Home Preparations for the winter Closed pie with salted mushrooms recipe. Recipe: Pies with salted mushrooms. How to cook pies with salted mushrooms and rice

Closed pie with salted mushrooms recipe. Recipe: Pies with salted mushrooms. How to cook pies with salted mushrooms and rice

What filling to make for a pie from yeast dough? There are many options - from meat, offal, potatoes, cabbage, jam, apples, bananas, dried fruits, etc. From savory fillings many people like the combination of boiled potatoes and salted mushrooms. Today, the online magazine "Forty Years" offers a new recipe

Would need:

For test:

- 20 gr. fresh yeast;

- 250 ml of fresh warm milk;

- half a teaspoon of salt;

- half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;

- 75 grams of butter or margarine;

- 400 gr flour.

For filling:

— 500 gr mashed potatoes;

- 200 gr of salted mushrooms;

- 1-2 onions;

- vegetable oil.


grind fresh yeast with sugar, add warm milk, stir until completely dissolved. Add salt, flour, stir well, at the end add melted, slightly cooled butter or margarine. Knead the dough until it begins to move away from the walls, put in a warm place to rise.

While the dough is rising let's make the filling. You need to cook the usual mashed potatoes, dilute it with warm milk. Salt should be put a little less than usual.

Peel 1-2 onions, finely chop, lightly fry in vegetable oil.

If the mushrooms are very salty, then they must first be poured with cold water and left for one hour. Then drain the water, finely chop the mushrooms, add to the onion and fry everything together for 5 minutes. Add mashed potatoes, mix well again. The filling is ready.

The ratio of mushrooms and mashed potatoes can be different. Someone likes it more when there are more potatoes, someone likes mushrooms, the choice is yours.

When the dough has risen, it must be laid out on a floured cutting board, divided into two unequal parts - for the bottom of the pie and for the top.

Roll out most of the dough, put in a greased form, making small sides.

Put the finished stuffing on top.

Roll out a smaller part of the dough, cut into the shape of a pie. Cover the bottom of the pie, pinch. From above, you can make, for example, a flower with leaves. For a flower, cut off a small piece of dough, roll it into a circle, cut the petals, a ball of dough in the middle. For leaves - roll out a piece of dough in the form of a strip, make cuts on the side.

Put the finished cake in a warm place to rise, bake in an oven heated to 200 g until cooked.

So that the crust of the pie is not hard, immediately after baking, grease the pie with salted mushrooms with a piece of butter, cover with a napkin and leave for 15-20 minutes.

The pie is delicious both hot and cold.

Pies with salted mushrooms

Products: yeast dough 1 kg.

For the filling: 1 kg. salted mushrooms, 10 onions, a glass of vegetable oil, black ground pepper.

For brushing: 1 egg.

Filling preparation.

For the preparation of the filling, any salted mushrooms. They need to be washed lightly, finely chopped, fried in vegetable oil until fully cooked, combined with separately fried chopped onions, then season well with pepper, if you need to add salt. The filling should have a sharp, pronounced aroma of mushrooms, onions and peppers.

Cooking pies.

To prepare pies, you need to take a piece of dough, roll out the tourniquet with your hands, cut it into small pieces with a knife, roll them into balls, then roll out round or oval cakes with a rolling pin, put a teaspoon of filling on the cakes, pinch the seam beautifully, which will decorate the pie.

Put the pies on a greased baking sheet, prick with a fork, let rise for 10 minutes, brush the surface with an egg or just the yolk with a brush or feather and bake the pies until they become rosy.

Deep-fried pies.

Small pies can not only be baked, but also deep-fried. To do this, the pies are dipped in boiling fat after proofing and then it is no longer necessary to grease them with an egg. The pies are fried on both sides in fat, carefully removed with a slotted spoon, held until the fat drains, and put on a dish.

Mushroom pies are served hot as an appetizer with vodka.

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32. PIES WITH SALTED MUSHROOMS Flour 7 cups Milk or water 2 cups Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon Salt 1 teaspoon Yeast 40 g Fat for frying pies 400 g Filling (see chapter IV) eggs,

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Pies are home, comfort, warmth, care and something very, very dear. This recipe for making pies is simple, convenient, and most importantly, it will not take you much time. The pies will turn out lush, beautiful and insanely delicious. From the listed ingredients, 14 pies are obtained ....


For test: __NEWL__

  • Wheat flour - 300 gr.__NEWL__
  • Water - 180 gr.__NEWL__
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon without top__NEWL__
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons without top__NEWL__
  • Yeast (dry) - 1.5 teaspoons __NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. __NEWL__
__NEWL__ For filling: __NEWL__
  • Salted mushrooms - 0.5 l__NEWL__
  • Onion - 2 Medium Onions__NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons __NEWL__

Cooking method:

Making dough in a bread machine. Take the required amount of warm water. The water must be warm. Pour the water into the bowl of the bread maker.

