Home Preparations for the winter We replace sweets with dried dogwood: useful properties of sweet berries and contraindications to their use. The benefits of dried dogwood for the body and its contraindications

We replace sweets with dried dogwood: useful properties of sweet berries and contraindications to their use. The benefits of dried dogwood for the body and its contraindications

Residents of the southern regions of Russia are well acquainted with such a plant as dogwood. This is a beautiful tree that brings great benefits to human health. From its fruits are prepared culinary specialties, preserves and jams, decoctions and infusions are brewed to treat a variety of diseases. Many people know how dogwood is useful, and try to stock up on its fruits for the winter. The fruits of the tree are healing berries, from which jelly, marmalade, compote are prepared.

wild and cultured

In Eastern Europe, dogwood is a magical tree that is considered a symbol of hope and healthy life. Its branches are traditionally used in divination, while observing folk customs and singing. Christmas pies and cakes are made using the fruits and twigs of the tree.

Dogwood is a symbol of fertility and good health. The tree grows naturally in deciduous forests. But it is often grown in gardens as a cultivated plant. It begins to bloom much earlier than the appearance of green leaves, in late February and March. Harvested in September-October. Dogwood is also planted for decorative purposes, using it in the form of barriers and barriers. In America, it is one of the popular ornamental trees, which is very beautiful both during flowering and withering.

The collection and storage of the fruits of the tree begins at the moment when they turn red. You should not wait until they become dark and soft. Overripe fruits just fall off. Harvest begins in good weather: there should be neither rain nor dew. Wet berries spoil very quickly and become unsuitable for consumption. The harvested crop is placed in a dry place where the berries ripen within ten days. After a week, the dogwood becomes dark, ripe and more fragrant, sweet. It is also taken into account that the fruits on the tree do not ripen all at the same time, therefore, the collection is carried out in several stages.

Dogwood fruits

You need to know how dogwood is useful: not only its berries, but also leaves, stems, roots, bark. Indeed, the roots and bark contain a large amount of tannins. The leaves contain tannins, vitamins C and E. Even dogwood seeds are useful: they contain up to 35% fatty oils, and the fruits contain natural sugars, malic, succinic and citric organic acids, a large amount mineral salts. The fruit pulp contains essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, pectin. It contains many vitamins: D, C, provitamin A, rutin - vitamin P.

It is these beneficial substances that have healing properties that the body needs for vital processes. By the amount of ascorbic acid, the berry surpasses even blackcurrant. Each hundred grams of it contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid. Dogwood, beneficial features which have been known since ancient times, is still popular today.

Useful properties of dogwood

People suffer from various diseases: in a mild or severe form. Dogwood juice is especially useful for malnourished people who are recovering from a serious illness. It increases appetite, and this is very important for the recovery of the body. Juice is useful in the treatment of tuberculosis: it reduces the temperature, reduces fever. In addition, it restores iron deficiency in the body, eliminates anemia, and normalizes the acid-base balance. This is not all that dogwood is useful for.

It is fresh juice that is rich in vitamin C, and not its dried berries. It is also necessary to drink juice in case of skin diseases, in violation of metabolism, as a choleretic agent. Due to the high content of potassium, fruit acids, vitamins, dogwood fruits are used to treat indigestion. They also have a diuretic effect on the body, because they are used to remove sand and stones from the kidneys. With the help of berries stop bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract. The decoction is used to treat gingivitis.

Body protection

Dogwood (its beneficial properties) is very important for the immune system due to the high content of ascorbic acid. This is especially true during epidemics and colds. The berry is used as a means of prevention, in order to strengthen the protective functions of the body. Phytoncides, which are part of the fruit, remove toxic substances, heavy metals from the body. If poisoning with lead or mercury vapor occurs, then the use of a decoction will help remove harmful substances.

Diabetes mellitus is the scourge of our time. This disease has become much younger: today both adults and children suffer from it. Dogwood juice lowers sugar levels and affects the pancreas, increasing the active production of enzymes.


Like all medicinal plants, dogwood, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which you need to know, should be used very carefully. Do not use berries at night - it is a tonic. People suffering from insomnia, it is better to refrain from dishes from it.

