Home Kashi Make sour cream jelly. Jelly with sour cream layers. Sour cream jelly cake with strawberries

Make sour cream jelly. Jelly with sour cream layers. Sour cream jelly cake with strawberries

If you want to cook a spectacular and low-calorie dessert, then sour cream jelly with fruit - exactly what you need. On our site you will find delicious recipes for sour cream, which is very easy to prepare.


  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin;
  • Fruits and berries at will - cherries, raspberries, strawberries, peach, banana, etc. are great.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell for an hour.
  2. Beat sour cream well with a mixer with sugar. Add vanillin to the same place on the tip of a knife.
  3. Heat the gelatin with water over a fire until it dissolves completely.
  4. Refrigerate gelatin in water until room temperature and pour in sour cream with sugar. Mix everything.
  5. Wash fruits and berries and cut them into random pieces. Small berries may remain intact. Read more:.
  6. Pour the fruit-sour cream mixture into several or one form and refrigerate for three hours. Dessert should be served on a large platter garnished with mint leaves.

Bon Appetit!


  • sour cream - 450-500 g
  • sugar - 80-100 g
  • gelatin - 15 g instant
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • chocolate - a couple of squares

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Pour a bag of gelatin into a cup and pour 100 ml of hot, but not boiling water. Stir the gelatin very thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Sour cream should be at room temperature. Beat sour cream with sugar until sugar grains dissolve.
  3. Add gelatin to sour cream with sugar, beat again.
  4. Pour half of the mixture into bowls, and if desired, add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa to the remaining one - then we will get chocolate jelly. Put the creamers in the refrigerator until completely solidified (from 3-4 hours).
  5. Sprinkle the already frozen delicacy with grated chocolate, decorate with nuts if desired. Yield 5-6 standard bowls.


  • Low-fat sour cream - 200 g;
  • vanillin - 2 pinches;
  • fine sugar - about 2/3 faceted glass;
  • natural cocoa powder without sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • water - 125 ml (0.5 cups);
  • instant gelatin in powder - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • warm water - 60 ml (3 tablespoons);
  • butter - 10 g.


  1. Take cocoa powder and a third cup of sugar. We mix. This is so that lumps do not turn out - kneading their business is long and tedious, and jelly will not work with them. Boil half a glass of water, pour into the mixture in parts, little by little, stirring immediately. We put on the stove over a small fire and cook, stirring, until the thick drink boils. After a couple of minutes, turn off the fire, add butter, with it the chocolate layer will turn out shiny. To cool faster, pour into a wide bowl.
  2. Once the cocoa has been boiled, prepare the gelatin. Pour the powder into a bowl or porcelain, metal bowl, add water. We stir. Leave for 10 minutes to soften. Then we put on water bath. We heat, as it heats up, the mass will begin to soften, become liquid. Without bringing to a boil, remove the bowl with gelatin. We pour about a third into hot cocoa and immediately beat with a whisk. The rest is set aside. Well, everything is ready for the first layer.
  3. We take silicone molds or small cups, coffee cups - whatever you can find. We distribute cocoa, pouring into each mold, first a spoonful, then another one at a time, and so on until it runs out. We put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. After 30 minutes, mix sour cream, vanilla and sugar, whisking with a whisk. Do not strive to achieve airiness and turn everything into a cream - we do not need it. We stirred the sugar, dissolved it, filled the entire volume with air bubbles - that's all.
  5. Gelatin, which remained after the chocolate layer, is again heated to a liquid state in a water bath. Pour into sour cream with sugar, whisking vigorously with a whisk.
  6. We get molds from our dessert. Pour the sour cream over the dark layer, filling almost to the brim. We put it back in the cold. Let it freeze for at least three hours, but it is better to leave it for the whole day or until tomorrow.
  7. Jelly comes out of silicone molds without problems, you just need to bend the edges and press on the bottom. If you suddenly do not want to go out, dip it in warm water for a couple of seconds and immediately turn it over onto a plate.
  8. As you can see, it turns out a very nice dessert, moreover, it is tasty and easy to prepare. The recipe is useful when you need to prepare all sorts of different treats, but there is not much time, and when you just don’t want to cook something complicated.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese and sour cream - 250 g each;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • milk (can be replaced with water) - 200 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g.


