Home Preparations for the winter How to cook zucchini from pumpkin. Making candied pumpkin at home: proven recipes. Candied pumpkin peels - a simple recipe

How to cook zucchini from pumpkin. Making candied pumpkin at home: proven recipes. Candied pumpkin peels - a simple recipe

Homemade candied pumpkin slices are amber, sweet and healthy slices filled with the warmth of the summer sun. It’s not that difficult to prepare them; the main thing is to know which type of pumpkin is best to use and some secrets of their preparation. So, let's look at how to make candied fruits - quick and delicious recipes in the dryer, oven and slow cooker.

Choosing pumpkin for candied fruits

Today there are several varieties, each of which will produce candied fruits with a different effect and taste. Yes, the most simple varieties“Accord” or “Aport” types are suitable for products with a marmalade structure. But candied fruits with a “cracker” effect can be obtained from starchy French or Japanese varieties of vegetables.

The main thing is not to stumble upon forage ones; they are used for fattening animals and the candied fruits from them will be fibrous and tough.

Unripe fruits or, on the contrary, too juicy are not suitable for candied fruits; already at the first stage of boiling you can get porridge. It is best to take any dessert variety of fruit that has dense pulp. You can tell if a vegetable is well-ripened by a clear sound (you just need to knock on the pumpkin) or by the seeds; they should be full and easily separated from the fibers of the pulp.

When choosing a vegetable, you should pay attention to its surface; it should be without any damage or soft “bald spots.”

Simple recipe

For those who are preparing candied pumpkin for the first time, there is a simple step by step recipe with addition .


  • pumpkin (1 g);
  • 280 g sugar;
  • one lemon.

Cooking method:

  • Place the vegetable pulp in squares, put it in a bowl, add sugar, pour over citrus juice, mix and leave for 12 hours.

  • Then pour the sweet pieces of the vegetable into the pan, add thin slices of citrus, bring to a boil and wait for five minutes.

  • Then we give the pumpkin time to cool and repeat the process two more times. Afterwards, we transfer the pumpkin into a sieve to remove all the syrup, place it on a baking sheet and dry it in the sun.

If the candied fruits stop sticking to your fingers and begin to bend well, then they are ready, sprinkle them with sweet powder and store them in a glass jar.

With orange and cloves in the oven

They come out especially sweet and aromatic candied pumpkin with orange and cloves. We will boil such ingredients and dry them together with the vegetable, so the products will be able to absorb all the taste and aroma of citrus and spice.


  • 1 kilogram of pumpkin (pulp);
  • one orange;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 2-3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the pumpkin and put it in an enamel bowl, sprinkle it with sugar, shake it and keep it in the cold for a couple of hours.
  2. Just before cooking, add orange juice to the pumpkin pieces, as well as citrus zest, cut into small strips.
  3. Place the pan with the contents on the fire, let it boil and cook for five minutes, then cool and repeat the process two more times.
  4. Afterwards, transfer all the ingredients (without syrup) onto a baking sheet with parchment, dry in the oven, be sure to open the door slightly, for 5 hours, and then set the products aside for another day in the open air.

We store the finished treat in glass jars.

Recipe for electric dryers

If your family doesn’t like pumpkin, then no one will refuse delicious and sweet “sweets”. This vegetable can be quickly and deliciously made healthy treat, which can be served with tea, they can be used to decorate or bake pies.


  • pumpkin (weighing 2 kg);
  • 580 g granulated sugar;
  • 10 g citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut the pulp into squares, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6 hours. During this time, the vegetable pieces will release juice and the sugar will be completely absorbed.
  2. Pumpkin sticks in own juice put on the fire, let them boil and cook for two minutes. Then remove from the stove and forget about them for 6 hours. During this time, the vegetable will become softer and soaked in syrup.
  3. After the time has passed, return the vegetable to the stove, add citric acid, boil again and cook for two minutes. If after the second boiling the pumpkin remains hard, then repeat the procedure a third time. The vegetable pieces should become soft, but should hold their shape and not turn into a puree.
  4. The syrup should not be thrown into the sink, because you can make compote from it or use it as a sauce for pies and.
  5. We put the vegetable preparations on the grill of the electric dryer and turn on the device for five hours. In order for the vegetable slices to dry at the same time, it is worth swapping the grill.