There are no categorical contraindications, but there are certain recommendations for the use of dogwood. Dishes from it are harmful to those who suffer from constipation and high acidity of the stomach. Red berries, ripe, sweet, are well known to mankind for many centuries. But those who suffer from nervous disorders should not use dogwood. Contraindications are also based on the fact that these berries can be harmful to health due to their individual intolerance.

Decoctions and infusions

Berries who suffer from beriberi will be of great benefit. They are recommended for use in diseases of the blood and circulatory system. The use of dogwood normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. After all, the benefits of a plant are not only in its berries, but also in leaves, bark and even seeds. From all this, decoctions and infusions are made to be used as a means for treatment. The leaves are crushed and compresses are made from them for skin diseases, such as eczema. If you make a decoction from the leaves and drink it, then you do not have to use diuretics - the dogwood will cope with this.

Even its bones are also very useful. When using fresh berries, compote, jam, you should not throw away the bones - they must be collected. As it turned out from traditional medicine, they perfectly help with hemorrhoids. They are crushed and taken orally. For the course of treatment, 2-3 glasses of seeds are required. In addition, a decoction is also made from them: it is recommended to use it as a sedative for nervous disorders.

Healthy teas

If you pour two parts of leaves and two parts of fresh fruits with half a liter cold water and boil, then the resulting decoction will relieve the patient of diarrhea in a few hours. It is preliminarily cooled, qualitatively kneaded, filtered. Drink every hour. Experience shows that even severe poisoning is treated with a decoction of fruits and leaves. You can endlessly list how dogwood is useful - its possibilities are huge.

It is enough to brew berries in the form of tea and drink it every evening in order to get rid of gout. When used throughout the day, this tea in diabetics lowers blood sugar levels. Even if the fruits are not fresh, but dry. Those who are overweight should eat dogwood raw. This will help the removal of toxins from the body, the breakdown of fats, the absorption of food. The main thing is to use it after meals.

The juice squeezed from the leaves will help with conjunctivitis: you need to drip two drops twice a day - and the ailment will recede in a short time.

Dogwood tincture

Prepared tinctures on alcohol or vodka are very popular. They are perfectly stored and used for a long time. For cooking, you will need berries, which should be washed with high quality, let them dry. Then they are cut in half or pierced with a hairpin. Put everything in cooked glass jar and filled with vodka. Be sure to add honey. The mixture is placed for three months in a secluded place. When the time comes, the dogwood tincture is filtered and bottled in glass bottles. The finished product has a ruby ​​color and a tart taste. Tincture is made at the rate of: 400 grams of fruit per liter of vodka.

And for the preparation of liquor, two-liter bottles are taken and filled with 2/3 pure dogwood berries. Sugar is poured there, everything closes tightly. The bottle should be exposed to direct sunlight for forty days. Every day you need to shake it and turn it over. When the fortieth day approaches, cinnamon, cloves are added to the bottle and anise brandy is poured. Liquor is stored in the refrigerator.

Jam and jam

A lot of people really like dogwood jams, jellies and preserves. There are a lot of cooking recipes. To make jam from a kilogram of berries, you need one and a half kilograms of sugar and half a liter of water. The bones are removed. Berries are laid out in the prepared syrup and boiled for ten minutes, every 5-6 hours. The last time should be cooked until tender.

For jam, those berries that are not suitable for cooking are used: these are crumpled, overripe, pitted fruits. They are placed in a basin, filled with a glass of apple juice and boiled for ten minutes. Then sugar is poured, and in one step, with constant stirring, the jam is cooked until tender.

Today, these fruits are known to everyone, and there is no such person who would never try them. But some argue that goji berries are dogwood. Goji berries are harvested from a shrub called "Tibetan barberry" in China. They are similar only in color: there are no seeds in goji fruits, they contain seeds. This is a shrub that grows in Russia. The dogwood tree is popular in many European countries, in Russia and in the USA. Its fruits are a real universal remedy for many diseases and wonderful delicious dishes.

And berries, what could be healthier? They contain many vitamins and other useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of the body. Many people think so and eat a lot of dried fruits and dried berries. But sometimes it can lead to serious consequences. Not all foods can be consumed in large quantities, especially for people with chronic diseases. Dried dogwood, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will consider in this article, is also useful in moderation.

What is this plant

Dogwood belongs to the family of the same name, which has about 50 species. In nature, it is found in the form of a shrub with several trunks. It grows wild mainly in the Crimea, Transcarpathia, the Caucasus and Moldova. Cultivated plants that are grown in personal plots are formed at their discretion in the form of a bush or tree.