  1. Soak gelatin in milk (water) for 1 hour, dissolve.
  2. Add regular and vanilla sugar to the hot gelatinous mass, stir until smooth.
  3. Mix sour cream with gelatin mass.
  4. Grind cottage cheese (wipe through a sieve or chop with a blender), mix with sour cream-gelatin mass.
  5. Transfer to a mold or bowls, leave in the refrigerator until solidified.

You will need:

  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g (or 4 tablespoons);
  • gelatin - 45 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g


  1. Pour gelatin with water, let it swell and dissolve.
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar, add gelatin.
  3. Wash strawberries, peel, dry, cut into large pieces.
  4. Lay in layers in bowls: strawberries, sour cream, strawberries, sour cream.
  5. Leave to harden in the refrigerator, decorate with berries.


  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • An incomplete glass of sugar;
  • 40 g of gelatin;
  • Glass of water.


  1. According to the instructions on the package with gelatin, fill it with cold boiled water and leave to swell. This usually takes ten to forty minutes. However, you will see when it swells: it becomes translucent and increases in volume by three to four times. Now put the gelatin in a water bath and dissolve it until completely dissolved. The main thing - in no case do not let the gelatin boil! Let the gelatin cool down.
  2. In the meantime, we combine sour cream with granulated sugar and stir so that the sugar is completely dissolved: it will definitely dissolve, only it will take a little time. After that, add the cooled gelatin to the sweet sour cream and mix everything well again. We divide the mixture into two equal parts, put cocoa powder in one of them and mix the sour cream with cocoa properly.
  3. We prepare portioned dishes for jelly (bowls, bowls) or use a baking dish with detachable sides for this. In the second case, we just have to put the dessert on a plate and cut into pieces, like a cake. So, we begin to pour jelly into the prepared dishes: alternately, pour white and chocolate jelly two tablespoons each. We pour it exactly in the center, pour the contrasting jelly also in the center, right on the bottom layer. Under the weight of the upper layers, the jelly will begin to spread over the shape, forming a characteristic striped pattern, with the stripes going in a circle.
  4. Now we take a toothpick and draw rays: from the center to the edge, after which we remove the sweetness in the refrigerator. An hour and a half or two can be served at the table. Read more:.


  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • Half a can of condensed milk;
  • 2 very ripe bananas;
  • 3 sachets of gelatin.


  1. We prepare in advance the form for jelly. Gelatin is diluted with cold boiled water and allowed to swell.
  2. Then we dissolve the gelatin in a water bath so that it completely dissolves. Important! Do not allow gelatin to boil!
  3. Mix sour cream with condensed milk and beat lightly with a mixer or whisk.
  4. We clean the bananas, cut them into small pieces, grind them into a puree and mix with sour cream.
  5. We do everything quickly so that the bananas do not have time to darken.
  6. Pour gelatin (cooled down) into sour cream, mix and pour this mixture into a mold.
  7. We remove the jelly in the refrigerator until the dessert is completely solidified.

As you can see, each recipe is very simple, and the taste of desserts will be a real discovery for you!

If you want to prepare a spectacular and low-calorie dessert, then sour cream jelly with fruits is exactly what you need. On our site you will find a delicious recipe for sour cream jelly, which is very easy to prepare.


  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin;
  • Fruits and berries as desired - for sour cream jelly cherry, raspberry, strawberry, peach, banana, etc. are great.
  • Recipe

    1. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell for an hour.