As soon as the pieces become elastic, but at the same time remain soft inside and sticky, we remove them from the grill; the main thing here is not to dry out the candied fruit. Sprinkle the products with powdered sugar and you can enjoy the dessert.

In a slow cooker

Using a slow cooker you can also make delicious candied pumpkin. For the recipe, you can use any spices, vanilla, or cloves.


  • 400 g pumpkin (pulp);
  • 280 g sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the pumpkin into cubes, pour it into the bowl of the device, sprinkle it with sugar and put the bowl with the contents in the cold overnight.
  • The next day, return the bowl to the device, add cinnamon to the vegetable cubes and turn on the “Baking” option for 25 minutes so that the sweet granules disperse in the pumpkin juice.
  • After the signal, cool the pumpkin, then switch to the “Stewing” program for 15 minutes so that the sweet aromatic liquid saturates the slices well.
  • Afterwards, cool again and return to the “Baking” program, open the lid, carefully turn the pieces over and bake the products for 15 minutes. If the syrup looks like liquid caramel or, then the candied fruits are ready, they can be transferred to parchment and dried in the open air.

Sprinkle the finished products with powder and serve with tea.

    Do you like candied fruits?

Candied pumpkin with honey

Today there is different recipes(with photo) candied pumpkin, but each of them uses sugar. We offer you a recipe with the addition, such a dessert will be more useful, especially for children and those for whom sugar is contraindicated.


  • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
  • two spoons of honey;
  • two tablespoons of fructose;
  • spoon of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water and add cinnamon, cook the vegetable pieces until they become soft.

  • Pour the same amount of liquid into another container, add fructose and add honey; as soon as the syrup boils, add pumpkin pieces and cook for 20 minutes.

Soak the pumpkin directly in the syrup for 24 hours, then separate them from the liquid and dry them in the oven for 40 minutes.

Candied frozen pumpkin

Today, every housewife tries to prepare as many vegetables and fruits as possible for the winter. You can cook frozen pumpkin delicious porridge or make candied fruits.


  • ½ kg frozen pumpkin;
  • 380 g sugar;
  • 300 ml water;
  • cinnamon, vanilla to taste;
  • sweet powder for sprinkling.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sweetener, spices into a saucepan and pour water, cook a sweet and aromatic syrup.
  2. We take the vegetable out of the freezer, there is no need to defrost it, put the pieces in the boiled syrup and after boiling again, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, let the vegetable cool, then boil again for 10 minutes.
  4. As soon as the contents of the pan have cooled completely, transfer to a sieve and wait until all the syrup is gone.
  5. We dry the pumpkin pieces in any way: in the oven, electric dryer or in the fresh air if it is warm and sunny outside.

Secrets of delicious candied pumpkin

  1. Candied fruits can be served as an independent dessert or used to decorate desserts.
  2. Instead of granulated sugar, you can take honey or fructose, which will allow you to enjoy the dessert even for those who are contraindicated in dishes with sugar.
  3. Before drying a vegetable, it must be kept in sweet syrup for at least ten hours, so the candied fruits are dense and do not fall apart.
  4. To dry in the oven, do not chop the vegetable too finely and thinly, otherwise the candied fruits will turn out tough.
  5. If the recipe calls for lemon, choose a large fruit with a thin skin.
  6. Dried products should be removed from the baking sheet immediately to prevent them from sticking. If this does happen, return the products to the oven for a couple of minutes and let the syrup melt a little.
  7. To prevent the finished products from sticking together, they need to be well sprinkled with sugar.
  8. From 1 kg of pulp you get approximately 250 g of candied fruits, so if you want to cook more, then double the amount of ingredients.

You can not dry the boiled candied fruits, but put them in a jar along with syrup and serve them like jam.