Flowering dogwood begins in late March - early April. This happens during the period when the air temperature warms up to 5-11 degrees. Dogwood has small yellow flowers that are collected in an inflorescence. Then, fruits of an oblong shape and small size are formed on the bushes. They have shades from light red to almost black. Juicy sweet and sour pulp covers an elongated inedible bone. The fruits are used to make jams, preserves, compotes, jellies, fruit drinks, syrups. They are consumed raw, processed and dried.

Dried dogwood

Scientists have proven that 100 grams of dogwood contain about 85 grams of water, a lot of monosaccharides and disaccharides (about 9 grams), 0.9 grams of protein, 1.6 grams of fiber. In addition, the berries are rich in citric, succinic, tartaric, gallic acid, vitamin C, micro and macro elements. Dried dogwood, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which everyone needs to know, retains all the positive qualities in the maximum amount.

This is due to the fact that the berries do not undergo heat treatment. Their sour taste becomes sweeter and softer. That is why it is recommended to harvest dogwood. Useful properties of dried and fresh berries are almost identical. So stock up on vitamins for the future. Dried dogwood can be recommended even to children as an alternative to lollipops and sweets. There will be much more benefits from it.

The benefits of dried dogwood

The presence of a large amount of vitamins makes this berry indispensable in cold weather, when the body lacks nutrients and the cold season begins. Dried dogwood, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will analyze in this article, has an immunostimulating, restorative and tonic effect. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is especially true during the cold season. According to these characteristics, he even overtook mountain ash and lemon. The use of dogwood berries helps to improve digestion, improve appetite, eliminate metabolic disorders and heartburn. Phytoncides, which are present in the berries, have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

That's why eating dogwood in any form helps fight developing infections. Pectins help to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. They play the role of antioxidants. Berries regulate fat metabolism and are effective in the fight against excess weight. Dried cornelian cherry, whose useful properties and indications are very diverse, is used for anemia and some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dried dogwood for diabetes

Especially it should be noted the benefits that the use of dogwood brings in diabetes mellitus. It has the ability to normalize blood sugar levels. Berries may well compensate for the lack of sweets, in the use of which diabetics are forced to limit themselves. They will also replace artificial sweeteners, which are not always beneficial for the body.

Many doctors recommend partially compensating for the lack of sweets with dogwood, and not completely switching to artificial additives. It should be noted that any dogwood is useful for people suffering from this disease. Useful properties of fresh and dried fruits are very similar. They contain fructose, glucose, acids, tannins and dyes, flavonoids and essential oils, which reduce the amount of glucose in the blood and enhance the functions of the pancreas. That is why this berry is included in the list of medicines for diabetics.


Is it possible to harm the body by using dogwood? Useful properties and contraindications must be known using products of natural origin. Unfortunately, dogwood also has several features that make it impossible for some categories of people to use it. So, for example, a large number of berries can cause an exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Due to the high acid content, it is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice. The fixing effect that dogwood has will have negative effects on people who suffer from constipation.

Berries have a tonic effect. Therefore, those who have increased excitability should not use them in large quantities. Otherwise, there is a risk of emotional overexcitation and the appearance of insomnia. These are the only negative sides of the fruit. Dried dogwood (the beneficial properties of the healing berry have been known for a very long time) is very useful in the absence of contraindications.

Dosage forms of dogwood

The fruits, leaves, bark and roots of the plant are used as raw materials for the preparation of the medicine. Harvest raw materials from spring to autumn. Roots are best harvested in spring or autumn, bark in spring, and leaves in the summer months. Berries are harvested as they ripen. It's August or September. It is better if the fruits fully ripen on the branches, then they will accumulate a maximum of useful substances.

For harvesting berries, a special dryer is required. The raw material must be thoroughly dried. It is possible to store dried dogwood, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be carefully studied before use, for three years. But given the properties of this product, it will not lie for a long time. These tasty berries are very popular with children and adults.

How to dry dogwood

For the preparation of tinctures and decoctions in the cold season, dried dogwood is needed. Its beneficial properties and contraindications should be studied before use. For drying, only the best berries are used, without damage. If there is no special dryer, then you can prepare dogwood in another way. We cover the baking sheets with paper and scatter the fruits on them. We place the dogwood on a shelf with good air circulation. It must be turned every six hours to ensure even drying. After full readiness (in two weeks), dried berries are transferred to paper bags and linen bags. If a dryer is used, then the mode is chosen the same as for apples.

