to the oven for a couple of minutes and let the syrup melt a little.
    7. So that the finished products do not stick together, they need to be well sprinkled with sugar.
    8. Approximately 250 g of candied fruits are obtained from 1 kg of pulp, so if you want to cook more, then double the amount of ingredients.

    Boiled candied fruits can not be dried, but put in a jar along with syrup and served like jam.

    How do you like the idea of ​​making candied pumpkin at home? So you get one of the most useful desserts. Indeed, unlike ready-made, store-bought candied fruits of all kinds of the brightest colors, homemade ones are pieces of fresh fruits or vegetables blanched in sugar syrup, and then languishing in the oven for a long time at a low temperature. Thanks to this, they become downright marmalade, with tender, almost transparent flesh.

    Candied pumpkin is a very tasty treat. Due to the fact that the pumpkin itself is sweet in taste, it behaves well in the preparation of desserts. Its flesh becomes amber in color, slightly springy and gives a very strong taste of a baked fruit. This taste is set off by orange, which goes very well with it. In this recipe, pumpkin slices will first be boiled in sugar syrup with orange, soaking in citrus flavor.

    Stock up on patience and time - cooking homemade candied fruits is not in a hurry. But at the same time, you will not need to stand at the stove for long tiring hours, because this process is quite simple and hassle-free. In addition, candied fruits can be stored for a very long time, because they have very little moisture, so we advise you to cook a lot of pumpkin treats at once and enjoy it with a cup fragrant tea in the evenings.


    • 400 grams pumpkin pulp
    • 250 grams of sugar
    • 1 orange
    • 50 ml water
    • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
    • a mixture of powdered sugar and starch for rolling

    Finished product yield: 200-250 grams

    How to cook candied pumpkin in the oven

    First of all, prepare the pumpkin by peeling it and removing the seeds.

    Then cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces 1.5-2 cm in size.

    Sprinkle the sliced ​​pumpkin with sugar and refrigerate overnight.

    During this time, the pumpkin will release juice in which the sugar will dissolve. There will be plenty of juice.

    Pour this juice carefully into a saucepan.

    Cut the orange, after washing it very well.

    Grind it in a blender until a smooth puree, slurry. If you don't have a blender, run the orange through a meat grinder using a wire rack with small holes.

    Mix orange puree, pumpkin juice, water and cinnamon. Bring this syrup to a boil, and then place the pumpkin in it.

    Boil the pumpkin (without stirring it) for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let the syrup cool.

    Then bring the pumpkin syrup to a boil again and cook again for 5 minutes.

    Repeat the procedure twice more.

    Put the pumpkin boiled in this way 4 times on a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat or a sheet of parchment.

    The remaining syrup can be used, for example, as jam, serving it for breakfast.

    Dry candied pumpkins in the oven at 75 degrees for 5-6 hours until they no longer stick to your fingers.

    Candied pumpkin is a healthy and very tasty vegetable dessert that is perfect for tea drinking. In addition, it is often used as part of other dishes or as a decoration. The thing is that candied pumpkins always turn out to be very sweet and fragrant, and their bright orange color is pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

    Candied pumpkin preserves almost everything useful material found in raw vegetables. Thus, this dish is a delicious "doctor" for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and intestines. Also, candied pumpkin will help get rid of kidney stones, improve eyesight, and normalize metabolism. This bright dessert can be safely introduced into the children's diet and even afforded during a strict diet. Despite the fact that sugar is added to candied fruits, the calorie content of the dish remains at an acceptable level.

    Before drying candied pumpkin, the vegetable is cut into small pieces and boiled in sugar or honey syrup. For flavor, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, citrus zest, etc. are put in a saucepan. Oranges or lemons are often boiled with candied pumpkin. They give the dish a spicy sourness and appetizing smell.

    After the pumpkin is boiled in syrup, it can be dried using an oven, slow cooker or electric vegetable dryer. Some cooks even leave spicy pieces when room temperature. True, then the process of preparing candied pumpkins lasts much longer.

    Before serving, candied pumpkin can be sprinkled with honey or sprinkled with powdered sugar. They eat cold treats.

    Amazingly delicious and fragrant candied pumpkin! This recipe contains all the most popular flavoring and aromatic additives, so the dessert will turn out spicy and rich. If desired, spices can be omitted or only some of them can be left. Candied fruits in syrup must be brought to transparency. To do this, it is necessary to boil the vegetable from 4 to 6 times, cooling to room temperature between each “approach”. For drying, you can use the oven at a low temperature.