Even if your family doesn’t like pumpkin dishes, these sweet orange candies will fly away quickly and cheerfully, like red leaves from an autumn tree! Candied pumpkin tastes like gummies or oriental sweetness Turkish delight in a thin layer of powdered sugar. Pieces of amber that have preserved the sun, light and aroma of summer for the winter - that’s what candied pumpkin is! There are many various recipes: with oranges, cinnamon, honey. We will prepare candied pumpkin with lemon: this sunny citrus, added to basic recipe, will give the dessert a slight pleasant sourness, which is not at all out of place - there is a lot of sugar in the syrup, and the pumpkin itself is sweet.

Preparing candied pumpkin is quite time-consuming and takes two to three days, but it is not at all tiring, since your participation only requires four times five minutes. Plus, chop the pumpkin first and roll in powdered sugar at the end of cooking. So while the season of the red autumn beauty pumpkin lasts, I recommend preparing a simple treat for your family - it’s much healthier than store-bought candied fruits!

The best pumpkins for making candied fruits are nutmeg pumpkins - those that are shaped like bottles: they have the sweetest and brightest pulp. However, you can try making a delicacy from round pumpkins.

If you prefer an orange note, you can use orange juice and zest instead of lemon slices. For cinnamon lovers, put a cinnamon stick in the syrup, and if you don’t like its aroma, replace it with a clove bud or don’t use spices at all.

  • Cooking time: 2 days
  • Number of servings: approximately 150 g candied fruits and 100 ml syrup
  • 400 g raw pumpkin;
  • 200 g sugar (1 glass);
  • Half a lemon;
  • 1 apple;
  • Cinnamon stick;
  • 1/3 – 1/2 glass of water;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Method for preparing candied pumpkin

Peel the pumpkin, rinse and cut into cubes about 2 by 2 cm. You should not make the pieces too small - after boiling, the candied fruits can turn out too dry and hard, but we need soft and elastic ones. It is more convenient to take the pulp from the long end of the pumpkin, and use the round part for other recipes - for example, pumpkin cupcakes or porridge.

Wash the lemon, thoroughly rubbing the peel with a brush under running water. hot water to wash off the layer of wax that is sometimes used to cover citrus fruits for preservation during transportation. Then steam with boiling water for 5-7 minutes - the bitterness will go away from the zest and the aromatic lemon peel can be added to the syrup.

We will also wash the apple and remove the peel from it - this is exactly what is needed for the recipe. For what? Apple skin contains pectin - a natural gelling element that will help candied fruits acquire the correct structure: not boil down in syrup, but become like marmalade. The gelling properties of quince are even more pronounced, as you will learn from.

Pour pumpkin cubes into an enamel or stainless steel pan, add apple peel and lemon, cut into thin slices. I like this option better than grated zest and squeezed juice. Then the translucent sweet and sour slices are great to add to tea, and they are also delicious on their own and reminiscent of sweet lemon chips.

Fill the contents of the pan with sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, but preferably overnight. The pumpkin will release juice, the sugar will melt, and syrup will form in the saucepan.

Add a little water - so much so that the workpieces are completely covered with it, and place on the stove. Heat without a lid over medium-low heat, bringing to a boil. When the syrup boils, note the time and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and set aside until completely cooled - this is important!

If you are impatient and do not wait until the syrup and candied fruit preparations have completely cooled down and start heating them again, there is a risk that the pieces will boil. It will turn out to be jam, but not candied fruit... Therefore, we wait patiently for 3-4 hours. You can safely forget about candied fruits for now and go for a walk in the autumn park!

Then heat the syrup a second time, boil for five minutes, let cool. Repeat a total of 3-4 times. Gradually the syrup becomes thicker, and the pumpkin cubes become more transparent.

At this stage, you can stop and preserve the candied fruits in syrup, obtaining a jam similar to “pumpkin honey” with pieces of pulp. If “candy” is more your taste, then continue!

At the end of cooking, there is noticeably less syrup. Its thickness is reminiscent of fresh honey. After boiling the candied fruits for the 4th time, we catch them with a slotted spoon without waiting for them to cool down. When hot, the syrup is more liquid and easier to drain. Having taken out a portion of candied fruits on a slotted spoon, wait for the syrup to drain, and then transfer them to a plate.