Calorie dogwood

Those who monitor their weight and adhere to strict diets, of course, are concerned about the calorie content of this product. It should be noted that these indicators for dogwood are more than favorable. Overweight people can eat fruits without fear of gaining extra pounds. The calories in this product are minimal. For 100 grams of fresh berries, there are only 44 kcal, 1 gram of protein, 10.5 grams of carbohydrates and a complete absence of fat.

In dried dogwood, these figures are slightly higher. So, 100 grams of this product contains 209 kcal, 46.26 grams of carbohydrates and 4.6 grams of protein. Dried dogwood does not contain fat. Judging by these data, you can eat a large number of fruits without fear for your weight. But it is always worth remembering about contraindications, so as not to harm the body.

Multiple Recipes

How to use dogwood? Useful properties and contraindications, the benefits and harms of this product, discussed in this article, must be taken into account when choosing this delicacy. But since the berries are healing, use them to prepare various dishes. First of all, this is a useful infusion. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of dried berries and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Then leave them to infuse for 30 minutes. After that, we filter the broth and use it as needed. This drink is especially useful for diabetics, as this method of preparation preserves the maximum amount of nutrients. Take it instead of tea, 250 milliliters in between meals. To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon of berries with 200 milliliters of water and boil. After that, let the broth brew for 2 hours, and use it three times a day before meals, 50-100 milliliters. It should be noted that the longer heat treatment, the less useful properties the prepared drink retains. A tincture of dogwood fruits and leaves is good for indigestion. To do this, take two tablespoons of berries and leaves of the plant and boil for 10 minutes in 250 milliliters of water. Then 9 hours and take 100 milliliters 3 times a day. The contraindications that dried dogwood berries have are very minor. If you take into account all the features of this product, then you can safely saturate your body useful vitamins all year round.

" Garden

The beneficial properties and contraindications of dogwood have been known since ancient Greece. During excavations in Switzerland, the bones of this berry were found, their age is 5 thousand years. Despite the fact that the plant is thermophilic, through the efforts of breeders, it is gaining more and more popularity in temperate zones.

The plant in the form of a small tree or shrub up to 7 meters high belongs to the dogwood family. Dogwood is a fruit or a berry? There are four types of dogwood in total. The berries of the plant are small, weighing 3-6 grams, they can be oval, pear-shaped or rounded.. Their color varies from light red to black. The flesh is covered with smooth skin. Inside is an oblong bone, inedible. Fruits with sweet and sour, tart taste. Berries can be consumed both fresh and pickled, boiled and dried.

In addition to the well-known beneficial properties, dogwood is a wonderful decoration for any garden. In early spring, the bush of the plant blooms before the first leaves appear.. At the end of summer, its branches are abundantly hung with bright berries.

Useful properties of the plant for the body of men and women

The fruits of the plant are a real storehouse of vitamins, have healing properties for men and women. According to the content of vitamin C, dogwood berries are twice as high as oranges. The presence of beta-carotene and nicotinic acid was also noted. Very valuable property considered low in sugar and moderate in calories, which allows berries to be eaten by patients with endocrine imbalance, in particular diabetics.

There are only 40.4 kcal per 100 g of dogwood.

Beta-carotene, due to which the fruits got a red color, is an indispensable assistant for vision and a beautiful healthy skin tone.

Dogwood berries help with many of the most common diseases

Dogwood contains many trace elements that are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium are actively involved in hematopoiesis, tissue trophism and the construction of the bone skeleton. The pectin contained in the fruit removes toxins and improves bowel function.. They also contain tannins, which are characterized by choleretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects; bioflavonoids responsible for strengthening the vascular wall. Berries are known for their bactericidal effect. Fresh berries are used as a mild laxative, acting gently and delicately on the intestinal mucosa.

Traditional healers use all parts of the plant. In the latter, in addition to all the vitamins mentioned, as in berries, there are also essential oils.

Dogwood berries are known for their ability to treat hypertension, lower glucose levels, and have a tonic effect on the body.