    2. Beat the sour cream well with a sugar mixer. Add vanillin to the same place on the tip of a knife.

    3. Heat the gelatin with water over a fire until it dissolves completely.

    4. Cool gelatin in water to room temperature and pour into sour cream with sugar. Mix everything.

    5. Wash fruits and berries and cut them into arbitrary pieces. Smaller berries can be left intact in sour cream jelly, which is a very artistic recipe.

    6. Pour the fruit-sour cream mixture into several or one form and refrigerate for three hours. Sour cream jelly with fruit should be served on a large dish, decorated with mint leaves.

    Bon Appetit!

    Five simple recipes sour cream jelly

    3.3 (66.67%) voted 3

    Who about what, and I again about the jelly dessert. And all because with diabetes this is the best option for those who do not want to bother much, and at the same time want to cook a harmless dessert. Well, if you add something else to your taste, for example, cocoa or cottage cheese, then even a spoiled gourmet will want to try our diabetic sour cream jelly.

    In this article, I want to offer you the most popular options. delicious recipe « sour cream jelly » .

    I wrote as briefly as possible, which will allow you to learn five recipes at once in just a few minutes of reading.

    It is worth dwelling a bit on the carbohydrate content of this dessert. . Like all other jellies, the bulk of the carbohydrates are found in the sweetener. If you have mild diabetes, you can add honey or fructose. I always suggest stevia in such recipes as the most suitable sugar substitute for diabetes. And all due to the fact that, unlike the same fructose, stevia does not contain carbohydrates, which means that it can be consumed even in the most severe forms of diabetes. you can get to know more about stevia and its properties.

    Classic white sour cream jelly

    Sour cream jelly is very easy to prepare. Mixing 350 grams of sour cream 15% fat with prepared dissolved gelatin . Choose the amount of thickener yourself, depending on the desired degree of solidification. For complete solidification of such an amount of sour cream, 10 grams of instant gelatin is enough. How to prepare gelatin is always written on the package, or read about it in the article.

    Add a sugar substitute to the mixture, or you can add nothing at all, but then be prepared that the dessert will be tasteless.

    Well, after mixing all the ingredients, spread the jelly into molds and leave to harden. White jelly from sour cream is ready.

    Calorie content of this jelly 77 kcal per 100 grams, but only 0,1 grams of carbohydrates .

    Sour cream and cocoa jelly

    This dessert is perfect for chocolate lovers. Plus, we all know from that cocoa contains flavonoids, which reduce the resistance of body tissues to insulin.

    Sour cream jelly with cocoa is prepared according to the same principle as classic white jelly. Cocoa powder (20 grams) must be heated in water until completely dissolved. We need 400 ml of this cocoa water. When it cools down a bit, dissolve the gelatin in it, and then mix it with sour cream. Put a sugar substitute to taste, but I can say that sweetness is no longer necessary in such chocolate jelly, especially for those who love dark chocolate.

    A wealth of jelly with sour cream and cocoa - 2 grams of carbohydrates and 85 kcal per 100 grams.

    Layers of sour cream jelly

    Now imagine that we mixed the two previous recipes. In this case, a very beautiful layered jelly is obtained, which can be safely served to guests for any holiday.

    Of course, you will have to get confused and cook the jelly several times longer, letting each layer harden and laying a new one on it. But what can you do for a beautiful and light dessert.

    You understood how to prepare layers for such jelly from previous recipes. All I have to do is show you the layer blending options.

    draw lines with a toothpick to get a cobweb

    sour cream jelly cake

    easter jelly eggs

    tilt the mold while curing for the original shape

    successive layers

    mix different layers, forming shades

    Free your imagination and move on.

    Sour cream jelly with fruit

    To cook delicious sour cream jelly with fruits, you need to remember the main rule - you can mix any fruit except kiwi and pineapple . They are very picky about gelatin, and your dessert may simply not set.

    I have already told you how to prepare a sour cream jelly base for dessert. By the way, very delicious option- sour cream jelly with cocoa and a banana as a fruit filler.