Leave for a couple of hours. During this time, the syrup remaining on the pumpkin pieces will drain onto the plate. We transfer the candied fruits onto parchment paper, at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other, in one layer. The candied fruits are almost ready, all that remains is to dry them so that excess moisture evaporates.

There are two ways to dry candied fruits: fast and slow. The first one is suitable for you if you have an air fryer, electric dryer or convection oven, which can be set to low temperatures. It should be dried at a low temperature so as not to overdry, otherwise the candied fruits will become very hard (not chewable). For different ovens temperature and time vary: from 50°C with the door closed to 90-100°C with the door slightly open; from 2-3 to 4 hours.

I prefer the natural drying method room temperature- you definitely won’t dry it out. Having laid out the candied fruits on parchment, put them in a dry place and leave them until the morning. If the kitchen is warm and dry, they are ready the next day. If they are still too wet, turn them over to the other side. If necessary, change the parchment and leave for another half day.

We check by sight and touch: the finished candied fruits are elastic, soft in the middle, and still a little sticky on the outside. Don't dry them too hard, otherwise the powder won't stick.

That's how beautifully homemade candied pumpkin glows in the sun!

Now you can roll them on all sides in powdered sugar. Thin and delicate powder is better suited for this purpose than granulated sugar: the smallest “specks of dust” stick to the surface of candied fruit better than large sugar crystals, and when poured into a storage container, they do not allow the pieces to stick together into one large candied fruit.

You can store candied pumpkin all winter in a hermetically sealed container - for example, in glass jars with screw caps.

Or in syrup, like jam, then we omit the stages of drying and rolling in powder.

To soak the cakes, dilute the syrup with boiled water 1:1.

Candied pumpkin is delicious either alone or as a snack with tea. You can decorate cakes with them, add them to baking dough along with raisins and dried fruits, soak biscuits with syrup, and put it in tea instead of sugar. And if you preserve candied fruits in syrup, you will get a very beautiful amber jam.

With such “pieces of sunshine” the autumn will be fine and the winter will be warm!

Probably everyone has tried candied bananas, cherries or pineapples in their life. Such sweets are sold in almost any supermarket. Tasty, healthy and not harmful “sweets” are liked by both adults and children. What about candied pumpkin? simple recipe in the oven? This is a very tasty and incredibly healthy dessert for everyone!

You can add lemon, cinnamon, and orange to the syrup in which the pumpkin will be cooked. However, if you decide to make syrup with lemon, then you do not need to add cinnamon, otherwise the taste of cinnamon will overwhelm the smell and taste of lemon. But orange goes very well with this spice. Therefore, it is better to cook the syrup with orange juice, cinnamon stick and vanilla.

Recipe No. 1. Candied pumpkin with orange


  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 800 ml water;
  • one and a half kilograms of peeled pumpkin;
  • two or three oranges;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • three pieces of cloves.


  1. cut the pumpkin into small slices;
  2. peel citrus fruits and divide them into slices;
  3. cook the syrup: pour water into the sugar, stir and put on fire;
  4. bring to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  5. pour syrup over prepared pumpkin and oranges;
  6. add cinnamon and vanilla;
  7. put on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for five to seven minutes;
  8. remove from the stove and leave to cool (you can do it from morning to evening);
  9. repeat this procedure two or three more times until the pumpkin becomes transparent;
  10. then drain the syrup (it can be used to make sweet drinks), and place the pumpkin pieces in a sieve;
  11. when the syrup has completely drained, place the vegetable pieces in a single layer on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with foil;
  12. place the baking sheet in the oven for four to six hours. Keep the oven door ajar at all times;
  13. Sprinkle the finished candied fruits with powdered sugar;
  14. store in glass containers.

Recipe No. 2. Candied pumpkin in honey-lemon syrup


  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 500-600 grams of pumpkin;
  • three spoons of honey;
  • one lemon.