    • 1 kg pumpkin;
    • 1 orange;
    • 1 lemon;
    • 1200 g of sugar;
    • 600 ml of water;
    • 2 cinnamon sticks;
    • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
    • 2 buds of dried cloves.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes.
    2. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire, pour sugar into it.
    3. Boil the syrup over low heat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
    4. Pour the pieces of pumpkin into a saucepan with syrup and boil, cook for 5 minutes.
    5. Remove the saucepan with the pumpkin from the heat and allow the contents to cool.
    6. Cut lemon and orange into slices, put them in syrup.
    7. Send cloves and cinnamon to a common saucepan, boil the pumpkin again for 5 minutes, then cool.
    8. Repeat the process 4 more times, then add the vanilla sugar and mix well.
    9. Drain the candied pumpkins in a colander and let them drain, then place on baking paper in a single layer.
    10. Dry candied fruits at room temperature to the desired consistency (approximately 2-3 days).

    Interesting from the network

    Really simple and quick recipe for happy owners of an electric dryer. However, if necessary, you can replace it with a conventional oven or air grill. There will be quite a lot of candied fruits, but the number of ingredients should not be reduced. Such a dessert is stored for a long time even at room temperature, just put it in a container with a closing lid, so you can immediately prepare it with a margin. Candied pumpkin with the addition of powdered sugar will become very tender, but it is not necessary to use it.


    • 3 kg of pumpkin;
    • 1 lemon;
    • 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
    • 600 g sugar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes, put in a deep capacious saucepan.
    2. Pour all the sugar over the pumpkin, wait for the juice to separate.
    3. Drain the juice obtained from the pumpkin into a separate saucepan.
    4. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the juice.
    5. Boil the syrup, strain and pour hot over the pumpkin.
    6. Boil the pumpkin 4 times for 5 minutes in syrup, cooling it to room temperature between boils.
    7. Put the pumpkin in a sieve and let the excess liquid drain.
    8. Transfer the prepared candied pumpkin to the vegetable dryer and dry for 4 hours.
    9. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar and serve.

    Sugar-free candied fruits in the oven can be useful for those who follow a strict diet or for some reason are forced to exclude this product from their diet. Also, this dish is perfect for small children. By itself, the pumpkin is quite sweet, and the addition of fructose and honey can largely make up for the lack of sugar. It is important to withstand future candied fruits in syrup so that they are well saturated, become transparent and soft.


    • 400 g pumpkin;
    • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
    • 2 tbsp. l. fructose;
    • 1 st. l. cinnamon;
    • 2 glasses of water.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes and put them in a saucepan.
    2. Pour pumpkin with water, add cinnamon, cook over low heat until soft.
    3. Pat the pumpkin pieces dry with a paper towel.
    4. Pour 2 cups of water into a separate saucepan, add honey and fructose.
    5. When the syrup begins to boil, put the pumpkin into it and cook for another 20 minutes over low heat.
    6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave the pumpkin in the syrup for a day.
    7. Remove the candied fruits from the syrup, blot again with a paper towel and place for 4 hours at 50 degrees in a ventilated oven.

    Now you know how to cook candied pumpkin according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

    Candied pumpkin is a bright and sweet table decoration, which is also very beneficial for the body. Literally three or four products make an amazing dessert with a spicy aroma and delicate texture! If you want to invite guests to an interesting tea party, be sure to use the following tips on how to make candied pumpkin:
    • Candied pumpkin can become much more interesting if you cut vegetables not in banal cubes, but in the form of some original geometric figures. The main thing at the same time is to try to make the pieces equal in volume so that they simultaneously reach the desired degree of readiness;
    • So that candied pumpkins do not lose their shape and attractive appearance You need to dry them very slowly. If we are talking about the oven, then the temperature should not exceed 40-60 degrees;
    • Muscat is best for making candied fruits. sweet pumpkin. It differs in the small size and bright juicy pulp. At the same time, it is very easy to clean - the crusts are cut off without difficulty. Butternut squash tastes a bit like a pear;
    • The syrup that remains after boiling candied pumpkin can be used as a regular jam, serving it with tea. While the liquid is still hot, you can pour it into sterile jars and preserve it for the winter. There will be a very useful vitamin preparation;
    • Before cooking candied squash in the oven, make sure you can set it to a low temperature and provide ventilation. If this is not possible, it is better to leave the dessert on wax paper at room temperature for a couple of days. Otherwise, candied pumpkin will be spoiled.

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