Thus, the main healing qualities can be distinguished. These include:

  • strengthening of the vascular wall;
  • prevention of sclerotic changes;
  • exchange normalization;
  • diuretic effect;
  • choleretic agent;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

The rich mineral composition of the fruit provides them with a good tonic property. They are widely used for skin diseases, arthritis, anemia, gout, hemorrhoids and a number of other diseases..

Application in traditional medicine

The use of berries for diarrhea

In case of upset stool, it is recommended to use a decoction of fresh or dried berries. Prepare it from 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of fruit. Bringing to a boil, the broth is infused for about 30 minutes and drunk throughout the day. Instead of berries, dried leaves of the plant can be used.

With diarrhea in children, jelly gives a good effect, brewed from fresh or dried berries. Such jelly is also useful for adults with symptoms of gastroenterocolitis.

The action against diarrhea is due to the presence of tannin in the plant, which is able to protect the body from fluid loss, suppress the pathogenic intestinal flora and have a tannic effect.

Dogwood in the fight against hemorrhoids

Traditional medicine recommends using berry bones for hemorrhoids. I grind them, put them in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. After 12 hours, the infusion is ready. It is applied externally: a tampon is moistened with this infusion and inserted overnight into the anus. Simultaneously with such treatment, you need to eat 5 pieces of fresh fruits with a stone 3 times a day.

This option helps in the presence of bleeding.

Dogwood jam is also a good help in the fight against hemorrhoids.. If the jam is cooked with seeds, then they must be collected separately, and then eaten without chewing.

Bones are indispensable for obesity and diabetes. An infusion of them can rinse your head with seborrhea.

Dogwood as a tonic

To increase vitality in the morning, as an alternative to a cup of coffee, you can use an infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of berries. Only to insist such a drink will take 6 hours. Due to the rich mineral composition, this drink perfectly tones and restores strength.

Prevention of liver diseases

Good effect for the prevention of liver diseases. Bactericidal effect reduces inflammation in the liver, and pectins help to remove toxic substances from the body.

In case of poisoning

It is due to the presence of pectins that dogwood is used for poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Berries are known to be good antioxidants., which allows them to be used to improve metabolic processes and for weight loss with overweight.

For kidney disease

Due to diuretic properties dogwood has a positive effect on kidney diseases and high blood pressure.

Antiviral and anti-inflammatory action

Due to the high content of vitamin C. Only a few berries can provide daily allowance this vitamin in the body.

Is it possible to eat dogwood berries during pregnancy?

Dogwood surpasses currant berries and citrus fruits in the content of vitamins and microelements. Due to the fact that dogwood berries help the absorption of iron, during pregnancy, this factor reduces the risk of anemia in the fetus and expectant mother. It is important to observe the measure, do not consume berries in large quantities.. Also, it is undesirable for pregnant women to use dogwood at night and in the presence of stomach diseases, accompanied by an increase in secretory function. Do not use fruits in case of constipation.

During breastfeeding, dogwood should be introduced into the mother's diet with caution so as not to provoke allergic manifestations. If necessary, a nursing mother can use 5-10 raw berries per day.

The use of dogwood in baby food

The property of dogwood to strengthen the immune system and promote the growth of bone tissue and muscle skeleton makes the use of dogwood in baby food irreplaceable. In addition to the basic properties dogwood affects the secretory function of the stomach. This is especially important for children with poor appetite. The pectins contained in the fruits normalize the intestinal flora in children.

In baby food, it is important to follow hygiene rules, and it is worth remembering the norm. So children under one year are recommended no more than 30 grams of pureed berries provided that there are no allergic manifestations. Children under 3 years old can increase the rate to 100 gr., a children 6 years old up to 150-200 gr fresh berries. Of course, berries are given to children without seeds.

Dogwood for the elderly: benefits and harms

According to observations, by improving blood circulation, dogwood berries are involved in the prevention of age-related changes in cerebral vessels. All recommendations for use are the same as usual. The presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nephrolithiasis should be taken into account. In such cases, dogwood, instead of benefit, can be harmful.

For the elderly, it is important to use dogwood as an antirheumatic agent. Also the use of infusions helps to reduce blood pressure.

Contraindications for taking dogwood

  • High content of vitamin C may adversely affect kidney disease at which the presence of oxalates in the urine is noted. It is better for such people not to use the fruits of dogwood.
  • Do not use dogwood in diseases of the stomach with hypersecretion.
  • You can't eat berries with a tendency to constipation, insomnia(Especially not recommended for use at night).