Let's prepare it like this:

  • Remove seeds from the pumpkin (you don’t have to cut off the crust);
  • cut into small pieces;
  • sprinkle with granulated sugar (half a portion);
  • put it in the refrigerator (if it’s already cold, you can put it on the balcony);
  • stand for at least twelve hours so that the pumpkin gives juice;
  • finely chop the lemon, mix it with honey and the remaining sugar until the sugar dissolves;
  • drain the juice from the pumpkin and mix it with the honey-lemon mixture;
  • boil for about an hour;
  • pour over the pumpkin pieces;
  • cook for another hour and a half until the pumpkin becomes transparent;
  • drain the syrup, place the pumpkin pieces in a sieve to drain off excess liquid;
  • then place the pieces of delicacy on a baking sheet (don’t forget to cover it with parchment paper or foil);
  • put in the oven, set the convection mode, and dry the “sweets” for about thirty minutes;
  • Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar;
  • serve with tea, or bake delicious muffins.

Recipe No. 3. Candied pumpkin in lemon-orange syrup

To prepare candied fruits according to this recipe you need:

Cut a kilogram of peeled pumpkin into medium pieces (try to cut the pumpkin into pieces of the same size so that they are cooked at the same time);

  1. Pour a glass of water into 300 grams of sugar, add the juice of half a lemon, half an orange, cinnamon (a teaspoon), three cloves;
  2. boil the syrup (sugar should completely dissolve);
  3. add vegetable pieces to the hot syrup;
  4. put on moderate heat and wait until it boils;
  5. after the pumpkin boils, note the time and boil it for five to seven minutes;
  6. After the pumpkin pieces have become soft, carefully place them in a colander to drain excess liquid. This will take about two hours;
  7. Don’t throw out the syrup, it will come in handy later. For example, for a new batch of candied fruits, or for making jelly;
  8. Place the pumpkin pieces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper;
  9. put in the oven for two to three hours;
  10. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and roll the pumpkin pieces in sugar.
  11. put the pan in the oven again for an hour and a half;
  12. when the pieces of candied fruit become dry and do not stick to your hands, they can be removed;
  13. Store prepared candied fruits in glass containers.

A simple recipe for candied pumpkin in the oven for the winter

Candied pumpkin is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Even with heat treatment the vegetable retains vitamins C and B, microelements and useful material.

Although this wonderful vegetable is practically available all year round, you can make your task easier and cook candied pumpkin in the oven for the winter according to a simple recipe that has been proven over the years.


To easily peel the pumpkin, pour boiling water over the vegetable. After cooling, cut the vegetable into slices and peel the skin;

To keep candied fruits for a long time, roll them in sterilized glass jars metal lids.

We prepare pumpkin “sweets” like this:

  1. cut a kilogram of peeled vegetables into medium-sized cubes;
  2. cook the syrup: pour a glass of water into 700 grams of sugar;
  3. when the syrup boils, add a pinch of citric acid and vanilla sugar;
  4. put pieces of vegetables in it;
  5. Boil the pumpkin in boiling syrup for ten minutes;
  6. let cool completely and boil again for about fifteen minutes;
  7. place pumpkin pieces in a sieve;
  8. after all the syrup has drained, place the pumpkin on a baking sheet (don't forget to cover it with parchment paper or foil);
  9. dry in the oven at low temperature for at least four hours (the cabinet door must be slightly open);
  10. Cool the dried candied fruits and roll in sugar;
  11. place again on a baking sheet and dry at low temperature for an hour;
  12. Place the prepared candied fruits in a glass container.

How to make candied pumpkin with honey at home: a simple recipe in the oven

Diet sweets - is this possible? Of course, if you prepare candied pumpkin with honey and spicy spices. This delicacy will not harm your figure, since one hundred grams of it contains no more than 150 kcal.

With this delicacy you can not only drink tea or coffee in the morning. It’s good to take it with you on the road, on a business trip or to work for a snack, so as not to be tempted by buns.

Candied pumpkin with honey “Spicy”


  • one and a half kilograms of pumpkin, peeled and seeds removed;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • vanilla sugar - one sachet;
  • three pieces of cloves;
  • four tablespoons of fructose;
  • four spoons of honey

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. cut the vegetable into cubes measuring 4x4 cm;
  2. boil it for several minutes in water, to which add a cinnamon stick;
  3. cook syrup from two glasses of water, honey, fructose and vanilla sugar;
  4. put pumpkin pieces in syrup;
  5. let it boil and boil the pumpkin in the syrup for about fifteen minutes;
  6. leave to cool from evening until morning;
  7. Carefully place the vegetable pieces into a sieve;
  8. as soon as all the syrup has drained, place the pumpkin on a baking sheet (be sure to cover it with baking paper or foil);
  9. dry in the oven at low temperature, with the door open, for at least four to five hours;
  10. dry for another day at room temperature;
  11. Place the finished treat in a plastic container and put it in the refrigerator.