    Plus jelly with fruit, that you can not add sweeteners. Minus - the carbohydrate content of the dessert increases much and is proportional to the amount of fruit. If you have severe diabetes, sour cream and fruit jelly should be ditched in favor of pure sour cream jelly.

    Jelly from cottage cheese and sour cream

    Our latest version of the jelly and sour cream dessert is protein-rich, thanks to the cottage cheese in the composition. Cottage cheese should be taken in the form of fat-free curd mass, and mixed with sour cream. At the same time, the amount of sour cream is reduced in proportion to the amount of cottage cheese. My favorite option is 200 grams of sour cream and 150 grams of cottage cheese. Do not forget that according to the recipe there should not be more than 350 grams of milk filler, otherwise the portion of gelatin indicated in the recipe will not cope and will not thicken.

    Calorie content per 100 grams of this dessert option - 62 kcal , 1.4 grams of carbohydrates and 7 grams of protein.

    Today we will prepare a wonderful dessert of fruits and sour cream with gelatin, beautiful, simple and very tasty.

    This fruit dessert available all year round, in winter you can use persimmons, bananas, kiwi, oranges, canned fruits, but in the season of berries and fruits, the choice is generally huge. It is advisable to prepare the dessert about an hour before serving, then the sour cream filling in the finished dessert is similar in taste and consistency to the soufflé in the Bird's Milk cake, and not at all to jelly. This information is for those who do not really like jelly. But the next day, the dessert is very tasty, only the filling becomes denser. And how pleasant it is to open the refrigerator on a hot day and see what is waiting for you so cold, so beautiful and so delicious dessert from fresh berries and fruits and sour cream!

    So let's get ready.

    (for 6 bowls)

    • 500 g sour cream of any fat content
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 20 g gelatin (2 sachets of 10 g)
    • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (10-15 g) or vanillin (1.5 g)
    • any fruit of your choice


    First, prepare the fruit by cutting them into cubes:

    Now let's get ready sour cream filling. Pour 100 ml of warm water into a glass and pour 20 g of instant gelatin into it. Place the glass in a deep bowl of very hot water. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

    Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla with a mixer until sugar dissolves. Then add gelatin and beat again.

    Pour sour cream into fruit bowls.

    We decorate on top with fruits, berries, chocolate and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    Sour cream jelly is an amazing dessert, for the preparation of which you need a minimum set of products.

    The taste of delicacy is in no way inferior purchased cakes and cake, but wins in many ways.

    Sour cream jelly is quick to prepare, contains organic products, inexpensive and very useful. And there are many options for dessert, so it will never get bored!

    Sour cream jelly - general principles of preparation

    Used to make jelly sour cream of any fat content. It is important that it is not too acidic. The fresher the product, the better the dessert will be. For sweetness, sugar or powder is added. V diet desserts you can put substitutes: natural or artificial. If granulated sugar is used, then the mixture must be allowed to stand to dissolve the grains. Sour cream with powder can be used immediately after combining the ingredients.

    Gelatin for dessert, you can use powdered or sheet. Most often, the first option, since it is more accessible, it is easier to dose, it is he who is indicated in most recipes and there is no need to recalculate the amount per sheet. Gelatin is pre-soaked in a liquid, the amount of which is also taken into account in the recipe. If an instant product is used, then 10 minutes is enough for swelling. For ordinary gelatin, you need at least half an hour. The swollen product is heated to dissolve the grains, but in no case is it boiled.

    What else can be added to sour cream jelly: fruits and berries, chocolate and cocoa, milk, cottage cheese, nuts, coconut. For flavor put vanillin, cinnamon, syrups, essences, zest.

    Recipe 1: Vanilla Sour Cream Jelly

    Classic recipe sour cream jelly with vanilla. It can be used as a dessert or for filling pastries, cakes, including fruit ones. The recipe uses vanilla sugar, which can be replaced with essence or pure extract.


    2 spoons of gelatin;

    400 grams of sour cream;

    100 grams of powdered sugar;

    1 sachet of vanilla sugar;

    50 grams of water.