Recipes with dogwood fruits


2 tablespoons fresh or 1 dried berries pour boiling water, warmly cover and leave for 6 hours. An adult can drink the infusion during the day.


The proportions are the same, but the berries are boiled for several minutes, and then the broth is left in a warm place for 30 minutes.


Using dogwood berries to make compote: take a glass of dogwood berries for 3 liters of water. Boil 5-6 minutes. Compote can be used instead of tea during the day.

Dogwood is a useful berry and a beautiful shrub. The fruits of the plant, rich in vitamins and microelements, are able to restore the energy balance and have a tonic effect. According to its characteristics, the fruits are a real pharmacy that can come to the rescue in a variety of cases. To enjoy these natural gifts, you can plant a dogwood on your site. So in summer he will delight with fresh healing berries, and in winter with harvested raw materials, which will provide good health all year round.

Dried dogwood berries are not only delicious treat, but also a drug unique properties. They are in no way inferior to fresh fruits and retain the maximum amount of vitamins and useful trace elements.

This dried fruit is widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of colds, gastrointestinal disorders, improve metabolism in the body and to increase immunity during its weakening.

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What is useful?

Dogwood in dried form has all the useful properties that fresh fruits have:

Dried fruit is great for solving problems with the digestive system:

  • Improves appetite;
  • Struggles with indigestion and;
  • Promotes better absorption and digestion of food, as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Has a choleretic effect;
  • Useful for the prevention and treatment of gastritis;
  • Effective for the treatment of liver pathologies.

Dried dogwood is also used for infectious diseases, having anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and restorative properties.

The fruits are successfully used for severe intoxication (for example, mercury or lead vapor), ridding the body of toxic decay products.

Dogwood is considered a stimulant and supportive remedy for problems with the circulatory system and the treatment of diseases such as anemia. In this direction, dogwood berries:

  • Contribute to the normalization of pressure;
  • in blood;
  • Strengthen the walls of large vessels and capillaries;
  • Improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • In the presence of venous insufficiency, they help fight swelling of the legs and inflammation of the veins;
  • They are a measure to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Dried dogwood fruits stimulate an increase in the activity of pancreatic enzymes and are recommended by experts for the treatment of pathologies associated with disorders in the endocrine system.

Dogwood can eliminate pain and inflammation in the joints, is used for rheumatism and polyarthritis.

Due to its bactericidal and wound healing properties, dried dogwood is effectively used in cosmetology, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema and various dermatitis.

Dogwood is a well-known tonic and successfully fights depression and signs of the blues, invigorates and improves mood.

Dogwood berries have the property of regulating metabolic processes in the body and are considered a good remedy for the prevention of diabetes and the normalization of blood sugar levels.

Nutritional value and calories

Dried dogwood contains the following biologically active substances and trace elements:

  • Tannins;
  • Organic acids (citric, malic and succinic);
  • pectins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Essential oil;
  • Vitamin C (contains more than rowan, lemon and gooseberries);
  • Vitamin P;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium.

Composition of dried dogwood per 100g:

  • Proteins - 1 gr;
  • Fats - 0 gr;
  • Carbohydrates - 10 gr.

Fruits have a low calorie content - only 40 kcal per 100 grams. Dried berries have a calorie content of about 200 kcal per 100 grams.

Contraindications and harm

  • With increased acidity of the stomach;
  • During constipation, as they have fixing and astringent properties;
  • With existing sleep disorders - insomnia;
  • With increased nervous excitability.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Dried dogwood is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases and ailments. Here are the most common and effective:

  • Kissel for diarrhea. Three tablespoons of soaked dried dogwood and one glass of water with the addition of a small amount of starch are boiled until tender. Take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. Can be given to children to drink.
  • Dogwood at. For diabetics, it is useful to drink an infusion of dried fruits. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of dried fruit and leave for about an hour. Take between meals.
  • Dried dogwood. To get rid of such a delicate problem, it is recommended to consume 10-15 berries several times a day. An important condition is the use together with the bones.
  • Dried fruit with beriberi and loss of strength. Add 10-12 dried cornel berries to 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Insist 30 minutes and cool. Drink 70-80 ml three times a day.