Add salt, sugar and sifted flour.

Take any dry yeast. Pour the required amount of yeast into the flour.

Insert the container into the bread machine and set the “dough” mode.

Filling preparation. Rinse the salted mushrooms, chop them finely and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Mix the fried mushrooms and onion. The filling is ready. If necessary, salt, pepper to taste.

Dust your table or board with flour. Remove from bread maker ready dough and divide it into 14 parts. Roll each part into a pancake with a diameter of 12-13 mm.

Cut the dough as shown in the photo.

Place the filling in the middle of the rolled out dough.

Carefully wrap the dough as shown in the photo.

Pies can be given a different shape. Put the filling on the pancake dough on one side.

Cover the filling with the other side of the dough, like a juicy. Press the edges of the dough together with your fingers. Fold over the edge of the pie.

More pies can be molded as follows. Put the stuffing in the middle of the rolled out dough. Pinch the pie and turn over, giving it the appropriate shape.

Take a baking sheet, grease it vegetable oil. Carefully place the pies on the baking sheet.

Put a baking sheet with pies in a preheated oven (temperature 200 degrees) for 20 minutes. Ready pies remove from oven.

It's traditional Russian dish can be prepared in several ways, and we will talk about some of them.

Pie with salted milk mushrooms

This delicious and satisfying dish will delight your family and pleasantly surprise your guests. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • A glass of milk.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • Two tablespoons of sugar.
  • One and a half teaspoons of salt.
  • Seven grams of granulated yeast.
  • 170 grams of butter.
  • Tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • Three and a half cups of flour.
  • Four salted mushrooms of medium size.
  • Two potatoes.
  • Dried herbs (basil, dill, celery, parsley).
  • A teaspoon of sesame.
  • One small bulb.

How to cook a pie with salted mushrooms? Read the delicious recipe here:

  • Mix melted butter with vegetable oil, and then pour milk into them. Add sugar egg, salt and yeast. Mix food. After that, gradually add the sifted flour to the resulting mixture and knead the dough.
  • Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and send to a warm place.
  • Now you can start preparing the filling. First, rinse the milk mushrooms to get rid of excess salt. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  • Boil potatoes, peel and cut into slices.
  • Free the onion from the husk and finely chop. Fry it until a beautiful crust over low heat.
  • Send the chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry the food for some more time.
  • Roll out the risen dough and transfer it with a rolling pin to a baking dish. Trim the edges and form the sides.
  • Put the potato circles on the base, put the mushrooms and onions on them, and then sprinkle the filling with herbs.
  • Brush the surface of the pie with butter and lay out a beautiful lattice of the remaining dough.

It remains for you to grease the treat with a beaten egg, sprinkle it with sesame seeds and send it to a well-heated oven.

with salted mushrooms

It's easy to make delicious meals for the whole family. If you have a jar of salted mushrooms, then you can easily surprise guests original snack for tea. In this recipe, we will use ready-made puff pastry, but you can cook any other according to your favorite recipe. So, prepare for starters such products:

  • Salted mushrooms.
  • One large onion.
  • Two teaspoons of flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Ground pepper.
  • 100 grams of hard cheese.
  • 500 grams of puff pastry.

With salted mushrooms, we will cook like this:

  • Take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it thaw.
  • Rinse the mushrooms, finely chop and fry in a pan along with onions (it needs to be cut into half rings).
  • At the very end, season the filling with ground pepper and mix it with flour.
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Roll out the dough and use a rolling pin to transfer it to a buttered mold.
  • Lay out the mushrooms, sprinkle them with cheese and pinch the edges.

Bake the dish in a preheated oven for about a quarter of an hour. Serve the cake on the table directly in the form or transfer it to a flat dish beforehand.

Pies with salted mushrooms and potatoes

It's satisfying and tasty dish will delight your loved ones and decorate any table. For it you will need:

  • Flour - 400 grams.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Yolks - three pieces.
  • Dry yeast - seven grams.
  • One egg.
  • A pinch of salt and sugar.
  • Boiled water (warm) - 100 ml.
  • Salted milk mushrooms - 300 grams.
  • Potatoes - three pieces.
  • One bulb.
  • One bunch of green onions.
  • Vegetable oil.