    1. We combine clean water and gelatin. Leave to swell for half an hour.

    2. Put powder, vanillin in sour cream and whisk together with a whisk until small grains dissolve. The consistency of the mass will become thinner.

    3. We send the swollen gelatin to the water bath, melt the grains. Strong heating is not necessary.

    4. Pour gelatin into sour cream thin stream, do not stop stirring with a whisk.

    5. Pour the prepared mixture into the prepared dishes and send to cool for 4 hours in the refrigerator. You can’t put it in the freezer, your wife shouldn’t turn into ice.

    6. Ready dessert decorate with whipped cream, pieces of fruit, berries or coconut flakes.

    Recipe 2: Striped Sour Cream Jelly with Chocolate

    Striped jelly with sour cream looks great in transparent glasses or stemmed wine glasses. Dessert will consist of creamy and chocolate layers.


    20 grams of gelatin;

    80 grams of water;

    600 grams of sour cream;

    100 grams of dark chocolate;

    150 grams of powder;

    1 sachet of vanilla.


    1. Pour gelatin, let it swell.

    2. Mix sour cream with powder.

    3. Melt the gelatin, send it to the sour cream, stir and divide the mass into 2 unequal parts.

    4. We take white jelly from the larger part and put 3 tablespoons into glasses, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

    5. While the first layers harden, you need to melt the chocolate crumbled into pieces. This can be done in microwave oven or in the bath after gelatin.

    6. We send chocolate to a smaller part of sour cream.

    7. We take out the glasses from the freezer, apply a chocolate layer and remove to cool again.

    8. Repeat the procedure until the jelly runs out. If time is short, then you can make a two-color dessert. If suddenly the total mass begins to solidify before being laid out in wine glasses, it can be slightly warmed up.

    Recipe 3: Jelly with Sour Cream and Bananas

    An exquisite dessert with an amazing aroma. Sour cream jelly with bananas is best served in stemmed glasses. This quantity will make 5 medium servings.


    600 grams of sour cream;

    15 grams of gelatin;

    30 grams of chocolate;

    2-3 bananas;

    120 grams of powdered sugar;

    Vanilla optional.


    1. Pour gelatin with 100 grams of water, leave for 15 minutes. Then melt in the bath, you can in the microwave. The main thing is not to let the solution heat up in style.

    2. While the gelatin is being prepared, mix sour cream with powdered sugar, you can add a pinch of vanilla, the aroma will be brighter.

    3. We clean the bananas, cut each one lengthwise into two parts, then cut into slices across. You should get half circles.

    4. Put banana slices in glasses.

    5. Combine sour cream with gelatin mass, mix and pour dessert.

    6. Rub the chocolate, sprinkle on top and send the glasses to the cold. After 3 hours we take out and enjoy the most delicate dessert!

    Recipe 4: Sour Cream and Cocoa Jelly

    Airy and light sour cream jelly with chocolate flavor. You can take any cocoa, but it is better to use powder without adding sugar. If you want to get a richer taste of chocolate, then the amount of powder can be added. You can also use a mixture of cocoa and coffee.


    800 grams of sour cream;

    1 glass of powder;

    40 grams of cocoa;

    20 grams of gelatin;

    40 grams of chocolate;

    70 grams of water.


    1. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, let's insist.

    2. Mix powder with cocoa powder.

    3. Combine sour cream and dry mixture, take a mixer and beat for 5-8 minutes. We follow the weight. If small grains suddenly appear, immediately stop whipping, otherwise there will be butter.

    4. Dissolve the gelatin solution in a water bath or simply send it to the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

    5. Pour into whipped sour cream, stir.

    6. Lay out in wine glasses or molds and send to the cold to solidify.

    7. As soon as the top layer begins to set, three chocolate, sprinkle the dessert with the resulting chips, send it to the refrigerator for complete solidification. For sprinkling, you can use both white chocolate and dark chocolate.