Regular use of cornelian cherry in dried form helps to increase the immunity and tone of the body, its saturation with vitamins and useful microelements. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on all systems of our body.

Dogwood is a plant whose berries have many useful properties. Many housewives try to make preparations for the winter, trying to save the maximum amount of vitamins and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. Consider a berry such as dried dogwood, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

The calorie content per 100 g of dried dogwood is about 200 kcal. At the same time, the level of carbohydrates and proteins is significantly increased compared to fresh berries.

Beneficial features

What is dried dogwood useful for? Berries contain in their composition a significant amount of vitamins, trace elements and other substances that are beneficial to the human body. Due to such a diverse composition, it helps in the treatment of such ailments:

  1. Violation of the functioning of the digestive system. Helps to get rid of indigestion, stimulates more active production of gastric juice, eliminates heartburn, increases appetite. Also useful in diseases of the kidneys and liver, due to its choleretic effect.
  2. Circulatory problems, anemia. Dried dogwood strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and normalizes arterial pressure. As for people suffering from anemia, these berries contribute to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood. Due to these properties, dried fruits are useful for diabetes.
  3. The development of colds or infectious diseases. Decoctions and infusions based on berries have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects, that is, they eliminate the symptoms characteristic of such diseases.
  4. Violation of the endocrine system. This product improves the condition by stimulating the activity of the pancreas.
  5. Body poisoning. Dried dogwood removes toxic and other harmful substances from the body. Therefore, it should be used in case of poisoning with vapors of mercury, chlorine and other substances.
  6. Joint diseases. The product helps to relieve inflammation, thereby alleviating the condition during periods of exacerbations.

Dogwood is also useful for women. On its basis, various rejuvenating and nourishing masks for the face and hair are prepared. After all, this product not only tastes good, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin when applied externally.

Important! When buying berries, you should know how to distinguish dogwood from dried tomatoes, because often dried and sweetened cherry tomatoes are given out as dried. They are easy to recognize by the many small tomato seeds inside, while real dogwood has only one stone.

Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect not only on the body of the expectant mother, but also on the development of the unborn baby. Since the appetite of a pregnant woman increases, the berry contributes to a more active production of gastric juice. This helps improve the digestion process.

Dogwood also improves blood circulation, which is important during pregnancy, since this property helps to avoid stagnant processes in the body. Before use, expectant mothers should definitely read the contraindications.

Important to remember! Dried dogwood should be consumed in moderation!

Benefit and harm

As already mentioned, this product has many medicinal properties. And for a healthy person it is very healthy berries. With their regular use, the following positive changes are observed in the body:

  • improvement of appetite;
  • elimination of heartburn;
  • diarrhea prevention;
  • faster digestion of food;
  • prevention of gastritis and other diseases of the stomach, as well as the intestines.

It should not be forgotten that dogwood also has its contraindications. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using it in such cases:

  • with high acidity of gastric juice;
  • with chronic constipation;
  • in case of nervous excitement.

If a person has the listed pathologies, then dried fruits can worsen well-being.

Despite the fact that this product is enriched with useful substances, it still has its own contraindications. These include:

  • gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
  • constipation, especially in chronic form;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • increased nervous excitability.

Dish recipes

Dried dogwood can be used to cook various dishes and drinks that have a beneficial effect on the body in winter period. Consider the most popular and delicious recipes.


To prepare it, you need 0.5 kg of berries, 100 g of sugar and 1.5 liters of water. Washed fruits should be put in a container, add water. After boiling, add sugar. Leave on low heat for another 10 minutes. Insist under the lid until the drink has completely cooled.


In the cold season, adults and children often develop various colds and infectious diseases. A decoction based on dried berries will help eliminate the symptoms, thereby alleviating the condition. Useful substances will contribute to a more dynamic recovery. To prepare it, you will need about 10-12 dogwood berries and 0.5 liters of water. Put the ingredients on the fire, bring to a boil. Leave on low heat for 30 minutes. Leave to brew for another half hour. Ready broth to drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day. This remedy has no side effects, so you can take it fearlessly even when treating children.

Dried dogwood can also be consumed in its pure form. A person who eats several berries a day, thereby strengthens his immune system, improves tone, saturates the body with vitamins and other healing substances. In general, regular use of this product helps to improve the functioning of the body and overall well-being in general.

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