  • Dilute the yeast in water and wait until bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Sift flour and mix with salt. Combine the third part with water and put the dough in a warm place for about half an hour.
  • Beat the yolks with sugar, and then mix them with warm milk, sugar and soft butter.
  • Combine prepared foods and the rest of the flour. Knead the dough, cover it with a towel and leave it alone for one hour.
  • easy to prepare from salted mushrooms. First, boil the potatoes and crush them with a mortar.
  • Rinse the mushrooms and cut into small pieces. After that, fry them in vegetable oil along with onions.
  • Finely chop the green onion.
  • Mix potatoes, herbs and fried mushrooms.
  • Divide the risen dough into pieces, and then roll out each part. Put the filling on the blanks and connect the edges.

Fry the pies on both sides and serve them to the table with tea or other drinks.

and mushrooms

Before you another delicious and hearty meal for the whole family.

Required products:

  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Yeast dry - ten grams.
  • Flour - 250 grams.
  • One egg.
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon.
  • Sugar - half a teaspoon.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Salted milk mushrooms - 300 grams.
  • Potato - 400 grams.
  • Onion - 150 grams.
  • Cheese - 150 grams.
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - to taste.

To prepare a pie with salted mushrooms, carefully read our recipe:

  • Put sugar and yeast in warm milk, and then leave the mixture alone for a quarter of an hour.
  • Beat the egg with salt and mix it with vegetable oil. Connect the products with the approached dough.
  • Gradually mix the liquid mixture with the flour and knead soft dough. Cover the finished product with a towel and leave it alone for half an hour.
  • Peel the onion and finely chop.
  • Wash the mushrooms under running water and also cut.
  • Wash and peel potatoes. After that, cut it into thin slices.
  • Cheese grate on a fine grater.
  • Roll out the dough to the desired size and transfer it to the baking dish. Shape the sides and poke a few holes with a fork.
  • Lubricate the base of our pie with sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Spread the mushrooms in an even layer, then the onions and potatoes. Salt the filling and season with ground pepper. After that, spread the last layer with sour cream and sprinkle it with cheese.

Bake the cake for about half an hour, and sprinkle it with chopped herbs before serving.

shortcrust pastry pie

This simple recipe will help you quickly prepare for the arrival of guests.


  • Flour - 300 grams.
  • Butter - 110 grams.
  • Cold water - 150 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Salted mushrooms or chanterelles - 350 grams.
  • Sour cream - 230 grams.
  • Hard cheese - 75 grams.
  • Two eggs.
  • French mustard - a teaspoon.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Salt.

Cooking a pie with salted mushrooms:

  • Cut the butter into pieces and grind it with flour using a fork. Add salt and cold water and then knead the dough. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
  • Beat eggs with sour cream and mix the resulting mass with grated cheese.
  • Mushrooms cut into pieces.
  • Roll out the dough into a layer and place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Trim the edges and form the sides.
  • Brush the pastry with French mustard and spread the mushrooms over it in an even layer. Fill the filling with a mixture of eggs and sour cream.

Bake the cake for 40 minutes, and before serving, decorate it with herbs.


We hope that you will enjoy the photo pies and cooking features, which are described in such detail in our article, will help you bake a delicious treat for your family or friends.

We present to your attention a recipe for lush and delicious pies from yeast dough.

On my table, this pastry is always very popular. This delicacy turns out to be very appetizing and scatters instantly from the table. Lush, fragrant and ruddy yeast pies they are prepared quite easily, so it will not be difficult for you to please your household with such awesome pastries.

Required Ingredients

For the test

  • 240 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon instant dry yeast
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • 550 gr flour

For filling

  • 700 gr salted mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • ground black pepper to taste


  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tablespoon milk

Starting the process

  1. First of all, we prepare the filling. To do this, rinse the salted mushrooms, pour cold water and leave for one hour to remove excess salt.
  2. Knead the dough in the bread machine. You can knead and in the usual way. We take a bucket of a bread machine and pour warm milk into it. Then add sugar and salt. After that, sift the flour with yeast and send the softened butter. Also add a little beaten egg here. We put the bucket in the bread machine and set the dough kneading mode. The time for this process is approximately 20 minutes. Then we leave it to rise for a while.
  3. After the required time has elapsed, we wash the mushrooms, put them in a colander and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Peel the onion and cut it finely. Then we send it to a preheated pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, fry until soft.
  5. We heat the second frying pan with oil and place the prepared mushrooms in it to fry until the excess moisture comes out.
  6. When these ingredients reach readiness, they need to be combined in a separate container, add black ground pepper and mix well.
  7. When our dough has doubled in volume, we put it on the table and divide it into several pieces. From each we form a ball. Then cover them with cling film and leave in this form for 10 minutes.
  8. After the required time has elapsed, we roll each ball into a cake with a rolling pin and place a little filling in its center. Then we connect the edges and put the prepared pies on a baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film and let stand for a while so that they increase in volume.
  9. Whip the yolk with milk with a fork. Lubricate all the pies with the prepared mixture using a culinary brush. We send our products to the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees to bake until golden brown.

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