As you can see, the cooking process cannot be called fast. It can last up to two days. But the result will please your whole family.

Everyone knows that pumpkin can be used to make not only porridges, casseroles, preserves and jams, but also candied fruits. This is a very healthy dessert for tea, as such sweets are a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. They are not difficult to prepare, and they can be stored until the next harvest. You can prepare the delicacy in the oven, microwave oven or vegetable dehydrator.

If you don’t have such miracle helpers in the kitchen as a microwave or a vegetable dehydrator, then cook candied pumpkin in the oven, this is the simplest recipe at home that our mothers used. We must pay tribute - their pumpkin candies turned out simply excellent! Let's remember our childhood and please our children with an excellent and healthy dessert.

Enjoy your tea!

Candied pumpkin is a tasty, natural and even healthy treat. They are good on their own, as well as in muffins, cottage cheese casseroles and other sweet dishes. The aromatic syrup that is formed during their preparation is an excellent basis for preparing drinks and all kinds of desserts.

Oranges, lemons, cinnamon, ginger or anything else to your taste add additional flavor to candied fruits and syrup...

Prepare the ingredients: pumpkin and, for example, orange and cinnamon.

Peel the pumpkin and cut the flesh into pieces. Pieces can be of any size and shape. I made them small and about 5mm thick so that they could dry faster.

Pumpkin pieces need to be sprinkled with sugar

and wait until a very large amount of juice is released from them.

Add cinnamon and orange zest.

Cook the future candied fruits three times for five minutes, cooling after each cooking for at least an hour...

If you want to store candied fruits in syrup, then everything is ready... But if you want dry candied fruits, then strain out the syrup, and dry the pumpkin pieces either in the oven on a baking sheet with baking paper at 50 degrees with the oven door closed or at 100 with the door ajar,

or in an electric dryer. The time depends on the thickness of the candied fruits!

The candied fruits are ready, they are dense and slightly sticky.

Roll them in powdered sugar.

I left some of the candied fruits in syrup, and dried the other, i.e. wilted...

Bon appetit!

Candied pumpkin is a healthy and very tasty vegetable dessert that is perfect for tea drinking. In addition, it is often used as part of other dishes or as a decoration. The thing is that candied pumpkin always turns out very sweet and aromatic, and its bright orange color pleases the eye and lifts your spirits.

Candied pumpkin preserves almost all the beneficial substances contained in the raw vegetable. Thus, this dish is a tasty “doctor” for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and intestines. Also, candied pumpkin will help get rid of kidney stones, improve vision, and normalize metabolism. This bright dessert can be safely introduced into a child’s diet and even allowed during a strict diet. Despite the fact that sugar is added to candied fruits, the calorie content of the dish remains at an acceptable level.

Before drying candied pumpkin, the vegetable is cut into small pieces and boiled in sugar or honey syrup. For aroma, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, citrus zest, etc. are placed in a saucepan. Oranges or lemons are also often boiled with candied pumpkin. They give the dish a piquant sourness and an appetizing aroma.

After the pumpkin is cooked in syrup, it can be dried using an oven, slow cooker or electric vegetable dehydrator. Some cooks even leave the spicy pieces at room temperature. True, then the process of preparing candied pumpkin lasts much longer.

Before serving, candied pumpkin can be drizzled with honey or sprinkled with powdered sugar. The delicacy is eaten cold.