    Recipe 5: Sour Cream Jelly with Cottage Cheese

    Another version of sour cream-based jelly, this time with cottage cheese. Any fat content. Cottage cheese is better to use soft, with a creamy consistency. If there are a lot of lumps in the product, then it must be rubbed through a sieve or smashed into food processor.


    250 grams of cottage cheese;

    250 grams of sour cream;

    200 grams of milk;

    130 grams of sugar (you can take powder);

    15 grams of gelatin;

    1 gram vanillin.


    1. Combine milk with gelatin and leave for 30 minutes. If instant gelatin is used, then 10 minutes is enough.

    2. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. Beat the mass well to give splendor, it is better to dissolve the sugar. At the end we put vanilla in the cream.

    3. Melt the mixture of milk and gelatin.

    4. We introduce into the cream of cottage cheese with sour cream, mix thoroughly.

    5. We lay out the future dessert in molds, send it to harden. You can decorate such jelly with any berries, fruits, sprinkle with chocolate shavings.

    Recipe 6: Sour Cream Jelly with Proteins and Butter

    The peculiarity of this dessert is airiness and lightness. Jelly with sour cream and proteins tastes like bird's milk, but it is much easier to prepare. It also needs a little butter, which is desirable to place in advance in heat to soften.


    400 grams of sour cream;

    20 grams of gelatin;

    150 grams of sugar;

    100 grams of water;

    100 grams of butter.

    Add vanilla for flavoring, if desired. lemon juice, cinnamon, any essence.


    1. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water, let the grains swell. Instead of water, you can add any juice or milk.

    2. We combine sour cream with sugar, put vanilla or any other source of flavor. Mix well.

    3. Put the squirrels in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat until stable peaks.

    4. Melt the gelatin solution, combine with sour cream, add the butter softened in heat and mix intensively.

    5. Gently introduce protein foam, mix with a spoon from the bottom up, trying not to precipitate the mass.

    6. We lay out the dessert in pre-prepared containers and send it to harden. The same mass can be laid out between two biscuit cakes.

    Recipe 7: Sour cream jelly with fruits and / or berries

    An amazing dessert that can be simply poured into glasses, made in molds, and then put on plates or made into an excellent jelly cake. For sour cream jelly, you can use any fruits and berries, but it is advisable to use dense products that do not let juice in and keep their shape well.


    600 grams of sour cream;

    250 grams of powder;

    20 grams of gelatin;

    100 grams of milk;

    400 grams of fruits and berries.


    1. As usual, we start by soaking the gelatin. Just combine the powder with milk, let stand for swelling for at least 15 minutes.

    2. Beat sour cream with powder. There is a lot of it, as a large amount of fruit is added. But if sweet fruits are used, for example, bananas, cherries, strawberries, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

    3. Melt the gelatin and send it to the sour cream, mix. Now the mass needs to be put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes so that it cools down, but does not seize.

    4. Berries and fruits should be washed and dried, cut into beautiful pieces.

    5. We take out the cooled sour cream mass, add prepared berries with fruits to it, mix.

    6. Put in molds. You can use small, large, simple or curly containers. Suitable for cakes Silicone forms.

    Gelatin is never melted or heated in an aluminum dish. Also do not prepare cream in it. Otherwise, the dessert acquires an unpleasant aftertaste and may even darken.

    It is very important not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise the mass will not thicken and remain liquid. In order for the grains to dissolve well even with slight heating, you need to soak the powder in advance and let it swell well.

    If the dessert is intended for adults, then a little liquor, wine or cognac can be added to sour cream. The taste of jelly will become more saturated, deep, and the color will also change from red wine.

    Can't get the jelly out of the mold? Lower the container for a few seconds hot water and dessert will easily part with it. But you need to be careful with glass forms, which can burst due to temperature changes.

    Striped jelly will look spectacular if you make a thin layer of chocolate between color transitions. And in order not to constantly melt it, just put the container with the product in a saucepan with hot water. As it cools, you can add boiling water or turn on the stove.

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