Amazingly tasty and aromatic candied pumpkin! This recipe contains all the most popular flavoring and aromatic additives, so the dessert will be piquant and rich. If desired, spices can be omitted or only some of them left. Candied fruits in syrup need to be brought to transparency. To do this, you need to cook the vegetable 4 to 6 times, cooling to room temperature between each “approach”. To dry, you can use the oven at low temperature.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 buds of dried cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and seed the pumpkin, cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire, pour sugar into it.
  3. Cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Pour the pumpkin pieces into a saucepan with the syrup and boil, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan with the pumpkin from the heat and let the contents cool.
  6. Cut the lemon and orange into slices and place them in the syrup.
  7. Place the cloves and cinnamon in a common saucepan, boil the pumpkin again for 5 minutes, then cool.
  8. Repeat the process 4 more times, then add vanilla sugar and mix well.
  9. Place the candied pumpkin in a colander and let it drain, then place on baking paper in a single layer.
  10. Dry the candied fruits at room temperature until the desired consistency (about 2-3 days).

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Really simple and quick recipe for the happy owners of an electric dryer. However, if necessary, you can replace it with a regular oven or air fryer. You will get quite a lot of candied fruits, but you should not reduce the amount of ingredients. This dessert can be stored for a long time even at room temperature; you just need to put it in a container with a closing lid, so you can immediately prepare it with a reserve. Candied pumpkin will become very tender with the addition of powdered sugar, but it is not necessary to use it.


  • 3 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
  • 600 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, place in a deep, spacious saucepan.
  2. Pour all the sugar over the pumpkin and wait for the juice to release.
  3. Pour the juice obtained from the pumpkin into a separate saucepan.
  4. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the juice.
  5. Boil the syrup, strain and pour hot over the pumpkin.
  6. Boil the pumpkin in the syrup 4 times for 5 minutes, cooling it to room temperature between boils.
  7. Place the pumpkin in a sieve and allow excess liquid to drain.
  8. Place the prepared candied pumpkin onto a vegetable dryer rack and dry for 4 hours.
  9. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar and serve.

Candied fruits in the oven without sugar can be useful for those who adhere to a strict diet or for some reason are forced to exclude this product from their diet. This dish is also perfect for small children. Pumpkin itself is quite sweet, and the addition of fructose and honey can significantly compensate for the lack of sugar. It is important to soak future candied fruits in syrup so that they are well soaked, become transparent and soft.


  • 400 g pumpkin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fructose;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and place them in a saucepan.
  2. Pour water over the pumpkin, add cinnamon, cook over low heat until soft.
  3. Dry the pumpkin pieces with a paper towel.
  4. Pour 2 glasses of water into a separate saucepan, add honey and fructose.
  5. When the syrup begins to boil, place the pumpkin in it and cook for another 20 minutes over low heat.
  6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave the pumpkin in the syrup for a day.
  7. Remove the candied fruits from the syrup, pat dry again with a paper towel and place in a ventilated oven for 4 hours at 50 degrees.

Now you know how to prepare candied pumpkin according to a recipe with photos. Bon appetit!

Candied pumpkin is a bright and sweet table decoration, which is also very beneficial for the body. Literally from three or four products you get an amazing dessert with a spicy aroma and delicate texture! If you want to invite guests to an interesting tea party, be sure to use the following tips on how to prepare candied pumpkin:
  • Candied pumpkin can become much more interesting if you cut the vegetables not into banal cubes, but into some original geometric shapes. The main thing is to try to make the pieces equal in volume so that they simultaneously reach the desired degree of readiness;
  • So that candied pumpkin does not lose its shape and attractiveness appearance, you need to dry them very slowly. If we are talking about an oven, then the temperature should not exceed 40-60 degrees;
  • Nutmeg is best suited for making candied fruits. sweet pumpkin. It is distinguished by its small size and bright juicy pulp. At the same time, it is very easy to clean - the crusts are cut off without difficulty. Butternut squash tastes a little like a pear;
  • The syrup that remains after cooking candied pumpkin can be used as regular jam, served with tea. While the liquid is still hot, you can pour it into sterile jars and preserve it for the winter. It will be a very useful vitamin preparation;
  • Before cooking candied pumpkin in the oven, make sure the oven can be set to a low temperature and ventilated. If this is not possible, it is better to leave the dessert on wax paper at room temperature for a couple of days. Otherwise, the candied pumpkin will be spoiled.

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